AI on the Jetson Nano LESSON 2: Learning the Linux Terminal and Command Line

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hello guys this is Paul McWhorter from top tech boy comm and we're here today with lesson number two in our incredible new tutorial series where you are going to learn artificial intelligence on the Jetson Nano what I'm going to need you to do is pour yourself a nice big mug of iced coffee and I'm going to need you to get your gear out now if you tuned in to lesson number one you should already have your gear fully assembled if you don't have your equipment yet look down in the description below and I have links to all the hardware that we're using on projects like this it's very helpful if we are using identical hardware and you can see what I'm using and see links to it down in the description also want to thank all you guys who are helping me out over at patreon there's a link in the description to my patreon account really appreciate you guys helping me out gives me the motivation to continue to try to put out exceptional educational material but enough of that nonsense let's jump right in and talk about what we're going to learn today so we're kind of the theme of this series of lessons is artificial intelligence for the absolute beginner and one of the things that I found that was very difficult about the kind of field of artificial intelligence it's a very hard nut to crack it's a very hard world to kind of break into because it seems like the people who know what they're doing are all talking to each other and the rest of us really don't know what they're talking about and so I found it very difficult to kind of break into this field and so what my goal with this series of lessons is is to take a person who's smart and willing to work hard and kind of show you step-by-step how to learn this stuff and because of that I'm going to kind of start at the absolute beginning and so what we're going to learn today is we're going to become comfortable operating from the Linux terminal and operating from the command line now if we come from a Windows world we're very used to the graphical user interfaces where we have folders and folders inside of folders and if we want to start an application we click on it and everything is point-and-click well if you open up in Booch or Linux operating system you will see that type of graphical interface but when you really go in and start programming and start opera interacting with the operating system really quickly you can't do it with the folders you've got to do it from the terminal and in the command line and so that's kind of what we're gonna do today is we're gonna get you familiar and get you comfortable operating from the terminal now if you already know how to do this then that's okay this will be review or if you're already an expert then you're not going to get much out of this lesson but kind of like I really don't want to leave anyone behind and I know a lot of you guys are not coming into this with Linux experience and so we're gonna spend a couple of lessons getting used to in getting comfortable with Linux so unless a number 12 in lesson number one we got our equipment all assembled and we got to the first boot and so we booted up in Linux and then the first lesson also we kind of configured things to like make it a one-click machine and to make it where we didn't have to type in our password every time we were going to do a command so if you haven't done lesson number one go back and do it but for those of you who have we are gonna jump in here and I kind of left a mess here from as I was practicing for this video I do sometimes practice before I actually do it because I get a little rusty on some of these things as well so what I need you to do is boot up your system and you should have a screen like this I just put the Nano up here as an inset that's actually a live shot of it so you can see the Nano as you're working on the Nano just think that's kind of neat but the thing that you can see is the thing that you would be comfortable with already with your Linux operating system if you click on this file cabinet you can see that a window will pop open in that window has folders in it and you can click on those folders and those folders will have other folders in it so this is a lot like Windows where you have kind of this file hierarchy where you have Windows or you have folders inside of folders inside of folders so it's sort of like this hierarchy of folders so you're very comfortable with that well the thing to see is is that it would Sui start operating from the command terminal and we start operating from the the terminal in the command line that same structure is still there but instead of thinking of it as folders we call them directories and so let's just jump right in and see if we can become comfortable with this how do we get to the terminal how do we get to the command line you just point at the desktop right mouse click and you say open terminal ok now we have a terminal open I'm gonna make this as big as I can where you can see it okay make sure that I don't get it off the screen get this thing sized and remember last remember last week I made my font bigger so this font is probably bigger than your font is but it'll make it easy for you to see as we go through this lesson so let's jump right in when you open this up you're gonna open it up in your home directory okay you're gonna open it up in your home directory now what is in your home directory you're gonna learn your first Linux command to look at what is in your present directory the directory that you're in you type in LS okay for like lists and those little blue words are folders so you can see that I have the folder inside my home directory or the directories inside my home directory Desktop download music public videos documents and that other one examples top desktop that is not a folder that's a file then I have pictures and templates ok how would I go into one of those directories well I do CD for change directory and I could go into music you have to type it it's case sensitive so you notice the uppercase M so change directory to music okay do you see now where it says I'm in slash music that means that I am in that music directory so if I do an LS now there's nothing in it okay now I'm kind of down in this how do I get back the way that you get back is by going up and the command for up is change directory and then dot dot that takes you up one so now if I do LS you can see I'm back in my home directory right where we started so let's try that again let's go to documents I'm gonna go change directory to documents and then I'm gonna do an LS look at that that one's empty too how do I go back up change directory dot dot okay so you can go down by just saying CD change directory and then the name of the folder that you are seeing let's try that one more time change directory desktop LS oh look there's a bunch of stuff in there so that's interesting we found some stuff now how do we go back change directory dot docx all right so now I'm kind of in my little world my little directory and I'm going down and I'm going up but there's a lot more out there than just my directory remember we're folders inside of folders inside of folders what you need to understand is that there's the concept of the root directory in the root directory is the folder that's at the very very top how do we get to root well it's the slash if you start with a slash that takes you to root so if I just say change directory CD and a slash that is going to take me to the very very top folder now let's see what's in there this is a lot of stuff that we really should not be messing with ok we need to work in our own little world to begin with our home directory but this has taken us all the way to the root how do we get back to our directory well we could do CD and then home ok CD home and now I'm going to do an LS and look at that PJM that was my username in lesson number one when you set this up you gave yourself a username you're not PJM so it will be whatever your username is okay so how do we get into that directory which is our home directory CD and then PJ in yeah LS look I'm back in my home directory okay now let's go back CD to the root directory CD / ok and you guys I hope you can see that let me move this up just a little bit to make sure that that label isn't covering up when I'm typing okay I did see these slash that takes me back to root now you don't have to do it once you know one level at a time you can do it all at once so let's say I want to go back home I can say CD and then I can say space I can say home and then /pj in and now do LS boom alright I'm back to my home directory now the thing is that you have to see is is that if you start with a CD and then just a word you will be going down from your present location so if I just said CD music that means start in my present directory and start going down but if you start with a slash that slash takes you all the way back up to the root so I could say CD music and that will take me to music but if I say CD and a slash that takes me all the way to the top so now if I want to get back down I'm gonna have to say home slash PJM and then LS that took me back to my home directory when I was in music what was another way that I could have gotten to my home directory CD dot dot okay so we're just gonna kind of keep doing this so you get comfortable with navigating this filesystem okay so that you get comfortable navigating this filesystem okay so let's go back to the root so how do I go to the root CD / LS you can see that I'm in the root alright now one of the things I want you to see is there is a shortcut back to your home directory now I could do CD slash home slash PJM okay and I would be in it but the squiggly is a shortcuts so I can go CD and then squiggly and that will take I mean CD space squiggly and that will take me back I say LS you can see that we're back in our home directory alright well let's go back to root root CD / ok you can use that squiggly in the path so I can say CD and then I can see say squiggly /downloads I believe there was something in downloads right and then LS no downloads was one of the empty ones but I am in downloads let's say that you're not sure where you are you can always get your complete path with the command PWD and you see that shows that I am in slash home slash p JM slash download so if you ever kind of get lost and aren't exactly sure where you are who is your friend PWD that's like path I'm not sure what the WD is but the PWD will show you your complete path okay so let's go I'm in downloads what if I want to go to music in one step if I want to go to music in one step I can say CD what would I need I would need to go up one and then I would need to go to music okay LS I'm in music what how could I go to downloads okay I could go to downloads now by saying CD dot dot and then slash downloads or I could say CD and I could say squiggly /downloads okay you see I'm in downloads now if I wanted to go to music what's I could go dot dot down to music I could go squiggly slash music or I could do all the way to route slash always takes you back to route that leading slash takes you to route home slash p JM / music okay LS I'm in music you see how easy it is now I know you're used to using windows and going click-click click-click but you see how once you kind of get used to this command line you love it because it's fast and you can do things really really really quick so we know dot dot is up slash takes you to route okay let's let's try something here I'm gonna go CD and then I'm gonna go to route okay now if I wanted to go to home since I am in route already I could say CD and I could say slash Ruth go to home okay and then LS you can see that I'm at home let's go back up CD dot dot but I could also do CD home because since I'm already now in route I don't have to put the leading slash if I put the leading slash or not it doesn't matter the slash says go to route if I don't put the slash in this case I'm already in route and I can just drop down to home okay this is pretty neat isn't it let's go change directory PJM this is something you're really comfortable with I hope you guys will play around with this and get where you're really comfortable another neat command is as this thing starts getting messy my command my my terminal starts getting messy I can just do a clear and it will clear it okay that's just a neat little neat little tip that you can get for free okay let's think of some other Linux things that we can learn I'm just going to kind of do two or three lessons on Linux and so you learned a little bit about how to navigate through that filesystem now how do we install software well one of the ways that you install software is I can say apt apt get install okay apt - get install now one of the things if we're going to write a program or if we're going to do things we need an editor and there's like an editor that's on the that comes with the Jetson but I want us to go back kind of old-school and one of the old school editors in Linux is Nano and so that's a completely different Nano than the Jetson Nano the Jetson Nano doesn't have anything to do with the editor Nano they just happen randomly to have the same name but I want to get that nano editor and so I'm gonna say app get install now you have to be on the internet because it's gonna go out and you know have to go out and get that so I'm going to say app get install Nano okay ooh it doesn't like it it says permission denied unable to acquire the package because it's locked are you route this is saying hey buddy I don't know who you are PJM you don't have the credentials to change this system so what do you have to do you have to give it the Super User come in S you do okay and then app get install Nano now since we took the password requirement in Lesson number one where you don't have to put the password in every time you give a sudo command it's not going to ask me for a password it should just do it so I'm going to say sudo saying I am the super user app get install Nano okay look at that it's reading it it's trying to configure it it's going in sometimes it ask you if you really want to install it and if it asks you if you really want to install it you can say yes but in this case it didn't okay it looks like that I it looks like that it did that so let's just say Nano and then we'll just say T s T dot txt just see if we can open up yep it's there okay now I just want to get out of it without saving so ctrl X closes Nano but that was our text editor what if I wanted to uninstall this right you don't go like in Windows to that command thing into it to that in programs install uninstall you do it from the command line so we're going to go ahead and put in sudo and I'm going to say remove and what am I going to remove nano ooh sudo oh I'm sorry sudo apt-get remove nano so just like you apt-get install you apt-get remove and I am using sudo okay it looks like it's going to do it it says are you sure you want to continue yes I want to continue okay so many many programs can be installed using the app git command alright but we actually do want Nano so let's go in and put it in again so sudo and then we're gonna say app get install Nano are you starting to have fun yet I love operating from the command line okay this is going to install Nano okay that's ready to go now you see the little squiggly there so you can see that we're home but let's just do PWD to make sure oops PWD and you can see that I am in the home slash PJM so I'm gonna say LS and you can see my folders ok or my directories I got to stop using the word folders I need to start using the word directory okay what if we want a new directory in here guys as you're getting started make your directories in play in your own little home directory don't go up to root and start building things and doing things operate in your home directory ok so let's just make one I want to make a directory that I call scratch which is just one for me to play around and so I'm gonna make a directory called stret scratch so how do I do that m'kay for make dir make directory what do I want to call it scratch ok what would you do now what command LS look at that there scratch what could I do I could change directory down into scratch ok now what can I do now that I'm in scratch I can make a list of my dogs how would I do that I would say Nano which is my text editor and then what is the file name dogs let's say my dogs dot txt now this isn't magic you could put anything dot anything ok but since I'm gonna use good habits and if it's just a text file I'm gonna call it dot txt and that helps me keep track things okay so nano my dogs text let's see I had a dog called spook I had a dog called Susie I had a dog called little sweet I had a dog called Elmo I had a good dog called ginger and these were pretty much my dogs for my life okay now this is a file that we're editing with a text editor how do I save it ctrl oh okay ctrl o saves it and do you see it says filename to write to my dog stop text well if I just hit enter yes it will save it there now how do I leave ctrl X now what would you do down here in my scratcher where am I PWD where I'm I I'm in slash home slash p JM /scratch now let's do LS look at that my dog sawed text what if I wanted to look at my dogs dot txt I could do a cat catalogue it my dogs dot txt and that shows me what's in there spook Suzy little sweet Elmo and ginger all right let's see what we should do how about if I do a nano and my caps dot txt so this will be a new file and I say I do not have cats I do not like cats cats cats are evil and cannot be trusted okay how do I save it ctrl o enter and now how do I leave ctrl X what I have now I've got olw I meant LS I've got my cats dot txt and my dogs txt what can I do I can cat my cats txt I can what did I do wrong I can cat and then my cats dot txt and I do not have cats okay so you see I can look at it I could go in and edit it again hmm so I've got I've got some stuff there how about this I'm getting you comfortable with nano I'm getting comfortable with the files and then we need to create some files so we can start manipulating them so don't hate on me right I said this is for absolute beginners all right so let's do nano and I'm gonna do my oh I messed up nano nano and then my cars dot txt my cars txt all right so what did I have I had a Honda Civic when I was in high school and then I bought a Nissan pickup as I was finishing college and then I married my wife and we got an Audi 5000 s and then I started doing well as a engineer so I got a Mercedes Mercedes 450sl and I accidentally hit control what do i do what do I do to cancel control see okay 450 SL convertible and then I was really doing well so I got my wife a Jag you are and then we got a Humvee and then I just decided these flashy cars were just not they were just lot of worry a lot of angst and so then I started getting Toyotas so we got a Toyota pickup a Toyota pickup and now I have a Toyota Camry because I'm just interested in reliable transportation at this point how do I save this can trol Oh enter how do I get out control X okay now how do I look at what's in there LS all right so I've got my cars my cat's my dogs dot txt all right so let's write a Python program okay so let's write a quick Python program first of all let's see if python is installed so if I just say Python look at that you see that arrow arrow arrow that takes me into a line-by-line Python interpreter what if I say print let's see and you see how this is in Python 2.7 how do so if I say here I would say print and then in quotes hello world in quotes in quotes alright then what does it do it prints hello world but I really don't want Python 2.7 so I'm gonna go ctrl D I hope I will go ctrl D that didn't work ctrl C okay it's ctrl c ctrl c gets you out of the python interpreter so let's look okay there we are and I really want Python three point six or seven so I think I could type in Python three and that takes me to the interpreter three point six point eight so to print in that you have to use parentheses and then the quotes and hello or world and then close your parentheses and it prints that I could also say greeting is equal to hello world world okay and then I could say print greeting no quotes around greeting because it's a variable now look at that hello world boom I am writing Python commands from the Python line-by-line interpreter how do I leave that control see I believe was the magic one man I'm having trouble maybe this one it's ctrl D could it be in one it's control D and the others control C I looks like control D works on this one okay so now let's see if we wanted to write a Python program what would we do well we edit it in nano but this time instead of calling it something dot txt we call it something dot pi okay so I would go Nano and I'm gonna call it greeting dot P Y Nano greeting dot py how does that sound all right and then what I'm going to say is I'm going to say my greeting is equal to the string in quotes hello world hello world and then I'm going to say print I'm gonna run this in Python 3 and so I will put the open parenthesis no quotes around my greeting because my greeting is a variable it's not a string so I mean it's a variable name it's not the actual string so then I'm just gonna print my oh my goodness I keep hitting the control where am I here I think I hit help so let's see let's see if I hit control-c takes me out okay ctrl C takes you out of that if you get in trouble so I'm gonna print my greeting okay like that and then I'm gonna enter how do I write it I save it with ctrl o and then enter and then ctrl X gets me out how do I run the Python program I say Python 3 and then greeting dot pi look at that hello world boom we ran a Python program and this is only lesson 2 and you just wrote a simple Python program and ran it I just spilled coffee all over myself okay so we wrote a Python program well let's go over to our music folder how would I do that change directory dot dot slash music right now how would I run that Python program when I'm sitting in the music folder without switching back over there well I would say Python 3 and now I have to give it the path what's the path well I want to go up 1 dot dot and then slash down into scratch and then run what I want to run pre-teen dot pi oh no such file or directory what mistake SCR a TCH no such file greeting PI this is most peculiar let's see if I can list oh I put a space between Python and 3 that is going to be the problem so let's come back over here backspace that space out I hope you guys didn't do that and so I'm sitting in music and let's see if I can run from the other folder look at that hello world boom ok so what's another way that I could get back to my scratch I could say CD instead of dot dot I'm gonna go home with the squiggly you see I'm just showing you there's a lot of different ways to do this and then down into scratch ok LS look at this I now have greetings dot pod my cars dot txt my cats dot txt my dogs dot txt ok let's go change direct or let's go Nano and let's make another Python program let's say cats dot pi ok and then I'm going to say message is equal to shift cats are evil cats are evil and then I'm going to say print and I am going to run Python 3 so we use the parentheses and then message okay and then how do I save ctrl o enter ctrl X and now I'm going to Python 3 I'm in the same directory so I can just say Python 3 cat stop PI and then it runs the program cats or evil boom ok so I have got to I've got to Python programs and I have three text files ok and let's see you know did you notice how I made let's do an LS here all right so you notice how I made cats my cats with an uppercase e and then cats with the lowercase e what if I wanted to rename that file what if I wanted to rename cats with an uppercase C what I could do is a move so I could say move cats dot tie to cats top PI so the way you rename things in Linux is you do a move like move it from the old name to the new name ok and then if I do LS look at that the old one is gone and the new one is there right so move will move it from this name to the other name well what if I wanted them both well then I could do a copy CP copy and I want to copy cats top PI 2 cats dot PI now I'm making a copy CP LS look at that I have little cats dot PI and I have uppercase cat stock pot so you can move and it changes the name or you can copy okay what if this was a song and I wanted to put it in music well I could move cats dot by - where do I want to go up one dot dot where to music and then cat stop I like that ooh oh I put muses it's the music okay so backspace like that so I'm moving it and now I do an LS and that cats is gone how can I look in that directory without going over there I can say LS and then let's go all the way to the top slash home slash p JM / music and we're LS in that you see I'm just trying to show you don't get in a rut there's a lot of different ways to go around okay and there's my cat's thought pot I forgot what that was how can I look at it without editing it in nano I can cat it this is well this is kind of cat is in catalog okay so I can cat what do I want a cat well I want to go up one I want to go I shouldn't have done that that's going to be confusing cat is a Linux command for catalog okay so I want a catalog up one slash music and then slash uppercase cats dot PI and then it will show me what was in that file so cat shows you what's in the file in this case cat showed me what was in the cat's file let's bring it back so what do we want to do we want to move and I want to move now I really don't want that upper case cats what if I just want to get rid of it if I want to get rid of it I use the RM for remove so I could say remove what I want to remove gotta tell it where it is it is in I could go dot dot to get back to home or I could say go to squiggly slash music and then what I want to remove I want to remove cats dot tie okay now I want to LS squiggly slash music and this should be what empty okay because I got rid of the file there does this make sense let's think of what we have learned today we've learned if you want to go to route you / if you have a leading slash that always goes to route if you don't have a leading slash it's relative to the folder that you're presently in LS is gives you a list of what's in the directory CD is change directory and then you've learned the different things associated with the path name you have learned that you can clean things up with clear okay that's a good thing you've learned that you can install programs with sudo apt-get and then install the program name or sudo apt - git remove will remove a program all right a couple of things here that's really important in Linux do not put spaces in your file names so don't do something like okay I'm in scratch let's go CD dot dot and then do LS don't do make directory my space cats whatever you do don't put a space in a file name or a directory name if you want to do something like that what you would want to do is let's see hold on okay so let's uh let's say that if you wanted to make a make a directory of my animals you wouldn't go my animals and the thing is Windows is so sloppy it encourages you to just do really horrible things like put spaces in your folder names or your file names or make like file names that are this long don't do that ok make simple descriptive names but you wouldn't do my animals you would do what I like to do is bumpy font my animals that is perfectly good my animals like that that's probably the way I would do it you could also do my animals like that with a dash or you could do my animals my animals underscore right so you can use an underscore you could if you wanted to just say my aunt and and mauls but do you see how that's a little harder to read and so I think if I were gonna make it I would say my animals okay like that now let's do an LS and you can see there is my animals alright I really don't want that so how can I get rid of it well you would do an RM remove directory just like I did a make directory remove directory my animals and I can remove a directory now if I do an LS it's not there okay let me make a make directory and let's say oh I didn't put a file name make directory and I'm just gonna say stuff okay LS there is stuff let's go change directory stuff and then let's Nano and I'm gonna say brands ok brands and then I'm going to say like Clark make shoes Levi makes jeans and that's good how do I save it ctrl o enter and then ctrl X leaves then let's do a nano oh I didn't say what it was how do I rename it how do I rename that ok you remember MV I want to move brands to brands dot txt ok LS there is brands txt so you see we were able to fix that ok and then let's write a Python program and we will say Nano and then fruits dot py ok msg for message I love mangos and then print MSG control Oh enter control x LS okay look I got brands dot text and fruit stop hi what if I just say Python fruits dot pie look at that I love mangoes okay I'm just kind of I want you to be doing this with me I want you to be becoming comfortable with operating from the command line you see how I just I like to just bang it out me and I like to bang it out on the keyboard and I don't like to be slowed down with these graphical user interfaces plus the stuff that we're gonna be learning you really need to do it this way a lot of things you just can't do from folders so this is good okay so now let's go change directory dot dot let's look at LS I've now got that stuff thing okay that was really just slowing me down that's in the way so what do I want to do to get rid of that folder we'll remember how we said RM dir and I say stuff to get rid of that folder it says field to remove stuff directory is an empty so it doesn't let you remove the folder with the RM directory command so you could go in and you could go into that folder and you could remove every file ok you could remove every file and then you could delete the folder or you could say rm4 remove and - r means recursively and then what do I want to remove stuff and so that's just saying go in and empty the folder and then get rid of the folder and now boom it like that LS stuff is gone and all the stuff that was in it is gone alright so let's see here I've still got scratched so let's do an LS from here of scratch and I've got text files and Python files alright really we should organize better so I'm going to create a directory I'm gonna make a directory make directory and it's gonna be text files okay I'm gonna make a directory and these are gonna be Python but that was bad Python Python files like that now let's do an LS and you can see I've got Python files and I've got text files alright let's go down to scratch change directory change directories scratch right LS do you see how I have two Python files and I have three text files wouldn't it be nice to kind of organize this better where like the text files were in a text folder and the Python files were in a Python folder well I could go in and I could MV I could move each one one at a time or I could CP I could copy them one at a time but I could use the wild card in the wild card is the asterisk and the wild card means anything okay so like let me show you and I think I am going to do a move so I'm going to say move I want to move for all the text files so how would I say that's a strict the wild card dot txt right do you see what that's doing anything the asterisk means anything so I'm saying move anything dot txt so that will move my car's my cats my dogs but it won't move cats in greeting because those are not dot txt where do I want to move these I want to move these up one and then I want to go to text files okay LS oh my text files are gone but now let's do LS where are we gonna look up one and down in text files okay and there they are what if I wanted to move the Mac well I could say move and I could say you know what I could do here because they're all text files I could just say star dots or anything dot anything okay and where do I want to go I want to go to where I am now let's see where am I now I am in scratch so what I want to do is I want to go up one down two text files okay and then I want to move them where I am now okay slash star dot star so I want to go up one down two text files take everything and then just come here okay so it wants a directory so I've got to kind of tell it I could just go dot dot slash scratch there's probably a better way to do that but this should work okay now if I look where I am I'm in scratch and look I have those things back and if I go change directory to dot dot slash text files unless they are not there anymore so also instead of moving I could copy so let's go copy and you know I'll show you another little thing if you hit the up arrow it will take you back to earlier command so here where I said move text files that let's say where I said move my text files to text files now instead of that what I'm gonna do is say copy all start the all the wild card txt and put them in text files this time instead of moving them I'm going to copy them and what did I do wrong there oh I'm over in text file so I better go change directory slash or change directory dot dot slash scratch okay LS there they are and so now what I can do is I can copy all the star dot text all the dot text files up and then down into text files okay and I can say LS and you see they're still here now but if I do LS dot dot slash text files text files there they are the text files are there and now what I could do is I could do a copy and I could say wildcard dot pi and where could I put those dot dot up got dot is up dot dot slash what did I call that Python Python files I am really messing up here so let's see LS okay I want to move my Python files so I'm going to say copy and I am going to say star for wildcard got PI and then where do I want them to go dot dot and then down into Python files okay now let's do an LS dot dot slash Python files okay and so now I've got the Python files in the Python folder I've got the text files in the text folder and in my scratch I've got everything well what if I wanted to remove everything in my scratch folder how about this RM what do I want to remove star dot star that should remove everything okay now if I do an LS it's all empty and be careful with an RM star dot star you wouldn't want to do this is one you wouldn't want to do sudo our M minus R star dot star that would like probably get rid of everything until the system crash because you had removed because you had removed system files in there somewhere so don't don't do that one backspace out of that one okay backspace I shouldn't even shown you that because someone's gonna do that okay we've learned the wild card man guess we've learned a lot today I hope you've have kind of had fun with this LS is to list the content CD is change directory slash takes you back to roots Quigley takes you home dot dot takes you up clear clears your terminal window sudo apt-get install installs program sudo apt-get remove removes programs naming files do not use spaces in there ok cat shows you what's inside of a file mkdir make directory you can create a folder you can CP to copy you can MV to move you can RM remove directory rmdir or if you want to remove it with its current content RM space minus r and then the folder you want to remove it'll take everything out PWD will show you where you are and then we learned about the wild card man I feel like we've had a pretty successful day today you know what I also feel like this was not quite this was this was not quite as terrible as that first lesson where I had to take the acrylic case right I had to take this acrylic case apart about three times to get it put together correctly ok I hope you guys were patient and tolerant with me on that first lesson but I feel like this lesson went pretty well and I think it kind of really you know God is comfortable there with that command line so what we're going to be doing in future lessons we probably need to have another lesson on Linux just because you continue to get comfortable with the terminal window and not in the in the command line will play do another lesson on that and then I really want to jump in and have you learned Python and I'm not going to do 20 lessons on Python but we need to get the basics of Python I'm assuming that you're probably coming here from Arduino and so you know about if statements you know about for loops you know about while loops you know about a race know about those things but I just need to show you the syntax of Python so we'll probably have you know another lesson on Linux and then we'll have two or three lessons on Python then we will start using open CV is open CV is when we'll really start getting into artificial intelligence and we'll really start getting into learning you know this you know learning how to do things that start getting interesting now don't get frustrated with me because I told you this is a lesson this is a series of lessons for absolute beginners an absolute beginner means I need to show you how to put the case together I need to show you how to get the card flash and get booted and then I need to show you your way around the Linux operating system also I need to show you around Python a little bit so we are going to be learning artificial intelligence but since this is for absolute beginners you need to kind of start from scratch also so many of these lessons you're just pounding out commands that you don't understand I want you to understand them so now if I'm in a future lesson saying you know nano dot dot slash it means something you know what it is you're not just copying what I'm doing I think you really understand things guys leaving a comment down below did you learn something today was this useful hey also guys give me a thumbs up if you give me a thumbs up it helps me in the YouTube ecosystem it is you give me thumbs up it will show this video to more people as more people see it we get people to be part of this community and what I really hope is that we continue to grow our community it's not my community it's our community and I hope you guys will start getting to know each other down in the comments section I hope some of you will start helping each other out if you have a question put it in the comments maybe somebody also answer it since there's one of me and over a hundred thousand of you I can't individually help you debug your code but maybe you guys could start helping each other okay this has been fun I really enjoyed this lesson and I am looking forward to this series of lessons I feel like that we're gonna have fun I feel like that we're gonna have fun learning artificial intelligence on the Jetson nano so Palmer quarter from top tech boy calm I will talk to you guys later
Channel: Paul McWhorter
Views: 37,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jetson Nano, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Linux
Id: MfpvdC-QrgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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