4 Motion Graphic Logo Techniques - After Effects Tutorial

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[Music] in this video we'll look at four creative techniques you can use in your next motion graphic logo animation what's up everyone i hope you're doing well my name is shaw gonsalves from animation deconstructed and if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe and turn that notification bell on let's jump straight into the tutorial so inside after effects i've just got a composition that is by 1080p it's 30 frames per second and 5 seconds long i've also brought in an animated background into the scene and if you want to know how to do this take a look at the previous tutorial i'll leave a link in the description where i describe an entire process of creating different animated backgrounds i also have a logo and i'm just going to drop this into my scene and then i'm going to pre-compose this and just call this logo main next thing i want to do is just duplicate this so that i've got an unaffected one all the time just drop this to the bottom i'm going to recolor this one so i can see it better and then i'm going to ctrl shift c and i'm going to say logo color and i'm going to move all the attributes into this composition i'm going to go inside there and then what we want to do is actually add the gradient color to this so i'm going to right click create a new solid call this gradient press ok and then come over to effects and presets this has changed to small screen so you can see everything better i'm going to type in here gradient and i want to choose the four color gradients on this my logo is sitting in the middle here so i'm just going to bring these in a bit more and i've picked four colors already so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to say 0 0 60 ff the next one down i'm going to change to 0 0 42 ff then the next one is ff 0 0 ff and the last color is 3f00df i'm going to drop this below our logo and i'm going to go to track matte and alpha matte and close this down and we can go back into our tutorial comp the next thing i want to do is actually duplicate this so that we have a layer where we'll create the outline effect on this i'm going to press enter and just call this logo lines press ok we're going to add an effect called vegas to this so just typing in there pre double click and add this the first thing you'll notice is that it will start drawing in a weird manner and this is because we are working with the gradient so if we just go to image contours go over to the threshold and pull this back until it actually traces the entire logo it will be around 20 percent and then pop that back up only want two segments to this to solo this you'll see that we are still seeing our logo i want to have this on a transparent background then i also want to change this yellow to a different color ff7bfa and press ok and then i want to actually animate this on let's just colorize these layers so like that and that and we can see them a bit better the way to animate this is we're going to use the length and the rotation let's just keyframe the length and keyframe the rotation at the beginning press u and we're going to move forward to about 20 frames i want to add these keyframes there again and then moving back to the beginning i want to just set up where this rotation will be and i'm going to find a really nice place to start this let's say about here so it starts drawing over here and going to the top and i'm going to come over here this looks like it's going a bit fast i'm also going to drag this over it's just after one second around here still moving a bit faster i'm just going to drag back so the rotation is closer together and then i'm going to take the length down to zero just press play and see how this looks and i'm pretty happy with that now what i want to do is add some glows to this so let's move forward until we can see them type in glow and i'm going to double click this to add it and i'm going to drag this up to about 65 duplicate this drag this down a bit then make the glow radius a bit higher say about 25 and then we're going to duplicate this once more take the threshold down a little bit more and really pump this up say about 75. i'm going to unsolo the layer and just change this to additive and just see how this looks the next thing we're going to take a look at is animating the gradient then we'll add some distortion and scale to the reveal to bring these two elements together as well as an easy way to reveal the gradient logo so the first thing i want to do is start animating this gradient so i'm going to select the logo let's just solo it so we can actually see what's going on and i want the end frame to be this colorway over here so i'm going to come over to effects and presets and i'm going to type in cc color offset so this one right over here i'm going to double click that and we can actually animate these phases so that the color of this gradient changes over time i'm going to pick two of these so let's say the green phase and the red phase turn them on and press u then i'm going to move to the first frame and i'm going to drag back on both of these let's say the green i'm going to take back to round about here where it's blue and then the red phase right about there should be good now if i press play you'll see this animating on the logo i'm going to de-solo that and we can move along and actually play with the scale and pop that up i'm going to create a new null object drop this to the top and then select our two logo layers and parent them to the null i'm going to press the s key to scale and i want this to land let's say about half a second so about 15 frames in press the s key let's move to frame zero and let's scale this right up but there should be good i'm going to select both these keyframes press the f9 key and i'm going to go into the graph editor now just make sure that you're in the speed graph editor just by clicking this button over here and then i want to select this last keyframe and then just shift and drag until it snaps to the end and this will make sure that comes in really fast and it slides into place the last thing i want to do is scale wipe this logo into place and i'm going to select that logo and just create a mask around here just with the rectangle tool to make this pretty big so that we can add a feather to this and click and hold down on the pen tool go to the feather tool and just click and drag in then what i'm going to do is press the m key and the shift u key so we can see all the other keyframes turn the mask path on and i want to come to about say when the logo actually hits and i'm going to double click on the mask part so we get the handles move this off to the side and then just press play and see how this comes on last thing i want to do is just add some distortion to this as it comes in so i'm going to go to the top layer new adjustment layer and i'm going to add an effect called optics compensation let's move to about here so we can see this effect coming on i'm going to change the field of view let's really drag up on this and i want to reverse the lens distortion on this going to go up to about 130 140 and just keyframe the field of view i'm at about three frames so let's go back to zero take this down to zero and then move over to just past here and i'm going to take that down to zero again press the u key so we can see all those and i'm just going to easy ease all these keyframes one thing i want to do is just fade this line out as it comes into place so i'm going to select the lines press t for opacity at about about this point here i'm going to move over to 110 and then i'm just going to drag this down something i forgot to do is just to add a slight bevel to this logo so i'm going to select this logo over here come over and type in bevel and we want to use bevel alpha and you can see it just adds a nice finish to this logo now that we're done with that we'll take a look at creating the ultra glossy look on the logo and we're going to create our own reflection map so that we can adjust it to how we need so in order to create this uh glossy look we're going to duplicate the logo again just delete the effects of this i'm going to solo this and just show you that that's what we've got i'm also going to delete the mask i'm going to ctrl shift c and i'm going to leave all the attributes inside here so that it's parented still and i'm going to rename this to logo gloss and then we can go inside here what we need to do is create a reflection map and basically you can download these from the internet uh but what i like to do is actually create these myself so i can control where the light and the dark is and then animate these over my logo before we move on i also just want to scale this logo slightly smaller so i'm going to take this down to 80 and then in this glass area i'm going to take this down to 80 so that we can see it once we are moving the actual uh gloss over the logo to start doing this let's create a new solid and i'm going to call this uh wall this can be any color that we want press ok ctrl shift c call this the reflection map and leave all attributes inside is fine press ok and we're going to go inside here we're going to add a gradient ramp double click that or drag it on top of the layer what i want to do is actually create a wall for this so i'm going to drag over here with my rectangle tool just to make a mask then i'm going to change these two colors to be more gray and you can copy the exact colors that i'm using so it is 73 times so 70 70 70 and then the end color i'm using 16 16 16. we can just hold this up duplicate this call this floor press the m key and we're going to invert this mask so it's at the bottom i'm going to delete this ramp and i'm going to add a four color gradient ramp let's just move this into place over here maybe this over here and this over here first one is 39 39 39 second one zero a zero a zero a the third one is 34 34 34 and the last one is 18 18 18. press ok i'm just going to move these darker around so we get a bit more variance what's going to really sell this effect is a nice dark area which we can move over the logo and then a nice little window which will be shining the light in these can be really abstract so i'm going to create a new solid black layer hide this you'll see how quickly we can create this in after effects i'm going to hide that so we can see what we're doing with it selected we can draw a mask so let's just go around here nice dark area show that m twice drag up on the feather and then we're going to create our white window over there so layer new solid make this white and i'm going to hide that the same way just drag over here as i said this really doesn't need to be a perfect artwork let's just show this and then i'm going to press m twice mask feather just slightly and then i just want to protect the outsides so that when we're moving this over because we'll set this to add the black won't show on the logo so i'm going to create one more dark black layer and i'm going to actually select a safe area so let's go around like this everything on the inside will be protected press m and invert this press m twice and just add some feather to this now going back into the logo gloss i'm going to change this layer to additive but this logo right here we can just select it change it to a guide layer i don't want to see it in the main compilator i'm just using it so that i can actually animate this so selecting the reflection map let's just actually stretch this up so we get more of a distortion to this reflection map then at zero let's move this up so it's totally off the logo only the black is around that area press the p key turn on position make this go over about seconds so it goes over the logo slowly and i'm going to move down until all the color is past this area here i'm going to close that down and then back in our main composition we just need to select the layer and change it to additive going to turn this solo off and i'm going to also duplicate the logo once more drag this to the top we can delete the mask we don't need that and we're just going to use this as a track matte area so selecting the logo gloss going to go to alpha matte i just solo that you can see that it's now cutting out that logo area so what we still need to do is actually create a bump layer for this so i'm going to unsolo this and then i'm going to come to the top here and let's get rid of these effects we don't actually need them on here going to duplicate this going to ctrl shift c and i'm going to call this logo bump leave all the attributes inside so it's still parented to the null when you press ok and i'm going to go in here and i'm just going to go to layer layer styles and we're going to create a color overlay we'll change this to white and then layer layer styles stroke just turn on the transparency so we can see it i want this to be black and i don't want the actual edges of this logo to be affected by this glossiness it'll just look a lot better let's change this to five and let's change this to inside the logo and i'm going to close this down and back in here we're going to be working with let's just change this to yellow so that we can see it way to achieve this is to come over to the effects and presets type in cc glass going to add this effect go to the surface and we're going to point to the bump map we already see some things changing the softness i'm going to take up above 50 so by 60 then i'm going to change the height to 100 and the displacements i'm going to drag right backwards to about there then i want to affect the light as well so i'm going to drop this down and let's change the lights and since you bring us down let's say about 90 light height let's take that right up to 100 and we should start seeing some nice deformations next thing i want to add is cc blob lies and that's with the bl so double click that go to the blobliness and we are going to change the blob layer to the bump we're going to change the softness take that down let's go below 10 so about 8 to be good and you'll start seeing these edges show through and the cutaway let's take that to zero just to make sure nothing else is being cut away i want to really impact this kind of gloss area so i'm going to add one more cc gloss and let's just duplicate that and drop it to the bottom and we can just adjust a few things let's say the softness let's go to about 40 and then the displacement let's really drag this back a bit more so around this should start looking really good and light height just to get a lot more difference in this take this down to 40 something and let's say 45 to have a round number i'm going to unsolo this and then just do one ram preview so you can see how this looks we're almost at the finish line and if you're finding this tutorial helpful please hit that like button the end of the logo reveal is extremely important and what we're going to be doing here is concentrating on the movement and motion to make sure it's punchy and seamless so what i want to do is just make sure that this logo has a bit of time to breathe i'm going to move over to about 2 seconds and 10 frames and then i'm going to go to the null press the u key to get the scale press shift p to add the position properties up and we can keyframe that and then turn a keyframe on for the scale i'm going to move over about 15 frames and i'm going to scale this down to about 60 and i'm going to move this up slightly because i want to add some words to it and then i'm going to select all these keyframes press the f9 key go to the graph editor if you want to zoom in on these keyframes you just need to press this button over here and then i want to drag over these two and drag this forward until it locks this will create a nice smooth impactful animation there this point i want to add some text so layer new text and i'm going to say motion logo and let's just drop this down below the logo over here then what i want to do is actually create a box above this so that we can actually mask this out as it moves so just deselect everything go to the rectangle tool start drawing over here drop this above the text layer select the text and go to track matte alpha inverted matte now if we move this text above it's going to actually mask out above that press the p key turn it on i'm going to just press u on the null so that i can match this up with the movement there then i'm going to go back and just move this up using the shift and arrow keys select these two keyframes press f9 go into the graph editor to select this first one shift and drag until it snaps the last thing we need to do is just colorize this and go to white at the same time as the text comes in so let's just go down to the logo we're going to go to effects type intent add this make both white we're going to drag this down the amount of tint turn on the keyframe move to the end here to match up with the null drag up on the white press u to see these keyframes select both keyframes press f9 go to the graph editor select that first keyframe and shift and drag until it snaps turn this off and we'll do our final ram preview of this logo reveal if you're interested in seeing more tutorials of mine take a look at either of the videos popping up on screen right now keep animating and until next [Music] time you
Channel: Animation Deconstructed
Views: 18,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphic logo after effects tutorial, Motion Graphic Logo Animation, After Effects Logo Tutorial, Motion Design Logo Animation, Motion Graphics After Effects, Motion Design, Motion Graphics, After Effects Tutorial, Motion Design Logo After Effects Tutorial, Motion Design After Effects, motion graphics tutorial, Animation Deconstructed, after effects, after effects techniques, motion graphics logo, logo animation in after effects, after effects animation, AE Tutorial
Id: FdUzIrd65Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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