After 30 Days with the Steam Deck OLED - This STILL Shocks Me

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I'll admit when I first saw there was a new steam deck dropping just a year after I got my first one I was not immediately sold don't get me wrong I wanted it but did I want to drop another 500 bucks was it really that different ultimately because this is myo of course I got it I couldn't resist I never can after a month of using this thing how do I feel about it do I regret it would I do it again should you do it that's what we're talking about today because I know there's still a lot of people that are just not sold on what is essentially a PC upgrade with no actual improvements in performance in CPU and Graphics power I'm going to break this into a few categories the screen obviously the quality of life improvements and then of course the value was this a worthwhile investment for me and is it a worthwhile investment for you if you're looking to buy one of these things so the screen it's a huge Improvement but you knew that of course I'll be honest for whatever reason honestly it doesn't seem as shockingly different to me as when I picked up the switch OLED but the screen on the new deck is just as good as the new switch in fact it's better but maybe just because the switch screen the old LCD switch screen was just so underwhelming it just felt like a bigger change but side by side it's incredible with the old deck and having a bigger and brighter OLED really is a much needed upgrade I always felt with the old deck it was just kind of compromised because of that LCD screen so this feels like what the deck my favorite gaming device besides my gaming PC was supposed to be like in the first place but the screen has two other huge perks besides simply being OLED that arguably make an even bigger difference to the experience the first is is refresh rate boost at 90 HZ I made a whole video about this I'll link in the description but the cliffs notes are that it's awesome playing low lift games at 90 FPS on a freaking handheld and there are even some benefits to having a higher refresh rate for lower FPS games which I went into in-depth in that video so check that out after you're done with this one second huge benefit of the screen is that it has lowered overall energy consumption on the whole device along with other tweaks valve has made this makes an enormous difference to battery life even if I could play a game at 60 FPS on the old deck I wouldn't do it most of the time because it would eat the old battery to death you'd be lucky to get an hour playing something like Arkham Knight at 60 FPS on the old deck but now I have no problem playing games at 60 or even up to 90 FPS because honestly the battery life improvements in my testing have been better than than valve promise I myself honestly am seeing closer to double the battery life than the LCD model the OLED screen has such a big impact on the upgrade that it might have been enough alone but then valve took the opportunity to just like jam pack this thing with all sorts of little quality of life upgrades that were such a surprise honestly the trackpads are totally upgraded and now have full haptics built into them the charging cable is longer and you get a nice little green light when it's charged to 100% and plugged into the outlet so you know what's going on the buttons are clicky they're more responsive they're more reliable and the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connection are much much much better all of these things have made a big impact on my daytoday gaming from downloading games much faster to being able to use my bluetoth headphones without constant disconnections it's the little things it's the little things but is is it worth a $500 upgrade I've thought a lot about this and here's what I've decided when you put together all the little quality of life upgrades valve has added and then add on the OLED screen and all the benefits of it I actually if given the choice in a hypothetical situation would rather pay for this product than a steam deck without all those upgrades and a 20% faster GPU and CPU because at the end of the day gaming on the deck is much much more enjoyable now because of all these little improvements much more than I think it would be with something like a 20% performance gain or even a 30% performance game I don't think that you would feel that on a day-to-day basis that difference as much as you feel the difference in the OLED model that we have now with all the little improvements especially since it's the exact same price as the first model it's a great value and after a month using this thing I can't recommend it enough have you been using it do you agree what's your favorite new feature or are you disappointed let's chat about it in the comments I really like to chat with folks in the comments about this stuff I'm a nerd just like you uh and hey as of right now as of recording this video I am a very tiny just just small like ant-sized YouTube channel and uh I know it's cliche but hitting the like button on this video and subscribing really does help uh the Channel grow and reach more people and it really does mean a lot to to me to us uh okay see you soon uh and don't forget to have fun
Channel: MrChevyGames
Views: 15,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, gaming, mrchevy, steam deck oled, steam deck, portable gaming, gaming on the go, steam deck gameplay, handheld gaming, gaming device, steam deck review, steam deck features, steam deck upgrade, gaming on the steam deck, is steam deck worth it?, should i buy steam deck?, steam deck impressions
Id: s3BU7MsNopU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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