Adopted By YELLOW Family! (Roblox)

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Jello we're kicking you out of the rainbow friends and why I just joined because I don't like you now get out of here you guys I need to defeat him so I can become the leader of the rainbow friend but I'm gonna need some help and I have an idea oh I'm a miss Jane why do you have that baseball bat it's so I can play baseball with your head leave me alone I don't even know what I did this time oh this is bad this is bad this is bad hey what the heck did I just run into what the you're yellow from the rainbow friends what the heck are you doing here Miss Jane help I'm here to adopt a kid and it looks like you're it wait what no please let me go no can do you're gonna help me take down the rainbow friends or Russell have you for dinner before you fully become my son and you need to look like me find a yellow morph before the time runs out okay I don't really want to be your son anyways but the thing is y'all if I don't listen he's probably going to eat me so let's find that morph and find it fast what is this Blues castle and hopefully I can find this freaking yellow morph I see something right here though what is this uh guys I am cyan right now but I am in a couch that is not the morph I'm supposed to be looking for the chapter 2 map is literally so freaking huge I don't even know where the heck all of these morphs are hold up I see something here what is this I am now a ball okay this is a cyan lookie this is bro this isn't even yellow the color y'all I am bouncing around everywhere oh what is this what the heck okay I'm looking for okay guys uh yellow clearly does not like blue also I am running out of time which means I need to find this yellow I found it oh my God I found the freaking yellow morph all right yellow I look like you now now how am I supposed to help you take down the rainbow friends you're gonna kick their butts duh first you gotta beat orange rainbow friends know their color so survive on the platform the longest okay guys this is my first battle against a member of the rainbow friends I cannot afford to lose this so the next color is a black this shouldn't be pretty easy honestly I'm kind of glad that the first challenge isn't too difficult because I have to defeat orange and no matter what I mean look at him right there oh gotta go to Red oh he's surviving holy cow bro this challenge is freaking intense oh gold gold gold I'm good I'm good I'm good I have a feeling as the game progresses there's gonna be times I'll need to jump over a block at the right time in order to survive okay magenta we're fine we're fine how is he doing navy blue right here we're good we're good dude he is diamond for so freaking long it's purple purple purple oh okay we're both good we're both good oh we gotta jump for this one guys we gotta I actually won okay that was really close nice work first rainbow friend down okay y'all the sooner I defeat all of the rainbow friends the sooner I can go back to normal next up but you need to be green indeed a friend by throwing someone further than him what it's a strength competition now once I kick your butt blue is gonna give me a raise okay well you know what guys since this game uh is only focused on beating Green that means um one way to get stronger is sped Roblox now according to my calculations the Green's power is at 1.5 a billion which means I'm going to need a crazy pet if I want enough strength to beat him now I could hatch these eggs right here for 35 a thousand lightning bolts or I can hatch the exclusive money egg for 400 Robux a piece I like these better YOLO here we go 1200 Robux three money eggs I'm pretty sure I have mega luck in this game already though so hopefully I get something good oh my God I just got two mythics wait wait guys I don't know what happened but with all of these equipped I'm at 302 billion what okay green it's it's time to throw buddy all your marks get set throw your friend let's do this green how far should I throw oh my wait what the guys guys I may have miscalculated and made myself too powerful bro my my screen is just going crazy I don't even hit the the first line I just start on the second bro I just went around this thing 52 times right now I roll I am number one dang I lost nice job kid time for the next rainbow friend time to be one of the rainbow friends in speed defeat cyan in a rainbow friend's race guys cyan is one of the newest members of the rainbow friends I do not have a lot of information on it I honestly don't know if I can win this but I'm gonna try cyan and I are lined up and we have our own pets equipped I don't know if uh if cyan is faster than me though so I just need to speed up and hopefully I do not let my new dad down because uh I don't think he uh lets people fail I don't want to be dinner for a freaking yellow bird so let's do this in three two one oh okay guys and me and Cyan are racing right now and from the looks of it we are tied up oh no no no no no no this is bad science actually beating me wait wait wait oh I'm ahead of cyan now oh my God bro this is like the closest race I have ever had in a race clicker what the heck it looks like my lead is actually staying up though no science passing me oh you've got to be kidding me oh no no no no no no guys I am behind right now but I am kicking it up okay I'm not at my top speed yet I'm I'm getting there oh there we go there we go I just passed by cyan we're good we're good please first one to the Finish Line takes it come on I'm almost there almost there don't give up now don't slow down I'm back to the start first cyan just respawned and that means I win nice job son let's keep kicking their butts all right son it's time to kick purple's butt in slap battles first one to slap the other person off the island wins go whoa okay let's not stand next to the edge guys I really need to win this because purple is the last rainbow friend outside of blue that I am supposed to beat up okay the good thing is I actually went ahead and got myself a very very strong stun glove it looks like purple also has a glove too we'll see who has a stronger glove oh I just smacked them around oh okay people here we go oh what is he gonna do what's he gonna do let's watch it I'm by the edge I'm by the edge okay we're fine we're fine now I'm pretty sure this stun glove has the power to stun so we're just gonna go ahead and is he stunned he's stuck no what oh okay we're good we're oh guys I I knocked him off I heard the scream and everything I won yes I did it soon I can go back to being a boy okay yellow am I ready to face off with blue yet I beat up all of the other rainbow friends and seriously I just want to beat him so I can go back to being normal not yet you're not strong enough to beat blue you need a bit more training oh man who do I oh you'll see guys it yellow wants me to fight to the gun of bam ban and train in order to defeat blue you gotta be kidding me I will say it looks like I have absolutely zero choice in this matter but you know what the only thing keeping me going oh there's Batman the only thing keeping me going is a once I defeat these guys I will finally get one step closer to being able to defeat blue and going back to my regular body now where the heck are the garden man I am going to destroy them oh there's Batman okay you thought I was gonna face you uh head on by throwing knives nope I am going to sneak attack you now I will say I do see a ban ban above me oh okay he just jumped down guys I need a game plan to defeat him I'm pretty sure ban ban is a lot smarter than jumbo Josh so it's either I think of a plan to defeat him or you know what I'm just gonna I'm gonna do this the manly way I'ma find him head on where is he oh there he is okay okay you checking knives still alive oh I missed okay let's jump down no I thought I hit that go go go go go got him yes yes I will say I don't really have a choice in whether or not uh I can run from the Garda ban ban but the only thing keeping me off holy jumbo Josh you ugly dude holy cow I nearly peaked what I was saying was once I defeat the garden of ban bad I will be one step closer to turning back into my regular body and uh being a beautiful boy again okay now let's go ahead and take these guys out okay so I heard the teleporter activate which means they should be nearby I see green okay I'm gonna run because uh he clearly oh that knife went right by my head and jumbo freaking Josh oh okay there's jumbo Josh throw the knife oh I missed I missed I miss because I'm stupid but I have an idea oh got him there we go sometimes you don't have to face your you know opponents head on sometimes you can wait for them to uh walk past you now I will say since I've beaten the garden of ban ban what challenges does yellow have for me now all right son you're almost ready to face blue with me but first you're gonna need to beat me in a build battle whoever builds the best yellow Statue wins what okay I get all the other challenges but what's the point in beating you well you gotta be better than me if you want to help me beat blue duh okay I think that makes sense fine if it's a build battle you want to do it's a build battle you're gonna get I'll have you know I'm honestly better at building than all of the other challenges combined so let oh what the hey you got into build mode before I did you freaking jerk okay let's go ahead and get started now he did say whoever builds the best a yellow Statue wins uh I'm assuming that means you know we gotta build a statue that looks like us the good thing is I kind of already have an idea for what to do I just hope it works out I also know like what shapes I want to use too which honestly is a very very helpful we're gonna be using a lot of triangles for this that is what is going to make this entire thing work I'm gonna put up a picture of yellow on the screen as well that way you guys can see exactly what the heck I'm doing but we're gonna start things off with us some beautiful uh shapes now right now I want to start this by actually building uh the legs that way uh we have everything kind of like laid out and it becomes a lot easier to work with as I go on now yellow's legs are kind of curved so we're going to go ahead and use the transform tool for all of that that way it looks accurate to be honest this character is just like a yellow dinosaur so I honestly don't think this will be that difficult but we'll see sometimes I start building and I get really confident and it looks like trash so uh you never know also the yellow that I'm up against has been a yellow uh the rainbow thread a lot longer than I have so there is a chance that he absolutely smokes me in this and uh then eats me afterwards so I hope that doesn't happen but we'll just pray and hope I don't all right so we're getting the body laid out right now honestly I think where we're at so far is pretty good I'm not trying to make this like super perfect just yet that way I can make adjustments later but from what I've seen so far and when I compare it to the picture this is one of like the closest versions of this character I think it'll look like I've also never seen someone build yellow in a black oxburg yet so by default whoever wins this challenge will own the best yellow build in bloxburg go ahead and start painting it oh dude look at that the legs look sick all right now let's start adding the arms thank God for the transform tool because with this it'll make everything a million times easier we're gonna go ahead and attach that right there gonna resize it to make it a little bit bigger I think I'm about to move it too the more I look at this it kind of just looks like I'm building a chicken standing up but that's fine it's a pterodactyl close enough now since this character actually has wings I have a pretty solid idea of how to make the wings look like their wings hopefully it plays out though so we're gonna put the other parts of the arm right there and then we're gonna use this cotton cave straight triangle put it right here rotate that boy put it down and oh hey yo that looks good that looks so good hold up I'm a genius yo that do look like the wings and I am proud of this and it's like that the body is pretty much complete time to work on the head of yellow which honestly I think will be even easier now yellow has a triangular head which makes all of this a million times easier than I thought it would be all I need to use is this triangle piece right here size it properly It's gotta make it like even oh wait this might actually be a little bit harder than I thought it was hold on I might need to use two of these actually why can't I just lengthen this triangle oh wait we're running into some issues new idea we're gonna use this piece right here I don't really know what this piece is called but it kind of works for the head I just gotta like move it around right okay it's kind of okay for now let's just hope the resizing goes good oh oh yes yes I got it I figured it out I done did it now I just need to line this freaking bird thing properly yes it's working I had faith I never lost faith not once and boom there we go that looks so good okay we got the head Time For Eyes this part actually is easy and I know how to make it easier yellow pretty much just has these ginormous googly eyes so if I make just one of these I can duplicate it and I should be able to move the entire piece yep yes I can and that's exactly what I am going to do eyeball one eyeball two there we go the head of yellow looks freaking dope okay time for the finishing touches y'all he has a giant helicopter thing uh on his back he's also wearing like a vest thing and now guys at the final touches the blades of the helicopter thing you got two of them down a timer for the final piece to fit in a just like that and boom guys we got yellow from the rainbow friends build time's over it is time to judge the statues and daddy you go first all right follow me behold the yellow Statue the heck is that hey don't be mean did you do better yes I did okay uh come over here this is a real yellow Statue you got the helicopter stuff and the vest okay yours is better than mine you're strong enough to take on Blue let's do this you guys defeated rainbow friends I didn't my son did yeah that's me and blue now we're here to team up against you yeah that's right blue time for you to give up being the leader of the rainbow friends and before you get your butt whipped by two big old birds all right fine you guys can lead the rainbow friends I quit I don't get paid enough for this anyways yes we did it I am officially the leader of the rainbow friends yay now uh new dad can I go back to being a human boy again cause uh I'm kind of tired of flapping my wings like this what of course not you're gonna help me run this place now wait what oh man
Channel: HyperPlays
Views: 1,129,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, hyper, hyper roblox, roblox hyper, fun, yellow rainbow friends 2, rainbow friends 2 roblox, roblox rainbow friends 2
Id: K-yyUeHxVDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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