Disney's Best Shows Are ENDING! (Owl House, Amphibia, Ducktales)

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Many “best shows” have been cancelled before their time. But this is time, I believe it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/CassidyJammer 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Y'all need to lear the difference between "canceled" and "ended as was stipulated".

These shows are ending as expected.

Canceled is what happened to Duckman.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Narrow_Luck_3622 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
disney loves their formulas whether it's their movies tv shows musicals or whatever disney knows what works and just runs with it and about a year ago i noticed a pretty consistent formula in disney channel's cartoons where each one is about kids being whisked away from their boring lives and tossed into new worlds full of magic and mystery with a new family to help guide them through their new adventures i first noticed this after binging through gravity falls and then moving on to star vs the forces of evil and then ducktales then amphibia then the owl house maybe i watched too many cartoons but every time that formula was there so i made a video about it disney's next gravity falls i looked at disney's current lineup of fantasy cartoons to see which one had the potential to become the next big thing after disney's previous champion gravity falls ended in 2016 and also seeing which one could fill the empty void in the hearts of gravity falls fans somewhere along the line my brand became denial i'm not sure how that happened you can check that video out here if you want but long story short while i love all of these cartoons i decided that the owl house had the best chance of becoming disney's next gravity falls meaning it has great mystery great characters great lore a lot of hype and it just had the right vibe if there was one show that would give gravity falls fans everything they were missing this was it but a lot has happened since i made that video so today i just want to check up on these three amazing cartoons see what's new and see if my thoughts have changed since the first time i did this so this is disney's next gravity falls part two now again i have to stress there is no replacing gravity falls that show was its own special thing that will never be replicated and i'm not saying these shows are trying to be like gravity falls yeah they have similar setups and vibes but they are all their own unique things they are not gravity false clones this video means nothing i'm just having fun oh and uh fair warning there will be a lot of spoilers this time around we good awesome so we got three shows to look at today ducktales which follows three brothers huey dewey and louie as they go on wild fantastical and supernatural adventures with their rich uncle scrooge mcduck amphibia which is all about three girls being magically transported to a world of frog people where our main character anne befriends a local family as they all try to find dan's friends and get them sent back to the human world and lastly the owl house about a girl named luce stumbling into another dimension full of magic and witches where she also befriends a local family who tries to help her get back to the human world i told you these setups are similar so to start let's see what's new with ducktales oh oh no yeah so last time i said that ducktales despite being one of my all-time favorite cartoons just wasn't really gaining much hype or catching on with audiences the show's popularity just seemed like it was on a downward trend even though the show itself just kept getting better well we got our first big update as of march 2021 after three seasons ducktales is done and oof that one hurt this was one of my all-time favorite cartoons so i really do hate to see it go but at least the show was given a proper ending a big three-part special called ducktales the last adventure and this was just a really nice finale all the big characters got their moment a bunch of classic villains and side characters were involved donald got sacrificed and we even got some major plot twists it was pretty much everything you could want in a ducktales finale now in my last video i said that duck tales was a show that any fan of gravity falls would enjoy but it was just missing that big overarching mystery that would keep you hooked and even after watching the finale i'd say that's still a fair statement the finale definitely had some build up over the season but the show was still mostly a fun adventure of the week kind of thing they had several episodes set up the events of the finale but the big mystery element and plot twist didn't actually come in until part one of the finale kinda going with what i said before mysteries are part of ducktales but ducktales is not its mysteries there's nothing wrong with that but if you're a gravity falls fan looking for a new show to scratch that same itch i don't know that might be something you care about but the important thing here is that ducktales was an amazing show that i really think deserved more than what it got there really wasn't a bad episode in the bunch and i'm so glad the show got to wrap itself up properly and whether you care about gravity falls or not if you've got disney plus i highly recommend you check it out now that you can just binge it all start to finish gonna miss you ducktales so now let's jump over to amphibia whoo boy a lot can happen in a year man so last time i talked about the show i said it was super fun great world great characters but i thought it was also lacking the deeper mysteries and plot that a gravity falls fan would be looking for plus like duck tales i wasn't really seeing much hype or fandom for the show going around online and wow do i look stupid for that now back in may we got amphibia's season 2 finale true colors and i genuinely don't think any episode of a cartoon has ever left me this is shocked true color's legit starts with a warning i've never seen that before so what actually happened in the episode to justify all this well let's just say it involved a sword a main character and the intersection of the two on top of that we got secret villains characters going freaking super saiyan and at the end a huge shift in how the show works after two seasons anne sprigg polly and hop pop have finally made their way to the human world and that can only mean one thing amphibia is getting a third season and that honestly surprised me because true colors really felt like a series finale like all the big plot threads were finally getting resolved and the show was reaching its peak but apparently not we got a whole third season coming up that's gonna take the adventure out into the human world kind of like how star switched things up just you know backwards it's absolutely insane man every little nitpick that i had about amphibia in my last video was completely undone in just a few episodes i said the show was low on plot mystery and lore the show said screw you here's secret mystical superpowers double-crossing villains main character development and an actual on-screen death that's probably gonna be undone in the next season but still this was a huge deal for amphibia after true colors premiered search traffic for amphibia shot way up i was seeing fan art all over twitter and suddenly i was hearing about it non-stop for days giving amphibia the last thing i said it was missing last time hype the show has definitely taken far more risks than i ever expected a disney cartoon to take remember this is still the show with an orange grandpa frog voiced by goofy but with all that said the show can't be that far off from the series finale now right like we've got a guaranteed season 3 but after true colors how much further can the show even go i don't know man i wouldn't be surprised if we're getting pretty close to the series finale for amphibia i could be wrong i hope i'm wrong because amphibia has taken things to a whole new level this year and at this point i'd say it's starting to rival the owl house speaking of that leaves us with one more show to check up on the owl house like i said this was my number one pick in my disney's next gravity falls video and after catching up with the show yeah that still stands there's really not much more to add this is just the perfect show for any gravity falls fan to check out things in the owl house have only been getting more and more interesting we're about halfway through season 2 now and so much has happened we got to see who was sending lucy's mom all those fake letters from camp we're learning more about emperor belos's face i mean his plans to merge the demon world with the human world luce finally told her mom about the boiling isles king is finally contributing to the main plot congratulations as we learn more about where he came from and even got to see his dad and of course loose and amity are now officially dating that is a lot of new stuff for just 10 episodes but even with all these long-running questions getting answered there's still tons of new mysteries popping up in their place we're only halfway through the season but things are picking up steam fast and unfortunately i think i might know why see earlier this year the owl house was renewed for a third season it kinda it's not really a season like you'd think we're not getting a big batch of new episodes we're getting three 44 minute long specials i guess kinda taken the adventure time distant lands approach but then not long after this announcement it came out that this weird new season would be the owl house's final season of course now on the one hand this means the owl house will probably be cutting back on filler and focusing in on just its main plot from now on which is cool but on the other hand the owl house is basically on a countdown to the end now we know exactly when the show's gonna end and that's just kind of a bummer the show really feels like it's just getting started but is unfortunately gonna be cut off too soon i mean at least the show is gonna have the chance to properly end but man i really think this world and these characters have so much more potential than that it's just a shame so that kind of puts things in a weird place ducktales is over amphibia probably isn't too far from wrapping up and the owl house is officially on track to end in probably the next year it feels like all these shows are still brand new but before we knew it now it feels like they're all ending forget pretending gravity falls isn't over i'm gonna have to start pretending these shows aren't over a lot can happen in a year man and i know by now i've made two whole videos looking at these shows and seeing which one could be the quote new gravity falls but this really just highlights how there is no replacing not only gravity falls any of these shows i know they all have similar elements but they've all gone in vastly different directions from that setup and that's more clear now than it ever was at this point whether these shows were inspired by gravity falls or not doesn't matter they not only carved out their own identities but they managed to totally shake up the cartoon world in their own unique ways ducktales is basically the industry standard for a good reboot the owl house is consistently breaking new ground for lgbtq plus representation in kids shows and amphibia is helping push the envelope for what you can tackle in a modern kids show in general if you ask me these shows go beyond just being the next gravity falls they're a next step for the entire industry and also a next step in my denial guys did you know ducktales has a video game it's like it never left [Music] you
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 940,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, owl house, the owl house, amphibia, ducktales, gravity falls theme song, gravity falls season 3, owl house season 2, owl house season 2 episode 9, owl house season 2 trailer, owl house finale, owl house season 3, amphibia season 3, amphibia season 3 trailer, amphibia true colors, amphibia theme song, amphibia marcy death, ducktales theme song, ducktales the last adventure, footofaferret, footofaferret gravity falls, footofaferret owl house, footofaferret amphibia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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