Adobe 3D tools WORKSHOP - 3D SAMPLER Ceramic material

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[Music] hey what's up guys paolo munoz here and welcome back to this mini workshop so this is the second video in the series and i'm going to show you a more complex material using other features in adobe 3d sampler let's go ahead and jump straight into it all right so here we are in adobe 3d sampler this is where we left off from the previous video so we created this very simple material i'm just going to go ahead and set it back to what we had before which is i think two and two that's what we had in terms of the tiling and i'm going to bring in our references so we're going to be working on these all the materials for this glass now what i wanted to do with this one is to be able to combine two very different materials or two sets of very different materials so something like these two is what inspired me to do this um this second glass or you know something like that something that has a bit of ceramic but it has some i don't know like a metal material maybe wood something like that right so two different materials um so in this case what i'll do is create the base ceramic some kind of like blue uh cheap ceramic something very rough and then we can create kind of like a copper material that we can then blend it together in adobe 3d painter all right so this is the one that we're going to be creating we're going to start with the ceramic one all right so instead of creating a new file or starting from scratch this is actually our project where we can build multiple materials and then export them all together so here at the bottom left uh here's where we have the materials i mentioned this in the previous video so we can start with something we can duplicate this actually we can right click and click on duplicate and we can start with very similar parameters and maybe just change the the image that will give us something pretty pretty similar let's go ahead and right click duplicate just want to show you how easy this is i'm going to call this mug 0 1 be kind of like an alternative to the first one right so this is what we have and you see it is basically exactly the same thing but we can click on the photograph this one and we can go to the photographs that i've collected this one's right here and this is the one that i use and i can just click on something like this and drop it in there drag and drop and let's move that out of the way and 3d sampler is going to update this material but with a different base or a different um a different image so everything works pretty well um and of course you can just go ahead and tweak things like the intensity and and the roughness and all of that but we essentially have a very different material but i just wanted to show you that once you have set up the the parameters of the actual material the base color and all of that can be changed quite easily let's go ahead and start with the ceramic that i mentioned so i'm going to click on this plus button and click on new material and we can rename that as well we can call it uh base rough clay or something like that um i'll leave the names up to you so let's collapse this project and let's bring in the images as well so i want to start with something like this this is a concrete image right like a texture of a concrete like a polish concrete but we can turn this very easily into a ceramic type of thing right we can do that one or maybe this one would be another interesting that has maybe some some of the details that i'm going for so yeah let's use that one so i'm going to click and drag drop it in there move this out of the way select image to material so i'm going to move as we progress in this workshop i'm going to move faster in in certain areas because we have um covered that in the previous video all right so now we have the three bases now i'm going to select the base material and i'm going to set my height 2.1 again this is not going to be concrete although the texture is kind of like concrete this is not going to be concrete it's going to be a rough ceramic go to displacement set it to 0.1 there we go so now it's a little bit more consistent um other than that i think we are ready to go so this software takes care of like i said 90 or 80 of them of the job so this is what we get straight away um of course we can go to the roughness and that is in the image to material go to roughness and we can variate the value and just by doing this we can kind of like polish the concrete a little bit more and we still have all the nice normal information and all these details there but now you know moving debate the base value of the roughness to a negative or to a very low value it makes it more reflective which is kind of like what we want although not that much like i said i wanted to go for something pretty rough in terms of the ceramic it's actually look at the yeah these are pretty rough in the references so yeah let's keep it very rough anyway move forward a bit i'm gonna bring in the 2d view as well and go to roughness all of this was covered in the previous video as well and i'm just going to increase the variations a bit more and reduce the softness maybe increase the softness actually all right so something like this i'm happy with the with the roughness um and you know everything else that 3d sampler did was you know pretty awesome so just bury it in the roughness all right so those are the things that we have already covered anyway just wanted to do a quick recap the next thing i want to show you is that within the image to material properties you can actually change the geometry details which is pretty awesome so you can tweak how much influence of the micro details the my the medium details and the large details are in this actual image and you can click on invert normal so let me just show you what happens if i do that when i click invert normal we can maintain everything but now it looks a little bit weird because all of those indentations and all those pores of the of the concrete texture are now sticking out so that's not what we want let's leave it as it is but i just want to show you it is there in case that um is something that you need to do with your original texture all right so if i bring in the normal and let's get closer um here's where you can see most of the of the micro details and that's kind of like what you see here as well in the preview on the 3d preview so i'm going to change the micro details to zero and you see how like everything gets a little bit more polished because we moved that micro details to zero so that's something that you can do straight away from the basic parameters without adding any other layer so i just want to have a bit more of details and i constantly um you know rotate the environment to see the effect of the lights on the material the medium details it's going to exaggerate it that sort of like makes everything a lot flatter so i just want to add a bit more of that and the larger details and the medium details that's easy to see or it's easier to see it in action if you go to the height map right so if i move to zero medium and zero large you basically see um what the micro details are doing for the height map right so this is kind of like what i like to do i like to select the normal map when i'm tweaking the the micro details so i can see that in the in the map itself and what it's doing in the 3d view and then when i want to tweak the medium details and large details i move to the height just because it is easy to see it is actually doing it for both um for those both maps but yeah it's a lot easier to see all of this variation in details here so as a starting point i think that is working pretty well remember there's a bunch of other features or another set of layers that we can add to further refine this all right let's turn this off and now we're going to take this material to the next level so all of these kind of like seam that you can see in here which you know if you're doing some concrete tiles it would work just fine but for the most part you want to have something that is stylable so that you know you don't see that and and you can just apply the material to whatever object you want right so this is kind of like the next level up in the previous material we just left things as they were with the seams but in this one we're going to actually remove those seams so let's move this thing and let's go ahead and click on add layer and i'm going to type tile so select tiling so this is the effect that we that we want and by default when you select tiling it's just going to open up the the 2d panel is just makes it a lot easier to to work with the tiling effect and it sort of like breaks things apart a little bit but it's just a matter of selecting this box and maybe scaling it and moving it a little bit just to create that sort of um that sort of break and then we can tweak that that edge or that seam right now another thing that i like to do especially with this texture that has a lot of contrast if i go to the base color it has a lot of contrast in the edges so let's go ahead and turn off tiling before and before tiling we can add something else so we can go to layers or to add layer and i'm going to type transform all right and we click on transform so you see most of the things that you will have at your disposal in here they're pretty self-explanatory in terms of what the names are tiling is for tiling transform is to transform that image and so on and so forth so now we can go ahead and drop this below the tiling so that it happens first so before the tiling we actually transform that image and i can take this and i'm going to scale it actually up let me just bring in the image so you can see what i'm doing so the original image is this right but the software automatically makes it a square image so what i want to do is get something closer to the original image in terms of the aspect ratio and i'm going to move it down scale it a bit like so so literally what i'm trying to do is crop or or remove that sort of very dark parts or that portion of the image and that is just with this transform and i'm using a pretty high res image so i'm not too worried about the you know scaling things a bit there we go so i think that that's working fine and i'm paying attention to the 3d view as well as i move these things around all right so that looks a lot better and we still have the the tiling off so let's click on that on and select tiling and let's go ahead and move that box again you can also click outside to rotate it if you wanted to so let's just leave it as it is maybe scale it a bit more there we go just wanted to hide that sort of like spot in there and if we get closer as well we can enable the edge or go to the edge drop down and here's where we can play around with the blurriness of that seam in fact let's just turn on the sim so that you can see what it's doing so that line that um highlighted light um it's hard to see but like when you when you enable the the show sim you can actually see what this a tiling effect is doing so we can change the threshold to see how we mix it and also the blurriness of that and the softness so you can play around with that the the grid resolution i usually don't change this but again these are just parameters that you can play around with is going to be very different depending on what image you use and depending on how you transform that image so i will leave it up to you too to play around with it now this is not going to be perfect but it's pretty good already so we still have some issues some tiling issues but this is what we're going to fix with the next effect so let's just turn off the sim so that we don't see that um so we're going to try to force that tiling if you find that the simple tiling is not giving you the result that you want um you can force a little bit more that tiling effect and that is with the next one i'm gonna type tile and we're gonna make a tile so we have tiling already we're gonna make a tile now and that automatically yeah basically fixes everything so what this is doing is kind of like um duplicating things let me show you in the 2d space yeah just duplicating portions of it and and moving it around so in the make a tile selected i can actually change the threshold and you see it's almost like a square that spans as i as i move this along the threshold but you can also add some smoothness to it you can remove the contrast so it's a lot softer but just doing that you'll see this is a pretty pretty nice tileable texture already so that's exactly what i want so we have a pretty nice texture let's collapse the the 2d view um so so far the new kind of like features that i showed you are the transform the tiling and the make it tile really the rest is just the same thing that we did in the previous one all right so the next thing is that i don't want this to look like concrete i want to make you know add some color to it and maybe bring it closer to maybe maybe this type of you know the blue color of the ceramic maybe right so keep it rough and some variations in brightness as well but something that feels more like a ceramic right because this one is a bit too rough too much detail too much noise um and i want to have something more clearer maybe something like that so in order to do that we have a lot of options as well i'm going to click on the add layer and i'm just going to type colorize and we have like i said a few options we're going to click on colorize this is basically a bucket like you do in photoshop and it basically changes everything um which is pretty awesome so i'm going to click on the base color and i'm going to select a maybe like a maybe like a bluish cyan dark color something like that again the color is you know totally up to you but i think something like this would go um i'm just choosing this color because i think it would go nicely as a as a complementary color to a more orangey copper which is what i'm going to do next so something like that would be fine let's click ok and that's it we can just change or play around with intensity of that color i think almost 100 of it would work just fine and you can keep the luminosity which in this case i don't want so if i click on luminosity it's going to try to keep the bright uh the brightness of the let's say of the black and white image below so i don't want that i want to keep you know it's almost like multiplying the color right and you can also target different channels so you have emissive and normal here but in this case base color is what we want that's it so we have something pretty decent for this for the ceramic and we can work on making it a little bit more um you know consistent in terms of the details and maybe add some some scratches and that sort of thing so that's the next thing that we're going to be doing so i'm going to click on add a layer and i'm going to type equalize so this is gonna take all the bombs and it's gonna try to make them consistent or equalize them so in the radius you can put this to zero and it's basically gonna be flat so now this is kind of like a rough plastic as simple as that or not and it's not going to do anything so you can use this equalize to you know bring back some of those flat areas um like i said i might not use it sometimes i like to test it out with on and off to see what it's doing so yeah it's sort of like removing the the sharpness and and how harsh these indentations are so if you pay attention to these highlights if i turn it on and off so i think this is working fine cool so equalize is something else that you can try on um i use it you know it's again very very subtle i use it every now and again the next thing though is something that we used the previous video so i'm going to click on height or type height hide normal height adjustment all right so we can take the normal like i mentioned before we can go to the 2d view of the normal and all of these indentations we can we can play around with the intensity of them right and again when you're working on materials is all about subtlety so instead of going for something like that that gives you all this noise i'm just gonna go for the opposite something very very subtle that's all so as you can see all of the tweaks and everything that you do in this and this software um it just basically works straight out of the bat so um it's just a matter of like combining these effects to to tweak the base material or the base photo that you use to suit your knees so i'm using a concrete photograph to basically create a more rough ceramic material right and you know just changing the material properties like the roughness and um you know the height and the normal that's what we can do um to create your own custom materials and to wrap up this um this material what i'll do is show you something else i'm going to show you the combined color this is something that you might want to use so let's type color and let's go to color variation not color combine sorry color variation so this color variation allows you to pick different colors let's turn this off as well it allows you to pick different colors and you can create something a bit more interesting rather than just a simple blue right so you see it's overriding the blue that i chose before so we can click on this color one and select the blue color something like that something dark click on the second one and go for something a bit lighter and you can create crazy cool things just increasing the the color count so i'm gonna go for three maybe or go for four and that gives you multiple values and i'm just doing this a little bit randomly but just want to show you what it does so it allows you to choose a different different values from the original image let's say if you are looking at the height map um you're basically targeting different different values of this image with different color so this orange that is barely visible is because this one is targeting one of the the darker points like this so we look at try to find something it's a little bit easier to see with the with the yellow one so the yellow one is targeting most of those bumps or those indentations and that's what you can see in there all right so you can create some pretty cool stuff just by using this color variation i'm not gonna use it so let's just turn that off i want to keep it simple and you know concentrate on the variation of the material later on in 3d painter so just want to keep it very simple so to wrap up i just want to add a bit more of kind of like a dust something that will accumulate in these crevices so let's just do that let's click on add layer and type dust and we have dust there we go so the dust is being added to those crevices and i like to just increase the density quite a bit as well as the roughness just to see what the what the dust is doing so i think i kind of like the the fact that there are some some you know some bits of pieces and particles of dust in the crevices but this is too much so i'm gonna move this density down a bit more and maybe just make this a little bit lighter so that i can see better all right so let's turn this on and off oh so that's adding a little bit of that dust which i think is working fine um one more thing that i would check is in this case if i go to ambient occlusion it is a pretty intense ambient occlusion and this is actually what is causing the the massive contrast between the details and you know the other polish areas so we can tweak the ambient occlusion from the uh image to material right so this is something that we haven't done but it is there so click on image to material and just as a rule of thumb when you want to change some of the basic parameters always go back to the image to material because that's when you have the you know the geometry the the height map the ambient occlusion and all of that so from here let's look for here we go the ambient occlusion strength so i can just remove that all together and as you can see it sort of like changes things quite a bit so this is something that you might feel it works um it works for you if you remove the ambient occlusion and you know for the most part i think that's that's what i want for this for this ceramic material but like i showed you in the previous video we can go back let's turn this off now um we can add the ao or the height to ao and this one is going to look at all the changes that we've done in terms of tweaking the height and the normal map and it's going to create an ambient occlusion based on that so let's click on from height to normal this is the one that we used in the previous video let's turn this on so that we can see the ambient occlusion and we can change the spread actually the spread let's keep it as as a large number and we're gonna reduce this quite a bit let's go for 0.1 this is still pretty strong point zero currency one let's turn this on and off so it does bring a little bit of that dirtiness um and contrast in those details so i think it works it works fine i think i'm happy with that but if you let's say if you reach the maximum level of spread the maximum the maximum value for spread let's set it to one um and things are still very sharp you can go ahead and blur this even further so that's another tool or another feature or another effect let's click on layer and type blur here we go we can type blur and in the blur it allows us to blur everything at once so if i increase the blurriness of this it's kind of like destroying all the things that we've done but i actually want to blur the the ambient occlusion by itself so in here we can click on custom by channel and we can look at the ambient occlusion which is this one right here so ambient occlusion custom blur intensity let's enable that so now this is um this is kind of like a global intensity right which i'm going to set to 0 so that nothing else gets blurred but you can see now the ambient occlusion which is the channel that i selected is being blurred so we can play around with that to soften the the contrast between the the lighter and the and the darker areas all right so i think that's looking a lot better so again it's all about the subtleties you might not see much difference but if i turn this on and off there's a tiny bit of um of change there so it makes it a bit a bit less rough um maybe i went a little bit too too much to the other side so i think this one is looking a lot better so all we have to do is take the dust and put it on the top and that's it so now we can apply that dust on top of everything there we go so let's select the dust and i'm gonna increase the intensity a bit more increase the roughness i don't want the dust to be reflective at all more than that and now i can play with the opacity so i like to push all these sliders so that i can see the effect of whatever i'm doing and then just turn them down a bit right you can also play around with the cavity smoothing but you know i think this one is is working fine the noise transition is is quite interesting um it allows you to i'm not going to change these values but it allows you to add noise in the transition between the areas of dust and the is that doesn't have dust so a little bit of that is fine the contrast as well remove a bit of contrast and that also helps to variate the roughness a bit so let me just show you what that is doing to the roughness so it just gives you an extra level of control for the roughness itself which i think is making it look more like ceramic now it's pretty cool um but yeah that's pretty much it if in fact i think the the color is too light so after we have tweaked everything in terms of the the other layers we can go back to colorize and we can change this to maybe like a more of a bluish tone it's a bit darker you just need to wait until everything gets updated but that's it you can create all these cool materials from scratch um or just tweaking some of the settings right so again let's go to project i'm gonna right click on base rough and i'm gonna duplicate that one and i'm gonna name it um ceramic rough orange in fact let's just go ahead and rename this one as well so all right so we have a duplicate an exact duplicate of the of the blue one that we just created now i just called it orange so all i'm going to do is go to the colorize change that to an orange color maybe a bright orange color and click ok and if i want to variate this even further another tool that you can use is the brightness and contrast pretty much like you would do that in photoshop so add layer brightness and contrast and you can choose specifically what channel you want to basically change the contrast and the brightness so you can select the base color but you can also use ambient occlusion height map all of that right so base color is what i want i can increase the brightness and add more contrast or vice versa i can remove the contrast and this is kind of like a nice um terracotta yeah i kind of like that one so i'm going to leave this one as the orange one and we can increase or decrease the amount of dust as well so add more roughness to the dust add a bit more of the density to it so it's a it's a little bit rougher than the other one so this is a you know a pretty fun way to once you have styled this the first material you can duplicate it and variate some of the the settings of the layers that you have already already created and basically have a bunch of different additional materials all right so let's go ahead and click on save project so that we save all the variations that we've created with this how this project alright so if i bring in my references we have created this blue material the ceramic and now we need to create something more like this metallic copper type of material that goes along with this second acid right so again i'm gonna leave this video here and i'll see you in the next video where we're gonna create the copper material
Channel: Pablo Muñoz Gómez
Views: 1,062
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Id: _wq8szos7yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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