After Effects Tutorial - Liquid Logo Animation in After Effects

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this video is sponsored by story blocks video today I'm going to show you guys how to create a liquid logo animation into After Effects without using any third party plugins just hundred-person shape layers I am Lee killed from the motions and without any further ado let's get started if you have ever been in the need for a quick video clip for a b-roll After Effects template or motion backgrounds that story blocks video is for you I personally use story blocks for my youtube videos client projects and many other different stuff there are times when your creative needs are compromised due to low budget for example let's say I am shooting a short flim and my location is near Statue of Liberty and I want an aerial footage of Statue of Liberty and taking a drone short would exceed my budget because drone shot are not that cheap that is when Sony blocks video comes in and I can easily search for an aerial footage of the Statue of Liberty and use it in my video story blocks is a subscription-based resource providing unlimited downloads of royalty free stock footage ease motion backgrounds and After Effects templates all videos a hundred percent royalty free and you can keep all the media forever new clips are added regularly so there is always something fresh to download make sure to check out story blocks video the link will be down in the description alright so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's call this main 1920 by 1080 30fps ten seconds should be good here okay let's create one more composition for our logo and let's rename this to logo hit OK and for the logo I just pretty quickly create a very simple minimal looking logo just as you saw in the example let's create an ellipse align this into the center and as to it you can of course use your logo and there we have our very simple logo now let's go back into the main composition and drag in the logo calm into the mein kampf and for the moment I'm gonna hide it let's select the pen tool and now I'm gonna try to create a very simple shape let's first of all change the color to white and write out the bad let's start creating a shape so I'm gonna just click and drag maybe it's oom in a bit and try to create a nice liquidy shape you don't need to be very precise with this just go on creating something like that you can of course take your time I'm doing it very roughly right now but it's pretty simple you just need to click and drag just to create a more smooth shapes and you don't need to worry about it you can later on you know fix the shapes when you're done once creating the complete shape just like that just try to make it as random as possible and once you know if you disconnect with the shape you can hold alt and click on the last point and then you can continue just like so maybe this is a bit too big so I'll make this smaller don't mean something like that and finally I'll just finish this up by creating a shape like so now you can go ahead and fix this so right here you can see we have a very sharp edge so I'll try to fix that like so and I would say that just take your time by doing this okay this looks a bit weird so I'll just make this more okay this makes sure that it it looks like liquid right try to fix this one just like that okay so that is looking pretty good now let's select the layer call this may be liquid you can of course call it whatever that you want I'm just gonna call this liquid let's turn on the logo layer and then hit f4 if you don't see the track matte option and change the track mark of the logo to luma matte now if I select the liquid you can see we have it right here I'll just align it in the position that I want and maybe I'll hit s and scale this a bit just like so alright and now I select this you can see we can animate this and this will give us a very interesting look right so let's select the layer and hit R to rotate it by maybe 45 degrees or something like 42 degrees looks good okay let's go to two seconds select the layer and hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back in time and let's bring this out just like so so now we have a pretty simple animation which looks like this right very simple let's select it and hit f9 to Easy's the keyframes so we have the animation but right now it doesn't look like you know like a liquid so let's select the layer and add an effect called turbulence displace there we go let's increase the amount to around 70% and for the size I'll bring this down to let's go with 30 or something like that yep that looks much better and now you can see we get this very interesting liquidy animation now you can of course play around with different settings to get the desired look if you want to go really intense you can just increase this you know you can go totally crazy with this but I think this amounts looks good you know so play around with the complexity if you want to to give it a different look as you can see pretty interesting so try to play around with different number of settings to create a different look but you get the idea of what I am going for so now let's add one more effect that is roughen edges and for the scale I just increase the scale to around me 110 just so that the edges are not that smooth now you can see we get this really cool look I think this is much better than the example that I created to show you guys so yeah that is that pretty simple now let's select both the layers and hit ctrl D to duplicate it maybe I'll move this a bit forward in time select the second layer that is logo layer and add a fill on to this and many people ask me what this console is this is a effects console from Video Copilot which is absolutely free to download if you don't have this console you can simply go into windows and effects and preset and you can type in fill right here but use FX console it's gonna save you a lot of time while walking you know in after-effects and increase your workflow as well so I highly recommend you guys let's change the color to white and now you can see we have a pretty interesting animation actually it has a little bit of more complexity into it you can also create a number of copies maybe two three copies and make it look more interesting but I think this is pretty good for now let's select all the layers hit you so we can see just the key frames let's select the key frames go into the graph editor now if you graph editor is not looking like this then make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph select this point and drag it holding shift to the left just like that maybe this one as well so now we have a much interesting animation so the animation starting fast and then ends up slowly and that is what I am going for okay pretty good now let's go ahead and create those lines that you saw that hits up the circle and yeah before you move forward let's check this logo and add a simple choker because right now you can see we can see the white logo from right here kind of anti-aliasing issues so I'll make this to one so now we fixed that and that is that let's select all the layers hit ctrl shift and C to pre compose the layers and call this maybe logo animation all right now let's say the pen tool we don't need any fill for this I'm going to say this to none we just need the stroke I said is to around maybe 5 pixels and turn on the title action safe and then what I can do is I can create a very interesting path now you can of course create any kind of path that you want to create but I want to make it very simple right now you can totally make it more complex if you want to but for now I'm just gonna go with a very simple path because my you know my idea here is just to give you guys the the techniques of creating stuff so that you guys can create your own stuff I don't want to just show you guys like do this do this and bam there you have it I'm not teaching your um the main point of my tutorial is not to teach you guys how to use After Effects work but to teach you guys how to create something in After Effects so you guys can use your own ideas and create more interesting things than what I show into the tutorials so that is the main concept behind my tutorial I hope that makes sense anyway so here we have our line let's call this line ok let's solo this up and add a trim part to this trimpots and now we can animate the stroke so let's go at the very beginning go into trimpots bring down the end property to 0 create a keyframe go to around maybe let's go to 20 frames set is 200 go back create a keyframe on the start property bit forward and set is 200 so now we have a very simple stroke enemy as you can see but I think it's a bit too fast let's set this to one second yep also let's go into the shape stroke set the line cap to rounded cap oh there we go then I can select the layer and hit you select the keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and push all the handles to the right just like so so we have a pretty simple animation as you can see so now when it hits the circle right here maybe this a bit just like so okay so when it hits right here I want the circle to start animating or the logo to start its animation so I'll move it just like so maybe and bam there we go maybe it's a bit too far so I'll just zoom in and move them a bit closer just like so so now when it hits there we go there we have our animation pretty cool yep that is looking much better let's select the line and add a turbulent displace on this one as well for the amount I'll brain is really low also for the size I'm going to bring this down just a touch so yeah that is looking much better maybe I'll increase the size a bit right here it's a bit too much I'll bring down the amount of it okay so that is looking pretty cool I think it's bit too fast till so I'm going to increase the time a bit yep let's select the path so hit you 2 times on the keyboard select the path and I'll just make it just like that yep this is looking much better as you can see also what I'm going to do is increase the size a bit maybe something like this big hit ctrl D to duplicate it justplease this again a bit and for this one I'll go with the same color as our logo so we have an interesting look as you can see pretty cool now the third thing that we need to create is a splash when it hits the logo so to create that let's actually create a new composition call this splash SP layer switch hit OK select the pen tool we just need the stroke listed is to maybe 5 pixels and I can just go and create a very simple path just like so just like that and then go into the stroke we don't need the fill we can delete that go into the stroke and set this to rounded cap add a trim part and animate this just like we did before so so this 2-0 create a keyframe go to I guess maybe 20 frames set this 200 right here keyframe go right here 100 so let's see what we have it's a bit too slow I'll make this a bit closer still I think you select this and hit f9 yep this is looking much better perfect let's select this hit ctrl D to duplicate it make this white and rotate it just like that and play said Oh make sure it's selected hit V and place it right here so it start just like that let's duplicate this again hit control D rotate this and place it right here select this head control D rotate it and paste this right here maybe a bit more okay so we have this very simple splash you can call it maybe bit more kind of a boosting effect or bursting shapes so let's bring it down into the main composition and place it into the position that we want so right here hit R to rotate it to bring down the rotation properties actually and then rotate it and now we should have I'll just try to fix the position and yep that is that looking pretty good so let's actually see a complete animation yep so that is looking pretty great I think very simple animation and looks very interesting so you can create different number of animation using this technique you can you know you can create a complete swirl effect and then it hits the logo from the top maybe and then the liquid start forming from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top different kind of animation make sure to create them and upload it on YouTube and send me the link I'll be happy to check them out and yeah that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and also follow me on Instagram odd-job got motion I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay wrong stay Creator [Music] I love my these concrete walls they say but I'm upset you don't make no sense but I gotta get it [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 88,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Tutorial - Liquid Logo Animation in After Effects, Liquid Logo Animation in After Effects, logo animation tutorial, logo reveal animation, how to make logo animation after effects, after effects tutorial, after effects logo reveal, logo animation after effects, ae tutorial, dope motions, logo, after effects for beginners, after effects basic, simple logo animation after effects, professional logo after effects
Id: 3ky0VBPhPXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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