advance vfx in blender

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so I saw this uh Houdini Advanced disintegration effect by yes show and I thought we could try it in blender you can see we have a rigid body system a procedure fracturing system pieces break off and then it collapses completely so that's what we're going to do and we're going to try and do it in a procedure fashion so uh yeah I have a scull here ready links in the description if you want to get any of these and also if you want to watch this video yeah let's first set up a particle system disintegrate this add a new particle system if I hit play you can see the particles are just falling if I use an explode I can see the meshes are turned into the particles and I can go to the particle system and under render change the render as to object and leave the instance empty so that I only see faces I'm also going to go under velocity make sure this is set to zero go under field weights stand the gravity all the way down switch on the size and cut I just to add some random Cuts so if I have size on I can go to the particle system make sure that you are viewing this at frame one otherwise if you were frame zero you won't see any effect turn on size and and when you go to the particle system and play with the size you can see that these chunks are shrinking make sure the end frame is the same as the start frame control the size of these here as long as I have this size option on if you don't want to see any of the gaps make sure the scale is set to one and you won't see any of that have it like that so that we can see the disintegration happening uh now if I add a desate modifier above the particle system and go to the particle system and make sure that the source is using use use modifiers I can easily come here and adjust my shapes a bit you can also go to the partical system and set this to maybe 100 so we don't have too many chunks add a solidify modifier I don't want any intersecting issues like that so I want to keep it very small okay so after we done with this we can use CR a to apply visuals to mesh now go into edit mode and hit P loose parts so that we have our chunks like this select all of these right click set origin to geometry so that the origin is recalculated to its Center select everything go to object body add active if I hit play I need to go to the first flame I can see everything just shoots out now you can go under object rigid body connect and have these connected into one piece but uh one thing you will notice if I add a plane and give this object rigid body passive and hit play you can see it doesn't hold as you expect there is a lot of gaps and it just doesn't work very fine for this to hold correctly these constraints have to be at the center of their connection so for example if you want the two pieces to be glued together without any gaps you have to make sure that when you connect so if I go on object rigid body connect this constraint is close it's at the center that's why you see thatth this these two pieces are now glued there isn't a big up between them so this const has to be in the center of the two pieces for that to happen but the connect addon doesn't do that if I try that again you can see it adds a lot of gaps these are not at the center of the connected pieces that's why you see we get this weird artifact so I knew I had to use some python to do that uh but I didn't want to figure out the code necessary to handle that so I relied on chat GPT and uh so we went back forth and brainstorming how we could do that so I asked it to write some code I tested it it got some errors I went back and we talked about it and my boy was uh very very hopeful you can see we went back and forth back and forth for a very very long time until we came out with something that I think worked so I've been working on on this addon with my boy CH DPT to get this to work so so I basically with the hope of CH DBT I turned all the steps uh that you saw me do into an add-on called quick destroy so let's go back to our our original scull and just redo this but in a much faster way using the add-on I created using CH GPT so yeah the first thing was to fracture this I I'll just do a fracture option and you can see I already have the fracturing done so I can select this and come here and reduce these particles let's use 100 and uh I think that's good enough uh you can again scale this down to see the different shapes you have but if you put this value to one you won't see the cracks at all yeah this is what AI should be used for just creating tools uh to make your life easier and if you hit separate it will just create a copy of this uh this scal basically this is where we left off without the add-on and uh we had this set as a rigid body and I added some buttons to do that as well in instead of just going up here it can access all of that here so hit play we get that and I'm going to add a plane hit play all chunks fall down like that and uh let's try out the new connection tool so I'm going to make a copy here and for this I'm going to use the original connect you can see if I play back you see how things fall apart and there is a lot of gaps there and now if I select this I have a new make connection option here that I can select and just make connections okay so this has done its calculation and you can see even the pieces themselves make up the shape of the scal I can see that from the side as well here one thing I couldn't figure out is the shape always comes up a a bit offset and not in the exact position so you can usually just scale them up and move it a bit until the pieces line up correctly and I have to do this from the side as well if we hit play you can see now we get a better connection with less gaps between each piece now you can see this holds up much better than uh this done by done using with the connect addon so and if you want to select just the connections you can just select everything and uh use the select connections and you have those selected add something like an empty SC it down and I select the chunks so shift G I'll select by collection and then parent this to this using contrl p i can move this around fairly easily and even rotate it the way I want uh we don't need this anymore so I'm just going to select that remove that yeah so I can easily change the initial position just like that and uh everything is good okay so now let's try and Fracture it in the same way as this these constraints here are what contr controls how this is fractured these constraints if you enable breakable you can break them and admit the the break threshold so I'll just hold on out and then click on breakable so that they are breakable if you play back they fall but they're not breaking because the threshold is too high if I put this at something like let's say 0.1 play now you can see everything just falls apart we don't want it to just shutle like that we we want to be more like this so a small piece breaks off and then another one breaks off actually I think in my original render uh it shows that even better so so the fracturing is not instant you can see pieces break off and then uh the the rest collapse first bring back the threshold let's set it to 5 it play Everything is intact so let's say we want this half here to break fast uh but then this doesn't I only want to have this these connections selected so I'll just select that and I want again to animate so on the first bounce so I animate this threshold so I'll just keep frame that and then go to frame like 20 and turn this to zero so that everything breaks but you notice that it's only going to work for one piece uh it's not applied to the rest of the pieces because we have just only key framed the active constraint so I'm just going to use control L to link the animation to all the other selected connections so now should yeah fracture just like that yes let's see how this looks yeah and then we can select the rest we can select let's maybe first hide this yeah we can select the rest just going to select those constraints and uh the rest but before we do that uh so we have two sets of Animation we have this chunk and then this P that for next and they all have link all these constraints are sharing the same animation if you if you change one all of them all of them are going to change so what I'm going to do is just select all of them shift G and just go under object relations make single user object animation so in case we select any of these and change them we don't change the others so let's go there make sure that they break so I want to animate the breakable here we start at that threshold and then they all Collapse by changing the threshold back to zero again CR L link animation so that the selected ones have the same animation so let's play back that piece breaks the Joe breaks and then the rest breaks thus yeah basically the same dis agation we have there you can see it's collapsing on to itself okay so we are halfway done because we need to add a secondary particle system for the full disintegration so yeah so when working here make sure that all your chunks for example these these chunks are all in a single collection and the quick destroy addon will do that for you automatically and make sure also these uh constraints are in their own collection and again uh the quick destroy uh addon we'll do that for you yeah so let's add the secondary particles for this uh first thing I'm going to do is go to the rigid body setting and make sure that I cat my simulation so I'll bake the simulation so that nothing changes as we working with theet nodes to add the secondary particles to add the secondary particles I I can actually just hide this I need to hide this first at a plane this is going to hold our geometry nodes and the geometry noes is just two nodes I just Import in uh this if I look at that we only need to realize these instances uh that way we can use a parle system onto this so yeah just set up a plane add a realized instance bring in the collection and realize the instance and uh you should be good to go so now we can add a particle system a particle system to this if the particles are coming from the center just go to the source and make sure you use modifiers again now you can see what we have I'm going to select This Plane give it a collision option so that the the particles don't go through it just like that they can bounce off I'm going to come here to the particle system I make sure the end frame uh these particles I want the particles to start a meeting around here frame 85 and uh what we want to render we want to render object but add no nothing in the instance and go to the modifiers and again add a explode modifier and we can now hit play see what where we at I can see now the particles disintegrate I'm going to remove the Gravity from the particles yeah then another thing we could add is some tabul lence let's say five a size of two Heat play yeah you can see what we have uh then we can come here and also add some some random rotation just randomize everything make sure it's Dynamic and use a velocity of an angular velocity of two and maybe angular velocity of let's say yeah and they're dying too early so let's do 250 and the end frame can be 100 uh so that we have a lot of particles at on so yeah something like that now the rest you can add a smoke effect I just adding a domain and selecting the particle system giving it a a fluid system flow and type smoke and inflow and I should uh be able to get some dust particles like that everything else is just lighting setting up the camera and uh that's it so this is our final results yeah thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: TopChannel1on1
Views: 40,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 learn blender, 3d modeling, live stream, blender addons
Id: sYBJy59wQHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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