After Effects Tutorial: Smooth and Minimal Logo Animation in After Effects - No Third Party Plugin

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[Music] hey guys what's up I am Nick Hill from joke motion calm and welcome to this brand new After Effects tutorial in this video I'm gonna show you guys how to create a really nice and minimalistic looking Lobley wheel in After Effects which is absolutely simple and easy to create so without any further ado let's get straight into After Effects and get started alright so yah we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's rename this come to main comp 1920 by 1080 30 fps and 10 seconds should be good and hit okay so the first thing that I'm gonna be creating is this lines that animates out just like that which is very very simple you just need to turn on the title action safe I don't know which button it is just kidding anyway so let's say like the pen tool and let's add a stroke of maybe 5 pixels we don't need any fill so I'm gonna set this to none and from the center I'm gonna hold shift and create a straight line just like that maybe I'll make it 7 pixels so there we have a straight line let's turn off the title action safe for now oh okay there we go and then what I'm gonna do is let's make this right actually first of all and then turn off the title action safe oh I've created two ships I guess so let's delete this then we have our force stroke then let's go ahead and add a trim part to this just let's go add and trim paths and now we can animate the stroke just like so so let's set this to zero create a keyframe go whew maybe like 23 seconds or 20 seconds and set this to hundred let's zoom a little bit and we really set this to one second okay let's go to somewhere on there 20 frames create a keyframe on the start property go to one second and set this to somewhere around there maybe something like 30 or something so now you have something like that and that is what we are going for as you can see so let's select all the keyframes and maybe I just tweaked it a bit let's select all the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes let's go into the graph editor and select this point and drag the handle to the left just like so now we should have something like that see looking very very nice let's call this line underscore or one and also I'm gonna align this and make sure it is in the center go back actually and put the key put the anchor point down at the bottom and make sure it is in the center so as you can see it is not in the center so let's use the arrow keys and move it to the center just like that and also I'm gonna move the anchor point you can manually move the anchor point as well so you can just hold put it right oh yeah just like that and now what I'm going to do is select this hit control D and create four copies let's select them all hit R and let's rotate this one to 45 degrees I guess but if I have a 90 degrees sorry oh I'm doing it wrong I'll delete this and what we can do is actually go and add a repeater and let's create four copies then go into the transform video properties and set the position to zero and rotate this by 360 divided by four and there we have it as you can see now it's not looking perfect into the center right over here so we can move the anchor point and try to fix this so cheers to touch there we go and there we have our lines animation now it's not looking the way I wanted it to look so what I can do is select this actually and rotate this by 45 degrees let's see so that is what I was going for The Strokes are pretty big yes so what I can do is select the line and let's say this is zero again and what I can do is select the pen tool and we will drag it a bit more to the top just like that and now let's rotate this at 45 degrees so yup this will be much better maybe I'll learn I need to stretch the stroke bit more on death hit you go right over here and maybe I'll just set it to 25 or let's say this is 50 actually yeah 50 looks much better so now we have this really nice stroke animation let's see our reference yeah that is what I am going for so now at 15 frames we have this kind of a square you know something like that which is kind of a square let's actually go into the animation and let's see the lines so the animation is something like that as you can see okay so what I'm going to do is let's go right over here at 20 frames maybe and select the rectangle tool we don't need any stroke for now so let's say this is 0 we need to fill so I'm gonna set this to white and create a square holding ctrl and shift at the same time and dragging the point and now let's actually go into the rectangle path properties and let's go for the size that we want so something like 300 it looks good and now what I'm gonna do is I just need the sphere for one frame so I'm gonna hold alt and close square bracket go to frames forward hit control shift D and for this one the second layer we don't need any fill so I'm going to set this to none we need the stroke so I'm increase this to maybe train training looks good or maybe 24 let's go with actually 25 and I'm gonna animate the size so hit you 2 times so we can see the size create a keyframe go forward in time somewhere on there maybe and let's increase the size just like so that was really simple animation let's select keyframes at f9 go into the graph editor and tweak this a little bit just like so now we have something like that as you can see that pop up effect that two frames gives us you can see looks pretty good so this was the animation see now let's create this kind of you know stroke dub squares so there you have it looking very nice alright now what I'm going to do is let's create a new actually let's create a stroke so I select the pen tool and let's set the stroke to around 50 pixels and from the center I'm gonna create a stroke holding shift just like that maybe I'll know align this in the center oh it's actually in the center and increases to maybe 60 I think 60 looks better yep oh maybe let's set this to something like 90 this is gonna be much better and now what I can do is let's animate this so let's go right over here and hit u two times so we can see the stroke bit size and clear keyframe so let's set this to zero and create a keyframe go right over here and set this to ninety hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes go into the graph editor select the point and hold and drag it to the left just like we did before so now we have something like that actually I'm gonna do the posit so let's go in to graph it and drag it to the right this time now I think I'll just keep it at easy ease or maybe create a really nice peak in the center so you have something like that okay then what I'm gonna do is select this and hit control D deduplicated hit R and R rated by 90 degrees now we have something like that and that is what I am going for I think the square is not in the center notice it is in the set oh yeah it was not in the center no now it is in the center same for this one okay so there we have it now let's select the strokes and hit control shift seat if we compose it let's call this line Matt you can of course call it whatever that you want so I'm gonna call it line Matt and for the shape layer I'm gonna chain the track Matt welcome at I think I've inverted and there we go I have this really nice animation yep that is what I am going for man comes right over you and maybe for the shapes lines I'm gonna make them up pretty close just like that so right over here maybe at somewhere around there I'm gonna create a flicker so hit P and create a keyframe on the opacity let's hold ctrl and alt and click on the keyframe to create a whole keyframe go one frame forward in time and maybe I'll set this to zero go one frame forward in time let's set this to 100 go one frame forward in time by hitting page down and that is to zero so we have a little bit flicker and there are close-ups just like that so there you have that animation and then it rotates just like so lines so let's rotate the lines select the line hit R to bring that rotation tool create a keyframe go Q planes forward maybe 20 frames see so it goes up 20 frames and let's rotate this to 90 degrees and let's hit you so we can see all the keyframes and right over here create a keyframe on the start just like that go add the 1 second 23 mark and set is 200 so now we have something like that so let's select the keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and I'm gonna try to create a peak just like so so now you have this really nice animation but I think it's a bit too fast so I'll maybe stretch this to 25 frames yup this looks much better so now what I'm going to do is let's go 25 frames and select the rectangle tool again let's say the stroke around 10 and create a square holding ctrl and shift at the same time to something like this big then let's go right over here actually somewhere and let's select the size to around 400 pixels rotate this by 45 degrees and we had a little bit of flicker on this so somewhere around there I'll hit P create a keyframe and just like with that before hold ctrl and alt and create a whole keyframe go on frame forward in time let's set this to zero one frame forward by hitting page down let's set is 200 one claim forward and let's set this to zero we have something like that let's hold alt and close square bracket and now we have something like that maybe I'll try this a bit forward in time to 15 frames maybe I think it's a bit too fast so let's see we will drag it with 20 frames okay so somewhere in between okay so now what I'm gonna do is let's create a new composition and let's set the bed to around 700 and height to 700 pixels this is going to be the square animations let's rename this to square and let's select the rectangle tool we don't need any stroke so I set this to zero we need the fill let's create a square holding shift just like that and also I'm gonna make sure to line it to one corner and then I'm gonna scale this up so hit s and maybe I'll scale this let's actually set this 100 and let's scale the square yes and make sure the anchor point is right over here in this corner now let's scale this to me one zero one I think very minimal yep that fits in perfectly and now what I'm going to do is add as a small scaling animation so let's hit s create a keyframe go back in time let's set this to zero select keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and this time I will create a peak again she was like so now we have this really nice animation but now I want the anchor point to be into the center oh so now we have something like that now also let's align this in the position that we want just like that so now we have a simple animation so select head control D and let's align it to the right control D align it to the bottom control V and align it to the left so now we have something like that see we have capital line in between so we need to fix that so I think I should leave this and maybe I'll scale it a bit more - 1 0 - I think that would be much better so now let's add control D and line it again let's see yup now shouldn't perfect whole deal on it bottom control di line in to the left so now we have this simple animation as you can see and right over here I'm gonna create more duplicate by the control D and let's change it to a different color so we can see it more properly and I'll line it into the center we don't need any fill for this so let's set the fill to none we just need the stroke the stroke is going to be kind of a black color and for the stroke size I'll go over some like 10 or maybe I'll keep it a different color no I think the black color looks better so I'll just give it 20 80 something like that let's hit you so you can see the keyframes go right for you and I'm gonna scale this up really big so something like that and maybe I'll go with 15 or something simply this case something like this let's hit our and rotate this by 45 degrees oh no actually let's keep it up just like that and let's displace this by something like 15 frames or something maybe a bit like 10 frames yup something like that a little bit and then let's go right away as hits the edges let's crop the shape so hold alt and close square bracket have it let's see we're going with the animation correctly so it hits and become white so let's go right over here and add a fill to this make this black the one frame forward and may actually go one frame backward create a keyframe on the color go one frame forward and let's make this white so now we have something like that so hits and becomes white something like that and for the stroke I think it's a bit too much big so I'll keep it at 10 and hit you so you can see the scale properties and scale it a bit more just touch there we go now let's go into the main come and drag that come that we just created that is the square one drag it and right over here just like that rotated by 45 degrees and now we should have this really nice like an animation also on a scale is down so maybe around 75 or something yeah that looks much better here we go three seconds so it hits up and then at three seconds I'm gonna animate this in so let's create a keyframe on the scale property go to around right over here and let's set this to zero let's select these two keyframes and go into the graph editor and the curve is gonna be something like this just like so very nice maybe a bit more yup something like that let's go into the main common let's see yep that is what I am going for and right oh you're actually well it hits I'm gonna hit ctrl deduplicated and hold still the second one and hold alt and close square bracket and displace this a bit so we have two copies just like that just to make it more interesting yep there we go and while it goes in I'm gonna add some lines as you can see here we have some lines going in all right so let's select the pen tool and just like we created the lines at the start I'm going to do the same technique using the same technique let's create a line just like that maybe make it five pixels also align it into the center just like that and then let's add a crimp up and let's animate the line just like so hide the guide layer so I can just set this right over here create a keyframe go few frames forward let's set this to zero and let's actually go right over here create a keyframe on the end property brings forward and let's set this to zero now we can drag this a bit just like that so we should have something like that maybe a bit more faster let's bring this closer and displays this a bit more silly the keyframes and hit f9 again and let's go into the graph editor and drag the points to the right just like so so right over here I'm now start so just right oh yeah now make them bow now you should have something like that yep that is what I am going for pretty nice let's hold alt and close square bracket to crop this up and again let's add a trim part to this oh the repeat at the base not to trim path and let's create four copies and let's go into the transform repeater set the position to zero and rotate this by 360 divided by four and there you go again I think the center point is not aligned properly so let's go and read anchor point a little bit maybe align this Center I think it's not lining into the center so maybe we'll tweak this a little bit just like so so now you have this really nice animation as you can see now as it goes in our logo should pop up so let's create a comp for the logo and yes let's keep it 700 all this logo actually let's make this 300 here okay I think 300 is a bit too small side control key and make it 504 the low will create a basic you know just kind of an initial just something like that I think it looks pretty good though big so let's say this is my logo let's go into the main comp and I'm gonna add the logo comp into the main comp just like that you scale it down a bit just like that maybe increase the size okay so let's go at 5 seconds and hit s to bring up the scale properties go back in time and let's set this to zero so we have this really simple animation let's select the keyframes f9 and just like we always do scrag it so now you have something like actually let's drag just like so just touch so there we go we have a nice-looking logo I think the logo is a bit too slow so I will just move the keyframes and there we go this place a bit yeah this is looking much better and with the logo I want to add a little bit of accent so what we can do is select line the first layer of the line that we previously had that is this one and two to get this by hitting ctrl D hit you and what I need to do is let's delete this four keyframes you don't need to use them let's put it below the logo layer let's bring this back so now we have something like that so let's also actually bring and tweak this key feels like so and go right over here and set this to hundred so now we have something like that but it's a bit too big for our logo so let's select this actually let's go right over here let's select this say the pen tool and maybe I'll hit you 2 times just let the path so we can tweak it and I'm gonna lets head actually are let's zero and let's let the point Eddie you slip the pot it's like this pot no that is not what I'm going for so I'm not really sure why I'm not a yup now we get it that is what I'm going for she looks pretty cool and there we go so let's set N and hit control a u so we can close all the layers and let's see our complete animation you can see it is looking very nice really minimal style but looks kind of complex at the same time so yeah I think it's a pretty cool side do you know have fun play around with once you get the technique of creating it you can you know I think it's kind of looking like a jump so we can tweak this and fix this a bit so what I can do is actually select the color keyframes and drag them a bit maybe frames forward yep that looks much better you have to and for the final touch I'm gonna add a background so hit control Y didn't sue BG for background it's not a background click quick there we go and you can also add some long shadows if you want to I already have a tutorial on it so you can check it out I'll provide the link in the down in the description below but for now I'm gonna hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it let's call this animation and I'm gonna add a drop shadow V distance it but pretty minimal I don't want it really heavy you know kind of drops a really minimal touch to 5 pixels so we have a really nice look as you can see pretty nice so that is a wrap for today guys I hope this video was helpful and if it was make sure to subscribe comment and like and I will see you guys in my next video till then take care thank you so much watching guys and don't forget to stay wrong stay creative [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 62,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smooth and minimal logo reveal in after effects, smooth logo, after effects logo reveal, clean logo reveal, simple logo reveal, after effects tutorial, dope motions, dynamic logo reveal, line animation after effects, after effects motion graphics, smooth intro after effects, amazing intro after effects, after effects logo animation, logo animation, logo animation in after effects, simple logo animation after effects
Id: xdIzIKeLwCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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