After Joining New School, He Show his Fighting Skills Shocking Everyone

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Sakura Haruka is a high school student who lives life the way he wants to but is shunned by his peers in school as a result early one morning a woman is being hassled by a group of guys who have already peaked in life she's got a carton full of eggs so she's obviously got places to be but these guys don't care and keep asking her to come have some fun with them she refuses and tells the leader that she would smash her eggs into his face if it wouldn't be incredibly wasteful but she has no time to waste on low lives like him and his friends so she will be leaving now the leader doesn't know how to take no for an answer so he forcefully grabs her hand hurting her in the process which is when Sakura intervenes at first he tries to be civil and handle the situation like a reasonable person so he tells the leader of the boys to pack it up because it's too early in the morning to be doing dumb stuff like this unfortunately logical reasoning doesn't work when your brain is the size of a walnut so the leader tries to swing on Sakura only to get his punch cleanly dodged he then proceedes to get beaten up so bad that the cameraman had to cut away but once he is back back in frame Sacura is standing over him calling him and his friends weak he's not scared of a fight so if anyone has a problem with him it should remember that his name is Sacura Haruka from fur and high afterwards he simply begins walking away without saying a word to complete his badass moment but the girl who had been watching everything happen the whole time finally snaps out of her days and chases after him she grabs a hold of his arm and thanks him for saving her but Sakura is confused because no one has ever thanked him for anything before his brain short circuit so he instantly goes into sere mode as he tells her that he didn't do it for her sake or anything he just got pissed off by the way the guy was acting the girl ignores his outburst and asks if he is hungry by any chance which Sakura initially denies but no one can turn down a good omlet so he ends up the girls restaurant while making small talk she realizes that Sakura isn't originally from this town which explains why she hasn't seen him around before recently there have been a lot of gangs fighting in the area some normal people tend to steer clear of the area she introduces herself as tachibana but sakarat is still trying to figure out why this girl is being so friendly to him most people would be afraid of someone who they saw take on Five Guys easily but she doesn't seem to care at all she asked if he's not going to eat the food she made for him since he hasn't taken a bite yet so Sakura immediately starts eating and he loves it as he eats tachibana comments on how unique he looks since half his face is colored different but she can tell that it's just the way he looks naturally her face gets a little too close so Sakura freaks out and jumps back after calming down a bit Sakura says he's surprised that she doesn't find him weird since most people would call him gross for the way he looked tabana doesn't find his appearance all that strange since she is used to seeing people with much worse fashion choices but that a sigh she asks if his appearance has anything to do with the reason he came here in the first place sakur tells her she's right since he came here because the way he looks doesn't matter when it comes to a fight fur in his is motorious for having the most brain dead students but also the best fighters so brawls take place every day to decide who's on top sacur isn't excluded from the Walnut brain Society so a school like this is the only place that he's got a shot at making a name for himself TAA now understands Sakura's motivations but that doesn't stop her from making fun of him for being so excited for school that he wore his uniform today when furin doesn't open until tomorrow Sacura denies it but his embarrassment only tells tabana that she's right about him while they were bickering an old man named Yama had just finished his meal and is heading out but just before he leaves Sakura notices that he left his bag behind so he gets his attention and hands it back to him a little while later tabana comes over and says Yama was thankful for Sakura's help so he wanted her to give him some candy as a sign of gratitude Sakura still isn't used to being thanked for anything so he asked why the people here are being so nice to him normally people would take one look at him and think he is a delinquent they'd be on guard one time he tried to return someone's wallet but he got the cops called on him because the person accused him of stealing it tabana tells Sakura that he made the right choice coming to fujin but as he is now there is no way he's beating anyone let alone becoming the top dog and that all because of one thing he may be strong but he is alone so he's going to get his ass jumped hearing her say he's alone strikes a nerve with Sakura SOI angrily states that he's not weak so there's no reason for him to rely on other people just to win a fight she admits that Sacura may have the strength to back up his claim but it would be best if he goes to meet some other kids from furin then he will understand what she means while walking home sacur finds himself confronted by the gang leader from earlier and this time he has brought the entire squad for the sole purpose of jumping Sacura he isn't really in the mood to deal with this right now so he just tries to ignore them and walk away but the leader stops him just to start making fun of the way he looks honestly this is what Saca was waiting for since this jerk is the kind of person he has been dealing with his entire life they always look in with disgust so he has given up when trying to fit in people just make assumptions based on what he looks like so if the world wants him to be a delinquent he's going to do just that he punches the leader straight in the face once more and proceeds to take on the entire gang all at once and he's actually winning they keep coming after him but even though some of them are armed with bats he continues to avoid their attacks and single-handedly drop the average IQ score among the gang members with the brain damage he's inflicting while this is going on tachibana was inside her store cleaning up the dishes and while I've got nothing against her this dumbass decided it was a good idea to go outside and check what's going on well she gets grabbed and hell at knife point so they can use her as a hostage to get Sakura to let his guard down however as soon as Sakura sees tachibana in danger he pulls off some cool acrobatics and drops the guy before he ever had the chance to use his knife one guy tries to sneak up behind Sacura but he's not going to call for something as cheap as that and roundhouse kicks the guy's face into a wall he continues beating them down but having to protect tabana is really limiting the amount of damage he can do and if this keeps up he's going to get overrun he doesn't even know why he bothered helping her in the first place since he barely knows her as he continues fighting one of the guys he had knocked out before regains Consciousness and grabs the knife that had been thrown to the floor slashes Sakura's ankle he then almost gets his head smashed in by a guy with a bat but he manages to stay back at the last moment although with his injured ankle his Mobility is going to be limited he has a no chance of evading the next attack so he just braces himself for the inevitable beating he's going to get however before the backat can make him even dumber than he was before he had saved by a guy who was also wearing the same furin uniform as him the guy thanks saaka for protecting tachana and she looks happy to see him he asked her not to tell their boss that she was in danger so he doesn't flip out but now that he is here he'll make sure the situation gets handled he grabs the bat from the gang member and elbows face so hard that he gets put down for a compulsory knp after which he then turns to the rest of the people there as his friends arrive these punks have made a mess of the town with their Antics so they going to have to pay for it the gang is understandably scared since they were already barely winning against one guy but now they got to deal with four more there's no backing out at this point so they all attack at once even though they know they got no chance at winning all the furing guys are just as tough as Sakura so this fight is a one-sided beating one guy tries to go after Sakura and since his ankle is injured he's not able to get out of the way in time luckily haraji steps in and kicks the guy into a wall he tells saaket to stand back if he is hurt since they won't be able to protect him if he gets himself caught in the middle and sacet just remains dumbfounded as people begin to cheer for the furan guys to beat up the gang so they can get on with their days this is nothing like what Sacura was expecting when he came here and he never would have thought that the people here would be so supportive of furan tabana then explains to him that when she said gang make this place unsafe that it only applies up until about 2 years ago this was because of the students at fur and Hive who took the Town Security upon themselves and put up a notice board at the entrance anyone dumb enough to cause trouble in their town will leave the town with more brain damage than they started with because they are the town Shield otherwise known as windbreaker that's why the town's people love them so much now it's true that they were a bunch of low lives 2 years ago but that was 2 years ago and now they are loved by every everyone here Sacura can't help but feel jealous that despite fighting like that these guys are still accepted by everyone here as though they are heroes when all he everg with scorn he is still in shock when the town's people turn their attention to him and start thanking him for holding off the gang until everyone else arrived since his ankle is hurt an old lady offers to give him some first aid but all this kindness is too much for him to process so he has another outburst TAA banan understands why he is acting this way so she takes over the first aid for him and says that she can tell that he is alone but he didn't choose to be alone whatever circumstances may have caused it he doesn't need to give up on the people here because they need him he was still kind enough to return y's bag and he even put himself at risk to save her so if he was willing to look towards them then they won't turn their backs on him Sakura doesn't know how to respond so instead he takes off running towards the crowd and proceeds to jump 10 ft into the air he transitions into a drop kick aim at the gang leader who is trying to sneak up on haraji and while he's not sure how he feels about this whole playing hero thing but if people will accept him the way he is then he will fight to defend the town the next day Sacra arrives at the diner but he's got a foul look on his face because he was coaxed into giving a piggyback ride to a granny since they've arrived Sakura tells the granny to get off his back already because he's not above sloving the grandma in the face so granny saer jumps off his back and Sakura realizes she tricked him more than he thought she told him her hips hurt so bad that she could barely walk at all but all of a sudden she's able to move perfectly fine and doesn't even acknowledge it when Sakura tries to call her out on it making him even more Angry however despite the Granny's jokes she's still grateful to Sakura for helping her get to the diner this morning so she thanks him Sakura still isn't used to being thanked for things so he starts blushing once again and wants to leave to save himself some embarrassment but before he can go tabana calls him back because she's got something special just for him she offers him a full breakfast free of charge since his entrance ceremony to furin is going to happen today but now that she thinks about it the ceremony doesn't start until 12: but Sacura is already dressed for it and it's only 10:00 this gives her perfect ammunition to start teasing saaka some more for being excited about attending furin but he denies it and says he was just out for a walk today tacha banet doesn't blame him for being excited though since she knows there are a lot of interesting people there for Sakura to meet but moments later the front door swings wide open and N walks in or rather face plants into the room after picking him self off the floor he shows everyone his brand new furin uniform but Sakura points out that he forgot to take the tags off clothes nay then proceeds to roll around on the ground in an attempt to get the tags off his back and Sakura can't believe a guy as clumsy as him is going to be attending furan as well but muai takes offense to this and says he's never seen Sakura around so he must be from out of town which is true but it's m like it matters where he came from another thing nay scrutinizes is the way Sakura's hair and eyes look while saaka was expecting him to call him disgusting or something he actually just thinks his hair is turning white because of stress tachibana finds the whole thing funny so she acts as the mediator introduces both of them she explains that Sakura just moved into town yesterday but Mirai still has no idea who Sakura is supposed to be so he takes a look at his top secret book of names and according to it Sakura is a complete nobody Sakura was about ready to throw hands at this point but tabana tells him that muray doesn't mean any harm he just acts like that sometimes n goes on to warn Sakura that furan is an ordinary school to be taken lightly the students here stood up for the locals and drive away Wicked troublemakers so all the new students to the people look up to them with that being said it makes no sense to him why Sacra who has no ties to this town whatsoever and want to come to school here Sakura answers that he's here to take the top spot at furan Academy he thinks it's cool that they are protecting the town and he knows there are a bunch of strong guys there as well so he would be sa IED if he knew he was the strongest among them noray thinks he shouldn't set goals for himself that he won't be able to achieve because if he does then the stress will make him go bald Sakura has had enough of M's Antics so he tells him to get ready because they're about to throw hands n ran doesn't like the sound of that so he makes an excuse about it being late so he has to leave now later as sacur leaves he is pondering what tauren had told him when his path gets blocked by a surprise tray of baked goods the baker offers them to him for free but Saca is conf refuses to why he is getting such an offer for no reason they say it's their way of giving back to the fur and kids since they are always so helpful and they want Sakura to have the bread because he was single-handedly holding off the troublemakers the day before so it's the least they could do Sakura once again can't handle being thanked for anything so he tries to decline by saying he's not hungry but the Bakers are insistent and give him the bread anyway so he can eat it for lunch today and they weren't the only ones to offer sacree stuff after all the thanks the town's people gave him it looks like like Sakura just did a week worth of shopping it still isn't clicking in Sakura's brain that some people are just nice when you help them out so he thinks this town must really be messed up but then again maybe he was just assuming that they would never treat him like a member of the community he thinks about it for a moment but then he gets startled by a girl calling out to him from behind because she needs his help in a dark alleyway we see Nar getting the kicked out of him by a group of hoodlums and they say it's because naray interrupted them while they were trying to re up that girl that we saw ask Sakura for help the situation is pretty similar to what happened with Sakura the day before but the only difference is that nuray interfered Knowing damn well that he can't handle a one-on-one let alone a one five fight the leader of the guys calls nurai pathetic for losing a fight so easily but he's going to leave now since there's nothing more for him to gain by being here but nuai won't let him go for some reason and grabs into his shirt the guy thinks this is just sad now since NRI has no shot at taking him down but if he keeps being annoying like this he's going to have to take this fight seriously and beat nay to a pulp nay refuses to give up and begins reciting the furing school MTO to purge all evil as if he thinks it will give him a power up but we all know power ups only come from flashbacks as the bully is about to knock him out so he can't pesto them anymore however before the hammer fist comes down on n's head he saved by Sacura who comes flying in with a kick to the face na doesn't understand why Sacura would come here to save him despite them barely knowing each other but Sakura isn't here because he wants to save him he just really hates people who enjoy picking on the weak and large groups so he's going to take care of them M tries to warn him not to get involved since he can't possibly take on Five Guys at once but moments later the five guys are all laid out on the ground and Sakura is still standing nuray is Amazed by the strength Sakura possesses and thanks him for saving him just now but he apologizes because Sakura must be disappointed in him Sakura has no real feelings on the matter but he tells to know what he's capable of handling before he gets himself into fights out of nowhere Mar gives his backstory of how he used to get bullied a lot in middle school but then one day he was saved by someone from furin normally he would only ever be afraid of someone like that but in that moment he thought the guy looked really cool he wanted to be just like that guy which is why he came to furin but he is still such a loser Sakura thinks about it for a moment and realizes that he may have judged naray a little too harshly at first he may not be much of a fighter but he still had the guts to help someone in trouble and not back away from a fight at least in Sakura's books that makes him a decent guy the girl from earlier comes running over to see if nay is all right and since he doesn't want to be seen crying he says he is all right the girl is thankful to him for stepping in to save her when those guys started hassle in her and Sakura as well for helping save Nur when she asked once more Sakura is embarrassed by being thanked so he tries to leave but n calls out to him and pulls out his top secret book so he can start recording everything there is to know about Sakura from his height to the type of girl he likes Sakura doesn't appreciate getting his info documented like this so he smacks nay on the head but naray says he was just doing it because he enjoys Gathering the data of people he looks up to and that gets Sakura to let him hang around since he's not that bad narai may not be of much use in a fight but he is sure he can help show saaka around town since he is new here but for now they have to head to school since the entrance ceremony will be starting soon after that he and nay finally arrive at the school and nuray is pumped to check out the class rosters to see which class he'll be in luckily he and Sakura are in the same class as well as a bunch of other people he looks up to but has never actually spoken to Sakura tells him to stop geeking out over who's going to be in the same class as him because at the end of the day it doesn't matter but after nurai takes another look at the class rosters he sees something that wipes the color off his face as they walk up the stairs to class n pleads with Sakura to try to be friendly with the people in class so he doesn't cause any problems but there's no way he's going to Pander to anyone for no reason nay just wants him to show everyone that he means no harm since he comes from out of town and may not be accepted right away but Sacura is already warming up for a fight exactly what nay does not want him to do one wrong move in the whole class may see him as an enemy of furin at which point the entire school will turn against him but Sakura doesn't see a problem with that since he came here to get to the top of the school so it wouldn't matter to him if everyone came at him at once upon entering the class there's a whole spectrum of students including the one in the back who's just doing pull-ups everyone starts staring daggers at Sacura and he's liking the way things are going since the class looks like they mean actual business get approached by one eye patch wearing dude and he seems to be pretty nice this is Sho 's inside Mir Ray's top secret book so you know he's got to be cool however the eye patch is just for show though but that's enough discussion about himself so he wants to hear about Sakura Sakura was ready to start fighting immediately but he is surprised when Su just patting him on the back and telling him he did a good job defending the town yesterday seeing Sue being friendly with Sacura all the others in class become interested in him and ask what he did Sue explains that he was the one who single-handedly held off that gang that attacked the town so they all have a good amount of respect for him immediately and merai is glad because this means sacel won't have a Target on his back however when he's asked why he came here Sakura answers honestly and says he came to get the top spot at the school and after saying that he now has the attention of all the Heavy Hitters in class most notably SOA who Chucks a desk out of nowhere and threatens to crush Sakura but Sakura was already looking for a fight so this works out well for him sagid is well known in this school and has been visiting long before he officially joined his talents were recognized so he was allowed to be called a member even while he was still only in middle school and right now the reason he is going after saced is because he has somewhat of an obsession with the person in the current number one spot so whenever anyone says they want to challenge that guy sisha goes AP crazy one of the students pleads with Sue to stop sisha before he kills the new guy but Sue didn't come to school today to put himself within punching range for no reason as Sakura is still fighting he accidentally slips on some white liquid on the FL so sisha tries to take full advantage of the blunder and wins of a Haymaker however his punch catches nothing but air as Sakura has already recovered and leans back into a backflip kick across sash's face it looks like Sakura is really enjoying the fight but if sabish is really just acting out of loyalty to someone else then Sakura doesn't believe he will ever be able to beat him the fight was just about to continue but then the speaker went off in a voice addresses all the new furan students rather loudly sacur finds it annoying that a perfectly good fight got interrupted so he wants to keep it going however everyone in the class seems to have their attention glued to the speaker and Sacura finds out why in a moment the person introduces himself as haime yamia the current top dog of furan Academy so Sakura is excited that he finally gets to hear from him however umia seems to be a lot more clumsy with his words than saaka expected because he flat out forgets the whole speech he was meant to give instead he just goes on a tangent about how it would be nice to go to the beach and eat some shaved ice and despite how awkward it is to listen to this no one can say anything about it because they'll have to deal with sisha that aside Yia goes on to say he wants everyone to get along but he knows there are bound to be disagreements between students at some point so you won't ask that they all become best friends but surely no one would be dumb enough to start a fight on the first day of school and suddenly saisha suddenly regrets throwing that desk a whole lot before he ends his public address umia has one last thing he wants to say to all the students even though they probably already know it is their job to protect the town the people there trust them to be their Shield so they must live up to their expectations and guard them with everything they have Sakura is surprised that someone could command so much respect without even being in the room to begin with he finds it hard to believe that umia was able to Foster this kind of solidarity among the students here simply by being a strong fighter making him even more curious to find out what kind of guy Yia really is now that the fighting has stopped Sue slides in and asks if Sakura and subish are ready to make up yet but Sak sees no reason why he should forgive subish since they haven't settled the score yet plus subish was the one who attacked him first to begin with to mediate Su makes valid arguments that saak shouldn't go around holding grudges if he actually wants to make it to the top and suash have shouldn't have gone and started a fight out of nowhere when he knows Yia would not have liked that so after listening to su's logic suisha stretches his hand out to Sakura for a handshake and Sakura does the same although that doesn't doesn't mean they are friends all of a sudden as soon as the handshake is done Sakura gets sworn by his new classmates who all want to congratulate him on how amazing he was from being able to land a solid hit on sisha as saaka was messing around with his classmates a guy suddenly bursts in and tells everyone that it's time to head out sakur doesn't know what he means by that and he is even more confused when he ends up having to paint a wall 30 minutes earlier after that guy called them all out to the Courtyard Sacro was pissed that he had to leave the classroom right after he got there but the guy doesn't want to hear it since if they end up being late then he's going to get yelled at as well they look over to the edge of the courtyard and spot haraji yelling a bunch of students for taking too long to get down here Sakura recognizes him from the fight yesterday and nay is shock he actually knows haraji so Sakura explains that he has met him when he saved kokoa from that gang but as soon as haraji hears this he comes racing over and grabs Sakura's face driving him away to talk in private haraji doesn't want Sakura telling anyone that kotoha was in danger here today because if Yia finds out that kotoha was in danger there's going to be hell to pay and as he says this he reaches into his jacket pocket which puts Sacura on edge but he was just pulling out stomach medicine because he can't handle all the stress dealing with umia causes haaji walks away after that leaving Sakara incredibly confused and as soon as he returns to Nay he is bombarded by questions about what haraji is like the only thing Sakura can say about him is that he is pretty weird which n immediately jots down in his top secret book Sakura doesn't understand why he cares so much about getting info on haraji so nay explains that haraji is one of the four Heavenly Kings of furan Academy under Yia and each Heavenly King has their appointed captains for each class after explaining how they will be grouped up haraji tells them that they are moving out so they should follow him Sakura still doesn't know what they are you meant to be doing so he is finally informed that they are going on patrol Sakura doesn't really have a problem with going on patrol but he does have a problem of having to do it with subish haraji didn't really want to have to deal with them Yia asked that he keep an eye on them so they don't start fighting again Sakura complains that he wasn't the one who started the fight but haraji doesn't care at all after Sakura has calmed down he asks why they say they are on patrol and this seems a lot like they are just strolling through town if they are meant to be protecting the town then Sacura thinks it would be more efficient to go around and look for people who are causing trouble so they can beat them up heri calls Sakura an idiot for thinking something like that would be effective at reducing crime because that's just raiding and walking around has its purpose because people knowing that the fur and students are around will keep the smaller groups of troublemakers away just then haraji nois is an old lady climbing on a rickety old ladder so he steps in to keep her from breaking her hip and all of a sudden the entire Groove is helping repain the storefront sackur doesn't understand how he ended up doing this but it's all part of being a member of furin once they are all done painting the walls they receive many thanks as well as some delicious snacks for the road as they leave karaji addresses what Sakura has said earlier about thinking what they were doing is boring and haraji can understand why he thinks that way since he was the same before but now he has come to learn that being needed can be pretty fun as well after walking for a while they end up at an Alleyway which gives off a different vibe it has a dog drawn over it which Sacura thinks is ugly but nura cautions him not to say things like that so close to the Border because they don't know where those guys may be hanging around this is the territorial border between bin and another group so they can't cause trouble on the other side of that overpass over there bfer and's rules mean nothing because they have no jurisdiction the group is calleded Shish Torin and they believe only in absolute power nay said all this with the intent of stopping Sakura from causing trouble but he only managed to get him more interested just then he noticed one of the fur in students being chased down by a a couple of people from shitor but he's on their side of the track so haraji can't get involved the guy was about to get caught before he could cross back over to furan territory but Sakura and subish don't really care about rules so they both jump in and knock out one of the shishan people naria thinks this is going to cause trouble since they struck shishin students on their Turf but Sakura believes it's only fair that they fight back since shishin clearly attacked one of their own first however even though Sakura and sugishita just laid out one of their people the others there don't seem to care about what happened to him in the slightest and start on him for losing a fight after just one kick just then someone approaches from behind and the two subish students immediately have Shivers sent down their spines because they know exactly who this is Joe to game he is the second in command at Shish Torin and he came over here because he heard a commotion but he is surprised to see one of his people knocked out on the ground so haraji steps up and informs him that the unconscious guy was chasing after one of Fan's people so they stepped in and stopped what was going on one St game grasps that what happened here was the work of subish and Sakura his reaction get Sacura excited since he believes he might get a good fight from this guy but soon after the unconscious guy wakes up and begins yelling at Sacura for breaking the rules and interfering in the business of the Shish Torin group however as he was going on with his rant to clocks him over the head with a bottle making him go unconscious again if there's one thing to game hates its weak losers and especially those who try to hide behind rules and order so he starts beating the guy up because he doesn't belong in Shish Torin anymore it gets so bad that araji has to stop to game and ask if he is really on the same team as the guy he is beating up to game pauses the beating for a second just to say that the guy isn't his teammate anymore he just lost a ranked match and got demoted to Silver 2 so he is no longer welcome as a member of shitor which is why to game is revoking his cool jacket after listening to everything to game has to say Sakura has heard enough and now thinks he is really lame he beats up the weak so he can call himself strong so to game is a huge let down everyone thinks a fight is about to breakout but while toam is definitely pissed off he decides that he'll beat Sakura up on a better stage so he's going to leave for now but hope be sure to remember his face after that is over naray starts screaming because Sakura and sudisha may have just done something that will lead to an allout war against the shishan people and if Sakura hadn't provoked him at the end he may have been a little more forgiving of the attack they did haraji doesn't think that could have happened because to game isn't as easygoing as you may appear among the shorin he is easily the most territorial so there's no way he would ever forgive an incident like this regardless haraji admits that he should have been the one to step in and save the kid so he apologizes for not doing anything when it counted for now they should all head back to the school so they can report to um mimia haaji is dreading having to give the report which gets sakur a further intrigued to find out what kind of guy umia actually is but once they finally get to the roof and meet him he seems like a really nice guy haraji approaches him and says they've got a problem on her hands but he says he already knows all about it that makes no sense since nobody could have told him about what happened yet but it turns out that he's just talking about his plants the others are starting to understand why haraji hates having to report to you miman now and it's because he never listens to anything you tell him Sakura tries to get his attention but sisha gets angry that he would dare try to communicate with his Idol so he was ready to start fighting again until he remembered umia is right here and wouldn't approve they all end up sitting down while Yia explains all the plants he has been growing when they really should be talking about the real issue here Sakura can't even tell the difference between the plants anyway and while he's definitely a good guy Sakura is more confused than ever about why so many people respect Yia so much after a while of listening to his plant lecture a kid who got beat up speaking up and starts explaining what happened today he says he saw a shoplifter stealing in town so he chased after the guide but before he knew it he had gone too far and ended up in the lion's head territory they were chasing him down and there was no way he could have ever managed to outrun them but just as he was about to give up he was saved by Sakura and sisha he admired the furan students so much that he tried to be like them but he only ended up sparking a clash with the lion's head and getting everyone involved and for that he is truly sorry Yia calls Sasaki by name and tells him thank you for doing what you did sure he may have inadvertently cause a war but he did it while trying to protect the people of this town so he has nothing to be sorry for as for the war he doesn't have to worry about it since umia says he will personally handle it but that asai he really wants to know how Sakura and sagasa saved him so Sasaki explains that they kicked one of the guys off his feet umia knows the lion's head people won't like that one bit but he's got to admit that finds it pretty funny Kaji apologizes since all this happened while he was meant to be looking after them but umia doesn't blame him for it since mistakes happen all the time and nay rats sackur out for making things worse by taunting Joe to game so sakur explains that he couldn't stand the fact that to game was talking about strength being the only thing that was important while only beating him on the week so he said it to his face Yia understands what happened so he gets up and Sacra thinks he wants to fight but he actually just gives him a pat on the head and says he was thinking the same thing those guys have a terrible mindset on another note he heard about what Sakura did on Main Street yesterday and today he saves saki so Yia thanks him for looking out for the people here Saga is jealous that Sakura is getting so much attention and Sakura feels a strange feeling of relaxation from around him he is starting to understand why people are drawn to him all the time and that's because he has a presence that would make anyone feel safe however Saca won't let himself give into that warmth so he slaps yia's hand away just then haraji gets a call from Kaji but the only words he can hear him say of the phone are the words lion's head before he gets cut off on the phone yumia asks if something is wrong but then a moment later they hear someone talking on a megaphone so they all look down to the courtyard and see a guy dragging the unconscious body of one of the students here he says he is the leader of Shish aorin otherwise known as lion's head and his name is Tom Al maoji the reason he has come here today and beaten up so many furin students is because he wants to have a good am clean fight with you Mia and his smile shows just how excited he is for it n is freaking out over the fact that the leader of lion's head is here in person while Sakura is just getting excited because he knows tomiyama must be stronger than to game in that same moment Sakura feels an unbelievable presence behind him and he can't tell what it was so as he sees Yia leaving he starts following him the others do the same and once they are all outside umia tells them to stay out of this one Sakura as usually will insists on wanting to fight but Yia just coldly warns him that he doesn't repeat orders twice Sakura is instantly hit with a sudden wave of obedience because he knows he would have caught a straight punch if he talked back just now but he has no idea how yia's entire demeanor could have changed so suddenly he approaches Toyama and calls him out for still holding one of the furan students by the hair but tomiyama simply acknowledges it and laughs straight in yia's face about what he did Sakura thinks this guy must be insanely strong or at least just insane to have the guts to mock yumia to his face like this and all he really wants right now is to face Yia in a one versus one since he's got a good excuse for it after what Sakura and sisha did yumia just stands still while tomiyama circles him still asking for a fight but then he speaks up and says that while it may be true that furan made the first move by knocking out that guy under the bridge but clearly Tommy Yama has done much worse in retaliation so he thinks they can call it even now Tommy yma agrees that what he has has done is enough to at least call it Yun for now but that doesn't mean things have been settled as he throws a kick at yia's face Yia caught it but tomama wasn't actually going for a sneak attack he just want to start another conflict of he has a reason to fight Yia it doesn't make any sense why he wants to fight so badly so yumia asks what his goal is in doing all this tomama answers that it's not necessarily because he wants to fight but rather he wants umia over at lion's head it has been really lonely for him ever since he became the top dog but umia on the other hand has no shortage of friends to have fun with so Tomy Yama came up with a rational solution to come here and take over all of furin so he can have fun too Yia can sympathize Tommy Alma's point of view but before he could even attempt to talk things out with him some other members of lion's head show up and while tomiyama is confused why they are here since he didn't call for backup they tell him that it was a bad idea to go assaulting fur and high on his own like this stack and the others walked forward to join Yia and even though he tries to get them to back off again Sacura stands his ground because while he can respect a duel he won't stand for a jumping Tommy Alma is getting frustrated since he was just about to get a proper duel with umia so he wants everyone else to leave already but to doesn't think a duel is really going to work out today especially when they've got the entire student body staring them down at the moment Yia sees what's about to happen so he yells for everyone in the classes to stay where they are as he steps forward saying he will take Tommy Yama on in a duel like he wanted he just wants him to tell the others to stand down so things don't get messy tomiyama is glad to finally get his match but then one of the lion's head kids begins mocking yumia for being such a softy and this sets off sagasa who can't stand any umia slander another one tries mocking sue for looking so plain that he needs to wear accessories to stand out but with how he's holding his hands in the anime girl pose Shu just thinks he is cute to game says everyone should calm down for a bit and then he tells Toyama that even if he wants to have a duel he should save it for another day since it's already getting dark and if they start fighting in the dark they won't be able to admire how badly they beat down the fur and students sacka retorts saying the only one getting their faces Smash in is going to be to game and since Tommy Yama can see that there is clearly some tension between these two He suggests that they make the duel a team match instead they can have a bunch of one-on-one battles and the combat are going to be umia and Tam tomiyama T and Sakura sagasa and this guy and finally Sue and the kawayi boy Yia protests saying that if it's a duel he wants then the two of them should be enough but Tommy Yama now wants it to be a tournament because that sounds like way more fun to him Sakura and the others agree to the terms of the tournament but at the last moment one more guy from lion's head comes out and asks to join in because he wants to take on haraji and haraji seems to have some beef with him so he accepts The Challenge and Jo joins the tournament as well since everything has been settled Tommy Yama says you will be putting the lion's head team on the line for this so everyone should do their best and have fun later the guys head over to the cafe to get some food and relax and nay is freaking out because he thinks the situation is really really bad for them sakur is getting tired of all of n's complaining but he is the reason all this started in the first place kotoha brings over some food and tells nay that there's no point in getting so stressed about it all since it won't change what happens but nay has good reason to be worried since if by some horrible turn of events Yia were to actually lose then bin May cease to exist altogether konova still maintains her point that worrying about things won't change anything either way but he should know better than anyone that these guys aren't so weak that they would lose to lion's head so easily saaka scars down his food insanely fast and once he is done eating he asks if he can leave for the day meray is shocked that he finished so fast but they are meant to be waiting for yumia and haraji to show since they had to stay back and convince the rest of the furan students not to do anything that would complicate matters further Sakura understands that but he doesn't know why they have to meet up here of all places so sue explains that this is somewhat of a hangout spot for furin and they usually gather here before big fights happen just then yumia comes bursting through the door and immediately begins fawning over kotoa sakra thinks this must mean that she is yia's girlfriend but they both immediately deny that Yia instead is erts that kotoa is his darling little sister but kotoa denies this as well leaving Sakura confused about what their actual relationship is kotoha is embarrassed to say this but she explains that both she and yumia were raised in the same orphanage and Yia just one-sidedly decided that she was his little sister at one point Sakura doesn't find the situation all that weird but he is a little shocked to find out that she is the little sister here she says she is only 16 but he was sure that she was at least 20 or something since she acts so mature but as he says this he gets a chair thrown in him by sisha which gets on his nerves but what really scares him is the way Yia is looking at him like he was just about to do a lot worse to Sacura he laughs at off at haraji reminds Sacura that he must never let Yia know that kokoo was ever in danger or hell's going to break loose a little while later Yia is enjoying his meal but haraji seems to be lost and thought about something he has been thinking about the former Top Dog of lion's head and that gets sacri wondering if lion's head used to be different from how it is now they believe in strength alone and they certainly had a bunch of hoads on their team but they would have never done something as cowardly as chasing a middle schooler to beat him up fured even had an allout brawl of lion's head once but it was always satisfying for everyone involved however since Tommy Yama took over things have gone downhill with him picking fights all over the place and they've never been the same since then yumia thinks it has to be toyama's fault although he's not sure about this specifics but if they fight tomorrow then they'll be able to find out since punches are sometimes the only way guys like them can communicate Closing Time rolls around so kotoa closes up shop and everyone is about to head home but before they leave Sasaki takes a moment to formally thank sakra for stepping up to save him when he was in trouble to which Sakura gets embarrassed Again by the next morning they all arrive at the bridge and head into the lion's head territory for the tournament and tomiyama and the other lion's head members were all waiting to get things started since all the participants are here Tommy Yama excitedly tells them to follow him so that they can get things started as Sakura and the others walk along the streets he notices that Lion's head's Turf is made up almost exclusively of bars so maray explains that this place is the biggest bar District in the area and it is said to be really Lively at night but also pretty seedy that information was useful in all but now that Sacura thinks about it why is Norah here in the first place to can't fight so he has no reason to follow them to the tournament maray argues that he was present during the initial brawl that started this whole thing so he is just as much involved as they are and besides he is still a member of bin so even if he can't protect others like they do he wants to at least be able to protect himself so to do that he wants to learn as much as possible from them Sakura blushes a little and says nay can do whatever he wants but haraji thinks they are taking this tournament not seriously enough considering it will decide the fate of ban as a whole but umia doesn't think it's worth worrying about because from what he can tell they are pretty Dependable since they were falling behind Tommy AMA comes back to tell them to keep up with the group eventually they all arrive at their destination so to game officially welcomes them to the lion's head base this place is an old abandoned movie theater that lion's head took over so they now call it the cage and once the furing guys make it to the stage room they find themselves completely surrounded by an audience of lion's head members and nay is starting to regret his decision to follow the others here because the odds of them getting jumped just flew through the roof saaka tells Naya to show any signs of fear and look forward since he said he wants to learn meanwhile tomiyama steps out in front of the crowd and starts getting them hyped up about the duels that are set to begin soon and while he does that umia talks to the guys and tells them that this may have turned into a whole tournament but the main event is still going to be a fight between yumia and Toyama so the rest of their fights won't have much of an effect on the bet that was made meaning it doesn't matter if they win or lose however it matters a lot to saaka since he doesn't plan on losing to anyone here in neither do the rest of them Yia is glad to have such Dependable friends to support him but as he turns to face the stage tomiyama is calling out to him so they can start fighting immediately however to game interrupts and says they can't start the tournament with the bosses of each group since that is just poor entertainment planning so instead this guy asks if he can go first since sadha has been staring at him with rage in his eyes for a while now and it's starting to really piss him off on sash's end Yia tells him that he's fine with him fighting in the first rounds so he turns around to follow the guy onto the stage but before he walks out Sakura gets his attention and tells him that they still got their own score to settle with a rematch but Sacro would never want to fight someone who would lose to these losers so basically he is telling sashad to try his best to win sashad doesn't respond and just turns away instead without saying a word the fight is finally about to begin with sisha and ARA facing each other head-to-head meanwhile in the audience Mariah is going through his book of Fighters and he finds a record of ARA once having broken several ribs of a guy he was fighting all this single punch that punch must have had some insane power behind it but Sue doesn't seem worried since sste is pretty similar in terms of capabilities however Yia doesn't think it's fair to lump sagasa and ARA together since they are nothing alike on stage ARA can tell that sisha is filled with rage and just waiting for the match to start so he decides to use that to his advantage and looks over to umia before yelling his name out as if something is wrong due to sag's umia fixation he was was obligated to look to make sure his Idol was okay but as soon as gaze was averted ARA immediately ran forward and punched him Square in the face while mocking him for being dumb enough to look away during a fight however sisha is still standing after taking a straight punch while he was off guard so Sakura and umia aren't really worried about the fight arima still seems to think he's on the winning side of this fight but once sisha grabs his arm I'm sure ARA started regretting his prior decision a lot Saga is enraged that ARA would dare use um's name as is part of such a dirty trick sui Palms ARA's face and slams his body into the floor so hard that he now identifies as a floorboard the crowd has gone silent as they just witnessed one of their own get completely violated so they all start chattering amongst themselves because they know they ain't built strong enough to take a hit like that there is a serious mood in the theater but the silence is broken up when tomiyama begins to clap for sadish is Flawless Victory to game has a cold and calculating look on his face which is heavily contrasted by toyama's excitement to get a chance to fight someone as strong as that he pulls Tomy Alma back into his seat and tells him to just behave himself and wait for his turn muray can't believe how little concern tomiyama and to game are showing for ARA after he just got beaten and they are even praising his opponent for being strong on top of that so he knows these guys have a few screws loose in the head sagasa returns to his seat and is welcomed back by umia who congratulates him on his overwhelming Victory but it's not like he expected any other outcome from someone as sturdy as him narai is still in all of the durability sesa has to be able to tank a punch like that and keep going but sakur isn't surprised since he already expected as much since he has fought sesa before but it's not like he respects him as a fighter or anything yumia is glad things are going well but then he looks over at to game and Tommy Yama and to game seems like he's thinking hard about something after a moment both he and Tommy Yama get up so they can start the next round but before any of that can happen Tommy Yama calls over two random guys from the audience and tells them to go to dispose of ARA's body so he doesn't have to look at it anymore they do as they are instructed and drag his body off stage but they give up on carrying him backstage so they just drop his body on the floor since they can't be bothered to be nice to him he always acted like he was really tough around them but now look at him laid out on the floor and looking goofy after kicking him in the face they start walking off but Sakura can't stand the sound of them talking about strength so he tells them to keep their mouths shut until they can understand what real strength is the two guys take offense to this and start picking a fight with Sacura but Sue tells him there's no point in wasting his breath talking with them because those kinds of people will never understand unless they get a good punch to the face one of the guys then grabs Sue's jacket and is about to fight him but Tomy Yama organized a set of predetermined fights for today and he's not going to let some nameless background character ruin that for him so he tells the guy to back off they are stricken with fear so they do as he says and now that order has been restored tomiyama asks for the next battle to begin Sacura wants to go next but Sue tells him that it would make more sense for him to go next with the current order of things so he calls over to Kuma so they can begin their fight as Kuma walks towards the stage Sue gets up to go as well but before he leaves he addresses Sakura and tells him that he thought Sakura's goal of becoming the top dog at fur and was stupid when he first heard it sacka thinks he's trying to start a fight with him but Sue goes on to state that he has changed his mind after he saw that Sakura's words had genuine motivation behind them so now he thinks saaka is pretty cool that's why he is going to work hard so Sakura doesn't surpass him so easily as the fight is about to begin Sakura asks naray if he has any information on suo so the r looks in his book while it says he is famously strong there isn't any specific data on how he became so strong or who he has beaten before it's the same with everyone else too as they've heard a lot of talk about Sue but they don't actually know how he fights Kuma is biting his fingernails and anger over what the furen students have done to AA and Sue is surprised that he can actually feel compassion for another person but he is only angry about what happened to ARA because they've been together for a long time but now that he has been eliminated his career in lion's head is ruined Sue finds it childish to only make a fuss for someone else's sake when you are personally affected his taunting gets to Kuma so he charges at him but Sue conly grabs his hand and parries his punch with ease Kuma is confused about what just happened since he can tell that su's movements just now were completely reactive so he comes up with a bright idea to just punch faster so that Su can't react in time to dodge however that doesn't go so well for him and he ends up on his back looking goofy in front of everyone he tries to regain some of his dignity and grabs Sue leg for another attack but he just gets himself thrown to the floor once more the embarrassment is getting worse and worse as sh is now lecturing him while he's on the floor so he tries attacking again but as expected Sue uses his momentum against him once more and makes him hit the ground Ban's head crowd begins yelling obscenities at Kuma because they think he isn't taking this fight seriously but he's actually trying as as hard as he can right now sakur realizes that under that fake smile Sue is actually pretty heartless when he wants to be he already knew Kuma was weaker than him but rather than take him out quickly and let it be done with is making a mockery of him Kuma probably feels like he would rather be dead than keep fighting Sue like this but Sue probably had his own grudges against lion's head so this is his way of taking out his anger on them although haraji never expected him to be so emotional about it but then again he could just be showing him off because Sakura is watching over on stage kenoma just missed a punch that had him stumbling across the entire stage but after catching his breath he goes back in for another attack only to miss more of his punches and get pushed back he tries kicking Sue but that just gets him a first class ticket back to the floor he gets points for resilience since he keeps fighting but with how much he has been kissing the floor this entire fight he may want to consider just staying down the lion's head people have now completely turned on Kuma and he knows what's going to happen to him if they view him as weak and after seeing the look of disappointment on to face he throws a tantrum and gets back up to try and attack Su however that doesn't work out in his favor as Su throws a kick but stops inches away from his face he then tells Kuma that he knows exactly what he's thinking about right now he's imagining himself in the exact same position as the people he had made fun of and he probably doesn't like it Su tells him that this is a first great step to towards his reform as a compassionate person but the next step is to beat it into him so he doesn't forget what it feels like to be a loser but before Sue can do that to tells him to stop since the fight is already over and he doesn't want canduman disgracing them any further in fact to make sure they don't have to deal with his dumbass anymore to game officially kicks him out of the lion's head so he has lost everything in one fight Sue is satisfied with what he has done to Kuma so he walks off stage leaving him with a reminder of how important it is to be compassionate towards others this was the end of episode 5 thanks for watching subscribe to not miss the next part
Channel: AniSpot Recapped
Views: 139,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, anime summary, anime
Id: FSns9Q6vSXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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