Aero Precision AR-15 Nickel Boron (NiB) BCG Review! No Lube!

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[Music] [Music] what's up guys got a special treat for you Jonathan with tactical toolbox and you guys have been following me throughout this built not bought series we've been building a seven and a half inch AR pistol that's chambered in five five six and GG three and with that I've been kind of going over the parts and some of the how to use on building an AR pistol or a our rightful if you want to I'm also going to put a link down in the descriptions below so you can see how can complete parts list there will be affiliate links with that so thank you guys so much for your support but today we're going to be reviewing the bolt carrier group from Aero precision and this one's the nickel boron and I think there's a few things about it that you guys need to know about so let's get right into this guys first off this thing is amazing I literally just went to the range came back haven't cleaned it and I didn't even run hardly any oil in it I want you to perform because one of the claims to fame when nickel boron is that it is you have a natural a bris 'ti about it and it is very smooth to the touch but what we're going to do is we're just going to go over the little intricacies about it and I got to tell you guys I'm super in rest with this bolt I mean this thing is pretty much dry as a bone let me put this down I mean let me get my microfiber hang on okay I'll get a microfiber be ready all right got the microfiber here and straight up like there's like no oil on this I'm going to show you it might be a little bit dirty but yeah okay so let me show you this part of towel see this car towel is very bright yellow and I'm just going to wipe along heat this backside here nothing coming off on it we're gonna wipe it here here maybe no still nothing now towards the front I there is a little bit that you guys can see but I've been super impressed with this bolt carrier group what's interesting about this is the carrier I believe is made out of a carpenter steel Inlet so the carrier is made out of 86 20 tool steel the bolt is made out of the 93 ten carpenter steel which is really what you want um it is high pressure tested and magnetic particle inspected but this thing has been running like a champ and I have like a fiddler so a little oil on this thing I mean onion if you guys can see that let's see I mean that's that a little black spot right here over here that's all the oil that's on it so let me clean it up and let's go up close and we'll see actually how well this thing cleans up and if it does clean up well and let's take a look at all right everybody so here we got the nickel boron bolt carrier group from air precision and I accidentally wiped that one little spot I was showing you guys earlier but um this thing is pretty darn clean considering I just ran about I think I only ran about 50 rounds third at the range but let's wipe it up let's see how the sting functions and we're going to take it apart and inspect everything but I'm just going to clean the outside of it right now that way I got to say guys this is my first experience I there's a little spot let's see right there it was my first experience with a nickel boron bolt carrier and AM bolt and so I was really interested to see how impressed that would be and basically I have been it is net every single one of my expectations so let's take this thing apart and see how dirty it got and if so if we need any CLP to clean it so that out that out looks like that a firing pins a little dirty but that's fine that's expected let's get that out so that piece is a little bit dirty I mean I'm not expecting this thing to be clean but the the whole claim to fame with these nickel boron is that they white clean and you need very little solvent to clean them so let's get in there yeah see I just stuck my finger down in here did that very little and let's see here alright so let me find another clean spot on this rag and we're actually going to test we're gonna white on the inside and see how much we can get out of there so not bad I mean that's that little spot right there that's all I got out of that all right I would say that this pig is pretty darn clean so let's take a look at the bolt which is probably the most important well it is the most important part of this entire of the entire bolt carrier group there's two things you don't want to cheap out on when you're going to build an AR guys number one is the bolt carrier and bolt and number two is the barrel now when I say don't cheap out I'm not telling you to go buy the highest end stuff I'm just saying get some good quality stuff that works that has a decent reputation and it's a very least it's high pressure tested and magnetic particle inspected doesn't matter if it's milspec finish it doesn't matter if you get the black nitride or the nickel boron it needs to work so let's take a look at this looks pretty good you've got a little carbon on it but honestly hey ours they run dirty they're like Glocks and you can you can run these things dirty as long as they're lubed up but I will say this nickel boron coating is on the inside and let someone get a pic of that and see here we go chrome lined inside and out the gas keys are not chrome lined sorry it's a nickel boron coated inside and out gas key included the bolt as well the bolt will show the most carbon buildup just because this experience is the most heat where the gases are let's take a look at this firing pin alright so this is probably the dirtiest part of the entire deal here right there so let's clean this up let's see how it does with just a quick wipe off all right so there is a little bit of carbon buildup down in this ridge down in here and that I'll have to scrape off probably and put some steel key on it but aside from that the thing with the brand-spankin'-new and I will say overall I've probably got close to about 6 or 700 rounds through this bolt carrier and I've had zero failures zero distraction issues zero cycling issues nothing has been a problem with this bolt carrier groups so I do highly recommend this because one it does exactly what era of precision says it will do so today we ran it with very little or hardly any Lube on it and they said hey our nickel boron coding requires hardly any or no oil now there is still a little bit of residue oil on the inside of my upper here but that's fine I mean I didn't want to run it bone-dry but it is nice to know so let's put let's take a look at this cloth here guys so the there we go so we got that off of it that off of it all this other stuff with stains from prior don't know if that came off and there we go yep there some more so out of this whole rag it's not very dirty compared to most bulk area groups now obviously I could put a little CLP on this gas and on the bolt itself probably get some more off of here more carbon here in here and off of this little bitty ridge at the bottom of this firing pin but overall I'm I'm a hundred percent satisfied and I'm not just saying that because these people send it to me for free honestly guys I got a review coming up and I'm not too satisfied about and I got sent the product for free and so you guys want to stick around for that it doesn't have to do with the AR but it is something that I think that the public should be aware of because with this next review it's something that it's wrong one and this next review I got coming up here soon I don't know if it's going to be the very next review or the one before that or after that but um basically it was a product I ordered and I don't want to spoil it so product I ordered I thought you know basically the way everyone on the internet talked and the way the companies that make these parts talk is they're going to make your gun just incredibly accurate and unfortunately that's not the case guys and I'm not impressed don't get me wrong I don't think the product is getting a bad review but it's not going to get a hundred percent product one hundred percent positive review either because the only thing that I think there's two things that I think constitute a negative review number one the company needs to make claims that don't actually what happen so if they say oh this is going to make your gun more accurate and it doesn't then we're starting to lean towards the territory of maybe not a negative review but something that people are should look out for and be aware of now on the other hand what I think opt is a real negative review is when it compromises your safety so also guys we got a review coming up on the strike industries link there will be links in the description for everything here we're going to do a full review on this blast forwarding device and then we're going to do the review on this vortex razor 6 MOA they got a 3 ml and a 6 we got the 6 and then we're going to do a review on this cool enhanced end plate and Castleman here from strike industries and the iron sights and the charging handle so we got a lot of stuff to review guys so let's go back up top Tariq talked about a little bit and then we will talk to you later there it is guys the business my 100 this is my review of the nickel boron bolt carrier group from arrow precision that they sent out to me for this build series on pretty much everything on this AR pistol is arrow precision because they're freaking awesome people man I actually spoke with a brine deal who's the guy I've been dealing with with this whole series but when we went to shot show last week I actually got that got a chance to meet him and put a face with an email address and it was really good to meet you Brian good news we're actually going to be doing a 308 build series I believe so I have to contact Brian but that's what he told me chacha it's okay if you want to anything else like a 308 build let me know and I was like let's do it you know so we're into a 308 build I do hear a lot of stuff about 300 lates when people build them that they have some cycling issues or something like that so we're really going to try to eliminate any cycling issues and stuff like that from building an AR and we'll talk about things and I'm gonna be learning with you guys never built a 308 so I'm not trying to be like I am the expert and I'm going to teach you how to be like me know basically what this is is Wow these are a lot of things that I've heard about let's learn it together and see what we can do but guys seriously I think these guys these nickel boron look what are these things retail for these are about sorry think I hit the camera I got a stabilizer on it so let's say if this shakes you guys see a shake because it's shaking like a mofo but I got this Oz the gimbal stabilizer that I showed you guys in one of my older videos because I do hit the table a lot and then it's like boom so anywho these are about $155 shot peened bolt high pressure tested magnetical magnetical magnetic particle inspected and this hasn't met my expectations um like I said sometimes I get products I got one coming up but that I don't think I don't think it would meet your guys's expectations either on this next product I got coming up for review so stay tuned for that um you guys take care thank you guys so much awesome stuff we're actually getting to a point where I almost provide for my family now using tactical toolbox because you're not just now joining us I actually recently left my job about a month ago and then asked me to stay one day a week so I said okay and but I did that to put more time to tackle tool box so that we can bring you guys more reviews cooler stuff awesome giveaways and yeah that's what I'm here for guys I'm just here to learn with you I'm not an expert and at the same time try to create a living you guys take care I love you thank you for subscribing and liking and sharing all the videos and you guys take care [Music] I say
Channel: Tactical Toolbox
Views: 90,923
Rating: 4.6917148 out of 5
Keywords: Guns, everyday carry, aero precision, m4e1, vg6 epsilon, vortex optics, vortex razor, red dot, strike industries, ar15, ar-15, ar15 pistol, ar15 build, pistol build, shooting, handguns, pistol, rifle, bolt carrier group, bcg, nickel boron, nib, best bolt carrier group, best, review, bcg reviews, red dot optics, lantac dragon, ferrans crd, sootch, sootch00, tactical toolbox, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, hickok45, nsz85, demolition ranch, fps russia, military arms channel
Id: gFPt507schs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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