Adult Reviews Children's "Nail Science" Watermarble Kit

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not included nail art is a shires nail art is a science hello everyone it's me christine again your favorite 28 year old who reviews children's toys you guys have been tweeting me almost every day for at least a month about this thing I've also seen this very same product played as an ad before videos on YouTube including my own I think YouTube trying to tell me something I am grateful that even during these dark YouTube times ads are still playing on my video thank God I'm a g-rated family-friendly channel so you may have witnessed my past struggles with water marbling put it in the trauma room you know I have a conspiracy theory everyone who can water marble is a witch so let's see if I can be a witch today I've shown some promise lately oh my god your work to look so mad maybe I'm growing up and getting more evil it's possible since YouTube wants us all to know about this product anyways we're gonna watch the ad together [Music] design dip dry gravity makes your nails look fly h2o neo science but you didn't even dip it wait a second conspiracy theories I dip I call Photoshop I'm just kidding it wouldn't be Photoshop it would be printing it out on a sticker and transferring it onto your name they make it look so easy what are you trying to do teach Millennials that every [ __ ] thing in life is that easy let's read the box shall we holy [ __ ] you can get Instagram likes with this eight hundred fifty seven thousand likes that's pretty good now polish not included damn I needed some more gravity causes to polish to spread out into a really thin layer holy [ __ ] my mind is blown is this actually going to teach me about science okay wait a second nail art is a science so you mean to tell me that water marbling is not witchcraft it's science Wow this is not a project for me this is clearly a project for none other than simply neurological well hallo class h2o now science kit and Christine that nail-polish [ __ ] we don't need witches anymore that's what we got science for electrons microscope scientific charts science makes your nails look smart let's open her up look it's the periodic table dammit my name always falls off I don't know who the devil is this is all I need to do science Matt was the frog dissection oh god damn it someone's gonna lose an eye wait a second I knew it looked familiar I think they were made in the same science lab what are these it looked like pieces from mousetrap what is this a scientific measuring cup these must go here good job Christine you can do what a three-year-old let's read their instructions adult supervision required then I'm gonna need you to watch me oh [ __ ] you gotta put batteries in teen physics that's not doing anything yes the light changes colors I in the club I mean we're 12 shake all nail polishes all of them really fill the beaker 3/4 full of water Cheers select the appropriate size adhesive for your nails adhesive fake nails but I'm gonna use my actual nails because I'm a big girl now oh wait do you want some field horn yeah you do oh no she's swimming mask off the area around your nails with tape what kind of scientists don't know about liquid latex I'm not taking any chances insert a pipette into one nail polish oh that's what these are for we're gonna extract the nail polish like a specimen cuz why would we just drip it on the water like that right [Music] hahaha amazed at myself or I mean science use the stir stick that's this they provided to blend the colors blend blend what note if the colors won't blend empty the beaker and start again you're preparing us for failure oh [ __ ] I think it's already dry I mean it did say blend of the colors so Wow I mean I [ __ ] it up I was supposed to do paint damn it maybe you'll get a d+ but I got some fresh water let's try this again [Music] this isn't working like it used to I don't get it what am I doing wrong we'll never be smart oh good I'm just gonna try it use a stick to remove excess polish here I'm using a q-tip learn that trick from a witch oh my god it doesn't look terrible Wow you know what's the science of the satisfaction behind peeling things now that's something I want to learn what we really need is two beakers so we can do the control and the experiment a be testing you know I say we do that what do you think come on there I'll teach me I can't use the dropper things anymore I'll have to do it the old-fashioned which way drop it in with the brush [Music] and here we have the middle Kandra it's the powerhouse of the cell I thought this was supposed to explain you can't touch anything the science of water marbling please tell me what about this is scientific because so far I have learned nothing except I still can't do this man wait a second I have a hypothesis it might be that the white polish is too thick I mean the viscosity levels are too high it's amazing what I remember from 15 years ago let's try a different way does it working is it working yes it's working better they've got this like flower design going on yes right I don't understand cuz they don't actually explain in the instructions how to drag it you would think that's important you know what they say there's just something science can't answer okay I'm kind of [ __ ] it up but that part looks good so I'm just gonna dip quick hurry I'm not sure if I can replicate the exact same conditions though there's so many extraneous variables mostly just my antenna T quickly out of my way think we can make that work sure why not hold your breath when you go underwater wow I feel smarter already if I ever go back to school again I can use this on my application skills water marble science you know what I would like to know whether or not that extremely happy girl in the commercial did those water marbles herself cuz if she did then I give up but if she cheated which wouldn't be the worst thing in fact I have about six videos on how to cheat at wat I'm rambling you should check them all out then this is promoting false nail ideals for young girls looking good but I'm just gonna clean up around the edges okay we're done I think doing misses that place your fingers in the nail dryer on the base why would we dry them if we haven't put on a glossy top layer or better yet a hollow taco no science experiment is complete without the magical rainbow properties of the holographic element one day it will be recognized on the periodic table now we add that glossy taco and now we dry oh thanks man why your nails done must say my nails looks like magic do you want to learn how to be smart can you spell smart good job we will shelter you from beauty expectations of women ng where you going against science I'm gonna have to homeschool her alright class so what did we learn today generally speaking I think the intentions behind this company are good that being wanting to promote science to young girls and let them know that it's cool to be smart and do scientific things however there's something about using vanity stereotypically women's products like nail art and I know they have a makeup kit as well to show them that that science reads a little problematic to me not to go well simply sociological on you is the best way to teach young girls about science to pass off beauty exercises as science I'm not really sure this is science in a meaningful way at least why not just teach young girls about science not science for girls listen I don't mean to drag the fun out of my usually snarky and sarcastic videos but there's something about things like this that bother me just a little I think you can be both a girl who likes nails and makeup and glitter and all that [ __ ] and also do smart things like actual science or math or engineering or technology said the girl on the internet who makes stupid nail and makeup video a little did you know I do [ __ ] that isn't stupid outside of this channel I went to university for seven years got two degrees and now I work a day job as a crime statistics analyst surprised don't because girls can do both stupid fun beautiful [ __ ] and smart people [ __ ] they're not mutually exclusive I don't know why this [ __ ] is kind of weird for me to talk about so publicly that's for the water marbling science kids why don't you guys leave some comments down below and let everyone know what you think is this a good way to get young girls interested in science or is it kind of dumbing down or passing off beauty of science for girls if you're interested in more simply annoying logical feel free to follow my snapchat where I sometimes rant about staying in school one thing I'm happy about though is that actually water marveled my nails look I am honing my craft my witchcraft let me know if there's any other and potentially gendered and problematic science experiments you'd like me to test out on my channel oh that was the most serious I've ever gotten in one video I think I'm gonna go now man it's hot in here all right boys and girls thanks so much for watching and I'll see y'all later [Music]
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 8,012,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, ProjectMc2, SmartIsTheNewCool, ImSmartGetOverIt, parody, adult reviews children's toy, children's toy review, kids toys, toy review, toy unboxing, unboxing, watermarble, nail polish marble, marble nails, watermarble nail art, how to watermarble, simply nailogical, girls, gendered, science, STEM, STEAM, nail science, school, just take real science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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