AI Presidents Play D&D: Journey Through the Old World Episode 1 - Winds of Departure

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greetings viewers thank you all so much for tuning in to the first episode of my AI president DND campaign just to make some things clear this series will include AI voices and imagery purely for parody and entertainment purposes I assure you I didn't get the real presidents of the United States to play D and D with me although that would be pretty damn cool also I would like to make it clear that I will never fabricate the dice rolls meaning every roll is legit every dice was rolled using D and D Beyond and I will not edit them whatsoever next I would like to go into more detail about the Monster Hunter based campaign we will be playing this Homebrew world was heavily inspired from the main story of Monster Hunter 4 ultimate and was created using ml win's guide to Monster hunting an amazing book that seamlessly combines the world of Monster Hunter and d and d together lastly this channel was inspired from the much better AI president YouTube channels like Coco Mimi malith Rex crafty GG and the AI guy without further Ado let's begin our journey into the world of Monster Hunter thank you all for coming today I've been waiting a long time to start this campaign and I'm ready to get right into it yeah me too I've never played D and before so I'm pretty excited I just hope that excitement will keep you from taking a nap during our first session sleepy Joe oh come on man we just got here and you're already laying into me besides I had a 5-Hour Energy earlier so I'll be completely fine uh are you sure that's a good idea Joe that stuff might be a little too extreme for you I can see you shaking a bit already dear God I think that 5H Hour Energy drink is slowly killing him just try to make it through the first session buddy n the shakes have always been a thing don't worry about it guys I'll be all right all right Joe whatever you say also before we start have any of you played a monster hunter game before nope no sorry can't say I have been no of course I haven't played Monster Hunter before do I look like a nerd to you just wondering guys anyways moving on who would like to introduce their character first I guess I'll go first Ben okay go right on ahead Barack all right I will be playing as barama a wyverian wizard who was born and raised as Perna Village by his loving parents his father was the chief researcher at the Y Academy which helped spark Bama's love for Science and the world itself when barama turned of age he enrolled in the Y Academy and studied with his father to learn more about the world and its inhabitants after a tragic incident barama received a letter from a mysterious person requesting to meet in valh habar in hopes of finding answers he set off from home and began his journey oh very interesting would you mind telling us more about this tragic incident I'm afraid I can't do that Ben I'd like to believe that you all will find out what happened at some point in the future I can respect that decision Barack who would like to go next o ooh me I want to go next all right Joe the floor is yours hello everyone I will be playing as jiden a variant human Bard jiden is a well-known performer in dundorma who would frequently visit the Local Tavern and Gathering Hall he loved to hear the thrilling stories Hunters would tell about their most recent hunt and started to wonder what his life would be like if he became a hunter himself he landed upon the Royal scrier headquarters and began his journey to become a hunter after years of research and hard work he was officially recognized as a hunter of the royal scriveners the head scrivener gave him a letter which was an invitation to join a great Expedition with this new title in hand jeton decided to travel the world in hopes of going on a crazy adventure yeah sounds like a pretty lame character to me I mean out of everything you can play as you chose to play as a human well who are you playing as then Mr uh um Mr H forget it I can't think of anything clever yeah no surprise there sleepy Joe I'm surprised your head didn't explode trying to come up with an insult there and for your information my char is a certified badass all right we'll go ahead and tell us more about them of course Ben I will be playing as Trump an elder Dragonborn Barbarian with the Nur gigantti draconic ancestry well it certainly sounds interesting so far I can't lie about that uh sorry to interrupt you Donald but what's an elder dragon born uh an excellent question my old scile friend the Elder Dragon Born is a variant of the normal dragon born but instead of picking a boring ass dragon as my ancestor his I get to choose to be a descendant of an elder dragon from a list of elder dragons within the Monster Hunter series and of course I chose the most badass Elder Dragon to use for my ancestry the Eater of Elders the Nur gante whoa that does sound pretty badass what else can you tell us about him well my friend I still have to talk about his backstory Trump never knew knew where he came from or who his parents were his early EST memory is being taken in and raised by The Guild Master in Minard a decent sized hunting Village years pass in the guildmaster enrolled Trump in the training program for hunters due to his beastly form he was easily able to finish the program and take his very first quest which he was able to complete without breaking a sweat when he got home he saw that his home was being raided by armored assailants and valiantly fought them off becoming a hero in the eyes of all of the villagers The Guild Master told him that someone sent Trump a letter requesting to meet in valh habar thinking this to be no mere coincidence he sets off to valh habar in order to find the people who destroyed his village oh wow you weren't wrong Trump does sound pretty cool I can't wait to see him in action yeah me too I feel bad for the poor bastards I'll be going against well these monsters can get pretty tough so I wouldn't be tooo confident if I were you huh as if the Magnificent Trump would be filed by some pathetic creature that wouldn't happen in a million years yeah about that we'll just have to wait and see what horrific creature mauls you to death when the time comes shut up Barack you're playing as a puny Little Wizard I could piss on you and you would fall over dead well I don't appreciate the rude remark but I see your point my AC isn't the highest and neither is my HP but if I use my head during combat I should hopefully be able to stay out of danger yeah well we'll just have to see about that all right guys settle down we still have to actually start the game speaking of which are you guys ready to begin oh I've been ready that 5H Hour Energy is really getting me going I'm ready to start whenever you are Ben same here Ben I'm ready to cleave some puny monsters in half with my great sword all right then without further Ado let's begin the scene opens with a fleet of dragon ships traveling through the great desert a brutal and Barren landscape that tests the resolve and strength of any crew who dare Traverse it only the best of the best can safely lead their crew through these unforgiving lands you all find yourself on the deck of the largest dragon ship in the fleet fast moving sand ships focused on travel across the great desert with you is a group of hardworking Sailors who are working in sync with one another to keep the dragon ship sailing at Great speeds looking out into the desert sky you can see swarms of creatures reminiscent of flying snakes with wings and small legs called remobra flying overhead making sure to keep Pace with the fleet looking down at the sand you can see schools of delx small sand shark-like creatures that possess the ability to gracefully manipulate the scorching hot Sands of the desert to easily swim through as if it were an ocean Ben I want to swing my great sword at the closest remobra that little bastard looked at me funny um well you can't reach it as it's pretty high in the air okay then I will throw my great sword at it no creature gets away with disrespecting the great Trump um all right then go ahead and roll the hit wait are you sure that's a good idea Donald if you throw your only weapon into the seemingly infinite void of sand then I think you might be a little screwed later on I guess you make a good point for once Trump will spare this foolish creature's life and look the other way anyways with that crisis averted what would you all like to do keep in mind that none of you have met yet well like you said Ben we still don't know each other so I'm going to break the ice by pulling out my trusty Loot and playing a sweet little diddy all right go ahead and roll for performance we'll do I rolled 18 on that excellent as you start playing a tune on your loot you notice the moods of the sailors start to lift whereas before they were stressed and upset they are now seemingly bursting with life and energy bobbing their heads and tapping their feet to the music as they work see this is nice we're all just having a good time out here huh guys hey Bart I was listening to that song you were just playing and I've never heard it before who did you learn it from oh I made it up myself I used to be a performer back home in dundorma so you have to be quite creative there to stand out most of the songs I know were written by Yours Truly oh very impressive so you're from dundorma what are you doing all the way out here well I don't want to go into too much detail about my past but I was told to meet with someone in valh habar so I can partake in a grand Expedition wait you're meeting with someone in valh habar as well that's why I'm here too I'm hoping to find the answer to a question I've had for a long time wow what a coincidence I wonder if we're meeting the same person did I hear you two pipsqueaks mention something about uh meeting someone in valh habar that's why I'm here too I received this letter from a man requesting my assistance for a journey he was taking huh well I think we are meeting the same person that letter looks exactly like the one I got yeah me too oh wow what a great coincidence this is to meet my new teammates before I even got to my destination yeah I have to admit that is pretty lucky well since we're going to be part of the the same team I think we should share our names I'll go first my name is barama I'm a student at the Y cademy who recently began training in the Arcane Arts nice to meet you barama I'm jiden a rookie Hunter who works for the Royal scriveners I like to play songs on my trusty Loot and give my support to those who need it and I'm Trump a fearless and ruthless Barbarian Elder Dragon Born who's ready to cleave any poor bastard in two with my great sword and I will show Mercy to none of my enemies well what about that remobra from earlier that's completely different my threats toward that creature were enough to scar him for life I doubt it'll ever sleep peacefully again after introducing yourself to one another and talking for a while you notice a man's huge hulking and muscly frame striding towards your group keeping a firm brisk Pace the man is undeniably the captain of this dragon ship Fleet when he meets you he bows in respect and begins speaking greetings Travelers how's the voyage treating you so far Val Haba should be in sight within the hour so just wait for a little while longer we've already been at this for a full day now so I'm sure another hour won't kill you he lets out a raspy laugh and continues with his speech by the way might I ask what brings you three to Val habah you don't really look like the businessman type that would you know do business there well we all just found out that we were all contacted by the same man that's located there he also gave each of us a letter huh do you mind if I take a closer look at that letter land go right ahead Captain the captain takes the letter and carefully weaves it between his fingers observing the particular handwriting and unique stamp the letter holds after finding what he was looking for he hands it back to you aha I had a feeling it was him I know exactly who you Lads are looking for we spill it already old man who are we looking for hey trump it might be a good idea to show the captain some respect I really don't want to get thrown overboard I'd like to see him try to throw me overboard I apologize for my friend's Outburst captain I'm starting to see that this big lug won't be the smartest or kindest one in the group well you can bet your ass that I'm the strongest one don't worry about it I've haven't thrown anyone overboard in at least two weeks I'm practically a changed man now the captain lets out another raspy Hardy laugh anyway the man you're looking for only goes by the Alias the caravaner I can almost guarantee that you'll find him hanging around the Gathering Hall in the center of town thank you so much Captain but I have to ask how how do you know him the captain looks up at the sky for a moment seemingly reminiscing of Old Times ah that man is just different a real unique specimen if I've ever seen one always wanting to go on dangerous Adventures for the sake of discovering the unknown from the several years I spent traveling with him on this dragon ship I learned that there isn't a leader as great and fearless as him he led us through countless dangerous encounters here in the great desert and after he left he entrusted his dragon ship to me and well now I'm the captain do you know why he left I sure don't I'm not his father besides the caravaner isn't the type to stay in one place for too long unless they have alcohol the captain lets out yet another hearty laugh and begins to walk back to his post when he notices something wrong he looks at the swarm of remobra and realizes that they are starting to panic screeching and flying sporadically oh this can't be good the captain's calm and confident appearance slowly begins to shift to one of unease and dread the captain suddenly yells out to his crew man get to your stations the sailors immediately drop what they were doing and begin fr ically running to their stations preparing for a devastating encounter for a brief moment it seems like the entire world goes silent the remobra stop shrieking the Del begin waiting in anticipation and the crew's stifled breaths can just barely be sounded out a low ominous rumbling begins to sound out from a horn on the furthest ship in the fleet shattering the deafening silence and signaling the arrival of a great threat once this horn is sounded you notice the other ships shifting into a position more optimized for combat wo man are you having a stroke right now and what the hell's going on yeah sorry man I have no clue what happened to me right there it seems like something is about to attack us something quite dangerous at that oh guys I'm scared what are we going to do are we going to die already don't think like that jiden we have to prepare our body and Minds for whatever is about to happen the captain rushes back towards you with urgency in his step desperately trying to hide the panicked expression on his face all right I need you guys to listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you you three seem to be capable enough to help us fight this monster a Jen [ __ ] is going to emerge from the sand any second now and we need all the help we can get on this ship we have some Siege weapons we can use to repel the Beast I need you guys to use these weapons however you see fit the captain points to the ballista and cannons mounted near the edges of the ship you cannot let it deal enough damage to our ship or we will all die here and if things weren't bad enough we have to take care of the Beast before we land in valh habar or the whole city will be destroyed in its wake well this certainly just got a lot lot more interesting you're right about that where exactly is this monster point me in its direction and I'll smack its lame ass around like a living breathing pingpong ball right as you say that Donald the Sands violently erupt as the monster launches itself into the air you see its gargantuan mountain-like frame blot out the harsh and unrelenting Sun casting its ominous and deadly Shadow over the entire fleet the Beast lands directly on the outermost ship destroying it and its crew instantly the blaring from the horn is cut short and replaced with the monster's terrifying Roar it wastes no time and begins to tail the closest ship quickly catching up roll for Initiative for the hunt has begun oh man I rolled a three not off to a great start I got a 17 on my roll then oh what the hell I rolled a 16 I wanted to go first I know this game is rigged in your favor Barack we are literally just rolling dice Donald I don't see how this could be rigged my favor in any way whatsoever obviously you're using weighted dice it's the only explanation as to why your character gets to go before my badass one come on guys cut it out while you were arguing I went ahead and rolled the other ships initiative and the Gen morens before I reveal the turn order I should probably explain how dragon ship combat Works a dragon ship gets three actions per turn and can use them to fire its Cannon and or its Bell EST alternatively when the time is right you can use the dragonator an extreme extremely powerful Siege weapon that can shred even the strongest Elder Dragon just watch out as it can only be used once and it takes two actions to use on this dragon ship there are two cannons and two ballista on both sides of the ship lastly every dragon ship comes equipped with an anti-dragon gong this can be used as a reaction to prevent the Gen [ __ ] from damaging your ship don't rely on it too much though as it takes some time to charge back up after striking it in order to win this fight you must lower the monster's HP to half and land a hit on it with the dragonator to repel it this all must be done before arriving in valh habar or it's an instant tpk all right then let's begin hold on a sec Ben I think you forgot to tell us the initiative order oh yeah my bad the initiative order will go as the following the second ship's crew will go first followed by barama then Trump then the third ship's crew followed by jiden and the Jen [ __ ] in last place all right the second ship's crew is going to start loading the ballista and make three shots towards the Beast oh that's a little rough only the third shot was able to damage it the last shot manages to pierce the Elder dragon's skin only causing it to feel a slight uncomfort dealing 19 piercing damage barama you're up this monster is definitely tanky no doubt about that all right Ben I'm going to arm the ballista and make three shots toward the monster all right roll 3 D20 with a plus six to hit I rolled an 1816 and an 11 with that plus six added to the hit it brings the rolls up to 2 4 22 and a 17 all right the first two shots will hit the creature go ahead and roll 6 d10 for the damage oh jeez that's a lot of damage all right that's 34 piercing damage the Beast lets out a roar of annoyance as two large Spears manage to bore their way into its incredibly thick hide its gaze however is still fixed on the second ship Trump you're up about time I Dash over to the Cannons and load three cannon balls into it ready to blast a hole through this bastard's stomach I rolled a 19 seven and a 12 to hit ah sorry Donald you needed to roll at least a 20 to damage this monster unfortunately all three shots Miss causing sand to get violently ejected into the air from the cannonballs tremendous Force One Cannonball even manages to go right through one unfortunate delex de atomizing it what the hell is that [ __ ] I swear this game has it out for me it happens to the best of us Donald now moving on let's hope that the third ship can hit their shots screw you Ben ha sorry I couldn't help myself yeah go [ __ ] yourself anyways the crew is going to unleash a volley of cannonballs onto the Beast only the first Cannonball will make contact dealing 45 damage The Cannonball makes direct contact with the creature's face causing it to violently reel back in pain a loud Bellow can be heard coming from the creature as it continues to become more aggravated all right jiden what will you do okay after seeing how effective the cannon was I'll run over to the other Cannon and make three shots towards the gy [ __ ] I rolled a 25 a 17 and an 18 dang I'm assuming only the 25 hits you'd be correct Joe now go ahead and roll for damage oh that's pretty good that will deal 42 bludgeoning damage nice one The Cannonball hits the Gen [ __ ] directly on its massive horn causing some parts of the horn to break off after another irritated Bellow the monster Dives underneath the sand not leaving a trace in its disappearance did we do it did it run away oh God I hope so I feel like I'm about to faint uh that might be that 5-hour Energy drink you had earlier buddy suddenly you hear the captain shout out keep your guard up Lads I don't think we're going to get out of this one that easily I reckon it's going to do something big soon right after he finishes speaking you can feel the ship vibrate heavily an enormous explosion arises from the sand as the J gen Moren ascends from the ground and leaps over your dragon ship once again blocking out the sun luckily for your team the Beast decided to leap over the ship instead of on top of it however the Gen [ __ ] is now right next to your ship and it's very pissed off the Gen Moran Bellows right next to you causing your eardrums to overload with the violent terrifying sounds and rattles of fear and death you all fall prone desperately trying to block out the intense noise uh what the hell is it doing make it stop this is looking pretty bad guys well it was nice knowing you guys for the 3 minutes we were together the captain sees you all knocked over and quickly runs over to help you all get back up the real fight is just getting started Lads I need you all to stay strong we can't let this monster reach Val habar we have Captain is interrupted by the Gen Moran as it begins to make a low rumbling noise violently vibrating your bones and eard drums and the school of Del below begin to act in a frenzy frantically throwing themselves at the ship trying desperately to jump aboard look it's rallying up the Del they're starting to jump up on the ship as you look around you all see that three Del have managed to jump on board frantically flailing around snarling and snapping at anything they can reach after calling for backup the Gen [ __ ] breaks Pace with your party's dragon ship and begins heading towards the third ship I'll let you three handle these pests my men will take over the artillery in the meantime good luck to you and don't die after helping you get back on your feet the captain begins barking orders to the crew commanding them to start loading the Weaponry all right we're back up to the top of the initiative order the second ship begins loading a cannonball and two ballisty shots The Cannonball is the only attack to hit but it strikes with a natural 20 plus 6 totaling to 26 this will allow The Cannonball to deal its maximum damage of 80 The Cannonball flies straight and true directly into the beast's side boring a large hole where it impacted causing the Beast to Roar in pain barama after witnessing this spectacle you notice the delx slowly inching closer what will you do I think now is a pretty good time to test out my light bow gun I'll equip it and fire two normal rounds into the closest LX all right sounds good but before you roll for damage do you mind explaining how the light bow Gun Works for the people watching at home of course Ben the light bow gun is the smallest ranged weapon out of them all however it also boasts the highest fire rate out of all of the ranged weapons it also specializes in support ammo meaning I can reliably inflict a variety of status effects on the monster while still dealing consistent damage however as of right now I can only use normal and Tran ammo I can attack twice on the same turn using this weapon but my second hit will always be weaker than the initial one oh that's pretty neat I can't wait to see what kind of strategies you'll be using in the future yeah I'm pretty excited to finally get to use this thing all right I'm going to go ahead and roll the hit I rolled a 23 on the first one and a nine on the second shot okay that first one hits what's the damage oh that's three damage oh wow that's a kickass PE shooter you got there barama make sure to leave some combat for the rest of us don't patronize me Trump I was just testing out my weapon don't forget that I'm a wizard I can still do some decent damage with my magic yeah whatever man step aside and let me show you you what some real meaty damage looks like Ben I would like to rage and then I will attack a different Delux with my great sword I rolled a 17 to hit dealing 11 damage excellent Trump as you bring down this ridiculously large blade down onto the delx it screeches in pain and tries to bite at you doesn't 11 hit you Trump hell no it doesn't as if I would ever be harmed by such a pathetic creature all right the Delux that barama attacked is going to try to bite at you as well it rolled a seven so it's safe to say that attack missed you're damn right it did now the third delx is going to try and blast sand in your face barama does a 13 hit o yes it does the delx expels a harsh blast of scorching hot sand and rocks directly into your eyes barama dealing you four bludgeoning damage yikes guys I'm already down to half HP this is going swimmingly and you were talking all that [ __ ] earlier about me getting mauled to death well now look at you getting bent over by a sandfish fear not barama for I a great and humble man who will lay his life on the line for his team I assure you that I won't let you die my friend uh well thanks I guess while you three are doing your best to fight off the rampaging delx the third ship is still hard at work maintaining their Weaponry they are going to blast the Gen [ __ ] twice with the cannon and once with the biste only the first Cannonball made contact with the 21 The Cannonball erupts from the cannon and makes direct contact with the monster skull dealing a total of 40 bludgeoning damage the monster struggles to let out a roar it's clear that all the damage it took is starting to take effect holy [ __ ] we might actually make it out of this alive of course we will barama I never had any doubt in our team's combined strength and badassness I wish I had your level of confidence Trump all right Joe it's your turn oh goodie first I'm going to use my hunting horn to attack the delx that harmed barama oh you chose to use the hunting horn that's a pretty complicated weapon you know well since I'm playing as The Bard class I thought it made sense if I fought with a ridiculously large instrument yeah that makes sense I suppose well do you mind explaining how the hunting horn works for our viewers oo I would love to go over some cool tricks for our lovely audience all right the hunting horn is a two-handed blunt weapon that can bestow positive status effects on me and my friends when I attack a creature I can use my bonus action to store musical notes into my hunting horn thanks to my horn Maestro feet I can store up to three notes in my weapon as an action I can perform the stored notes to give useful Buffs to me and my team alternatively I can use an action to slam my hunting horn into the ground allowing me to activate a single note Melody when I do this my allies and I gain the benefit of a single note of my choice for one minute wow sounds like a pretty fun weapon to me thank you for the explanation Joe now what were you planning on doing no problem Ben anything to help out our lovely viewers and as for my turn I'm going to strike the Delux that attacked farama that's a 14 to hit in six bludgeoning damage and for my bonus action I would like to store the damage up small movement up small and the skill up small notes into my hunting horn excellent all right now it's the Jen mohan's turn after taking so much damage it's finally going to retaliate by slamming its body weight into the third ship with a 25 to hit the Beast crashes onto the ship dealing 40 bludgeoning damage to its Hull as you see this monster slam down on the ship you can see some of the men fall overboard just to be swiftly torn to shreds by The Craze de holy [ __ ] I think it's safe to say that falling off is a guaranteed death sentence yeah that's pretty horrifying just as the crew begins to compose themselves the Gen Moran stays on the offensive and launches a huge Boulder towards them as well with a 34 to hit the boulder lands directly on the dragon ship's cannons killing some of the men operating them the devastating attack dealt 22 blood in damage due to the heavy loss of equipment and crew members the third ship will only be able to make one action per turn the Beast Bellows once again as it disappears into the sand I hate to ask again but did we do it this time I highly doubt it and besides you should you should be more worried about the damn fish that's about to eat you alive it went under the sand again everyone find out where it's going to emerge do not lose sight of it the captain looks back towards the horizon and notices that valh habar has finally come into view the shocking realization fills him with Dread the captain rushes towards the deck and yells out how are you guys holding up down there I see the port in the distance we need to end this ASAP we're working on it Captain we got this under control well I hope we do at least all we can do here is try our damn best if we still fail it just shows that we weren't worthy enough to take on this journey okay back up to the top of the list the second dragon ship is unable to do anything since the Gen Moran hasn't shown itself yet so all they can do for now is wait it's your turn okay I'll retire my lightbow gun for now and we'll cast Firebolt at the delex that attacked me earlier that's better than nothing that's a 17 to hit and five damage o sorry to tell you this barama but the delx is immune to fire damage so it'll be taking no damage at all this turn damn just my luck I probably am going to get mauled to death not if I have anything to do about it I'm going to attack the second delx the same one jiden and BMA are fighting that's a 23 to hit and 12 damage oh nice go ahead and describe the kill oh hell yeah I grasp my great sword and furiously swing it directly into the stupid fish's stomach slicing it in half and serving up a delicious Delux filet at the same time thanks Trump I don't know how much longer I could have dealt with that little [ __ ] no problem my friend I'll never let a buge eyed sandfish devour you as the Del's corpse lays motionless the first delex begins thrashing around attempting to get closer to the corpse shamelessly trying to consume its Fallen sibling oh thank God the delx is too distracted to make an attack towards any of you skipping its turn meanwhile the third delex begins jumping towards you g viciously trying to bite at you does an eight hit you nope I'm still perfectly fine as of right now all righty back over to dragon ship 3 the crew is taking this opportunity to try and repair the ship as much as they can before the monster returns skipping their turn all right my turn I would like to use cure wounds on barama healing him for 9 HP nice I'm back up to full HP thanks J no problem barama and that's all I want to do right now all right sounds good Joe okay now it's the Gen Moran's turn it's finally going to emerge on the left of your ship causing the sand below it to blast into the air with dangerous speeds the monster is going to try to make a brutal attack by sweeping its tusks across the ship's deck I'll need everyone to make a dexterity saving throw wait before the monster can attack I'm going to dash to the anti- dragon gong and smack the [ __ ] out of it nice move Trump as you Dash towards the gong you can see the captain in the corner of your eyes looking as if he's trying to cheer you on to get there faster after you slam the Mallet into the gong an earpiercing shriek can be heard coming from the instrument the Gen Moran reels back and bellows in agony doing everything in its power to get away from the torturous frequencies of The anti-dragon Gong it launches itself away from your ship now carefully keeping enough distance between itself and your party now that the Chen moharan has shown itself once again the second ship will fire all three cannons towards it with a dirty 20 a 12 and an 8 the first cannon strikes true while the others fly aimlessly into the Sandy void the cannon ball hits with an impressive 57 bludgeoning damage the monster is beginning to show obvious signs of struggling the genen morran lets out another Roar of pain and anguish still trying to keep up with your dragon ship we can do this guys we really need to finish these small monsters off quick though I'm going to fire two more shots towards the First delx with my light bow gun 15 and a 12 to hit for a total of four damage you Fire Two Shots into the Del trying to cannibalize its Fallen sibling the shock of the attack makes the delx stop in its tracks to start flailing towards you well that's better than nothing I guess I charge the third bastard and smash him with my great sword with a 25 to hit and a total of seven damage nice one Trump now the delx that was barreling towards barama finally got close enough to bite at you with a tender hit not this time he doesn't I was just barely able to move out of the way in time nice one barama now the third delx is going to blast sand at you Trump with a n to hit the creature spits out a pathetic cloud of sand in the opposite direction of you missing you completely yeah that was pretty pathetic switching back to the third ship the remaining crew members begin loading their last ballist with a low roll of eight the ballist malfunctions and only launches the spear a few feet away your attention shifts towards the captain who suddenly shouts out we don't have much longer Lads the port's coming in hot you now realize that valh Bar's emergency siren is blaring through the sky obviously aware of their impending doom oh crap then how much longer would you say we have until we reach the port I'd say in about two more turns two turns oh gee this is pretty nerve-wracking all right I'm going to perform a Melody using the notes I had stored earlier blessing me and my team with a plus one to melee attacks plus five movement speed and a plus one bonus to any skill of our choice and as for my bonus action I will cast Bic inspiration on barama nice one jiden now the Gen Mor will attempt to Ram the back of your sandship with a 17 to hit you all feel the ground beneath you violently Shake as the Beast slams itself into your ship knocking all of you to your feet some men on your ship were knocked off suffering the same fate as the last poor souls who fell overboard oh those poor souls we were having such a great time playing music and laughing together earlier get used to it jiden such as War you also noticed that the third delx was knocked off of the ship along with the men the second ship will unload two ballisty and one cannon ball towards the monster the first hit is a natural 25 a 10 and then another natural 25 wow back toback natural 20s the crew is really giving it their all now it seems the two ballist make contact boring deep into the monster's skin dealing a devastating 60 piercing damage all right barama it's your turn okay I'm going to once again shoot the DX twice a 19 and a 24 to hit dealing a measly three piercing damage I really hope this weapon gets stronger in the future or else I'm screwed yeah it does seem pretty underpowered maybe we can work something out between sessions Barack yeah it would be nice to do more than a maximum of eight damage have no fear for I will slay this nuisance here and now I make an attack with my great sword with an 18 to hit and 10 damage good work guys that will finish off the last Del on board how do you want to end it Trump just like last time I sliced the stupid bastard clean in half stopping its frantic frailing right where it stood excellent work now the third ship will attempt to fire one final ballist with a 17 to hit the spear launches straight into the sand with great force impaling an unlucky Delux right into the ground the captain notices that you took care of the delex and shouts out to you all again hey you big guy I need you up here Pronto then I make my way towards the captain wait here guys I'll be right back Trump after telling your team to wait behind you dash over to the captain all right lad listen carefully I need you to stand on the bow of the ship and flip that lever when I tell you to not a second later and not a second earlier do you think you can handle that well I don't see why not that seems easy enough all right we'll make your way over there quickly if we don't Counterattack now you can forget about reaching valh habber in one piece okay Ben I'll make my way towards the bow of the ship and wait for further instructions Trump you begin to Sprint towards the bow of the ship upon arrival you realize that the port is now extremely close the deafening tone of the emergency siren is blasting directly into your ears the fate of this crew in the city lies solely within your hands you're up jiden is there anything you would like to do I would actually I want to run towards the Cannons and fire three cannon balls towards it only one of those managed to hit the Gen Moran though dealing 46 bludgeoning damage jiden as you unleash this devastating volley of death onto the monster a horrid Bellow erupts from the monster unmistakably the sound made from such a suffering creature it begins to burrow beneath the Sands once more the captain begins shaking in anticipation hold hold a full minute passes feeling akin to several hours the Dreadful silence begins to overwhelm your senses anxiety pounds through your entire body being crushed by the overwhelming weight of the thousands of innocent lives that have been placed on you your heart begins to feel like it's beating out of your chest you can feel your knees start to buckle and your hands start to sweat profusely valh habar seems like it's almost in reach the fate of this city will be determined within these next few seconds failing to succeed means the death of you and your team along with the destruction of an entire city finally the silence is Shattered by the Gen morons whale of defiance bursting out from the sand directly in front of your ship it Bellows once more preparing for its final attack and begins to charge towards your ship head on gaining more and more speed by the second Trump you see this gargantuan mass of rocklike hide and muscle blasting towards you at full speed creating a massive trail of clouds of dust and sand in its wake the Gen [ __ ] is finally upon you the monster begins to jump out from the sand barreling towards the bow of the ship once again the entire fleet is overcasted with its bloodlusted shadow as you stare this monster down you feel like you're looking into the eyes of death itself as if you're challenging the reaper to the world's deadliest game of chance just as the monster is about to make contact with the ship you hear the captain scream at the top of his lungs almost destroying his vocal cords fire I pull the lever Bend not a second too early nor a second too late as you pull the lever a grin appears on your face fully knowing you conquered death at this fatal game of chance you hear a high pitched worring coming from the front of the ship with a loud bang an enormous spinning bar spear launches at The Monster at terminal velocity mercilessly drilling the monster Square in its soft underbelly dealing a massive 100 piercing damage the Beast jolts back in pain screeching at the top of its lungs before reeling back onto itself laying motionless for a while appearing to look like that of a craggy mountain range the Gen [ __ ] Roars a sound of defeat before disappearing back into the unforgiving Desert Sands after a few seconds of Silence a loud cheer can be heard coming from the crew in the remaining ships their cheers harmonized together to form a wave of ecstatic yelling and hollering yippe holy [ __ ] we actually did it I thought we were going to die on the first encounter and uh that was awesome I nailed the [ __ ] out of that thing I doubt it's going to mess with us again anytime soon the captain approaches your group with a fat smile on his hardened face we actually did it Lads and we just barely did it before reaching our destination the captain takes a good look at Trump so how did it feel up there big guy were you scared at all hell no I wasn't I never Buckle Under Pressure besides I had a feeling I was I was going to be the one to strike it down I could have killed that thing by myself anyway the captain back to his usual self emits another graveled laugh I'd like the confidence lad say why don't you join my crew we could use a reliable deck hand like you did I already mention that we're known as Legends out here I appreciate the offer sir but these fine gentlemen right here need me I can't have them getting killed by some insignificant monster huh I see very well lad I respect your decision the captain sigh and looks at the floor visibly upset by the rejection oh poor guy why'd you have to reject him like that Donald hey I declined as respectfully as I could besides without me you two would probably die the second you get into the next encounter the captain quickly composes himself and continues speaking anyway gentlemen we finally made it to Val habar he gestures his hands towards the main gate with a look of Pride on his face you're looking for the Gathering hall right just keep walking into town and you'll notice the building trust me you can't miss it well I have to get back to my crew till we meet again Lads with that the captain salutes to you3 and begins walking back towards his dragon ship uh I really don't know if that was helpful advice or not anyways what do you guys want to do should we head straight to the Gathering Hall to meet the caravaner or should we look around for a bit I think we should go straight to the caravaner I'm ready to meet this strange man I'm also hungry as [ __ ] and could really go for a warm meal could do with that after fighting for our lives I kind of just want to find somewhere to take a good nap okay sounds good guys all right Ben we all begin walking towards town all right as you leave the port you stumble into town you can see various Merchants trying to sell their Wares to the countless people walking along the busy and heavily populated Street some Merchants even ride on top of large bird-like creatures called garua selling and Hauling rare commodities looking around you also notice several shops adorning the street each pedaling their own unique Wares or Services finally you land across a massive hollow out dragon ship adorned with various colorful flags and instruments much like the anti-dragon gong seen on the other Dragon ships at the center lies a massive faux monster skull decoration I'm assuming this is the Gathering Hall huh I guess the captain was right I don't think we could have missed this even if we tried yeah it looks spectacular although I didn't think it would be a massive dragon ship yeah no kidding this looks like a place Fit For A King I'll definitely have to live in one of these in the future yeah I have to admit it would be pretty badass to live in one of these things oh boy all this talk about ships reminds me of the time I went on a fishing trip with some dude named Noah he built this massive ship and we lived in it for a while he even had a petting zoo in there I forgot what the ship was called though he was a really cool guy you lived on Noah's Ark Jesus Christ Joe how old are you oh yeah that's the name of it it was Noah's Ark ah good times yeah I'm not really surprised at this point wow that is pretty interesting to hear anyway would you all like to enter the Gathering Hall yes we would Ben I have to say I'm pretty interested to see how this is going to turn out yeah me too what do you think we're going to be doing um there's only one way to find out jiden Ben I barge through the door making sure to make my presence known uhoh hear me for my name is Trump the mighty [ __ ] conqueror my team and I humbly request an audience with the man who goes by the Alias the caravaner Trump as you barge through the door declaring what it is you seek everyone stops what they were doing and sets their gaze directly on you two hunters in the corner begin to scoff at you not at all trying to hide their rude gesture another man begins to look back at his book uninterested in what you have to say what the hell is wrong with you people did you not hear me the first time and you two over there knock that [ __ ] off before I kick your asses ooh things are starting to heat up in here go ahead and roll for intimidation Trump oh I almost forgot to mention something important since you are playing as the Barbarian class I thought it made sense to change your intimidation modifier to strength instead of Charisma seeing how you would rather show off your intimidating build to scare someone rather than using words oh sweet this should go pretty well then that's a dirty 20 bin I scared the [ __ ] out of them well not quite instead they roll their eyes and begin speaking to one another occasionally glaring back towards your party damn it Trump we've been in here for 5 seconds and you're already making enemies for us I wouldn't be surprised if they try to jump us later get your panties out of a Twist barama I doubt they're stupid enough to try anything when I'm around the Gathering Hall is awfully quiet the quest receptionist is beginning to look scared and the guards are starting to shift their Stern glances towards you Trump [ __ ] Trump there's guards in here you're going to get us arrested how was I supposed to know there would be guards in here oh so you mean to tell me that you didn't think that an official building of the hunter Guild wouldn't have protection at all times I swear bur I'mma hop off my back or I'll knock you on yours I'd like to see you try you brainless Oak it won't be that hard considering you almost got eaten by a fish oh please don't fight guys I'll try to play some good old Tunes again maybe that'll ease the tension in here all righty go ahead and Roll Another performance check jiden I rolled a 12 is that any good as you begin to play one of your songs you can feel some of the tension Lift Away the reception is begins to calm down and the guards go back to minding their own business but the two Hunters continue to gossip the crushing tension has been replaced with this awkward air ah well I did my best guys can you two please learn to cooperate with each other I really don't want this to be a common occurrence I just want to have a good time with my friends without getting into trouble every few minutes yeah Jaiden's right Trump can we put this aside and act a little more aware of our surroundings I guess I'm willing to tone it down a bit only because I don't want to see jiden cry that would be really awkward to deal with oh thank you guys I'm so happy we could settle our differences with the power of music and friendship yeah whatever you say jiden just toned down the corny Nest there a bit buddy yeah seriously I love you buddy but that was hard to listen to sorry guys but you'll just have to get used to it for I was born on the cob dear God please just stop I'm praying for that 5-hour Energy to finally do its job after an awkward entrance and a panicked attempt at saving grace you hear a man suddenly call out to you it's a man with white hair wearing a unique set of clothing and on his head rests a rather stylish looking red hat hey you three over here do you guys think that's the caravaner I think we're about to find out Ben we make our way towards the man I swear if this man Lord dumps on us I'm going to lose it you'll be fine Donald you all make your way towards the man you see that he's talking with an ancient wyverian dressed up like a cowboy with a ridiculously large hat weird I'm playing as a wyverian and I've never heard of an ancient wyverian what are they good question Barack an ancient wyverian is a wyverian who survived past the great dragon war several thousands of years ago oh that's pretty strange what's someone like that doing here well in the hunter Guild only wyverians can become Guild Masters so my guess is that Wise Old wyvaran right there owns and runs this fine establishment possibly even the city the whole city I doubt that Trump how did you even come to that conclusion weren't you paying attention earlier I was born and raised by The Guild Master in Minard and even became a hunter myself The Guild Master is a very powerful authoritative figure so uh I wouldn't be surprised if he runs valh habar I'm pretty sure I know a thing or two about how the guild Works barama yet you were surprised when there were guards in the Gathering Hall whatever man as you walk towards the man they stop talking to each other and greet you with a smile ah are you the fine gentleman and I sent those letters to yes sir we are I'm glad that we can finally meet would you happen to be the caravaner the man laughs and looks over at the ancient W Varian before continuing I sure am but I have to ask how did you know my name we can ask you the same question how did you know our names also why did you send letters out to us three random strangers of all people a wide grin appears on the man's face ah I like you Trump I think we're going to get along just fine but to answer your question I have a lot of contacts you know I've been told to send letters to you three by your organizations barama after that incident the Y Academy Chief researcher contacted me requesting that I take you with me on my journey wait so my father told you to send me that letter you'd be correct my friend your father wants you to learn as much as you can about the world and we both think this is the best way to do it well what about me who told you to send my letter well I basically told you already I thought you would have put it together by now so you're saying the Guild Master back home in Minard sent me here yep he sure did huh who would have guessed what about you the caravaner points to you jiden do I have to spell it out for you too now I think I got it figured out I suppose the head scrier told you about me and asked that you send me a letter brilliant my friend look at the Noggin on this one um anyway to answer your question the captain told us about you he said he used to be a part of your crew a long time ago and that you gave him your dragon ship can you tell us any more about that the caravaner eyes light up as if he is remembering long-forgotten memories ah the captain huh yes he and I are good friends although we haven't spoken in ages oh why not did you two get into a fight or something oh definitely not we got along very well I just don't like the feeling of being tied down to one place and he didn't want to stop sailing through the great desert he told me that it felt like his calling so I decided to give him my ship as a departing gift oh that's sweet of you you seem like a pretty cool guy thanks friend now Mr guildmaster would you like to explain to our friends here what our objective is huh I guess that is the guildmaster ah I Told You So barama as the caravaner begins to shift the topic the ancient Wy Varian who was quietly listening to your conversation begins to speak up I'm sure some of you experienced this firsthand or heard about it but recently we have been getting nonstop reports of monsters acting way more aggressive than normal thanks to the research at the Y Academy we have concluded that an epidemic has started spreading rapidly to monsters and far as we can tell not a single Monster is immune to the virus we still don't know what causes it or how to cure a monster suffering from it we do know that unless we begin searching for a cure soon soon the virus will eventually kill off every monster in the world a worried expression appears on the guild Master's face that's where you come in I'm sending you lot out to journey across the world in search of what is causing it and how to stop it so how about it are you three in of course we are sir we didn't come all this way for nothing after all you're damn right I am oh boy I'm so excited to travel across the world I wonder what kind of people we'll meet great that's exactly what I wanted to hear now another important piece of information as we travel from City to City we're going to try to pick up some help along the way I made a mental note of the kind of people I want to recruit we'll lay it on us then Mr caravaner Sir we're going to need our own Chef so we don't have to spend more of our precious resources on food a blacksmith to help us craft gear while we're away from town and a researcher to help file all of our findings and point us in the right direction that's sounds like a lot of work how the hell are we supposed to do all of that don't sweat it Trump this isn't our number one priority I have a feeling that they'll each cross our paths at some point in our journey I'm pretty lucky you know oh having our own personal chef sounds like a treat oh boy I can't wait to find them well I do have my eyes on one Chef in particular oh who is it he goes by the name moushi he's a chef that has mastered the art of street food and possesses the ability to whip up gourmet dishes in the blink of an eye I've had his food before and I swear I've never felt better and he doesn't go light on the portions either holy [ __ ] he sounds awesome where can we find this moushi well luckily for us moushi lives here in valh habar on the other hand though I heard that his ingredient Supply Route was shut down now he locked himself in his house refusing to speak with anyone it can never be that easy huh I guess not Brahma I think before we depart from valh habar we should try to recruit him it'll definitely help us in the long run yeah I agree with you there I got to try this man's delectable dishes I have some more questions about the virus do we have any clues to go off of or are we just blindly grasping at straws I'm glad you asked barama the caravaner begins to take off his hat and pulls out a small shiny Shard brimming with an elegant Radiance from underneath it I found this thing on one of my past adventures and I think this Shard can hopefully be a good starting point what makes you say that do you even know what it is nope not a clue but you should always trust your gut and my gut is telling me this thing is pretty damn important all right I guess I'll just have to take your word for it any more questions if not I recommend checking in at the in upstairs tomorrow's going to be a busy day and you already look quite beat up yeah no kidding I I valiantly fought off a Jen Moran and and defended the city oh so that was all the racket I heard going off earlier that siren goes off so much I began to tune it out wait so you're telling me this is a common occurrence this [ __ ] happens often yep like every other week what the hell that's ridiculous and to think I performed a heroic act and saved thousands of lives well technically you still did Trump if you didn't flip that lever we would all probably be dead by now yeah I guess you're right I'm still pretty pissed off though anyway I'm going to keep talking with my good friend here you guys should go get some rest I went ahead and bought your rooms ahead of time so enjoy with that the Guild Master in the caravaner wave you off with a large smile would you guys like to head to your rooms yeah I would I would like some time to reflect on what happened today and write down some notes in my journal yeah same here Ben I'm pooped after today and I think that 5H Hour Energy is starting to wear off hold it Ben I'm still famished is there any way I can get some food in here um yeah there's a small bar near the exit great I'm going to grab some food to go before heading to bed I'll catch up with you gentlemen in the morning all right sounds good Trump just don't cause too much trouble by yourself yeah Trump I really don't want to have to bail you out of jail don't worry wor about me I can handle myself just fine thank you very much Trump as you say good night to your new teammates you walk over to the bar and begin browsing the menu greetings my good sir what can I get for you on this fine evening H let's see you got any specials going on sweet cheeks the barkeep blushes for a moment before pointing towards the sign hanging from the main desk well right now we're serving Seafood caught fresh from the dundorma sea our most popular item right now is the serpentine salmon filet with fried Coral shrimp how does that sound my good sir it sounds perfect Miss I'll take it here you go sir and don't worry about paying it's on the house why thank you very much young lady she Winks at you and quickly turns away tending to her other customers oh what a sweet girl also I'm glad she did that because I'm broke as [ __ ] all right Joe I want to head back to my room and turn in for the night okay sounds good as you begin to walk back you feel someone Place their hand on your shoulder where do you think you're going freak yeah What's your deal barging in here like you own the place we should teach you a lesson who the [ __ ] do you think you're talking to and get your damn grubby hands off me before I break them the hunter who grabbed you Chuckles and forcefully shoves you forward with the intent of knocking you down you manag to catch yourself and save your free plate of food oh hell no he didn't I'm going to calmly uh recollect myself and set my tray of food on the floor and slowly turned to face that Hunter listen you little [ __ ] you can shove me all you want but by trying to knock my food out of my hands you blatantly disrespected not only me but the hardworking staff who put all of their love and passion into my dish you think we give a damn about those lazy workers please they're the slowest bunch of bumbling idiots I've ever seen say one more thing either of you I [ __ ] dare you oh yeah what are you going to then I punched that snide bastard right in his face a 12 to hit and eight damage oh [ __ ] what the hell are you doing Donald screw off Barack stop metagaming and stay out of this your character isn't even in the room luckily for you Donald the hunter isn't wearing his armor allowing for a clean strike to the jaw the hunter reels back in shock a wicked grin appears on his face as he gets ready to throw himself at you oh you don't know what you just got yourself into just as he begins dashing towards you the Guild Master and caravaner intervene stepping between you and the two other Hunters what in tarnation is going on here the Guild Master looks back at the two Hunters with a Stern glare are you two stirring up [ __ ] again I swear this happens every week with you two I promise if I hear you two causing any more fights I will take away your hunting license and ban you from every hunting guild on the damn Planet the hunters Flinch at the kind Guild Master's Sudden Change in nature quickly dropping the cocky facade they were wearing earlier I'm so sorry it won't happen again sir you won't see or hear about it ever again yeah please don't take away our hunting license the hunters scramble towards the exit and dash through the the door I'm so sorry about that Trump those Hunters have been causing so much trouble recently I should have tended to matters before they got out of hand no worries sir it felt pretty good clocking that cocky bastard right in his stupid face yeah and it was pretty entertaining to watch too The Guild Master bursts into laughter and begins hobbling back over to his seat the caravaner approaches you with the tray of food you left on the ground I think this is yours my friend it is indeed I had to set it down before I got to work hey you you handled yourself pretty well you know I would have done the same thing if I was in your position well you should really head back to your room before you get into any more fights yeah I'll do that I can't wait to dig into this delicious meal and sleep on a warm bed I'll see in the morning Mr do you have another name I can call you beside uh the caravaner nope it's just the caravaner you'll get used to it my friend he whatever see you in the morning man then I walk back to my room as you finally arrive at your room you Devour the flavorful fish and throw yourself on the bed sinking into its soft mattress instantly falling asleep all right guys that's where we're going to end the first session what do you all think so far um I'm having a great time so far Ben I'm excited to see what kind of monsters we'll be facing in the future yeah this is super fun I can't wait to use my hunting horn some more no kidding I hope we get some more combat in the next session because I need to kill something to have fun I'm glad you all are enjoying it so far I'm excited to see how you will all fare throughout this journey well until next time guys thank you all so much for watching
Channel: Hitbox-AI
Views: 6,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter, AI, D&D, AI Presidents, President DnD Campaign, monster hunter dnd campaign
Id: IkA3jQRk8yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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