THRANDUIL - The King of Wood and Stone/ Part 2 (HD)

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ah Legolas hoon Shiro as Tolkien relates it later in the Lord of the Rings Brando and Legolas are not Sylvan else they are sind are the sind are are among the elves who left to go to the undyed lands and stopped along the way but they had some contact with the Valar in and the powers that be the Cinderella's have been exposed to that divine influence and now they serve as kind of Governors and guiders of the the silver nails who make up kind of the mass of the woodland realm society so one of the ways in which we tried to show that was very simply the white blond here sits the pure the pure blond would be trained blue and legal scholars better to have not many up others blunt truth flight does it then it makes Nicholas and his dad sort of stately obviously as the royal kind of line we had to make front well sort of it appears so supreme and really quite cold in his attitude we decided he was above all hair ornamentation we wanted them to look completely like he was in control so although there was nothing holding his hair back it never really moved and if it did it was always very controlled as if there was another force looking after his hair for him the one thing I was afraid of is that they're gonna pluck my eyebrows to something crazy with my rosin I like Peter please no Jesus don't don't don't I originally did designs for him with a much more shaped eyebrow like the other elves in the end we actually lifted his eyebrows with these little guy ropes you stick on made a fish skin so we did that to his eyebrow you should I get a shot of your eyes yeah I just I just get a shot and I got were these kind of icy gray contacts I do have a slightly better than quality we had to use color contacts for him he's got very dark eyes a bit like Orlando Legolas had blue eyes so his father has to have blue eyes as well the crowd was like a tangled mess of roots and thorns with little tiny leaves and Laden to them represented the leaves of the primary trees of Mirkwood the crown designs that I gave him I tried to put little barbs and bring everything to points so that you know if you're staying next the guy he turns his head you're likely to get swiped and he wouldn't care Tolkien describes Durand will is having this amazing crown of thorns with seasonal leaves and berries and flowers sort of mixed in with it in the book in other seasons there are other things on his head was a crown of berries and red leaves for the autumn was come again in the spring he wore a crown of woodland flowers they were shooting a scene that takes place in the prologue and that didn't make it into the movie so when we were gonna put this crown back on I said well we should probably change the berries to something else here's the crown here's the crown you want the berries painted as well don't you let's pull the berries out take them all take a look we think because the ever wise see ever wisely paste but damn it don't you do the same don't you put this on a chopping seasonal yeah we're gonna be a leaves you do yes but they're all the same color no we need green ones hmm same our executive producer went out the back of the lot and brought back in a plant and we just decorated the crown with that that's something about it's green that's it that's exactly what done shove that in shove that in that crown took the yellow flower take the yellow flowers off and he just wrapped he's in and Bob's your uncle I don't know what the hell the problem is here thank goodness you're using I know you're saving the movie that happened on a daily basis of a sign so um he saved the film every day by - yeah it looks like a leggy sword much more than attraction - let me get a shot of beer with that lady because it right in there and onion hold it yes it will most definitely meat okay it's been a trend rule sword is one of the most difficult swords that we've ever made and therefore one of the most enjoyable objects we've ever made something very elven very superior almost samurai like I drew a sword that basically just one long bob of metal from grip and pommel all the way through to the blade pretty lethal looking shape and I love the idea that there would be cutouts in the sword we did do a you know a huge amount of work on the on the Merc wardell's quite early on and one of the elements that did injure and end up being carried through was this idea that many of the blades have what we came to call negative spaces in them basically holes which echo the engraving on the blade and to to have light coming through in unexpected places his sword is the most sophisticated weapon we made because that's made out of a single block of and the hand grip is hollow and pierced if you're into swords as we are that gorgeous sword was really special when I was going through what I I saw it being carved it's like this machine just kind of lasered carving it it's a beautiful beautiful weapon then to have leat be so enthusiastic about it was really special cut the tree Richard it's pink really didn't hold it aloft he didn't hold it across his body he immediately dropped it down towards the floor and turned and the sword became an extension knot of his body but of his purpose of his arrogance as Thranduil and it was like cool moment water is just amazing it's like every room you go into this room they're sewing scales onto elven armor and then you go into the next room and they're sculpting orchids and then they're doing the prosthetics for the dwarves in the next room and then you go and there's a kiss or master in the next room working out the blades I said to Richard Taylor is like um I want a job here in Lee's downtime between filming Lee started popping him too at the edge he threw himself straight into the work I painted some armor for dwarves I made some dwarf crossbows it's kind of ironic that they had me making dwarf stuff I'm playing the king of the elves man Tolkien's elves almost superhuman in respect of their abilities when it comes to combat and the fact that they'd been around for thousands of years you'd have to pick up a thing or two arrange all you know he's the the greatest warrior that you're ever gonna see in the Duluth you see what Nikolas can do so the challenge now is well here's as dead one day Pete called us all together and the subject was threatened and his fighting style sat down there we originally wanted him to be this all-action all flying all jumping all can foo expert type fighter Peter wanted as many ideas as possible then he came to the previous team and just said well give us me as many ideas as possible so you could cherry pick what you wanted it was forefront in our minds that the father to Legolas would have an even more dynamic and extraordinary fighting style but the more the conversations evolved the more clear it became that because of who threader is as a character as we saw him develop through the movies he needed a a much greater level of heightened efficiencies that less is better said I am NOT as flamboyant as legal as I think I think the jumping and the swinging and probably not so much a fangirl he's more just just Diddley with these two swords like a couple of razor blades slicing to the oars if we went back half his lifetime you'd see legless in Fandral because he'd be acrobatic he'd be doing his flamboyant stuff but then over the years he learnt why waste that energy why not go back to simplicity and just make it do only what you need to do it keeps that bleed close to him and even when he is defending it's offensive he gets close to his enemy a lot of that fight stuff was orally who wanted to do everything of his own evening is so dedicated into putting that time into learning to use both swords in your hand come up the outside of your shoulder we designed quite a lot of sweeping overhead movements dynamic on a swirling sword stuff that are over his head and few glimpses of within the fight you might even say it was quite matadores when you watch him you could see okay if you know think about Matador oh yeah you can see that little Starling in with very upright very erect but the way use the weapons were so fast he actually cut through the enemy like a hot knife through butter the Battle of the five armies fundamentally changes everything for Thranduil his eyes are opened and the Thranduil that we see after that is a man who is very engaging with the world your key characters you want to feel that at the end of your story they're not the same as they were at the beginning when we've tried to do that with Andrew when we were developing and writing and structuring the film's we had a backstory for these white gems that he literally goes to war over and we thought okay these gems were made and fashioned for his wife and that she never got to wear them I know an elf Lord who will pay a pretty price for these he had lost his great love his wife which is why Thranduil wants the diamonds and he's willing to go to war for them there's a necklace in that mountain white gems strong upon silver I wanted retrieved it's also one of the reasons that he's withdrawn from the world in the northern reaches of Mirkwood is because he suffered such great loss your Alvin her angel built this beautiful statue and memory of her and had it placed at the entrance to Mook wood which is really the entrance to his realm there is no grave no memory in the books we never hear anything about legless mother we imagine that she was lost to him the ancient kingdom of Angmar my mother died my father does not speak by the time you get to the Battle of the five armies you get a sense at the end certainly of a character who's beginning to soften why so much when tauriel loses Kili there is very much a connection that you know of what that loss is about her pain her having loved makes him see what he has become and it will waken something inside of him sympathy kindness and those are coming back to someone who we've only ever seen as quite detached and cold and he actually realizes he's got he stuffed up so badly that he's damaged his relationship with her son those gems were not all your wife left you my friend she left you a son tell me which would she have you value more we always like to imagine as part of a back story that she died defending her child because that's one of his last binds to Liga's your mother loved you more than anyone more than life friend we all began to realize that son that living breathing child is far more important and valuable than those cold white jims but he now knows that he's gonna have to let his son go where will you go I do not know go north find the Doudna die I wrote that scene invoking Aragorn I never thought it would get shot I thought this has got nothing to do with anything it's just out of geekdom and I showed it to Pete and friend and they both immediately where you love it let's do it there's a young Ranger amongst them you should meet him when friend Worrell says to Legolas go and find this Ranger he's speaking the truth with the presense that elves have but also I think his own wish that his own son you know might in fact surpass his own deeds his father Arathorn was a good man his son might grow to be a great one he's also acknowledging greatness and Legolas and enlarging that his son may be a wiser man than he is it was a vision of love and apology I guess that was the moment that my story is nicely brought to a close as a character that would leave the Mirkwood realm to be a part of the Fellowship of the Ring I think it's important to realize that we also have Thranduil who is now ready to play as part it's there in the background of Lord of the Rings in the appendices during the war of the ring while ministereth is being assailed in the south Sauron sense forces against the elven realms of the north Thranduil and his army of elves repelled the orcs that attack Mirkwood basically they tie up a huge amount of Saiyans resources and they prevent the north from falling Thranduil is now a character going forward with a sense of purpose that is not motivated by loss or by personal gain but by a genuine desire to help he's totally different character to the one that we met in the beginning of The Hobbit you you
Channel: April Wind
Views: 4,896,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thranduil, lee pace, elvenking, The King of Wood and Stone/ Part 2, legolas, orlando bloom, the battle of the five armies extended edition, the battle of the five armies behind the scenes, thranduil behind the scenes, elves, peter jackson
Id: LpSRZuqN7Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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