After Effects Tutorial: Dynamic Typography Animations in After Effects

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hey guys what's up I am nikhil from dope motions and welcome to this brand new After Effects tutorial in today's video I'm gonna show you guys how to create this cool typography animation inside of After Effects without using any third-party plugin it's a super fun effect and we will be using a non-destructive method to create this complete animation it's going to be super fun filled with a lot of different tips and techniques so make sure you stick around till the end with that said let's jump straight into our true facts and get started [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] [Applause] now before we start today's video I just want to quickly tell you guys about my very own gaze Graphics Pack link is in the description [Music] the pack now comes with atom X extension and over 4500 plus ready to use animations saving you a lot of time using the pack is super easy open your project composition browse the animation that you like using the atom X extension and just click on apply boom you are good to go you can even use the customizer inside the extension to edit your animations and as you can see it only takes a few seconds this Graphics Pack comes equipped with 22 different categories which include 230 plus slideshows and typography animations 400 plus transitions 650 plus titles and lower thirds 60 plus logo animations animated devices infographics color filters social media animations shape elements text and animation presets sound effects and a lot more so grab your copy today of the Gaze Graphics Pack version 5 powered by atomics extension alright so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's call this render as our main render comp with an height I'm going with 1200 by 1200 you can of course go at 1920 by 1080 or 4K if you want to but with these kind of effects a squared size resolution would look much better the duration is set to 10 seconds and frame rate is set to 30 FPS press ok then let's create another new composition and let's call this title I'm going to select the text tool and then I'm going to type in whatever text that we want I'm going to type in movement and for the font I'm using the taller font so whenever working with these kind of Animation make sure you use a font which is uh taller in height basically so this font works really well with this particular animation now before we start animating there is a free plugin that you need to download in order to get two different um scripts and that is the keyframe wingman and the Anchor Point mover so to get these script or Plugin just head on to Google and search for Mr horse or animation composer and once you are on this website go to products products for After Effects and just download the animation composer if you're using a Windows PC download for Windows if you're using a Mac download format it's that simple make sure you download and install it and if you're already running after effects make sure to close it and then reop open it and then you can go into windows and there you'll find animation composer three Anchor Point mover and animation composer three keyframe Wegman just click on them and then you can dock it wherever that you want to all right so that's out of the way now let's start with the animation let's create another new composition I'm going to call this base with a capital B press OK drag the title composition and let's actually animate this press s to bring down the scale property unlink the scale let's go to around one second and 15 frames create a keyframe go back and set this to zero so we have a very simple animation now let's select this press Ctrl D to duplicate it we can change the color of this one so that we know this is the main middle composition let's put this below press U and get rid of the scale animation and then I'm gonna press Ctrl R to bring up the rulers and also turn on the title action safe and let's drag a guide in the center like so just try to be as precise as possible all right and then we can hide the ruler let's select the rectangle tool make sure this layer is selected and let's create a mask like so okay perfect and press V select these two points holding shift I'll drag this and try to match the position of our text so I can use my arrow keys and then I'll select this and now you can see our Anchor Point is a right over here so using this Anchor Point mover I can simply click on this bottom icon and it's going to move my Anchor Point at the bottom and you can of course move it anywhere that you want but in case if you're lazy and if you don't want to download the script you can simply select it select the Pan behind tool and turn on snapping and snap this Anchor Point right over here just like so now let's animate this one as well so I'm going to press s to bring down the scale property go right here create a keyframe go to one second and 15 frames and let's set this to zero also I'm going to select the first one go into effects and presets and quickly add a fill effect and let's make this white so now we have something like this pretty cool let's duplicate this so press Ctrl D so let's press M to bring down the mask selected also first of all let's get rid of the animation and then press M to bring up the mask select the mask I can select all the points of this mask and then move it right over here like so it's going to snap in like that make sure it's properly aligned from the top as well yep that is looking good and now I'm going to move the Anchor Point to the top like so and let's animate the scale property so create a keyframe right here go back and let's set this to 0. so basically now we have a revealing animation which looks like this now I want this animation to keep on looping so I will be using a very simple expression so hold alt and click on the stopwatch of the scale property and let's type in Loop out with a capital O open and close parenthesis let's copy this expression Ctrl C and paste it on these two layers as well so make sure you hold alt and click on the stopwatch and then press Ctrl V so now it's Gonna Keep on looping like this all right now let's close them up now I'll go to around 1 second and 15 frames select this press Ctrl D to duplicate it let's move these three layers on the top you can see the color of these layers so that we know it's a different one and this one to something like yellow all right and let's move them right over here then go to around three seconds press n and then right click right here and trim com to work area so now what I want to do is Select this one the middle one and make this black and then copy this fill Ctrl C paste it on the rest of this and make this white so now we have something like this pretty cool right now we can select everything press U so we can just see the keyframes and I'll select all the different keyframes right here make sure you select everyone and then press F9 to easy ease them and then I'll go into keyframe bingman and tweak them now basically if we don't want to use keyframe wingman we need to jump into the graph editor right click and go into speed graph and this can look a bit more complicated and it's quite difficult to you know adjust this keyframe so that is why I prefer using keyframe wingman I can simply so basically if I select all the keyframes go into the graph editor and once again I'll select all the keyframes and if I use the keyframe bingman I can adjust the graph using just one slider instead of several different sliders so I'll set this to around 75 looks good and now for preview this we would have a really interesting animation as you can see the movement of our animation is a bit more interesting so that's that now let's create another new composition the keyframing one we can close this now we don't need it anymore so I'll create a new composition let's call this effects I'll drag the base composition here all right then right click go into time and enable time remapping then let's stretch this out and then I'll add the same expression again so Loop out open and close parenthesis and we have a basing looping animation but as you can see here we have a flicker so to fix this I'll go just one frame back in time right here and let's create a keyframe and I'll move this keyframe just like so so that flicker is now gone and we have a continuous looping text animation pretty cool now in order to achieve that slicing a look let's create a new solid I'll call this map press ok and then go into fiction preset search for gradient Ram let's double click to apply this I'll move this point right here and this one right over here so basically and then add an effect called Triton double click again to apply this let's set this to Black and set this to White so we have something like this and this gradient is going to help us to drive the animation so we can hide that now select the base composition or the base layer and go into effects and preset search for an effect called time displacement double click to apply that and let's select the map that we just created and set this to effects and mask and now you can see the map is driving the animation so the way I move my uh the way I change the gradient points it will reflect in the animation which is super cool if you think about it you can create some really complex animations using this particular technique so I'll go right here make some changes so first of all I'll change the time to 0.5 and now we need to be very careful while increasing the time resolution the more the time resolution FPS the more smoother these edges are going to be but the more heavier the composition is going to get so for start we can start with um 200 okay so that works quite well but as you can see now the timeline is a bit heavy I usually like to keep it around maybe somewhere around 500 but you can experiment with numbers but don't go beyond 500 because even with 500 FPS we still get a little bit of edges so to fix this I'm going to add a gaussian blur effect on this all right let's increase this to around 20 so it's gonna blow out the edges but it also blurs out the complete uh text so to bring that back I'll use a curves effect and then go right here jump to Alpha I'll drag a point right here basically preserving the blacks and the whites as you can see but the edges doesn't look right so to fix this I'll jump into the base again and let's move the middle text that is this one two frames forward one two and this one as well one true so now if I go back into rfx com we have this really nice look now as you can see because we are also using time displacement with gaussian blur it can get a bit heavy on the system so try to go with as less value as possible we can maybe go with 400 let's see how it looks yep it's kind of smooth so we can go with 400 as well and again as I said we can adjust the gradient Ram in order to get a really interesting look like so maybe something like that and as you can see it looks quite interesting right so for now I'll go with this one and then let's go into our main render composition I'll press Ctrl y to create a new solid called this PG for background and keep it black drag the effects composition on top go into effects and presets let's add a tint effect in order to color this up so I'll set this to something like a nice orange stone and yep that is looking quite nice but let's give it a bit more interesting animation so I'll add an effect called a wave warp on this let's set this to 5 and the wave width to around 400 all right let's set the direction to zero and everything else looks good and let's also add an effect called turbulence displays or turbulent displays I'll bring down the turbulent amount to around 15 and this one to 10 and basically that's all we have to do here and now if I preview the complete animation there we have a really interesting typography animation inside of After Effects without that we have made without using any plugins or maybe a free plugin you can say so it's a really cool effect and the best part about this animation that it's completely non-destructive so I can anytime jump into the main title I can change the text so I can call it maybe something like motions I can use a different font as well so if I want let's go with something like babies bold and let's bring that down or maybe it's a bit too wide so let's go with a heading heading compressed and if I go back into our main comp there we have it now obviously this is going to give us a little bit of different look because we are not using a taller font but it's still quite usable and you can still create some really interesting animations using this particular technique so I hope you get the idea and you can download this free project file link is in the description below so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you want to watch some more advanced typography animation I have a complete playlist which you can check out right now make sure to follow me on Instagram at dope.motions and if you're feeling generous please do support us on patreon as well with that said I will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 128,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: typography animation after effects tutorial, after effects tutorial, after effects text animation, text animation sin after effects, typography after effects project file, after effects cc, after effects tutorials for beginners, text animation after effects, creative text animation in after effects, dope motions tutorials, ae tutorial, learn after effects, motion graphics after effects, title animation after effects tutorial, after effects, text animation tutorial after effects
Id: hKvSJw49pX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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