Advanced AutoCAD 2014 Tutorial | Annotative Scaling: One Text To Rule Them All

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annotation scaling is a great feature the live AutoCAD automatically scaling your model space text to a certain predefined size no matter what the scale of your viewport without this setting any text you place in model space will always be at the size of the objects settings if you draw text in model space with a height of one unit it will always be displayed as one unit so as you zoom out in your viewport your text gets smaller and smaller making it more difficult to see but annotated scaling when applied to text will scale that text to show up in a predetermined paper height size so if you're using inches to a foot if you want all of your text to be at one eighth inch height when it prints you can set it to that and it will automatically scale it visually whenever it changes in scale on the viewport so let's open up the annotation example file here we have our familiar movie house scene awesome text and model space let's put it here in this one room ahem text and pick our area let's just call it an entrance room there we go okay is very tiny the text is right here because the way our scale is and we were zoomed in the text is very very small we can't see it and when we go to anywhere else where it's going to be hard to see so I can take the text I can select it and change my height up to let's just say one full unit it's a lot bigger now you know let's scale it up even more let's make it ten units tall there we go that's significant we can see that in model space I come here to the annotation notes tab you can see the text right there entrance room if I double-click inside here and if I change my scale I'm just going to zoom in and out you can see the text gets smaller and smaller especially compared to the text that's put in here in paper space here it's about the same size that's regular text it's not annotated at all let's undo all this moving around let's go back to our model space tab we can see our text that's here now typically I stay away from putting text in model space for reasons like this plus I necessarily don't want text to show up everywhere if I want to label a room and I'll label the room in paper space however labeling a room might be a good idea because then no matter where I'm at no matter what viewport I create and what tab I create I'll know that this is the entrance room so in cases like this I believe it's a very good idea to label something in model space with text and if you're going to do that then I suggest you make sure you have annotated scaling set to your text objects another word model space we can create a text style that has annotation scaling to it you just type in the word style and you create a text style just like you normally would so let's say this is our notes we're going to make a new one based on that a new we're going to call it note annotated okay so we have notes annotated and to make it annotate if you just click on the button right here and once you do we'll get this little glyph it looks like a cross-section of a scale you need to put in the paper text height and in this case we're working in inches and feet so 1/8 inch is a standard note text height so we're going to use that everything else is the same and we're good to go here one other option that you may want to set is the match text orientation to layout and what that will do is no matter how your viewport is rotated you're on your sheet of paper or in any other way it will always orientate it straight up and down so you can rotate your view you know 45 degrees but it won't rotate the text it'll keep the text based on its insertion point straight up and down okay so this is what it's going to display the text as no matter what the scale of the drawing is so we're going to pick this object and I'm going to change the styles from notes to notes annotated ok now you notice it shrunk back down in size I didn't change it at all but it made it smaller it is going to be at a 1/8 of an inch style and one thing you have to do - anything that you create that's annotated and you can create annotated text obviously dimensions blocks and then that will scale the blocks up accordingly with text inside it Multi leaders and hatches so you can have your standard hatch pattern scale and it will scale it up and down accordingly to the scale of your viewport all these are big time savers and keeps things displayed visually consistent throughout your project so we have to do is make sure you add all of the scales to your text in which they're going to be showing up in select your text go to the annotate tab on the ribbon and you want to add delete scales now you could add the current scale or you can delete the current scale from the selected objects and the current scale is whatever is showing down here in your status bar or you can just pick and choose the ones you want click the add delete scales right now we have one two one you pick the add and you go through this list of whatever it is you want to show then we definitely want one eight and you know what let's just pick several of them so you pick one hold the shift key down until you get what you want you can hold down the ctrl key and add specific ones or take away some now you want to keep this list short because you may be thinking well I'll just add them all all the time well you don't want to I'll show you why we're going to click OK and we're going to click OK again it doesn't look like anything's changed right well when I select it you get a preview of the text on how it's going to look at all of the scales that you've added to the list so that can be an issue it could really fill up your drawing screen if you pick this and if you have more than one text object that will really populate your screen visually so you don't want to necessarily do that let's go to the annotation notes and the scale of this view here is we double click inside it is at 1/8 and we added that to it so here we go now we can move this and you can see the preview state here that's because they're going to we're only affecting the way the 1/8 of an inch scale the viewport our factor is going to be displayed so I can take my orientation point here for the text and move it and it won't affect the others which is kind of cool because if i zoom in or zoom out it's going to make the text stay the same size but the line work around it is going to change for example this is at 1/8 of an inch right now we're going to unlock the viewport and I'm going to change it I'm going to change it to 1/4 see the line work zoomed in it belongs and it also stayed at my 1/8 inch height you can see that by relating to the paper space text which stayed where they're at in paper space but my model space text stayed with the model which is another advantage over the paper space text that you'll see here so that's it in a nutshell I can select it and you see right here here is my 1/8 inch height text now I can move this up we put it up here and that changes do a couple of different things here I have the options here to sync the scale positions so for example here if I edited some of these like I have and I need to sync them I want them all to go back together I can do that and it will match with the current one that you have so that's kind of cool that's nice to clean things up but just remember anything you change a model space but maybe affecting other drawings elsewhere because you reference AutoCAD files and what they get when they reference those through an xref is what's in model space so this text is going with it so keep that in mind so annotate of scaling for text will keep your text size the way you want it to be when you print otherwise regular text will print out at the size in which it's drawn in at
Channel: O'Reilly - Video Training
Views: 129,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, video, views, 3D, (Software), models, output, drawing, autodesk, plot, blueprints, Autocad, videos, training, print, 3d, project, akn_include, design, drafting, tutorial, data
Id: kUhPrxA33Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2013
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