Cinema 4D Tutorial - Black Skin (From Daz to Octane)

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[Music] hey this is guy from new plastic and today we'll be making black skin texture in octane with cinema i'll be using a daz model so we're going to focus on importing the daz model into cinema and converting all the textures to octane daz models can range in their realism levels so it's important to use the very best ones and i always try to get the highest levels of realism and even though it's kind of hard because they're not you know high-end 3d scans like the last model we used in the last tutorial you can get some pretty good results as you can see so yeah follow me on instagram at ojang subscribe comment hit me up anywhere appreciate all the support and with all that being said let's go so i'll be using daria so it's a really good model and you know i post it and give it some features i use the fashion poses which you can get and the expressions i kind of dialed in um posing and you can do the same thing here just styling your own poses of course but the thing about um daz is that right off the bat it's getting really good results and it has to do with its texturing system and also with the rendering settings which are automatically set to get you the best results they're non-linear they're tone mapped and everything is kind of like rounded out but we're going to try and achieve that with octane now you can use a daz to cinema bridge sometimes it won't transfer the facial expressions and obviously it won't it won't transfer the skeleton so you won't be able to control the rig in cinema but since we're not going to animate it in cinema we're just going to use one pose exporting as an obj is fine you can leave all these write normals write surfaces and uncheck right materials because we're going to create our own materials once you have that import it invert transparency and you got the model in you got all the textures they're all set to their own selections so we're good and all we need to do is replace those textures i kind of made a little thing to cover her nipples and private parts because this is a family friendly channel but once you got that imported to your project and i just have a ready-made project here i got all these lights surrounding it i got the backlight which is pretty strong the top light even stronger then i got the light from her left which is just a fill light and another from her right which is a strong light and i also have an hdri which is not on right now but you can see that it's coming mainly from her right side so that's pretty much it's a pretty simple one i got 10 24 path tracing samples 16 and 16 scatter and specular death got static noise and very low ray epsilon which is important and linear gamma 2.2 and the rest is default we're going to be creating our own materials and replacing them with with each um stand-in material we're going to start with the eyes i'm going to start with the layer that covers the eyes and you need to go to your texture folder for your model you can find it here if you go to your dash and you hover over the photo and the material you can see the path of your folder so this is mine and i'm just going to start importing what i need i'm going to start with the eyelashes actually so i'm just going to import the eyelash alpha map i'm just going to give it slight noise just to roughen it up a little [Music] almost black let's call it eyelashes and then alt drag over the eyelash material and that's going to replace it and as you can see it already it's already working we're going tone down the the noise with the gradient node i'm gonna give it a slight roughness and also i'm gonna just uh increase the contrast and the darkness of the alpha map so it'll be a stronger alpha map so now we're going to create the cornea and the eye moisture so we're going to create a universal texture remove the metallic albedo to zero transmission to 100 and one thing i forgot to do is i forgot to set the transmission to thin wall so just remember to do that and we're gonna take off all the notes we don't need and this is going to be our imo moisture material so we're going to import the eye normal map i'm going to drag it to the normal map set it um set some slight roughness a little bit of coding turn the ior up a little 1.5 and on the coding layer 1.6 and then drag it to the coding normal too i'm gonna call it eye moisture and we got two different kinds of eye moisture textures one for the tears the the eyelashes kind of line and one for the sides of the eye the actual eyeball so we're going to create two different eye moisture materials and we're going to drag this one alt drag and drop it on the eye moisture and that's going to be the eyeball eye moisture turn on fake shadows very important i forgot now we're going to ctrl alt drag so we duplicate it and we're going to remove the the normal map and that's going to be the eyelashes eye moisture because we don't need the normal map for that one we're going to control i'll drag on the cornea and this is going to be the cornea moisture and we can leave that as is now we're going to create the eye so again turn down metallic on the universal material turn down the specular completely because we don't need that because we're getting it from the cornea and the eye moisture turn off all the nodes we don't need and we're going to drag our eye textures now there's some eye textures here you can choose each model has different ones they're cool but i think you can create a more exciting iris and for that i found this website called which found a unique way to take photos of actual irises with no glare and everything super high-res like detailed really beautiful i don't think you can use that commercially but you know for this we can probably use it so we're just going to copy that see it's the right size it's pretty high res uh and we're going to copy that to photoshop and we're just going to place it over the existing imap just gonna drag it there rotate it and that's it you save it now you got your own eye texture map i'm gonna drag that and drag it to the albedo set a color correction and increase the contrast on it and drag the regular one to the transmission set fake shadows now it's not going to be transparent but we need to give it slight something you know i mean it's not just an opaque uh material right you drag the bump and the normal to the bump into normal i accidentally dragged it to the coding bump make sure you drag it to the regular bump but yeah once we all drag it to the iris and ctrl alt drag it to the sclera we're gonna go to the scleral one and just make it a bit brighter and let's kind of turn down the exposure so we can see what's up yeah so the sclera will make a bit brighter and then we can control alt drag it on the pupils and the pupil is that center dark part [Music] we're going to remove the albedo altogether and just use the the random walk to control the the opaque opaqueness and look the eye we can have a whole tutorial on just texturing eyes right i don't want to make this an eye tutorial so we're going to do the minimum best we can and that's why i'm doing all these um kind of quick plays with the subsurface scattering and the transparency just to maybe get a little extra detail with when the light hits the eye and set the transmission to 100 and that looks that looks great it's kind of opaque but not really okay great yeah looks pretty good i forgot to to drag the the bump to the bump node if you remember so just remember to do that now let's do the face texture again universal material turn down metallic we'll remove all the nodes we don't need turn on fake shadows and let's turn the ior to 1.45 and start dragging our faced face maps now we got the bump the normal the specular and the albedo we're going to drag albedo to albedo speculate to specular encoding and we're also going to use the micro normal maps from our last tutorials we're going to mix it with our regular normal map just to get an extra layer of um of detail i'm going to mix them both with a mix texture drag them both to the coating and the normal and let's name it face i'll drag it on the face texture and over the ears texture now it's doing both and as you can see we need to to scale down our micro texture node and that looks okay yeah a bit too big so let's scale it down even more yeah because this is going to be the really fine details now we need to dial in all the materials because it looks horrible so i'm going to add a color correction to the albedo increase the contrast 0.5 is is good make it way darker reduce the saturation because once we increase the gamma the saturation crank cranks up and we're gonna increase the hue just slightly .005 just to remove some of the redness now we're gonna bring down the gamma of the specular to 1.5 to get more specularity and we got this fastening artifact which is horrible we're going to take care of it later i'm going to bring down the power of the bump map to 0.3 and then okay we're getting somewhere the details of the bump in the normal look pretty good specularity looks pretty good let's try and resolve that now you see the faceting thing if you mess around with the phone angle it doesn't change it delete the normal tag doesn't change it this faceting issue is a known bug with octane it gets worse once you add subsurface scattering i'm gonna increase the coating layer roughness in a second that's gonna help i'm not sure where it's coming from but it's definitely more apparent on darker materials but we're gonna fix it in a second so bear with me let's uh set the dirt node into the transmission to get more transparency on the edges i'm gonna invert normals and mess around with the radius and the tolerance and the spread and the strength until we get the right spread that we want set a gradient node there and use kind of a reddish color on the edges which is black and a darker red color on the whites just bring it in and now we can control the amount of um red transparency now we're getting somewhere it's way too strong and ugly that's because first of all we need a roughness map we're gonna use the same dirt node for the roughness set a gradient with inverted nodes and now the edges are going to be way more rough brighter and the rest is going to be darker which is less rough so we're kind of mimicking a roughness map and it's already looking better but it's still way too strong so we need to add a medium i'm gonna add a random walk we're going to use a color correction and the same albedo into the albedo of the sss we're going to brighten the this albedo i'm going to make it slightly more red reduced the gamma to 0.5 the contrast to 1.6 and this is how it looks we're going to combine it with a kind of a pinkish salmony texture maybe a bit more orange but yeah so this is our albedo sss albedo map then we're going to add another darker kind of a orange pink color as the radius and actually the sss is too red so what we're going to do is we're going to add a bluish color to the radius and that's going to tone down the redness and if you just increase the red channel slightly you can start to see how much the sss is being toned down i think this is a good amount now let's try and solve this faceting thing if we increased array epsilon we got rid of the faceting but we introduced a new problem which is a very known problem with daz to cinema models and that's the the eyes get all messed up that's because the the cornea and the eye are so close together the models are so close together that higher array epsilon settings are kind of rate them as one single element and not two different elements let's increase the exposure decrease the highlight compression so we can see better and um we're gonna have to solve this you see the eye texture is all messed up and honestly there's a way to fix it which i'm gonna show you in a different tutorial without touching the ray epsilon but it's so important to keep the ray epsilon settings low because there's so many things that are touching each other so many objects that touch each other that you kind of need to keep it low now if we set a subdivision level on the model it kind of looks like it fixed it i think we're good i think we're good yeah this faceting bug happens the darker your albedo is if your albedo is black the faceting really jumps out and because we're working with black skin texture the faceting issue becomes more prominent so another way to maybe help with it is just to make the albedo slightly lighter and then bring down your light and your exposure i know i've been asking all around and um i honestly wish i could give you a straight answer of how to completely fix it it's just playing with the ray absalom to specular roughness and with the darkness of the albedo and the subdivision levels it probably has to do with something with the lights and with the settings i i don't know but with these settings it's fixed now it's still the sss is still too red for me so we're gonna make that transmission a bit darker because um a very known problem with these models is the rubbery look where the sss is so pronounced that it looks like rubber so we want to try to avoid that so let's keep going let's drag ctrl alt drag the face on the eye sockets and this is going to be kind of the inside of the eye sockets so we want it a bit more red so we're going to reduce the gamma on the albedo maybe increase the saturation and um make the transparency a bit more red and that's fine for now with bet with a more exaggerated lighting you're gonna see it more but it looks okay and we're gonna control drag the face texture on the lips and again we just want to give it slight more sss and make it a bit more red but we don't want to overdo it so i brought down the density of the sss i made the albedo a bit more red and i'll increase i'll bring down the roughness of the coating layer bring up the ior and looking pretty good now we're going to do the teeth now i don't want to get too kind of stuck on the teeth um i don't think i nailed it yet but if we turn on um fake shadows on the universal texture turn up coating layer and then drag the bump and the albedo of the uh textures of the teeth i'm going to set the transmission to 100 and make the albedo slightly darker and then connect it to another color correction node and make it lighter and more contrasty i'm going to drag that to an ss albedo set the radius to 0.2 density to 30 and then i'll drag it over the teeth texture and let's reload it now you can see there is something going on there so let's just solo this let's bring down the power of our bump map and let's play around with the intensity of stuff so let's give the transparency a slightly more kind of beige color and then um i'm just kind of playing around with the numbers until i get something that i like i don't want the teeth to be too you know white i want them to have slight um dirt and as you can see i'm plugging the bump to the specular increasing the contrast so i get some more imperfections on the teeth so i don't want the teeth to be super white but also i don't want it to be yellow so it's somewhere in the middle now we're gonna ctrl alt drag it on the mouth and just make it more red that's going to be the gums and the tongue you barely see it so it doesn't really matter [Music] okay looking pretty good so far so good i just kind of want to i think the the sss is a bit too strong and like i said in the previous tutorial you keep playing with it until you find the right combinations there's no single way to do it and every model and every texture is requires different strength and levels of things so we're gonna control all drag the face on the torso and now we're just gonna do the rest of the body so legs torso um arms you copy a texture and you drag the the map over the node and it replaces that map now for the fingernails i just ctrl alt drag the arms over it and now i'm just kind of making him less red you know a bit more transparent [Music] honestly i never really focus on fingernails because you barely see them but i guess you can just kind of slow it down and and see the actual process [Music] i think they came out fine but i'm not gonna claim i i can teach you how to do fingernails really this is all about the skin texture and mainly the face but once you get the face right you just use the same system on the rest of the body with slight adjustments i'm gonna reduce the amount of sss on the fingers so they won't be so red [Music] and we're gonna kind of bring down the the bump map and also scale down the micro normals on the torso [Music] and also slightly bring down the bump and make it a bit brighter yeah that's that's looking better [Music] now there is slight slight kind of difference here so maybe yeah we can even scale down the micro normals even more [Music] and that's looking okay now again remember these daz models they're not really meant for extreme close-ups those textures they're not 8k they're 4k they're not really meant for extreme close-ups so don't expect it to be perfect but again you can get pretty close to really good results and also really close with your camera but not too close i'm reducing the sss on the body a little bit and i'm just kind of dialing in um lowering bumps and just kind of working until it feels right the bumps on everything might be a bit too strong i agree looking back at it i could have reduced him even more but hey all right so i do the same thing with the legs and again i'm turning down the sss on the fingers because uh it's way too strong [Music] and i'm just gonna repeat the same process with the fingernails on the toenails they're a bit too dirty now so i'm just gonna brighten them and uh you know it's kind of balanced between making them brighter and making them more transparent but not glassy so this would be like a glassy look but we don't want that so i'm really just kind of it's a push and pull right like you you're making the the less dense and then you got to change the color and then you got to make it less bright and then you gotta increase the density and all that so it's a push and pull but like i said last time at least you can see my process and understand where you can take your own model to and what's the main things you want to play with you see when you zoom in it's really ugly right i mean this is completely not realistic but you're not supposed to be this close you're just not so these toe bumps look too big to me and i'm trying to scale the micro normals down but the issue is with the bump map it's too low res it's not meant for this close-up so i'm just gonna move on so for far away looks good it's not even far away it's like kind of medium shot extreme close-ups not that good let's go back to the face i want to solve the red nose issue which is a common issue especially with daz models and you know black skin tends to get it more because the darker the albedo the more the sss is pronounced so i'm kind of trying to control the overall transparency but the problem is that as long as i'm using the dirt node it's going to have the same transparency power on the nose as it does on the ears and i do want to have strong sss on the ears but i don't want to have strong sss on the nose and i try to figure out maybe a way to remove the dirt on the nose so what i try to do is i try to attach a fall off and maybe use that to to mask out the the dirt node but it's not going to work so i tried a gradient and i'm using a 3d linear and i just want to create a linear gradient that goes in 3d from the front of her face to the back of her face and i know the 3d linear um system in cinema is horrible to control it's horrible but if you wanna can kind of explain it in short um you got to start xyz and the end xyz you can dial in each um number it's basically you can imagine it like a front plane and a backplane where each plane has a color and those xyz you control the plane position i'm mainly controlling the z so once i kind of got that it's a matter of like messing with the nodes until you get the right spread and i finally got it so now i'm combining it with an add node over the dirt node as you can see it did your job and now kind of messing around with the x also because as you can see because our face is tilting to the side as you can see the gradient is in diagonal so i'm also controlling the x parameters now to kind of rotate the gradient on the y axis and it definitely worked now there's way less sss on her nose and also look you can just open the face map in photoshop open a new layer paint the ears white and paint wherever you want the sss to be pronounced whiter and different shades paint the rest black save that and use it on the transparency channel so now i want to break the symmetry of the model and i'm going to use the grab sculpt tool and really slightly just grab areas and move them in different directions to break the symmetry of her face which is a huge part of realism no model is is perfectly symmetric and i'm doing it so subtly like you don't want to overdo it but a little goes a long way and i'm kind of messing around her nostrils which i really overdid as you can see but i undid it and i just went in and did it way more subtly you know kind of like mess with our ears a little bit you can barely see it but it's better than having perfect symmetry and we're pretty much there that's it i'm just kind of dialing in tiny details scaling down even more the micro details um but look at the specularity that fuzz kind of um that fuzz look i think it looks great it looks like a kind of like peach fuzz almost you know yeah and beyond that it's just playing with the lights because uh so much of the skin depends on the lights you can make the skin this same material you can make it look extremely ugly with ugly lights so yeah after playing with the lights and uh giving texture to her tiny pieces of clothes and just testing out different lighting systems trying to dial down the sss on her ears just get the right look i ended up bringing her the density down to 100 at the end and gave her a bit of a warmer light from her right side i ended up using the face textures with no eyebrows and i uh i made my own eyebrows with the hair system i'm far far far from a hair master in cinema but i still prefer doing actual hair system on her eyebrows to get more realistic specularity and texture but you can just leave the face with the eyebrows on the texture especially if you don't do extreme close-ups and i also gave her hair like i said no hair master but i've been really trying to get realistic african hair so i gave her this um nice little haircut just to get with the realism i'm gonna do a whole tutorial on hair specifically african hair which i think is harder to find in cinema in terms of tutorials so yeah after cranking up the exposure and cranking down the lights just because the hair material and cinema in octane is weird with the light so strong lights tend to get extreme specular on the hair for the render settings we're just going to set it as the passes as x exr octane everything linear we're going to turn on sss and shadows turn on the noise beauty indirect reflection and direct reflection and we're gonna set shading normals and ambient occlusion and we're gonna set the lowest amount of ambient occlusion distance and just dialing in the last looks and actually i'm going to set and um octane tag on the hair and go to the object layer tab and set it to extreme red 100 red on both of them then i'm going to go to the render settings and just turn on object layer color pass now i have the hair as a red color and then in post i can make it white and just control the hair and this is the final results so as you can see in my opinion it's less realistic as our last one but it's only because the maps are different and you know first of all they're not 3d scanned i think they're painted in so they lack the very extreme high detail of a 3d scanned map the second reason is that they're 4k and not 8k so once you extremely zoom in they're gonna blur out and that means that detail is being lost and the third reason is um the model is sculpted it's not scanned so it can be very realistic like this is a really good model and there's some artists who make really good models for daz they're still not going to be as realistic as an actual human being being scanned so yeah i mean daz is a really great software you have extreme control over the poses and the expressions and all that i mean if you worked with daz you know how great it is but my biggest issue was always converting the textures and making it really look great in octane and cinema once you're done with everything so i hope that i helped you with that and that you have a better idea on how to convert all the textures it's not the quickest thing in the world to do but once you did it you got amazing results so yeah follow me on instagram at ojang comment subscribe all that good stuff keep supporting because honestly all i want to do is make more tutorials and provide all this insight for you so um yeah thank you thank you and hope you have a good day peace
Channel: New Plastic
Views: 30,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, c4d, octane, tutorial, how to, animation, models, 3d, blender, render, Materials, plugins, textures, advanced, Displacement, Skin, Skin texture, Human, 3d scan, realism, hyper realism, shader, skin shader, realistic, Black skin, African skin, Daz3d, daz, Darya, model, daz studio, Iray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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