AI Swap faces with high precision. Stable Diffusion and FaceswapLab

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hello there my name is Vladimir and this video we're going to look on a face swap L we'll look on multiple different ways to swap the face on the model with EI but some of them do good job some is do okay some is very good but this one is special tool and it's because it's so much can do okay before we start some few requirements I would recommend for you to download and install it first be sure you have it visual code install we will require some dlls that coming with this all of the links by way for these resources will provide down below so you don't need to just look up just go down to the descriptions click on those links and download it straight from there so visual codes you can download it Windows Linux or Mac whatever version you're using another on I recommend it's not necessar we'll use it right now but General FFM Peg it is a free application it's allowed us to take animations and work very well if you do like pre prefer to create a set of batch images way swapping and after you want to do in backend animations or from animations create separate frames this is just perfect tools for you to use and other on I would recommend for you to get toas video AI this is tool that I'm using all the time when I need to upscale single image or this I understand the stable diffusion come with some um upscale tools which will look when we're going researching but this is very nice Standalone utility which work excellent and for the video can upscale plate and do other stuff as well face swap we can download it as extension which we look but if you prefer here will be link for the GitHub you can go directly code from this and as well you will probably needed this in swapper 128 onx it should download it by itself but if for some reason you're missing it will be right here so you can go and download this as needed I'm also as a example we using delate uh safe sensor checkpoint if you need it more always you can use use it CV browser or cvdi go there and download models which one you use I think this is about all you may have sometimes problems to install it and if you have a problem be sure you run specific commands which will go provide down below most common it will be this we you need to install or upgrade your python versions and of course the people will have some other problems it's right there you can go says peip install upgrade I will provide again those commands down below so you don't need worry to copy them from the screen okay our first step we want to get this extension and by the way after you install it because I already performed this you will see you will have a drop- down tab which says face laab uh version 1.2.7 and it will have a tab opening so let's go ahead click on extensions we'll go to available click load from I'm going to uncheck install it because for me it's already installed and we just type face for now and of as we tapping this is all different stop of course we using group we're using reactor we using face Fusion before if you don't saw those videos be sure to check down on my channel because I done all videos on those and this case you can compare which one work best for you some of them very easy very intuitive some of them require a little bit knowledge but they will usually produce better quality okay right here we have it face swap and you just click on install it in my case after install it need go out again click apply and restart which restart only UI it did not work for me I did not have a tab so I end up just going and shut down my running server and restart so after this I have the tab now appear face swab so I can go directly and create or add modify models with specific pre-trained faces or I can go and text or image to image and I'll have it drop down with face swap available so next what we're going to do do it is try first and we'll go with a simple and also explore to more complex and how we can do in the future so let's go photo realistic uh most beautiful princess okay so we'll just go ahead and click generate this should provide quite a bit fast for generation of the princess next we want to switch this phas and I'm going to expand face LA and right here you'll notice you have it one two three three faces if you need more than three faces then you need to go inside the settings scroll down till you see this face W blob click on this and on the top you will have it how many face you want um display currently it's says three you can have it 5 six 7 forever but remember this is will require restart so as well you can modify all additional properties included NSFW and all all other ones uh right now we won't go over them but we'll maybe come back if it's required for us just let you know right here in the settings in the fast swap you will have it all properties they couldn't modify as well is that model that we needed unloaded if you don't have it okay let's go back to our text to image we have it our princess you know what and I will just say reuse this seed so we'll have it same one on a face one we'll just go and select notice right here we have it one reference and we have it badge Source images if we put it in two it will try to merge them together for example if just for fun you can see what's happening if you and your partner decide to have a kids and somehow you can Mix DNA together well we know how and then you what child will look like so you can actually have fun with this in my case I'm just going ahead and select my beautiful face and put it right here in an image for some reason it does not showing preview for me here but it will show in another windows we just leave it uh face checkpoint currently I don't have it pre-trained any so none we'll just leave it alone be sure we click on enable uh blend faces if we have it we don't care about this so we'll just have it leave it as a default same gender uncheck it so we'll give it size all of this we'll have it by default and notice we have tons of and tons of advances options so we can expand we'll look on them in a second but let's just very simple so simple way put it there and let's click generate and right here you can see the most beautiful princess in the world with my mustache um it definitely look a little bit younger than I'm in real life but I will take it okay let's go continue now look a little bit more on Advance options um let's expand this in a similarity it will analyze original image but we have it generated with image space we want to replace it the minimum and maximum similarity it's going with a distance between the original image so in this case let's go enable check and if we do the be sure you're going to check your console to see what information this will provide it and we'll going let's say just increase slightly maybe 1.8 and 1.4 you can experiment a little bit with those settings but General it is try to find similarity between generate image and image we're going to replace so let's go ahead and we'll just go generate and see what's different will be okay I did increase bit more so we can see preview and right here we can look our similarity in reference similarity of course it will be same because we the same image but it is 97 so they not not very similar if we speak about this um the reason is why we want compare similarity the more more similar it is easy to blend in because the skin of tone of the skin and so position some other areas okay so next we have it pre in painting post and post in painting so what is happening when we create image the need create generate the noise noise which apply and after from the noising functions and processing on a clip we can go and Define what face is looking this in this case we can actually spfy the noising string how much you want to put it noise in we also have it portrait what type in painting we have a blur or other things in painting sampler just example as well we have it um HD model if you want to use it any specifically for this notice it says experimental so it may crush it be kind of and in painting seed will leave it zero we can actually take it our imp painting seed from here here if we want to place it but I think we'll just leave it as default random right now let's go to create our in painting noise and we'll just pop up to 7.5 quite a bit strong and again the best way to do this is experiment just apply settings and see how it will affect our image and here we have it you'll notice we have it just a little bit more sharper and a little bit blending on the side but this area still does not necessar work very well and just as example let's go ahead and do again with the zero okay generate and you can see it's applied little bit more blending in on a side so it's up to you if you like it similar things we can do with a post and advanced mask and post processing let's go ahead just for the fun we'll go process some of this I think we don't need it this work with mask let's go Incas in painting and we same pop up to 7.5 quite a bit we leave it portrait just as default okay I think all let's go leave it as default and I want after little bit play with a seed and here's our result quite a bit ugly because most of them working only on a matching faces so remember we run similarity Express so in this case it's what we're doing but this is definitely but little bit more postprocessing apply to this usually to for the blending we want to keep it maybe around 1.52 this way we'll get it probably the best result because it will kind of in painting little bit on the face but it's give it little bit more similarity to the our princess and here we can see it's a little bit right Edge where the blending happening you can experiment a little bit more with this and let's go just for fun we'll take the same seed so we can apply similar large what we have it today before and we'll apply here as well in this case same as images should produce much smoother skin notice we don't have wrinkles as before and we'll also little bit lending there you go we have it very similar to the original princess face with much much less wrinkles and just to exp again let's go put it to zero and just to compare you'll notice right on the forehead and right here we'll have a little bit more ring from original image right here from original image you can see this one added just add little bit and same Li stubbles on a face so it does allow overall this allowed you more precise doing an adjust image as well if you're going with a uh face lab you can actually create and add additional image or batch images to the specific uh model to train so will have it little bit easy to work with some similarity on a faces in this case well this is kind of first introduction to this face swab lab which is more advanced definitely I'm going to spend now times to try to play around create batch create animations and we'll see how well it is performed but if you are interested in other animations be sure to check those videos in my channel that I'm going over the r over the all this animations over the reactor and another face swap and other face uh Fusion I think also call to all over them see which one is the best work for you which one you like it and let me know if you find some any new cool tool and you want to share I'll greatly appreciate it by the way your support for this Channel and I know we always say this we say hey please subscribe thumbs up all stuff and if you not yet click off from this video I will greatly appreciate if you do this because this small teeny tiny things but it's help a lot for our channels if you like the content if you share and subscribe seriously it will help a lot thank you and have a great day
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 8,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, How to, Learning Photoshop, 3d tutorials, Digital compositing, How to do in Photoshop, How to do compositing, How to do in 3d, AI art, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, Dreambooth, Dall-e, Free resources, Free learning, Digital art for begginers, Free tutorials, artificial intelligence, FaceswapLab
Id: dLMtk0vAGk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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