Wedding Photography: Lightroom Classic Wedding Photo Editing

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh hi it's me what's up y'all I'm having so many technical difficulties but we're in here hopefully this stuff is gonna be working out so bear with me but I'm basically gonna be calling and editing the last wedding I did or my first wedding of the year so you all will be able to hang out with me while I'm doing that ask me any questions about anything that I'm doing or about the wedding itself and kind of go from there this wedding I got a whole bunch of footage for two so I should be doing a behind-the-scenes of it as well it's gonna take me a hot minute to get there though usually I like to edit the photos first before I even start touching the video because it's just much easier that way so yeah and before I get up in there let me I'm still kind of setting up my area making sure it looks making sure it looks right audios delayed there's no way everything is just so like today's the worst I couldn't open I couldn't open Lightroom I was having all these issues a look at that inception y'all can see me there in the corner the worst the worst all right there we go so we are in photo mechanics to start out and we'll be kind of calling from there I wish you know it let me let me change the angle see if that works for me yeah that's what we want let's see we got chilly in the house we got Belgium in the house we got the UK y'all coming from the whole world I need a slightly delayed I don't even understand how we got my boy Josiah blizzard up in here definitely check out his channel if you have not seen it he has really cool speaking of behind the scenes actually let me grab his stuff for you real quick oh I can't even spell his name on the worst there we go check him out if you don't know him he also does some behind-the-scenes stuff as a YouTube channel that California in the house bright and early what is it like 9:00 in the morning for you all we gotta eat chipped in the house fuzzy feedback come on man about the gym there's always some kind of issue can't just stream we got Italy in the house Miami Greece house it is the audio any different now it's probably a little too hot to well you know what I can do I can watch my own stream and see what it sounds like y'all are about to get a audio Inception some I'm sorry for audio inception oh we got my boy Kenneth Kenneth on the stream we got a Germany oh yeah that's bad I'm sorry y'all that's horrible let's see can we do anything about yeah yeah I'm just gonna like this my good friend the Yeti Mike you thank you for that sub alright get you're getting closer off by all I'm just dropping stuff my whole world audio is good now it's probably out of sync but whatever we can we'll work with that oh yeah that's much better and I can turn this thing down actually it's not so bad okay no more audio inception we in there we got that audio I should have just trusted this beautiful mic before I always just let it hang I need to get an arm for it I had an arm but I don't like to use it it's just kind of all over the place most of the time let me just a judge adjust my camera all right okay 15 15 whole minutes to trying to figure out my life let's go ahead and get into this so like I said at the beginning this is me editing my first wedding of the year so I'm gonna go through and call it and I'm gonna start editing it we'll see how far I get and we'll also see if my computer restarts again because it's been doing that for some reason recently welcome to the world of PC I guess I'm trying to get a Mac Pro that's my if that's my goal I'm gonna get a Mac Pro at some point my wife hates me for saying it but i'ma try I'm being there I had a second on this day so I'm actually gonna start with their photos I like to get the second photographer photos out of the way cuz I usually tend to not use as many of their photos anyway so may as well just kind of start out by getting their stuff out of the way and if you all are not familiar with photo mechanic that is what I'm using using the scroll wheel on my mouse and pressing five to five star stuff and it's it's pretty straightforward I like to basically call as fast as I can [Music] can you show us how your presets presents presents work with event lighting situations yeah I'll definitely get into that if you hang out for a minute you'll see it because once I start editing you know you have like the reception and stuff like that so basically what the second photographer's work I'm just kind of seeing what shots are gonna work out for me that I can use I know I have kind of like the main shot so I'm just looking for nice angles or something different from what I know that I shot [Music] but a lot of this like the groom's section and stuff like I don't need that stuff cuz I know already have it she's actually also good about taking photos of me working so it's nice oh yeah okay a Jay JB collab I didn't even think about that we are both JV a fully JB collab what is photo mechanics Oh photo mechanic is a program that lets you it's nice for calling I actually used maybe 10% of the program but it is extra fast because it uses the actual JPEG like renderings or the previews that are saved with your RAW files so it's way way faster than using Lightroom for color your images I mean you can see me here scrolling through it it doesn't have to load anything it's pretty much just straight up going through the photos very quickly and it makes it easy to just be like okay here we go buh-buh-buh-buh-buh balloons and call out the photos that I need hey Francesca what's up welcome to the stream I'll take it I'm actually gonna shower from the top I'll take it so yeah like she tends to shoot a lot of these with the 23 vertically and I like never shoot at all with the 23 vertically so it's nice that I have those little separate shots in there and that's me coaching the groom about the first look and then typically my second photographer does the wide shot and then I'll be getting the close-up of the groom so this is yet again the second photographer her capturing the wide symmetrical shot of them at the first look [Music] [Music] she also does these really dope wide shot so I always love to hey Barlow what's up welcome to the stream yeah photo camp photo mechana is like if your wedding photographer is the only way to deal with your photos if you're not using photo mechanic already you need to get on it there's me at this moment I do a very nice er make a cool gift with the sequins of him looking at the bride yep do you have Shoebridge a peg in order to use photo mechanic you don't so if you just shoot raw only photo mechanic will be able to all the signs all dirty because basically every camera like when you're looking at the back of your camera at your photos technically you're just looking at a JPEG like a rendering basically what was this shutter at you have 125th got a little motion blur in there yeah built into the JPEG of every raw that's kind of like if you've ever noticed in Lightroom if you um you like import all your images and they look a certain way and then you and it feels all the way and then you go to start editing oh we got man tier Monday going but you go to start editing and Lightroom in like the photo immediately changes and you're like what what happened you're like why did it change that's because it you were looking at the embedded preview at first [Music] we'll keep yeah these are I love when I get a good second that has like really awesome just adjacent shots to what I've been taken like I always take kind of like the safe shot so it's really cool because I know I always have I like I'll have something that I can use hold up she took these two I even realized me and her were like taking the same kind of shots yeah man tear monday I had a different Instagram account where I used the new man tear Monday where I would like if I was watching a movie or something where like you know the guys in the movies there was cry but just like that the one the one little tear that man tear Monday so this this part of the wedding was kind of funny because so we're outside shooting and one of the people that the venue come over and was telling but like they left like a cup on the ground or something like you can't do that you're like cool it was like Oh y'all want to go to the rooftop and we were like yo dope we gotta get in the rooftops and b.height we get up there and I mean look at this thing you can't see nothing because the walls are mad high and the walls are ugly like okay like we'll work with it I guess here's me using a monopod to get a straight down kind of shot Luke oh what's up welcome to the stream we got more portraits I already have a bunch of this stuff but yet again since I'm over here calling I like to grab whatever but I'm much less picky about the second photographers stuff now she did get somebody's awesome man so we the timeline was all off so we're like chilling we finished up pictures and we're like cool you know cocktail hour is done so we're gonna be great we have time we like cocktail wasn't over it was like we finished photos like 30 minutes to what we thought cocktail are being done was and then we look up and they're like going to the reception so we have to like run up there and try our best to get photos of the reception area before everyone shows up and it was just like this whole thing so here is the intros at the reception yet again this is the second photographers photos I'll be calling mine in just a moment oh yeah yeah Josiah knows that life cuz we were I thought we had time we had like finished their portrait and I was like who we all have 30 minutes to go chill at the cocktail hour we have like mad time and we were just kind of chilling and then you see this migration of everybody and you're like no I was surprised that what I was able to get with being rushed up there like I actually got enough you know like when you get it you're like cool I got what I needed I'm okay even though we had to like rush it um so my second she's using like it's like a cannon flash or something I think and it's like an old one at that so you see her recycle times are pretty bad whereas on my godox flashes especially with the the lithium-ion battery built into it that thing I can shoot hi shadow speed like 11 frames a second and it pretty much keeps up as long as I'm around like one thirtieth of a second so I don't get a lot of this will keep it nice she got the signs again she's really good about like getting stuff that I may have missed or something and I love I love a second photographer like that where you don't even have to ask them and like obviously you end up coming over and being like hey did you shoot this thing delay yeah I got this I got that I got this you like yes and that's why I pay you the big bucks like I tend to pay her more than most all in my seconds what am i using for our webcam I'm actually using my Fujifilm xt3 so I have it connected to my computer and just turned on basically [Music] so this is reception stuff we shoot it a little different so she's using her 23 it looks like I'm at this point Roberto thanks for that sub at this point I'm using the 16 and I'm shooting kind of up and down at people so it's a very it's a very different look so it's nice to have some of these in there just to keep it like kind of fresh and different so now basically I'm just looking for people's reactions any any good reactions at all that I might have from her shots cuz yet again I don't need a lot of the second photographers photos grandma was in there she was getting it [Music] to see for like most of these shots in my opinion these are too close you can't really see what's happening when you shoot for weddings are you always in manual mode yes so when I started I used to do lung aperture priority because it was just easier for me it was less to think about cuz there's a lot when you first start and it's just like you know you got a run the wedding day and make sure everything's fine and then also on the same end think about the lighting and what it looks like and what your camera settings aren't data it's just it's a lot so I was shooting an aperture priority when I started it up there's me that's right I'd be getting down dancing to during the wedding oh oh but um no yeah so I I started shooting the manual because I don't like I be I can't trust the computer in certain times or the compute the camera and I've gotten to the point where like I want to have full control over most everything I don't want to have to rely on me hoping on the camera so that goes the same for um continuous autofocus I don't really use that at all either because that's more yet again just hoping and trusting in your camera and it's like know if I'm gonna take the shot I'm gonna take the shot and I know I'm gonna take a shot I'm gonna put put the little focus work on you and be like yeah if I miss focus I missed focus not continuous autofocus is you can't keep up and then whatever it face detection I can't if it was like portraits or something of that sort it'd be fine but the only time I'm using face detection or continuous autofocus is when I'm shooting like portraits of the couple or something and they're walking towards me or it's like the processional and people are coming into the wedding and walking towards me it's the only time I ever use it because it's a very like you know they're just walking and walking towards you in the cam like okay cool I can see this I can track that and you're kind of like little boom boom a balloon alright so that was the second photographers photos those are all done so now we go to my photos everything here is shot with the HD 3 and I'm using all the f2 lenses and this is the first time I've officially used the 16mm 2.8 let's see I'll switch for a moment I have to ask for a webcam are you choosing photos as you're flipping through yeah it's going really fast you can barely see it but I'm 5 starring them so on my left hand I'm just hitting 5 on the keyboard and while I'm flipping so that and that's literally calling that's how this is how I call I just go through and hit 5 what metering modes are you using I usually use the UM what's that one called where it does everything I'm so bad I can't remember the metering modes let me actually let me grab my other camera the circle in the four squares not centered waited but I can't remember much cause someone someone knows someone who shat nose oh cool so for using your camera as a as a webcam you need well what I've been using is the Elgato cam link which I can drop let me see if I can find it real quick for you all they've got to cam leak gamling 4k evaluative metering thank you guys so that's the Elgato 4k and basically you connect the HDMI of your camera to that now you have to make sure that your camera is set to not output like the screen so like the lines and the metering and everything that it has an ISO and all that stuff so you just have a clean out going right into the camera and then the camel in can hook up with something like OBS and then so I have that in there so that's why I like I also have like this scene where it's just me you can see like more of my room and everything and that stuff I need to get rid of this other this big lamp in the back I'm also gonna make a video about my plant boy sometime soon but so yeah this is just straight up this is the XT 3 I have my general settings on there usually I don't have much lights going on there's windows in front of me here and then I have an LED light back here so that if for some reason the cloud comes through it kind of still lights me well but yeah it looks good I have just enough separation I'm using the 23 f2 on there so it's like fairly wide but not too wide and you still see me and stuff so I like it a lot it looks good yeah okay let's go through my photos so these are my photos for the wedding so one thing I'm pretty huge on to tell a better story is when you get to your venue on the wedding day make sure you shoot the venue and we're talking like one quick photo while you're outside you snap snap like this is where they were this is where they got married how cool and then kind of go on from there so yet again I always get there early and I start out with the bride and if I'm there early with the bride I will go ahead and do her details look at how idiot I am I had my camera set to bracket still so it's like cracking it my first shot of the day prey basically it and I was like great job John you're back on your first wedding and you can't even like you can't even function so also one thing that's nice about photo mechanic is I can go ahead and flip my photos if I need to so that when I go back to Lightroom that stuff's already done you don't have to deal with it did you say OBS is that the software you're using yes I'll be esters so there's two versions of OBS basically there is OBS um like the old-school OBS which is what I've always known which is what I'm using and then this service called stream Labs they also make like an OB s which is a little different I guess I honestly don't know the difference between their OBS so this macro shot was with the 56 with an extension tube on it so I can get nice and close and then here's a shot of the shoes by themselves just to have some extra stuff which camera did you shoot with before Fuji so before Fuji film I was a Canon guy I had the Canon 6d and I shot weddings on that for three years which is scary because it has one card slot I literally shot weddings on a one card slot card like camera dual dual wielding so I had two of them but they each had one card slot and luckily I've never had an SD card failure but yeah I can look back at it I'm like why was i shooting weddings like a single card so lucky nothing happened to me because that's the kind of stuff that ruins your whole business forever you know you lose someone's photos and you can't even say you know sorry you gets too beautiful Bank and then you're done can you recommend a spot in NYC for post-processing not well-versed with Lightroom not everyday shooter I'm an old film photographer doing my best as a wedding photographer um I don't know anywhere in New York particularly but I have used the image salon once last year cuz like I said again I had 40 weddings in it it ended up just being like way too much especially with trying to keep up with YouTube stuff it was just so much so I outsource like one or two weddings and it was really cool actually I liked it a lot basically they have a meeting with you to find out your style and how you like stuff then you call down your images send them to smart previews they edit it based on your own preset so I can literally give them my preset and then I just edit it then I send it back to you you link it back up with your Lightroom make sure it looks fine to export it your doing it is like really cool so here's the groom getting ready yet again these are my main shots it's like you saw earlier my second photographer she had kind of like adjacent shots of everything buying xe2 tomorrow is a bit goodbye yeah so if you were here Drake and you saw those other photos for my second photographer she's using an XD - so the XD - is still a great camera I know the 4 is coming out but if you just need something entry-level and you're not trying to like spend all your money get an XT to get a grip especially if you're mainly doing stills it is a really awesome camera I will say when I upgrade it from the two to the three the three definitely was a better upgrade it um it's a little bit faster with the focusing and the the photo quality does look a little bit better I don't think it's the megapixels that they added but something that they changed I think it's the sensor because the sensor is different I can definitely clearly see a difference in the photos let's see is your 23 soft at times I have many issues with mine so Brian depending on what you're shooting what I noticed when I was on the XT - is that the 23 f/2 would miss focus a fair amount actually but when I brought it to my ex t3 that didn't happen so it actually a couple of my second photographers shots you can kind of see it but it was just like back focus for like no reason at all it's my first time having pictures of the groom putting in earrings - it was kind of cool getting frisked and his join me in there let's see if I have see if I have a spritz of the no it doesn't look like it so I'm just gonna put the shoes that was good what is your criteria for calling so I taught a class on this like a while ago but I like to use what I call the yes method of culling where I'm only choosing photos that I'm mentally saying yes to so I really don't have a lot of criteria like if it looks good if it's sharp even if it's not sharp if there's good emotion in the photo if I kind of like what's happening then I pretty much grab it and I know I do have some spritz in there this bridesmaid photo so yeah basically with the yes method of culling you're focusing more on what photos you want and yes because it's easier to say yes the things you can call faster then being concerned about what you don't want so I don't focus on what I don't want or what I don't like I'm focusing mainly on yes I want that yes I want that this is good this is good this is good and then from that I get a quicker cull cuz I can just go through me like yes yes yes yes yes yes that's good that's good that's good that's good this yes yes yes and that's pretty much it during your wedding day you should have an idea of what kind of photos you want in light so that's a big thing too like culling shouldn't be going through your photos and just being like there are so many photos and I don't like any of them you you should have an idea of what you were doing already and what you want it so then when you're culling it's more just like you know like yeah here are my wider shots yes here are my closer shots yes and you know you take a couple just to have some options so like something like this I take a bunch of photos because I want options of their facial expressions to see what's happening and stuff rather than it just being like I have one or two photos opinion upgrading to the 5d Mark four um I don't have any big opinions on the mark for it so so my story was yet again I started with the Canon 6d I was shooting weddings on that and then I got to the point where I was like hey I need you know something with two card slots the mark four had just dropped and I was definitely eyeing it and I really really kind of wanted it but it was mad expensive and then the 60 mark 2 was rumored to come out and I was like hopefully I'll have two card slots because if so I'll totally grab it and it didn't so that's what pushed me over to Fuji so I if I had the money at the time I definitely would have got the mark 4 but you know not having the money is what led me to fuchi cuz Fuji systems overall they're just so much cheaper this groomsman just did this for me he like held it up and I was like thank you sir for knowing what to do what's he looking at sorry if this has already been answered once didn't you say one that Lightroom doesn't handle grain from Fuji as well what's the name of software you mentioned yeah so Jennifer with Fuji and Lightroom and Lightroom and you know Fuji not being friends I use on exposure for their up to exposure 5 now but basically I do all of my I do all of my sharpening and exposure so I just do the editing section and making it look good in the colors and all that stuff I do all that stuff in Lightroom export with some screen sharpening and then do some more sharpening on the JPEG side in exposure for yep just got to fill it out this year selecting that's really it like it shouldn't be such a hard choice the cull it should just be like yep this is good yep that's good yes this is good cuz you remember the day already you kind of know what you have you know your couple you know what they're gonna like and you have an idea of what you were trying to do some of these I can make into a gif I'm pretty sure did I have pride in having my button so here we go guys here's a wedding photography tip when you're taking your formal portraits this right here can i zoom in on that know where it's like pulling on the jacket because someone has their arm up tell your groomsmen your groom to unbutton their button for that because you don't want that pole there in the middle when they're putting their arms up and stuff around people if it's not pulling so you see the groom's is not really pulling too bad they can have it button but typically when they put both arms up like that it's gonna start pulling so I missed that on that photo and you know stuff like that happens that's the biggest thing with wedding days is just you know learn what you can and be prepared to deal with anything but realize like you're gonna miss stuff stuff is gonna happen there's gonna be things they may like ah I forgot to do X thing yeah I forgot but you know if you're performing it like you know 90 95 percent that's fine that's what the couple paid you for and those little things usually you know they're not really gonna know that's just more you and yourself so see I caught it here and had him unbuttoned and it looks much nicer yeah it's kind of all over the place but it's better than it pulling shoot on xt3 and at times lion sharpness is non-existent looks like Flaherty was turned way down Wow yeah I typically just turn all my sharpening down I think most of these I can turn into gifts I'm pretty sure yeah so here it is again I should have asked him to unbutton I'd be rushing foodies though I do them like so fast all right so then I finished that and we go back to the bride she gets in her dress now your images aren't even edited yet and they still like that's Fuji film that's Fuji show this is Fuji film this is the JPEG output of Fuji film I'm using classic chrome it is so good like I'm serious when I say like I have thought I really have thought about just straight up shooting in JPEG only because like imagine I would just go through coal some of the photos that needed some adjusting just adjust it real quick and then you would be done with your wedding it would be so good and I mean this doesn't look bad if anything I could add a little bit more shadows and there's something with some contrast which you could easily do that in Lightroom you could have a preset of literally just adding some contrast and be like blue there it is I'll think yeah it wasn't it wasn't getting my five stars if you click outside a photo mechanic it doesn't see your keystrokes anymore so this was a test shot just to see if I liked those pictures behind her cuz it could have been like a little bit too noisy it was the best wall in the room but it also like these pictures were a lot but luckily since they were kind of white and they kind of had the same kind of skin tones like red oranges and stuff it wasn't so bad and I also asked her I was like do you mind these photos cuz sometimes brides would be like these photos of mad ugly so I you know I don't want to include them whereas if they don't look so bad then I'ma be like cool grooms jacket is dope yeah that groom was styling so hard I was like check this boy out looking fresh so my cameras are like out of sync with don't do that to yourself so yeah these close-ups I was taking obviously while she was putting on the dress so it's just like switching between my wider lens and getting the nice wide shots and then closing up with the other camera a using continuous burst also what aperture using looks like subjects are in focus even if not the same plane of focus so that's a little bit of an advantage I use all the f2 lenses so like the 35 F to the 23 f2 all those so in f2 on a crop sensor is probably more closer to 4 so you do get background separation but it's also like you know it's like f4 like everything's gonna be sharp so with Fuji I'm pretty much just shooting wide open especially with the f2 lenses now if you're using like the 23 1 4 or the 35 1 4 it's gonna be a little bit different cuz you're gonna get much more separation that 1/4 is gonna be closer to an actual full frame too so but yeah this is basically for I'm wide open I like pretty much unless I there's too much light or I need stuff to be sharp across the board I don't ever stop down at all the f2 lenses are so good that's why a lot of people I was like why do you shoot with it if two lenses what about the one for versions I don't know like the one four versions are nice having a little bit of extra light is cool but it's like it's not the end of the world to me that's cute [Music] so we had all the bridesmaid come over for the shoes [Music] that kind of worked out you know it's a it's a little staged but it's not too bad I typically don't do that I'll have like a limit to four people come by and just do it that way but um sometimes you know you know they want to include all the bridesmaids they're like Oh everybody come over and I'm like cool we'll just you know we'll work it out yeah I love the close-up shots to kind of help tell the story and stuff so this will be luckily I don't have too much of it but it'll be fun to edit so she when she gets hot she gets this like splotchy stuff and I like to be very candid and real with my brides so if they bring up something that they don't like physically I will ask them how much they want it or don't want it edit it and you know you have to make make sure you have a really good rapport with your couples but basically if it's something you don't like and it's something that I can edit it's not too hard I want to be candid with you about it rather than me editing something and then maybe you know making someone feel bad because they're like oh he edited out X thing on my skin because he thinks I look ugly or something so I'd rather ask them straight up about it rather than be scared to talk about it because it's much better to know what they want and be able to edit around that then to be like I'm not sure if this mole on her face I should get rid of it or not and then you get rid of it and then they come back and they're like oh word you can apply hey that's my face why are you here changing my face you don't think it looks good and then that's a bigger issue so so now we're in bridesmaids photos which I typically like to shoot these with the 35 yet again wide open it oh no I take that back I stopped down to eight 2.8 so this is another one of those examples of one of the times that I stopped down a little bit so one thing I I personally feel like I messed up ears this is too close if I need to do any cropping or anything I don't really have a lot of space for it I mean I have some hair but I like to keep them kind of evened up so [Music] [Music] big Brooklyn made it he made it in there are using continuous burst oh yeah I missed that part yeah I am I shoot and continuous low continuous high is like super fast I only use that for like sections of things that I know I want like a bunch of photos on but for the most part I'm shooting continuous low and then I'm just very you know general it with my shots typically if I'm shooting something so continuous low is the CL and then if I'm shooting something I'm usually just like snap that's one where else you know hit two real quick or something so yeah about like that I tend to take two to three and because I'm usually continuous low if I do need to burst it more I can just hold it down [Music] yeah I want some where they're looking at each other but not with the good old Nick fat in there I like to take horizontal and vertical zuv these portraits that gives them options also that's more options for France as well okay Vanity Fair that's what I call those shots actually do use any face detection when you shoot I do not I was talking about that earlier it's just like I can't trust the camera on the wedding day I've seen it multiple times that like I turn on face detection and it be face detecting like all the faces in the room and you're like bro stop the only time I would even consider face detection yet again is if people are walking towards me and it's like just the couple but even then I just use continuous and have like a bigger square on them I just I don't trust the face detection these are all with the 56 so I wanted to give her give it at work [Music] I was shooting in 256 wide open as well it's so sharp so good and then we're off to the ceremony wise classic chrome so good I don't know but it is though I'd be taking photos like classic it's like just desaturate it just enough colors look good so here's the first look we're groom and bride getting ready at the exact same time No so when I do my weddings I I write the timeline on my end and even if there's a planner I'll write a timeline and then work with the planner but I typically I make the groom get ready first because grooms usually get dressed quicker and then I'll go to the bride after that because the Brys didn't take longer in any way if I have lined it up what happens is when I'm done with the groom then basically hair and makeup are about done cuz no one wants to get pictures of you know then without their hair and makeup on you know like it's bears their face could be because they're about to get here and makeup you want that like towards the end of hair makeup so do the groom first tell him he can chill and then do the bride right after that [Music] how long would you say that takes to edit an entire wedding if I'm in the groove if I'm really in the groove I can probably pull it off in 8 hours or less man this was the worst lighting sometimes you can't you just have to like work with what you have but yeah eight hours but because I have a life and I have a YouTube channel and I have a wife and I have kids I tend to space that out so I quote my couples four to eight weeks and generally get it to them in two to three yet again as a wedding photographer and I think Josiah talks about this on his channel too like you want to surprise them to light your couples that should be your goal so you know set realistic timelines for yourself her sister was in her fields I think that's her little sister - so the bride is the little sister but yeah surprising and delighting is what that should be your goal so you know yet again say four to eight weeks and delivered in one and people he got her photos back so quick cuz they're expecting it to be longer you know yep under-promise over-deliver always and then so even with me because I do the four to eight weeks I can regulate myself because if I start getting close to four weeks I feel bad like I don't ever want to get to eight eight weeks is like a safe zone if for some reason I have like 50 billion weddings and it's just a lot but that's rare I like this one better yeah eight weeks is I don't think I've ever delivered it I think the latest I've done is like six and I always hate it and that's how you should feel too as a photographer you should just be like oh four to eight weeks haha you know I don't like deliver the photos do it do it fast do it quick so I love one thing and I talked to my couples about this too one thing I absolutely love about photography is taking things out of context so like you can kind of see it but this was like a little I guess like it will exit somewhere to like the back of something but it had a cool little cove here that had a lot of that like almost ivy looking stuff so as long as I can get rid of this doorknob or just shoot it like this I was like this looks good you never know this this was like some random little exit area so just remember sometimes the good-looking spots you may you have to look a little bit outside of what your common sense would tell you is like a good looking spot do you offer prints and if so do you print yourself or you use third party so I use third party I use pick time as a delivering service if you haven't seen pick time definitely check them out it's basically like an online gallery where you can deliver your photos to people so you upload all the photos for them they can log in and share the photos with friends and family they can download it really okay I got it so like here's my pic time and here all of my weddings that I've delivered so far and then like this is what it looks like for them so this is what it looks like for them when they get their photos so they're like oh cool there's like a hero image up there and then they can go down they can look at all their photos of the day it's separated into different sections and there's also a shop included with it and so this is where they get their prints so I don't have to do all the legwork of that I just choose which print house I want and then they can go in and get whatever photos they want which is really nice they can even if they just want to do a single photo or something so let's say they're like couple portraits so they go down to the couple portrait section if I clicked it correctly there you go and then yeah if they want a picture they can click on it there's the thing that says bye they can choose the prints and I have all types of different stuff so see these are just normal prints can you see other products they could do problems they can do all kinds of stuff so pic time is awesome super awesome so the reason this lighting was so bad was because all of this behind us are these big glass windows and the Sun was coming down and hitting it so it basically was like reflecting and so when you have like different skin tones like this this is like the absolute worst lighting so like this year so he's exposed pretty well but she's basically overexposed and that's just how the light was falling and it was linked the worst to deal with but I'm pretty sure the Fuji has the range so we should be good here's my brand Iser so here all the shots I took for the burn Iser the 56 gets this really wonky like light leak which can be cool sometimes but most of the times it's mad annoying so I had to do the brain Iser twice and because I didn't have a hood with me I just kind of held my hand over the front of the lens to kind of shade it here is the finished burn Iser that I got from that when composing do you worry about cropping off hands or at joint - do you worry more so yeah I tend to worry more about the expressions but I do try my best not to get any cropping stuff so this would be lovely but she has a little bit too much I think actually going on so I'm gonna choose it anyway but we'll see oh my goodness this ceremony so yet again because of the windows and you can see it now we have a nice shady area and then we have this big the Sun was just right there cutting right through so everyone was like walking up and then just be like denna overexposed so we'll see what we can do with that I missed my focus we're still gonna keep it though so you'll see here at first I just kind of let it roll and I'm just like oh my goodness overexposed and then by the time I get to like the third set of people coming through what I'm doing and yet again this is an advantage of a mirrorless camera so if you don't know what she's merely so you might want to look at it but since I can see the exposure inside of my camera I just literally turned down the exposure while I was shooting so that once they got here they want to be totally overexposed so I did that for the next couple of people coming through and it's funny how different the shots are cuz it's like oh nice a nice shaded shot and then ooh super moody movie so there's the same with hers it's like oh the bride comes out how nice everyone's standing in super movie so I usually take one or two safe shots of the groom but my second photographer I knew I could trust her so I didn't take as many that's sick never tried to burn either bring our zoo you know in 2016 I think it was I had lived for the burn Iser I'd like that's all I did I burn I've heard everything burn Arthur method is cool but it's also it takes time and stuff so basically what it is or a bouquet panel as they call it is you shoot with a telephoto lens so I was shooting that with the 56 or you could use something like a 90 or 135 and so that you can still have a wide photo you take a bunch of different photos so you still get that like blurry background but you get a closer look I'm actually gonna be shooting a video explaining it probably next week but also that dude Reggie Ballesteros he just released one let me link that for you all he actually does a really really good job of explaining what the brand eyes are making is and stuff so definitely check it out here's his video and then I'll have mine up hopefully soon I'm like a little extra so I rented the Atomos ninja 5 so that I can record the screen so I want you all to be able to actually see within my camera my approach to the Brenna as a method and how I focus on all that stuff yeah I put just just so y'all know I'd be putting a lot of time and effort into my youtube video I spend so much money for like no reason I just be like I have to have it this way I wanted why are you renting this expensive monitor because I need it honestly I'm about to buy one so here's the ceremony very straightforward for the most part I'm chilling in the middle of the aisle so the photos are very just like center aisle very straightforward I do move around so this was with the 56 so I did have to walk up closer to get that shot but it's not really it's not that big of an issue so like that's a great shot so I'm just like you know looking and waiting for expressions and stuff here's another burn Iser this one did not work out so well I think I was too close I may try and see if I can connect it again but yeah this one didn't work out I hate when that happens you like take a bunch of time oh wow my ex 2:30 is totally out of sync this was a shot I took on a monopod we appreciate appreciate your sacrifices yeah my wife hates it every other day I'm like I'm gonna buy this thing she's like and then it ends up like working out or just being a really good investment and then that makes you even more man it's like man you just out here it's bending his money and then like it works out for you like yeah girl that's a that's an entrepreneur for you Oh yesterday that was like the end of the that was like the second kiss Oh cameras out of sync that's actually a great question so when you shoot with a second photographer or if you're shooting with two cameras you want to sync up their time and date and all that stuff because if not what happens is when you get into Lightroom your photos are gonna be all like over the place and it makes it way harder to edit especially if you're working with two cameras so this is something I've been messing up recently and I need to start doing especially when the ceremonies backlit so I should have put my flash on my camera here I can still work with this Oh Kevin thanks for that thanks for that super chat this is backlit and the xe3 can handle this I can I can edit this but I rather would have flashed it just a little bit but yet again I would still use my same method basically flash on camera with the max fear on top and just pop it in just a little bit like with a 32 132 power or something like that because this is like questionably dark and it's gonna be a little grainy and stuff we can work with it you'll be fine you see my starters kind of low get a little bit of blur and stuff but and this has happened to me like a couple of times thank you so much Kevin really good appreciate it yeah oh this is too low shudder this is cool yeah like a flash would have been great in this little area these will be black and white basically here's the first kiss which I might make it to a gift because with the first kiss I typically will use high shudder yeah I'll use high shudder and just let it run so I can basically turn that into a gif if I want to there's my bag chillin there's my second a photographer's bag how many images do you usually comb through during the process and how many do you deliver so I would say during a wedding I tend to take at max like seven thousand photos maybe more sometimes and then I tend to come away with with somewhere an average of around 650 oh yeah that's the one to my second guy but I like her version better she just had a better angle of everything so here is the family photos this is very straightforward for my family photos I typically always make them make a list that way I can literally call out people's names and just like do it you do not want to waste your time on family photos like seriously they will eat your whole day away this couple was really good to some couples have a hard time like kind of narrowing down the photos they want this couple was like this group that group this group that group that's it no more photos please and then there's usually like a mama to dit alike just like you know I'm I'm always open to other photos as well so it's not like I'm like nish not on the list we're not taking it you know don't don't treat people like that but you know for the most part I refer to the couple and I'm like well the couple made the list so if they want to do something else like that's what we can do but for the most part you know the list is the winner a groomsman or someone wanted to do this shot and so that's another fun thing at weddings is like when people be suggesting photos and you just like sometimes if they're not too bad I'll do them all the times I will shut people down I'm like no we got time for that and I'm the photographer and that's that's not a thought it's not gonna work you know what I mean like oh yeah this was when the guy was like oh you want to take photos of the roof and we were like oh height and then we got up there and it was like oh it's a little close up I like these little his and her shots as I called them their hands just happen to be there how many images do you usually come through we did that how can you choose 50 photos and 700 you just you just gotta get in there you got to do it so these are fun little like moving around shots a lot of them will probably be black and white so here goes the rooftop that wasn't great you see me here bracketing the shots the title image for this video was what I ended up with I like composited a bunch of shots and things uh these are okay with these little blocks like the most annoying and because of the wall and she's short she's like four foot three or something the lighting here is all kinds of over the place this is the main shot I used so I had to get rid of this roof area and stuff and then yeah I'll probably grab a couple of beers oh I still had my camera set on Brackett by accident and then we're on to the portrait so usually when I'm doing portraits of my couples I always throw in some kind of solo portraits as well you know every every parent you know wants a photo of their child by themselves so don't feel bad like oh but they're married we should only take photos together like it's it's fine obviously you shouldn't waste all of your time doing the solo shots but you know get in there throw a couple in doing real quick you know it's not gonna take up too much of your time then we did the groom real fast are using auto ISO or any auto settings no the only auto would be white balance which is why in this scene it's kind of all over the place which kind of wish I didn't use auto white balance at this point I should have I should have Kelvin it at this point is the lighting was weird it was like the way the light was bouncing off of the windows behind us that were basically like mirrors it like auto white balance didn't know what to do so I wish I would have shot that in Kelvin this was me getting my full room shot as everyone was like walking in and see like they just came in so this is one of the points oh it's not the best full room shot like I could have gotten a bigger full room shot but this is acceptable but you can see the room enough you can see the tables you can see the style of the tables then it was like a quick rush to like grab a table get a couple shots of what's on the table real quick because literally people were coming in moved on to the cake got the cake shots and I mean I did this in like five minutes if if even and that's probably one of the bigger advantages of not shooting with a lot of off-camera flash is that when something pops off like that I can just run in and take the photos real quick if I need it to whereas if I did all my shots and they had to be off camera flash and that's just how I shot things I would have been kind of Sol because it would have been like oh my lights I'm not ready oh but on the same end usually photographers who do that they set their lights up earlier in the day so the shoot the roof shot was stellar thank you yeah let me let me show that shot real quick just show you off you see cuz it was like it was totally composited I took I took a shot for my second photographer and I took my own shot and I removed the roof on the top and then I added some extra little whatever stuff yeah it was this lovely photo here so like a lot of these like this light stuff I added that in this one down here at the bottom is natural it came from my second photographers photo but her photo looked a little different so I just kind of composited it into mine and then remember with mine it had like the roof across the top so I got rid of that as well so here though intros at this point I'm using flash so you can see my settings I'm at ISO a thousand I'm using the sixteen so I'm at 2.8 right open my shutter is one sixtieth and I had my flash flash power was probably around 1/32 somewhere in there and then I'm using on high shutter and this is where I use some continuous focus at this point so with the continuous autofocus I just have it set where I have so you go to see on the front of your camera for Fuji and then I switch my zone to zone instead of single point and I'll make it a little bit of a bigger square I don't know if this is gonna focus so I make it a bigger square kind of like that and then basically I just aimed that bigger square I have bat back button focus set up on my Fuji so AFL is my back button and I just hold that let it continuous autofocus and then I just hide her and pulling it that way I can move with them and worry about where I'm moving and not have to worry about the focus because I know it's gonna hit the focus for the most part man I hate when this happens so they came out all set like they all came out together rather than separately so luckily they were spaced out enough but that was a little too much if the walking shots are you focusing on their faces not really just the body so I have that big square cuz yet again I mean this linson I'm using it's a 2.8 then yet again because it's crop sensor 2.8 that's like nearly 5 like f5 so most everything is gonna be in focus so yeah I just make sure that squares on them and the square is pretty much gonna focus on it and I've never really had a big problem with it before but as you see it happened like it missed the focus a little bit here while it was adjusting it was on it adjusted it was off a little so you have to pick and choose your battles so yeah just high sugar through here's the video guy hired he's actually hired to take video for me not for the couple I'm so yeah there's definitely gonna be a full wedding day of this wedding at least by next month I was hope so here's their first dance it's my second photographer trying to dodge out I might have to get rid of her so stuff like this this was like the dad or somebody I told him to move and don't feel bad don't feel bad telling people to move he's like all up in it look at this wonderful dip shot that I actually caught cuz dip shots are hard to catch cuz they're like dancing and you don't know where they're gonna end up and then you got the dad back here with his iPhone just chillin this like really breath come on man so yeah I hit him off with the broom move so here are my close-up shots with a 35 for the most part I don't really totally use continuous I will sometimes but especially the 35 most of the time can't keep up with the first dance so I'm usually shooting a little bit heavy at this point because I know it has a hard time at the focus here is father-daughter dance and see just what I was talking about with the cameras being in sync we got my boy Ike up in here photo me Ike if you don't know him you need to check him out for real about the link his here's the man Ike definitely check him out he tends to do more portrait stuff so I'm very wedding he's more portrait model portrait type stuff which is awesome for the walking shots or for the faces how many photos do you take every wedding it's typically around 7,000 or so I'll let y'all know this one once I'm done calling which we're just about that the end here so the only thing you see how the lighting here is very flat because that's because the flash is on my camera so this is works because I bump up the eye not the ISO the exposure and Lightroom and it works but that's why a lot of people use off-camera flash because you can light up the your subject a little bit better and not have to deal with just the exposure in Lightroom but the thing I don't like about the off-camera flash look at receptions is it leaves a lot of like shadows all over the place that's generally why I do on-camera flash instead and typically what it does is it's gonna light up my subject when I'm close enough to them because yet again I'm shooting pretty wide so that's another thing if you shoot further like you don't like to be anywhere close to the dancefloor then you're probably gonna want to do more off kind of flash this works for me because I'm on a thirty five mil which is like a 50 so I'm fairly close to them the background is just lit up from ambient light and the fact that I bumped my ISO up so it's just just a different style and approach don't think that you have to do off camera flash but you need to know how to do on-camera flash the one make it look good and to get the results you want don't ever just think like I know everything I can do whatever like learn both methods and then finally when you like the most we got Belgium in the house who's seven thousand yeah I kind of overshoot sometimes I be in there shooting I feel like I probably over shot at his wedding I'm sure I did I've seen a lot more the like mother bride dances recently it's kind of sweet cuz you know like oh if you had a daughter and basically the mom raised her most of the time you know what I mean and it's like father-daughter dance these diffusers on your camera flash while you're pointing it towards the ball setting I do so I'm using the Mac sphere I think I have them have them in my trusty bag here so here's my flash the VA 62f is the Fujifilm version but they make this for every camera system so Canon Nikon Sony it's all there Panasonic I think so go Doc's they're super easy to use I love the gotalk system and then you see I have this black magnet thing that's the magmod and so I throw the sphere on top so with the sphere basically what's happening is it's kind of like a bounce flash so you know a lot of people talk about like bounce flash and bounce it off the ceiling and it works and if your siblings not white then you might not want to do it but you throw this on it and yes the flash is still getting to the ceiling but a lot of it is getting diffused here so it's hitting this and then bouncing out and around which is why I can shoot like this because I'm close enough to my subject and this is basically gonna send it up and bounce back some super solid and also bounce it out and around fairly soft as well so that's basically what I do on every wedding is it's just my camera my flash on here and it's it and if I need to do off camera I can grab another one of these because they talk to each other throw it on a stand and still have this one like this and then just fire that off on the side somewhere yeah 7,000 yeah especially you know I'm using two cameras like 7,000 kind of makes sense it's like pretty much two to three on each camera throw a second photographer in there and then yeah you're getting up towards eight or something I'm pretty sure I shot heavy on this wedding so there's there's a Fuji missing missing focus right there that would have been an okay shot wouldn't have been like life-changing but you know like if you're good with your focus missing focus is not so bad because it's like it happens the points with with weddings is that you want to you know most of your shots like 80 85 percent of your shots need to be on here let's let's look since everyone keeps asking let's see yeah I came away with 8,000 photos let's see so about 2,000 of those were my second photographers so technically yeah I took like 7,000 all right we're almost done calling and we can start getting into some of this good old editing so this is out of focus but I'm gonna keep it anyway I'm not gonna keep these shots so typically what I'll do is right before the couple starts eating I get a shot of them kissing at their sweetheart table but these candles were menthol you know I'll keep it so because I shoot wide when everyone's dancing it makes much better photos when there's more people on a dance floor because when there's not a lot you can see that there's not a lot and if y'all haven't seen it the video that kind of explains how I'm shooting my receptions let me link that for you all so this explains my approach to reception especially when everyone's dancing being in position shooting through moments having a lot of stuff to shoot 7-thousand makes sense yeah yeah there's a lot going on and you also want to have alternates to photos to like there's a lot happening cuz if you just taking two or three photos you're you're missing stuff do you have backup photographer too because I'm a backup yeah I want to keep more people like on call I would love to have a bunch of on call photographers but especially when I have a second so there's my second there you see her poking in there but um you know she's kind of there on the day of I count that as like a backup photographer too because I for my second photographer I like to bring on someone who I can trust like if for some reason I couldn't do the wedding the day of or something happens like at the day I can just straight be like yo handle this cuz I know you've got this I've never used photo mechanic does it work inside of Lightroom so it works along with Lightroom and I'm about to get to that point in just a moment what I typically do is what I'm going through here as I'm 5 starring the photos that I want to keep and once I'm done I go back to Lightroom and I tell Lightroom because so photo mechanic is saving this stuff on the files themselves so then I go to Lightroom and I say hey Lightroom look at the metadata on the photos because it's changed now it has all those five stars so Lightroom goes in looks at the metadata sees the five stars so it pulls that in and then now everything that would have been hyped out of focus it pulls all that data in and then it has all the five stars there so at this point of the night I think I let my second photographer go a lot of times if I don't you know I they tend to get in the way for reception shots anyway and I also don't want 50 different reception shots that have to like call through so a lot of the times like if I know there's not much else going on for the night I'm pretty much like dip early and then I still pay them for the full time that I was gonna pay them for anyway because you know I I believe in paying people I'm a big big believer of paying people I hate people who just be trying to concern themselves too much with the money and not enough with the people and the love of the people so at this point of the night its reception photos are gonna start looking the same there's a lot of the same stuff happening so I'm gonna start calling a little bit faster I start scrolling faster and if it doesn't stand out to me enough for me to stop and look at it then you know it's not getting cold cuz it's just it's a lot of just you know it's just a lot of the same at this point also I have some of the shots from my second that work out see this is why I love shooting why'd you see how you just like see someone's happening and like okay yeah they're not like the most perfect beautiful photos but you know you see people in the back reacting to stuff that's happening and it's just fun it's more fun like that will you shoot clothes you don't really see it's like you're only really shooting the person that you're focusing on I've never used photo mechanic what is your focusing technique looks like you don't have many out-of-focus I'm just using single single shot focus and basically aiming and shooting it I don't use continuous at all I don't trust it so this is really just aiming it and shooting it a lot of this off the hip - I'm not even looking I'm just like because for the most part I dance while I'm taking the photos so I'm like I'm I'm in there you know I'm just literally yeah so a lot of this stuff the second photographer headshots and stuff I'm just scrolling dude real fast at this point and then another thing about the way I call is I like to call fast too because I can always call down when I'm editing like I don't like to waste time calling there's no point in sitting here and trying to make sure that I get like the perfect cull like I count this as a first pass and then when I start editing if I'm going doing them like oh man there's like mad photos of this thing or there's too many photos of that then just get rid of it you know but I like my first pass to be like as quick as possible trying to make myself use wide angles more and I'm so scared of them I usually see pretty far with my telephoto and honestly - Jennifer that's like a it's a stylistic choice and there's nothing wrong with that you know no offense to anyone who likes to stand on the outside it's just you know different different strokes for different folks basically yeah some people like to be close up in there and all in the action other like they're gonna stand bad like these speech photos these are all pretty far back I'm using my 56 which is like an 85 at that point so yeah I'm kind of like you know just standing back listening to the speech and stuff but then when the dancing starts up again I'm back on my 16 mil this was bit 235 so every now and then I'll throw some 35 shots in there but for the most part I'm just on my 16 shooting that stuff you do same-day edits I do not I'm thinking about doing some stuff like that but I definitely can't turn around a wedding um I could with my iPad just like do a couple of quick photos and like delivery to them this may have been answered earlier but why do you use photo mechanic for calling because it's much faster it's pulling in the JPEG like previews so I can scroll through like this and just like do do Lightroom has to like load the photos Lightroom takes for every Lightroom is the worst program ever I only use it because I know it so well and it's like the fastest most reliable way to edit for me yeah at this point I have enough reception photos so I'm kind of flying through these and seeing if there's anything I'm in a moment we're gonna get to the cake cut so obviously we need those photos couple photos slip in there [Music] I love taking photos of people taking selfies I don't know why they even going through this fast like certain photos are gonna stand out to you but you're gonna see them they're gonna they're gonna point out at you you're gonna just notice them that's why I like to call like that because it's easier just to be like oh yeah I see it there it is so there's the smile before the cut and then now they cut for this I'm not really looking for anything special obviously just emotion so I'll just kind of go through then they pull out the cake so it's kind of like just just a handful of photos from each different section of what's going on [Music] there's the edited version that I did already so you see I got rid of this fire extinguisher that's another thing to try to keep your scenes nice and clean as much as you can at least you see like I just brightened it up a little bit got the natural creat feels preset on there just to make it clean it up a little bit they finish the cake then they start slowing down the night doing some ballots so usually what I'll do is I'll just go around and take a couple of photos of like all the couples there and stuff I'll use along the lens for that because obviously it's like slow dancing I'm not gonna I'm not trying to get close to you partying I also like the wide lens and how it like AC saturates everything to so it really works out for receptions I think everything just looks like wild and crazy and there's distortion everywhere and it's just really it's really cool these are a lot of reception photos that is I'm pretty sure I : do you give all your photographs to your kleiner allow them to pick I do not I called them I had delivered them so I choose all the photos basically when you start letting the clients choose their photos it ends up becoming more than ordeal than anything I understand a lot of people are like oh but it's my wedding day I want the photos but the way I see a lot of things too is that you um it's kind of like when you go to a restaurant you know I mean they don't give you the ingredients and then you cook it yourself no one wants to do that the reason you go to a restaurant is so that you can you know be served and have someone cook it a certain way and have it nice is the same difference with a photographer like your their chef of photos basically you're giving them the best stuff and they should they should trust you on that basically barely any guy showed up just like every wedding they're like we're all the single guys and they're like then we got bouquet toss so you see I kind of pan over as she throws it so I can get both their reactions so this would be with bouquet tosses and stuff having a second photographer helps because I could just have them aimed at everyone these are a little out of focus but they're fine wrong camera bro that one works okay you're pretty much done at this point would you ever shoot JPEG at a wedding speed up the workflow I've thought about it especially with the Fuji film cameras like they they look really good I haven't yet I just can't bring myself to do it but I've really thought about it all right so they weren't having a sparkler exit they did confetti so I actually organized everyone and this is gonna be in the full wedding day I didn't just let them come out and have everyone throw it I literally directed everybody exactly what to do and I counted them off because this would have been chaos and unlike sparklers sparklers last for a while so you can kind of get the shot you need this is like a one-time throw and it's done so I counted everybody off you see and then they all threw it that way I can get the photo on it this is a little too much the light so I was using this little thing I usually use this that sparkling exits just throw it in the hot shoe and then turn it on and then just point that at the couple it's a little cool which kind of sucks but it's nice to have this light because yet again I'm shooting most of the time I'm shooting pretty wide a lot of recently I've been shooting closer or like with a tele but it adds a nice little pop of light but it doesn't mess up the lighting on the sparklers because when you use flash you kind of lose the mood of the sparklers so I like to keep it as natural as I can and then grandma came in blocked me so I tried to run in so these are a little soft because that was me like running in being like Oh [Music] these all work and then they go get in a car I was I didn't have a chance to switch to my wider lens so that kind of threw me off too and yeah that's it we called it we did it we called and now let's go back to Lightroom and then while everything is going on I'm gonna answer some questions so basically what I do is I go into attribute and I want anything that's not edited and also not five stars so Reiter is rating is less than or equal to 4 star so anything that I've already five stars while I was doing like their preview and stuff won't show up here because what happens is if you read the metadata you basically lose your edit and I don't want to do that because I can use those as edits for placements for the other photos in those areas so now I select all go to metadata go to read metadata from file and it says you can't undo this I'm like yeah that's cool I actually should probably turn on the don't show again or you know it maybe not because if I mess up then cool and then I hit read and then now it's gonna read all the XMP data and it's gonna apply those five stars to the photos and while we're waiting on that let's go ahead and answer some questions what is your basic f-stop when dancing begins oh we got South Africa in the house basically I'm wide open I'm wide open all night especially when the dancing because at that point it's dark so may as well just be wide open 35 mil is for beginner prime lens you can do anything but it's hard to take a can of shot you have to kind of know I actually I love prime lenses for candid shots so basically what I did before I really got into wedding photography to kind of practice especially with primes was do a lot of street photography because the one thing that I feel personally this the same about street photography is wedding photography is you as a photographer have to anticipate the moment and you have to be a part of the moment so yeah you can use the zoom lens and stuff but it's very different when like you're walking and you see and you see it about to happen and you're just there and you line it up and go boom and you grab it so it's the same thing with weddings obviously I'm not gonna get a candidate or something across the room but pretty much I'm in there and anything happening close to like the couple and stuff like that I'm gonna get Candice of that stuff because I'm ready for it and I see it so I don't think it's that hard to get good candidates with a prime you just have to know stuff and be ready for it basically shooting burst mode yes bursts low low shutter low high shutter yeah there Fugees have two settings they have continuous high and continuous low and then single so continuous low is like five frames per second and continuous highs like eleven so usually continuous low I don't know if this stream will be on when I get back thanks for hanging I'm seeing lots of xt3 can do awesome thanks for hanging out Jennifer I hope you learned some stuff I'm probably I don't know how long I'm in a stream but I'm definitely gonna keep going now cuz I'm like in the flow and I need to start editing anyway so sometimes backup photographers have better angles yep the second photographer that's that's what I usually use my second for I keep them with me so like I don't do the whole sinning then for the second photographer to the groom and then I do the bride I don't do that I've go to the groom and the bride and I bring the second with me so they get alternate angles of this stuff I'm already taking anyway which ends up getting more photos overall so are you have to come into Cali I was in Cali like last month or something for the evolved workshops which I can I can link them down here too so I spoke at the evolve workshops it just happens so that was in SF hopefully I get to come out to the Cali again but that's a pretty long trip but I do want to come it's nice the lighting there is so different - I'm jealous the light is just like so good all the time for no reason hey the dude readies up in here just want to say keep doing what you're doing you're in my opinion most underrated Fuji oh thank you thank you so much [Music] thanks for the answer is goodnight oh man it's 12 in the morning have a good night Geoffrey get some rest get some rest for a new day any advice for becoming a second so that's actually cool I just went to lay on Matt what's up welcome to the stream I just went to a little meetup yesterday where someone was asking me about becoming a second and the issue she was having was she had been an assistant a lot so like a third photographer but there's not a lot of shooting that you also don't get a lot for your portfolio or anything so as a second I mean really just hit up as many people as you can eventually you're gonna get a photographer who may take you as a second or a third when you approach photographers to offer yourself as a second or third because especially nowadays a lot of photographers we were hiring seconds it's mainly someone who we can depend on and less of just like someone trying to learn for me personally that's the same thing like I would hire a third photographers for someone who's looking just to look because I won't be able to trust your photos and that's fine that's just where you are now so you know this mini photographers is you can that you actually like their stuff and make sure before you're hitting them up that you followed him and you know their work and you appreciate their words because the most annoying thing especially for a photographer who's more established is having all these people email them all the time like no follow them like their photos engage with them outside of hey I want something and so they'll remember you after a while and once you've made that impression then be like hey you know I really love your work that last wedding you did was really awesome at whatever venue because you noticed their post you know let them know that you see them and then be like I would love to second for you or even third go from there so that's probably the best thing I've also I'm a huge fan of shooting oh thank you for that sub Z CH Channel I'm a I'm a huge fan of doing cheap weddings so if you can find cheap weddings that are aesthetically still kind of nice they're not like cheap all the way weddings you know duel you will short three to five hour of coverage of a wedding for life it's a great way to kind of build your portfolio and then also not have it be as high-stakes as doing the wedding by yourself but you can also build some portfolio which will lead to getting better second photographer kind of gig so that would be my recommendation I actually I shot weddings for like about two years before I even started seconding which is not the best way to approach it but that's what I did so then when I was seconding I had whole weddings I was like I shot weddings by myself I can take it for you so if you see here up to the top left it's reading the XMP data sometimes this takes a while so I'm using Lightroom cc it says no preview available that's weird is that oh is huh I thought all photos had previews on them they should one of my reasons why I switched to Fujiki oh thank you great advice I was just a third learned a lot yeah being a third is great there's even better than me in a second sometimes especially if you're learning because it's literally just like okay any advice for someone to do a cheap wedding so I got my start using thumbtack and I'm half-and-half on that service I'm actually let me link my video that I talked about that but with that surface you basically can find people who are looking for weddings and stuff and typically it's pretty cheap stuff but you do have to pay to get in there so you have to be careful because if you don't if you don't watch yourself you can spend more money than you're even booking stuff and it defeats the purpose but it's a it's a great way to actually go ahead and start and kind of move in from the random do you have a Spotify playlist for your background music I do not most of this music is from the service called a brain party epidemic sound I need to add more songs to it because it loops like 50 times but I know you said you used to do music as well and if you have any this is yours none of this is mine and I'm not gonna play any of mine on here because I don't want YouTube doesn't we definitely I do have some of my old music floating around on the internet Facebook ads and Google ads and got nothing yeah I found Instagram works best Instagram ads or not even doing ads on Instagram like that stuff tends to be the best oh I think the next the next livestream I'm gonna do I'm gonna be editing y'all's photos with the natural fields preset so let me actually what is that Dropbox let me get you all a link to that so you can submit your photos there you go so you can submit submit your RAW files there I'm and I'll be editing them on a live stream probably next month I want to start getting into the habit of doing like one live stream a month type of thing and just having that up here for y'all to check out and go back and re-watch and kind of see the process as I do it as well as answer questions and stuff while I'm doing it as well so drop your photos in there in the next live stream I will be editing them and just so y'all can see let's actually look at some of the raw photos we already got there we go so here are some photos that were submitted to me through the Dropbox topaz noise reduction I use some isotope stuff for my noise reduction Oh but we're talking about photos I'm sorry I'm thinking noise like sound so chico submitted these these are beautiful too I love this shot here's a cool reception shot here's another one that backlight this is all Chico this is cool stuff here love it love the down low angle I shoot I shoot a lot of these download angles myself email for days there's another cool shot I love this like them walking by so here's NCT infinity media with some of their submissions and I'm gonna be editing I might if I have a time to do like a long livestream I'll try my best to go through all the photos ARW is what Sony so here's Lucas he hit me up and was wondering what the natural feels preset would look like on his stuff so since I'm over gorgeous shots I love this pose is this her other leg how she standing how is her feet like nice this is cool this has a very light editorial kind of look to it I like this one and that's that's all I've gotten so far oh no why don't you back to the beginning using photos from Tom this is cool look at that nice fresh snow got a lot of Sony stuff in here cr2 is a cannon right there we go you got some folks dropping some files in actually I think they'll show up right now so if y'all are if y'all are watching the stream yeah this is gorgeous window light off to the left here you can do you can see it coming in this is good I love this angle so good this hand placement is a little weird because it looks like he's trying to grab her her her Milk Duds of her her fun sacks I don't know what you want to call him did those new photos come in who just dropped the phone someone dropped the photo just now let's see reload it was saying 21 before it's still saying 21 [Music] off-topic topaz just released a new AI machine learning software all the sci-fi nerds are using the upscale Babylon 5 Deep Space nine and Voyager Stargate all the good shows so while we're waiting for this to read the X and P data so for now I'm just hitting these questions if y'all have questions then we're gonna get into the meat and potatoes of editing once this is done reading the XMP data also if y'all don't know about the natural fields preset already here's the link of it check it out that's what I'm basically gonna be using to edit all the photos going forward one thing I definitely need to do is get my hypo set back so that I can stream with the iPad I still don't have that setup since I've changed my whole setup and using my Fuji as the main camera hello great work may I ask how you synchro photos of two different cameras basically at the start of the day I just go into the camera settings of the camera and make sure the timings are as close as possible with this wedding my second photographers photos were actually off by a whole hour so what I ended up having to do was select her photos and adjust that there's a setting in Lightroom where you can just change the actual timing of the photos so I pick a photo where me and her shot almost that identical shot and use that as my placement to place it on which timing and also find out how off her camera was so do you do any special any special aside from tree sets to your green and white colors it looks so nice and that really honestly a lot of that I think is just the out of camera but honestly like a lot of photos look good like I could probably even grab one of these photos real quick and show y'all kind of what national feels looks like on it oh yeah this was new there we go Francis just drop that in here you still in the chat Francis because if you are out I'll edit this one real quick so you can see it just let me know give me a holler give me a give me a yeah can you explain what you're doing here with Mike yeah so earlier I used photo mechanic to call my photos so with photo mechanic I'm basically laying information onto the metadata of the photos so I've added star ratings and then now I went in and told Lightroom to look at all these photos and read the XMP metadata of those photos and any photo that I five-start from photo mechanic that information now is gonna be in some effort so I'm just waiting for it to go through thank you for the sub whoever that was so I'm just waiting for it now to read the XMP data on all the pictures so that they're gonna be five stars and then I have only the photos that I'm gonna edit on so Francis isn't in the house so let's see let's see if Lightroom can handle this I'm gonna go ahead and edit their photos let's go ahead import so the reason I don't five-star in Lightroom is because Lightroom is mad slow but I guess reading the XMP data like is that just this slow you just can't call us fast and usually when I read the XMP data I go like have a coffee or take a break or something for two seconds or like answer emails or something while I'm waiting for that so let's import let's see if we break god I'm gonna do the whole dragon method alright so I want to make a new folder call it submissions well you know what I take that back I'm gonna make a new folder in my hierarchy and called that submissions then inside of that folder I'm going to make one called natural feels yeah natural feels sucks I don't need to make a second copy cool we good so we're gonna import that so you're not calling direct from the cars you're already yeah and so I like to import everything so I can make backups and all that stuff and then I call from the folders that I already have the photo imager did you make one Lightroom catalog for each job I do not I know a lot of people who do that but typically I just have one big like me catalog I like to split it between years last dress lid it into quarters so I did or like half so I did the first half to here the last half this year I'm gonna try and just do one big one again I kind of go from there so it looks like Lightroom hold it down while I'm actually reading the XMP data so Francis is chilling in the chat let's go ahead and edit this so they can get a quick look at the natural feels preset so what is this this is good old Fuji looks like a RAF file my good Fuji up xt3 is using an 85 mil 1.8 85 so what's that like ad 100 something can you make a video how you make Instagram ads that would be a good video I should do some videos on some ad stuff so let's see this photo we're at one four hundredth of a second with a shudder 1.8 ISO 200 nice and clean look at it clean I love this is so good so we're gonna happen to develop so typically I level it out first to make sure it's straight and then for me and y'all known people be hatin but that's what it is I like my center focus someone move her to the center here like that and I can drop out just a bit so there's our crop nice and straight Center focus and then I might throw my natural fills preset on it plan and then yet again the way the natural feels work is you want to go to your exposure first and then after you exposed it the way you want then you're gonna want to work with your white balance so for this the tint is looking okay it's actually a little high and I think it needs to be warmer oh you know it may be I want more 10 I'm a very tent I like magenta magenta guy would turn the clarity up a bit I'm actually gonna under expose it and lift the shadows on her just because she's already exposed pretty well the colors are so did what is this what camera is this what is an 85 mill what lens is that I'm so lost the colors look different than what I'm used to with normal Fuji stuff um yeah and that's it I'm done with the Edit that's how I edit stuff y'all it's literally like boom boom pow there it is edit done no yeah I like it there I have one big catalog but Lightroom gets so slow and clunky yeah let's I'm gonna try it so I have my catalogs right now on MDOT do two drives so I'm hoping that makes it a little bit faster but all my RAW files are on uh normal like 7200 rpm hard drive so I don't know like what happens they're using built rocks 85 that's what it is this thing looks good it makes the colors look different than they normally do on a Fuji camera oh so here's something I'm not like extra picky about this stuff but she has a little bit of some stuff going on here in her face and usually I just like use a quick Heal to plop some of that out real quick clean up the face just a little bit and I mean you can't you can barely see that in the photo so here's the before and after and yeah so yet again with the natural feels preset if y'all know it or I've never seen it like it it enhances the colors but it definitely doesn't it's not gonna make your photos look like crazy different and it really kind of takes the approach to what I do with weddings I like to keep everything natural and looking pretty standard to how it really looked just with a little bit more oomph to it so that's what the natural fields preset is gonna do for you it's gonna take your photo add some oomph to it and make it so that you can edit quick because yet again I'm a wedding photographer so you know I'm editing like 800 to a thousand photos and I need to do it fast I'm not gonna suit you know I'm gonna be like edit one from the scene copy that setting paste it on the rest from the scene make sure they look fine go go go to low which is why I was saying earlier I can do a whole wedding in like eight hours on a good date when I'm like in the zone and I can sit in good teaser for the photo submission edit video yeah that's basically what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go through all the photos and do it so I did it I did this in my last live stream but my export workflow basically as I export and I'm just gonna put this let's see we'll go to 2020 we'll make a folder called other and then and it will just do natural subs I don't need to rename I'm gonna export this at full quality so this is how I actually deliver photos we don't resize it resolutions 300 sharpen for screen low and then I open it in Alien Skin exposure for or I think they drop the alien skin now there's just exposure but it opens an exposure afterwards so hit export thanks Francis I'm glad you liked it with here's the last little section so this is separate from the natural fills preset this is what I do myself but you can the natural fills preset it has grain added to it so if it's grainy to you you don't like it you just get rid of that in Lightroom and the sharpening is also inside of Lightroom but the difference from the natural filled preset versus what I do is I sharpen within alien skin but it's basically the same the sharpening is just a little bit different it's a little bit nicer and easier to me and exposure but natural fills is like a quicker way to do it so you don't have to export and then also like do when I'm doing like I double export basically I have the export apply my sharpening in grain and then export again so here's the photo straight out of Lightroom with screen sharpening and that's about it and then I have a preset for sharpening and grain and you can see let's do a clever zoomed in you can kind of see what it adds there so there's the sharpening and grain added I don't know if y'all can see that over the stream because it might be hard but here's the before here's the after so it just makes it a lot more crispy adds a little bit of grain on it and then that would be the finished product there yeah that's a gorgeous shot that dress is so awesome you got the doors nice and open yeah and that bouquet is that okay look at that look see here's my adit grain y'all can see it now and I'm so close to it this is without it this is with it so I like the graininess some people don't I like to give my photos a little bit of a film look to him so then after that I hit save and then like I said it's a second export with one photo it's fine when you have like 15 20 30 photos it takes a little bit I like magenta but my friend hates it yeah I'm a barium magenta like if a scene is too green I'm usually jacking up the magenta I don't like I don't know why I don't like green like this works because you have the Browns of the door kind of like setting it apart with like the warmth but when stuff gets too green on these looks I don't know it just like doesn't work for me I can't do it so Lightroom is still reading this XMP data so while that's happening I can go to attribute I can five star and we want stuff that is rated greater than or equal to five stars you can see here now it's still pulling in the photos it's up to about 780 photos so far and it's about a quarter of the way has the goal to be finished and you'll see because I did it the way I did the photos that I've already edited are still in there so that was for their like their little preview so you can see here these are the edited photos that I've done already is this really edit this stuff look edited thank you for the sub this thing edited my assistant ominous identity but see this is I'm pretty sure this in my second photographer yeah so I can just fly select sync settings make sure everything I wanted is sync sync blame there it is this time there's my brain Iser just like edited this thing Hey here goes those someone was asking earlier about event photos so here's a good look at the before and after of my on camera flash method yet again the flashes hitting them mainly so I just add a little bit of noise reduction just a little bit up the exposure and usually like it looks fine as long as you're getting stuff lit pretty well and camera like you're good to go I always loved taking the nice car vertical portrait shots do you prefer compressed or uncompressed I usually use compressed raw it's just it gives me more space on the camera I don't see a different in the photos and I mean it's a big difference I go from having so I use 128 gig cards and we compress bra I'm getting like 4,000 photos on each camera that I can take whereas if it was non compressed then you're gonna get like maybe 2,000 if even those uncompressed files are huge and like I don't think you're losing much of anything with the compress whatever do you brand your second photographer uses yeah so so basically my second photographer one they take photos they're basically copyright for me so I can use those photos but I also let my second photographers use their photos so they can use them in their own portfolios but they have to wait for me to deliver the photos to the couple and they also can't like tag the couple or anything like that they can't submit it to blogs and things like that that stuff is just for me but yeah I use their photos like out of those three photos like this one here this was my second photographer you can kind of tell because of the angle these two right here these were my second photographer and this one I was talking about earlier that composite it shot this is the part I pulled from her is this glare that she added I pulled that from her photo and added it to mine and then this was the original time you used an iPad right how do you get around the compressed raw so on the iPad the iPad doesn't see the compress wall like it doesn't know what it is so you can still use compressed raw but it's weird because if you want to like preview what you're gonna add to your camera before you add it you can't or what you're gonna add for the iPad so you go to import and it's just like image files that you can't see what they are so that's kind of annoying if you want to be like let me just pull in like three or four photos but with the gnar box here with the gnar box you can use the apps that it uses on the iPad and you can call the photos down that way and use this to pull in photos so that's really cool if y'all didn't check out my non box video either I'm about to link that cuz the gnar box has changed my life I love this thing so much so so much here it is so yeah NAR box is basically like a little computer it has its own little battery hooked up to it which maybe one day I'll get another battery at some point oh this thing I'm the worst but yeah it's cool and it basically acts as a computer it backs up your stuff it has an SD card slot on it so you can just back up directly or one thing I found recently which maybe I can show y'all real quick while I wait on this XMP data it has um micro HDMI out so I have my iPad here I got this thing on me like all the time boy I got that thing on them no so I can hold it I'm gonna turn it on and it works like a low computer you see it's kind of on there and once it turns on I'm gonna connect my iPad to is Wi-Fi I have a little [Music] [Music] so I got my little reference monitor then on my iPad I can connect to the Wi-Fi of the NAR box hook this thing up with micro HDMI which luckily the Fuji cameras already have so I have micro HDMI to HDMI go to the safekeep app which is an app that controls your NAR box uncompress is good for very photo oh yeah get more range on your photos I'm sure and now that I'm in here so I can look at all the content that I've downloaded onto mine our box and I know y'all can't really see it but what you can't see is now that it's hooked up it basically is like cool I'm ready to display whatever and so I can go through now and look at some of the footage I got from that wedding if I can find something and then I can have it play through the HDMI and then you can just watch it that way off of the norm box directly which is kind of cool this was me grabbing like the five seconds of detailed photos while everyone comes into the room you can access play me you can actually see everyone coming into the room and me rushing around like oh god I gotta get the photos I gotta give it it was the worst it was the worst so yeah this is gonna be some of the footage I'm gonna use for my full wedding day video I got a lot of footage so it's gonna be cool it should be cool stuff let me close this out now and we'll turn off this NARR box like it's just about done which device you're using for livestream I mean camera that's my I'm actually using my XT 3 so it gets me that that good looking that good look oh yeah see it's gotten darker that's why I have my little LED lights on because I knew the the lighting up here comes I hate these days where the clouds are like in and out and you're just like Brooke can I can I just get some solid lighting does it have to be changing like every five seconds all right so close to that XMP data so close okay so for everyone who was asking earlier about how many photos I take and then how many I get and the couple gives here's a great great representation of that for you I took in total between me and a sexual target we have 8,000 photos and it looks like I'm gonna come away with about a thousand and fifty ish a thousand sixty somewhere in there I'm gonna be pulling that down while I go because I usually call heavy at first and I can just make any changes I need to afterwards but for the most part yeah it's about a thousand and sixty photos have you ever had any scam artists trying to scam you on the night wedding fire i-i've seen a lot of scams but they're pretty obvious and there always need to they need to up their game they always come to oh I have a family reunion that I need someone to shoot for three hours like next Tuesday come on bread no like it's it's obviously spam so now let's separate our photos a little bit create collections not a smart when a collection set we're going to call it weddings we're gonna do another collection set and this will be titled for the couples of Kayla so we create that and then within that we create a smart collection you get tutorial about live streaming with xt3 yeah oh maybe I'll make a video about it it's pretty straightforward the rating is five stars the source folder contains all and that's all I need so create blue so now I have a Smart Folder that shows me all my flag folders here chillin I got a thousand or 1063 to be exact this is the whole day all timed out everything is nice and there and ready and then what I generally do is I separate everything into sections I tend to do this on every livestream I don't think I'm gonna break down every section right now I'm just gonna break down a couple of sections and start editing so y'all can watch me edit and we'll kind of go from there so let's we select basically what I go through is I name areas so I put a label text so this is details this is getting ready groom [Music] and so I make smart collections for each of those sections so details and label text is details so there's my detail section I also this is getting ready groom and I like to separate my photos like this so that I can have peace of mind while I edit so rather than me feeling like oh my god I have a thousand photos to edit I can just focus on specific sections of the wedding and then say oh I only have like 70 photos that I only got 50 photos to edit and then that way when I finish the section I can get that small win get that little dopamine and be like yeah finish that section on to the next one to go on from there so this is all getting ready bride also - once I set up these sections when I get some more photos that need to be in those sections all I have to do is name it so see I'm gonna call that one out I just like the other one better but yeah all I have to do is name it and it's gonna end up in a section so like right now I have 25 photos or 4 photos we're getting ready groomed but I'm gonna go through select all these cuz this is all getting ready groom name it getting ready groom and then BOOM so now I have 61 photos and that smart album and now I'm ready to edit because it's it's there I got everything I need and see yet again I can call this stuff call that down this one has a better spring on it so imma get rid of this one I like his arm up on this one's gonna get rid of that one and that's usually what I do I don't come through and D call my photos first but while I'm looking at it it's pretty obvious the stuff that I do and don't know it because I don't mean like 50 of the same photos so so these are my second photographers so after that I'm gonna start separating things by metadata so let's look at what the second has and then I'll do those only a lot of times my second photographers photos I just black and white depending I get the white balance all wrong here and stuff so that's gonna be a cool little black and white highlights down some because there's a little overexposed on his shirt exposure up and we're pretty much good to go get rid of that photo it's also all black and white it bring the highlights down a bit exposure up a tad because shadows up a little in this one so I'm gonna put their cup down there I might be able to Photoshop that's not too bad we got people dropping dropping files in the drop box so this is natural fills again so yet again everything's a little green so add some magenta and something a little cool so warming up a tad and then that's pretty much good to go and yeah the rest of these photos are from the same scene so you select them all and then you sync the settings do amazing work how can I get your presets to buy they are on line you can check them out there here is a link so after i sync my settings basically again i'm gonna go through and make sure it looks fine so like this one's a little bit overexposed so dropped expose your bit check out this one it's a little so there's all my second photographers photos then I go to my photos looks like I have about 49 and then basically I can start from the top [Music] in a reset exposure magenta because it's a little greeny a little bit of warmth probably turn up the clarity a little bit I should be able to copy that across most of these the white balance is a little all over the place and that's get again the downside to shooting in auto white balance because like it changes so often that you can't just sync the settings but for the most part it should be pretty general yeah so this was the 23 these 35 ones are too cool so I'm gonna go back now and just warm up the ones that need [Music] probably change this crop a little bit and the yeah I should be able to yes so that's looking about right there and then now I will sink that across the rest of the photos do you call your second photographers pictures too and get them to send you know I have them I have them so I'd download all their photos on the NAR box like the day of the wedding so I take all their stuff and I have it and then I call their photos and I edit the photos so pretty much they just show up shoot and then give me the photos and that's it and then I paint pretty good gig being a second photographer is good money all if you're like too scared to do weddings yourself but we'd love to like be at least around weddings be a second photographer it's a it's a good gig if you find a nice photographer to who's like treats you well and pays well it is a good gig like my second photographer for this wedding she made 500 bucks which you know for not even eight hours because I let her leave early so you're talking for like maybe a seven hour day making 500 bucks ain't bad you know show me a part-time job where you're making 500 bucks and eight hours so and now that I've done that I can kind of look at everything to make sure it looks fine this one's a little too sometimes to what I'll do is I'll just edit by lens the SE like I pretty much doubled up on that so I need that too [Music] don't want too much of the same think I strained my back at the gym y'all I don't know what I did I can't even sit right so one big thing I kind of did for these shots is you can kind of see so this is the lamp here on the left right now is like a new viewer of the photo you may not even really notice that or just be kind of like whatever but that's the lamp and I put the phone on the floor too so like this table is now cleaned it doesn't have like a bunch of mess on it so you always want to notice and point out stuff like that well you know what I have this one video to just sink that one up yeah I can pretty much sink it across the board and then for the ones that are a little different I can go through will change those up that white balance so I'm just going through quickly and I'm you see like quickly going between the levels and then the white balance and the exposure because those are the big things those are the things we're going to change the most and I like I like my photos to the street I don't like too much Dutch tilt going on it's just black sometimes Lightroom has no idea what it's doing with lining up the stuff so I have to do it myself let's see about prints and you get a percentage of the money for the prints they order off your site also their issues do you take up yeah so when I do prints I do get a portion of that money basically the prints are much cheaper than they actually are to buy so the only thing I have to pay for is the production cost of the print itself so that difference between the production costs and then how much I'm how much they're paying for the rest of the print is what I did and usually it's not a lot I don't like to like right up my prints so much that they're ridiculous so you know it's not a lot but technically prints are passive income so it's a cool way to make some extra money and also serve your clients without being like shady basically same settings what's your update of your collab with Reggie Oh actually Reggie I was shouting you out earlier I shouted out your brain Iser photo video cuz I was a show I did a burn either at this wedding so I had to shout out your video because it's so good hopefully I'm gonna be recording my video this week not this week next week we're on that that same timeline basically awesome drop in on it too I don't know why I shot it so so far back like that yeah the big shout out to Ryan Brin Iser himself the man with the dream the idea I wish I could come up something with some something cool like that and just for anyone else in here shelling like editing shouldn't take you that long you really shouldn't and especially if you're looking to be a wedding photographer like you should be sitting around for like too long on photos outside of like your one or two like banger shots that you're like yeah you know this is gonna be on their mantle but for the most part you should be able to go through lightroom pretty quickly because if not you're just wasting a lot of your own time and if you want to be able to shoot more weddings it's like you're kind of holding yourself back by taking so long all the time so see I like the way that looked and now I'm gonna sync the settings across these photos I think you can work on all of the mono about these rings at the bottom but we'll see what happens [Music] [Music] it's okay on some of them it's a little it's a little yeah that's about where we take notes on all of the lighting me up that's like I should have shot this in Kelvin I want to be over here like dealing with 50 years of white diamond so that's another great risk in tones in the preset thank you so much yeah that's the that's the biggest thing is like pick your scene and keep it looking general keep the lighting looking nice know how you want to light it and then keep it looking that way and you will be able to fly through your edits because that's basically how I'm able to just straight-up come in here and sink the settings and be fine with it because the lighting is basically the same cool so those are generally the same now yep those are looking good so a lot of times my close-up shots I use them as my black-and-white shots so yeah like these will be color just because of what they are but yet again yeah you see with the preset if you got it right in camera and the white balance look good I'm literally applying the preset turning up exposure and that's it not much else involved see so this one the white balance isn't where I want it is a little too green yet again I'm a magenta guy someone throw a little bit more magenta in there and pretty much it's good to go and then I can select the rest of the photos and sync those settings actually that needs to be wound up some yeah and then once I sync those settings across all the photos then I go through the rest of them and just make sure they look okay so like this is all the way off so I'm just gonna go back to a shot and so I can start from there [Music] this will be black-and-white that also saves me a little bit of time because then I don't have to deal with white balance this one I'm gonna do color and black and white so let's go back to a shot on the white balance exposure down so you see that spritz actually at the white balance looks good as is for the most part then I'm going to create a virtual copy and then make a black and white and I'll do that I don't do that for all of my black and white photos but some photos I think will work good it's like they look okay in color but I think they look better as a black and white so I'll just do both and then yeah like I'm saying with the small wins I've just now finished this whole section of the groom photos so now I just take a quick look at it and make sure it's fine and at this point is when I would basically export it because it's it's good it's ready to go all the photos are edited sometimes if I want to make sure I'll go to attribute and see if there's known that are edited they're not so that's all his photos of him get it ready and just do it nice and quick so now let's go back through the sections this is getting really bright I already tagged it here's him this is me I've been tagging these which is John and then i'll zero-star that that's just some some stuff I can use for myself promotional stuff anything cool like that okay I love that you're loving the songs so this goes back to bride getting ready all this stuff here oh there's more groom getting ready cool so this is right on up getting ready getting ready more getting ready bride more getting ready crew cool so now getting ready groom is complete so what I have to do now is go back to the photos that aren't edited so I can quickly hit metadata or not meta damn sorry go to attribute and then no edits and they'll show me only the photos that aren't edited yet would you say your black and white are better with Fuji over Canon there's something about the green on the Fuji files that just look better like that's why I don't even mind shooting at a kind of higher ISO sometimes cuz it just looks good so these were these were all the same so I'm gonna sync that and then I'll black-and-white this one I've noticed my 35 tends to be way cooler than the 23 this is the 16 2.8 because I wanted to get a wide shot where you can see everybody and then again I can sink this across all these photos oops not metadata settings okay so these all look good and then these last two so I'm about right this one there and now we're done with the cream section and then this is when I would actually export everything so I'm gonna take me a two second bathroom break and I will be right back so y'all sit tight we're gonna hit the bridesmaids or just the bride's getting ready photos next we'll edit a lot of that stuff so through two seconds I will be right back [Music] all right we back in here we guess snacks snacks we use the bathroom feeling good I got these Chinese snacks my my wife is half Chinese so we be in there so I hope you don't mind some all right so I already marked most of this why does shots so off yeah her camera wasn't synched with mine at all so I used to call these group portraits and then again we'll make our smart album portraits [Music] this one goes into details which I've already created so I'll just have to name it then more group portraits Wow why are our cameras so off I fixed it oh the metadata on the file okay whatever man-- this is all the way off I'll call this first look and then we make our section for that look and couple porches bang and now because our photos are off we're back to bride getting ready I'm so mad I had already fixed the timing on the photos so for anyone beforehand who was talking about what you meant by syncing cameras this is what I mean you see how like this should all just be one section of her getting ready but then it's like boom a random picture of them together it's just like and it's annoying now cuz I can't just like it throws everything like all the way off luckily I separate my stuff into sections like this it kind of helps out a little bit I might have to go through and try and resync her photos up again let's let's go ahead and rinsing her photos up alright so cuz yeah it's only a hundred forty nine photos but it's had annoying so he may as well get them in the right spot so so this photo of him putting on his jacket for her was that twelve forty four and then we need to find when mine was of him putting on his jacket I don't have all the same shots here I didn't call him out but like this is at 143 so yeah her should be one something let's actually go back to all the wrong photos yeah I have the pictures of him putting on the jacket as well like this that was that one 4310 1:43 yeah so let's go through now so we're gonna select only her camera we're gonna select everything always forget little do this very often yeah edit capture time and then if we want this one to be at one thank you Tim for that sub or was it 143 10 and it'll change all of those and now that that's done they should be in a better sync time so now it becomes like one nice cohesive story yes is he like this is my shot this is hers they're basically on now they're the same section and now I don't have to worry about like pictures that are like totally in like some random area or something they just don't make sense whatsoever dehydrated Apple so good I never knew we could change capture time yeah it's it makes the biggest difference cuz now you see now it's just her getting ready there's one big section so now instead of me like having to deal with all that I can select the first one I can go down select the last one and just call all of it getting ready bribed and there it is so now it's not like a big issue since we're here I'll go ahead and do this real quick too now see it's still a little off but it's way better than it was so all the way down to here except for this one is group portraits I'll just make this part a couple portraits so yeah let's go back to bride getting ready photos so here are all the photos of the bride getting ready and since I already edited some of these for a preview I can just use those there's a place setting so first let's see so I only got 12 photos from my second and I may not even need all of them you doing like it seems like a lot like and there's a lot of like the same kind of stuff too and so usually as you see like I like to get the second photographers photos kind of out of the way so the angle on this one is all wonky that's better like this one because I know I have and then here's again what we were talking about so when she gets hot she get those little like high of places and she said she was okay with me editing that out so I'm gonna heal to all that stuff so you can see it as much and that's nothing like obviously you can't do frequency separation in Lightroom but there's a lot of stuff that you can do so you know don't don't count Lightroom out a lot of people think that they have to do so many things in Photoshop and you really don't Lightroom was made really for speed I feel like so that you could really get in there and quickly make the changes you need to and also quickly do stuff like healing and dodging and stuff and the only time you need to do more than that there's minutes like complicated stuff then you'll need Photoshop but for the most part anything like easy quick and simple Lightroom can do it you shouldn't have to be jumping between Lightroom and Photoshop often so I just synched a bunch of photos let's see how you look black-and-white there's like a little bit too much Headroom so that was that set of photos [Music] this is definitely black and white especially cuz like you can't really see your face but I love how it's just like a little little bit of a face in here she's off to cooling so I'm actually not gonna Center this up like I typically do I like her off to the side like that in this photo and then we're gonna go through and heal it up real quick also the black-and-white makes it a little bit easier for me to edit out these splotchy marks because you can barely see it in the first place anyway on the black and white so yeah there's your before and after that you can see the heel tool really kind of got rid of that discoloration and stuff yet again it's not like perfect frequency separation Photoshop craziness but in it looks good to me you know you have to pick your mic pick your editing style I feel like based a lot on the type of photography or two because if it's portraiture like magazine photos or something like that it makes way more sense to like dive into the photo real hard actually create virtual copy ninjas black and white ants [Music] [Music] I'll black-and-white this too because I have some of my own of these photos cool so there's all my second photographers photos so we have those done and out of the way and now we get into the meat and potato of my own photos mmm chowing down I'm gonna come back to the flat leaves in the moment feel like deal with them right now let's see what we can do with this dress shot yet again my video about dress shots this is exactly what I don't like to do is put it in front of a window luckily it's a little bit of ways away from the window so it's not so bad but I just I don't I don't like doing it I feel like everyone does it and it doesn't make sense because the dress is white and unless you're using the flash you're gonna blow up the background and you're not gonna be able to see the dress and it's like why are we why are we doing this like why so many emails please stop please make it stop that works I can do that and then I'll probably I'm not gonna do it now but Photoshop out this door because it's such an eyesore and I should hopefully be able to sync those settings across [Music] we'll see how that looks not too bad those last two is the white balance is kind of off but the rest of them aren't you bet so I did a little bit of horizontal moving there try and get that X a little bit more like centered up I thought it was kind of cool that they had the X there because it's the proximity hotel so the X and these all work but then this one's like a little blue or something greetings from the Netherlands lifts up welcome to the stream yeah so blue it's also I kind of want to D hey sit really cool yeah these are all gonna be the same so let's do this real quick this is the 16 mil 2.8 so this white balance is all over the place I want any more magenta and it needs to be more watered up yo Lightroom I don't recently it hasn't been loading the images so like this looks like I missed the focus but I know I didn't and I kinda hate that Lightroom is doing that but whatever so we sync those settings cuz this is all the same scene and then go back and make sure exposed to looks right level stuff out cute fun times black and white this way this was just like a candidate it's okay it wasn't like the greatest buddy I just thought it was funny like looking at the photos that was the mom's way of like trying not to get in their fields either so it worked out so I know that you do not show feet usually cut off the load of these thoughts on that oh I don't have too many thoughts on that half the time I just don't really feel like it fits the scene like we really need to see the field I don't think like it's a must-have I feel like basis or a little bit more important in the photos these are basically the same so no feet in there to me is like whatever so usually if I am showing feet is because I'm shooting like super wide but for the most part I'm just not there's not bothering to care about the feet at all y'all ever yall ever had these little pandas these things are so good they're like little animal crackers almost but they got a little sauce inside I know anyone anyone Asian especially Chinese y'all probably know [Music] awful - without always showing their feet it's a little bit easier to control your scene like if you have messing the scene that you don't really want it there it's easier to not have it there at all cuz there's just you can just put stuff on the floor he'll out those splotchy spots and luckily there's not a lot of it after this when we do the first look at stuff outside it was actually a little bit cold so and you can't you can barely even see it yeah you can't even see it it's like a nervous headed happy thing every dude boudoir I do not my wife's not really down with me shooting the door either so yeah I don't really do it and I know a lot of photographers how about you can make extra money doing that as well as a part of your package but it's too much for me too much I'll let the ladies handle that best thing about China is orange chicken oh it's chicken yours are splotchiness again so we're just going to heal that out about the same there's our splotchiness again so we're going to take it out real quick yeah yet again like I was saying in life room is it's efficient it can do it you don't always have to jump into Photoshop I know there's a lot of photographers who like talk about that and obviously it depends on like the style and approach but I do also think that's a very like editorial magazine kind of approach to your photos so you see like those three photos were basically the same but I like to deliver like a couple different looks of like whatever facial expressions they're making so that they have kind of more to choose from how many times during a wedding do you hear women say trim out 30 times luckily not that many and I'm very transparent and upfront with my couples about how I edit and I basically tell people that I don't I don't do that and I may take you know I may do it on one or two photos but I'm gonna charge you for that so between that I don't really hear a lot of it I mean there's obviously there's like moms or aunts or somebody there's always somebody you're like bro actually it's not that easy like multiple people's whose jobs are retouching that's what they do it's not that easy like yeah I couldn't take 50 pounds off of you but that's like literally spending like four to five hours on one photo can't do it I see a lot of folks hogs do a lot of dodging and burning for death and even had some common dodging and burning we don't always I don't know I think you can make a cool photo I'm like in Reggie's video on how he doesn't burn either he kind of like he doesn't really die I mean technically that is kind of dodging and burning but he like molds the light around using post-production and it looks pretty cool so I definitely have nothing against it I just like to get stuff looking good in camera and I also like to keep things looking pretty natural so it's like one-off photos like I'm not gonna do it very often for the most part I'm gonna keep things looking very true to life and bringing natural because that's kind of my approach yet again this is wedding photography I want it to be about a day and having a good time on the day and remembering what your day was like rather than having these super epic photos and yet again that's gonna be different for photographers some photographers take like super epic photos and that's all you ever see and that's cool and then so their approach to editing and all that stuff is gonna be different so I have nothing against it and that's like again with the photo I did of them on the rooftop like that just happened that had to happen for this photos like I did a lot of Photoshop work on it but I'm not gonna do that that often it's literally gonna be like 1 or 2 photos so the same thing with dodging and burning like your portrait section is gonna be those photos they're gonna have banger shots that are gonna like be a little extra and super edit it and stuff but there should literally be like maybe 10 out of your whole collection and the bigger focus on wedding photography should be the wedding the event and all that stuff but yet again it's a perfect agra fir kind of approach do you just kind of have to pick you got to pick what kind of photographer you want it'd be really and then what science and then that's how you get booked with those people when you're fur is very clear and they understand what you are and who you are and how you approach it and if that's what they want and they like your brand and they will book with you and kind of works that way popped out for a few minutes did John answer the question I noticed you show feet oh yeah I did answer it I was just saying I only really show feet when it's like wide shots I don't really think they necessarily always have to be in there and be shown so yeah unless I'm shooting super wide I just don't bother I was also saying to not shooting all the way wide and download like that makes it easier to hide stuff that might be on the floor or something of that sort do you care if your second shooter uses another brand I do not I could care less and it's kind of funny too cuz I feel like everyone's so picky about that and then I'm over here like you I shoot Fujifilm so I already know in my area day no one else who she was Fujifilm like my second shoots Fuji but that's because we also worked for the same other photographer and we're all Fuji photographers so she just happened to move into the same area as me and so that's cool cuz now I have another Fuji second but like especially shooting Fuji I can't even be mad that I don't have seconds to shoot my same camera system fits who shoots Fuji for wedding muna means like there's such a little amount of us that I'm just kind of like okay whatever yeah I shoot Fuji how you feel about dad what's happening this one is edited so let's use it as our base sync the settings this is like y'all are y'all are now seen the full experience this is how I edit I'm just like sitting around snacking listening to some cool jams that's this literally literally my editing time so like me taking out this splotchiness is definitely eating up a lot of time but it's pretty noticeable and then yet again she said she would like it edit it out so I don't mind jumping in here and making sure for the most part it's gone and like I said again it really doesn't take that much effort you see I'm just throwing some healing spots on it and it's pretty much constantly [Music] now if it was like a whole ordeal to edit it out then I'm may have only done like one or two photos and then the rest it but this is pretty easy stuff so [Music] [Music] I'm gonna black-and-white that too I'm mad that like her eyes weren't a little bit more open or at least fully closed this is like I kind of in between shot but is still kind of queues I'm gonna leave it so you see her arm started calming down a little bit here so and I didn't even really notice in the last couple of photos yeah you can't even really see it I guess I can go [Music] I think most of these here were shot with the 16 I'm just gonna go to 16 because it's not a lot of yeah yeah so I should be able to just also to back to that question about using like seconds with different camera systems I mean like it's not that hard to match the colors it really isn't yeah it does take a little bit of time but it it's really not that hard and when you have a preset that's solid like the natural feels preset like it's just for the most part I'm putting my preset on and turning up the exposure and it looks fine and then I'm just making like a little micro adjustment because Fugees are a little bit more magenta or something like that and Nikon's are more green or something you're just like changing the hue just the tiniest bit and it's like okay that's not so hard so outside of like not really knowing Lightroom I don't really see a reason to be that hung up on different camera systems I'm more concerned of if you can support me well as a second and if you can take good shots that are in focus you know like that matters to me way more than what your camera system is yeah Lightroom loads the photos all weird they're like not fully loaded and it almost looks like they're like they're out of focus it's annoying I know so many photographers who won't argue unless you yeah it's kind of annoying that's why I like nowadays cuz sometimes I love the second shoot because it's like an easy way to make a good like four to five hundred bucks for like a day out or day you don't really have to do anything serious you're not the main photog so it doesn't like not everything falls on you it's like so less stressful and all you got to do is show up do a great job shoot the photos deliver the photos and that's it so I still second I second all the time it's a nice gig it's fun but I shoot fuji film so i don't get a lot of second photography gig to people like what i've had so many people be like you shoot film no it's fuji film is the it's the company guys I have a canon 5d mark ii and an XD 3 most difficult thing I've had to deal with our matching videos since the XD 3 is more advanced yeah see that's what if video would be a different subject I can understand someone being like nah because your cameras are gonna save your video because that's a whole like everything looks totally different it's alive [Music] whitebalance is like diff the way the camera handle is why it's just all of its so different unless you shoot a log or something I guess this might be a little harder because I don't have a lot of arm space I can use [Music] I shoot a lot of olympus at Panasonic people rent one away I see micro four-thirds oh I'm sure I'm sure people already have a hard time a crop sensor so micro four-thirds approach so these photos are little too cool for my liking so I'm gonna do a quick adjustment so that's this stuff up here the quick develop you can just literally hit temperature and bump it up just a bit and now it's gonna hit all these photos with a little bit of temperature [Music] yeah what lot yet what log you can match like well we had the basic the basic profiles are so different like I had someone shoot some video for me recently maybe was using like an old Nikon and I just remember looking at the footage me like wow it looks so different than my Fuji but it makes sense to Fugees colors are just like so good [Music] [Music] so that's cool and now I'm gonna sink that across all of these detail shots to see hunson like well she did her own makeup which is cool someone did her hair but she did not know me makeup actually that's right she's a makeup artist Doug I'm an idiot she like does makeup that's why she hit me up she hit me up with all the other vendors at the wedding I was like wow awesome it was like oh that's right because she does makeup I totally forgot like an idiot not about switching the Fuji but I really don't want to deal with selling all my gear yeah yeah I luckily I don't get too many photographers being like - like crazy about what I shoot but I think a lot of that is because they see my photos and then they're just like well and I'm like yeah I do that on crop sensor Oh and so it usually works out and I still do in a second but people are taking you know what it is there's a lot of seconds out there there's a lot of people who grab a camera there like I'm a photographer so there's a lot of seconds who like compose like they're good and then they get to the wedding and it's a tragedy and you're like what happened and you know like that's no offense to anybody but this is hard for the main working photographer who's like paying you and then gets home and your photos suck you know like yes that's hard you just throw like three four hundred five hundred dollars at somebody in the site you can lose use like three photos [Music] that's not a fun time at all [Music] so I'm not too extra all the time but sometimes like stuff like this little thing on the side of whatever this is is annoying so like I'll try and go in and clean up that type of stuff if I can and if I have the time to all right still in the here with these bright and ready or like how this little piece kind of so yeah I'm not super picky but if I see something poking out I'm gonna get [Music] also too for tips for anyone with editing like one of the main things I'm looking for when I'm doing white balances skin tones your skin tones are kind of like the main thing that's gonna let you know if your white balance looks good or not these are about the same let's get rid of this one I've known photos to other leads I've shown photos of leads and the like what they see but then they ask the camera you say Michael filters yeah some people won't but yeah it's it's the worst what's your lowest shutter speed for photos you're editing I usually I try not to go under one 25th one 125th thats like it's best because you know it's wedding photography people are moving that's a little too low that's like questionably low at 1 1 25 even one 160 is is also very questionable yeah if you get those skin tones looking right you're pretty much in the right spot I'm such an idiot cuz I like saw her putting these on for her sister I'm like wow she's doing the stuff herself man it all makes sense now I'm like oh yeah she was a she's a makeup artist duh no wonder she was doing this no wonder there was one person that complained about me using a 16 megapixel camera with other photographers using the 21 yeah it's like wow that's a big difference that's like when the xt3 came out and they're like it's 26 megapixels versus 24 gotta get it I need to buy it now it's like no that didn't that didn't really make that big of a difference from the stories I did not the ones that elevate yeah I didn't on this one but I I might buy some actually or what I wanted I've been wanting to do a flat light video for a while and so I approached my flat lace very differently I I call it the scavenger method of doing the flat lay where you just kind of find something that's there so like there was this table it was like a full granite table isn't mad heavy but it looks nice so I just did that so I want to show the scavenger method but I also want to make one where like you bring your stuff because I've seen other photographers who bring like items and things that help them make their flat lays so I want to show you like using that method or using scavenger method where you just find whatever is in the room and do stuff like that because I think that's a it's a very useful skill to be able to be like I don't have anything nice but I'll take what I can and make it look nice no matter what especially as a wedding photographer you kind of need to be able to do because if you can't you're gonna have a sad time cuz when things don't go your way you're gonna like oh no what do I do like you have to be able to you know you got to be able to make it work that's just half the part of being a wedding photographer hello from the Ukraine hello welcome how did you resolve palming with the tint oh yeah the xt3 is there's something weird with the XD green I remember when I switched to it it was like the weirdest thing at first you have to use this Adobe standard v2 which I think you can download from their site you have to use that version because if not your white balance is like wrong my natural feels preset if you picked it up if you're thinking about picking it up it has an XT 3 version of the preset and then like everything else and you can even see that in my presets and how I use them that um when I come look at my presets you have my XD 3 color which is the natural presets color for the X III and then you just have Fuji color which is the natural preset but for any other Fuji camera because it the XD 3 is like that different so even going back to the whole conversation of matching cameras even between the X t2 and the XT 3 the colors are like pretty different so that's another reason why I just don't sit here in a hard one like my second photographer having the same camera system as long as you know how to make it look good if you can take good photos that's all I care about people are so hung up on like it I don't know it it gets to me sometimes it's just like oh the specs the numbers in the specs and it's like in a real world scenario they're like what does that change for you the photographer or are you just being sold to and me like well it's the best and because I'm a wedding photographer I have to have the best for my clients it's like that kind of stuff used to get under my skin when I on when I worked at Apple and sometimes people would come in and be like give me the best iPad and I'm like what does that mean bro what do you mean the best give me the best iPad well for me my little 11 inch 256 gig pro is the best I don't need one terabyte 12 inches it's too big I don't need it it's too much for me it's not about price how does it work for you in a real life situation give me the best okay here's the most expensive I just I hate it so much so it's like it's that same mentality towards cameras a lot of the time photographers are just like this is the best one mister News point it just came out as 50 megapixels that's more than 30 I could go on for I could go on about it forever so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go on about it cuz someone's gonna go in the comments and trying to rash me around oh look at that I'm almost done with this whole section oh nice hey thank you for that sub they picked themselves a little Bible verse so this will also be easy to edit as it's pretty coloring and then just sync the settings across all of that when I showed my photos to other photographers that are full-frame they cannot tell my photos for taking micro four-thirds and they caught that's what I'm saying like like really most of the time you can't tell you just you really can't usually you can and then like the little ways you can are like so little like yeah okay there's a little bit more background separation but with like crop sensor you just need a longer focal length and you still get that same background separation Wow Wow that's so hard guys it's not full-frame hazard advantages I'm not hating on full frame I just don't think like especially wedding photographers they just take hang on to it so hard like there's no other way to take photos your wedding photographer you're not full-frame you must not be a professional that's like trying to say if you play basketball you don't wear Nikes you mean official like there's a lot of other great okay I think we did it let's just scroll through and see if my second photographers shots make sense yeah I don't see anything this out so and then let's check and see if anything's not edited so we just finished the getting ready bride and the getting ready rhythm section that was 103 photos do that pretty quickly for you offers wedding albums and so how do you price them so wedding albums are always a hard subject because they can be kind of annoying to make I do offer them I used to include them in packages I don't anymore because I found that people take forever to get their photos ready like they have to choose the photos they want and the album ended it's just too much of a process so what makes more sense for me what I'm doing now is I'm giving an album credit and then that credit expires after a certain amount of time so basically if they want it up and they can buy it and then their price is pretty I think my lowest album is around 600 bucks and I give at lowest 150 credit so they're paying like you know like 475 there's some dollars for the albums and then that way the album can have it quicker rather than it being me waiting forever for them and stuff like that I've never been able to look at anyone's photo until the props answer or not I hear boat gate changes but yeah and I mean you you can definitely see it if you have side by side photos of like the same photo and ones you know a 50 mil full frame and the others 35 crop which is 50 mil equivalent you can definitely see it it's pretty obvious but like yet again if someone just holds up a photo to you and you had no idea what it was it's really hard to be like oh that's crop sensor and this someone be like no actually it's a full-frame that I you know stop down to f3 like it's hard it's hard you're not you're not gonna see that stuff you just you're not gonna notice it like that cuz I it yeah it's are you good with the lighting are you making good photos you know I mean like you know photography that's what matters people be hung up on the wrong things all the time oh it was Lightroom freaking out I first got my Canon 5d people would make comments about how it looks professional because it's huge including Linda's with three people misty that's but that's what I'd be like two people like oh look at this guy there's a little tiny camera I'm like whatever guys look at the lenses they're so cute they're so small yeah look at my website I appreciate the basketball shoe analogy yeah I mean this that's how I be feeling like really guys because that's really what it is photographers don't see it like that but that's really all it is cameras are cameras just the same way as shoes or shoes and yes some manufacturers might do their stuff a little different and you might like it better and that's cool but at the end of the day are you a good basketball player I know if I throw on some Nikes I'm not gonna be a good basketball player thanks Edgar for that sub I mean I'm like five foot eight like I can barely I and I can barely dribble I suck at basketball so it's the same thing like we have all these photographers running around thinking that if they get X camera they're gonna be so much better and it's like no practice the fundamentals which you can do with any camera and then when you get good find the things that will help you do your job better and then that camera works for you thank you for that sub or really know your lens and know your bouquet yeah you have to know everything [Music] just shoot if you whip out a big 7200 lens people yes they think you're old goodness alright folks so we just called in photo mechanic today and we went through section off some of the wedding and finished two whole sections of the wedding which is actually pretty good I think that was a total of about 200 some photos or so so that was about three hours for me it's pretty good I got other work to do I got videos to shoot I got YouTube to do I got all guys but thank you for hanging out with me I saw a lot of y'all y'all were in here for most of the stream so I appreciate y'all for hanging out and watching the stream I hope you learned some stuff and like I said for the next stream I'm gonna edit you all's photos on the stream what the natural feels preset and let me let me drop that link for you all again before I leave don't forget to submit your RAW files for me at that link that I just put up I'll be editing on the stream and if you hang out you'll be able to see your own photos use with the natural fills preset maybe I'll do something like a drawing or something I don't know maybe I'll do some fine also keep an eye out for the information for my mini workshop in New York I'm gonna make a video about that and drop the information sometime soon but I can give you all heads up for anyone in the stream now it's gonna be pretty limited because this is just like a little mini thing I'm not trying to make it into a big thing so it's gonna be 15 spots so if you are interested in coming or if you're in the New York area really you want to come be ready for it because fixing spots is gonna probably go pretty quick obviously with the virus going around right now we'll see what happens so I'll be refunding people if for some reason we can't do it but information coming soon check that out thank you again for hanging out don't forget to sub if you haven't yet and I will check you all out next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: John Branch IV Photography
Views: 379,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom classic, lightroom classic tutorial, adobe, photography, how to edit photos, natural feels preset, adobe lightroom, how to edit in lightroom, photo editing, how to use lightroom, lightroom editing, john branch iv photography, editing photos for beginners, creative cloud, fujifilm xt3, how to edit fujifilm photos, how to edit fujifilm raw files, lightroom tutorial, photographer, editing photos, photo mechanic, photo mechanic workflow, photo mechanic to lightroom
Id: NYrtMuff7yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 12sec (14052 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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