Aidan Turner's Funny, Silly & Adorable Moments.

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how does it feel to be back in time it was amazing oh yeah on top of the world are you really errant for like to utters in a showdown but a healthy got a healthy glow yeah it like little otter an otter yeah ha try it confessor just try it Oh dumb bear you feel being back as a Mitchell it's great you usually it feels really good yeah I don't know you let the same I look the same feel the same uh smell the same certainly good smell good thank you why are you not gonna leave I'm not a dropper 1 2 & 3 and up 1 2 & 3 and up 1 2 3 okay so 1 into 350 I love stit pepper I want to spin me around and you get me honor yeah you around you've got to let him lead Russell brother needs beautiful fur Mitchell maybe yeah they don't tell us anything so I mean maybe possibly hope so get kit up lights : yeah see Carl in the business yes it is double stand up lie it's quite versatile I'm very it's Friday the 13th whoo scary right Hayden now you have fun it's scary no what do you find scary Aiden what do I find what scares me add the Todd of washing your hair tell me you're gonna disappear okay check this out right so I'm going to disappear I'm gonna disappear that was amazing how did you do that this shall staying taught hoedown there's a toughie dancer last don't hotter damn it's our last day yeah is it really exterior the house yeah ah that's a shame the beer bath all good things come to an end though I know you a video it's be cold we're kind of to be tighter down here he's tough tottering about and after down one today and the tires probably look wrecked but there you got good closer back you mean yeah what's your what's the guy's name yeah the cabaret singer you do if we can you thank you thank you you've got a fast car I got a ticket to anywhere eggwin much a deal thank you maybe I know we can get somewhere anyplace is better daiquan do or not do blues when we make something a master or number two pro thank you very much thank you go to move check out the carnage over here you want to get a little closer with some of these scars check this out check this out you tell you about good too much the name twisted myself back another massage a little bit are you free later on tantric if that's what you do yeah friends of mine I mean I'll be listening and and they're kind of comfortable what's wrong what did I do it for no I'm listening to go Kochi looks on tan see you look so angry I'm ignore would it's just my face what's that face it's just my face makes me I got a fox in that's my one weakness oh I mean no it's not I'm perfectly comfortable i J the scene where I'm the I set up a date with with Nina mm for him and he confronts Ben the hospital about it and freaks out and goes on bro George about it him um that was fun I like to stuff a Russell makes me laugh most of the time you see this this is also problematic the little girl who have util co-write worried I didn't brush my teeth today hey that's hot are you gonna wash oh my god Hayden it was alright I panicked and just as it went off I knocked it off I stopped the car my heart man hey goes the funeral parlor man not before its time uh yeah let's go for funeral parlor all gone good morning aide good morning yeah but it was alright actually running down the stairs you like that yeah I find that stairs actually moving i stuff it's good it is good just a little direct message to camera for the fans Oh missed you oh well thanks for missing me I don't think anyone really missed me but user cool and I heard the air the websites coming on will you put up a picture on Twitter and got 500 hits and 20 minutes what you like it's amazing thank you I think that was for your Facebook fans Facebook vine being human we love your support we love your face we love your book we love it all thank God I'm like a baby I need to sleep you know I need to sleep right now I've been really cranky yeah oh you sexy I think what happens when she picks up a bat but it's Roebuck is she we had a wooden one and she was clocking everyone on the head no joke so you had to change it for a robot I don't have hordes of teenage girls running after me no no not that I can see a mister hiding somewhere boys like the fight it is true hey Donna how you feeling spinning I'm sweating a little bit ha ha ha is that from your capers on the stairs yeah you're starting to yeah today at 2:00 p.m. Jean no it's been a few hairy moments and that word is used quite aptly I mean I had two weeks of sex scenes and wearing a sock over my beers and soya it would double-sided tape and every single night I have to rip it off and literally took everything with it it's less fun as you can imagine see you if you see a nice God here the hair tell me you'll cut me off here right here have you see this this is easier we do night shoots for next two weeks so wake up tomorrow morning at like 4:00 in the afternoon and then it's just do it all over again and do it for two weeks it's a hard life in it haha I can smell something coming I can smell something coming I know instead of words me and I'm not asking I don't know yet but I can smell it how it's supposed to be propelled I thought her about ten people around in pushing it doctor in the that's apparent this causes insulin okay in my trailer I am sitting on a bus and there's a cute girl yeah we'll be striking it be fun to see that I mean I just wanna sleep with garlic's like yeah I'm Aidan Turner yeah and I'm playing Dante Gabriel Rossetti the most famous one yeah thought everyone's heard of do want everyone the sexy one yeah the sexy better-looking one then yeah Oh having a baby I'm well as me as Aiden having the baby onset was brilliant I mean I love babies and it was so much fun it just brought the set to life everyone everyone go broody yeah we've done a lot more separate stuff this year yeah I think we like all your stuff I know your stuff and all my stone is Tina Turner's become list of sorry it [ __ ] broke so sorry if he doesn't get open about five seconds I'm just gonna go over to and he got up and shook himself down and cracked his neck and he was fine and this guy is only like three four five and I'm going oh my Christ it's amazing the way somebody who doesn't believe in ghosts never manages to ever see anything remotely ghosts like around set it's all you weirdos I think Mitchell thinks that she could be the one that's probably going to kill him or something maybe there's gonna be her I don't know I hope it is are the interesting I could take her out freely um no [ __ ] sorry get it yeah yeah welcome to Denis Bluffs people we brought the weather with us which is great we don't have the umbrellas in the movie by the way just in case you're wondering no see the colors clap hello come in and welcome this is the first experience that you will have a siesta wall so I'm just finishing off Aidan's makeup at the moment and and obviously we need the sex appeal with Ada and so on I'm gonna be quite liberal with the weaker of in these secrets yeah we're allowed to because this is this is the first exclusive legit right this is absolutely the Joker loosen I'm Jed we've just finished his bed with laced each individual yak hair on on there so that took three hours so yeah I was wow they're hoping to get that down to two I'm gonna go check my makeup out yeah you check that out looks really good on oh yeah it looks really into it do we need more sex appeal yeah we need a bit more [ __ ] okay it's amazing the work I put in assists he put it awesome looks like in three days they set up the scene in bag and and with the food and looks amazing and everything is in place and it looks and looks really delicious and we're just told okay listen just record I was aiming for Kent stuff cuz he couldn't take it either the dude can't handle an orange to the head hit him winning leg of lamb when he's not looking I mean vicious stuff nothing playful about this at all I mean I never told him this he's sure he's gonna hear about it now but I was hitting him hard I think I knew it he took his nose Aiden and Dean tried to always make smart comments about everyone else so they'd the young troubles of the group it's rock and roll that's that's what we're about rock and roll dwarves can't you see let's keep it going we're doing well at it yeah what is the name of Gandalf sword oh yeah I know that I know that and you're not gonna get it cuz I do know you go lad real so we had a joke a pleasure that you call Duras or look I've got tattoos I'm Glen McTavish and I've got tattoos take that off he's got nothing he's a weed yeah but it does make him look a lot cooler and he does have you know pretty decent forearms with them you see I don't really need them cuz you know girls tell me the forums are one of my strengths I do have we're talking about a diameter of at least seven or eight inches there which is a lot more then anyone else would have I mean a lot more the mark hadlow for instance went off I mean he wouldn't have died he wouldn't have forums like this are you kidding me how quickly can you name all of the doors are Inari dire be for Bofur Bombur balan to alan fili Kili thora eine kleine yeah uh uh I'm just coming over okay my boy sweat my back my back just people cooling stuff on and Peter raring to get going again with another take it's hilari I think you can do what you want boys cuz I've obviously killed him it's dead already so he's no he's dead he's dead alright between the idea Facebook fans thank you so much for the wonderful questions yeah well they're great yeah though texting but interesting yeah we were very honest about of all since you know we were taking the very same bubbles need a one the scales are vitally important and and yeah I mean you build up a relationship with your scale cuz I mean he's watching you in the screens all the time you're doing your stuff and he's in costume and wearing a face mask wearing a mask that is a mold of your own face with similar facial hair coloring everything but with a stern look he's walking around with this kind of look at him this evil look the entire time and there you go all right Robbie goes hey he's a good boy looking to chew on the moon it's all free oh yeah it feels like I am pushing myself it's great to move from being a sexy vampire to being a sexy dwarf what's the fluid really I had a few months off before the shooter went I bet I can grow a wicked beard and I could and when I cut over here I Peter looked me wet I'm gonna shave that we want you with some stubble so what's your question is it true that I saved like a dog or something you know I see myself as quite a heroic person are you looking at actually and the white light of forever fill the air I saw a fire moon once it rose over the pass near dunland huge we took the Greenway savvy guys you might want to join the party [ __ ] cuz going on here dying skin by now seeing my best work that's the only time I nailed it absolute bastard Oh Missy Knopf finally mater's I'm finally in a big movie I don't want to say hipster because my name is Elin saying happy kind of absence is the baby's black Irish Irish Street goes it's so funny but he just hear the same clunk can he go is that gonna be for a neighbor goal what the ground you're really sweet man he plays darlin and varlas not great really big angry dwarf and then he started sort of crying and um we came back to be knighted and I thought we thought he was joking skyrim exes and he gave a hug isn't it I don't remember doing anything heroic I don't remember saving anyone's life with my actions maybe I did with my words poor Steve I feel great Steve him today uh-huh it was a bit three stone I reckon that's the amazing thing I mean he's voted for by the fans I mean I meant what I said like had no idea there was that kind of supporter they musta kept clicking like nuts I mean that's just insane what a bore that was so there was a fight to the death for the award who went between the three of you oh I would beat the [ __ ] out of Adam Braun I don't know about richard armitage he's pretty strong he's big and he's scary with that pony said okay nice ponytail Thanks hey MA I saw an article somewhere mmm and it was a do something else but Jamie Campbell Bower was mazzani it was a little bit about him and I say he was going back to shoot sequel more instruments I haven't heard yep gangrene and what about spray tanning um I don't know what you're talking about hating the truth if there was a real time was it yourself listen made that have to wear spring so but I just thought was baby on this it feels strange to be a newcomer to this second hop a film I thought I came years ago hey shut up my friend I want me to ask if I could get a hug from over there yeah you you
Channel: AidanTurnerForever
Views: 783,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aidan Turner (TV Actor), Being Human (TV Program), The Hobbit (Film Series), Poldark (TV Program), Russell Tovey (TV Personality), Fan Video, Dean O'Gorman (Film Actor), Aidan Turner, Funny, Laughing
Id: ocnz4PPv-RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2015
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