AI Music: The Secret to FLAWLESS Endings (FREE Mastering Tool Hack!)

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you should grab some headphones for this one of the biggest things I see holding AI music back is a lack of proper mastering today I will show you my secret weapon a free tool that will take your basic suo AI tracks from [Music] thises Shing who decides [Music] what Rules to This lines keep shifting they ending who decides what's in [Music] offensive rules keep changing this is a oneclick mastering tool no installation is required in my previous videos I showed you how to get your sunno AI tracks listed on Spotify using my favorite distribution service which gets them onto Spotify YouTube Amazon iTunes Etc now you may or may not know what audio mastering is so let me explain after recording and mixing audio mastering is the final step in the music production process the goal is to make the track sound balanced cohesive and loud enough to compete with commercial recordings while avoiding distortion mastering optimizes your audio for seamless playback across different systems formats and platforms it removes unwanted noises clicks and pops ensuring your tracks translate flawlessly from studio monitors to streaming services vital releases and everything in between with professional mastering you can rest assured that your music will sound its best no matter where or how it's being played now if you followed my guide on getting your AI music onto Spotify you may have noticed after you upload your track with the distribu service you're greeted with a screen that says miia's intelligent mastering engine you're then able to preview what your AI generated music would sound like if it was professionally mastered through the third party service mixia which will cost you $10.49 for every track you want to master that can add up but we want the best quality right and we don't want to break the bank so you either cough up that 10 bucks or continue with your original track however after getting a glimpse of that studio quality Master you s simply can't resist but to cough up that 10 bucks because after all you want the best for yourself and there are ways to mix and master your own tracks for free but this requires manual work and a musical skill set but my channel is about AI so hopefully you like AI as well if not I'm not sure why you're even here watching my video that's about AI anyways I'll get to the mastering tool in a bit because another problem I see people struggling with is the harsh cut off of your sunno AI tracks and what I'm talking about about is [Music] this you see how it just stops it just cuts off that sucks not a very great ending don't you worry I'm going to show you how to do [Music] this notice that smooth ending this technique is commonly referred to tool as an echo out or Reverb tail and I'm going to show you how to do that unlike the mastering tool this one will require a download but don't worry it's free and it's called audacity there's only one guy who would have the Bulls the nerve the audacity to do the jokes before we go into audacity to add that Finishing Touch to our songs we first need to create a song so for this of course I'll be using my favorite AI music generator sunno AI now I get a lot of questions asking how to make my songs longer than 2 minutes if you have the sunno AI Pro Plan which is around $10 per month you'll be able to access V3 V3 will allow you to create an instrumental track and it also produces better quality and longer outputs of up to 2 minutes long now each generation is random and not necessarily you will get a 2-minute track however after you generate your track you'll be able to rightclick on your song and click continue from this track I was going to cover sunno AI prompting how however I'll save that for another video for now let's continue from this track you can rinse and repeat this process as many times as you want I normally shoot for around 3 to four times which will get me around 3 to 4 minutes of audio because from my experience with V3 I noticed that sometimes it will generate a 2-minute track for the first two tracks then the continued tracks will sometimes generate only 1 minute long tracks keep in mind it's not perfect so you may need to generate a bit more than 3 to four times it really depends however after you have all the tracks you want right click on the last audio file like this and select get the whole song now the beauty of this is that it won't consume credits to stitch together your full song and when it's done simply download your full track if you got lucky the track ended nicely if not now we need to work some audio magic with audacity which I told you about earlier so now I'll meet you inside of audacity here we can drag our AI generated music that we got from sunno AI right into audacity this is called a doll d aw which stands for digital audio workstation just thought I'd troll that out there next scroll to the right to expose the ending of the track now we need to generate some silence make sure to click off your audio track and now click on generate silence ah I love silence default settings are fine click generate and now we have a track of Silence drag that empty track and place it against your AI music track now find a section in your track where you want it to end in my screen I'm zooming into the track timeline by holding down the control key and zooming in with my mouse wheel ah much better we can now see the waveform with more detail I like this last hit or beat from my track so I'll select from here and parts of the empty track like this next click on effect delay and Reverb Reverb now go to presets and settings Factory presets and large room I like to add a little more wet gain this is just my preference and here is where we need to crank up the room size to 100 boom now we can see the track nicely Fades out perfect now this is what we want keep in mind I normally do this in Adobe Audition which allows more control over the Reverb but I wanted to keep things free and easy for most you get more control and better results with Adobe Audition or even Adobe Premiere Pro I pay for Adobe however I know not everyone has it so this is the workaround now let's hear the [Music] difference perfect the next step is to export our file I already did that but to do that simply select file and Export the audio I've experimented with a lot of different mastering techniques over the years and I found that this free tool specifically [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bir it wants you so casually Ming the fenses painfully constantly walking on it shs trying to please but who can tell why is everything offensive damn that sounds nice too but when comparing them side by side to the free version mastering tell me if you can hear the difference why is everything why is everything offensive now can it and will it be better than a skilled human adding mastering touches probably not but it comes extremely close and it does it at lightning speeds with only a single click now that's pretty impressive let's get this track mastered go to now simply drag and drop your finished sunno AI track here and boom a mastered track now depending on the style you're going for you can select Universal fire Clarity or tape for rock pop electronic or alternative use Universal for trap hip-hop experimental regon use fire for acoustic classical R&B singer songwriter use Clarity and last but not least for jazz alternative Indie and rock use tape click on downloading you're all set now all you need to do is to upload your music to Spotify and enjoy I hope these little tips and tricks helps you and if you found value in my video don't forget to like subscribe and comment so you don't miss out on any future original AI content want to add a fun twist to your sunno Creations check out this video that shows you how to change the singing voice in this step-by-step guide I'll take you on a wild ride where we'll transform your music to be sung by Perry Griffin Peter Griffin's musically talented brother but don't quote me on that he has no ties to that family die
Channel: AI Controversy
Views: 8,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai music, ai mastering, music production, music, how to master music, ai music cover, ai music generator, open ai music maker, a.i music, ai mastering music, ai video maker, ai master, master music online., ai, ai generated music, music ai, ai mastering service, how to master music online, ai music apps, open ai music, aiva ai music, ai music tools, ai music video, top 5 ai music generator, free ai music generator, suno, suno ai, suno music, mastering ai music
Id: wEZRu5L7JuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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