adopting dune - vlog

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sleep so I have to have to spurt but do you see this this is me manifesting an adoption today there's two weeks now today so I'm going early I'm gonna be first in line to adopt this book I don't know why I'm already so like shaky and anxious like this could absolutely not be happening today there's actually a high likelihood that it doesn't at this shelter multiple people can apply for the same dog and then if so they just do a random drawing and I have a feeling because this is a puppy there's gonna be multiple people applying for this dog fingers crossed I had so many nightmares last night that I slept in and didn't get there early enough and that I wasn't the first person in line or that someone else got to the dog before I did I'm nervous I'm gonna drive I'm gonna be there about an hour before it opens because I want to be the first person in line I have made it to the shelter and there are I think two other people sitting in their car no one's waiting at the door there are even some benches at the door I kind of want to go sit at the door for an hour I don't know I'm like shaky what the hell I'm anxious I'm really excited I hope this works out but I'm also like really trying not to get my hopes up I just need to tell myself it's not happening but then is that bad manifestation I don't know I think I'm gonna go sit on the benches and just sit on my phone I'm gonna just sit on my phone in here anyways so might as well you know this is what the entrance looks like so I'm just gonna go sit on those benches right there oh man that was rough I didn't win the raffle if you can't tell by how bummed out I am right now there was a pretty large group of people but that was rough it was sad though because I made some friends like I got to know everyone there and everyone's story and why they're adopting dogs and so when I didn't get one three people were like no you were here before all of us it's okay though I'm super happy they all seem to be going to loving homes the girl that got the one that I wanted seems so nice and so sweet so I'm happy for it so the search continues I'm gonna drive home now okay I made it back home so I've talked about this a lot on Tick Tock already well not a lot I had a video that I made the other day on Tick Tock about the whole adoption process because I haven't updated anything here on YouTube so I guess I'll catch you well I've been applying to so many rescues so far I heard back from one that the dog was already adopted I heard back from another that they won't accept any applications for apartment renters because you need a fenced backyard another one I was texting before applying and she said don't even bother applying because the fences around your apartment complex are not high enough which is just a really dumb reason to not adopt a dog to a loving home the fences around my apartment just don't determine how good of a dog owner I'm gonna be or having a backyard does not determine how good of a dog owner I'm going to be so it's been incredibly frustrating trying to adopt instead of shopping which I know backyard breeders are not the most ideal situation because a lot of them are irresponsible and then it encourages backyard breeding some people argue that buying a dog from Craigslist is like saving them because if they're not bought then they go to a shelter anyways I can see both sides but ultimately I do think it's better to adopt from a shelter or from a rescue and I'm trying to it's just really difficult I could just go get any dog at any shelter I understand that I am being a little bit picky about the type of dog I would like I've found plenty of applications for those types of dogs and I know today at the shelter is like just random I had no control over that but when it comes to the four or five other dogs I've applied for and when I hear back and say that because you're a renter no that's just so frustrating so I totally understand why people shop I'm just gonna keep my eyes out I have everything ready I have like a crate I have puppy toys I have a pmat on the way like a reusable machine washable pee pad and I know the right one will come to us I'm just frustrated and bummed hi this is me editing this Vlog six months in the future I just wanted to add a couple things to this point of my video I'll also be popping in and out here and there throughout the video to clarify a few things as you can tell in this clip I'm pretty frustrated about how long it's taking to adopt or rescue a dog at this point I just wanted to add that Sam and I had been discussing adopting a dog for over a year since my psychiatrist and therapist recommended an emotional support animal for me so when we actually decided to pull the trigger I thought it was gonna be a lot quicker to go get a dog from a rescue or a shelter hence my impatience I also thought I was so educated at this point in time about adopting a dog and I just wasn't I think it's painfully obvious that this was my first time adopting a dog but I just wanted to add that if any of you guys are interested in adopting a puppy yes adopting from shelters and rescues is an amazing thing to do and I highly encourage you to do it however I've learned a lot more about backyard breeding versus ethical breeders and I would encourage you to buy from an ethical breeder instead of backyard breeders at the time I did not know how different backyard readers and ethical breeders were so anyways I've learned a lot since I don't believe in adopt don't shop however I highly encourage to adopt or look into ethical breeding if you are watching this video getting inspiration or wanting to adopt a puppy anytime soon anyways I'll be popping back in throughout this video but just wanted to share that thought back to the video hello it's a few days later so it's been three days since I tried to go get the other dog there are two dogs available at this farmer's market today from a rescue that I've been emailing that we're gonna go take a really good to get Lab mixed and we've just been discussing all night long and all yesterday it's the breeds that we're interested in we've been looking at like just bullies and staffies but at lab mix has a lot of benefits there are also some cons of like it's probably gonna shed more might be a little bit more high energy than what we were originally thinking I'm interested so we're gonna go meet them in person and if it feels right we might grab them just too you want to we're at the farmer's market I don't know what we're gonna do yet I don't know what we're gonna do yet but we're gonna go look for them and see if we can find the pups maybe once we see them in person we'll just know okay with the goldfish in it he's like hey I gotta get with the shortest person yeah yeah oh my gosh they both are precious so um I know hi Katie um you can go wherever you'd like and it'll be we'll give you tip or if you go to animal friends with Nelly yeah got it yeah hi Baby you're beautiful yeah you want to play yeah tell me more now I need one but I mean he does Happy Father's Day we picked one she's so sweet I'm gonna go run into Petco while Sam hangs out with her to go get a dog bed and a few things I can't believe it that was so wild I'll tell you more about it in a second but I'm so excited we're pet parents now I just ran into Petco they didn't have the puppy food that she's been eating and the lady told us we should get the puppy food she's been eating and then switch her out slowly look at this gorgeous gorgeous girl perfect she's perfect we just gave her some water because I don't think they have waters for any of the puppies out there it's Sandy I love you I thought we were gonna get the other one for a second as soon as you left to go get money I was like I feel like I've made my decision and I'm questioning it so I want to play with them so then we played with them in the pen and they were both pretty chill but then the second I was like no we should get her we started like jumping around and licking our faces and wagging her tail like all of a sudden she came to life the second I was like maybe we should get her instead I feel like that was so special maybe it meant nothing but maybe it meant she literally chose us too you know oh I love you so now we just gotta drive home I'm scared to drive home without a puppy seat belt but we're gonna be okay I got a bed and some shampoo and um another toy and some food I'm wondering if maybe we go get the food that she's been eating from like Walmart or something but it's like the crappiest food is there a reason why we would use the same [Music] sandwich their food she's gonna have diarrhea so you should slowly switch her food okay we're gonna head home now look at how pretty I love her oh yeah oh yeah Happy Father's Day your dad oh my God streaming of like chasing something her paws keep moving you twitch like this all night long so at this point we had been looking on Pet Finder that was the website that we were using to find dogs available in shelters or rescues for adoption I love Pet Finder they'll show you listings from all different rescues and shelters so we saw this one and some people on Tick Tock had sent me this listing as well but we had already been emailing this rescue at that point there was a litter of four puppies that were dumped at this rescue's front door from this guy that apparently has dumped a litter or two before no information on the parents of the puppies and no information on how old they were but the rescue was guessing they were around 10 11 weeks the rescue themselves have like a farm where they rescue puppies and so all the puppies at this rescue were sleeping in an igloo outside in litters in the litter of four they told us there were two boys and two girls and the two boys got adopted the week before but that the two girls were the ones available that we saw on the listing we were emailing the rescue for a few days and they told us that because they still had opted out the two females that they would be at this farmer's market in hopes to meet people in person to get them to be adopted so we went to this farmer's market in Temecula to meet up with them as soon as we saw them both we knew that we were going home with one of them it took us about an hour and a half to decide which one to go home with though because we wish we could have taken both I do know that the other puppy was adopted that day as we were walking out with the one that we chose another lady was walking in saying she was definitely going to be getting the other one so I'm happy to know that all of them were adopted she did not come Spade the rescue deemed them too young to be spayed they had her down as a pit lab mix which is going to be a larger breed and there are definitely health risks of spaying a larger breed too young it can really affect their development especially in their hips so we did have to sign paperwork that we would get her spayed eventually and they recommended at around eight or nine months and that they would reimburse like fifty dollars of the spay but most rescues and shelters will not adopt dogs out unless they are Spader new so that was kind of interesting anyways back to the video just made it home I'm hanging out in the bathroom a little Sam sets up some stuff in the living room for I think I'm gonna give her a bath because she is dirty and I have pee all over me she peed on me in the car just uh exploring wouldn't be surprised if she pees again that's okay everything's washable we're gonna get you a bath huh how do you like this place yeah we'll go out there in a sec hi yay I know don't worry we'll get you some food some water and a bath here hi you're okay that is what a toilet sounds like she doesn't know what to do with herself that so here's everything that I have we have a little lamb stuffed animal for her this has a heartbeat inside of it like a plastic heartbeat I need to put batteries in it so this should help with anxiety and being away from the litter for the first night so that should be good for her and then I've got just some toys a water and food bowl her new bed that we just got a kennel with a pet blanket on the inside and then there's this reusable machine washable keypad that I just want to put down underneath everything and then we also have a play pen that delivered yesterday that I need to set up so I'm gonna get to work on that foreign hi what are you thinking for a name I don't know you're the most calm you're just like your dad so just like a Build-A-Bear to pull this out and then pull a tab and now it's beating so now we put it in and you can turn it off and on feels like a real heartbeat ah hi sweetie what is that she's like it's alive just kidding can you snuggle for a while we're setting up the playpen she's loosening up she loves to grab her face look at that wagging tail what happened my hair she bit mine too she'd been my neck oh yeah good girl what a cutie yeah let's pick one let's give her two and see out of the two what she likes not the ball so I definitely think I want the door like here she's playing with her first toy and she's chewing the stuffed animals oh good girl you play with it no no she's just doing so good a nice comfy bed good job okay I think we have the play pen figured out we also have our first accident and I'm glad we have the washable pad down damn still needs to go get grass and we're gonna put grass right there so we can take her potty she's getting comfortable she's starting to like tear things not tear things just play with them yeah it's 11 o'clock it's time to go to sleep she's like out we've had a couple of potties she like went to the bathroom inside twice but she's gone outside quite a few times she seems to be starting to recognize her name which is awesome on day one all she wants to do is sleep so I have a feeling she's gonna sleep for a while I just tried to wake her up and take her out and she was like not having it she was just asleep on the ground and wouldn't stand up so she's asleep in her bed she absolutely loves her kennel I try to take her potty and as soon as the door was cracked open she ran in here and ran into her kennel to go to sleep I think I'm also gonna leave the door open and that's tied up so she can't like open that and I'm Gonna Leave the playpen open just in case because she has been having diarrhea I am going to get up every three hours to take her out but in case she has an accident I'd rather her do it on this than in her bed so I think we're gonna leave it there but she's so sweet I can't believe we have her she's awesome and I think we've officially landed on the name Dune and I love it I'm so happy update in the morning I can't believe I didn't record and tell you guys why we chose the name Dune when we first adopted her we were thinking of a couple different names because her feet were white Sam was saying we should name her socks or Nike a few days before we adopted her we were playing with some name ideas and I wanted to name her something that had to do with me and Sam so I was going through like our favorite movies our favorite songs our favorite books our favorite artists and one of Sam's favorite books and a book that we've listened to together is Dune I have not listened to the entire audiobook the book is on my Christmas wish list so that I can actually read it myself but Dune is one of Sam's absolute favorite books and just something that we had bonded over because Sam loves to tell me about the books that he's reading and the story lines and everything so anyways I just thought Dune was such a pretty name especially for a girl dog and it has something to do with me and Sam so that's how we chose the name Dune I also just wanted to add that that was the one and only time Dune spent a night in an open playpen I ultimately think it's safer for your puppy to be in a crate or kennel or co-sleeping with you and never leave toys unsupervised back to the video last night went fairly well it started off kind of rough both Sam and I were really tired and lazy and didn't keep her super awake past seven which I know is like tip number one bringing home a puppy is to like Tire them out and not let them nap between like seven and bedtime and we went to bed at like 11 11 30 and she was already like falling asleep at like eight nine so she took like two fat naps which was our mistake we didn't keep her up we just snuggled with her because she was so cute so tonight we're gonna keep her up for sure about an hour after we went to bed she started whining and so I came in and saw that she peed on the pee pad and then I took her out to the bathroom and she went potty which is great and then I stayed out there for a little while to make sure that she was like done going to the bathroom but I went back to bed and then she started whining a lot and we did keep her out here last night I know a lot of the puppy tips are to keep them in the crate in your room but I figured since she's a little bit older she's 11 weeks not eight and she's used to sleeping in an igloo like outside on a farm anyways that she might be fine not being in the room with us but she was whining a lot and then I came back out after waiting for like half an hour because I know you're not supposed to take them out when they're whining because then it teaches them that whining will get them out so I waited like half an hour but she was like really howling and so I came out here and saw that she had pooped again so I think she was howling because she had to go to the bathroom and she was trying to let me know so I feel bad but I cleaned up the mess and then luckily shouldn't poop in her kennel she pooped in her playpen the clean up the mess and then I brought her kennel into our room so she could see us and she went straight to bed and it was so sweet I got up another four times throughout the night to take her to the bathroom she only went to the bathroom two out of the four times the other two times she would just like sleep on the grass like she did not want to be woken up at all but she didn't make another noise once I moved her into the kennel it was so sweet she would like wake up and see me and then she'd go back to sleep so I think it did like calm her seeing us so I think we'll keep her kennel in our room again but I got so much more sleep after moving the kennel into the room I would still fine to wake up just to take her on a potty break but it was not nearly as big of an ordeal and she wasn't barking or howling or anything her Hal is really cute but I know we live in an apartment complex so I'm like just anxious that the neighbors can hear it she's pretty quiet so I don't think they really can so far it's going really well her hardness should be delivering I think tomorrow I'll still train with the slick leash maybe when she's a little bit older I just want that harness at least to deliver so that we can take her on some walks and get her used to it and by walks I meant walks around our apartment like in the hallway and in places that we know other dogs weren't please please please do not take your dog out on walks before they're fully vaccinated you'll see it in my next Vlog but we ended up getting a wagon from Amazon to socialize Dune she did not touch like public ground before she was fully vaccinated it is so important to socialize your puppies but it's also so important to keep them safe and things like parvo live on the ground for up to seven years so unless you have a backyard or a place that you know other dogs haven't been don't take your puppies outside I personally have two family members whose puppies died within the first few months of having them because of Parvo because they kept them outside when they were not fully vaccinated just a thought but I'm happy that she's learning that the patio is like her potty Place she's doing so good she's literally so sweet she's so cute she loves her kennel which is like such a plus she usually brings her toys in there to play with and she loves napping in there she just started using this bully stick I got these yesterday and she was not interested in them whatsoever and now that she's finally licked it I think she's like oh this tastes good so she's got a chew toy I also have a Kong in the freezer let me show you I've got a Kong in the freezer with plain Greek yogurt with no additives or anything I gave her one of these yesterday and she loved it and these are really good for mental stimulation as well they're trying to get the tree out of Kong this one I left it a little bit messy so she has a little bit more on the outside um but I'm gonna let it freeze I think a little bit longer before giving it to her the Kong in this video is actually for adult dogs I quickly got the puppy one which I still have instead I have all my favorite puppy and dog enrichment toys treats everything that I use linked on my Amazon storefront if you don't know where to start with purchasing things for your puppy as you can see we still use this six months later to this day this currently has open Farm bone broth and puppy safe peanut butter in it and dune loves these it is so important to get enrichment things like Kongs or topples or snuffle mats for your puppies to keep them entertained and to keep their brain stimulated I don't know if I've already said this but yesterday the rescue let us know that they had been feeding her pedigree puppy and that if we switch her to anything else that she would have diarrhea I ran to Petco to go grab her food right after we adopted her and I grabbed this because Petco did not have any pedigree at all so I was like well I have to get her something so we were feeding her this yesterday and she really liked it however it's been giving her explosive diarrhea because the rescue lady was right if we switched her food right away it would give her explosive diarrhea when and found a pedigree this was the last one and it was at a Target so we've been feeding her just this in hopes of her tummy settling a little bit I'm also wanting to start training immediately for separation anxiety especially since I work from home and I am here all the time I'm going to intentionally leave for at least an hour every single day probably to go to the gym or to go to the grocery store or something so that she's used to me not being here because she needs to know already that she's gonna be okay if I'm gone honestly the holy sticks kind of freaked me out any chew toys freaked me out and I'm keeping an eye on her just because I feel like if she can break off a chunk of it she's gonna choke on it so it really like makes me nervous but I also know it's really important for them for teething just gonna make sure I'm around and looking at her today I need to get my ESA certification completed this is something I get a ton of questions about on Tick Tock what I meant by my ESA certification was that I needed a letter written up by my psychiatrist about the specific dog that I bought because the letter from my psychiatrist had to include the breed and the name of my dog for apartment complexes to approve of the verification and validity of it the way to get an emotional support animal certified is not through those websites with like a letter that says that it's an Esa certification from my research and understanding the best way to do it is going to be through your psychiatrist your therapist I believe also a family doctor can prescribe something or write a letter of some sort about an emotional support animal but I've seen a lot of people get scammed on those websites and my apartment complex for example would not accept one of those websites that just says oh my dog is an Esa you pay like a hundred dollars so my recommendation is to not go to those and to go to your family doctor your psychiatrist or your therapist instead and then also get her started on pet insurance right away so I'm gonna be doing that but this is like the update so far she's doing amazing thanks for joining along to come uh get Dune with us she's so sweet I'm so totally at peace with all the other applications not working out because I got the best dog of all so I knew everything was happening for a reason and I love you and you're so cute we're so lucky and grateful to have our scooter say bye dune bye [Music]
Channel: ave marin
Views: 9,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adoption vlog, dog adoption, dog rescue, rescuing dog, rescuing dog vlog, puppy adoption, adopting a puppy, adopting a puppy vlog, dog adoption vlog, picking up our puppy
Id: P41VpDnZ8cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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