Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Certification Review #1

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all right what's up everybody coach kilburn here with a little review for you adobe photoshop creative cloud 2020 industry standard certification testers so this really is for everybody but it's mostly for those people that are going to certify so i just wanted to go over a few things first guys always have your layer panel open so on that certification test if you don't see the layer panel open open that layer panel understanding what's going on in the layer panel is more important than anything okay so here's a couple of things uh guys you need to know how to make groups right they're gonna ask you to make groups and name it and put certain layers in that group so you just read the question and do what they're telling you to do right so to create a group again we go to the bottom of the layer panel to this folder we click to create a group they'll either tell you to name it or they won't if they tell you to name it name it exactly what they tell you to name it they don't tell you to name it you just need to create it then they're going to tell you which layers to drag into that group right guys you'll know it's in the group because notice it's indented over see all these other layer thumbnails come straight down but this one's over also if you collapse the layer group and you don't see that that means it's in the folder it's in the group so if i expand the layer group there it is okay so you need to know how to create groups you need to know how to put layers in that group okay all right guys also styles they're going to ask you to add styles to shapes and text and things like that right so first of all make sure you're on the right layer every question you need to be on the correct layer to get it correct right so they're gonna we're gonna add a style to this big green circle right here right how do we get to styles if you don't see the styles panel all panels are found under window let's go to window they're all alphabetical and go to styles right guys they may ask you for like maybe this green moss right that's the case and you're on the right layer you just click on it and you see it adds the style to that layer okay guys if they ask for like that blue glass button well remember that's a legacy style right and the sepia tone if you get a question about they want you to add a sepia tone to a photograph remember the blue glass button and the sepia toner legacies legacy means old so how do we load up the legacy buttons or the legacy styles come up here to these lines click on it and just follow legacy legacy styles again here expand that folder for legacy styles expand this subfolder for legacy styles right look in here that's where that blue glass button will be right here blue glass or they may ask for the sepia tone guys if they ask for a sepia tone it's an image effect right so in this case we got to find our image effects so here's the image effects sepia tone is an old technique it comes from old photography it's this one right here remember if you hover your cursor over the balloon will pop up and tell you what it is right so i want to add that sepia tone but to another layer to an image again make sure your layer panel is open click on the correct layer right we're going back to styles i want to add that sepia tone right image effects right all right next thing guys um again yeah yeah styles they may ask you no already did that really did that uh they may ask you to create some guides right so what they want you to do is maybe put a guide at the beginning of the text and maybe at what they call the baseline of text so guys on text this bottom part think of like an imaginary line that the text sits on that's called the baseline so in that case you need your rulers open how do you open your rulers you go under view and rulers so if you don't see your rulers go up to view because you gotta view or see or look at the rulers go to rulers right you can just click and drag the guide down they may want you to put one at the baseline of the text and they may want you to put one at the beginning of the text so you just drag it from this ruler all right boom you'll get that question right okay so you just need to know what the baseline is right you need to know where the beginning of the text is you need to know how to open your rulers right all right another question they may ask you to display the rulers in a different increment just right click whatever the question tells you pixels centimeters millimeters whatever they tell you all you got to do is right click on the ruler and change it to what they want right they may ask you to create a guide at a specific spot they may say add a vertical guide at 600 pixels and a horizontal guide at 200 pixels if that's the case if it's a very specific spot you don't drag you go up to view live view because you view or look at a guide right we want to go to new guide and you can't do them both in the same box you got to do one and then the other so again if they say horizontal that's 600 i'm sorry horizontal at 200 do that one first here's our horizontal at 200 all right 200 on the ruler and i can add another one new guide they'll tell you in the question vertical we're gonna go 600 all right boom so here's mine right here on the ruler 600 right so there's two ways to do guides drag and drop to wherever they tell you or go to view new guide if they tell you a specific spot okay all right guys you need to know how to work with type and text especially leading kerning and tracking right so how do we do that we got to open our character panel where do we open all panels all panels come from window and then we go to character right then we just have to find it so they you know it's going to be something like this let me go back to the layer panel i think they'll have a word right and the tracking is wrong it's probably a negative right let's go even more let's go even more all right so guys look there's not enough space between these characters it's it's too too tight right it's too tight so we got to increase some space so if you increase the space evenly between all characters that's called tracking so make sure you're on the right layer you got to find the one called tracking again if you hover your cursor over it the balloon will tell you what it is they'll tell you what to change the tracking too so since these are too close together and it's on a negative we need to probably come up here to a positive it's going to add more space evenly between all the characters boom so that's tracking if we did kerning kerning is only between two specific characters notice how this i takes up a lot space than the b or the g so in that case we may need to do some kerning right so you just got to find the one that deals with kerning right hover over things set the right so they'll tell you what to change it to you just do what the question tells you to do right boom so tracking is the equal amount of space between all characters kerning is the amount of space just between two characters or letting is the space between lines of text this way so we're talking about this amount of space it's really the space from the baseline to the other baseline right so i've got two lines of text i have two bass lines the leading deals between the space between this bass line and this bass line right so then i got to go to my leading here set the leading again if i go a positive number they're going to be further apart i'm sorry i'm thinking backward positive number they're closer right so boom right the amount of space between each character between each line of text right so the lower the number the closer they are together right the higher the number the further apart they are all right so guys that's leading tracking and kerning all right guys they may ask you to change the fill of something but without affecting the drop shadow right so watch if i'm on this layer and i lower the opacity so now we're talking about transparency not only does it lower the transparency of the text it's also lowering the transparency of the drop shadow we don't want that we only want to add transparency to the text not the drop shadow so how do you do that that's the fill the fill of the text so watch now if i lower the transparency on the fill it does not affect the drop shadow it's only affecting the fill of that layer or of that text okay so if they want you to change the transparency on an image a shape or text without affecting the layer style underneath they're talking about the fill okay all right what else what else what else what else um guys you need to know how to select things and add masks right so let's bounce over here to this other image so you may have an image of a skyscraper right they may ask you to select the skyscraper and add a mask to protect it right so guys look i see a lot of people spending a lot of time selecting the skyscraper don't forget about the inverse the inverse is the opposite so think of math instead of using these tools and coming in here there's so many different colors and different shapes right like it's taking me a long time to select that you can do it this way guys there's nothing wrong about doing it this way right but i want to show you a quicker way so i'm going to control d to deselect since the sky is all the same color it's going to be much easier to select the sky right then go to select because we're dealing with a selection and choose inverse the inverse is the opposite now i have what i want i have the skyscraper selected right so whether you select the skyscraper or you select the background and then inverse it doesn't really matter it's just quicker if you select the background because it's all the same color right and time is what time is money so make that money and this will also save you you know a little bit of time on the test to do other things right how do we add a mask all right we got to be on the layer in the layer panel right so i'm going to right click and make this an actual layer all right as long as i'm on that layer now i got to add a mask here's the mask right notice the layer thumbnail white reveals and black hides think of turning the lights on and you can see or think of turning the lights off and you can't see so your layer thumbnail tells you it shows you what's going on so look over here see the white part that's the skyscraper it's revealing it's showing the skyscraper the black part it's hiding it's hiding this blue part right here right so if i control z or edit undo now we see everything but if i add a mask white protects and black reveals all right so you need to know how to do that all right guys uh oh they may have you prepare an old image an old black and white image so let me come over here and grab the image really quick old image repair find me a quick image all right can i find one can i find one yep here's a good one all right save that image guys they'll supply you with the image it's going to be an old image and maybe the side of it is torn right they're going to want you to use a tool to repair that part of the image all right so let's open up this old image what i call it torn there we go so guys it'll be an image something like this right there's gonna be a bad piece of the image they want you to repair i would use the spot healing brush right so you can resize your brush with the brackets on the keyboard all right you just click and drag over that bad area and it's going to use the surrounding pixels to fill it in and fix it right now that doesn't look great but this isn't the best image all right so maybe we just do this part right here oh see how it repairs it spot healing brush boom here's it right spot healing brush repairs it right also guys if they're talking about adding adjustments destructively or non-destructively remember that destructively means image adjustments and whatever they want you to do right you might get a question on vibrance where they want you to put the saturation at a certain number and put the vibrance at a certain number right so i haven't shown you vibrance vibrance and saturation right here okay so remember this type of image adjustment is destructive it actually destroys the original pixels right so if we look in our layer panel we're just still in the background it's actually changing the background but if we use the adjustments panel this adjustments panel is non-destructive so watch what happens in the layer panel when i had it here i think there's a vibrance over here somewhere again you can use your keys i mean your cursor to find the balloon right i don't know if there's vibrance but there's definitely a huge saturation rightward vibrance there you go a vibrant so when i click on this in the adjustments panel that's non-destructive right notice it adds a neck another layer it adds what we call an adjustment layer right that's non-destructive that does not destroy the original pixel value it kind of just you know it's on this copy it's on this layer so that's good okay guys layer panel that deletes this makes a new layer new layer group adjustment layer these are layer styles right so your inner shadows stroke bevel emboss right all that stuff all right guys if they tell you to unlock a layer you just click on the lock if they want you to lock the layer here's your lock right here boom so clicking on the lock unlocks it clicking on the lock here locks it all right guys there may be a question about layer visibility they're talking about these eyes visibility seeing viewing right so there may be a question where this eye is closed they'll tell you the layer all you got to do is click on the eye that's it right or maybe the layer is visible they want you to toggle the layer visibility so it's not visible you just close the eye okay all right uh guys you need to know how to make shapes again here's all your shapes you may need to do one of those subtract front shape things right um guys they may have you make a new swatch right and your swatches guys look this plus is a new anything that's a new swatch if in my layers panel that's a new layer right if i'm in my libraries panel no not libraries where's another one yeah brush settings brushes right here's a new brush so remember you may have a question where they want you to create a new brush based on a certain size right so you got to be on your brush tool they'll tell you the size then you make a new brush you name the brush they'll give you the name you just name it whatever they tell you then they'll give you some settings you gotta go to the settings right they may give you a size jitter they may give you an angle jitter all right here's your new brush all right so guys i think that covers a lot of it again you need to know how to select and copy and paste i'm not going to show you that because that's easy so you need to know how to select one thing from one image and go and paste it on another image right and i think i went over a lot of stuff right so go over this stuff make sure you understand all this stuff and you should do just fine again if you're scoring in the eights and nine hundreds in g metrics and you go over this review here guys you should be fine okay if i can think of anything else i'll make another review video alright peace
Channel: Chuck Kilbourn
Views: 15,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eCI-oaxB9bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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