Jetson Xavier NX Lesson 1: Introduction and First Boot for Beginners

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[Music] [Music] [Music] just kidding guys we're not gonna rumble but we are gonna learn to use the new Nvidia Jetson Xavier in X and let me tell you this is one exciting new single board computer and the way I would describe it is it is the faster more powerful Big Brother to the Jetson nano now a lot of you guys have been going along on the Jetson Nano and are now ready to move up to the Jetsons Xavier in X maybe that's how you ended up over here or you're just excited about learning artificial intelligence machine learning deep neural networks in deep learning and are just going to go ahead and start out on this more powerful board but what we are going to do today is we are going to jump in and have lesson number one which will allow you to get started on this exciting new board now this there's going to be a lot of lessons in this you don't learn artificial intelligence in just one 15-minute session so I'm going to break this up into a lot of different lessons hopefully you'll join me for this series of lessons and hopefully you'll have a lot of fun if you haven't taken any of my other lessons I will have to warn you that the prerequisite for taking these classes is you must bore yourself a nice big mug of iced coffee those of you who have taken my other classes know that there is no sugar allowed in the coffee none is needed no sweeteners just strong black coffee poured over ice and then you will be able to follow along with all of this great stuff that we're going to be doing so let's see where should we jump in and start some people don't like that background so let's see if we can switch over to a little bit of a more calm background and let's talk about what we are going to be doing today what our goal for today is is first of all let you know what gear that I'm going to be using because if you use the exact same gear that I'm using makes things a little bit easier and so I'll describe here very quickly the gear that I'm using and then if you look in links down in the description you will be able to see links over the Amazon so you can use exactly the same stuff that I'm using now some of the stuff you kind of have to have and some of the stuff I would say is just nice to have so I'll try to try to go through that but what we're going to do is we're going to go through the gear that I'm using and then what we're gonna do is I'm going to try to get this thing today in today's lesson where we get to first boot on this and then after first food do a couple of configurations just make it a nice environment to work in so that is what we're gonna do today pretty big goal this will be a little bit longer lesson than most of them are gonna be so you will need the most excellent nvidia jetson xavier in export which i show here and what we will doing be doing back behind me i will be retiring at least out of the camera view the Jetson nano and I will be putting in its place the kind of harder than I thought to get that positioned in the camera view nicely okay that's pretty good we will be putting the Jetson Xavier in X over there you'll have a live shot of that is we're bringing it up and getting it working okay so you'll need that the next thing that you will need is a good SD card the SD card that I am using is the Samsung 128 gigabyte Evo and ah that is a green screen failure okay it's green so you're not going to be able to see it very well but it is the samsung 128 gigabyte Evo select okay link down below there are smaller cards and there are cheaper cards but what I have found is some of those cheaper cards that I've gotten I've really gotten in trouble with and they've ended up corrupted and it does take take a little bit of effort to get this thing flashed and configured the way you want it and so this is one of those cases where I would go ahead and spend the money on a really good SD card and I like a big one because I'm going to be doing a lot of work a lot of programs and so enough space to keep things busy you'll need some sort of adapter you've got to be able if you're going to flash this thing you've got to be able to plug it into your computer but certainly you would have some sort of card adapter this is a little one that I have that will plug into the USB but if you're here taking this taking this class you probably have some way to plug this into your computer so we're not going to worry too much about that now this will be what I will say is optional but what I think is really cool is the Jetson Xavier has a slot in the back where you can put a big solid-state drive and so I went ahead and I got the Western Digital WD black a 250 gigabyte drive and that way the reason I like having that back there is you still have to boot off the SD card so even if you get the the solid-state drive as of the time that I'm making this video you can't just completely boot off of this without at least having the SD card in there so you will still need the SD card this you have to have this is optional I like having this because as I program it just makes it a lot easier to back things up and you know how we're all kind of a little diligent of about not keeping things backed up but with that hard drive sitting there it's very easy to keep your work backed up and so I do in fact like that a whole lot so we will put this back over here ok that's ah ah that's pretty good view alright we'll put that back over there so you're gonna need your SD card the next thing you're gonna need is a camera now I have found that this works very well with most all logitech webcam so if you have one of these logitech webcam it will plug right into the Jetson Xavier in X and you will have no problems but it will also run on the Raspberry Pi 8 megapixel camera this is the version 2 camera make note that as of the time that I'm making this video version 1 camera does not work so you will need a diversion 2 camera which I can show over here and there you go the version 2 camera what you also see is I have a nice little plastic case that kind of helps you do camera management so as we're going through these lessons you don't just have the camera dangling you've got it kind of sitting in something I've got a link to the camera and I have a link to the little case that I'm using case is optional you can use tape or putty or you can use whatever you want but it's just something to give the plate the camera a place to rest another nice thing that you might want to think about the cable the camera cable that comes with the camera is a little bit short I like to order and have on hand if I can get this these longer cables and so I think I've got some cables at there 5 or 6 bucks that are 2 feet long and that really makes it nice ok so what are the half two halves I would say they have to have this you've got to have the board and you've got to have the SD card all these other things that I'm telling you are kind of optional well you do have to have some sort of camera now as I go through these lessons I will be doing the lessons for both it's just one line of code will be different depending on whether you are using the Raspberry Pi camera or the Logitech camera and so whichever one you have you will be able to follow these lessons because I will do the lessons showing examples for both types of cameras I'm really excited about both of them if you had an ability like if you had an old logitech camera laying around it might be worth buying the Raspberry Pi camera and then you would have both of them ok so so have to have is the board have to have is the card you got a sort I have to have at least one camera but the longer camera cable is optional and the solid-state drive is optional another optional thing that I really like though is this top mate wireless keyboard and mouse and the reason I recommend this one is because I know that it works on the Jetson Xavier in X sometimes with these bleeding edge technology boards not everything is going to have a driver so it's sort of nice to use one that you know is going to work this one I can tell you will work on it or you can just use a USB keyboard in a USB mouse that you might already have the only downside to that is you have four USB slots and you sort of start chewing those things up pretty fast so I like using the wireless and that way with one little dongle I get both my keyboard and my mouse hence conserving my USB ports okay so let's see what other things would we need here that's pretty much the the stuff to get you started now later on we're gonna be connecting servos to this thing and we're gonna be doing a lot of other stuff but to really get going and to really start learning this stuff that is what you are going to need and so let's see if we can show a little better view of this so as it comes time to start putting the thing together you will be able to see it suitably that looks that looks pretty good and now what we're gonna do is the next thing is remember our goal is to get this thing to first boot and to get it sort of configured and so what our goal now is is to flash the operating system on the card and so the first thing that you are going to need to do in order to do that is you are going to need to format it and listen carefully you cannot for format this using your Windows formatter and I'm showing this for Windows 10 doing this all on Windows 10 you could do it on the Mac and you could kind of follow along you to be very similar but you're going to your Mac people are going to kind of have to figure out the Mac version of this based on what I'm showing you but if you're on a Windows machine you cannot format your card using the window formatter you have to use something called SD for matter so go to google search on SD card for matter when you click enter you will see the first selection here is SD card formatter SD association click on that and then you will come down on that page and I'm gonna get out of your way I'm sorry guys so you can see better there we go okay you come down and then you see they have a version for Windows and a version for Mac well I will be selecting the windows version if you're on a Mac you guessed it select the Mac version you will now sign over your firstborn child and you will give them the right to do anything that they would ever want to do to you I'm sure in all of this sort of stuff but we will risk it and we will go ahead and say accept ok and now if you look down here in the lower left let me make sure you can see that I need to move this over a little bit there ok and I need to move this back I'd do a little windows management here ok what you can see there in the lower left is you can see that it is downloading and in fact it is now downloaded and now what I'm going to do is that is a zip folder ok so I'm going to drag and drop that zip folder to my desktop ok I'm going to drag and drop the zip folder to my desktop I'm going to open the zip folder ok and then how do you want to open this in File Explorer ok let's hope this thing opens up ok it opened up and now what you can see inside of it is inside of it you have the real folder ok inside of there you have the real folder and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag and drop this I have another folder on my desktop that I just called the Jetson Xavier in X I am going to drop the SD card formatter folder into my Jetson Xavier folder does that make sense and so now this one is unzipped all right so I'm going to open that and then I've got the SD card formatter its setup.exe I'm gonna run that and it will take a second preparing to install okay here is the wizard we will go next I am just gonna say like that modify okay next you've seen these things and then just install okay this will go pretty fast and we are finished so now we should if we come down to our windows search button if I type in SD you can see that I now have the SD formatter I I can pop that thing open and there it is it is ready to go so we are going to go ahead now and format this card so just want to make sure the thing is don't try to run the format the format's setup program from inside the zip folder you've got to take it out of the zip folder and put it somewhere else I put it on a folder in my desktop called Jetson Xavier because I'm going to kind of put all of the programs in there that I'm going to be using all right but now I'm going to plug the SD card into my little adapter I am going to plug it into the Windows machine and it says do you want to format this disc one of the things you might find that you start getting a lot of Windows errors or a lot of Windows pop-ups just ignore them you don't format it over on the windows thing you come back to your SD formatter okay you give it a second mine has gotten confused because it's like Windows sees that you're plugging in a card that it doesn't recognize and then it just kind of has a fit because it wants to be in charge of everything so it is popping up all types of USB ports trying to find something that will turn that thing on but I will give it a second and it says not responding because Windows is having a having a fit over it the way I actually do this I have a machine that set up on unic or on Linux and that makes life a whole lot easier okay and this is still waiting so we'll give it a second here luckily you don't have to do this very often okay this looks like it is ready to go and it has found ah let's see it is it has found drive D for me which is a hundred and nineteen gigabytes so that looks like the right one you want to make sure that you don't format your hard drive on your computer okay so you don't want to like see a hundred Terra right I just have one USB device in and it's the hundred and twenty eight gig and so that would be this one pretty safely and then all you've got to do is just say format and this should go pretty quickly okay data may be retrieved well that's okay I don't want to retrieve the data do not remove during formatting or you sure you want to format yes okay and this actually goes pretty quickly once we get going but that is annoying do you guys have that problem too that if you put a card into a Windows machine that isn't formatted by Windows it just goes absolutely crazy okay ah let's see this is saying it's complete so I'll say okay and I will say exit and then I'm going to try to cancel all of these format disk errors that I got from Windows okay there got rid of all those so now we have a formatted SD card that is good the next thing that we are going to want to do is download a program called ballina etcher and so I need you to go back to Google and I need you to search on ballina b al e in a h or ET CH ER and then the first result for me is ballina at your home so I will go ahead and select that and then here it pops up and it says for me download for Windows okay so I guess it sees what machine I has and guess the right one you would download it for Mac or for Linux if you were going to do that and like I say man the way I really do this I have a Linux machine and I have the etch or on Linux and that just goes a lot easier but I know that most of you guys are Windows guys so I didn't want to put you through that so we are now going to download for Windows right here and then as I look over here the download has begun and it looks like that's going to just take a minute or two to download so we'll just here and kind of chat as it downloads because if I'm having to wait on it download you are probably having to wait for it to download - so you guys leave me a comment down below or if you're part of the of the premiere over in the chat chat bot chat box how many of you guys are playing along with the Jetson Nano okay with my other series and how many of you guys are really thinking about upgrading to the Jetson Xavier NX I I'll tell you I love the Jetson Nano and I'm still doing a lot of work on the Jetson Nano but me and once I booted up this Jetson Xavier in X and saw how fast it was I knew I wanted to start playing around with it because what it allows you to do is he's you're doing the machine learning you can like you can run way faster and if you're doing video type applications that means more frames per second or if you're doing machine learning or things like object detection you can operate with much bigger frames much higher frame rates and you can find smaller things in the pictures and so it really really is pretty cool and I am really enjoying it okay this is looking pretty good here we're almost there and it looks like I'm gonna open my folder up for the stuff that we are doing here so again this is my Jetson Xavier folder and I'm going to drag and drop this Exe file over there I don't think that you have to do much to get this going but I'm going to drag this over into my folder so it's not in downloads did I get it yeah there it is and then we'll click on that okay we're going to have to do a little setup here again agreeing to give our firstborn children away and this thing is installing it goes pretty easy wow that was fast okay this has been relatively painless so far okay I'll close that window and now if I go down to my windows search button and I typing lean ba l there it pops up and so I can open up my ballina etcher and let's just make sure it opens up and there it is and it looks like it's ready to go now it's asking us to select a file for us to flash I must have clicked it twice okay it's asking for us to select a file to flash so we've got to go get it we've got to go get the image we will search on Jetpack for Jetson Xavier in X jetpack one word for Jetson Xavier in X we will hit enter and then you see the first thing that comes up for me is jetpack SDK Nvidia developer we will go there and then this has got it for the different for the different boards that Nvidia makes and so we've got jetpack 4.4 Developer Preview we've got jetpack 4.3 we have Jetson nano developer kit and here's what we want Jetson Xavier in X developer kit so we are going to download the image and before I do that I'm going to close that so we can see it come up so we're going to download the SD card for the Jetson Xavier NX developer kit and this should be this should be jetpack 4.40 it's wanting me to login okay if you don't have an account go ahead and go ahead and create one but I should be able to just login okay here we go you can now continue to download the file so I will click there and it looks like it's downloading okay all right guys this looks like it's gonna take about 30 minutes and so I'll pause and we'll rejoin you when this this file is downloaded I will talk to you guys in just a sec and we are back and hopefully you had as much luck as I did in getting this thing downloaded this again is a zip folder you will leave it in the zip folder this time just grab your zip folder and I'm going to move it again over to my Jetson Xavier Enix folder so I have everything together it takes a second for that to copy should go pretty smoothly it's a pretty big file so it'll take a second to copy but the the ballina etcher can actually take a zip folder so you don't have to take anything out all you got to do is we're just gonna point the ballina etch or towards the zip folder and then everything should work at that point so while that is going I'm gonna go ahead and call up ballina sure again and so you can see ballina better and we'll fire that thing up in anticipation of the soon-to-be completed copy okay here it is we will wait for the copy to be completely finished before we proceed okay so here we go with ballina etcher and if you guys are following along with me on the Jetson nano this is very familiar stuff to you right this should be easy easy stuff let's see here okay there it goes for some reason this thing is one of those that is a hard window to move but we will forge ahead okay so the first thing that it wants is we're gonna flash from a file so we're gonna have to select the fly tile so we'll click flash from file and then it comes up with it goes to downloads but I am NOT going to go to downloads I am going to go to desktop and I'm going to go to my Jetson Xavier in epics folder and then you can see there the Nvidia the NV Jetson NX SD card image 32 point four point two zip all you got to do is just point at that and click again you don't have to go into the folder just right there it can deal with zipped files now we said select the SD card and I only have one SD card in the computer and so it's very easy make sure that you're flashing it to the right one safest thing is to only have one in and that is my transcend 128 gigabyte card I click on that and then I say continue and now we are ready to flash are you sure yes I am sure okay and then you've probably got something that popped up where it was asking for permissions to do this thing and so let's just take a second here and make sure that the thing starts flashing and then if it does we'll pause alright I will come back after this thing is done but it's gonna do the flash II and then it's gonna do a verification and somewhere along in the middle of this windows might be throwing you errors again or throwing you little boxes that says you need to format the disk format the disk format that just just ignore all that it'll work just ignore it and get this thing flash and then we'll take it out and then windows will shut okay I will be back in just a second and I do hope you were as successful as I was and flashing the card so we can take it out of the Windows PC and I have it here and so now what we will need to do is we will need to go ahead and I'm going to kill that we need to go ahead and put it in the Xavier board and what I need to show you is I need to show you where it goes and so it's the side where the fan is okay it's kind of the side opposite of the USB ports and it goes in kind of upside down that is with the little contacts up and then it slides in like that back there contact side up and it's one of those where you have to press in and it kind of snaps so we have that in a I think next up we will I'm going to go ahead and move over here to a different view a slightly different view let's see okay I think that you can see what I'm doing a little bit better there and I will try to be very mindful that you're able to see what I do the next thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to put our camera in and if you have a if you have a webcam like I have all you've got to do is just take the USB B and plug that in okay and if you have the Raspberry Pi camera you want to kind of stay grounded with these Raspberry Pi cameras because I don't know if they are listed as static sensitive but I have convinced myself before that I've blown these things out so you want to use you want to ground yourself as you're handling these are be very careful with them and what you can see is is that there's two slots the slot on the right is cam zero and this is cam a lot of the default programs default the cam zero and so if you're just using one your life is a little easier if you use the km zero slot let me warn you you've got to pop these this little this little connector up you just pop it up on the right and pop it up on the left and get it popped up on both sides be very careful because that's just a little piece of plastic and if you do that too hard and break it I don't know a simple way to fix that and this is a very expensive board to end up messing up something like that let me see if I can get you a little better focus okay that looks a lot better now on this camera the cable has blue on one side on the camera and again I'm going to try to get you a good focus here for some reason it doesn't like focusing on the camera on the camera the blue stripe goes on the back if you have to connect the cable to the camera the blue stripe goes on the back the side opposite the lens and then as we plug it in here the blue stripe faces towards you okay do you see how it faces towards the outside it faces towards you and now you want to get that all the way down in there and you don't want it caught to the left or caught to the right you want it all the way in okay and now mash down on both sides until you get a nice firm click I click on the left side and the right side okay that's in there and then like I say I went ahead and I got the nice little stand for the camera so that we can have the camera stand up as we are doing these lessons so I have shown you how to hook the USB camera up I've shown you how to cook hook up the Raspberry Pi camera now we will need to just begin to put things in this is the dongle for the keyboard the wireless keyboard and mouse I'm gonna go ahead and put that in if if you are using separate keyboard and mouse you just plug those in you can just plug those in directly and so it looks like we've got that stuff set up right we have the Raspberry Pi camera in we have the keyboard dongle end we have the webcam plugged in we are now going to plug in the HDMI cable like that and then we're going to go ahead and switch to a different view that looks like a pretty nice one and now we have the power supply for the Xavier in X and remember it is different than the Jetson nano this is a specific to the Xavier in X you should have gotten one with your package I believe and now we are going to hold our breath and we are going to plug it in oh I hope this thing boots I really hope this boots boot yes okay we got the happy little nvidia logo and hopefully now we'll start seeing some linux stuff happening yes it looks like the linux stuff is starting to happen this thing is coming to life ladies and gentlemen it is coming to life and that makes me very happy now when it comes to life we're gonna have to do a couple of things to configure ubuntu which is the Linux system that we are using and then I'll just kind of go through it with you I'll just show you some configurations that I have found useful I will show you some configurations that I have found useful okay so again what is this like v License Agreement that we have had to do and nice thing is I see that my mouse has come to life so that little dongle did work so I will accept the terms of the license I will continue I will be speaking in English today okay English again okay now here it's seizure Wi-Fi networks if you want to use a wired Ethernet connection all you've got to do is just plug your wired Ethernet connection in but you can go ahead here and you can set up a Wi-Fi and I like to go ahead and do it now so that I have that taken care of and I don't have to hunt through the menus to figure out where that little thing is kept okay it looks like that is trying to connect okay let's see if we can continue I am in the central time zone so I'll fix that and then I'm gonna use my initials for you can use yours whatever I'm gonna call this computer named the Xavier and then I'm gonna be PJM you need to be someone else I'm the only peach am now let's give it a good password okay I like to login automatically because I'm here by myself and no one is gonna no one is gonna be messing with my stuff and so I am going to just sit here and not require it to login also as I'm doing stuff for videos it's easier if I don't have to keep stopping and putting my password in this is just talking about the size we don't need to do anything with that so we will say continue hopefully we're gonna see some good stuff happening here it doesn't take really very long to get this but like I said with I when I get this thing booted I'm gonna go through a few configuration things with you because there's just some stuff that I like to do that I think makes it a lot easier it makes it a lot easier to use and so I will be showing you some of that stuff seems like we are it's thinking okay here it goes system configuration I will say that the first time that I use jetpack it was jetpack 4.2 on the Jetson Nano and I had some issues that it didn't always do a real clean install but on this Jetson Xavier I've had a lot of luck with getting real real clean installs now of course you know I I risk it saying that you know to jinx myself that though that after I see how well it's worked then we'll get here on the on the live video and start having problems but I just think we need to be patient okay it looks like the system configuration went good sometimes it pops up and kind of like does it looks like it does an update of the system like applying changes yeah this is on the check PEC for point to where I would find that it would hang some time but this one looks like it's moving right along so that looks good almost there and guys up in the corner there that's I'm superimposing that that isn't on the Jetson Xavier it's just I like to show you a live shot of what I'm doing as I'm putting this thing together so I have that kind of picture in picture up there to help you out all right and here we go with some Linux type booting action happening That awkward moment that we're hoping to see a happy little screen pop up here really quick okay so now I am PJM and it wants my password I thought I told it not to do that maybe I looked at it but I didn't actually click it okay again I love that Nvidia logo seems like an awkwardly long time that we are sitting here with the Nvidia logo there it is boom okay now here we've got to answer a few questions I'm gonna kill this shortcut window I am going to say next and then I'm not going to do the live patch and I'm not going to send stuff in okay and now we are done okay guys we are booted all right now what I'd like to do is I'd like to go ahead and set up a few things I am going to click on this wrench with this gear icon and we're gonna do a little little bookkeeping here I'm gonna go ahead and look at the display and make sure that we've got a good display 1920 by 1610 for me that is pretty good I like to make my menus a little bit bigger because it makes it easier for you guys to see so I'm gonna put it on about one point one point one two makes it a little easier for you to read all right and I hate the sticky edges that's where it makes it full screen if you get close to a corner I don't like that so I'm gonna do that and then let's see I'm going to apply I'm gonna keep that configuration go back to all settings and I'm going to go to appearance up here and I am going to say to Phil to make sure that it goes right like that okay and then under behavior I like for everything to be like if I have a window I want the menus for that window in the title bar of that window not at the top and so I say I want the menus in the windows title bar and I want them always displayed I don't like them where they come and go okay auto hide launcher I don't want that so that looks pretty good let's go back to all settings and let's see I'm gonna look at this displays again I'm gonna make that a little bit bigger still in apply okay that makes that a little bit easier to see over there some of these things I would set it differently if it was just me but I know you guys are trying to watch everything so I'm trying to make it easy for you guys to see okay I'm going to go to power and I'm gonna say don't suspend because yeah that looks good I don't want it to go into power saving mode and then on lock and the screen saver I don't want it to put the screen saver on so I'm gonna put that on never and lock is off and again you know guys I'm not giving you a security primer here this is just me with my computer and the easiest way to make me make the videos you've got to think of the security implications of anything that I am doing and so I am NOT going to require password if the thing wakes up so that is pretty good back to all settings let's see anything else here that we need to do the mouse feels pretty good the way it is so I'm going to close that I like having a one-click machine so I'm going to come over here to the to the file cabinet and then I'm going to come under files and I'm going to come to preferences and then I'm going to go to behavior and then I'm going to say make it a single click machine alright that all looks pretty good okay we're going to open up a right mouse click on the background right mouse click open terminal and then what I'm going to do is I am going to try to make this more readable for you so under term and all under edit I'm going to edit the preferences and then I think that you all would do better with a custom font now we'll click on the 12 there and then I will bring this up to about 18 so you can see it a little better and then these are kind of low contrast colors for me so I'm going to go to colors and I'm going to set the let's see there's some in here that actually are kind of nice so I'm going to turn off use colors from system and then I'm gonna see if I can find a nice black on light yellow I kind of like that it's a little bit more high contrast I am going to adjust the yellow by clicking background and I would like that a little more Orange I kind of like it like a buff paper so I'm gonna so I'm gonna copy this because I'll probably want to use that somewhere else and I will select that and then that bright green is not working for me so I'm gonna the bright green there is not working for me so I am going to come and I'm going to turn that to kind of like a deep kind of Orange II red ok that looks good I think that is working very well I'm just gonna do a quick LS to see how things look light blue is not working for me there so I will go to the white blue which looks like right here and I think I'm going to come over and get this get this red again as a starting point control C cancel you guys can play around and get the colors like what you like but I want something that shows up good for you as I am trying to do these lessons and that light blue is not going to cut it okay so I'll come back there and I will just lighten that up a little bit from the earlier ones okay that looks pretty good so let's see what this looks like if I just do an LS okay that looks really good I think you guys will be able to see that plenty big plenty high contrast and not garishly bright color so I sort of like that okay we're getting this thing configured you guys can make the color way you like it let's just try a couple of things here one thing is I don't like every time I give a pseudo command in the terminal it wants me to put my password in so we can fix that by saying via pseudo okay well what we will do is we will say is pseudo by pseudo pseudo vis you do pseudo vie pseudo it wants my password because I will be changing the system and then what you want to do is you want to go all the way to the bottom you have to use the arrow key the mouse doesn't work with this program go all the way to the bottom and now if I click I'm gonna go if I click I for insert it lets me insert something so I'm going to hit enter to give me a blank line and now I'm gonna put a command in here where it won't ask me for my password anymore okay it won't ask me for my password anymore so I'm going to go PJM that's me and then all uppercase you put a ll equals open parenthesis a ll close parenthesis space in O P a sswd okay like you're saying no password in OPA sswd : a ll all right now we're done so we're gonna hit escape okay now we're gonna hit the colon that's the dot over the dot and then we're gonna click w-4 right and then I'm sorry lowercase W W for write W for right and Q for quit okay now it shouldn't ask for the password anymore so we have that taken care of there is a couple of other things I want to do real quick there's a really cool program that we're gonna need as we go on it's called J top and what J top allows you to do is it allows you to look at the performance of your GPUs versus your CPUs so I'm going to go jetson install J top like that and we have Jetson stats at pie-pie the second one that looks like it will try that should give us a very simple command to install J ok there it is but that makes me realize we probably don't have pip installed yet and that's going to be an important thing for us to do so let's go ahead here and we're gonna do a sudo let's see let me just see if I do a apt-get install Python 3 - pip let's see if that works it might want a sudo but I'm gonna try it without this you know apt-get install Python 3 - tip does not like that so I will try it with the sudo ok it looks like it's gonna put our pip in for us yes we want this was something you're gonna need anyway and I really don't know why they don't put pip on the jet pack just they should have that as one of the default installs it's going along pretty quickly and then we are going to need this command sudo - H pip install - u jets and stats we might have to put pip 3 because we were installing pip 3 there so we'll try that I'll copy well the PIP is taking a little while here to insult I think I got kind of a little bit of a slow internet that jetpack 4.4 took a long time for me to install it was a slow one today ok we'll just sit and chat I don't want to turn this off and then turn it back on so we will just sit and chat we are almost there okay unpacking this should go pretty quickly nice thing is we're not seeing any errors it's going along pretty cleanly there and probably what we're gonna do next week this this is getting to be a little long next week we're gonna install a good IDE and in a integrated development environment to do our programming in but we won't do that today we'll do that next week so okay we got that and so now we should be able to paste that J top command and so you right mouse click in paste to paste and then probably I think that we need to use pip three since that's just what we installed we will try that and see if it likes that I think this is going to work and let's see so what we'll do next week is install Visual Studio code because that is a great development environment and we're gonna need that as we move forward in these lessons okay that looks like it's being happy over there okay that looks good now let's turn on J top it's probably gonna I probably one at sudo J top I'm going to ctrl C out of that and say sudo J top so we don't get all those warnings and everything and this is really cool so you can see right now that we are running on two of the six CPU this baby has six CPUs and we are running with only two of them on so I need you to come over here and if you look at this mode 10 watt to core we're gonna come and we're gonna say power mode and we are gonna open this thing full blast and go to 15 watt 6 core ok and then when we do that you can see that we have all of our cores on and these are the CPUs 1 through 6 you can see your memory used your swap space use and then here we have the GPU and as we're just sitting here with a graphical interface you can imagine that we're really not using those GPUs ok let's look let's try just a couple of more things real quickly here I'm gonna go back and open a terminal and then if you want to check your webcam if you have your webcam plugged in the way you check it is just type in cheese and it should pop up okay boom webcam alright so you see we got a little webcam that pops up there so the webcam is talking to the system that is encouraging that's good now how about you guys that have the Raspberry Pi camera well that is not going to run on cheese and so we're gonna have to give it a very very simple GStreamer command and this is the simplest GStreamer command that i could think of and that is GST - launch lau NCH - what do we want to run 1.0 and then we want envy is an nvidia envy argus arg us envy argus and then argos camera s RC so envy argus camera SRC and then we're going to pipe that we're gonna put the exclamation point and then we're gonna go to in V oh the ER ill a wha so in V like Nvidia overlay and then sync si NK so what this is going to do is it's going to take a signal from the camera which is going to be the Raspberry Pi camera and it's going to send it to just overlay it over the screen and then all you do is don't click anything and after you start it don't click anything but just click enter boom alright there it is you see great big larger-than-life control see boom we killed we stopped out of it okay now if we wanted to be do like a nice video in a nice window and kind of like everything nice you would need a lot you would need a lot bigger gstreamer command which i don't want to really do today because this has been a pretty long lesson but we got our gear put together we got our SD card flash for jetpack 4.4 we did our first boot and we got things configured pretty nicely to move forward so next week what we need to do is we need to install an integrated development environment something that we can probe program in and so I'll show you how to install Visual Studio code next week on the Jetson Xavier in X okay guys let's get this thing configured right and let's not go off in a lot of crazy directions until we have a good stable platform to build on and then we will in fact as advertised begin to learn about machine learning deep neural networks and deep learning so those are the things that we'll be covering in this series of lessons hope you guys will tune in next week and hope you will stick with this series this is Palmer quarter with top tech boy comm I will talk to you guys later
Channel: Paul McWhorter
Views: 26,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Projects, Machine Learning, Examples
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 19sec (3379 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.