RoEx Automix A.I. Mixing Tool Vs Izotope Neutron 4 (Is A.I. Mixing The Future?)

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what up guys welcome back to the channel it's your guy suss hit the keys and in today's video I want to talk about a couple of different AI mixing plugins and I want to see if it's going to be the wave of the future or whether you should just work on mixing yourself uh make sure if you guys do like this content though you drop a whole elbow on that like button hit subscribe and that notification Bell so every time we bring you guys a new video you can be the to see with no further delay let's get right into these plugins baby hit the [Music] key all right guys so what I want to do today is basically I'm going to take a new software that just came out called roex um it is an AI mixing service um it's in the cloud so you will use this on your web browser and I want to compare it against Neutron which was basically the only AI mixing plug-in out on the market before I want to compare them to each other see which one's better and see if it's something that you even need um you know in your mixing process um so the first one I'm going to go over today is going to be Rox and I'm going to compare these to each other um so roex you're going to just come to the website right here um it's going to look like this you're going to have to create an account um so you can upload your files and check out the mix and everything like that for free before you pay um the priceing on this site is $49 for five tracks mixed you can get a pro subscription which is $52 a month um you get unlimited mixing and mastering with that or you can get a LP bundle right here which is $94 and they give you 10 download credits over a year I think it should be at all time but I'm not going to be you know guess I don't make the service so I don't get to say what it is um and then you're going to go ahead and log in I'm already got an account and everything like that so you would log in here um in order to create a project you're going to hit create uh right here um and then once you push create um you're going to just grab your tracks and bring them over um so I have some tracks right here and all you're going to do is drag and drop them into um you know where it says to upload your files I've already uploaded these files I will recommend that you label all your files so you know exactly what they are whether it's a snare or a high hat and all that because it's going to make the process a little bit easier because when you go to create your files um you can label it whatever you want whether it's acoustic guitar bass all that other stuff you can label it um so I've already run the process of running through um because I didn't want to wait for the two minutes in order for it to upload the tracks um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to play the track first unmixed um because I wanted to make this an unbiased test um what I did was I basically didn't mix any of this bead everything is at its highest level and I uploaded it to the cloud service for this and I'm going to do the same for Neutron so it's kind of a balanced playing field because I figure if it's an AI mixing plugin I shouldn't have to do any of the mixing right it should do it all for me um so this is what everything sounds like not mixed I did throw a Clipper on here so that it doesn't um go over the zero DBS and so it doesn't clip um but this is basically what it sounds like not [Music] mix I know I can love you I think you should go down get up on [Music] down so as you can tell right there uh doesn't sound the greatest obviously it sounds like it needs to be mixed um so if we come over here this is the original mix that they gave us um on roex and it sounds like this I know I can love you I think you should go down when you're up I'm down time to play baby I know I can love you I all right so that's the mix that it gave me I am clearly not satisfied with that mix um for me it took away a lot from the drums and everything like that um so what you can do though with this plugin is you can come over here to adjust and as you see here this is the reason why it's smart to label all this stuff because you can come in here and you can adjust it it just makes it easier for you to adjust because you know what you're adjusting again I feel like this kind of defeats the purpose of an auto mix plugin if I have to come in here and adjust the levels and everything because I should just be able to do that um you know what I'm saying I should be able to mix it myself this is what's supposed to take away from mixing um so what we're going to going to do is we're going to go ahead and hop in here and we're going to turn up some stuff and we're going to turn down some stuff now granted I will say this with roow X they say that they do put compression EQ and a bunch of other stuff on behind the scenes um which nectar is not going to necessarily do um so let's go ahead and mess with some of this and see what it sounds like I know I can love you I think you should go now when you're up I'm down I'm to play baby I know I can love you I think you should go down and you're up up down I [Music] I I know I can love you I think you should go now you're [Music] up all right so for me with this one right here um I don't know if I'm going to necessarily be content with the mix because I feel like I'm having to do too much with an AI uh tool that I have to pay basically $10 a credit for um so let's go ahead and check out nectar um so with nectar what you have to do with this one is you're going to have to put a relay on the last track of each one of these I'm also going to show you what nectar is actually really really good for what you're going to have to do is you're going to have to put this Neutron visual mixer on the the master track uh I'm going to go ahead and turn off the Clipper cuz I'm not going to need it well I guess I have to leave it on while it detects everything um but what you're basically going to do is you're going to push mix assist um and then you're going to hit begin right here and it's going to ask you to pick your focus so whatever you want to focus to be on the B to B uh I'm going to make the focus um the guitar um and then everything else it's supposed to detect what everything else is whether it's drums whether it's a guitar whether it's piano it'll detect or instrument it'll detect that stuff for you so you're going to push begin listening then you're going to push play [Music] I know I can love you I think you should go down when you're up up down baby I know I can love you I think you should go down [Music] you all right and so what I typically do it says listen to the whole track but for the sake of this demonstration I'm just going to listen to it through the chorus part because that's the loudest part of the song um and so then you see here it's going to basically put everything in place for you so it's going to put your focus here your voice bass percussion all that other stuff you can edit the classifications right here so you can look over here and see if everything is what it's supposed to be so the options it's going to give you is going to be Focus voice bass percussion and Musical um so you can basically see if it's everything that you need it to be I only have two musical instruments besides the focus instrument another thing I forgot to mention about Ro X is that you can only upload eight sounds so that's why I only did eight sounds for both um but with this one what's a little bit cooler about this one is that I can add a drum bust to this so now this is what it's going to sound like after it's given me um a mix in Neutron I know I can love you I think you should down up B I know I now the first thing that you'll notice in between the two difference between both of these is that with ro X you don't know what the DB level is you don't know what the ls are you don't know any of that stuff because it doesn't give you any of that information um you're not necessarily going to get LTS with Neutron but you can add a plugin on this to find out LS right into the middle of the the the chain so you can pop that up and look at it um another thing um about Neutron that's cool is that as you adjust this since you're messing with it in the doll you can do things like turn up your bus your drum bus and stuff like that so let's go ahead and just mess with this real quickly um and then also I'm just going to turn this up so it's kind of on a Level Playing Field um so we'll listen to it turned up a little bit I know I can love you I think you should go down when you're up I'm down about to play baby I know I can love you I think you should go now and you're up I'm down I'm to play so again with this one I feel similar to as far as I feel like you could get a better mix probably if you just mix it yourself if you just practice I do want to show you um what this uh Neutron is really good for real quick though all right so Neutron is really good for actually mixing sounds so if you're struggling to like with EQ compression and stuff like that it is good for that and it's what it also will do is you can download a different piano so like let's say I have a piano and I want my piano to have similar characteristics like Dynamics and basically a fill I can download it in there and it'll tone match but then it'll also do things like it has a bunch of presets or it can read it and it can make your piano sound different so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and come over here to uh some keys so we pull up this jazz piano right here now I'm going to turn uh Neutron off for just a second and then I'm going to turn it on and you're going to hear the difference in the [Music] piano so you can hear right there it brought out a lot of the Dynamics and made the piano sound a little more realistic um what you can also do with this piano is you can come over here and we're going to play audio to get it started so this is how it's going to basically um use AI to figure out how to edit the piano um so I'm just going to push [Music] play so you can hear there it put some effects on there it put some distortion on there it added some punch some width and all that good stuff then you can look under the hood and see exactly what it did from scul it added a sculpture EQ compressors and an Exciter which added some uh saturation but you can come here to this page and you can start messing with stuff [Music] so so again I'm going to turn off the piano and then I'm going to turn it on so you can hear the difference that it made because it brought out so much more in the piano [Music] so it just made the piano sound more realistic if that makes sense you can use this on all your instruments and that is a really solid thing that you can do a neutron again you can use it mix if you want to but you know my suggestion is going to be just to mix yourself and I'm going to show you guys why next all right guys so what I want to do is play that same track it's lightly mixed it's definitely not all the way mixed down um there's really only EQ if you look here on Arcade just to boost the vocal a little bit um but there's no compression on anything like No Effects nothing like that um this is just basically level matching everything which is kind of what nectar does and kind of what roow x does but Rox says it adds a little bit of EQ and compression on there and I feel like this is a much more personal mix um than those mixes are this mix fix what I want to listen to versus just a generic mix that says hip-hop so um this is what it sounds like I know I can love you I think you should go now when you're up I'm down I'm to play baby I know I can love you I think you [Music] should so for me that sounds so much better um and so that's kind of why I wanted to do this demonstration is because part of the mixing is a personal part of your music it's because that's when you really get to emphasize what you wantan to beat um that's how how you really get the flavor of the beat to be yours or to represent you or the artist or you get to necessarily make those changes I'm all for ma AI mastering plugins because mastering is a little bit difficult uh mixing is difficult too but it's a process that you shouldn't skip in my opinion I don't feel like there's any AI plugin that's going to get you a really decent mix if that makes sense because all they're really doing is level matching and I've done videos in the past I'll link one card in the corner um about just basic level matching and that's going to get you at least to a good start point on your mix before you have to do any compression or EQ or anything like that um so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to play all three of these back to back um so that you can just hear the differences in what AI mixing is going to do for you if it's something that you're interested in and real quick before I play these songs uh something that I forgot to mention is with these though you do get to do a little bit so you can do some panning of your instruments if you want to um whichever relay that you want to so boom you can move them over you can push them forward um and then the same thing with uh row X um when you're in your mode and when it's allowing you to edit and stuff you can uh mess with stuff so right here you can make it go to the left you can make it go Center you can make it go right um again if it's going to be AI mixing I feel like it should be able to decide whether I have one instrument to the right and to the left and it should figure all that stuff out uh so what I'm going to do is first I'm going to play um the track the way that I have it initially without any eqs compression or anything like that then I'm going to play Ro X and then I'm going to go ahead and play Neutron um so right here this is the one that I [Music] have I know I can love you I think you should go down when you're up I'm down I'm to play baby I know I can love you I think you should go down when you're up I'm down I'm to play I know I can love you I think you should go down and you're up I'm down I'm to play baby I know I can love you I think you should go down when you're up I'm down by by I'm to [Music] play I know I can love you I think you should go down when you up I'm down to play baby I know I can love you I think you should [Music] go so I'll let you guys be the judge for yourself but in my opinion um I feel like the AI mixing plugins just don't Stack Up um I feel like there's things that I didn't mention like the fact that you can bust out sounds that's very important in the mixing process so um sending your drums all to the same insert and then parallel processing those or like with your vocals sending your vocals to another track or to another insert and then um you know putting your Reverb and delay on one another insert putting your EQ and stuff like that on another one um things like that AI mixing just can't do yet so it's like um those are just important parts of a mix I don't feel like there's an AI tool yet out that's going to be able to mix ATT track to a quality level um I do feel like there were things that Rox did better than neutrons so like I felt like the vocals did sound a little bit better in roow X but I felt like they were pulled forward a little bit more I feel like Neutron did a better job of the overall mix of everything else so balancing the all the melodic pieces to the drums and all that but you still don't get no punch in your drums and so if you're making hip-hop beats um that's just something that you need in your Beats is the punchiness in the drums so um and then plus with Neutron I I would go with Neutron over row X if you feel that you have to have one um because of the fact that you can actually mix your instruments and that's what does make it a solid tool is that you can do matching to other instruments so if you hear your favorite song and the 808 sounds one way you can drop it in Neutron and then Neutron's going to do a good job to uh make your 808 sonically sound similar to the one that you dropped it in or a piano or a guitar or whatever the sound is it's going to do its best job to imitate that other sound which is a pretty solid tool because that is a quick way um to get some mixing done but I would definitely not leave my whole mixing process up to either one of these plugins or applications because it's just not going to give you the results that you want so uh make sure if you guys do like this content though you drop a whole elbow on that like button hit subscribe and that notification Bell so every time we bring you guys a new video you can be the first to see appreciate you guys' time as always and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] peace some hit the key [Music]
Channel: SumnSumnSumn HTK
Views: 7,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nfh11rxH5n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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