ADOPTED Girl Meets BIRTH MOM, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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all right sweetheart we should probably stop here so no one sees us you remember what happened at your last school don't worry we'll be fine come on [Music] did you see gordon's dumb haircut he looked like his dad cut it oh i almost forgot i'm not gonna be able to pick you up after school but mike will okay that's a good part of having two dads see uh what the heck was that what do you mean why are two dudes walking to school where's your mom i was adopted those are my dads what are you serious she has two dots that's it for today and please remember next week is bring your mom to school day is everything okay billy what if you don't have a mom that's fine just bring your dad what is so funny well what if you have two dads i'm sorry go ahead tell the jasmine it's not a problem you can bring them both you must really suck what do you mean that you weren't good enough for your real mom so she gave you away like some used clothes you don't know the story just go away or what are you going to tell your dad oh i mean dads on me nice try guys check it out jasmine sitting by herself watch this hey jasmine why are you sitting by yourself first her mom didn't want her you know no one in school does either hey that's really mean yeah don't speak to her that way what i'm just stating the facts hey jasmine you can come and sit with us yeah or over here thanks but i'm okay yeah she'll be all right she's used to rejection don't let him get to you he's just a mean bully yeah we'd love to have lunch with you thanks hey i've got a question for you i don't want to talk to you billy no no no no i'm serious i promise i'm not going to be mean fine what since both of your dads are gay does that mean you're going to be gay too i told you earlier to leave me alone mom julia it must really suck to see all these kids getting picked up by their real moms and dads so why did your mom leave she just didn't love you or what billy let's go okay i'm coming mom hey sweetie jasmine what's wrong honey let's just go [Music] jasmine tell me what's wrong i don't want to talk about it come on sweetheart you know you can tell me anything i'm in school keeps making fun of me because i'm adopted i'm so sorry honey kids at school can be so mean i just don't know why my mom gave me up like that do you think it's because she didn't love me no not at all i promise you that that's not the case yeah right just don't want to hurt my feelings i wouldn't say something if it wasn't the truth i know she loved you oh yeah how exactly let's just go look we weren't going to show you this until you were older but i think it's time you see it now what is it just watch hi jasmine you're so beautiful baby girl i've been waiting my whole pregnancy for this moment right now you're 100 mine this is our last hour together and then you'll be making harry's little girl i know they're going to take care of you and love you so much while i have you there's a few things i want you to know you're probably wondering why i decided to give you up please know it wasn't an easy decision you see my pregnancy with you wasn't an easy one okay so who wants to read from chapter 32. any volunteers maya's mom's outside waiting for her right today will be maya's last day at school because well don't think i need to say it's because she's pregnant yes alex it's because she's about to have her baby you know in school you're supposed to be a kid not be having one well this wasn't exactly planned well maybe if you had been more responsible you wouldn't have you know what never mind you can leave now so sad i would be so embarrassed she's not gonna be able to take care of her baby she's gonna be a terrible mom even my own mom gave me a really hard time what's wrong all of the kids at school are laughing at me well can you blame them i mean this is really irresponsible of you you know i didn't mean for this to happen okay what exactly is your plan anyways what do you mean i'm going to keep her not in our house you're not but then where am i supposed to go i don't care that's not my problem clearly you make your own decisions so figure it out but i don't have anywhere else to go go to your boyfriend's house then or to the streets for all i care even her own mom doesn't want her can we please just go i don't want to be here no i need you to experience this so you can see what a huge mistake you've made as a matter of fact walk home what no i can't walk that far mom [Music] no you better get used to it young lady because you're not gonna be living with us for too long what [Music] but worst of all was what my boyfriend did to me hey uh i wasn't expecting you here my mom basically just kicked me out of the house what are you serious yeah whose heels are those those aren't mine uh hey babe what do you mean who's she who am i who are you and why is she wearing your shirt this is stacy stacy this is maya my ex-girlfriend x what are you talking about look i was gonna tell you okay seeing stacy now but we're gonna have a baby together i don't know what you mean by we i don't want anything to do with it so that's it you're just gonna break up with me like this while i'm nine months pregnant i was coming to you to see if i could move in because my mom just kicked me out what do you want me to say i'm not ready to have a kid maybe you should just you know just what get rid of it it'll make all of our lives a lot easier what how can you even say that i'm just being honest now if you don't mind i was about to make some breakfast for stacey how could you do this to me he said bye [Music] things got so bad that at one point i even decided to give up on having you hi you must be maya yes is anyone joining you today you know like mom or boyfriend perhaps no it's just me okay um well before we get started i just want to confirm are you sure you want to do this no but i don't have any choice what do you mean my mom kicked me out my boyfriend broke up with me i have no money and nowhere to go there's no way i could take care of a child all by myself i see this is none of my business but have you considered adoption i'm sure we could find your baby a really good home oh wow i guess i hadn't really thought about that i think it's an incredible alternative especially for girls that are in your situation maybe i should think about it then thank you so much you have no idea how much i appreciate this you're welcome and if you look right here it explains how this all works and how you can help make a family happy with a child of their own so you see that's how i decided to give you up for adoption it wasn't because i didn't love you it's because i wanted to give you the best life possible it's time okay just one more second please [Music] the nurse just got here so i have to give you up now but please know that one day i'm going to come and see you until then i'll be thinking about you every day i love you so much [Music] you see i told you she loves you [Music] i want to introduce everyone to my dads that is so embarrassing that's enough billy it's okay ms green at least my dad's chose me your mom didn't have a choice as i was saying these are my dads and they are the best parents in the world [Music] i won you are so good at this game oh would you mind getting that sweetie sure hi jasmine wait aren't you she's your mom i figured it was time you two met wow you are more beautiful than i could have ever imagined there hasn't been a day that's gone by where i haven't thought about you i'm so sorry i couldn't be there for you it's okay i'm just happy you're here [Music] we were playing candy land do you want to join us sure i'd love to [Music] fair warning we haven't won a single game against jasmine yeah she's really good i don't think i'll go easy on you either that's okay i think i'm up for a challenge [Music] guess who's here i don't understand why we have to share a room just because sabrina is adopted doesn't mean she isn't your sister you're never gonna be a part of our family you don't have to be related to be family i'm your real daughter she's just adopted
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 27,344,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, adoption, being adopted, family, being a mom
Id: ZkEu1nqwu-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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