AI on the Jetson Nano LESSON 4: Operating the Jeston Nano Headless

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hello guys this is Palma quarter from top tech boy comm and we're here today with lesson number four in our incredible new tutorial series where you are gonna learn artificial intelligence on the Jetson nano what I'm gonna need you to do you know the drill get yourself a nice big mug of iced coffee and get ready to learn how to operate your jets and nano in the headless mode so what I will need you to do is get out your hardware and get it set up what you don't have your hardware yet look in the description down below I have links to all of the cool hardware that we have and it is kind of helpful if we are working on identical hardware however I have a feeling that if you've made it to Lesson four you're probably that guy that already has your hardware right okay also want to give a quick shout-out to my friends who are supporting me on patreon you guys that are supporting me on patreon or allowing me to continue to get better studio equipment hopefully you're enjoying the much-improved audio from this microphone made possible by my patreon supporters ah next up what I really want to do is hopefully if you guys will keep helping me this webcam that I'm using here it's a pretty nice webcam but it's just for these live shots what happens is it loses its focus and then I got to come around and start fighting with it to try to get the auto focus back and it's really a distraction it's kind of like a very big distraction is I'm trying to make the videos and the thing keeps losing the focus and so that's kind of the next piece of equipment so thanks to you guys who are helping me out enough of this nonsense and useless promotion of myself and that sort of stuff and let's just get right into the lesson where again what we are going to learn to do is we are going to learn to operate the Nano headless now what does that mean well headless means that you don't have wires coming into the Nano it's sort of operating in an autonomous mode and actually this isn't too bad right now the way I have it I have the power cord coming in I have the HDMI cable coming out and then I have this little dongle that allows me to use a wireless my wireless mouse and a wireless keyboard and so I don't have the horrible octopus of rat's nest of cables coming out that you could have but we can do even better if we go to the headless mode so in order to go headless what that means is is that we're not going to be connected to a monitor and we're not going to be connected to the keyboard what we're going to do is we are going to remotely log in from our desktop computer and on our desktop computer we're going to have a window pop open that's the terminal window for the Nano and all the things that we've done in the last two lessons the Linux commands and the Python and stuff like that we can do from the terminal window but that terminal window is operating on our PC does that make sense hopefully it does so what do we need to do in order to do this you do need to access the desktop the first time so we are going to go over to our Jetson nano desktop and we are going to right mouse click and we are going to open a terminal and what we have to do is we have to figure out what is our IP address so we're going to type ifconfig okay now if you are doing a wired Ethernet connection you will probably see your your IP address up here under something like eth0 one of the first ones that should show you an IP address but I am NOT on a wired Ethernet connection I am on a Wi-Fi connection so I look down here under wlan0 and I can see that my IP address is 10.1 dot 3 7.35 your IP address is going to be something different ok your IP address is going to be something different but look at it there and chop that down because you are going to need that later so now we have our IP address and so what we are going to do is we are going to come over and I'm going to unplug my little keyboard and mouse dongle and I'm going to put it back in its little receptacle in the bottom of the mouse and the only one that's ever bought some kind of cool little gadget like the wireless keyboard and mouse and then lost the dongle I can't tell you what a huge box of cool gadgets that I have that are missing the dongle so I am trying to be more diligent in not not losing those things okay now we are going to come over and we are going to unplug the HDMI cable so you can see at this point we have lost focus again okay there we go and the only thing that we have the only cable that we cut have coming into the Nano is the power cable let me see see the little power jack now in if we wanted to go even more portable we could get a suitable battery and we could try to run the thing from a battery and we could have it being completely remote but in this case what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring power in from the wall wart now what we need to do is we need to switch over to our PC our desktop PC that we want to run this thing from and so I will come over here and then what we will do is we will go to Google and we will we will let's see what will we do we will look for the program putty so we will search on download putty pee-yew TTY download putty and then what you can see is you see putty PU TTY it says go to download so we click there and then you find the appropriate download for you I am on a Windows machine okay and I am on a 64-bit machine and this looks like it gives you some package files up here but I'm going to come down and I want the putty dot exe file and I want it for a 64-bit machine and so I can just click right there and it will download then once it downloads you just click on it to open it and I already have it downloaded I already have it downloaded and so you can see that I have this little icon down here can you see the little icon right there I don't not sure if you were seeing my cursor okay but I will open it yeah you can see my cursor I will open putty okay and putty is opened on my Windows desktop machine all right now you could probably use it just as it is but for you guys to see me using it what I need to do is I need to make the font bigger so I am going to come down to Windows and appearance and I'm going to say change the font and I'm going to give you a big hefty rugged manly sized font of let's say 26 I'm gonna make it bold and then when that terminal comes up you should be able to see it at home pretty well okay so now I'm gonna come back up here under sessions okay I'll go slow you see sessions I'm gonna click on sessions and now I'm going to put my IP address in you should put your IP address in you should not put my IP address in if you did the first step of this video you should know what it is for me I'm using 10 dot 1.3 7.35 and I will also make sure that I have SSH selected so I'm going to SSH into ten dot one dot three 7.35 and then the default port is 22 and that seems to work fine now I'm going to click open ah look at that big beautiful bold window now the first time you do it you probably are gonna get an error message or a warning saying are you sure you want to do this we don't know who's really trying to log in and all that sort of stuff and so you really want to be very careful and make sure that you are practicing good network security and if you're not sure what that means talk to your network administrator just make sure that you're not generating some sort of vulnerability but for me things are locked down and so I just clicked ok and then it pops into login it's your it is now your Jetson Nano username remember for me it was P I am but you set your username up for whatever you set it up as and now I want your password okay so I will put in my password okay always it's kind of funny like I see these guys like I just kind of have this crazy month I see these guys and they are coding and you know they're sitting there typing typing typing coding and then they're coming in in their top and you see you hear them coding and you see them typing you see what they're tapping on the keyboard and then they type in their password well I bet with a little artificial intelligence that probably every key has a pretty unique sound signature audible sound signature that is coming out and so it kind of seems like if you were really clever that you could listen to them topping their password and then you could feed it through a little artificial intelligence and you could probably have it translate that into what type what password they typed so you notice I type my password in really quietly just to make sure that there's not one of you guys out there trying to hack my Jetson nano okay so I click enter and boom look at that we are logged on to the Jetson Nano and we are running headless Li you see I am connecting to it through the Wi-Fi through the Wi-Fi and the only wire that I have going to the Nano is simply the power cord okay so I come back over here and I can do something like LS I can CD into my scratch folder and you guys need to see this a little better you're getting a little cutoff on your view okay that looks pretty good so then I can do an LS okay I could write a Python program let's do nano and let's call it remote remote PI dot pi and then I could say m SG is and we're now knowing we're editing a text file which is going to be a Python program message is equal to remote operation [Music] successful okay and then I can do a print and then since I'm using Python 3 I use the parentheses and then I'm going to print my message okay how do I save it ctrl o lets me save enter saves it control X lets me out LS there is remote pi and so then I'm going to say Python now I want to make sure I'm forcing it to use Python 3 so I will say Python 3 and I will say remote PI dot pi and there we have it boom remote operational operation successful so where we are now we have a terminal we have a terminal from the Jetson Nano that is displaying on our Windows desktop machine and we can go and do all the things that we did in the last two lessons all of the Linux commands that we did all the simple little Python programs that we did all of that sort of stuff you can now do with nothing connected to your Jetson Nano except for except for power ok where would this be useful well maybe you want the Nano doing something like running a weather station or making measurements or doing something where you can't be sitting there well it doesn't matter because you can putty in or you can SSH in and you can do all the things that you would want to do from this terminal that is on your desktop PC now a couple of things this your PC has to be on the same network as the Nano because this is like a private IP address you couldn't have it at work and then go home and log in from home because this is not a public IP address but as long as you're on the same network you can log in and do whatever you want ok one other thing that is really important we went in and we got the IP address using the IFK Figg now if I left and turned the nano off and came back later there's a very good chance that the wireless router would give me a different IP address next time around so what you need to do is after you get that IP address you need to log on to your router and you need to reserve that IP address for your nano so that every time your nano will have the same IP address if you're not at home with your own router if you're at work or some sort of educational institution where there's a network you need to go to your network administrator and ask him or her to reserve the IP address for you so that your Nano will always have the same IP address and you'll always be able to remote in I will warn you they will probably yell at you they will probably scream at you they will probably throw things at you but if you just remain calm and just keep asking they will probably eventually reserve the IP address for you and then you'll always have the same one and you won't have to go in and reestablish what your IP address is everything every time that you want to use it so you do need to reserve that IP address I cannot give you a step-by-step process if you're at home because there's a million different routers that are configured a million different ways what I can tell you is you need to reserve the IP address and just you know look at the documentation on your router and the key word that you're looking at is dedicated IP address or reserved IP address and it will show you how to reserve that IP address for your particular piece of hardware ok guys this has been a pretty simple lesson a pretty quick lesson but we have gotten you to the point that you can remotely log in so where are we you should have your gear it should be booted up you should be comfortable using the Linux terminal and you should also be kind of comfortable and working your way around from the command line you can now log in remotely and next up I think the things that we have coming down the line I think probably in the next lesson what we're gonna do is we're gonna start getting a little bit more familiar with Python because the artificial intelligence that we're going to be doing I'm gonna be doing in Python and so for you to not just be copying what I'm doing you've got to kind of understand Python and probably the next couple of lessons I'll be getting you up to speed on Python I'm assuming you probably got here from like Arduino and so you understand if statements and for loops and while loops and and variables and things like that and so I'm gonna assume you already sort of understand that but I'm just going to be showing you the syntax for Python and so we'll spend a couple of lessons getting comfortable with Python and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna use a Python library called OpenCV and when we start using OpenCV that's when we'll really start getting into the artificial intelligence and so we will our path into artificial intelligence will be you know starting got familiar with Linux then get familiar with Python then get familiar with open CV and then we'll start writing our own programs in open CV but I'm gonna be taking you through it in a way that you'll actually understand what you're doing so after you watch my videos you can get a good idea and you can run out and you can be doing artificial engine artificial intelligence on your own yes okay if you guys like this video think about giving me a thumbs up think about subscribing to the channel if you subscribe make sure to ring the bell and you will get notifications for my new uploads and my new live streams also think about sharing this with other people man I want to get more people working on this continue to try to build a little bit of a community here on this channel really like it when you guys start conversing amongst yourself down in the comments I read all the comments I try to respond to the comments where I can but you guys start interacting with each other let's try to get a little bit of a community going here put your ideas down below talk to each other about your ideas and then I do hope that I can continue to have like once a week a live stream a live chat live stream where we can kind of have the live chat going it and talk about the project and talk about how things are going okay hope you guys enjoyed it Palmer quarter from top tech boy comm I will talk to you guys later
Channel: Paul McWhorter
Views: 25,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jetson Nano, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Tutorial
Id: FyrXnNpPR6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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