Adobe Audition - Preferences - Spectral Displays

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hello i'm mike russell from in today's adobe audition preferences mini series video i'm going to look at the spectral displays if you are really enjoying these videos do make sure to hit like on this one also subscribe and if you never want to miss another video ding that bell so we can stay in contact now over here in adobe audition one of my favorite displays the spectral frequency display will show you all the frequencies uh inside your audio from base to mid to high end sibilance around here it's really really handy and in preferences control or command comma to bring it up really quickly you can actually find that there are spectral frequency display options here first of all you've got the windowing function and basically i leave this on black man harris but if i change it you'll see it ever so slightly changes the appearance of spectral but really not enough for most users to actually notice a difference there is a slight difference there seeing a slight change to how spectral display looks but default is black man harris what you really want to know is the spectral resolution bring it down to 32 and it goes all blocky and 8 bit and it's quite hard to work with although it might highlight some of the problem frequencies a little bit more for you if you go really high end like up here to 4096 you'll see you get a more detailed spectral frequency display uh you're seeing a lot more resolution there essentially in the spectral frequency display i'm going to stick though with 512 the default decibel range is helpful if you find that you're not seeing enough information pump this up and it makes it brighter you can see much more information now there or bring it down but the more you bring it down the less you're going to see you're only going to see the really strong frequencies again 132 is a happy medium on that something i find really handy is showing the grid lines on here you can see them very faintly turn the opacity up and look at this this can be super super helpful for identifying sibilance problems for instance you can follow these grid lines along on this little s sound in my voice and i can say okay the sibilance is occurring between 10k and 5k and then i can set up a de-esser using those grid lines a very easy way to measure on the spectral frequency display generally i leave those off but there may be times you want to switch them on play only selected frequencies when spectral frequency selection exists what this means is if i grab the marquee selection tool and i select just the sibilance it plays just the sibilance the same as if i just select some of the bass on my voice it only gets the bass whereas if that's unticked it'll just play everything so really i like to have that text because it helps me to zero in on problem frequencies there so moving over that's the spectral frequency display this box here is for the pitch display which is a different kettle official together it's this one up here and basically shows you the musical notes of your audio now this is your speech so there's not much music going on here uh but if you are recording a singer for instance this display can be super handy to you and again very similar to what we had before with the frequency display you got the resolution bring it to 32 it goes all blocky and strange in my opinion bring it up higher and the resolution gets more detailed of course but again i like to leave this around the default uh around you know you can put it around one two eight that's probably a little bit too low uh so you can go up to whatever really is suitable for you 1024 that kind of makes it nice and clear but actually in my opinion probably around 204 rate is going to be about the sweet spot there for your spectral pitch display decibel range again hots it up or cools it down uh so again just leave that on default in my opinion it works pretty well 75 db and show the grid lines you can see the gridlines are on this is quite handy you can turn up the opacity if you like and then you can see all the notes over here uh you've got g3 uh g-sharp uh a3 all of that and you can just follow the grid lines across and uh it's super super handle handy i usually leave these on 30 the default that's absolutely fine for me and that is spectral displays in a nutshell inside the adobe audition preferences menu if you have any questions do post them down below and make sure to check out my courses where you can learn everything about adobe audition i've got audio production podcast production and also i've got live streaming courses as well open for enrollment now at mrc dot fm forward slash learn that is forward slash learn music radio dot com
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EOzdMNc73M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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