Complete Beginners Guide to Adobe Audition CC 2021 | Voice Over Edition | Part 2

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welcome to the video make sure that you have subscribed press that bell to make sure you get the notifications and i hope you'll like and share as well i hope you checked out my last video which i began my introduction of how to use adobe audition by the way here's the link so you can check it out and if you follow and watch this video it will not only help you if you use adobe audition but hopefully we'll give you some ideas some it's really the basics of using your recording software your daw so much of what i say is applicable regardless of what you use although the user interface may look slightly different so in the last video i i talked and went over the basics of setting up and using your digital audio workstation your daw your daw your recording software and as i mentioned i use adobe audition and not not saying it's the only one to use or the it's necessarily the one you should use but it is the one that i use and have used for nearly 20 years now because i used it prior to my life and voice over when i worked in radio so what i wanted to do in this video is simply take what i talked about and actually do it for you and show you what it would look like in real life so let's just simply walk through the steps because i think by watching me do it it will help the the entire thing to make more sense to you as you set up to record on your computer and with your chosen digital audio workstation daw da slash recording software so as you can see here on my desktop here is uh here is adobe audition and so the first thing that i want to do is i want to make sure that i have my input and my output set up properly input and output meaning your audio interface is feeding audio into your computer it's taking it from your mic and putting it in the computer so you can record it and that your recording software is actually feeding the audio back out to you so you can listen in your headphones or on speaker monitors if you're using that i personally when i'm doing voiceover work i exclusively use headphones i don't use monitors speaker monitors for voiceover unless i'm producing a demo personal preference you can do i'm not saying it's the only way to do it you can do whatever works best for you but it's the way that i do it now if you're using a usb microphone you're not using an audio interface so the microphone itself becomes the interface so uh what i'm going to do is go into adobe audition and under the adobe audition pull-down menu there is a preferences option i'm going to go to that and i'm going to go to audio hardware because this is where we select the input and the output now as you can see here's a default input default output and there's a pull down menu and it will give you the options that are available to you on your computer so what you see on my computer will not be exactly what you have on your computer because i may use a different audio interface than you i have other devices on my computer than you do so you want to find the one that matches your microphone or your microphone input so one thing that we would all have is a built-in microphone so if i wanted to record through the built-in microphone of my computer i would simply select that now that's not going to do me any good for voiceover i want it to come from my microphone my microphone is plugged into my audio interface which is the universal audio brand it's a thunderbolt device it's called an apollo twin and let's see here device changes can modify okay yeah no problem you don't need to show me that again i want to continue okay so i want my interface which is the universal audio interface as my default input and my default output that means my audio will go from my mic into my universal audio interface out from my universal audio interface into my headphones again if you're using a different audio interface if you're using a usb microphone it may say something different so you need to select the device that you're using to make sure you're getting the audio in from your microphone and that it's going out into your headphones and that's all i'm going to do here now obviously as you look at this menu there's many more options to be chosen but what i'm showing you are the just the very very basics you should be able to set this up and leave everything else as is and it work now you may find little glitches along the way where you have to do modifications and you have to dial some things in but most of the time this will get you to where you want to go at least to start and then as you want to learn more and you have more time and you can do more modifications so be it but that's that's how we're set up right now so i'm going to click ok now if you use a windows machine i'm obviously using a mac it might look slightly different some of the options may be slightly different but the things i'm talking about will be the same whether you use windows or a mac so now i know that my audio is going to go into adobe audition for my microphone because i set the input that way and i know the audio that i play will come back to me into my headphones because that's the way i set it up all right so that's the first thing now the next thing that we need to do is make sure that we have good audio levels now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to press the record button the record button will allow me to obviously record but it's going to give me a few options on the front end i can give it a file name and i'm just simply going to call it test and then we set sample rate channel and bit depth i talked about this in my previous video so i'm not going to spend much time now but i'm going to set it up at the default parameters that i use which is 44 100 hertz for sample rate mono and the bit depth will be 16 bits so that's my default unless a client asks for something otherwise that's what i use that's how i set it up and i'm going to click ok now i'm recording as you can see i'm recording audio it's showing up if it's not showing up here on the screen when you do it then you're doing something wrong and go back and check your input and make sure that everything's okay now the next thing that i need to do is set my audio level now your audio level will be set by your audio interface whether that's your usb microphone or whether it's a box like i have that my microphone's plugged into the universal audio apollo twin and because i use universal audio i have the option of controlling that through the software that comes with it which is right over here on the right hand side of my screen now i uh i can control my input and output through this little there's a little knob up here that i can use my mouse and i can turn it up i can turn it down again you're going to use your interface to do this but what you need to do is read a script at the volume and level projection that you'll be doing your actual audition or your project and set your level so that it peaks i like to do mine so it peaks as close to -3 db as possible without going over if it's a little under let's say it's you know minus two minus one no big deal if it goes a little bit over that no big deal if it's too quiet remember from my last video you introduce too much noise into the recording if it's too high or too hot you possibly introduce distortion and over modulation into your recording and you don't want that either so let's uh put my phones on here and i'm going to pull up a script and i'm just going to start reading and i'm going to watch my levels here after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks i can tell you right now see how low it is i'm peaking it right around -15 or so so i'm just going to bump that up a little bit after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks this child is living proof okay can you see up see right there now i'm peeking over i'm peeking a little bit over -3 but when i'm reading the script life has its best chance when all your specialists work together billings clinic where it all comes together okay it peaked at about minus one that's a little bit too much let's pull it back just a little bit life has its best chance when all your specialists work together billings clinic where it all comes together now when you get to this point you need to upset don't spend an hour trying to figure this out you're just trying to get a rough idea if it you know whether it hits exactly at -3 db or not is immaterial the point is you don't want it to be going much over or much under it you know you want it to hover right around there so that's all i just wanted to hover right there minus 3db give or take and that what if that looks good so we're good so now i have a good level let me stop the recording just a moment so i've set up my interface and i've got the proper input output i've now tested my levels i've got a good level right now i know that this will provide me the cleanest audio possible minimizing any uh additional noise that could be introduced and also making sure that i don't get any distortion or over modulation which we don't want where you know where the audio breaks up that's over modulation in very simple layman's terms i'm not an audio engineer i can engineer and i've done it for years but in terms of all i just want to make this as as layman friendly as i possibly can so once you do that you are set up and you are ready to record so all i'm going to do let's i'm going to record and i'm going to um it make a mistake or two if not accidentally at least on purpose so i can show you how i go about the auditing process so what i'm going to do right now is just i'm going to delete everything i put on here there we go blank slate and here we go after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks this child is living proof life life has its best chance when all you life has its best chance when all your specialists work together billings cl billings clinic where it all comes together okay so now what do we have what are these little see these little spikes i made those by clicking my tongue you can use a dog clicker you can clap your hands when i make a mistake i pause for a moment and i create a spike in the audio so that i can easily go back and i see exactly where my mistakes are at it makes my editing much faster now there's also again i mentioned this in my previous video there's a technique called punch and roll if you want to learn that on adobe audition you can do that this is a technique that i use i can it allows me to work very quickly and that's this is what i'm good at so i'm sharing with you what i do so let me go back and just show you how i edit back to 22 week after disc let's take out what we don't need at the beginning select and delete after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks after discovering okay i start again so let's delete that first part here we go after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks this child is living proof life had life has its best chance when all life okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select with my mouse the beginning of the phrase where i made the mistake they're mowing my lawn outside can you hear that let me close my whisper room up so that's not a problem one of the reasons i love my whisper room and then i select up to the point where i do the pickup and then i hit delete so now it's fixed living proof life has its best chance when all your specialists work together billings cl billings delete the mistake billings clinic where it all comes together and there and then it's done that's how i create very simple marks now yeah i mean you can insert markers i'm just this is what i do because it's quick and it's easy and that's how i do it you can do it however you want but i just want to share with you the strategies that i use because i really try to boil things down to its essence i don't want to know more than i need to know to be successful at this i don't want to know everything there is to know about adobe audition i don't need to i don't need to spend the time uh or the frustration trying to learn something new when i know the basic things that i need to do to get my work done that's my philosophy because i want to spend the things that pay me are marketing and recording voiceovers those are the two things that pay me so i want to spend as much time as i can marketing and recording voiceovers that's what makes me profitable not spending time you know hours just just to know you know learning everything there is to know just so that i can say that i know everything there is to know not to say that there aren't things worth learning i'm not saying that but i think you get where i'm coming from keep it as simple and streamlined as you possibly can now let me just share a few a few tricks that you can use here if you want to do some just quick cleanup sometimes you'll get little mouth noises minor mouth noises crackles and pops and such i don't think what i did here was after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks this child is lit but even that even though i don't really hear anything there are you know it could be smoothed out a little bit and something that i i always employ apply a little bit of de-crackling to my to my voiceover and with adobe audition they have a nice uh default setting when you go under the noise reduction setting under the effects effects noise reduction select click pop eliminator and i just use the default setting i hit apply and it just it's like taking fine grit sandpaper to wood it just smooths things out after discovering a heart defect at 22 weeks this child is living proof life has its best chance when all your specialists work together billings clinic where it all comes together all right so there you've got a nice basically cleaned up recording i'm not getting into the breaths at this point uh that would be just a little bit more advanced but in terms of setting up getting started recording good solid audio at good levels that sounds good that's in a proper format that's what we have here now when i want to save the file i just go to file save as and i can pick the format usually wave and mp3 are the two most popular formats wave is probably for me eight times out of ten that's what people are going to want and then i can save it as a wav file there it is if i want to change that wave into an mp3 i just hit save as i change the format from wave to mp3 now i've got an mp3 version and a wave version of the video i know i moved kind of quickly through this but i would encourage you if if you want to learn the basics you're just kind of getting started and it feels overwhelming go back and watch this video over several times and follow along while you're on your computer and your daw because if you can master these basics it will go a long way toward helping you be successful in voice over because we all have to be our own engineer if you can master these basics it will allow you to begin auditioning and recording projects immediately hey thanks again for checking this out i appreciate it i want to thank a big special thanks to whisper room who's a sponsor of the channel and uh as i've mentioned before that's what i work out of that's why it doesn't bother me you know when the lawn guy shows up or when people are outside working or when airplanes fly over it gives me a controlled environment in which i can work so many things are out of our control and if you can control an element especially when it comes to sound that you're dealing with around your recording space then you should jump on that and that's the reason that i've used whisper room for about a dozen years now and i've recorded thousands and thousands and thousands of projects in here and it's been a real life saver again thanks for checking it out don't forget subscribe hit the bell to get notifications share like and i'll talk to you again soon
Channel: Bill DeWees
Views: 3,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Complete Beginners Guide to Adobe Audition CC 2021, Voice over technology, Voice over software, adobe audition voice over, Sound editing, Mixing, Audio editing software, adobe audition, adobe audition how to make voice sound good, Adobe audition for beginners, adobe audition tutorial, adobe audition voice effects, Voice over lessons, Voice acting, Voice over techniques, Voice over teaching, Voice over artist, Voice over training, Voice over tips for beginners
Id: aONrwIQb-FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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