Advanced Biped Rig Cinema 4D- Everything You need To Know

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wasn't you guys welcome to my youtube channel worries place video camera subscribe to all that great stuff I also - today we are gonna be reading and I'm already showing us like you know the the easiest way to read in several 40 with Hermes in the advance beep I'm just gonna touch on more details so stay tuned I wanna shout out to Lara Deezer he made it he a wonderful comment I really appreciate it / if I can help you I really really appreciated me you know that's the end goal anyways back to the tutorials so obviously this is Liu Kang I already have him set up you know I added in some emission lights so you can have like I know if you guys know blue King but basically you know he was a revenant right so that's how it looks like anyways so we've gotta be rig a name obviously and let us begin I wanna just drag this here baby back yeah so we're going to the characters the usual thing oh you see that the character is not in the right place so we're gonna remove this negative 90 degrees I just get the degree to be honest anyways so let's go on to the character and basically we're gonna use that - beep now to be honest I've tried order like for example I tried the beep is it's okay but it's not like for like you know very complicated animation is just like basic so I don't use that anyways so I'm going to be adding an FK bandy the reason why I used the Bendis because sometimes the muscles might be it'll be funky soul with the bendy you can always adjust it so that's why he's bendy and then the hands as well and I usually go for the eye katom just because you know its it has numbers attached to you then it's kind of easier and faster to animate right undo any like manually so that is different - FK FK is like more manual means like forward kinetics and I keys in inverse kinetics alright so we're gonna add in Tom's and fingers I was just adding anything is he got regular five all right one more would do okay so I usually add in a escaper so this cable is just because sometimes when I read myself is gonna look a little bit like I'm gonna have problem with the waist area so I the scaping look kind of like correct stance anyway so let's go back to the spine and I'm gonna add in a leg I don't usually go for the leg only just because I've never really found any use for that and then we're gonna use the eye as well now I'm not gonna we're going into the jaw because I usually face rig differently so yeah anyways let's begin to our jaws now the first thing you want to do is to come over to this perspective all right and then where you're in this perspective you can start off with the chest area just move it up and we're gonna start off with the hips I'm just move this up to and then this is the sorry that was the yeah that was the heat since that the leg keep though so we're gonna move this up kind of like stretch it out this is the knee kind of stretch it out - that's right here the legs so always start off with this perspective sort of like have your character joints aligned properly when I bring this down skipper skipper belongs in this area here you can also Google a escape lariats I can answer Google mind because I don't know where my skippers and then is the elbow make sure it's in this like sort of like close to the to where the arms will cut out right and then let's go to the elbow just kind of drive elbows it's quite easy I think I'm gonna just drag this maybe down yeah and the wrists now I gotta say like before you started doing the fingers always ensure that the wrist is in the right place because when you do the fingers you want to adjust the wrist you can do it individually so please do that don't make mistake so after that is done we can now go to the site perspective you can see doesn't really align properly so I'm just gonna hold down seven and then raise this individually and I guess we can move this forward as well then this tourney we're just gonna move the knee forward bring it down just a little bit then this is the leg so it's the movie there so now that is perfectly done so always ensure that your legs are kind of bent this way because when your character bends down what you want him to lean forward okay that's why we do that and then this is the color I was gonna bring the color right up to close to the neck area then this is the shoulders I'm going to bring this down back and I think it's okay to twist that you can always use like the four perspectives just to see what's going on let's see if I'm dead like that oh that that works too okay let's just move that then this is the elbow I'm just gonna move the elbow back and then rotate Oh like that okay I think that is good see everything is do you in the right place so let's go ahead to do the neck the neck it's always at the middle of the of the neck region so does that show that and then this is the head I usually put the head here now to be honest the head and the neck to combine together and so that is not like a huge problem really and then this is not really important I just put on top you know okay so I think that everything is in place now I can begin to oh by the way you see the wrist this is where the wrist is and I don't want the risk to be there I want it to be a little bit more nowhere so let's just add that lower I know he's just up just a little bit and I'm gonna do this here good I think that is good now nice okay so we just check the top to be sure Oh kind of kind of moving forward here like this okay good all right so now we can do the fingers in peace so the fingers I usually just use one side rotation don't use free rotation like this cuz you're gonna like take it's gonna take you longer so just try to maintain one certain position movement like for example I'm just gonna move this like this and then I'm just gonna move this down okay so don't ever like do it freely cuz in taking more time trying to help you you all right yeah so if I take my perspect I can tell that everything is aligned so we literally done oh just one more thing we need to I just escaped our so the scape will I usually bring it forward and then probably just bring it around here yep okay so let's go ahead to bind right let's test our reek oh we got all right you're in its find it so now we are gonna just go to animate and the first thing I just usually do it to add a wall just say I've works alright so you can see that everything works nicely I'm a little surprised that I got the whole this but this will be like simulation like a cape simulation or a cloth simulation so as you see it works really nicely so let's go ahead to set up our character properly now I can go ahead to cancel this emotions dylaney I don't really need it so let's see the fingers see what's going on actually I'm just gonna hide the joint so I don't really want to see that um let's see the fingers what's happening come over here and then okay you know it works nicely yep I can tell everything works so I'm not like gonna go through each and every one of them okay so now what I tend to do first is to sort of correct the weight because first of all I do have this problem which said about 40 I don't know why this happens to me all the time but again it's an easy fix so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on my weak here want to go to joints and then I want to go to bendy the right arm 95 so many joints here right okay we'll go to Benny 5 and I'm gonna go to commence copy Benny for commands March we want to merge there and then go back to mini 5 and yours you're adults so now you can see that it's fixed so you guys have that problem you might not happen I don't know why I do okay so the next thing I'm gonna do now I am going to switch this to FK mode to be honest I do like the FK mode girl because it's easier and not easier but it's much better because I can be able to accomplish more you know base poses that I really want to get like some animation are very very technical and you can't use I can't and so now if you want to use I cable cord I can goes I can only ask one controls you still want to say like you only have this control to move the arm and then basically if you want to adjust the elbow you have to do this so I don't like that to do this prefer the the FK they have case way better because you know you have this control for the shoulders however we need to adjust the controls which we're gonna do in a sec ok so let's go ahead to adjust the controls so obviously before I do that I'm just gonna stretch out the neck cuz I want to show you guys something so I go to animate here right and we want to click the neck so you can see what's happening with the neck and the reason why this is happening is because we have to come over here and then save full of chests all right you can actually move this back to zero and then all you gotta do is to use those two controls but what's the point right just use the full chest I usually do that and then I can FK controls I usually put this at 50 this is to give me more control over the spine area it's very important okay as you see there's a waiting problem here see what's happening as he moves up this is like going up so yeah that's an easy fix but we'll come back to that let us go ahead to set up the controls now we already set up the controls so I am going to go back to animate and basically I forgot to do the bendy arm again like I talked about the muscle right sometimes the most of my move in a certain way I might not aligned properly with the whole arm so be you have to go correct the way you know it bends right so let's go back to just snap my go-to animates and everything is ready now I know this might look scary trust me when I saw this outside what in the world it's not that scary oh it's just it's not everything you use all right so obviously the most important controls the neck the torso so this green is your torso so basically you know if you want to make a character jump or walk you know you gotta use the torso and then kind of like this one too it's like really important because we think what this does is it controls the upper parts and sort of like in band your stomach so if you don't have fight scene and somebody punches your stomach you can have that reaction of or you know so that's what that does and also you can even manipulate this I'm just moving like this and obviously all the spines here are totally important too because sometimes you want character to get into certain polls and obviously oh I forgot to do one more thing so this controls here boom so they right there now we're done now we all set now so obviously this shoulder is very important because it moves your character you know this is important too you know so you see that as I move the muscle right that moves or sometimes it doesn't really move properly so this lets you like you know just adjust that and then what you can also do is this control here the rectangle just let you to bend it if you want so again like that's why the the you know the advanced may be sort of like one of the ultimate ringing that cinema4d has and the legs you can basically just have a move like this and I come over to the controls and you can also switch to the FK mode but again don't use the FK mode for the legs it's just this is just weird you see you can mix it but you know I don't use the FK mode to be honest there's the knee twist then the food row then that right there now if you look at this see that this is like looking this way that's because of this clot is it's like you know simulated so basically this part will be closed simulating and this part as well so yeah basically that's everything you need to know about like you know advanced beep I you know this is a complete fool setup and yeah man you know feel free to explore what you can do and you can just basically play around with it you know try to understand how animation really works and I'll tell you one advice always get referenced like you can film yourself doing something then try to replicate that in that way you can really understand how animation works really so just have fun doing that and yeah well see you guys in the next video take it easy I hope this video helped I'll plant some confusion let me know in the comments what you guys think and we are out of here take it easy and peace
Channel: Razed Blaze
Views: 3,186
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: advanced biped cinema 4d, cinema 4d, c4d, rigging, tips, cinema 4d rigging tutorial, cinema 4d rigging, learn, tutorials
Id: VvEd0N9rDH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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