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boys I found my new wife wait really Yup she's perfect one chocolate ice cream please hey back off buddy no cutting in line I was here first whoa this girl's so mean that's so hot bad news buddy I know that girl she's got a boyfriend already wait really that means I gotta steal her from him gotta go all right guys so right now I am at Carrie's house and we are about to go on a date imma say you ready for our dates she just said yep let's go guys I have not gone on a date with Carrie in a forever and what the Sonic the Hedgehog wait he just said stop right there Carrie wait guys Sonic what are you doing here wait ladies and gentlemen what is going on right now I'm here to make Carrie my wife Carrie just said me what wait wait wait wait wait wait oh whoa pause I'm gonna say uh back up buddy uh she is already my girl what bro she's literally my girlfriend what is happening Charlie just said so what you don't deserve her he just said I am way better than you I'm gonna say uh no you're not are you crazy Sonic just said yes I am you know what I'll prove it I challenge you to a competition to see who's the better boyfriend winner gets Carrie guys this whole idea of a competition is insane since Carrie's already my girlfriend but this is probably the only way to get Sonic to leave her alone so I'm gonna say deal when I win You're Gonna Leave Her alone alone gonna win all right you know what bring it on Sonic I'm gonna kick your blue butt okay guys Sonic brought Carrie and I into Sonic simulator which means this is where the first challenge is gonna be oh my God wait he just said a girls love guys that are fast so we're gonna race to the end of this street bro that is unfair you're literally Sonic the Hedgehog he's known for being fast what first one to the beach over there wins okay I see the water that is where we are running to he's counted it down in three two one go oh what the heck guys we are racing right now we are both on the trail and I am literally going as fast as I can but your boy Sonic is way too fast Oh my he took a bounce pad and shot all the way over there what what is already coming back oh my God okay guys I'm pretty sure it's clear I lost the first challenge he just said I win I am way better for Carrie bro that pause I better say no way buddy there are still more challenges I will not lose again he said good luck oh I'm gonna kick your butt dude okay guys it is time for the next challenge and you know what I decide the challenge the the race was unfair so I'm gonna say Sonic I'm picking the next challenge and it's gonna be a build off okay whoever builds the best gift for Carrie wins this round okay I feel like that's fair because you know it's it's obviously to see who's better for Carrie he just said I'm winning the rest of these challenges easy yeah right buddy no way Terry just said come on Dylan you got this I know I do so I just said I'll build her something she loves and I'll build it fast okay whatever you say buddy let's go ahead and get into build mode and get started there is no freaking way I lose this okay I literally live with Carrie I know what she likes guys I do know exactly what I'm going to build for Carrie okay she has a lot of stuffed animals but one of her favorites is the hyper bear that I'm holding right here in my hands it's very soft and cute which means this if I can build this boom easy win I literally have him on my desk as a reference okay and the items in this game are actually perfect for it so I'm gonna kick Sonic's butt now to start this build off guys I need to build the body of the Angry Bear okay and you guys can see he's got you know a round body just like this so that actually works out then what I gotta do is attach the legs which is honestly also a piece of cake boom yo that looks identical right now you see that we're also gonna use these exact same pieces for his you know little like nub arms arms go there just like that I think I do need to make them a little bit smaller so they have that like cute vibe to it oh body set up now I will say the head is going to be the hardest part to build of the hyper bear but I think I still should be able to pull it off I'm trying so hard guys guys I don't know how I pulled it off but I actually got the kind of rounded edges it's not perfect but I will say it is a lot better than I expected it to look so I will take it now before I actually start adding any detail I want to get the right color this is actually starting to look really really good if you guys ever wanted to build your own hyper bear in a bloxburg this is exactly how to do it honestly this is way easier than I expected it place the ear okay that's not as bad as I thought you know from a distance up close looks a little wonky but that's okay now that we got that it's time to work on his cute little face mouth is made the button nose is added now we gotta add the eyes and I actually have a trick to the eyes that I wasn't sure uh if it would work but now that I'm messing around with it y'all this actually works perfectly oh my God wait oh there we go there you go I panicked for a second but I figured it out oh my God the eyes work that actually freaking worked holy cow a little bit of this a little bit of this there we go that's good enough guys I did it your boy got the Angry Bear done oh my God bro that looks so good I'm gonna say in the chat right now building is over time to judge Cameron just said all right Sonic hit you first so let's see what you made Sonic just said okay all right what did this Suave Hedgehog freaking built he built pixel art flowers and hearts I'm not gonna lie it's cute okay the Shadows were there Carrie just said okay Dylan your turn all right I'ma say Carrie I made you a stuffed animal it's angry bear oh God what is how is she gonna react to this yes she just said you win Dylan so I just said I'll admit it's not terrible Sonic's build was good but it was a little basic which is why I won so I just said whatever all right he just said time for the next challenge all right bring it on buddy let's go okay guys so we are now in a Roblox yeeta friend for the next challenge what is Sonic gonna say he just said it girls love strong guys whoever can throw a person the furthest wins and Sonic is holding me right now okay you know what guys I have a chance at winning this because I have Robux I'm gonna say brb give me uh like two minutes and well he gives me that two minutes I am gonna go spend some money on pets first things first though I am buying the mega Lucky Game Pass because that will literally make me the luckiest person in the server I'm also gonna buy Triple hatch so I can hatch as many pets as I want according to the tab list so Sonic has 200 000 power in this game which means that's how much I gotta be so well we're opening some more pets guys not only do I want to beat Sonic in this challenge I want to absolutely crush him so I'm opening everything okay we got some more legendaries I want this guy though the red one yes here we go I got the Mythic and while I was opening slimes I also have a bunch of legendaries which means I can combine them to make uh shiny ones I now have all three pets equipped we got the Mythic legendary and the Epic time to go over here and go over to Sonic and bro Sonic's right here saying hey Carrie looking good and she's backing up he's hitting on my girl okay Sonic I'm ready to throw oh it's time to throw down boys it is time all right we're in intermission mode right now but Sonic and I can line up and let's see you can throw a person the furthest it's time to throw in three two one yikes okay guys my power right now is at 456 000. meanwhile Sonics was at like 200k and it is very very clear that uh yeah I threw myself way further than Sonic threw me yup I'm in first place I'm gonna say I win he just said hey you cheated you spent Roblox oh my I'm gonna say take an L buddy doesn't matter then I'm gonna say having money never hurt when you're getting a girl so uh it's fair time for the next challenge guys I don't know what the heck this next challenge is but Carrie is trapped to Dynamite and uh she just said get me out of here Dylan now bro don't let me get blown up I'm gonna say Sonic what's going on y'all I am so confused Sonic set this one up I have nothing to do with this Sonic just said girls love guys that can save them yeah clearly he just said that there's a key hidden in one of these boxes oh my God whoever can find the key first and save her wins oh my whoa what this is crazy dude he just said go oh okay guys that there is literally a timer right now until Carrie blows up we need to start searching and find this freaking key oh my I'm like panicking right now but it is fine guys Sonic is looking over there and he is picking up the boxes I not even know you can do that in bloxburg but oh so this is how we see where the freaking key is okay so literally I just open up a bunch of these and pick them up and then I just see what's going on okay let me go ahead and just place that there uh is it underneath one I like the double stacked one no it's not oh my God okay guys I'm panicking right now the problem is I don't know what boxes Sonic has picked up and uh what boxes he has it there are also some drawers here that I can open maybe there's like a key hidden inside here no nothing can I pick up the barrels no I can't bro Kerry just said Dylan I oh my God I am trying she said what's taking so long I don't know oh okay he just he just picked that one up uh no no hey move it buddy let me go ahead and pick that one up okay there's nothing where is the key y'all I'm running out of time please there's got to be something over here okay let me go ahead and uh put that down anything no what about under here no Carrie just said are you even trying I am I literally just said I'm trying and Sonic just said don't worry I'll save you I'm gonna say shut up Sonic okay guys literally I need to find this key right now otherwise I'm going to lose my whoa the so I just said you're job not buddy I got the key now which means I can open this door yes okay there we go get carry up real quick and I'm gonna say gutter Sonic just said I lost this too impossible I'm gonna say uh no it's not I win like I said you won't win any other challenges I'm better bro that's just how it is I'm better he said I'll win the next one see how right dude all right guys we are now in a wall punch simulator dude I've been kicking the Sonic's butt okay but he just said the best boyfriends know how to use their fish whoever breaks through all of the walls over their first wins oh my God okay here's the thing guys I've spent Roblox on this game before look at this I have crazy pets I have these a super dope unboxing gloves I'm not gonna lose this I'm gonna say you're going down buddy boy Carrie just said it you got this deal oh I'ma say even Carrie is rooting for me oh that's gonna make Sonic mad okay he just said yeah right all right let's go ahead and get in line buddy I'm gonna say go ahead and count it down I am busting down these walls before he even has a chance to beat me he just said ready three two one go okay it started all right guys we both are breaking down these walls and hey wait what the wait guys why do I not why is Sonic all the way over there Carrie just said Woo go Dylan oh wait how did you win I have pets wait what he just said haha I spent Roblox too what oh my God I let my guard down okay that was very stupid of me but I'm still in the lead I am not losing any more challenges alright guys we are in the next challenge right now and this one was specifically designed to impress Carrie I'm gonna say Sonic this challenge is a chores race okay whoever finishes all of the chores wins you got laundry you gotta make the bed okay you need to make a carry a delicious meal Sonic just said I'm winning the rest of these challenges I'm gonna say bring it on buddy this will really test which one of us is a better okay three two one go okay time to start in the time to do laundry okay uh which one's the washing machine that was the washing machine oh okay it looks like Sonic and I are neck and neck right now Carrie's in the chat saying whoa go Dylan you got this I'm gonna say I know I got this okay I am a master at doing chores so I just said a year going down I'm gonna say no I'm not I uh there's zero chance I go down let's go ahead and take the clothes out of the laundry machine throw them in the dryer Sonic guy are literally even right now okay which is good um I think I should be able to make the bed and cook quicker than Sonic but we shall see clothes are drying come on dry faster and boom there we go okay okay and I'm ahead of Sonic okay guys next up I need to make the bed oh somebody got in the bed what an idiot oh he messed up okay there we go bed is made yes I'm on to the next round Sonic is still making the bed it is time to start cooking let's go ahead and take ingredients and I need to make carries a favorite freaking a meal spaghetti and meatball okay we're gonna go ahead and get started we're Foreman Sonic's cooking right now oh heck is he making Carrie just said let's go do it let's go Dylan now we frying the meatballs Sonic just said come on Carrie root for me instead oh my God he's he's getting put that Carrie just said ah oh God okay here we go come on cook cook the balls are balling right now in the pan we're good I don't know what the heck Sonic's making but he is he is he is chefing away over there too all right now we gotta boil the noodles and there we go and just go right here Boom place that down take a portion serve it in front of Carrie and I'm gonna say there you go uh spaghett and meatballs oh she's eating it Sonic's not even done cooking yet Carrie just said of my fave at all Sonic just finished cooking he's got bacon and eggs he just said how did you cook so fast I'm gonna say um just enough better let's go Terry's still eating the spaghetti and meatballs Sonic just said you're cheating there's no way you can keep winning these I'm not cheating my guy he just said you're lying let's settle this one Center for all one more challenge a winner takes all what I'm in the lead that's not fair what he just said I don't care okay you know what guys it is unfair but I need to settle this for Carrie I'm gonna say fine I'm in but under one condition Carrie chooses the next challenge I think that's fair he said okay Bet all right Carrie choose the next challenge okay guys we are in the last challenge right now and Carrie got to decide it uh she just said the last challenge is trivia whoever knows the most about me wins oh guys okay I'm not gonna lie this challenge is a little rigged for me uh I'm already her boyfriend I'm gonna say this is gonna be easy Sonic just said I'm winning this I'm gonna say new here not to buddy I'm already with her well oh it started she just said first question when is my birthday guys that is a piece of cake her birthday is October 19th Sonic said oh I know October what how did you know that I mean you could Google it but like how did oh my God this dude did his research okay um yeah Carrie said correct okay now I am a little nervous all right guys I need to focus our next question what's my favorite color uh Pink you want fast answers I answer fast boom Carrie said correct Sonic said bro I'm gonna say easy I'mma win this world there's no way I Lose I'm so I'm tweaking right now though Carrie just said next what's my favorite animal we got four dogs it's a dog imma say uh specifically our four dogs yep I want bonus points yeah that's right Sonic you wanna you wanna play trivia you want to answer fast I'm fast Carrie said wow correct I'm gonna say uh what you gotta say to that Sonic he just said nah what do you mean nah we're up 2-1 right now how tall am I Sonic just said five three I'm gonna say wrong uh she is uh five foot oh five five five feet tall that's right Terry's short come back Dylan yeah Booyah oh my God bro I need to do a dance for that hold up let me let me hit him with uh louder yep say that correct yep yep yep so I just said no way I'm gonna say you're losing this a buddy he said I was for sure okay last one are you ready yep I think honestly no matter how this goes I'm gonna win okay true or false do I look fat in this trick question you never tell a girl she looks fat false you look perfect I answered first Sonic said of course not but I said my answer first he said not fair Carrie said Dylan wins I'm gonna say uh that's right Sonic I am the better man and I just proved it he said no you're not I'ma say then why'd I win I'm toxic let's go he said you two must have cheated he knew the answers ahead of time I was saying nah I mean I did but that's the whole point that's the whole point you're supposed to know the answers so I just said something that got real hashtag he said this sucks oh no and then he said I just wanted you to be mine oh why do I feel bad for him now and he just sort of cry no oh my God he's crying and now he's running away okay guys I'm be real I feel bad for him but hey he tried to step up where he couldn't Step Up imma say yeah that's a dub I went
Channel: HyperPlays
Views: 353,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROBLOX, hyper, hyper roblox, roblox hyper, fun
Id: f3M9eYrC8GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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