Advanced Skeleton Face Setup Latest Update October 2020

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updated this mail base mesh recently and i'm gonna go through and um you know rig the whole thing for you guys uh just to show you um my updated workflow as well as the updates that they've done to advance skeleton if you haven't seen the last video we are working on version 5.779 it's possible by the time you see this they've already updated again because they've been updating like crazy lately um if you want to know just say check for updates and if there is one that'll say found and give you the the number right here and just click update and it'll do everything automatically for you all right so if you haven't seen the last video just finished up bringing this guy i haven't painted the weights or anything because i usually wait until i have the whole process done and everything's working pretty well and then i'll finalize the weights and the corrective blends and all that let's turn this off and before i do anything i'll save this and then i'll save out a new iteration so this was o2 so i'm gonna save this as o3 all right let's close the body section in the presection and we'll open up the face section so this is one of the things that's changed this mask section i'm going to go through and show you each one of these little question markers here so the first thing that's changed is you want to select all the given polys uh roughly from like the about the crown of the head to uh just under the uh the adam's apple and stopping off just before the ear i don't know exactly um you know how exact you need to be with this selection but i'm just going to go in with my paint select tool or select faces tool make sure symmetry is on and just start painting my selection and i'm holding down b to and and dragging left to right to shrink or grow my brush eyes i'm not sure exactly what needs to be in this but i think that's good enough i'm actually going to deselect some of these i don't think these need to be in here all right um let me hit shift i just to make sure i got oh that's strange oh when i hit shift i didn't isolate the entire thing i actually let me switch back to object mode click off and shift i click this again in object mode hit shift i and then i'll switch back to face mode and it deselected everything all right we're going to select everything again except a little bit sloppier and faster this time for deselecting i don't know if i mentioned i'm just holding down ctrl and i just want to make sure that i got the eye bags and the mouth bags selected and it looks like i did not so yeah very important to get these go inside your mesh if you have to oops i know it's a little bit difficult to see just bear with me actually i wonder if you could go into uh uv mode i don't know if i've ever tried this before and select faces i don't think it's going to let me but at least you can see in uv mode the way at least the way i have my shell split up um looks like i'm missing a couple polys in my eye bag and most of the uh the mouth bag is not selected the nostrils i got and it looks like there's some extra polys on the ear that i selected by accident so that was at least helpful see every mistake is actually uh ends up helping you in the end because i would have probably not selected everything that i needed to select or made those additional selections which may or may not have messed things up for me let's see see where that eye bag selection is missing here it is just a little bit difficult to see but now you can see i got it this is fully covered and then let's go in and finish the mouth up you don't have to use the paint select uh faces tool you could go in and manually select these faces if you want and this is a little bit this model's a little poly done so it's a little bit tough to get everything i think most rigs usually are a little bit easier to take care of because they're a little bit simple the the geometry is a little bit simpler than this but you know it's probably better that you see an ex you know a rig of a more extreme example you'll probably run into less problems that i run into at this rate all right so now if i look at my uv mode it looks like i've got everything selected exactly how i want and so this is going to take a while i'm going to hit mask and it's going to go through and process all these those faces this should go significantly faster for you if your mesh is less poly dense and we're stuck at zero percent well i'm just gonna fast forward or cut through this i'll see you guys when this is finished all right and it looks like it just finished up all right so next step is the face so this is just i'm selecting just the uh the body in face or in object mode so let me switch back to my cursor click object mode and hit face easy all head now this is everything so i'm going to select all my geometry minus the groups i do not believe that it will select the groups let me actually oh i can't see it because i have it isolated let me just make sure everything's in the right place all right the body teeth i'm just holding on control to select all of these individually do not select your xgen i don't think it'll recognize it as geometry the eyes and that should be everything yeah i think we're good so that's all head and then everything that didn't have a skin cluster you didn't skin before in the body set up it's going to say create your skin cluster so now i believe if you go into your channel box you'll see everything has oh where's my mind being slow today everything has a skin cluster attached to it now that tweak all right next step is the i write and again this is what really helps to have everything labeled correctly because now i can just go in select these three pieces for my right select these three pieces for eye left the upper teeth so i have the gums and teeth separate but i have them labeled both upper and then the lower gums and teeth for the lower teeth the tongue for the tongue the eyebrows now this is something that has also changed attaching the eyebrows and the eyelashes used to be something that would happen at the end of the rigging process and usually done with a wrap deformer which would dramatically slow down your rig usually now i think it's using some form of skinning so uh that's also a big improvement and i'm glad that i don't have to worry about it i can test the rig with the eyebrows and eyelashes attached already so uh eyebrow plate and if you haven't seen my videos on how i have the hair set up that with the with plates go check that um out it's a huge help especially if you're ringing uh in a similar way to this so but i usually just keep them hidden so the eyebrow plate will be eyebrow the eyelashes plate will be for eyelashes and then the beard and hair plate will be extras all right now this is the long tedious part so uh non-symmetrical if you're rigging an asymmetrical character this you would check this on and then you'll have right and left options down here but since this is symmetrical we don't need to worry about that game engine is if you're going to be exporting this rig to a game engine and it'll create the proper notes for that and delete whatever whatever's not going to transfer over to unity or unreal and then advanced is uh advanced is if you're going to only create a face rig without the body setup so i've actually had a few people in the comments ask me is it possible to just run the face setup without the body setup and i wasn't 100 sure but now yes you definitely can with this advanced uh checkbox so if your head is just if it's just a floating head in a jar or if it's a you know a balloon head on a string you will uh definitely be able to rig that up using this advanced the advanced skeleton system so we're not going to select any of this because none of this applies to this rig also you can change joints to blend shapes or mixed i'm just going to leave it as joints you could you could always transfer the um the joint movements or the set driven keys as joints to blend shapes later if you want to edit them alright so first thing is the eyeball so you just no selection needed and that replaced the eyeball setup from the face or from the first section of the body setup so i think i already mentioned that in the previous one you do not need to worry about setting that up too well if you are going to then just set it up again in here so i'm going to scale this up and i usually try to make it a hair bigger so this is going to help guide the eye the eyelids so that they move smoothly over this piece of geometry and because this is perfectly round and also very low poly i want to make sure that it kind of fits on top of um where my my non-perfectly spherical eyeball and i'll push this forward a little bit too if i have to let me turn this on so you can see a little bit better that should be good and then i'm actually going to also just to i don't know how much of a difference this will make i'm going to rotate this uh negative 2.5 degrees outward just to match my eye a little bit better so if i go into you should be able to see this matches up like pretty much perfectly along the axis of my eye all right that takes care of that i don't know if you need to even be that this precise but i'm just it's all overkill all right let's bring back the male body and i'll hide the eye so it's a little bit easier to see and this is for the outer eyelid so i'm just going to be selecting one of these so what this is going to do is like create a shell they'll be in the main eyelid and then the inner eyelid which oops will be you know somewhere in here um and it'll create kind of like a shell and then that shell will be everything that gets deformed um when the eyes blink or move you know the fleshy eye all right um so let's say somewhere this one looks good and then i also yeah you can also select a vertex on the edge loop to identify where the separate and upper lower are i think i did this also in the last tutorial but this is always a huge help and it just helps you know deformation be a little bit smoother so select multi-component go in and then i want to select where that middle well let me actually just deselect this and i'll i'll show you so there's there's one edge loop running through my eye and this is going to be the main edge loop where the blinking deformation happens it's going to happen along this edge so when i select this i think that's the right one i had maybe let's go one in i think that's good i want to say multi-component and then i want to select along this edge the vertices that matches up so it's this edge and i'm going to select this vertice as well and then i'm going to hit eyelid outer oops make sure you have make sure you have symmetry turned off because this will cause problems deselect everything one more time eyelid outer this will take a second i will probably be cutting through all of this unless you guys don't mind waiting all right and then we have the first part of the show all right next the eyelid main so this is going to be where the actual edge that drives like blinking deformation and all of that squinting and hopefully if you have your topology set up correctly you'll have one clean loop that goes all the way around here sometimes when i'm re-toppling like some of these loops like i'll have a clean loop up here um let me actually select this is probably the one that i use um i'll have a clean loop up here but then somehow for the bottom it actually gets sucked behind the uh the wall of the eyelid um and it won't i won't have a clean loop and then i'll have to go through and uh you know select this edge this edge and then try to like fudge it so uh they they match up but hopefully you have a clean loop i'm going to select this guy object mode it's a little difficult to see let me turn this one off hmm let's say this one yeah that's the one i had selected already multi-component select these skirts [Music] and um should i go one more in we're in yeah i'm going to select this one let's do this one and see how it goes we'll say eyelid main something that i also actually forgot i just turned the visibility of this uh this male eye water off so this is actually something that i should have included on the eyelashes that i want to move with the eyelashes so this is um if you look at the edges of where your eyelid meets your eye there's a little bit of pooling like kind of like uh you know the tear fluid that that usually rests around the uh the outer rim of your eye and it just adds a little little bit of realism a lot of people include that in their uh their portraits that they do so i'm just going to have that to form along with the eyelashes so so i'm just going to select water and then eyelashes plate and then i'm going to say eyelashes uh and i can for whatever reason i cannot click in any of these oh there we go well it won't let me see what's it what exactly is selected all right well we'll just move on and hopefully the uh the water is included i can always skin it later all right eyelid enter so this is going to complete that shell and multi-component looks like this for it i think it's probably the skirt it should be good i probably probably doesn't need to be back that far actually that should be good all right there we go and the shell is completed so this is where all the deformation is going to be taking place for the eye all right now we're going to do the same thing i'm going to hide this with the lips so you can see i think that's about right this is it's a little bit far down for the lower lip i this is the one that i would probably want for the lower lip it's kind of actually what i was just talking about with the eyelids how the the edge loops aren't necessarily perfect but i'm going to just play it safe and go with this outer one and i will select the component this is my i'll just show you guys so i have one clean edge going from uh mouth corner to mouth corner so that's the right edge multi component select that vert and i'll say lip outer cool all right lip main same deal this is like you know where the lips meet probably my lips actually intersect slightly so i'm going to i think that's the right one if i go in here yeah so this is where the lips actually meet and i'm going to say did i multi component no i did not have to position my camera in the right place i'm going to say this bird right here and with me and one more for the lip outer i'll just show you guys or lip inner i should say what's the component this one actually let's do this one it doesn't need to be that far back i think that's the right one maybe actually difficult to tell difficult to tell actually is it all the way up here well probably doesn't matter that cannot be right it's got to be this guy or this guy well hopefully your geometry is a little bit cleaner and easier to see where the uh the inner edge loop is separated from top and bottom lip all right let's just move on eyebrow let's turn the hair plate on so we can see a little bit better vertex let's say this one or this one uh let's let's say this one oh whoops vertex that's all i get for every x-ray on let's say this one i brought outer let's say this guy and then eyebrow center is actually not in the center of this it's in the center of the forehead and we'll do these extra eyebrows as well so this just gives you a little extra control vertex so say one here takes one here and i want here do i want this one where it is should i select this guy instead you know what it's not going to be perfect oh well all right the forehead it's three vertices you want to select one in the center of the nose and the the center these these two should line up with this vertices of where the eye blinks so similar to how you did it with the eyelid selections it's going to select this guy back here about now let's do one more let's go back there shift select this guy and then somewhere up here looks good now i don't know i used to have a lot cleaner in my old rig or my old body topology had a lot cleaner topology and then this was a smooth line so this definitely unsettles my ocd but it'll work for our purposes all right let's hide the hair plates so we can see a little bit better hide this forehead all right jaw pivot is like right next to the ear around here draw a corner let's see what did i just do that looks about right corner draws the center of the chin this will replace the jaw from the body setup that's what we want the throat it's like about where the adam's apple is the cheek let's say somewhere like here maybe here cheekbone so actually from having done a test ring i actually like to put a little bit further back it's like somewhere like around here it's good and then cheek razor though this is going to also be pushed back a little bit i used to put it like up here but i was getting strange deformation i actually put it probably about here it's good and the cheek razor so when you smile or make certain expressions with your face your cheekbones or the muscles in your cheeks raise up and your lower lid raises up that's what this cheap razor thing is all about i think i'm going to put this right here you you can always come back and change the positions of these i i like to play around with the positions of these verts from uh you know when i'm running through these rigs and see if it makes a huge difference the smile i also always put a little low i actually usually put it in line with the edge of the lips and then the frown bulge i put about here let's put it right there it really depends if you want like really cartoony exaggerated expressions i would put this all i would put it um higher up here to give them more of like a you know like the charlie brown smile uh and put this one further down here to give them you know more of exaggerated expressions all right nose vertex so this is just like the tip of the nose in the center uh either one of these will work let's see this one those under let's do this one nose corner let's do here and then there's some extra optional controls which i usually do include so no side is about here no center and then i just follow this this edge up and select the center vert here then the nostril is like where the ball of the nose meets the edge of this nostril probably like around here all right the tongue is a series of locators let me hide the let me hide everything so you guys can see a little bit better so you don't need to select anything you just hit tongue and then it pops in these series of locators and you want to just place these roughly in the position in the center of the mass of your tongue so one here one here be careful not to select any of the other locators and then this one will be the tip of the tongue and that should be good it's gonna even be a little bit further up all right um i'll unhide everything so the pupil is i actually have so if you look at how i have my eye set up i actually have a low poly and a high poly and it's i only have the the uh this is the left i really only have the low poly in there for this uh tool or this optional selection so essentially what i'm doing is i'm selecting the edge loops around the iris and the pupil and then you can scale them up or down and it's good for like you know dilating people's i don't know what you would ever really use the iris for unless you wanted to make like really tiny beady eyes and a character and you didn't want to rebuild the eyes um so let me turn this hp off and i'll turn on my low poly version and i'll select this edge for turn this off yeah that was the right edge for the pupil and then the iris and just like this guy cool and i'll turn the square back on all right um and then this upper mid low this is something you're really only going to use on cartoony characters too this is like kind of like the squash and stretch feature um but i include this anyway because it really doesn't make a difference and it's fun to sometimes do a cartoony uh squash and stretch on a more realistic face so this is upper mid high and then i usually just line this up this one with the eye and this one with the lips and then this one is like about where the nose is that should be good uh the smile line i've tested this out and i actually am not happy with how this this works out and it creates like a weird crease i i think that if your character was older or had like a lot more wrinkles or expression or was like uh fatter you might want to use this but my guy really like the nasolabial fold here is barely visible and i'm not going to include this but you guys can test it out if you want that's up to you all right all right that's all that was a marathon that was all of the selections needed and we're going to build the advanced face now so i'm actually going to go through step by step and uh make sure none of this messes up i'll close this down so hit save step one build the prep so make sure you save before you start the so you can and don't save during it you're like oh i finished steps one through five i'm going to save don't save something in this build process might break or not be exactly what you want and there are options to go back and and go back to fit mode but i've had mixed results with that so i usually just start over so right now it's checking for symmetry i'm almost 100 sure it's going to be symmetrical as we went through that symmetrized step back in the previous part of this tutorial but we'll just let it check and see cool model is symmetrical all right build the control box build the eyeball let's just test the side rotation so this is the type of eye rotation that you're going to get if you only do the body setup and it's not going to give you that fleshy eye but it's still it still works but the eyelids are not going to be moving with the the ball all right let's test this out i'm still getting some issues here what is going on huh i'm not sure why it's doing this maybe i selected the wrong edge loop for my my main eyelid maybe needed to be further out in but oh looking up looks pretty good except the extreme version of it i'm getting some clipping we'll see revolt results may vary it might also just be because there's just too much geometry and doesn't know what to do with it all i can always uh go through this is actually the second subdivision up let's see blinking looks good blingy looks real good it looks it it even got the the curricula too uh close a little bit of a gap there let me turn on the hair and see how the eyelashes look cause sometimes they can be a little funky oh they actually they look pretty good they look pretty good all right so it's just the eye fleshy that's i'm having trouble with i'm gonna see if i can fix that later let's see these look pretty good getting a little bit of [Music] oh what's going on here getting a little bit of inner penetration there i don't know if i like that that's only on the most extreme angry pose let me turn hair off let me turn this back to subdivision or unsubdivided smooth preview yeah getting a little crispy in there this looks good and you can do almost to the max but as soon as you go a little too much it's a little too extreme let's uh zero this out oh there's also a squeeze function that's pretty cool outer up down so this i guess is like the uh the uh the vulcan eyebrows all right turn this off let's next split that looks good i would expect it to look good if the blinking look good the lips the fall off so i was having i think the last time i built this i was having a little bit of trouble oops test yeah so i think this might be a little bit much for the lip fall off and i'm going to turn this down to nine test update two for the inside i think is good actually let me just see test nothing's i bump this up to three i think that's good let's build the smile pole this usually gives me a little bit of trouble too i get some weird clipping yeah so yeah this is a little weird but uh let's see i mean the most extreme example i mean you're probably not going to have your character smile more than this even this is is pretty good but i would adjust this a little bit this is just extreme and it's uh giving me weird dimples let me see if i smooth this out if it looks any better not really this is very strange here maybe i just have too many uh edge loops all right let's move on oh boy yeah this has given me a little bit of trouble before too i don't know why it's so boxy even if i smooth it out it should just be a little bit rounder i what i might do i might do a separate video on this if i can get this to work but i might convert all of these to blends and actually just adjust the blends it also looks like it's asymmetrical you guys seen that yeah look at his lips strange all right again what's this the clipping it it might really be because my my mesh is too heavy i might go through this whole rigging process and uh end up doing it on subdivision one or redoing it on subdivision one let's see cheek razor or no oh this is the jaw waiting and see if that makes a difference because i really do think that it the the uh the mesh is just too dense that looks pretty good little bit of weirdness i feel like this should be a little bit straighter but it looks good teeth look good it looks like they're sitting in the right place yeah i love waiting for it if it's like it's going to freeze or if it's going to crash but i i really think it's just advanced skill and chugging along this looks pretty good and it actually looks like it's it's doing something weird here with the cheeks like it's sucking in the cheeks but i think it actually looks pretty good a scrub time slider to check his mouth looks a little wide but let's pull the nose let me rush through the rest of these steps as this videos get dragging on and on you guys don't need to see me check every single thing in depth snarl this is something new this is great so one of the part of the new features of advanced they give you uh phonemes like for lip syncing and there's actually like an auto lip sync feature where you can like feed audio and text into it and it'll auto lip sync um and then there's also the emotions um yeah the last two steps here are phonemes and emotions and it's just like built directly in and it does a pretty damn good job those look good so before you would have to go through and manually you know put the eyebrows how you wanted them put the nostrils and the lips and the eyelids how you want them um to control each emotion individually and kind of guess how they would all fit together this gives you like a really nice base um that you can then tweak exactly how you want let's see so these are the emotions oh no these are the phone okay these are the phonies so you can just see real quick [Laughter] yeah and keep in mind guys you probably are not gonna be cranking these up to ten this is ie yeah i don't know if this one looks right and this is schwa g and k it looks it even gets the tongue movement in there yeah so usually you're not going to be moving these all the way up to 10 most people do not speak with that much pronouncement in their in their face but all right and then emotions so yeah the phonemes and the emotions are probably the most useful additions i'd say and then it's finishing up all right and i think that's it for the face you can um you can toggle and go back and switch your thing or your placement of all these uh selections and then rebuild the advanced face and then there's some other options here custom oriented controllers you can do the delta mush and um and have it affect everything except for the eyelid and lip area and this will give you a little bit smoother but i think that this also affects the rest of the body so let me actually just save this as before and then let me actually just create the delta mush and see how that affects like so it looks like i'm getting a little bit cleaner with the eye the eyebrows but is it affecting everything let's see it looks like it is look how much cleaner this is now too i mean for a lot of instances the delta mushroom is going to be great yeah it's a lot cleaner and this is before i have smooth mesh turned on so you can see it would be even a little bit cleaner with smooth mesh but uh let's take a look at is this the eye still getting some uh it's almost fixed but not really what about this oh this is this is that snarl unhappy let's put that back to zero let's try some of these emotions out happy oh it looks like it kind of fixed the uh the lips a little bit that delta mush let's turn the hair on to see what this looks like see if the eye eyelashes are working it looks like they're following along pretty good and the beard looks like it's falling along pretty good too this is going to slow the hair is going to slow everything down go back to zero let me turn the hair off check out some of these other emotions i got in here angry that's great and you know these are not going to be one-size-fits-all solutions because some people look a little bit different depending you know not everyone makes the same expressions the same way this to me looks more like disappointment or uh just pounding i wouldn't say this is necessarily sad but surprise that looks pretty good fear fear and surprise are pretty good you can stack these on top you can stock these on top of each other and let's just add this on for good measure oops let's see what this does my goodness let's turn these down to zero let's discuss look like disgust kind of has that same like snarly thing i really need to fix this this is driving me nuts i might go back i'm going to try to select a different edge loop for the eyelids maybe or um try rigging this up with the lower subdivision level i'll probably get a cleaner result all right discuss and let's see what contempt looks like contempt looks contempt is just like a very half-hearted smile no no eyebrow movement whatsoever all right let's see is there anything else to cover so yeah here's a way to convert everything to blend shapes and this might be your best bet like if i really wanted to go in and fix those eyelid issues or fix the uh the way the smile pull is working um i could go through and convert those i think there's probably a way to change the driving system or to keep them as joints and edit them that way but i'm not 100 sure oh here i think here it is or step through all the blend shape targets with blend shape wizard or extract all targets let's look on advanced skeletons website or their youtube channel see if they go over all this i don't remember having these uh these tools in previous versions um custom controllers creating new blend shapes yeah i think that's it for the uh the face setup let's see driving systems this is like uh set different keys i believe corrective blend shapes uh i actually went over corrective blends in uh previous tutorial i'm not going to be going over them again here but i will link them above on the little the little uh info icon in the top right yeah corrective shapes advanced i don't know if i've ever used this and this might be new too and then tools selector designer walk designer animation tester this is all there's a there's a ton of useful stuff in here let me go delete on these notes this is kind of just like cleaning up from the whole rigging process and then publishing so this is if you reference in your mesh this is where you would publish and what this does is it takes all of your reference stuff and actually pulls it directly into the scene so that way you can reference this rig file you don't have to worry about the nesting references because you really really do not want to be referencing a reference within maya all right and then exporting this is for game engines demo oh you can import demo characters here and then about is where you update and check the file versions all right so that is everything or at least everything that i'm going to be covering for this video there plenty more to go in but this video is already running really long um hopefully you got some something out of this hopefully you're using advanced skeleton having better results than i did well i got nearly a perfect result i would say um there's just some minor cleanup and i think that um as far as saving time this is such an amazing rating system and gives you so many so many tools i mean most of the time you're probably not even using half these tools when you're when you're producing an animation with these characters so but they're they're really nice to have and you may end up using them and as far as like saving time versus you know using this system versus actually building a rig from scratch there is absolutely no comparison i am i am not a rigger i spend a lot of time uh sculpting and texturing and i just don't have time to expand my knowledge of the entire workflow to being like an expert rigor as well and i think you talk to a lot of artists rigging is usually their least favorite thing so i'm really really happy to have advanced skeleton please leave me a like especially if this was useful for you share it subscribe all that leave me a comment below if you have any questions about anything i went over if you want me to go over anything that i did not cover in this video in a future video and that's all for this one thanks for watching guys i'll see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Joe Parente
Views: 3,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, model, maya, zbrush, art, tutorial, 3d print, sculpt, xgen, animation, 3d modeling
Id: H48xWl2Y5O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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