AI Generates 3D Model From Single Photo (Google Colab)

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go to the kalab notebook link in description it will look like this now click connect you will now get a gpu run the first cell it will take a while now run the second cell but before you do you need to choose an image to convert to the 3d model just search man standing pose pin to rest choose the image right click and copy image address go back and paste in the link now run the cell now it has successfully converted it into a 3d model you can download the 3d model by running the third cell click save you can now open the 3d model in blender go to file import import as obj now select the file you downloaded you can see the model is very smooth and has saved you a lot of time modeling it yourself
Channel: CGSheep
Views: 464,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, 2d image to 3d model, 2d image to 3d, 2d human to 3d, 2d to 3d, AI human model, AI generated human model, 3d, 2d image to 3d model blender, facebookAI, pifu HD, pifuHD, anime 2d to 3d, anime 3d model, 3d model, AI 3D model, how to make 3d human model, AI make 3d model, make 3d human model, facebook pifu, facebook pifuhd, google colab, google cloud, human model in blender, blender tutorial, 3d modeling, rigging, image to 3d model, ganverse3d
Id: 0ZJ1zgJq6GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 8sec (68 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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