AutoCAD Basics - Annotative Dimensions (must watch - very useful for printing!)

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Hi guys! In this video I am going to teach you how to insert annotative dimensions even if you haven't understand yet the difference between standard and annotative you will learn it in the next few minutes so, if I use annotative dimension lines they will appear in the papper with the same size even if we have viewports in different scales like here so, first of all I will click in the tab "annotate" and, in the dimension section I click in this little arrow here to open the dimension style manager here I will click on "Annotative" style and I will click in modify to edit it now, we are in the section "text" and we can see here the text height which is set up as 3mm as this is a good size for viewing in the papper, I will not change it than I go to "symbols and arrows" and also, the arrow size is "3" which is good for me I can click in OK now, close now I can start but before, I will show you a new tip which is available since Autocad 2016 so, I am going to type "dimlayer", press enter and I have to insert the name for a new layer where I want my dimension lines in for example, "dimensions" and by doing this, everytime I create a new dimension lines it goes automatically to that layer so, lets start drawing annotative dimensions first, I want to draw these two dimensions here and this viewport, is in the scale of 1:100 the first thing I have to do is to change the scale in this icon and select "1:100" now I can type "Dimlinear" or click in the icon over there, press enter and I am going to draw the dimension line here I click in the first point, and then in the second point but as you see, the text here is very small and it happened because I forgot to change the current dimension style so, going back I can change the style here and select "annotative" now it should be fine so I click in the first point now, the second point and I place it here for the next one, I press enter to reactivate the previous command now, I click in this point then the second and here it is so if I go now to the layout you can see that the arrow and text are visible and when I print, the arrows and the text height are 3mm as it's what I specified before now lets draw the lines which are in the viewport with scale 1:30 so, what do you think I should do? It's simple do the same process I have to change the scale to 1:30 now, I will draw again the dimension line here and then, I will draw the other two here when I zoom out to see all the drawing you can notice that, the dimensions I just made are much smaller than the other ones but in fact, if I go to the Layout you can see that they have the same size in bout piewports I also need to tell you another thing you cannot see the dimensions here because, as I drew with scale 1:30, they will only appear in the viewport that has the same scale which is this one in the right now, the last thing I want to talk about in this video it's very important are this icons here about annotation objects the first one here that says "show annotation objects" if its switched on all my annotation lengths are displayed in the drawing now I am going to deactivate it and look what happened the dimension lines I have there, disappeared and the only ones that you can see, were made with the scale 1:30 so, if I change it to 1:100 you will see only the other ones ok, so thank you very much for watching I hope the annotative dimensions are now clear for you and if you haven't done it yet, don't forget to subscribe my channel to get full access to all the tutorials Thank you very much and see you next time!
Channel: CAD in black
Views: 181,484
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Keywords: autocad, dimension lines, annotative dimension lines, autocad for beginners, how to work with annotative dimensions, dimension problem, dimension tutorial, annotation tutorial, annotative scale, annotative objects, measure, insert dimension, distance, label
Id: 0Xcg3mTMQ54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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