Robotics Training LESSON 3: Mechanical Build of the Upper Deck of the Elegoo Smart Car

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you hello guys this is polemic order with top tech boy calm and we are here today with lesson number three in our incredible new tutorial series where you are learning robotics using the most excellent Ella GU smart car version 3.0 robotics kit what I'm gonna need you to do is pour yourself a nice big mug of ass coffee and remember no sugar none is needed it's quite refreshing strong dark black coffee over ice try it you've not just like it what I will also need you to do is get out your eligor what you don't have your gear yet look in the description down below there is a link over to Amazon and you can pick up a kit in that way we will be working on identical hardware also as always I want to give a shout out to you guys who are helping me out over at patreon it is your help and support that keeps this great content coming you guys that are not helping out yet think about looking in the description down below there is a link over to my patreon account think about hopping on over there and hooking a brother up but enough of this shameless self-promotion let's jump in and let's get ready to complete our build of the mechanical build of the Ella goo smart car version 3.0 so what we did last week is we got the lower deck put together and what we are going to do today is can you guess can you guess yes we are going to work on the upper deck and remember we put these neat labels on there last week that one the label one is the top of the top deck labeled two is the bottom of the top deck and it matters this versus this is different in this versus this is different so there are umpteen jillion ways that you can put this together wrong but if you keep watching this mark it'll make it easier for you to follow what I'm do it will make it easier for you to get this thing put together correctly all right so we are gonna start with number one up all right and in fact I think I'm gonna start with number one up and with it pointing towards me so you see number one and then I've got this square thing pointing towards me and then to the left are these three holes can you see those three holes okay just make sure that you were oriented the way I am and now what we're gonna need to do is go ahead and find our friend our old friend our old dear friend mr. Arduino remember our friend mr. Arduino from our happy little a lego super starter kit will you now have your second Arduino and so I don't need to go into a lot about this because you guys who took my Arduino series are going to recognize the Arduino Ella goo uno okay and now we are going to have to get this on there and we've got to kind of be careful to get this in the right way so you notice that there are two holes to the left alright we've got the one up we got two holes to the left and then over here we have one hole okay and the way this is going to work is you want to make sure as you can imagine that your USB connector is pointed on the outside now we need to go back and we need to get our little bag from last time which says for the uno there was a little bag now we put it in the ziplock bag so we wouldn't lose the parts and then it's that other little envelope that says for the uno okay for the uno in the way this is going to work is this is going to work by we are gonna need three standoffs okay we've got three holes and why this I am very confused here I might have lied to you yes I did lie to you that is kind of strange so the the USB does not go towards the outside it goes towards the inside because that's the only way the holes line up I would have thought that they would have made it with a little bit easier access to this side but they didn't okay so we just had some major spillage but that's okay all right so what we are going to do is we're gonna put these three and it's going to be from this one okay and then it is going to be these two like that okay so do you see that the USB silver connector is pointing to to the right and then we put one of the hex bolts here in the top and then here and here can you see that good I hope so and now those three are all going to need standoffs and so we have the old problem of not having these things fall out as we put the standoffs on them okay so we should still have three standoffs each one of these bolts gets its own standoff and now the trick which we need an extra couple of hands will be to turn this over without losing the progress that we made and now we got to kind of hold it because we don't want to lose those standoffs so I'll tell you I'm going to try to kind of roll it on there do you see how I'm lining up these two with the holes like that in like that and now I come down and now if I lift this boom did you see that maneuver that was a pro maneuver didn't lose the standoffs this time okay now because you see we've got the standoffs there and there you see all those standoffs we got them there I don't want to flip this over because if I flipped it over then we're gonna lose everything so I'm going to put my thumb on the bolt and then I'm going to come with the nut on the underside and I brother just operate by feel then operating by sight because if I operate by sight these bolts are going to come out so I got that one started don't worry about tightening them you're just trying to get them started right you're just trying to get them started okay and I got number two started pretty well okay and then I am gonna do number three okay and we are definitely losing focus here let me see if I can give it something to look at that will help it focus and these autofocus things they just sometimes are not your friend and then it's like they just get tired and give up sometimes if you give them something to look at they will come down and focus I'll tell you guys I will try to figure something out I will try to figure out a way I will try to figure out a way to turn that auto focus off and just leave it focused down here let's see if you can find that I think it's coming is it coming into focus alright we'll give it a second there okay that kind of woke it up alright so now I will come in and we will tighten these down okay and then come over here and tighten oh wow once it decided to focus it just got brilliant beautiful marvelous focus marvelous focus okay so now we have the Arduino Uno mounted to the top base and again this is the top of the top which is side one alright now it looks like I have an extra nut and an extra bolt was there an extra and off I don't yeah there was an extra standoff - so we got a few extra so we're gonna put those back in there and we can't be sure they're extras they might be needed later so you want to keep track of these I'm gonna put it back in the little ziplock so that we don't lose it you like that okay that is just dandy all right so we now have the we now have the Arduino mounted so we want to come back to our little box of electronics which one is that that's not it it is the smaller box okay the smaller elongated box and what we want to do is we want to find that top shield okay the top shield for the Arduino it is the one with all the connectors on it all the little slots for wire connections and so we are going to bring this out and let's see how many different ways we could hook this up so what we're gonna do is we're gonna have one to the right that means these three holes are pointing towards you okay so you've got the three holes pointing towards you and you've got the one label to the right right above this make sure you are oriented correctly and then I do believe that this will plug in I want to be very careful all right so you see this is the little IR sensor here and so the IR sensor goes to your left you see the little IR sensor that goes to your left and now you see that you could plug it in like this or over to you want to bring it all the way down okay and so up at the top away from you there's going to be two holes that are not plugged into but you plug this in all the way to the bottom towards you and now when we flip that OH / what you will see is is that you are going into pen a five and you're going into your rx here and then on the opposite end you've got a couple that aren't used and now you've got to kind of try to mash this down together you don't want to rock it because you'll bend the pins you want to mash it down as best you can together at the same time okay I believe we have that and that looks good look around make sure that you've got it securely in there all the way around oh that is looking really good so now we're going to get out our little Bluetooth module and we are going to plug in the bluetooth module I do believe we will plug in the bluetooth module and let's see if it's labeled where it goes in or yeah okay do you see right here it's labeled Bluetooth for you and then this is the Bluetooth module and there is only one way that it goes in because again you've got keys right you've got little keys you can't see that you've got little keys so that it only goes in one way so you come here like that you notice how it's kind of sticking out overhanging a little bit and then we are going to press it down snugly and then it kind of snaps in okay so you've got the one here you've got the three holes towards you and then your Bluetooth is back towards you so that looks good I mean we're getting through this thing already aren't we we are getting through this thing okay so now you need to come to your big box and you need to get your battery yep I'm guessing that it is in here oh I guessed wrong that's the heels okay you get your second two the biggest box and there should be a battery down in the bottom so if you'll dig down there dig down in there and get out your battery okay and now if your screws back don't lose track of all your screws but actually we're gonna need this because it says for the cell box so you need to get out your nuts and bolts that say for the cell box okay because the cell is in batteries so all right so we have got that out and I'm going to okay you gotta be really careful because this has in there for the tires as well and you don't want to lose those for the tires because the tires are the last thing that are going to go on and so you do not want to lose those I have lost my little here it is my neat little exacto knife so we're gonna come and we're gonna open this up and we are gonna need the nut in the bolt out of it the two nuts and two bolts not the long screws okay you want the hex nut that's actually the bolt in the hex bolt too and then you want the two nuts two and two we're going to put the others back in here these long screws don't lose those and if I can I'm gonna try to put this back in the Ziploc because we're gonna get excited and we're gonna lose something if we're not careful and I think I can get these down and here with the other ones and that way nothing rolls off I can't tell you the number of times I've gotten in the middle of a build and lost things alright now we're gonna put the battery on okay and so what I want you to do is I want you to put side one right towards you that's little squared towards you and now we're gonna come up here and the I want you to make the wire go to the right okay so now when I'm looking at this you see as I'm looking at it Ella goo is upside down Ella goo is upside down all right we're gonna drop the two bolts through okay we're gonna drop the two bolts through like that okay I see that like that and then over here this time we don't have any standoffs of any type we're just going straight through the base now I'm going to hold those and kind of flip them over a little bit and now try to start them that went pretty well is this going as easy for you as it is for me I will admit I already built one of these things and so it's a lot easier the second time but I'm hoping it's going kind of easy for you because you're able to watch me now we're gonna tighten that hold it with the thumb on the bottom hold it with the thumb on the bottom and there we go all right we are getting this thing put together don't you like how neat this is this is really really really looking nice and neat okay I am gonna go ahead and I am going to plug this thing in all right do you see these here in the corner that said G in D and V n that's the voltage in in the ground okay the voltage in and the ground and we're going to come and we're going to plug this in and again notice these little keys these little ridges it will only go in one way in those go and this is a little bit of a tight fit here this is just really really a very very uncomfortably tight fit I didn't remember the last one being like that okay and so now that we get that like that we're going to come down with our thumbs and make sure that that is on it now do you see how it's not completely it doesn't go all the way in but you need to get it like that and then let's see here do you see how those keyed elements are now all the way down but then there is a little bit of gap like that so hopefully that shows you what it should look like man that is really a short cord another few millimeters would have been very helpful on that particular wire all right yeah we got good focus there you guys should be able to read that that's that's nice focus okay and I want you to see here that the power switch should be set to OFF okay the power shoes switch should be set to OFF make sure you didn't accidentally put it too on in your assembly because you want that thing to be off all right and we will move on yeah so now what we're gonna begin working on is we are going to be work begin working on the servo and the ultrasonic sensor okay we're gonna work on the servo and the ultrasonic sensor so you need to get out your ultrasonic sensor there's the ultrasonic sensor and you need to get out your servo now you should know what these things are if you went to went through the Arduino series okay there is the servo our friend mr. servo and our friend mr. ultrasonic sensor and I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by putting the ultrasonic sensor on the servo and to do that you are going to need this little package that says four ultrasonic and these have got some team Nazi little bitty screws in there and you do not want to lose those okay you do not want to lose those and in fact this would be a good time to get out your other two screwdrivers that come with this nice kit the red one and the little bitty t9c terribly small little blue one okay and then also we are going to go ahead and get out this piece that will help us mount all of this stuff to get her all right and I think I'm gonna go ahead while we're here because I don't want to get slowed up later and I'm going to try to get off this paper without slicing an artery have you ever actually seen anyone have arterial cuts on a YouTube video I haven't but it would not be pretty and I don't want to be the first one to do that so using the little exacto knife we were getting one side off okay and I did get not a clean okay that looks pretty clean like that okay and now we'll come to the other side I think half the battle was getting it started good okay that looks like I got that one started pretty good there's something very satisfying about peeling this off if you get it good but I kind of lost it there see if I can get it started again you guys leave a comment down below if you found a better way to get this off or maybe you just leave it on there and kind of go for that retro woody look that would be another option I am struggling with this one I am struggling mightily with this one alright there we go and we have our happy little mounting bracket alright our happy little mounting bracket get this back over here and now we're gonna come back to this piece and what we're gonna do with this piece is we are going to try to Multan the ultrasonic sensor to it and I do believe we will be using those little bitty itsy bitsy terribly teeny-weeny tiny little screws and so what we're gonna do is out of this bag that says for ultrasonics we're going to get the four smallest little screws and nuts and so I'm gonna have to kind of pour everything out into my hand and then it's these little bitty ones that you want one two three that's do you see that there's two different sizes there's a little tiny one and then an intermediate one you want the little tiny ones the itsy-bitsy tiny ones it's three okay that's all four of them and now I need the nuts that go with those which are equally itsy-bitsy tiny and on mine they're the kind of little gray ones but since there's three sizes in here you want to make sure that you get those small ones that match so that's three and that's four okay I do believe that those are right all right so the smallest four bolts and the smallest four nuts now we're gonna get all those other ones back in there before we lose them okay now I want you to get the servo all right I want you to get the servo and then what I want you to do is the servo or the ultrasonic sensor mounts on the flat part do you see the part that has these standoffs okay do you see how the standoffs are built in here you're gonna put this ultrasonic sensor you're going to put the ultrasonic sensor on the side with the standoffs okay I'm just trying as best I can to make sure that you can see those standoffs this side is completely flat you're not going to put it there you're going to put it on the side with the standoffs and then you want that little white connector to go through the hole so now I'm sitting on those standoffs and I'm glad they gave us those stand off so that we would not have to put standoffs in with these tiny screws so now coming from the top we're gonna put those tiny screws in and again I always like to go corner to corner so I'll go opposite corner and then once the opposite corner is in once the opposite corner is in I've got a little bit of a tight fit there okay you know this this hole on this one is not completely cleanly open on the ultrasonic sensor and so it's not like this is just dropping down through so I'm going to get the little blue screwdriver and kind of press on it all right there I think it's going to go now it's just that hole is just not exactly quite big enough in the ultrasonic sensor there okay so now I've got that two opposite corners now I will go to the other corners and I think it's just part of the fabrication there's just a little bit of junk in those holes you've got to kind of mess with them to get this to go through there and now we're going for number four and this is the part of the project where you wish you had little bitty tiny fingers all right now this is actually not very easy because these are so small you just kind of got to do the best you can with it and so you see how my finger is holding it pressed in and then I come from the other side being careful not to cross thread these things and also DC high drop that that's why I want to be in the middle of a nice big build area so that those things do not run off the table and certainly if this thing landed on the carpet that'd be all she wrote you would never find that all right got one on I'm gonna go to the opposite corner here and ooh we dropped it there it is okay trying to get the opposite corner going guys and if you're struggling with this just be calm be patient don't get in a hurry it is not a race it is about learning how to put things together carefully and methodically now I want you to see I got like if I kept going there that one is cross-threaded so it's on there but I got to back it off because it got on there not completely straight take a deep breath okay what I did was I put it on my finger and just put it on there and then got it started I thought I had it started but I didn't okay I am sure I have that sucker started now so the technique that I'm finding that works is to put it on your app put it on your finger like that and okay and then carefully come in from the top get it on there straight and then that starts it did you see that maneuver that maneuver got that job done all right I have one more I've not tightened any of these yet because I'm just trying to get them on there so I'm going to put it on my finger like that and then I'm going to put it like that and then get it on my finger and then like that I do believe I have it so I have all four of those started now I will use the t90 little smallest screwdriver I've ever seen in the world and I lost one I got overconfident and didn't have it on there far enough okay guys I got to give something to focus here the focus continues to be the challenge I used to be a photographer and so I'm very keenly sensitive to focus issues so I got one tight I'm gonna go to the opposite corner tighten the opposite corner and I will go and tighten number three don't want to over tighten but you really want to get it on there snug the other thing if you over tighten it you can actually round the head of the screw and then you won't be able to take it apart or tighten it further so you kind of got to develop a feel for how to do this without stripping things okay I do believe I've got all of those nice and snug now all right so remember that vase that we worked on earlier okay we're gonna need that now because that is going to help us get this whole thing mounted and so what we need to do is we need to get the base and then what we are going to do is the three holes the three holes are towards us and then with the three holes towards us you point the ultrasonic sensor to the right okay you point it that did not make sense yeah the three holes are towards us in the base plate and now the eyeballs are looking to the right and you've got to feed the cord down through the hole and I'll kind of go over it again okay so do you see how the three holes on the mounting plate are pointed towards me point them towards you and then the eyeballs looking to the right and then come down like that okay do you see that the three holes pointing towards you eyeballs pointing towards your right and now we need to go back to the little bag that said four ultrasonic and I think we might have put that in our little ziplock and then four you know or cell box or deducted that was that another perhaps it was its own little okay yes there it is for ultrasonic you see how it's important to stay so organized okay eyeballs looking to your right the three holes pointing towards you and now we need the middle size screws and nuts okay and so now we should have two one two okay these are not the tiny ones okay let me move this back where you can see it these are not the tiny ones that's the tiny one these are the middle sized ones so I'm going to need two of them and then I'm going to need two of the middle size nuts all right I'm going to put this away and before I try to put it together I'm gonna make sure that those fit okay I'm gonna make sure that they fit on there that I've got matching ones because you don't want to try to make you don't want to try to see if they match yeah you see it works but try it before you put it on there because there's still a few of those little bitty ones left and so now what we're gonna do is we are going to come up from the bottom okay we came up through the bottom you see that and now we are going to put it on and guys it's just just know that you'll get it take a deep breath if you get frustrated the more frustrated you get the harder it is going to be to do so we just tell ourselves I have all the time in the world there's not a deadline in wha-la you see how easily that went on if you just don't get stressed out about it okay same thing here up through the bottom and then up through the bottom this part's actually kind of easy but it's getting these very very small nuts on that's hard so I'm going to kind of use the on the end of my finger technique again and this one's kind of particularly hard because it's really really a tight fit and so what do we tell ourselves we tell ourselves we are in no hurry no hurry and just once you get it started ah I was so close I was so close to having it at that time okay I got it so just take your time take your time so we're going to use the world's smallest screwdriver here we're going to tighten that one down we're gonna come over here and we are going to tighten the other one down all right now look at that okay so now we have we are gettin our or getting our servo and our ultrasonic sensor put together you guys who went through the Arduino lessons you should be feeling good you know how to use this ultrasonic sensor and you know how to use the servo so you can see we're basically taking the stuff that was in the Ella goo super starter kit and we are making we're making it work as a team now instead of individual sports we're now making them work as a team okay so now this is going to what is this going to do okay this the wire has to go through the big round hole you see the big round hole it's going to go down through that I think no it is not it is going to go this is what you got to pay attention to it's going to go down through the square hole okay it's gonna go the wire goes down through the square hole and then with the eyeballs pointing towards the front pointing towards your right then everything slides down and then these three holes match up with those three holes so now we've got to come back to the ultrasonic sensor and we got to find those three larger hex bolts okay one two three the three larger ones and now the three larger nuts there is no offset in these so you just have the three larger nuts and the three larger bolts and never assume that these are extras never assume that these are extras because they might be needed later so you got to keep track of those very carefully but now to get the platform mounted to our upper deck okay do you see this we're gonna come down through the top all right you see down through the top down through the top on those three holes all right you see how we have that now now we come on the bottom side where you see side number two pointing up we're gonna come in and try to get these things started and do you see how I'm using my three fingers on the other underside to hold those things in so that one started see if I can get this one started yeah this is going pretty good all right so we're gonna have this top deck and guys be mindful that that servo is very sensitive and so don't put any weight on it you know you don't want to do anything here that would put any stress on it because that would be very very easy to break that little plastic horn on the servo so you've got to be kind of careful at this stage also never spin a servo from the output you only want to drive the servo with an electrical signal so don't come in and turn this with your hands so now we go back to our little green hex driver and we're gonna tighten that down tighten that one down okay that's on there good and then this middle one okay so that's good that's good that's good all right so that is all on there nicely as this is really really coming together very well okay now this servo okay the servo now I'm trying to make sure you can see this we need to feed the wire from side to back up through the hole okay and try to get the kinks out of the wire where it's not kinked up in any way now it's going to come up and do you see on your control board here right here it says servo you see this connector says servo now this my friend you have to get on there the right way and what you have to know is Brown is ground okay do you see the brown wire the brown wire is ground this is one that you can hook up wrong right those other ones only go on in one way this one you could actually hook up wrong so you've got to make sure that Brown goes to GND goes to ground and when you do Brown to ground then the orange wire is on the outside you see it goes orange on the outside red and then brown okay that one my friend you could hook up backwards and if you hooked it up backwards this thing would never work okay I think now we are going to need to come over and in one of these boxes it feels the middle sized box perhaps our middle sized box we need to get nope yep we need to get all these cords out all right if you hook these cords up wrong your project isn't going to work and then you're going to be messaging me in the comments saying mine doesn't work well I can't help you debug it with a hundred and fifty thousand subscribers so all I can do is just show you very very carefully how to do this and then you have to be the one that puts them together right alright so the first one let's do let's cook up the ultrasonic sensor okay let's hook up the ultrasonic sensor right here and what I can see is that is a cable with one two three four pins so I need to find the cable that has four connectors and it looks like this one it's all black em9 okay it has one two three four connectors so I'm going to put the little keyed elements pointing towards the top and then be careful you don't want to come in and just mash this because you could break this off really easily you've got to put counter pressure with your finger over here so that you're not putting any force at all on that servo and so I'm pressing back with my thumb and forward in there but got it in there okay now the good news is there's only one way that it can point it that it can plug into this other connector here and do you see how this one here is labeled ultrasonic right here and there's only one way with those keys that it will go in and so you really cannot too much mess this one up it's labeled ultrasonic and but we got it in there okay where are we gonna go now with this thing where are we gonna go now I think that we now need to go ahead and get the top deck mounted to the bottom deck alright so I want you to see that this is side three okay this is side three and it's pointing up inside one is pointed up now if I am thinking about this correctly the batteries I've got to make sure that we do this right because DC there's one way it could go this way and there's another way that it would go this way and so we've got to make sure what is the front of this backside here and the picture certainly does not make it really really easily easy to see and so we are just going to take our time here let's say I move this yeah okay this is what it is and one in three go together like this so this is the right way and so you see the ultrasonic sensors the ultrasonic sensors are pointing I'm trying to get it where you can see it the ultrasonic sensors are pointing towards the right and if you look down here the heat sink is pointing towards the left this is how it's going to go together but we need to go back and we need to get these brass standoffs okay this here this here the brass standoffs and it says for acrylic base plate okay and this is going to have what you need to get that put together so we're gonna open this up and I think I'm just going to start building from the bottom okay I'm just gonna start building from the bottom if I can and so we should have six of these things so let's go ahead and get them out nice thing about these is they're not around so they don't roll so we're going to get all six of these things out there's all six and now I've really really really hope that there's 12 of these things you know 12 of these 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 yes or 12 scared me because when I just looked at them just mentally it didn't look like 12 so now what we're gonna do is we are gonna just start with number 3 up and then we're gonna come from the bottom and you see how I'm holding that and now I'm just gonna come in and get this started I'm not going to tighten anything yet just sort of just barely hand tighten because you need these things to move around so that everything can be you tighten it after everything is aligned okay so here's number 2 if you get frustrated with this type of thing you've just got to learn to relax and know that you're not in a hurry you're gonna enjoy you got to learn to enjoy doing these things okay and if you start doing it it kind of starts getting satisfying you know you sort of start feeling good because we're making progress we are making progress all right so we got half of them done coming up from the bottom one more here all right like that okay so you see this we got that and we got that we haven't tightened anything yet now we got to think kind of carefully here before we put this top on we got to think about cable management and so I believe there's two cables here that have to be connected one has one two three four five I do believe one two three four five there's a six my goodness there's a cable that has six okay let's see if this is it one two three four five six yeah you want to get the six one you want to get the one with six get your keys lined up right right those two little keys they're lined up with the keys and then boom we're gonna plug that in like that okay make sure you get that all the way in and any time you do this always have a counterforce on the back you see how my fingers are on the back side so you're never stressing the board when you're pressing something in heart and then there's also a two there's a two and similarly there's only one way that it can go in and it goes in this one right here okay and so the keys are gonna line up and then we are gonna press that in now you say what is this one that is left over that is going to go to our old friend don't forget on the back don't forget our old friend the LED monitors that will allow us to do line tracking so we're going to come up through here and now we're gonna put the keys to the top and then we are going to plug this in as such okay you see that and now we are going to again you see how I'm putting counter pressure don't do it like this because you could snap the thing off always give counter pressure on the other side because that's just kind of a little piece of plastic that's just on there barely if you push that hard you could pop that connector off okay so you want to be careful now we're going to pop this over and it does look like this goes up to that sensor goes up to the top deck and I think this is going to go to the top deck and this is going to go to the top deck so you see we've got three wires that have got to come up through here into the top deck right now with this I think we can go ahead we don't have to hook these up yet but we just got to make sure that they're all through okay so you see the three of these one two three these three bundles of wires are all up and now you see I have the one and I have the three the one is above the three if you've been following along and again I'm going to connect these corner and then corner so I'm going to come here and try to get this first corner in and just hand tighten it just get it don't even hand tight it just get it where it's completely started and then we're going to come over here to the opposite corner and we're going to get this one in not even hand tight and it just get it where it doesn't come out and now we're going to go to the other outside one okay just get it started and now to the other corner like that and now we're gonna do the two Center ones here and I had it out I put it out and it is right here okay so I've got them all started now now remember we did not tighten anything yet okay so now on the top side I'm going to just hand I'm just going to finger tighten it down on all of them just finger tighten it and we got to remember we didn't tighten the bottom one so we're gonna have to go in and do that but the reason you don't tighten them the first time around is because you want them if you tighten it you might not get alignment for one of the other ones so you kind of want to tighten issue go carefully so that you don't end up putting something where like the opposite corner doesn't want to align okay I'm gonna now go ahead and start I'm not trying to make it tight I'm just trying to get it down down I'm not tightening it yet I'm just getting it where it's kind of stopped spinning I'll come back later and tighten okay now we're going to come to the underside and we're actually going to tighten so I'm going to come here and I'm going to tighten it like again sort of like an eighth of a turn after it stops just try to give like an eighth of a turn don't force it an eighth of a turn corner to corner right eighth of a turn now we're going to come and do the last to the center once eighth of a turn and eighth of a turn now guys be mindful don't scratch these things up like when I put it this way don't be dragging it along on the thing now when we have the wheels on it's not going to be a problem but right now just make sure that you're not scratching up or messing up this board on the underside our line follower okay now we're gonna go here and we are going to tighten this corner eighth of a turn come over here opposite corner eighth of a turn now we go here eighth of a turn here in the bottom eighth of a turn and now we do the two inside once they're in there wow guys look at this this is really looking great I am excited okay now we got three wires to hook up three bundles to hook up and I think there's only one way that they can hook up I've got the one empty spot that says the L 298 in power and so this two wire connector is going to go there be mindful of those two little keys those two little ridges and then this will come in now we got that all right and now we will do this one which is the five in the five one it's going to go to the line tracker and same thing just make sure the key goes in to the slots and then boom we've got that and now I have the one remaining one which is the L 298 in control and that is the big one right that is the big one that's going to go in and try to press them down on both sides at the same time again notice how when I'm doing this my thumb is underneath here so I'm not putting any stress on the mechanical components I'm always squeezing like this you never come in like this you always squeeze like that that is a pro tip hey I do believe that we are ready I do believe that we are ready to put the wheels on okay and guess the wheels actually are probably one of the trickier things that you got to do and this is like the one thing that acts on assorted don't like because the wheels are plastic and we're driving a screw into plastic and that is a formula or stripping things out and if you strip if you strip these wheels they will never be on their type so the trick is that you tighten it enough that it is tight but you don't go a little bit more and then strip out strip out the screw because you're driving a screw into plastic and that is a formula for disaster so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and press these on their keyed okay do you see how they're keyed you've got to make sure that you start with them lined up you kind of get them lined up and then I'm gonna try to put my finger down underneath it so I'm not putting my cynical screw dress and again I squeeze ok did you see how I always have my finger on the opposite side so I'm not putting any mechanical stress I am lining it up and then I am trying to line it up there it is and then BOOM okay so I got two on there and we have a problem did we do that wrong all the way back that is on there too tight you know what we might have done we might have made ourselves a mistake in here let's see something about these motors is not right so I'm going to take these off and guys no matter how careful we are we can indeed make mistakes but we can correct this pretty quickly I do believe okay all right you see the mistake that we made do you see these are opposite these are sticking out and they should have gone in the other way alright so what I'm going to need to do is take the top deck off and we were being so careful about our orientations that's okay we will correct we'll just have to see how much of this we have to take apart to get those things going the right way we'll probably have to untie a couple of those wires particularly the ones that are going from the top deck to the bottom deck okay so let's look here so these wires that are coming from the bottom deck we're going to unplug so that is going to be the power that is going to be the servo now the servo we can leave plugged in i think the servo we can leave plugged in and then this big six wire one comes like this okay that comes out and then this 1 2 3 4 5 r1 and try to get your thumbnails try to pick it try to pop it up from both sides at the same time boy these go in easier than they come out don't think let me show you one thing guys I'm glad this happened because there's really some important learning here that you can do you can't grab the wires and pull them out you have to pull them out by the little plastic piece because if you pull the wires it's just going to pull the wires loose so you have to use your thumbnail underneath that little lip and you've got to try to bring them both out at the same time in there we have it so now we have this okay now this is the problem these are backwards they need to be flipped around so we are going to have to do a little correction here and we are going to have to take this off like this okay and then it's going to need to come in like this all right now I am a little bit frightened now I'm a little bit frightened about whether I'm gonna be able to get in there on that okay I don't think I can so I'm gonna have to take the motor off from the backside all right this was a unfortunate error now the question did you guys make the error - like I did or did you see that it was wrong but it's not unusual to make a mistake like this okay so now we gotta get in here alright and then we will come from the other side all right we will put that back on and this is where I just got to take a deep breath and relax because you see how now I'm getting nervous because I made a mistake and I feel under time pressure and I feel bad that I made the mistake but what we got to do is we just got to slow down because this mistake that was made we can correct okay we can correct it but if we strip a screw or if we break something we will not be able to correct that so we just need to take a deep breath get a sip of coffee and we need to relax okay now what we have to remember now is is that the motor part points to the outside right the motor part points to the outside and the wires go to the inside like that okay now we are going to come in and we're going to come back up from the bottom and connect the motor back through that little aluminum bracket and this is something again this is driving a screw into aluminum and there it is possible to strip it so here we want to go nice and easy okay nice and easy on the underside like that snug but don't strip it okay so we're gonna we're gonna take a deep breath right we're gonna take a deep breath now this one we're gonna have to do the same thing so I'm going to go ahead over here we're going to loosen these two because we know we can't get to that bottom one with the hex nut with them mounted I think I got an idea on the other one how we can do it a little better I'm realizing an easier way for the other two to correct this but I'll show you that in a minute all right so we're gonna wait see okay I'm just gonna take one all the way out and then I think I can spin it around like this and then trying to get too fancy let's just take it off not getting a hurry here all right now what is the problem the problem is these are in backwards you know I had somebody get really mad at me you remember I don't know if you guys have done my Jetson nano lessons but when I put that yah boom case together I put it together wrong and then we had to take it apart and REE put it together and that really made someone mad they said you should have done the video over well man stuff happens right stuff happens and we can correct and we can go back so don't hate me because this didn't work you know I did not make this mistake on the first one that I put together but I did make like five other mistakes alright so again we're coming like that and as I'm looking at the pictures the instructions do show it correctly but man I just did not catch it on the build but what we are going to do is wires on the inside wires pointing towards the inside motor on the outside and now we will come back up through here with these little guys let's see if we can get that started okay and now we'll get the other one started and then we will tighten it up and then we got two of them done okay and with two of them done we can just relax and know that we are gonna get this done we got Poli probably cost us like ten minutes do you think that'll be okay ten minutes like I say this one went way way way faster than the first one did way way faster because the the the instructions are accurate the instructions are accurate but it's just hard to kind of orient the picture with your physical platform it's kind of hard okay so now we got those done now this one let's see okay I got to come off I got to take it off the bottom first okay right take take the bottom coming from the bottom got to take it off now I do have a little trick that I'm going to show you here I realize that we can do this a little bit quicker even though we're not in a rush take that off take this off now watch this you see now we can loosen this one I think from right here okay so we're not going to have to take this forth motor bracket off because we can loosen it here because the other motor is out of the way we can just do it like this okay so do you see how I'm just working on the motor so I will take this and now I will come from this side and then this one I will take off like that try to hang on to it and then come down through there and guys I've not been mindful make sure that you're not putting weight on the servo and on the ultrasonic sensor on the other side and that's what I mean about not getting in a hurry that you don't want to do something where you get in a hurry and you end up breaking that servo horn or the ultrasonic sensor so that goes on there I heard that thing drop so we are looking for these screw that run off the nut that ran off okay it did not hear this okay did not go to the ground so we don't have to worry that we lost it but now we do have to come over here and get this one on the bottom and that is going to be a little bit tricky but I really believe that I can do it okay so that bottom one is indeed gonna be a little bit tricky but I think if I just put it like that and then turn it from the other side ladies and gentlemen I believe that I have it on there yes okay do you see I have those on there now the right way so now we will come back over here and we will tighten from the outside so I got to hold my finger and tighten it and then hold my finger in there on the bottom one I'm just tightening these two side screws that's tight and not the top on that's tight all right so now of our problems we have three of the four motors fixed in this one here okay we still need to flip around so the nut the darn little nut needed to go on the inside and we put it on the outside so we will flip it right where now the bolt comes through and the nut goes next to the aluminum bracket like that okay how many of you guys there's three different ways you could have done it realize that I was doing it wrong and yet still did it the wrong way like I was doing yet ignored my instructions and did it the right way or just followed me and didn't even notice that it was wrong okay so here we come like this and then now on the metal bracket side we're gonna put it there and let's not we're so close let's not make another mistake let's stop and let's tighten these things down snugly tighten tightened okay that you don't want to tighten too much because you probably could break this class plastic if you put it on there with too much grunt a little grunt but not a lot alright now we're going to need again the wires to the inside in the motor pointing forward we're so close now so close all right so now we need two more of these little guys up through here the wires out of the way get it started okay so that is almost started make sure your wires don't get pinched between the motor and the lower deck all right now because if we get in a hurry that could happen now we'll get this other one all right I wonder if the Elega people watch this and are yelling and screaming and cursing me for putting their kit together wrong no I think they know that it can take a time or two sometimes to get these things going okay we are so close so close tighten it tighten it but don't strip it okay snug and a little bit more I'm gonna check all of these now just because you don't want to like get into this thing and as we're moving forward have a screw fall out these are really nice and snug okay so now all that's done so we are back to here and now I just check everything get all of our cables guys look and make sure that we didn't pull look and make sure that we didn't pull a cable out and so kind of go back and just confirm that all of those cables are plugged in on your lower deck upper deck comes on and we have our cables through here that we need our three cables that we still need to plug in okay and I let me do a little bit of cable management here I need to just get these things lined up all right so here we go and now we got to make sure to get this oriented right so we're going to come back one is on the right and three is on the right and now we are ready to try to get this back together so again be careful we're going to start on a corner and we're not tightening we're just getting it started we go to the opposite corner we're not tightening we're just getting it started okay that started now we're gonna go to this corner get it started opposite corner always going corner to corner alright get it started and now we have two more for the center ones and we'll get that started okay and now we'll get this started alright now we can get our little front hex driver out and we can don't tighten but just get them down where they're all the way in and then we'll come back again to tighten okay we are not tightening we are just getting them in okay one more okay we're gonna go around one more time and we're gonna put like about an eighth of a turn tightening on them okay there you go you don't want to crack that plastics you don't want to give it all your force for one corner to corner on these things and now we will finish up with the center ones and now I believe what we need to do is we need to plug these wires in this was power alright and there's only one left that has two so we will plug that in there and then there is only one that has six just get your keys in the right area in the right orientation and get that in and now we only have one that has five and just line your keys up the right way and get those things in boom all right that is together now we're back to where we were 10 or 15 minutes ago and we've got to go back to that set of screws that was for the wheels and I believe I put them away nicely here yep okay we have got those for long they're like wood screws okay the four long wood screws let me get them here you can clearly see them the four long looks like wood screws and again guys this is where we really really really have to be careful because we are driving these wood screws into a piece of plastic and if you tighten those too much you're going to strip that piece of plastic and then there is no recovering from that unless I guess you went in and you actually bought a new a new motor and so this is a pretty big deal to get this right and to make sure those are okay those are good okay so we're gonna come and I'm gonna go around and put the wheels on first and you want to make sure again I'm trying to hold from the backside and you want to make sure that it's on there flush that you don't want it on there like this or like this and so you want to get it all the way on there flush I'm gonna put all four on there before I put the screws in okay so there's two flip it over and I'm gonna kind of press down because I don't want the wheel on there wampie job because then the thing will not drive well and the last thing you want is a robot with a bum wheel okay again I'm finding myself needing to relax and take a deep breath I feel like this video is getting long and so I'm starting to rush it's okay if video is a little bit long I don't want to rush this we are so close okay and now one last one I'm gonna press I'm gonna press okay now this is the critical step we're gonna get that down and then we're going to use the little red screwdriver and we're gonna start driving until it gets all the way down you see I'm looking with my eye there at that gap and I want to go till that gap is gone and also press down you don't want to just spin you want to really be pressing down so you're helping that go in because you don't want it to strip before the gap is gone okay now the gap between the screw and the yellow is gone stop now I want to do the same thing here and I'm kind of pressing down I'm kind of pressing down on this and this one it's not wanting to go so this one you might have this when you pull this wheel off you don't want to pull you don't want to pull it like this or like this you've got to pull it from both sides at the same time and this one did not want to take the screw and let's see why okay it should I just gave it a little help there getting it started alright so this time it should go so let's come back on here okay now that is all the way on now we're going to come in and hope this screw goes this time maybe it wasn't lined up perfectly it's going very nicely this time and I'm watching with my eye until the gap between the screw and the yellow hub the gap is gone and I stop because man there is nothing that is more unfun than having a robot where a wheel is going like that so we really want to get these tight but we don't want to strip that thread okay I'm watching the gap the gap is gone and I stop we have one more and this one okay there it goes I think it's just it was it wasn't hitting the hole okay so now this one I'm pressing down the gap is gone and we stopped the boom we have a fully assemble car all right let's go ahead and we're gonna try this thing get your little remote out we're gonna see if we hooked it up yet man this is the moment of truth all right do you see on this let's see do you see on this there's a little tab here you got to pull that out so it'll turn on all right now also you've got to come over here and you've got to come you see how the switches off you got to turn it on I see a happy little green light I see a happy little red light that makes me happy to see that and then do you see this arrow to the right we're gonna point it down at the IR module do you see how we're pointing it down and now we're gonna press that right arrow Shazam look at that okay the fact that it's spun around means that we have things hooked up right okay that means that we have things hooked up right so guys this has been a little bit of a long lesson a little bit of a tedious lesson but we have our most excellent Ella goo smart car version 3.0 fully assemble look at that and we know that we nominally have it connected correctly nominally it's connected correctly because it's spun which means all the motors were running in the right direction and if we cross those wires in there it would not have made a nice spin like that so Wow guys we have made some excellent progress today okay what your homework assignment this is gonna be an easy homework assignment your homework assignment for next week is to take your USB cable that came with this take your USB cable that came with this and go charge your battery so the way you charge the battery is you take the USB cable first of all let's not do any more damage let's turn this off and then you want to bring your USB cable in over here I've got to make sure you get it this is one of those little micro USBs and so you want to get it in the right direction and get it plugged in okay and guys always I can't emphasize this enough you put your thumb on this side and then press from the other side never put mechanical stress on it okay and now what I want you to do is go over and plug this into your USB on your computer and that will allow you to charge your battery so we'll start next week with a nice fully charged battery all right hey what is my evaluation after putting together two of these smart cars really like God that Elega did on this I mean I liked how everything lined up everything was in an orientation where you could get it assembled really really really liked everything about it there's two suggestions that I'm gonna make give us a little wrench that will fit the nuts okay give us a little wrench it'll fit the nuts because there were a couple of times I just wanted a little more tighten on it then what I could get by holding with my thumbnail so give us a little tiny wrench and then the other thing is I really don't like how much stress is on this wire you see how it's really bending the wire and there is no play in it at all and it's almost like it's trying to pull those wires out of that connector give us a half give us five more millimeters on the length of that wire and give us a little wrench but those are very minor complaints that I have ok so next week what we're going to do is we're going to probably start trying code this thing up we're gonna start trying to code this thing up next week start trying to program it but I have had a lot of fun building this I hope you enjoyed putting this together with me as much as I enjoyed making this video if you enjoyed the video think about giving us a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed to the channel already subscribed to it make sure you ring that bell so you'll get notifications when my future videos come out and I will bid you all adieu and see you next week palma quarter from top tech boy calm I will talk to you guys later
Channel: Paul McWhorter
Views: 30,357
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Id: v9TxES35wIw
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Length: 86min 8sec (5168 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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