Advanced Photoshop Tips and Tricks with Julieanne Kost | Adobe Creative Cloud

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115 it's time alright hi everyone how are you you're awake now that's good so my name is Julian costs I work for Adobe Systems I've worked there since 1992 I used to work in tech support if you ever called Adobe and got the right answer that was me then I went on to user education worked on the manuals classroom in a book I don't know if you any of you guys remember mr. vegetable head oh yeah it was me all right um since then I'm now responsible for talking about Photoshop and Lightroom and everything in that ecosystem and I get to travel around the world and it's quite lovely and I get to talk to people like you I have to tell you I'm super nervous Adobe MAX is always the show that makes me the most nervous all year I think I stand up here and I'm like well I know Photoshop but then I talk to you guys after hours at the bash hopefully tonight and stuff and I'm just always amazed by what you do so all I want to do is talk about Photoshop and hopefully you guys can learn something I do speak quickly but everything is on my blog blogs Adobe comm /j cost JK OST it's all searchable so if there's something that I mentioned today and you have more questions about it or you want to know more about it please feel free to check that out it of course is free alright so let's get out of here those are my social media properties if you are interested all right now let's go to all about you so we're gonna start in Photoshop obviously I want to start the first thing in the description talked about kind of setting up your workspace so there's a few things that I just want to mention one of them being if you installed the update you'll notice there's this new home screen right well we've had the Start screen before but it would always pop up and since you're advanced I imagine that not all of you liked it and so there was a preference before to turn it off but I'm actually finding that it is quite useful because I can now just toggle by clicking on the PS icon to get to Photoshop and I can have documents open here and I can still toggle back to the home screen at any point in time so maybe you're thinking well I never need to go get my recent files or whatever but there's other stuff you can do here you can go to learn you can also go to your LR photos if I was connected to the Internet but I forgot to do that ha ha ha first mistake there will be more if I make a mistake and you offer a friendly suggestion as to what I am doing wrong you might win a prize if you're mean you have to give me a prize okay I'm also gonna switch my glasses because I can't actually see you guys and the computer at the same time so we'll just switch that alright so if you don't want this you can always go to the Start screen right here alright and you can go and we will talk about a number of different preferences but I want to talk about a few right here that I think since you're advanced you might want to turn off so I'm gonna go here to interface and actually I'm not gonna turn this one off but you might want to change this the highlight color from blue or from the default to blue that just means if you're in your channels or layers panel it's just a little bit easier for you to see what is selected there the other thing that I've done is I've changed my UI font size to large and I've also scaled the UI to fit now once you change this you won't see a difference until you actually quit and in relaunch but for those of you like me who have a large monitor I sit a little bit further back from it and just it just makes it a little bit easier for me to see so you might want to give that a try here under a workspace I've also enabled the large tabs it just makes it a little bit easier for me if I do need to pull on the tab and rearrange my panels or something it's a little bit easier for me to to grab it under the tools so you'll notice sometimes we have those rich tooltips but again I'm assuming because you're advanced you might not want to see them they're the ones that pop open they have a little animation in them and they play a few times so you can always just turn off those rich tooltips right here and in fact you can toggle off both of the tooltips if you don't want to see any of them and then I'm gonna move down to this guides grids and slices and under the paths area here for path options it's defaulting now to blue which is fine it's easier to see the path but I actually prefer cuz I do use the pen tool all the time to just switch this to light gray it's just easier for me you can also change the thickness of the path right here so if you want it thicker you can see it and we changed something else in the most recent version and that is we've changed the default colors for like some of the filters and some of the tools like you'll notice there's a different icon when you drag out a gradient or when you go into the blur filters so if you just want that to be black and white and not that default blue you can just change that right here okay the other thing that people always ask me about is editing the toolbar so I'm going to go ahead and hide that start space but when you want to edit the toolbar it's usually for one of two things either you want to assign a different keyboard shortcut to a tool or you just might not want to see all of the tools so let's do both so down here at the bottom there's this right that's the more icon and if you click on that and hold you can go in and you can edit your toolbar so this might be really handy if there's some tools for example that you don't ever use so say for example you don't use the single row marquee or the single column marquee tool and maybe you want to see both the rectangular marquee tool and the elliptical marquee tool both at once so if I pull them apart now they have their own spot on the toolbar so that might be helpful you can also change the keyboard shortcut for any of the tools do you guys know that all the keyboard shortcuts for all the tools do you know the Photoshop alphabet the a is for a direct select B is for the brush tool so you'll give you cropping and E is for the default colors East for the eraser tool if I go to full screen mode G is for the gradient and HS with hand tool is for the eyedropper in James for the Healing Brush k is for the new frame tool well if you're not gonna sing along never mind okay alright but you can go in here but but the thing is like I could change a keyboard shortcut right so you could change this to whatever you want most of them are taken there is one that has not taken that is the N key it stands for nothing so you'll remember it and you can assign that without having to swipe it from another tool but one things you might want to do is you might want to also enable this option here to disable shortcuts for hidden toolbar extras so that if you do pull some tools over here like maybe you come to the slice tool and you pull that over or the slice select tool they still have the C as the keyboard shortcut so if you're doing that shift C to cycle through now it's going to ignore the ones that you pull out of the toolbar so I have people who only put the tools that they don't know the keyboard shortcuts for and then I have people who only put the tools that they know the shortcuts for it's whatever you find most easy for your workflow and of course you can always go to the to column so if you like all your tools showing you can go ahead and do that as well so I mentioned that some of the tools are not do not have that keyboard shortcut so you might also want to go to the edit menu instead and come down here to the keyboard shortcuts so in fact before we do that let me just open up some files here so we're in Lightroom I'm gonna grab these two images and I'm just gonna open them both so I use command E that's just edit in it we'll just edit those in Photoshop is just pixel-based layers so I've got two documents open right and it's very easy to use ctrl tab to switch back and forth between the two tabs or it really cycles through so you could have ten or fifteen or however many files open as you need but the thing that I like to do because I'm always compositing is I typically want to go back and forth between window arrange consolidate to tabs and tile everything and I don't like to come down here and try to find that that menu item right because I'm always doing like okay window arrange and then in it well right to get there so anything that you use more than like twice a day I would just assign a custom keyboard shortcut and you can see I've assigned them here so how did I do that well that's just under edit and then keyboard shortcuts and in here you just scroll down and you go to window arrange and you just scroll down until you see what you want to assign the keyboard shortcut to you just select that and then type in the keyboard shortcut that you want to use and usually it'll give you a little warning and say I'm sorry that's already in use and you say yes but I am the master of my photoshop and I want it to be this and you change it all right so other keyboard shortcuts that I find super easy we're super helpful to assign maybe under layer so for example down here if you want to assign keyboard shortcuts to add layer masks you can do that I add one to enable and disable my layer mask so to hide it you can add a keyboard shortcut for that I also add one for adding like if I've drawn a path and I want to convert it to a to a mass I can go ahead and add a vector mask we're using the current path using this keyboard circuit so it's really up to you but I do want to point out two new things well one's new and one's not the task space is new so we have a lot of task space that's like when you go into selected masks or you go into content aware fill you can now customize all those keyboard shortcuts in there so if they don't make sense to you you can assign your own right here and under the tools area here you're thinking oh wait we were just assigning keyboard shortcuts under the tool bar editor but under here you'll notice if you scroll down to the bottom there's a lot of other stuff here that you can assign keyboard shortcuts to so you'll notice they're all the ones like to increase or decrease the brush size if you want to change those or you could even bring up the foreground color picker so just take a look through these I don't know Friday afternoon quarter to 5:00 or something and you have a little bit of time and just see if there's not something here that would be much easier if you just assigned a keyboard shortcut to it okay so now for example if I want to go back and forth I can just do command shift T well tile all of my images command shift R goes ahead and goes back to a single image view if I tap the end key it brings up the color picker for me so just some things that that you might find useful okay custom workspaces so I don't know about you guys but um so I'm lazy are there any other lazy people out there just out of curiosity okay so you lazy people actually you people who raise your hands you're not lazy enough it's actually the people who were too lazy to raise their hands those are the people that I'm talking to all right no I know we're not lazy we just want to be efficient right so why do we have to go pick a tool and then go [Music] and pick a layer and then go a wrong tool Wow Wow and then go get your tool and then you get your option and then you go all the way to your properties and then right why don't we just put them all together right so why don't I say hey you know what I use I use my layers panel so I'm just gonna dock it with my tools and yeah and I use my properties panel do you guys remember the game of pong when you were young we do not like pong right yeah not if you have an older brother who beats you up every time you win pong every time you lose pong doesn't matter just an excuse to beat up your younger sister but for a while he was two years older but I was just as tall as he was it was short lived and everyone thought my mom had twin boys it was not very fun okay so all I'm doing is I'm just dragging yeah I know no not fun like haha giggle laugh laugh still scarred or obviously I wouldn't be telling you about it alright so libraries I also want that over here so you can see like I can nest them together or I can dock them separately so if I want to put them together then you just have to get the cyan rectangle around the whole thing and then just set these up the way you want them you can even double click right to collapse them because I'm thinking well I'm gonna use my layers all the time and I mean use my properties all the time and since I have that keyboard shortcut to bring up the color picker I can close that and what's left o actions actions are great I'm gonna put them in layers history and actions okay so once you set this up then you just save it as your default workspace and look this is how great this is you're thinking the layers panel is not at the bottom I know I run with scissors sometimes it's crazy but I put it there because look what happens if I want to add like a levels adjustment layer look where my cursor is it's like right there nothing flew out from the right hand side I didn't have to go chase down the panel or anything all right but and if you have two monitors of course you can put it on the second monitor as well but this is just the way I like to lay it out so I would use the little icon in the upper right and I would just save this as a new workspace and you can see I've already got one like my panels on the right my panels on the left because sometimes when I teach especially beginning I don't like to move all my panels over there because it gets a little too too confusing but I'll leave them there for now alright one last thing as far as customizing panels go I'm gonna draw two little shapes here so what do we got I've got a shape I'm gonna draw a little rectangle there and then let's just switch here and I'm gonna drag a little ellipse and someday I'm going to remember to bring something other than a tablecloth like maybe a mousepad but if you want a challenge when you get back to your office definitely put me on a tablecloth and put your mouse on top of it and try to work with it all right so I've got these an ellipse in a rectangle right no big deal but on my layers panel when I come down to the panel options there's a few things that I might change now I might want to see depending on my monitor resolution everything I might want to see each one of my little layer thumbnails larger so great I can choose between all these different options I don't have a lot of screen real estate today so I might leave it a little bit small but the other thing you can do if you're working with a big document but lots of little elements instead of seeing the thumbnails in relationship to the entire document so see we see this little teeny circle here and I can't even tell if it's a circle or a square and I see this little teeny rectangle right here but if I change this to layer bounds and then I click OK now my ellipse is larger and my rectangle is larger so I don't see it in the relationship and since they're both black it might actually be a little difficult to see so let's go do two things I'm gonna go to panel options I'm just gonna make them bigger so you can see them all so I'll just point out while I'm in here use default masks on fill layers so yes I like that expand new effect so when you add layer styles do you want it to expand so you see all those styles are you confident you're just like clicking it and you don't want it to update and do you want to add a copy to copy layers so I always toggle this off I don't I know it's a copy you know how I know there's another one just like it I know it's a copy so I leave that off all right so now maybe we can see this a little bit bigger doesn't seem to be a circle let's just look at this for a minute why are you not a circle hmm well I seem to have something being an issue at the moment I'm sure it's me it's not you Photoshop it's me I know it's me I love to blame you but it's typically me so maybe it's because I'm hooked up to another projector I'm not sure but it should be showing it as an ellipse all right let's go ahead and cuz it showed it as an ellipse like an hour ago in my hotel so I'll go ahead and just change that back where am i I'm under panel options and then I'll just go back to your entire document and click OK all right so do we need those layers no we don't so we just select them and we tap delete all right so page 1 we are done 5 more pages to go it's 1:30 15 minutes in we are right on time so let's close that and let's close that and I'm gonna go back to Lightroom and we're gonna come here to layers mask in compositing this is also going to include some smart objects this is going to include advanced blend if sliders what else well let's start with these three images so I have three images here I'm gonna right-click I'm gonna say edit in and I'm going to open them as layers in Photoshop so that's gonna open and you can do this from bridge as well I think from bridge it's under the tools Photoshop and then open as layers right so this way I don't have to open them all in and drag them and drop them into one single document it's gonna do it for me again I say thank you Photoshop I appreciate you doing the work for me all right if Photoshop is not behaving the way that you expect it to you are not being sincere no if it's not look three places make sure you have the right tool right because sometimes you know you might have just instead of the lasso you've got the polygonal lasso tool or something it's silly but sometimes we just don't see the right tool make sure the options are set and the options bar and if you don't know what the default options are just right click and reset the tool like if the tool isn't painting right you're like I don't know why it's not painting right you know maybe the smoothness is is different or the blend mode or the opacity just reset the tool and will reset it to the default settings and then the other place of course is your layers panel right because you're probably on the wrong layer or you've got the layer mask selected instead of the layer so those are the three places to look and if you ever have your brush tool and for example you have a big brush here and then all of a sudden you go to lunch and then you come back and in your brush looks like this right okay then what happened is probably over lunch you sent an email in all caps and so you shouldn't be yelling but that's another story so with the all with the cap locks key on this is a feature it changes your brush into the precise cursors what are the which are the crosshairs so someone at one point in time was on the phone for over an hour and technical to support technical support to ask me that question so you're welcome all right turn off cap locks you get your brush back all right so what do I have here all I have are three frames that I photographed out the hotel window so I set up my camera and I hooked up what's called an intervalometer it's just a way to set the camera so it takes a picture every like five minutes so you get a time-lapse and you can put it together as a movie right and then you can play it and it compress this time and it's really cool but I thought you know what I've already got like 700 exposures throughout the day so why don't I just take three of them and make a nice little composite from dark or from day to night so I've got three frames from that long time lapse exposure and one of them's at night right and one of them's in the morning and one of them's midday so it just makes more sense to me to put like the night at the top and then have midday and in morning at the bottom so what I'm gonna do because one of the things I wanted to tell you is I love coming to conferences especially where people have to change up what they do like one day you're designing a logo and and the next day you're you know it's you're working on a photo of a car and then it's all these different things because you know that if I show you a tool you don't have to use that tool on a photo or you don't have to use that tool on something that's more traditionally graphic design so for example when I come in here and I go okay well we're gonna set up a new guide layout most photographers be like well what do you mean I knew I don't need a new guide layout okay what if I want to make a nice transition between both of these and I want the transition to be the same distance right well wouldn't it be easy if I just went to new guide layout and I said oh I want like three columns right because I'm gonna have morning noon and night and then I'm going to set my gutter really wide so that I know exactly where I'm gonna drag my gradient so that I get the same size transition or same size grady between the three images so just because I'm using something later like smart objects to add a blur it doesn't mean that you can't add some other filter and have it work exactly the same all right so I'm gonna hit okay I go up to the second layer right we tap the G key that gives me the gradient tool I set the D key that gives me my default colors and then I look down here and I'm like okay so I'm going black to white we know that black is going to hide and white is going to reveal I'd better add my layer mask first so let me go ahead and add my mask right so I add my mask my mask is white I just click and drag to the left and now I get this nice transition between day to midday or morning to midday and then I just go up to the same I do the same thing on the third layer I add my layer mask I have my gradient tool selected it's going from white to black so I'm just gonna drag from right to left and now I get this nice little transition from day to night all right so that's our little like warm-up with layers I'm sure your if you're advanced you know how to use layers but let's just start there and then I'm gonna go ahead and go on with another image this is gonna be a composite that we're gonna create I'm gonna create it about 10 by 10 inches that's gonna give me a rather large file usually when I'm doing my compositing they're they're usually 24 by 24 inches but I just don't want to spend the time doing that here so we'll do 10 by 10 I've set this up once and then I clicked on this icon right here and that saved the preset for me so I never have to set it up again in fact I've used it recently but it's also under the saved area so now I can just hit create there's my 10 by 10 and let's go get some images because one of the things that that oh and this is the image that we're actually gonna create is this little guy here alright at least we're gonna get through as much of it as we can so let's go back to grid view alright one of the things that I really like is I like to work with smart objects especially when I'm compositing because I don't know exactly how large they're gonna be I don't know exactly if I'm going to add a blend mode in which case I mean to might need to lighten them or darken them later so I want as much flexibility as possible and because I'm the one photographing these images I photograph in RAW to give me even more flexibility and Headroom for editing so I've got these two images in Lightroom and the reason that I opened my canvas size first is because this makes it very easy for me just to drag-and-drop from Lightroom into Photoshop and it's going to place those as a smart object now it knows that they're raw files so it brings up Camera Raw but I'll just tap return and it will place it I'll do the next one and it will place it now if you guys are used to placing images maybe from bridge or from the operating system you know that usually another dialog box comes up and it it what Photoshop does is it's transforming it for you to fit the maximum width or height of your open document and then it leaves it in that state like hey you want to transform it more I just don't cuz usually I'm adding like five or six layers and I just want to do it as quickly as possible so I enable this little skip transform when placing so I don't have to keep hitting Enter or return in order to apply that transformation oh that's brilliant Juliane I didn't know that I'm so glad I made your day okay all right I need a little interactivity so if but the jokes are just for me and so you don't have to laughs don't feel obligated okay so I have my move tool selected I need this to be down at the bottom in fact I need to transform it so we use command T it's taken me about a week but I'm finally learning I do not need to hold down the shift key and I can hold the option key still so that's great so that transforms from the center right and let's just go maybe I don't know maybe about that big and we can just move that over and of course the great thing about this is it's a smart object so I can transform it as many times as I want and in fact when we went to command T did you notice it didn't come in at a hundred percent it came in at like sixty percent or something and so I'm transforming it up it's up to 76 percent now but I can go up to a hundred percent and I know that I haven't had to interpolate up the file so I'm still like resampling the image down which is a little counterintuitive because I'm transforming it up but the original image is much larger than this so it's still not going past the maximum size so I'm good with quality there then I've got this layer right here and we'll just use the move tool and scoot that on up and I'm just going to leave it like that I don't maybe it makes sense to you the other way but it doesn't really matter which layers on top of which right now so we need to learn some shortcuts I've got 10 really quick shortcuts just with layers and layer mask so I'll just select the top layer and you guys know already you click on the mask icon you get the white mask right but if you want a black mask because you want to hide everything then you want a different option for that tool perhaps an alternative behavior so you're gonna either hold the option of the Alt key and click on the mask icon and then you get that black mask right and then a lot of people I see they drag their you know if they wanted to delete this they would drag drag drag drag drag it down to the oh I missed it it's there somewhere I missed it all right just right click there's so much stuff in Photoshop that you can right click and it's context sensitive and it gives you just what you want so I would just like boom right here delete that layer mask I don't get a dialog box up or anything in fact when I'm choosing layers if I'm if I don't want to go all the way back to my layer you just click and wherever you click we right click in the image area you can then pick whatever layers are underneath where you click so if I right click up here I only get the two options right the clouds layer and the background layer if I right click down here then I get all of these different options because I'm clicking over multiple layers if I click way down here I only get two I get the foreground and the background all right so that's an easy way to select layers ok but I was gonna get my marquee tool and we'll just make like a marquee here ok so now if I add my mask right by clicking on the mask icon Photoshop is smarter enough to say hey you have a selection I'm gonna add that mask based on the selection great I'll undo that if I want the opposite if I say yeah I selected the center but I actually want to mask the opposite the inverse then I'll hold down the option key but the option key and then click on the mask and of course don't forget you can always invert the mask right so if you add the wrong one you could also just do command I that would invert the mask or at the bottom of the properties panel there's also an invert button right there so you can just invert the mask like that and you probably know that you can now drag a layer a layer mask from one layer to another right so I could just drag that down if I wanted to move it if you wanted to make a duplicate of it just like every other thing in Photoshop where you want to duplicate it you just hold down the option in the Alt key and you just drag that up and that would make a duplicate of the mask but the one that always confused me was I want to make like maybe you've selected the foreground and you want to duplicate the mask and invert it at the same time and it was like sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't and I couldn't figure out why you have to hold down the keyboard shortcut before you click on the mask so if I hold down option to invert it and shift in order to duplicate it and shift to invert it and then I click and drag the mask it will invert and dupe the mask at the same time quite handy okay we know let's undo that I don't need that there let's go ahead and click on the link icon and by the way you can assign a keyboard shortcut for that link icon if you want to toggle it on and off and layers panel what that allows you to do is let's hide that is it will allow you to select either the layer right so now I can move the layer around or I can click on the mask icon and I can move the mask around and I can access both of those by just using the keyboard shortcut so command two will always select the layer and command backspace or backslash sorry will always select the mask now if you don't use the command key or the control key on windows and you you just do the backslash it's just gonna give you the red ruby lift overlay you just tap the backslash again if you don't want to see that and if you want to see the actual mask because you want to work with it you want to paint on it then hold down the option key or the Alt key and click on the mask and that will show you the mask and if you've ever wanted to paste anything into a mask they give something on the clipboard like a texture and you want to paste it in to kind of grunge up your vector art the only way to paste into a mask is if you see the mask like this like you have to have the mask visible and if you looked on your channels panel it would be targeted and visible and now I could paste because otherwise if if I even if I have the mask selected but I'm viewing the image it would paste as a new layer so just option click view the mask hit paste and it would paste it into there okay and then the last shortcut because there was one more think about it Oh to just temporarily turn off the mask hold down the shift key and just click it gives you the X in there you don't need the shift key to bring it back but it'll just temporarily disable that mask okay so now that we've got all those shortcuts out of the way let's just right click and I'm going to delete that layer mask I'm going to come up here we're gonna add a mask to here let's make that layer visible and again with a gradient tool I'm going from black to white here I've got the mass targeted I've got black to white that's kind of weird to have white to black is what it's showing me here what's going on there I go white to black not sure what happened there so white to black I want this area to show and slowly fade away so I'll hold down the shift key and foo right like that I've done it okay great I think I want to transform the clouds a little bit bigger so again the nice thing about having it be a smart object is you guys know like I can travel this shift key down I can hold I it's gonna take me a while it's only been 20 years I've had that shift key going all right so we can make this really small and then we can go and do free transform again I'll hold down the option key this time that'll help all right and then I could make it large and we haven't lost any quality right that's the whole benefit of the smart object okay we're good there oh no I was gonna lower the opacity of that okay so if you want to lower the opacity you guys know right now I have the gradient tool selected so if I tap the number key like five I just switched the opacity of my tool that I have selected so I don't want that I'm gonna tap zero I'm gonna tap the V key and then tap the five when you select the move tool or any of these tools up here that don't have an option for opacity then it will change the opacity on the layers panel so you can tap five you can tap five five four fifty five fear a quick typer if you're Michael Dennis has the best joke and now I've told you it's a joke so now it's not gonna be a good joke anyway but I stole it from Michael Dennis his if you tap six you get sixty percent if you tap six sixty at 66% but if you tap 666 at reformats your hard drive so be careful all right do not tell them it's a joke before you tell them it's a joke all right anyway zero will take you to a hundred percent but zero zero will take you to zero percent if you tap it quickly the other way to get to zero percent or it actually it's it's not zero percent it's hiding the visibility of the layer is command-comma that actually hides the visibility of the layer and that's really nice because you can select like ten layers so I've seen people do this you know your art directors right behind you and he's like well I want to see what it looks like you know with those four layers off and you're like haha like okay look at it okay close your eyes and you go there and you're like toggling off illusion okay open your eyes oh what's it look like the other okay close your eyes no so you can either use layer comps or just select the layers and then use that command comma to turn them all off and all on at once to toggle them okay we need to add some other layers to this so let's go add some more layers we need the tree so here's the tree image that I want to use and I'll I'm gonna open it as a smart object and I'm gonna open it in its own layer and you might be thinking well why would you do that because I can't tell you the number of times that I've gotten burned because I add I add a layer as a smart object and this shouldn't happen but somehow I seem to it happened where I resize it and I transform it and maybe I distort it a little bit and I do all these things and then I draw the path around it and then I want to change it later or I decide not to use the tree in this composite but I want to use it in a different composite and then somehow I either lose it or I delete it or something so when I know that I want to extract something from the background I will do it in its own layer now when I'm compositing I don't always know exactly what I want to composite together so I don't necessarily want to spend a ton of time on it so in the case like this I would open it up as a smart object I would probably just grab like my quick select tool right and I would come over here and it would do a really decent job with the tree down here and then I could come up here and then just keep going oops and then I'm a spaz but it should be doing a yep there we go right over there and then I'll click up here and then I have to come in here and kind of go okay well I don't want you and I go to option and then I don't want you down here and then I don't want you over here and so sometimes like when if I was just doing this to do with a quick composite like throw it together to see if I even have the right elements I would definitely do it this way all right but this is a hard-edged object and so for me personally it's gonna be so much easier to just draw a path I'm gonna spend less time using the pen tool drawing a path around here then I am going in and using like quick select with the lasso and then going into selected mask and then refining everything I just find it's easier so I'll deselect that I'll zoom in to 100% now here's the thing if I grab the pen tool to make my path and I'm using the the old-fashioned pen tool right just the regular one I'm not using the curvature pen tool although the curvature pen tool is awesome if you haven't used it try it like I love it for making shapes this will totally date me but I didn't have an iPad when I was a child believe it or not I had a piece of string and we would tie that string together and we would make a circle and then we could put that circle down and we could move the circle to make shapes that's what the curvature pen tool is awesome for but when I want a ton of precision I will go ahead and use the regular old fashion pentool so I've got the spacebar and I'm just gonna scoot this up a bit and come down to the bottom of the tree because I want to start here but the thing is have you I don't know if this is the same for you but do you guys notice that like I can draw a path in one direction much easier then I can draw a path in another direction so for example right now like trying to draw a path up I don't know why it's so difficult for me so we have this thing called spring-loaded cursors and what they do is instead of switching tools like if I were to tap the R key right now I would go to rotate view but if I just hold down the R key it spring loads that tool so I hold down our it gives me the rotate ability but when I let go of our I'm back to the pen tool so it doesn't switch the tools for me so that I only have to hold down the keyboard shortcut not tap it once and tap it again so now I could come along here and for me personally it's just way easier for me to draw along a horizon or horizontally as rather as opposed to vertically alright so I just come along here and then I come over here and then if I needed to I could just hold down our and keep rotating it and keep doing the path and our and rotating the path now I can't think of anything more boring then watch me draw a path so like any good chef I would have a file that's already done see tree with path and this is what I do I put that in there so that I will know that that is a tree with a path so I'm going to edit the original it's a tiff file I have to say edit the original because I wanted to open up the layered file from Lightroom to photoshop otherwise it's gonna flatten it I don't need the tree with path right that's the type layer I need the path that I already created so there we go I've just selected the path now I want to add the path as a vector mask so I can just hold down the command key and click on the mask icon and that is the shortcut for adding a vector mask with the currently targeted path selected so it's just command on Mac ctrl on Windows so now I have my lovely path and the great thing about this is I haven't in this file so I can use this today in this file and then I can use it tomorrow in another composite and I don't have to redo the path and I don't have to accidentally because of course I had probably thrown away the path or something because I probably didn't save the work path and anyway alright so I want both of these in sight I'm gonna drag and drop holding down the shift-key that's gonna bring that right in the center I no longer need this one anymore so let's close it I don't need the path targeted so I will under get it and then I'm just gonna do a transform here so command T to free transform now when you do a free transform and the handles are so far out that you can't grab them use the keyboard shortcut command 0 it's the shortcut for view fit on screen right you probably use it all the time when you're in free transform it will fit the transformation handles on the screen holding down the option key let's make that smaller I don't know how much smaller cuz it's on the wrong layer and the layer stack there we go okay let's transform that again it's a smart object I can transform it as many times as I want there's my little tree let's put it behind those rocks we can just use our little arrows to nudge it down mmm let's let's hold down the shift key lets distort it the boss of me alright hit return or enter okay so one of the problems is that the lighting totally doesn't match right the other thing that doesn't match right now is well I'm gonna unify it with two other ways so two ways to unify your images are obviously with color and then also with texture because if we go in to 100% and we look at this for example you can tell that there's a lot more grain so probably this image was taken with a higher ISO then this image was so there's a lot more detail to this image and the lighting is also very different so I need to change that so another advantage of using the smart object when you have a raw file is that when lightroom or bridge han't or camera raw is actually and if you were in bridge and you opened it in Camera Raw in Camera Raw you would hand it off as a smart object it hands off the entire raw file in this PSD file so now if I double click on it it opens it up in raw because it's the actual raw file in there so now I can come in here and say hey you know what I need to just take the exposure down a little bit I really want to bring down those highlights and you know what let's just boost the clarity up a little bit and give it a little bit of punch click OK and it rear Enders it from the original raw information so I'm gonna get the best quality that's possible now that did a little bit but the thing is isn't win that image if I shift click here this image was taken in this huge like botanical garden that was covered and so it's like a giant softbox so the light is just coming from all angles and it's very kind of well lit in that it there's no directional light but the problem is in the other image there is directional light so I need to make that happen all right so how would I make that happen well I've darkened down part of it so that's great but the other thing that I want to do is I want to add a curves adjustment layer because I want to darken down the tree the shadow part of the tree even more now this doesn't have to look exactly realistic because that's I'm not going for photo realism I'm going for for me when I make my composites I just want to make sure that they're real enough that you're not looking at the technical that you're actually allowed to suspend your disbelief just momentarily to enter into the image right so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna go into curves curves curves curves there we go but we know what happens when we add a curves adjustment layer right and we start darkening the curve and I can darken the the middle of the curve but I also want to bring down the highlights so I'm gonna bring down my bright point there and let's darken it down quite a bit but the problem is everything's being darkened down right because that's the way that layers work the layer on the top is affecting everything underneath it so what I need to do is I need to stop it so that it only affects the tree and we can do that by either going to layer and choosing create clipping mask we can use the keyboard shortcut or just on the layers panel hold down the option key click right in between the two layers and that will clip it so now my curve is only affecting the tree right and now I actually have to go in and paint it and this is the kind of thing where I was like ah that's gonna take me a long time yet yeah it's art it's your process I actually don't mind it it's like the pen tool people like I don't wanna learn the pen tool it takes so long like yeah but it's part of the process it's lovely I enjoy it anyway so I'll grab my paintbrush and you guys know the keyboard shortcut it's like option control left and right will allow you to drag smaller and larger brush or you can drag up and down if you want to change the hardness of the brush on windows shift alt drag or right-click dry I don't know it's on my blog I have to reference my blog quite often more often than I'd like to admit these days in fact do you guys know that it's I don't find it odd that I have to watch my videos before I come and and do a presentation it's weird when I see myself say something that I've never known never have I known it and I'm like what Photoshop does what I never knew that all right so my mask is white so I know I have to paint with black if I want to hide the curve so you see what I'm doing right I'm just gonna come along here and I'm just gonna paint in the highlight all right now this would take a minute and we don't have a minute to spend on this so I'm just gonna do it real quick real quick just get all the top portions done oh why didn't I bring my Wacom tablet it is sitting in my hotel room I'm so lame I am so lame it was like oh it's so heavy no it's not no it's not it's mine it's not part of the art it's part of the frustration okay anyway let's get just a little bit bigger brush there and I'm just gonna zip down here shoot and you don't want to do this but I'm just gonna hold down the shift-key all right that's fine yeah we'll just write it on down to the bottom there you guys will be much better with this when you do it yourself okay so point being is that this I didn't have to be super careful because that curve is clipped right like some people would go in and they try to dodge just the tree but I can pretty I can dodge the tree but have my mind let's look at the mask you'll see what I mean if I option click on the mask that the black there half of it's on the tree and half of its over the tree but it doesn't matter because the tree is being clipped because the curves is being clipped by the tree okay then you might need to go in and like you know if you have this area down here that you're like no no that really needs to be a lot darker that's it doesn't matter okay that needs to be darker so I'll do that and then I'll add an adjustment layer here dunt dunt dunt we'll go down to curves one more time and let's just bring that down a little bit more there that looks kind of funny but that's all right then leave it alone cost okay we'll clip that as well all right so we'll just option click right there now obviously you can see what's been affected and what hasn't so I can come on the properties panel and just click on the mask and I can add a large feather here because most people make a selection and then they guess you know like I don't know should this be a 5 pixel feather a 10 so feather I don't know it depends it depends on the resolution of the file it depends on how soft of an edge you want so if you want to add a non-destructive softening of the edge use the properties panel to do that and I would probably come back here as well and let's go ahead and zoom in to a hundred percent and maybe even two hundred percent make sure you can see it let's go over somewhere yeah like right there and I've got the tree selected and again even if it's a vector mask I can still soften the edge by clicking on the mask and then using the feather slider right here alright so if I go too far obviously we start getting a halo there but if I just add just a slight bit of a feather just so it doesn't look like I cut it out with a pair of scissors alright and while we're so zoomed in here let's go down here because it's gonna look a little funny if we leave the bottom like that so just because I have a vector mask on something doesn't mean that I can't add a raster mask as well so I'll click my mask icon and now I've got a raster mask plus a vector mask I'll grab my paintbrush again I'll make sure that I'm painting with black and I'm just gonna paint this away and be like oh well that wasn't exactly where I meant to put that so let's grab all three of those layers that make up the tree and put them in a group so I just use command G to put them in a group and of course I know all of you rename your layers you grab the move tool and we just reposition that and I'll put it like right about let's say right about there all right that's fine now let's go and expand that group so we can see the contents of it I'll go back to the mask I'll grab my paintbrush again and make sure that I'm on the raster mask and then just paint this away because I have to paint it away so I can see where I need to paint it back in so then I'll use a little bit smaller of a brush right tap the X key because the X key exchanges your foreground and background colors and then we can just paint this in and I'm just gonna paint with my trackpad and that is the weirdest-looking rock right there so I'm just gonna make my own shape for the rock because that shape is better now the thing is a lot of times like I don't pick the right size brush I don't pick the right combination of size brush and feather of brush when I actually make this mask so instead of now going back in there and trying to go and refine just stay with the same size brush for making the selection and then go in there and like with your lasso tool if you just want to change this area here just select it and go to levels because I'm I'm on a mask right so now I can just start scooting this over and as I scoot over the edges you can see that the edges are getting harder or softer do you see how I'm playing with that right so then I can just push that and you can also do this in select and mask you can select a mask like if you if you drew something with a pen tool and it was a hard edged object and you drew it just a little too far out so there was a halo go in to select and turn the mask into a selection go in to select and mask use the feather amount to get more levels of gray and then there's an option in there called shift edge and just use the shift edge to push into either choke or to spread out that mask all right but I'll just use levels here because I'm just gonna do it directly on there cuz I can do that all right what else do we need to add here let's go back let's add these two layers here and we'll drag and drop them on there I'll zoom out a little bit oh they're gonna drag and I should have been paying attention to my layers panel because they're both going to come in let's zoom out here see where they came in on my layers panel like they're part of the clipping group now and I don't want that in fact I don't want them within the group so you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna undo that for a minute so I want to show you something if I have the tree layer the tree layer group selected and I drag and drop in here right now it's gonna drag and drop them into the group right but if I toggle the group so that it's closed now I can come back to photoshop well go back to grid view or sorry I'm not in Photoshop I'm in Lightroom I've got these two selected and I will just drag them and hold down the shift key now because the layer group the tree layer group has collapsed photoshop's gonna say well I guess you don't want them in there I'll add them above it very polite of it I think all right okay so I'm gonna zoom out a little bit and then command T will free transform this holding down the option key I'm gonna scoot this up now I know I'm gonna want two of these layers so I'm just gonna do a quick command J right that'll do placate it and I'll toggle this one off so I want to add some just kind of steam ethereal stuff in the sky so that's pretty easy I can use the blend modes which are pretty cool now that they're like these nice little live blend modes so I'll just go to screen tap the V key go to 50% and that's fine except for this big line down here right so we need to add our masks grab our gradient we're going from white to black so I'm gonna go from black to white because I know black hides and it just makes more sense to me so I'm gonna click and drag up here so we just don't see the bottom so great so now I've got kind of this atmosphere that I've added to build a little depth but this one I want way more pronounced because I want it in the foreground so I'm not gonna switch it to overlay or anything like that in fact I could switch it to well let's just all I want to do is I want to get rid of the dark values right if I change it to something like overlay or soft light it takes the lighter values and makes them lighter and it takes the darker values and makes them darker but I don't want the dark values so I'm just going to use the effects icon down here to go to my blending options and I'm just gonna drag over my blend if slider all right so as I drag it over here we can see that it eats away at the darker values because I'm saying this layer if it's dark don't show it but I need to split those triangles or that that the triangle right now because it's a hard edge so if you hold down the option key you can just split this triangle now you get this nice soft edge right so that's more what I want I click OK it gives me this little icon here so I know that the my advanced blending has been applied I'm gonna use the Move tool and I'm just gonna move this down and you see how much more dramatic it is down here a little too dramatic so I might tap the V key and go to 50% I might also want to blur it a little bit to me it's just looking a little harsh so I don't know where the blur filter is it's under there somewhere but I know I want Gaussian blur so I just use command F and I use this all the time instead of going down to a menu and then having to hunt for the menu item like if you don't know where the filter is but you know the name of the filter just type it in here and say yes please I was looking for the Gaussian blur and it is its gauss like house mouse Gaussian blur all right well click OK and that just blurted a little bit and now I don't need to see that top part so we'll add a mask grab my gradient tool what am i doing I'm going black to white where you go up to down alright I don't actually I don't really know that I want those in front of the trees so let's grab both of them and just drag them down below the tree mmm no let's undo that I like them with the tree okay I have another layer here right here I just added a the texture will do command-t I will use the option key and just drag that up and I'm just gonna put it at the top of my layer stack above the steam and what it's gonna do is this little teeny texture if we go into a hundred percent you see that little grain there it's just gonna help the images that don't look the same like the texture in here there's hardly any grain in the tree because I shot it at a much lower lower ISO and if you go down to the background down here this is all grainy and stuff so the only thing I can really do is add more green in order to unify the overall look and feel so I'll just add this and we'll change it to overlay and or maybe soft light even is enough and maybe like 40% oh I've got the the gradient tool selected so let's tap V and then go for 40% command zero okay good all right now the other way to unify before we add another image another way to add to unify is through color so at the top of my lair at stack I'm gonna add another adjustment layer and this time I'm gonna add a gradient map adjustment layer and it's gonna take my foreground default or my foreground background default colors there but I could go and I could add any kind of gradient but what I'm looking for is I'm looking for a gradient that goes from from a dark value into a light value and it it remaps all the colors in your image so if I were to go in here for example add another color stop double click on it and then add maybe just the slightest bit of color so let's go into maybe like sand like kind of a orangie color well I'll make it real obvious you see what's happening is it's gonna add a color I want to kind of keep it on the same gradation so there's not a big jump here so I'll just add maybe about that much color and click OK and what that does is it would put it puts that yellow or cyan or whatever color you want throughout the image in the dark values because I noticed that like the dark values were a little yellow in the in the foreground but they weren't yellow in the tree so it's just gonna help unify that way and then I just I don't don't need it a hundred percent so I'll just take it down like maybe 8mm 70 maybe 60% all right and I'm gonna move that cloud down just a little really Julian really was that a was that that important yes it was the other thing that I'm noticing is there's a little bit of like vignette een up there at the top so if I double-click on the cloud because it is a smart object and it's a raw file I can just come in here and I can go to lens correction sure enough the remove lens correction was not enabled so it was this was photograph with a wide-angle lens you guys know when you shoot with a wide-angle lens you get the dark name vignette so I just took that off and I made it a little bit lighter ok then the last thing we'll add before we move on to another image this is a multi-layered document we'll do command e in order to open this up what ok we're fine we're good no not now there's people ok so I don't need that I'll just delete you ok that solved it so what is this this is just a it's just a light bulb right but but it is kind of important to notice like I included this because look at the direction of light and the quality of light here so this is gonna be much easier to match because the quality and direction of light right so we've got that darker shadow it's not exactly in the same direction as as the foreground image but it's much closer than then say the tree was so I won't have to do as much adjustment so I just drew a path around it I added a little shadow and I put a little dark hole underneath it and we added this little glow so I need to drag and drop all of these at once but of course I don't want to mess up so I'll use command G to put them in a group and we'll call it bulb boob bu OB bulb alright show both the layers drag and drop hold down the shift key puts it right in the center ooh that came in quite large don't need that anymore don't save Oh where's the bulb all right so the bulbs at like the bottom of my layer stack so we need to drag that up that makes sense because I was just working with the sky drag it up to the top and you know what I'm gonna do first I'm actually going to convert it to a smart object why because then if I want to make a change to one of them I can make it change to all of them at one time ooh that's a weird that's weird ok nevermind just ignore that just look over here ok I don't know what the preview is I'm sure is I'm sure I don't know it's a miracle it works at all I think but anyway isn't it I mean isn't it fascinating whose amazing string remember me kid string all right I'm amazed ok don't hold the shift key down old dog new trick very hard all right so I've got one copy of this then I do command J or you don't even have to do command J if you know to option drag right then we come over here and then I could make it a little smaller look no shift huh command J move over here doo-doo-doo and then make it a little smaller command T make it smaller make it smaller make it smaller okay that's enough of those well this one isn't quite in the right spot leave it alone okay so I might also want to change the opacity right so I come up here I've got the move tool this one might be at 60% this one might be at 70% and this one might be at 80% so I just tap those keys and there we have it okay so it's not as good I have to say as the original one cuz I can never do look how much better that one is oh and I put more bulbs up here but that's okay oh but I did want to change the color of those so we can put them in a group right command G put them in a group right now if I want to change the color all I need to do and I'm gonna hold down the option key while I do this is I'm gonna add a solid color fill layer and I hold down the option key while I was doing that because I want to change the mode to color not the color label but just the mode to color click OK now I can choose a color and let's choose something opposite of the sky so kind of a yellow color there click OK it effects everything but I can just clip that so it only affects oh those are too dark so let's pick a better color more saturated yes and in fact I could come back here and add curves so let's add curves let's go ahead and brighten it up the whole thing brighten so at the bottom of the properties panel there's a little teeny icon way down there you see that one you just click on that to that'll clip it so now my curves are only affecting the little light bulbs oh I could make an animated gif ooh what does it all mean I will talk at the bash all right so one last thing because I do this a lot where I'm like okay I just want I just want a white outline around the whole thing right I just want to add a little bit of canvas size but of course I've got layers that are just all over the place so I've got some sky up there that's beyond the canvas size so I figured out this little trick I'll just take all of my layers and put them into a group command G all right so they're all in one group then I'm gonna add a layer mask but I'm actually gonna hold down the option key while I add a layer mask why if I add a layer mask and it's white and I invert it well let me just do it the right way it's to confuse you explain option-click the mask I get a black mask it hides everything but if I disable the link between the the group and the mask and I use the Move tool we can see that if I move this hey hey hey there's people watching okay so this is where I show you how many times we can undo just using command Z it's really easy it's so awesome so I add my group and then Oh silly me I didn't select anything you always have to select what you want to effect in Photoshop right so I'm gonna do a select all then I'm going to option click that adds a black mask but if I have the move tool you can see that the mask itself just ignore all the images the mask itself is only black to the edge of my canvas and from there it goes to white so what does that mean that means that if I want to add to my canvas size so I just go to canvas size here and let's say I want to add like 0.25 inches all the way around so a half an inch which by the way okay I can actually even do this math it would be 10.5 but if I couldn't do the math I would just say hey I want to add plus five inches and then I come down here and I'd say yes I want to add plus five inches so we can now you can add subtract divide and multiply in any of the text entry areas throughout the the application and right actually this isn't a good example cuz I could have gone to relative but anyway you guys get the point so why did you oh dumb 10 plus 0.5 this is why I'm not a programmer 10 plus 0.5 okay anyway so it added it so do you see that extra canvas but the mask is just inverted so I do a command-i new command I that inverts the mask and adds the border and the borders really a mask because without that mask I've got all of those other layers to hold down the shift-key and disable that I have all that other layer stuff hanging over the edge and I didn't want to crop that because I want it to be readable so I can move it later but that's just a quick way to do it you got to select all you got to select all your layers put them in a group select all option click to add your mask but it's the invert increase your canvas size you don't have to do the math and then just invert the mask and that'll do it okay all right let's close that geez we got to keep moving 2:15 gah ah all right more more designee stuff because somebody's gonna say there was not enough design stuff okay let's open this now we'll do more designing stuff so zooming in all right we talked a lot about layer groups right but we didn't we didn't say enough so one of the things that layer groups are really good for is the ability to just group your layers together right and I'm gonna hold down it's the command key and just click on any of the disclosure triangles and that'll close all the groups at one time so I just want to see Group one so Group one is the bowling ball it's not the circle it's just the bowling balls and the pins right so we know that we can go ahead and write well let's go ahead and add our effect so I want to add an effect right I want to add just a stroke effect to this so it adds a stroke to the bowling ball will do it to pixels make sure we can see it we hit okay so then I could always copy this right so I can go ahead and say hey I want to copy that layer style right and I'm gonna grab these other two and then I'm going to paste that layer style paste that there so right there all right and we get exactly what we would expect right you can also paste a layer style however to a group you're like right on this is gonna be awesome so undo that why would it be awesome oh because then you only have to change one layer style if you want to like if you had to make a change to it so I'm gonna undo that undo that it's still copied to the clipboard I believe so we'll go to the group and I'll right click and I'll say paste layer style but guess what that's weird right you get your move tool you select the bowling ball you drag it out oh well that's good oh well it's a different reality I know okay it's a feature it's the way it's supposed to work we're giving you two options so if you need them to be applied like if you would just have three scepter like if they don't touch this one's here this one's here and that one's here go ahead and just apply your effect to the group but when they overlap you have to know that what Photoshop does is it treats all of the layers within the group as if they're flattened before it adds the layer effect uh-huh all right so let's see how else it does this let's delete that delete delete delete why can you always yeah you can because it's clear it's not delete it's clear Oh the audience can always see what you're trying to find before you can okay same thing with blend modes select all the layers go up here to blend mode go to multiply okay so this is as expected the bowling ball is going to blend with the pin below it and they're both going to blend with the circle below that so that's totally as designed that's how they've always worked so let's go to group two group two I'll select the layer group and change it to multiply ah that's cool see what it's doing it's pretending like all of the layers within the group are flattened and then multiplying it but wait there's more okay what if I go to group three and I say all right well what I want is I want all of these to multiply together but I don't want it to pass through the bottom of the layer group well if you've ever clicked on a on a layer group you know that there's this weird blend mode called pass through it lets things pass through the bottom of the group so the multiply blend mode from the bowling ball and the pins is passing through and it's multiplying with the circle below it but if I change this now to just normal now the interaction is only going to happen within the group but it can't pass through the bottom of the group so cool other reasons to use layer groups all right with this fourth group I'm going to show you another two reasons real quick if you wanted to change the color of all of those the pins and the ball at one time right if I was here and I had the ball selected and I could say okay well I want to add a no let's add it when Hugh sent adjustment layer and we'll just colorize it real quick so colorize and not that color how about okay so the problem is is that it's affecting everything below it and you think all right well let's clip it so you option click and now it clips it so oh wait now it's only affecting the bowling ball I want it to affect the bowling ball in the pins so we undo that we can ungroup it well I'm just gonna option click there is a way in Photoshop to turn off I think it's a it's a preference so that your undo and reduce don't undo and redo toggle of the visibility of a layer sometimes I turn that off too anyway I just wanted to mention that sorry that wasn't a side I'm gonna drag the hue saturation adjustment layer above group four above group four there we go and now if I clip it to the group now it's going to affect only those things within the group all right so that's how you can isolate it and another reason to use a layer group I'll select the group I'll get the marquee tool we'll just drag out a marquee or a selection over here and I'll add a layer mask but I'll hold down the option key and add the mask so now whatever is in that group is going to be affected is going to be masked by that mask right so I can move things around independently like I could move around the bowling ball with a move tool but everything that's in that group is going to be masked by the group this is a great way if you've spent a long time masking something and someone says ah you know I just I want you to try something else I'm always like I don't want to ruin my mask so instead of duplicating the layer I just add us I just put the layer in a layer group and add a second mask to the group all right okay close that don't save it 19:20 wait 115 230 okay okay all right oh this one's a cool one oh we have to do this one okay alright because it seems to be like really trendy right now woman's doing this little thing where we add like space thing yeah anyway I get to fly and I got to fly as a passenger in a plane over in Iceland and so we have this little background of this crazy like look at that like that's a waterfall wow it's so cool anyway we want to draw a shape so command zero so I grabbed my pen tool and I'm just gonna draw a path right now that's fine but I need the path to go in front of and behind some things so I'm gonna click like right here and we'll draw out the triangle and I want it to go down here and I want it to go over here so now I have my triangle and we'll just make that into a shape boom that's a shape okay great we tap you to get our shape tool I don't need a fill on this so we'll get rid of the fill but I do want a stroke so let's add a white stroke that'll be great but maybe 10 pixels okay so now I have my shape that's pretty easy now all I need to do is I need to add my effects to that shape so I want to add an inner glow so I'll select that inner glow layer style and if we zoom in a little bit I can just come over here and let's change the color let's pick a color from the image nice little green there okay it looks like my size is quite large let's bring that down and maybe alright can you guys see that you guys see the glow right you know what it looks like okay there it is alright now I'm gonna click on that color again because what I want to do is just hit copy because that just it I want to copy the hex number because that's just gonna be easier than trying to guess the color when I do an outer glow so I'll click on outer glow and by the way if you ever get in the situation you know where you can't see all the rest of your layer styles just go down to the effects icon down here and just say hey hey hey hey hey show me all the rest of them they're important to me alright so we click on the little icon right here we just do a paste nope we have to select it do a paste now I've got the same color we click okay it's set to screen let's get it a little bit heftier bye it's Sunday night to normal and maybe not quite 100% opacity okay so we've got our outer glow in here so the problem is this when we come over here I want this to go behind it oh the other thing I want with my shape I actually want the shape itself to be aligned in the center ok there we go so now it's in the center of my path alright but what will happen is this I'll grab my lasso tool oh sorry grab my lasso tool tap the L key and I just want to draw loop right down there and then I think the edge of that little mountain comes like right down there okay and I'm gonna add a mask but I'm gonna hold down the option key because I want it to hide that see this looks yeah alright hold on I'm gonna fix it in a second I'm gonna come over here first and we got to do the same thing over here so use my trackpad oh all right come over here where's the edge oh no I don't want it there wait I have to look at the mountain sorry okay we're gonna go [Music] all right and fill that with black all right to make that hide deselect zoom in a little bit more though so we can see so here's the secret of this what it does is it's like it's stopping but it's still putting the the glow around it but the glow wouldn't be there in front of the mountain right it should stop it should have a hard stop when it goes behind the mountain so all you have to do is double-click the word effects that'll take you to your blending options and it's this little box right here layer mask hides effects because right now the layer mask is not hiding the effect so you toggle that on we click OK see nice undo ooh bad a key ooh nice much better all right command zero let's zoom out and there we've got our little effect we could probably add that I better have a library oh look I could have just added oh that's a prettier one it's what happens when Julian has time all right let's go ahead and I'm gonna delete this for one second and I'm just going to use the type tool for a second to add like just my initials on this so totally depends on what you want when I click you'll notice that we have this placeholder text there's a preference just go into the text preferences and you can toggle off that placeholder text if you want to so I could just type in JK oh that's pretty boring let's select that let's go to Bickham b IC k VI hello and I know you're there and well so we can see this instant type preview as I drag really no no no I know but I shouldn't need it I have it installed locally Photoshop there's people watching I only have six minutes okay oh my gosh this is the best typeface ever I'm just gonna use that that's great okay is that oh that's myriad Pro oh we're friends it's okay all right so if this was my logo Wow no it's not but it's my signature it's just gonna be my signature cuz I probably wouldn't be changing my logo all the time but anyway let's say I spent all this time and I found my font and I installed it and everything looks good what I could do is I could just drag now I could add the character style right if I needed to reuse the character style later on I don't want that I want to add this as a graphic so I just drag the type into my library right now I'm gonna delete it from the image because now what I have no matter where I am and wherever I sign in if it's at home if it's at work wherever I will have this access as long as I connect to the internet okay but right now it's also locally stored so it's okay so this will totally work so I'm gonna drag it out and it's gonna become a cloud-based link smart object right so that's great if I need to make a change to it then I could double click on the graphic and I could say hey um let's add my last name well that's a little hard to see so let's just click away this is nice you don't have to know that keyboard shortcut and then if this ever happens to you just go to image and go to reveal all right and it'll just build out your canvas for you and then do a little save and then do a little close and because this document was open it's saying oh well you probably want to update that link in this document if I had saved and closed this document then it would next time I opened it up would say hey it's been updated do you want to update but we won't update it for you automatically okay let's let's close that really quickly I can just talk to that but let's open up this just yeah command e so let's just open this up so this was something that it took me a little bit of time and we don't have to go through it but I just want to show you well two things one I was just going to show you if you do have a bunch of objects that you create that are not the same size in the past it's been very difficult in Photoshop to distribute them sometimes you want to distribute them because they're not the same size you just want to make sure they have equal spacing in between the objects you know what I'm saying yes so you guys have found this frustrated in the past I'm sure so now I just want you to know with the move tool selected if I selected like all these rectangles which it's not gonna make a difference because they're all the same size but I want to point out under the more menu here we have the same old distribute options that we used to have that distributes via their centers or left or right but we can also distribute based on spacing so it would put equal spacing between each of your objects which is very cool all right but what I wanted to show you here just really quickly what I did I just created okay there was here's my photo layer right and it's clipped to the group and within that group I have it looks like one two three four five rectangles I actually have one rectangle that I converted to a smart object and then duplicated right and then I tried to add like a little inner glow to it but it wouldn't add it when I added the inner glow to the individual layers but another great reason to use groups is if you add something like an inner glow to the group remember it's treating it as if it's flattened first and then it's gonna add the inner glow and you get that otherwise if you add the inner glow to each layer it doesn't show up because the photo on top just stomps on it and you can't see it anymore so and the reason that I say there's only one rectangle and then I've duplicated it is because if you ever have an instance where you're like I'm not sure if I want those rectangles to be to be round edged or not round or how round I don't really know make one shape convert it to a smart object and then if you need to make a change you just double click on the shape right that bring the contents of the smart object it's still alive shape so in my properties panel maybe I'll unlink it and we'll just take it's kind of gonna be like a reversed dog ear right so all the rest are are curved except the the corner and the upper left now if I look at both of these at one time if I save this using command S do you see that it saved it and they were all updated because they're all copies of the same internal smart object which is pretty darn cool all right especially if you've got a lot of the same object and someone says oh you got to change that we want to Square and you're like oh gosh that will take me all lunch oh go on without me and then you're like - ding Facebook all right ok so let's close that I'll show you one last thing real quick one last thing real quick if you guys use light removal ok this is so cool if you use light removal on there's a technology preview on iOS that you can do long exposures now handheld long exposures and it combines them and and you can do stuff like that which is really cool but that's not what I was gonna show you was gonna show you was this if you've ever needed to content-aware fill something ok and I know it looks like I ruined this image but I didn't the image was like that I mean I didn't ruin it poor little snail he's gonna get like a little oh poor me ok so obviously the snail was very stressed at this developmental stage in which they were growing so I'm gonna grab the lasso tool and I'm just gonna grab around this area right here now in the past there's no way that content aware fill would be able to fill this because when you went to edit fill and you went to content aware it was like I can't do that because I don't understand rotation and I have to keep all of my pixels up right so now if you use the new content aware fill workspace right see this is what it would look like before cuz it's like I'm sorry I got to keep them upright and you say no no go ahead and rotate them as much as you want so you can use the full rotation or whichever one you want you can also scale it yeah so if it's in perspective or something try the scale if it's a mirror like they always use the example of the butterfly right so they mirror it but do you notice you of course you wouldn't notice cuz who would notice it's always horizontal when they mirror stuff so here's the thing if you have a vertical thing you need to do rotate the image run it rotate it back haha alright ok and it will output this to a new layer so awesome there it is totally non-destructive on its own layer and if we go back to Lightroom just for one moment I'll just show you we can go fullscreen here so that's that was like before and after actually let's get out a full screen for one second I'll go to the beginning of this just to show you just a few other examples so there's before there's after lovely there's before there's after just cleaning stuff up before and after it's actually the the thing at the top that I didn't think it would work on and it just worked beautifully on that this you know it's like hey I just need to fill in that area cuz this is just gonna be a background or hey I don't want that sign or hey I can't get me closer without falling in the water but I don't need that right there or you know that would be really hard a tree going up to the sky right now I'd have to do some work on the one on the left but I got two of them done you know just like that so oh gee Julian your shadows right there in the bottom corner good thing you're a photographer and super observant yeah so anyway and there's a movie on my yeah that one shows - I guess that's before and after like oh poor little lonely I was so happy no I'm so lonely alright it is - 31 I am out of time I hope you guys enjoyed that and learn something have a great day [Applause] oh nice nice yeah it would be nice I'm glad they're recording so many of them so that I can actually watch them when I get home I always do all right [Music]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 70,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, Julieanne kost, photographer, Adobe MAX, #AdobeMAX, Photoshop tips and tricks, photoshop shortcuts, Graphic, Web, & UX Design, Photography, Illustration & Creative Imaging, Julieanne Kost, Photoshop, S212, 24762, advanced photoshop techniques, advanced photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop tutorial
Id: bAdXbQRHnhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 24sec (4644 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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