Setting Presets for Voice Over in Adobe Audition

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hello hello everybody welcome back to my channel i've had a couple of questions regarding specific things that you can do within adobe audition to help speed things up in your voice over editing process and one of those things was recording a favorite where you can set a specific rack preset and then perhaps maybe a normalization uh you know whatever chain of events that you perform on an audio file you can actually set as what they call a preset or a favorite and all you would have to do is just hit a button and that whole process is done for you instead of going through each thing individually it's all done within one button and that's what we're gonna go through today so let's get to it so here we have an example audio file what we're going to do first is to build a rack preset now depending on what sort of plug-ins or effects that you use or have this rack of course is going to vary so i'm just going to use the examples that i have but of course you can use any of you know any of the different rack effects that you have and like so first let's build a rack preset so what we're going to do first is add in any kind of noise removing effects that you have so for me i'm going to use um it also depends on what kind of noise it is right now let's just focus on overall noise like if you have you know a computer fan or something going in the background or just ambient noise we can use either actually i prefer to use ns1 mono and start start them out pretty low but depending on the amount of noise you have you can go i mean i wouldn't go any more than maybe 40 if it was really really bad but ns1 is great and i'm always talking about ns1 but ns1 is really great for removing lots of ambient noise i'm trying to think of an example like um i don't know if you can hear it there's a motorcycle going by right now it would be great to reduce a lot of that kind of noise um or if you have let's say for example you edit podcasts and they're outdoors uh recording this podcast and there's a lot of just wind and just ambient noise going on ns1 would be great for removing that mr motorcycle guy anywho he's just gonna keep doing drive-bys okay but ns1 is great because it's not destructive to your vocal tract adobe has their own noise red noise reduction effect which is really good there's a denoise and then there's a noise reduction let me just show you that really quick adobe's noise reduction i would use for a specific sound not ambient constant noise i would use it just keeps driving by although you could use it for constant noise but it does do a little bit of destruction to your vocal tract i don't use it as much for ambient noise i use ns1 but let's say for example again a podcast someone is recording with another person and their computer makes a ding or something like that or their phone gets a notification this is good for removing that specific noise but i wouldn't use adobe's noise reduction for constant ambient noise it almost sounds like a dirt bike i think someone's got a new dirt bike in my neighborhood i'm sorry if it's distorting i can't ask him to leave i wish i could but i can't so but ns1 would be good for just constant ambient noise okay he finally turned it off so let's start with that with ns1 mono and then next i'm going to go with a maybe a mouth noise remover which i have a lot of we're going to go to restoration izotope i'm going to plug in a mouth d click this is my setting is that four and that's about it it doesn't need a whole lot and then i'm going to add a little bit of eq you could use um adobe has a really great um why am i not saying parametric parametric equalizer this guy is really good if you have the time and patience to really find or fine tune your eq if you want to remove you know you want just like a generic high pass or a low pass filter those are there here's your generic high pass you can change this to usually about 80 hertz is about typical tim tippets has a really great course on adobe audition and he goes through this parametric equalizer at length and i will put a link to his course in the description down below for you if you really want to understand the science and technology you want to get really techy and figure out the parametric equalizer his course is really good for that but if you want to add a little eq he's driving by you want to add a little eq this is where you would do that or let's see what else we could put in here if you have explosives be a good one to remove isotope also has a great uh right there deplosive you can throw in a deplosive get rid of those pops of air as they come out reduce that and then also if you have a little bit of reverb or echo in your recording space you also have through isotope a d reverb which has been a lifesaver for when i edit my podcasts let's just say this is your rack you have all of these adjusted perfectly so your track sounds amazing you're very happy with the way that this sounds you want to save this as a rack preset you go up here to save effects rack as a preset you click on that and you just name it whatever name ours test so the idea is in your recording space you're going to have the same amount of ambient noise you're going to have the same amount of plosives you're going to have the same amount of mouth noise you're going to have these are the core effects that you're going to use every time so now these are all set in a rack for you so anytime you record anything all you need to do is to come into your effects rack go to your presets drop down and then just select your preset rack and then just hit apply and then that is all done so that will save you a ton of time on manually adjusting each file going forward so that will help you there and let's say that your typical your typical chain is to apply your effects and then you normalize to negative 3 db so what we want to do is go up here to favorites and then we want to start recording favorite then we're going to go to our recess we're going to select test and then we're also going to hit apply give it a second to apply and then we're going to come back up to favorites and go normalize to negative 3 db that is our favorite so now that we come down here and stop recording our favorite and we're going to name it you know everyday or we can call it new favorite and another thing that tim had given me the great idea to do is to date your favorite because if things change you get a new computer system you get a new microphone you you know you improve your recording space if anything changes that's going to change the sound of your vocal tracks from day to day to day then you want to keep track of all of your different favorites or when you change them or update them or i guess you could simply go in and just delete the old one and create a new one but it's up to you but if you date these then you have an idea of you know the last time that you changed it we're going to save that and then now i'm gonna go back to in history i'm gonna go back to when i very first opened this file and now we're gonna go to favorites and we're going to hit our new favorite that we dated for today and there it goes it's applying our effects rack and it normalized so everything is done for you easy peasy lemon squeezy so that is how you create a effects rack preset and how you create a new one-click favorite so these two things will save you a lot of time in your editing process so that is it for this video i hope you enjoyed it as always leave me a comment below if you like what you see if you have a specific question throw me a like hit that subscribe button that really helps i really appreciate it and i look forward to seeing you on the next video thanks so much we'll see you bye
Channel: VoiceOverAngela
Views: 15,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe audition, adobe audition tips, setting presets in adobe audition, voice over, voiceover, adobe audition cc, how to use adobe audition, adobe audition tutorial, voiceoverangela, voice over tips, voice over adobe audition, voice acting tips, voice over tips for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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