Roblox Obby In Real Life

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(dramatic music) (siren blaring) (both gasping) - Someone has sabotaged and taken over the ninja headquarters! (all gasping) - Pfft! I just go to my car, grab my tools, I fix this. (door rattling) They locked us in! - The only way out is to complete the obby. Obby means obstacle course. - Ah, thanks. - Stand on the ninja championship pedestal, you'll then get control over the headquarters, and fix all this. - Is there a fancy title that comes with that? - Ninja Obby Grand Champion, and 100,000 free Robux! - Out of my way losers, those free Robux are mine! (upbeat music) - Just imagine the floor is lava! - I'm just gonna walk it. Ooh! What just happened? - You can't walk, you have to jump. - Step aside, step aside. I'm kind of a pro at this obby thing. Watch. (screaming) - [Both] Ooh! - Turns out I'm not physically coordinated. - I'm doing it! I'm doing it! I'm not doing it! Ooh! - Ah! That was exhausting! What puzzle am I on? - Puzzle two. - No! (sobbing) - What's wrong? - Me and Judah both tried this challenge, and we can not do it. - I think it's impossible. - Definitely impossible. - No one can do it. - No one. I was gonna try that next. - Who even is that guy? - Wait, Daniel, is that you? Why are you dressed like a dinosaur? - I was about to go to the national dinosaur convention when mom called us here. So let's just pretend I'm in a normal, serious outfit. Okay? (feet stomping) - Can't make it past the first challenge, huh? - No, no. I was just resting. I got this. (screaming) Ooh! - We're gonna be here awhile. - Judah, what are you doing? - Monkey bars make me nervous! - Ugh! - Later, losers! - That was an option? Hopefully this takes us to the next level. What's that? - It's a checkpoint. Now if we fall, we come back to here. - Oh my gosh, a checkpoint! Yes! It's beautiful! - Hang on. Mom sent us here to check on the headquarters, and after we got inside, the doors were locked. That only could have come from inside. - That means one of us caused this whole sabotage. - All right, who did it? - [All] I don't know. - Well it had to be someone! (upbeat music) - Jocelyn, what are you doing here? - Jocelyn, why are you working at the ninja headquarters? - All right. Fair enough. How do we do this puzzle? - Seems simple enough. Ooh! What happened? I didn't even touch a blue one? - Yes you did! - No I didn't! - Yes you did! - No I didn't! - Don't fall! Don't fall! Don't fall! - Come on! You saying, "Don't fall," is kind of stressing me out! Can't you say something positive like, "You're doing great Micah!" - But you might fall. - I know! Ooh! - Jocelyn, why would I need to buy roller skates? - My trick is to watch someone do the puzzle first, then just copy 'em. - Clever. - Ooh! Here comes someone now! (yelling) - Ooh! - Well, go ahead. - No, no. I insist. (upbeat music) - All right, Jocelyn, what kind of twisted, impossible challenge is this one? - How is that in comparison to any other challenge in this obby? - Hey look, it's Kendall! Hey Kendall! - What? - I said, "Hey Kendall!" - Hi. What's up? - What are you doing here? - What? - I said, "What are you," Ah, he'll figure it out eventually. Ooh! - Jocelyn, why would I need to buy I lightsaber? - All right, makes sense. - This leads towards the next level! - Why are there so many tunnels? - Why thank you, Jocelyn. (Jocelyn laughing) - We're so close! Whoa, this level's all white? - If we dirty anything up, mom's gonna kill us. - Guys, if we make it to the end of this level, there's a control panel that will allow me to see where the sabotage came from. - Well, it looks like we all made it here all right. - We're still missing Kayla and Elizabeth. - Wait. Where's William? - These tunnels are so confusing. - I have this obby thing figured out. I know everything there-- (screaming) Ooh! - [Daniel] So, how'd that go for you? - I don't want to talk about it, okay? - Guys, those trap cannons used to not be turned on. Someone just activated them. - That means someone doesn't want us to finish this. - If we get through this, I will take working out way more seriously. - Really? - I will take working out a little more seriously than I did before. - These platforms are barely bigger than my foot. - Oh! That's weird, normally I-- Ooh! Ah, there it is. - Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Don't step in the chips, they'll send you back. - They're just Doritos. - How am I supposed to know that in this place? - I got it! It's a pattern! One, two, miss! Huh, that's weird. I mean, normally this is when the second one comes out. You would think-- Ooh! - Thank you so much to PopJam for sponsoring this video. - PopJam is a fun, safe place, where you can be creative, build your own profile, and find and follow the things you love. - You can create your own amazing artwork using filters, brushes, stickers, and your own creativity. - PopJam is free to download on the App Store and Google Play Store. - I'm gonna take the "Which Shiloh and Bros Sibling are You?" Quiz. I got Judah. They know. - Make sure to check out PopJam cause we will be on there and interacting with you guys. - Back to the obby! Judah, did you give up? - Me? No. I'm just resting. It is very important to rest. - What are you doing? - Calculating my next jump. Figure if I have a 45-degree angle, seven-and-a-half miles an hour. Watch this. Ahh. (yelling) Ooh! I forgot to calculate in my natural derp factor. - Oh! Giant loaves of bread! Ooh! - Those are the things you can't touch. - Okay, so I can touch to Doritos, but not giant loaves of bread? - Duh. Ahh! - Whoa oh! (grunting) I'm stuck. - Ooh! I'm so sorry for you! But since you're there anyway. Can I just get over here, and uh, okay. Thank you! - You're welcome! - Ooh, do you mind if I? - No, I'm out! - Ah, no! Ooh! Ah, ah, ah, no! Ooh! Okay, we can do this! Ah, ah! Yes, yes! No! Ooh! - There it is! Okay, this will allow me to find out where the source of the sabotage came from. - And the source came from. Judah? - Okay so, I have this message on my phone for a thousand free Robux, so I clicked it and then it started downloading, and then before you know it, I got a virus. - That would allow them to sabotage the ninja facility. - I didn't know that! - Wait, then who messaged Judah? - My, my, my. Look who we have here. - It's... Wait, who are you? I have literally never seen this man before in my life. - It's Kendall. But why Kendall? - Do you know how hard it is for a short guy to be ninja champion? - I mean, Shiloh's shorter than you are. I feel like-- - It's impossible! My only choice was to sabotage this place. - I mean, I feel like you had trained hard, that probably would be-- - I sent the distress signal, I cut the wires, and now I get to win this. I will be ninja champion! (dramatic music) - Go go go go! - Oh no. (dramatic music) - Are we inside or outside? - I don't even know man! With these obbies, I don't even know! - What did you just do? - I activated sudden death. - If we take one fall, we get taken back to the very beginning. - Ah, no! No! - You couldn't make it past the first challenge either! - Makes me feel better about myself. - He doesn't have complete control until he wins the obby, and is crowned ninja champion. (dramatic music) We have to finish the obby before him! - One fall and you're out! - Ooh! (dramatic music) - Ooh! - Ahh! Ooh! (dramatic music) - Ooh! - No! (all gasping) - We have to keep going! (dramatic music) - No no no no no! Ooh! (all gasping) (Kendall laughing) - Ha! I told you Elijah was gonna get out next, pay up. - I need to borrow $20. (dramatic music) (all cheering) (dramatic music) - Ah! Ooh! (all gasping) - Yeah! (all cheering) - He's cheating! No! Come on! (all gasping) - No! (upbeat music) (Kendall screaming) (upbeat music) - Hey, an ad for free Robux! - [All] No! (upbeat music)
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 38,612,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox obby, obby, roblox obby in real life, obby in real life, in real life, irl, obby new map, roblox but in real life, real life, video game, game, roblox videos, roblox irl, roblox obby skit, roblox funny, funny, funny roblox moments, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, shiloh nelson, elijah nelson, if everything was like roblox, easy obby
Id: h1yvhYsueAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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