Adopted By A BILLIONAIRE FAMILY In Minecraft!

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gosh we're finally here at the toy store oh yeah oh my gosh I'm about to get so many toys me too I'm so excited to see all the options and oh my gosh is that a three-headed alien give me we can buy whatever we want thank you got it all right I want to get this horsey give me the horsey oh this looks so cute hey bro hey you two do you even have any money to buy any of this stuff uh uh money what do you mean by that no money what's money you know to pay for things all right I'm guessing you don't have any both of y'all out of the store hey why do we need money I saw the horsey I saw the horsey get out of here give me those or I'll do something to you uh-oh what I'll hit you with this why do you have a sword out I know you have one too yo guys come back come back it and you know what I'm going to take one of these magma cubes give it the mag Cube get over here oh no oh gosh oh gosh drop the toys oh okay I have no toys on my gosh you dro the toys red boy I already dropped damn jeez hey what are you doing hey stop stop it stop doing that to my friend drop the toys I dropped them jeez Jos I think we should get out of here gosh this guy's crazy get out oh my gosh I'm going I'm going oh oh ow ow I can't believe there's a guy like that in the toy store yeah he's mean can you believe that she says we need this thing called money but I don't even have any money I'm tired of not getting what I want yeah how do we supposed to get stuff if we don't have any money I don't know but wo cash look at that place right there it just looks like a big house what do you mean that place must have a lot of money right yeah they could probably buy whatever they want they could probably buy as many toys as they want gosh yeah we should probably go back to our home before the caretakers catch us though yeah we have to go back to the daycare when are we going to get adopted cash probably never what do you bean oh gosh the caretaker's right there oh gosh is she going to be mad at us that We snuck away I don't know maybe we should sneak in through the side all right let's do it go go go go go go go okay sneaking cash I don't think there's an entrance back here there is trust me wait there is yeah over here are you sure yes I'm sure there's a window back here okay okay now how are we going to get up I can carry up there okay ready okay it's not working cash doesn't work wait it will work trust me okay you ready yep did it work we did it nice now break in cash what do you think you're doing here uh nothing sitting ni uh hello to caraker oh my get down from there now oh oh you two are going to get hurt come on why was he up there oh gosh I don't know you got a lot of explaining to do cash oh no I don't want to get in trouble please please don't put me in timeout caretaker please I'm sorry I have to no no no don't make me count to 10 you're going to count to 20 20 yeah he should go and timeout he was very naughty you too cash G why is this place so messy you know what because you guys have been such bad kids I think it's time for you to clean up clean up this place oh yep all the cobwebs everything sir yes sir you got in trouble stop laughing Kimmy hello who are you I'm just waiting you for my parents random girl she's a random girl don't talk to her you have parents yeah I think I got adopted recently but they left me here no she's a random girl don't talk to her Nico okay random girl I'm not going to talk to you whatever I didn't want to talk to you she's a meanie girl cat doesn't want me to talk to you cuz you're a random girl so get out of my face I'll he hit I'll hit you I don't like me girls never ever hit me I don't like Mean Girls hey yo let her get up let her get up oh oh gosh I'll fight you I Bight oh gosh you know what told me when it gets the girl I bite ew she bit my shoulder ew watch the combo watch the combo look at her oh she has a shovel she has a shovel oh what's the issue hey what's going on drop her the cobwebs Dro her the cobwebs oh yeah oh my get her out of that now no I'm sitting on it she's fake crying she's fake crying trash Nico they B me threw me at the wall help her now oh hi Bob Bob why is that baby so muscular what do you mean you're not friends of Bob hi Bob you be a good one you be a good one I told you she was fake Clank I can't believe you guys are being so mean hurry up and clean oh gosh I don't want to clean this place up neither do I it's gross Bob can you help us Bob what did you do with Kimmy you leave Bob alone he doesn't like you oh oh gosh okay he spits on you p e that's disgusting gross gosh I can't believe I got to clean this place up catch it's all your fault how is it my fault for wanting us to sneak away not true yes true not true oh hello caretaker what am I hearing I'm looking to adopt a child who are those people cash I don't know but the caretaker is not responding to her hello lady h hello we're looking to adopt a child possibly oh a child H I've got the perfect ones for you let me see oh okay let's see kimy no not that one oh you can have this kid right here Bob isn't he great no thank you he's quite muscular no I'm good what you don't like Bob what about uh the blue one they're so cute Hello those two are you sure you want them I can do a flip he's very athletic let me show you something cool not cool it's not cool it's not cool oh he's so cute I mean I guess you can have them but they're quite Troublesome what do you mean we're not Troublesome lady Troublesome it's nothing we can't handle I mean if you say so yeah we like little Troublesome kids you want to see Troublesome look at this kid yeah what Bob is an angel yeah he's quite muscular Bob that's a man wait you guys can adopt me you can adopt me J I thought you already had Parents uh you don't need that one Kimmy did you lie to us no I want to get adopted I deserve to be givey back up no look at me oh my gosh that's what she gets oh my thank you Cas he's a killer you know yeah you should take them oh gosh I got skills oh what are their names look at them do we just call them red and blue my name is Nico Nico and uh what are you that's my name cash why are you doing that oh oh heavens I don't want to get adopted by her yes we have to get adopted we have to get adopted oh oh oh ow ow ow ow ow why is Bob looking at me like that okay fine I'll fix her ow oh there we go all righty well honey you grab the red one and I'll grab Nico okay put put down cash don't fight it we have now have parents all right little babies excuse me lady how far away from this place do you live I'm not going down without a fight uh C dad on fire yeah and then I place water yeah these are our new parents it's time to live a life of luxury what do you mean lady why are we going to that big house welcome home my little babies uh welcome home oh yes I hope it's enough wait cash I don't have time for this I was going to go get tickets to go see laf cash this place is their home W it was this was the big building we saw yeah do you know what this means does that mean we get monies I think that means we're living a new life let me get these sheares and cobwebs out of inventory oh yeah we are now going to be rich we are no longer working on the weekend like usual yeah that's what I'm saying we are now living a good life way off in the deep end all right kids well uh it's time to start cleaning I think your butler just died mother what just happened to the butler oh he's a little bit glitched he's glitched yeah he's so silly but he makes a killer salmon oh gosh and cash what are you doing I don't know but what just happened to the dad did the dad disappear too no that's how he heads to the store m H what is he getting from the store okay well do you mind showing us around oh yes of course uh I can't carry you both at once so oh you're back I respawn oh could you grab the red one I'll grab the blue let's show them the home all right so let's go around my name is not red red casat you have to tell them your name it's not red what's his name Jeffrey no your name's not Jeffrey Jeffrey is my name oh my gosh and wao this is a cool room here's your beds oops wait this is our beds yeah yes you guys will be sleeping here wh I'm sleeping next to this guy well there's a space in between oh uh there you go a divider has been put up I can see him through the crack that's just sand I can still see him okay you like me digging right there this is good enough hey what are you doing does this remind you of the daycare no and no need to worry about making your beds we we have Maids for that we have Gordon wait actually so can we remove this cobweb please yeah oh thank you Dad Gordon can make your bed who is Gordon can I meet Gordon he's our Butler he should be downstairs in the kitchen I think okay let's meet him oh my gosh cash this is so cool I know we get to live a new life you forgot the kid honey honey you forgot the kid he can walk he has legs oh gosh I'm getting carried by my mom's I don't mind this is awesome cash what just happened to you he dropped me oh gosh and wait hello does anybody want any food Gordon is that you yes it's me hi I feel like I've seen you before you probably have you look very familiar anyways nice to meet you yes Gordon this is our child Nico and Jeffrey it's not Jeffrey it's cash that's my name it's Jeffrey oh my God go why are you lying about your name because I like it better do you want to live your whole life as Jeffrey yes why is Gordon responding for me wao is that a lobster yes I have a lobster for you oh Lobster I love Seafood I want to try oh that was pretty good yeah you can have the rest thank you and Sons this is our maid oh hello hello is your name Maid no then what's your name she doesn't give that out oh I'm sorry I ass I'm sorry Mom what's your name you called me Mom okay well then you call me Jeffrey yes that's your name thank you all right anyways now that we're here in cash why is your name Jeffrey change your name back to cash fine oh my gosh all right you guys need some better clothes wait actually they've got broke boy onesies on okay we need to get them Rich these are the best clothes in the world though what yeah Gordon get off the table yes what is the butler doing oh sorry I Was preparing the steaks for tonight okay well where are we going to get our new clothes sir well we'll take you to your bedroom we'll have a look there okay we have an outfit area for you guys okay follow the dad all right come on this way cash I'm not going to lie this family is a little bit interesting yeah but it's cool yeah and they have a lot of money so it doesn't matter right yeah honey get down here oh sorry I forgot the child all right I need you to put this child on the other child's head okay perfect perfect get off my head sorry cash I on your head hey speaking of money did you know we have billions what wait wa what what is billions I only know hundreds thousands that's not even as much as this guy I saw on T this guy I saw on t Ste makes millions yeah Millions yeah we made him we make billions well Millions is more than billions right oh no no no did you know that my father was a war veteran what yeah he made trillions yeah wait so you guys are billionaires yeah that's like one over Million by the way oh my gosh yes you know I made zillions once really yeah wow great job I invested into the block Market Cas we didn't talk we didn't talk what do you know how much a billion is like more than a thousand sorry to interrupt everybody but I got you guys some plushies oh my gosh these are the plushies I wanted at the toy store give me my head give me my head oh here you go I got the horse plushy and the magnu plushy oh yeah also are you a boys into comic books we just ordered the casan Niko ones the casano comic books oh yes but they'll be here in a few days give me a oh my gosh I'm so excited I don't want to wait all right I forgot what about our clothes oh yes we brought them into the wrong room honey clothes clothes not clothes clothes here I'll put them on his head again all right let's go wait I think I saw something back there you saw something where hey it's a robber get oh gosh Rob get out who is That Yo oh it's fine it's fine he probably only stole 1 billion we have many more the bedroom's this way honey okay time to put these clothes on cash and let's get rich oh yeah and check us out cash oh hello wo you look good yeah you too stunning wo I'm in a suit I got a red tie on oh my gosh a baby in a suit that is a sight to see this is awesome G where's your dad oh he's outside the window oh hello boys are you done who's that creeping through my window all right why were you standing so close to the edge dad I was just making sure there wasn't a robber on the balcony they just come out of the roof sometimes it's random oh gosh who's that right there oh you like me digging right there oh get him dad get him oh oh oh he's dead they're gone oh my gosh all right guys time for dinner okay oh perfect wait dinner's ready are already of course oh my gosh here I'll pick the ma up please be careful on the stairs what is this kid doing um hello don't worry it's what my parents do I think they like you maid cash what do you trying to do she's too heavy hey you never say that cash that's mean okay fine all right wao what is this welcome oh yes make the red carpet yes is this the dining table this place is huge yes this is the dining table son but get off the table no standing on the table gosh what oh honey be gentle they're just little ones all right I'm ready for my food can I have a triple deck of raw salmon sandwich please Gordon serve us please what oh of course of course all righty I will go get the food what is this SE grass we can't eat this gross Mom you're kind of far away oh yes Mommy and Daddy sit down here you guys sit over there ew you're eating this Dad this is disgusting this is great oh vegetables now come sit down here be next to your father cash you got to come over here ni why are you so far away you're getting quieter well that's cuz you were super far from me oh my gosh you got to control yourself what all righty I have prepared the meal all right seagrass oh oh my gosh is a s Burger why did you get a hamburger because this is what I like Bunga made it oh my gosh well it's fine I get sushi that's still really good did Bunga make this I'm ordering bu sh to come in here right now Bunga wait who's Bunga oh goodness Bunga come in now wait is that the name of the maid leave her alone he's my cook no she's the name of the cook oh bunga bunga I need you here now bucha I don't think the cook exist wait I hear a phone reading oh it's mine hello hey it's Mark oh hey Mark how's it going listen things are getting really busy around the workplace and I'm going to need you and your wife to come in a little early tomorrow okay that's all right and I'm going to need you to work from home yeah that's fine that's fine okay wait what what well you're not going to ask for a raise or anything okay cool just wanted to make sure I just wanted to make sure no I'm chilling I don't need raise you know I got all that money from my dad yeah chilling yeah you're going to be working like 16 hours a day now just for a little bit okay wait 16 hours a day that's like oh my gosh just for a couple of years okay all right all right that's fine all right Mark see you I'm eting dinner bro all right cool yeah see you all right love you sorry what getting rid of that phone what is going on W W who $60 a day I heard that okay I have to propose something to you boys okay okay I don't mean get married okay I'm not weird but anyways I'm going to have to only keep uh one of you guys the other one is going to have to go back to the adoption center what no way oh I'm so sorry boys just let me know which one of you wants to stay Nico wants to leave I want to stay no cash wants to leave I want to stay okay no no no no no get him out no no honey give them a fair chance maybe they should fight for it what okay I like that idea so we're going to do a Nico versus Jeffrey competition no it's a NCO versus cash competition cash oh yeah we have to prove who's the better son me it's obviously me I just proved it with my words it's me no just look at me cash I'm amazing oh I have a suit on we will go to a village wait what I can't watch this I I can't just tell me who you pick we will do some challenges between you boys some challenges yes wait oh gosh okay we will head to the village now Gordon put the other one on my lap yeah hey not on my head again no ow I'm on his head no I've never done rich people challenges this sounds so fun but cashier going down wo look at this wao get in oh gosh oh gosh oh wait am I in the trunk I think I'm in the trunk right now oh gosh you know what it's fine whatever oh wait never mind all right we're here all right well what are we doing here this is where the challenges will start offset local X offset local Z what's our first challenge how are we going to do this hello you guys don't have a lot of money do you hey guys I am starving hey hey poor people be quiet please you can take the SE if you want it back off look at them fighting over it to my two son hav eaten in weat please be quiet oh gosh Dad don't you think you should give them some food because you have all that money they're breathing the broke all over me hey that's not very nice anyway be quiet son hey guys anyone want to trade with me oh my God yo that was messed up Dad that was kind of mean okay everybody listen up we are going to be doing a scavenger hunt between two of you oh yeah okay I have hidden gold nuggets around the village and whoever finds the most will win I'm going to win no that's going to be me starting now no it's going to be me W gold nuggets gold nuggets gold nuggets I got to go I got to go go where are the gold nugget oh that house doesn't even lead anywhere ni stop talking you're distracting me wait is it in the chest oh I found a gold nugget they in the barrels Nico stop oh thanks oh I should have said that I have three already found one I have four oh four now let's go okay come on come on come on I have five I have seven I have eight no I have five I have nine wait no no no no no okay I have six I have 10 I have 11 oh no I cannot lose the cash I have 12 I have 13 I have 14 I 15 I have 16 I have 17 you are lying no oh no oh no what do I do what do I do you stole my barrels there's no way cash is going to win this Dad how much time do we have left 30 seconds all right oh I found a gold nuggets 30 seconds oh gosh we need to do this quick oh gosh the time is running out I cannot lose the cash I need to sa in this family oh gosh Dad how much time how much time 5 Seconds no yes oh what did I just hear I think I just heard something ni was that you sorry I let went out okay place your winnings in each chest which chest what chest are you talking about I am getting them okay all right I'll place my winnings on the right side Nico we got to split up these chests dude okay okay there we go I'm placing mine in this one okay mine's in this one bang okay here's my winnings I got seven and cash I think you got six which means dad how'd you get that b gold nuggets hey anyone want to trade with me hey what what what are you doing now okay he was interrupting our intervention that's just a citizen hey hey hey hey please please boys some change dad what are you doing please give me some gold please please please what just happened in front of my eyes all right back to it turn around boys anyways here are my winnings six gold nuggets okay Nico 7 cash six what all right Nico wins this one but this isn't the only challenge so don't be sad what all right you want to go to the next challenge or should we just let Nico win I won the first challenge next challenge all right let's go come on oh gosh there's more challenges oh whatever I'll beat you in the next one casha get in the car all right hop in the flying Spar all right we're here all right we're here we hopped out of the Flying Star what son do you like my flying Bentley spur uh what does that mean it's a very expensive car okay whatever what is this anyways welcome to the maze this is all gold and Maids why do they have bags over their heads oh we can't see anything hey why does one sound like that I'm just living my best made life you know I don't know I just hired them I paid them like a couple dollars so all right what is this game well this is the uh maze game okay the Scary Maze Game game so how do we play ooh so the maids are blindfolded as they uh as you can see so they can't actually see oh okay hey am I going the right way anyways pick which maid that you would like to instruct through the maze I want to do the pumpkin one okay I want the bag head yeah who's picking me okay well so go to the top and you guys will instruct the maids oh to go through the maze yes oh my gosh what are they doing please help me I can't see oh gosh what and the first B to make it to the end wins yes oh who hit me yeah come on bhe head go oh gosh okay I'm closing Off the Wall pumpkin B you got this okay pumpkin B go straight no don't go that way other way left yes that way pumpkin go left no wrong way wrong way left yes pumpkin B go straight straight right yes yes now left left okay straight straight no no no no stop Yes keep going and then go right backwards pumpkin maid backwards left left left okay you know what this was the last cause go what are you doing straight and then left oh my gosh and now straight and keep going straight are you going to lead me or what okay uh go go straight go straight I am going straight I'm not moving okay backwards backwards backwards oh you hit a wall you hit a wall clearly I hit a wall this is the right way nope keep going okay go right go right right now go left left okay straight straight now take a right right straight straight I take a left yep keep going left straight straight stra left left and I think this is the end straight strain straight strain am I going the right way yes you're at the end oh I am to a right right straight straight backwards oh backwards yes that way oh okay left left we win oh I did it oh yeah straight straight easy I think we lost wait we lost oh you're horrendous terrible no no you're terrible and what is Bob doing in here oh Bob oh gosh Bob got big oh my gosh what's happening to me all right where's our dad all right you two cash obviously was the winner Jeffrey oh my gosh well you picked the better maid yeah I did my maid couldn't even see anything I think I paid one of them Less on accident oopsie what anyways welcome to the next challenge what is this can any of you guess what it is parkour is this a money parkour yes it's just regular parkour but we'll call it money parkour for fun okay well is this the first person richen wins yeah pretty much I'm going to get the Head Start yo okay let's R do that cash I'm still going to beat you hey he's going without me go on cash go gosh this parkour is so difficult I'm going you move cash you're not going to beat me oh yeah I activated super sonic mode do you know what that means no I'm behind you that means I'm going to be super fast all right there's no way that you're going to beat me wait you're far away huh I'm hyping myself up right now wait is that where you're standing still ow all right I'm winning this let's go let's go I'm making it oh my gosh that was a really close jump right there cash why you making those sound effects because I'm right behind you all right oh gosh what is this this looks like money or this could be seaweed can't believe if I still made that jump did you feel that jump cash no look I'm falling wait what oh you ran out my tail oh gosh oh yeah wait are these gold money signs what gosh these parents are so rich I need to be a part of this family all right come on and wait is that a huge bomb over there what the heck oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh I wish I failed that jump that would be really bad ew gross cash I'm beating you Bob do something wait is that a line of something get him are you referencing something I'm just telling Bob to get you no I'm running you're not going to get me because cash I have three jumps away and I'm going to win I'm four jumps away which means I'm better than you hey what are you doing hey I be you no yeah no and dead did you see that congratulations you won I didn't do that mean I could be your son yeah you're my son now sorry cash back to the adoption center no no no no cash cash are you serious all right let's head back to the Flying Bly spur wait wait no stop stop stop I don't want to be your son if I can't be friends with cash why is that guy there uh who oh hi Bob don't worry that's just Bob doing Bob I had enough of the guy ow okay what were you saying bud I don't want to be your son if I can't be friends with cash you know what I don't even want you as my son any anyways see you wait what are you serious oh yeah I'm about to go flying Billy spur you know what you w mean dad anyways bye oh gosh CH is going to be so mad at me yes I'm alone I'm here oh hey Bunga how you doing my name's not Bunga it's n why did you leave the family you got adopted because they didn't want me and also I didn't want to be with them anyways they were mean to people well then I'll go be their son wait what yeah God it doesn't work like that what do you mean oh my gosh you know what I'm coming with you then why is the caretaker eating watermelon I don't know let's go if you're noty Quick Cash Adventures on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 984,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: duzycrRZl4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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