Rotary Milling without a rotary table

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[Music] all right welcome back to ox tools I'm Tom so we've got a kind of a little interesting project here these are some little digital timers that I happen to like these are pretty nice ones there are actually laboratory timers on there just count down or count up with an alarm and they're just dog simple and they use a little watch battery and they tend to seem to last quite a while now the one thing that goes wrong with them unfortunately is this little battery cover gets lost okay this little this little bit right here this little battery cover that gets lost as you can see pretty easily so I don't know they you drop them or whatever and this thing too you know disappears and you can't find it and okay so anyway I lost a couple of them let's put it that way so what we're gonna do today this is actually an interesting little machining job there's some intricacies in here that that will make this a you know kind of an informative interesting machining job so now I've already got see they're even hard to pick up what it needs is a little tether or something right so that it can't get it can't get lost so now I already pouch I've already done the the measuring and whatnot of the the one that I still have a I still have a cap for so we're kind of ready to go so we're gonna start over on the lathe then we're gonna go over to the mill and do some stuff on the mill and it's a small part so there's some holding challenges and and then we have some interesting indexing to do here right and we'll look at two ways to do that indexing okay so let's say let's cruise over to the lathe and and the lathe works is like a couple of minutes and then we're back we're over to the mill and we're off and running so let's go what let's go yet here's our stock that we're gonna use for a little battery cap for that timer this is a BS acrylic Rilla nitrile butadiene styrene this is actually it's a pretty good plastic it's real cheap you know McMaster sells it and it's nice to work with for for little projects like this now I'm gonna leave a little bit hanging out and the reason for that is that I want some to to hang on to for the indexing operation that we're going to do what's nice about this is it machines real well and unlike a lot of plastics this one really cements really well so you can build up larger structures out of this which is kind of nice if you have to do that you know if you got to glue some pieces together to do something we're gonna use a tool here this is a high speed tool and it's just ground and hone real sharp I mean this thing's razor sharp I could probably shave with that and we're just gonna we just need two tools here in the lay that's actually pretty pretty straightforward so let's let's turn this and then we'll go to the mill alright so here's the here's my little chicken sketch of the part now what I want to do for you guys is I'm gonna show you kind of two ways to do this one is the I would call it the fancy-pants way where you got you know a nice piece of tooling like this right which is a real nice way to do this particular thing because what we have to do is we have to mill and then interpolate and then mill or mill mill mill mill and then interpolate interpolate right and this little this little Harry fixture works great for that kind of stuff because you can set stops you can set a stop here and you can set a stop here but this is kind of an expensive piece of kit here so not everybody is going to have one these or have access to one some of you guys may have it which is fine and but what I'm gonna do I'm going to show you a kind of I'm just gonna call it a cheapskate way of doing it using kind of general shop tooling that every shop or every hobby shop should have and we'll do it with a V block okay and there's a way we can do it with the V block that's that's pretty easy and it'll come out real nice okay so I'll show you the setup on the fancy pants one and how we would do it on that just because it's kind of educational right but we're actually going to do the milling with the cheapskate method if that makes sense so okay when I did a little CAD layout of this because I wanted to measure the angle between the the tangent circle here and the tangent circle here that as the end mil diameter that I plan on using and so it turns out it's a I think it's a hundred and thirty six degrees of you know if you have it if you have an end mill here like this an end mill here like that and you draw a line to the center there that's one hundred and thirty six degrees between here and here okay so that's how I think that's what it is I get a go look okay I don't know if I remember the number exactly so and it looks about right actually so alright so let's we'll go over to the mill and actually I need to face the back of that I'm gonna go face the back of that I'm not gonna film that but I'll meet you back at the mill in a minute so some people this is a hairy grind all number one some people call them whirligigs that's another name for their use in the dye making industry too to grind ejector pins and things like that where you have to grind the diameters of them and it has a little relief in here so that you can put the head of a an ejector pin in there and and spin that thing so it's one of one of the uses of these but they're just kind of a handy overall kind of grinding fixture because you can rotate them around and then it has a lock pin here and this and there it's locked up and you can lock it has 15 degree increments okay they're very accurate I think they're I don't know within a you know what I don't remember what they guarantee them for but they're actually pretty good and it has this little cool rim here we're gonna I'm gonna show that to where you can mount these these sliding stops on here and then over on the other side there's a pin so you can you can go between two points right very accurately right like if you had to create an oblong punch or something like that and that's a punch that's has straight sides and a full radius and a full radius right where you have a radius and a radius so you can grind something like that with one of these which is kind of neat okay but we're just gonna kind of use it for basic stuff here and I'm just gonna put the piece in here and just kind of lightly Snug it a little bit we're not gonna actually use this for the milling and then now okay so what I want to show you is this is actually centered up for this diameter here now where I you don't see any eccentricity but what I want to do is I want to show you how you how you adjust that okay and it's got a little rack and pinion thing here which is pretty sweet so you can move the block right these things are pretty cool they're also pretty expensive too okay so what you would do is let's say you put it in like that and now you're you see it slumping around right so what we would do is just kind of buy I this kind of then see it's a little less okay a little less not bad whisker more okay so that's just by eye okay you can see it's actually pretty close and then what we would do is put mr. mr. indicator up here like so okay and then put it against the action we'll put it against this this nice diameter that I I turned on there okay and then what we can do is rotate this around probably see the indicator moving right okay so okay too much actually I'm I'm in kind of this a crummy spot for for indicating there so okay now I'm screwing up actually let's do this dumbbell let's go around this side here that way we're kind of in line here right leaks makes my brain work better okay that way [Music] okay so I think you get the idea right okay it's getting better and then the last little bit it's hard to do with the rack right so what you usually do is you tap it with a with a instrumented hemorrhage and a brass punch or something like that to get that last little bit right okay but what for what we're doing here this is just a demo right that's too much I mean a what pass Center there okay all right now it's now I'm getting annoyed here all right well anyway let's let's just go with that for now and because it doesn't it doesn't matter for what we're doing and then it's okay now so now we're basically centered up here okay and what we would do at this point is now we would sweep this diameter with the actually you know what I'm probably a mile off we would sweep this with the the indicator to get it on center of the spindle okay so we're right over the center of that okay now but that's not what I want to show you so what I want to show you is how you set these stops and how we'll mill that you'll notice that there's two of these things here now and I actually I learned something myself here well or remembered something I don't know which so this was the first one that I was playing at on camera here and you'll recall I was trying to Center this up and honestly getting a little frustrated because it wouldn't it wouldn't come in well I turned the camera off and I play with it some more and I couldn't get it in which was interesting so right so a lot of times the first thing is a why is it doing that right so you ask yourself the question right so when you find yourself at those junctures a lot of times it's it's good to explore them right and figure out what actually is going on because you learn something from it so let me tell you what I did right to start with I said what is going on with this thing right so I move the clamp ran I receded it I fiddled around no good so then I pulled that a gauge pin and put that in I was able to nail that perfectly so I'm like okay it's a problem with the part so now you look at this this is this stock diameter plastic rod right so and you know looks around well apparently it's not very straight so there must be a curve to this thing somehow and actually I didn't put a straight edge on it or whatever but anyway there's some anomaly in this surface that was causing the trouble so I said okay fine I got all the tools set up so I just machined another one but what I did was I turned this entire diameter down to here right so it's freshly cut it's nice and round just like what I did here to create a nice indicating spot I just did the whole surface and then knocked it off so everything from the tip to the stem there is is concentric and then I was able to dial it in to less than half a cow okay so lesson learned or you know this is how you how you figure some of these things out right and I figured that was worth sharing with you guys if you ever have that situation don't always blame don't blame your fixture or your technique necessarily it may be something that you can't see and when you find yourself at those little like well why did it do that dig a little further and you might learn something really cool okay this is the the stop pin that I had mentioned earlier so the shot pin here locks at every 15 degrees but what we want in this case is we don't want to use a shot pin what we want to do is we want to swing an arc here okay and have positive stops that either end so what we're doing is we're going from these little corners to these little corners it's 136 degrees of rotation okay so what we're gonna do in fact it's already set so you put the pin up here and you see that stops against there and that's the you know that's that's the easy one to set and then it's got a degree scale on this side we can't quite see it right now but what you do is you rotate it around I'm gonna push this down for a sec you rotate it around in this case we can go the 130 degrees on the degree scale and block in and then we need to make up that last little six degrees right and the way you do that is you use a spacer so this is a known radius so there's a constant for this this diameter and you can take the sine of the angle and determine what the what the spacer is and in this case it's this one here which is 222 19 and a half or whatever okay so you put that in there and then you can in fact look at that the stop is loose okay so we're gonna have to reset it all right yeah I got it now I got to look at the other side but anyway you kind of get the idea there as you use this to set set the stop okay and then you lock the stop down and now you got a nice hard stop between of your rotation so you can do a consistent grind or consistent milling let me yeah let me reset that little sucker since somebody didn't tighten that up so we're locked in at 135 or 130 and this this what we want is an additional six degrees of space there so we're just gonna put that pin in let's see my block in the show there yeah it's better trying to stab myself with that little pesky in metal up there too okay and you know you might normally use gauge bore gauge blocks or something like that but pins are pretty you know I really want to do it this way but I also don't want to block your view guys right sure that all right that worked a little bit more oh that's good okay I guess I wasn't seated in the in the group properly the intricacies of filming sometimes you know really you know you don't get to hold the tool exactly how you want or position your hand the way you want so that the it shows that by okay that's good okay so now let's unlock the shot pin okay so now what we're doing is there's our 0 okay and we're gonna rotate 136 degrees to there and you see that surface is actually ground so that it has a good reference to right now we don't want to bang that right when we come around with this touch it same here touch it and we can do both sides of that curve in one setup so since we have two of these now since I Bozo the one and I didn't turn the OD we'll get to see both indexing methods so we'll do one on this and then we'll do one with the The Cheapskate way the V block okay alright so we're kind of ready to start here better stop set we're centered up real nice all that business this this color of plastic is actually a little hard to look at on video so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna I'm going to color the top of this you're gonna thank me for this in a minute here because it's gonna make this easier to see I think okay so we're gonna set the I'm just gonna touch that set my coil DRL and my numbers in my head here all right 2:30 we're gonna come up to so yeah let's just kind of go through it here we're gonna offset and why because we're making this little leg and that's a 94 offset okay and then we're gonna come up to 2:30 right about there okay and let's see this dry run okay it looks like the N Mel's hanging over the edge so I don't need to take multiple passes okay so the idea is we'll come up to that spot then I'll unlock this and then I'll just swing this through through the arc like so and that's our that's our cut okay what in reality what I'm going to do in fact I'm just going to do it now instead of you happen about it is is cut our our legs okay here or and 30 that's where I gotta be a little bit careful small parts you know they just not a lot of material or they're unlock peel that off Jack our starting point it was to them come over and we're going to start in this spot on this way I'm very and this is real light milling so kind of no big deal there all right and it's some kind of birds on there okay so there's our little wings now we'll do a little measuring make sure I didn't screw anything up okay and I'll step on that all right pretty happy this is just a little bit of steel wool which works good for deburring a kind of soft plastics like this trying not to kill myself on that in mell by the way yeah you know what I think I want some my little courses and that I think a little bit of gray scotch-brite oh yeah that's better smoothing out then I'll take a few measurements and see if I I did it okay let me turn it so you guys can see it hopefully you can notice oh I guess it's just a bird that's dirty a dirty bird that's why it's dark that of the metal chip we're gonna do this second one with a with the cheapo set up so this is just stuff that every kind of home or every machine shop or hobby shop should have right is a decent V block of ice you know some little clamps or any things like that or a kind of normal tooling not kind of specialized expensive tooling now I'm locking this down I don't want it to move around because what we're gonna do is we're gonna use this to guide our part here okay and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna manually rotate this but I'll show you how we're gonna do that so first first steps here is we're gonna clamp this lightly okay three-point contact two on the V and one on the front super solid we're gonna pick this up will indicate it get on center and then we're gonna do the same thing we did on the other one which is cut our little straights okay and then we're gonna add a couple features to this that this is gonna make it easier to do the the rest of the work so I mean let me get centered up on that then I'll be right back with you okay okay so first off what we're gonna do get a tool going in here we use this big tool here to give us a little a little bit of help create a couple of reference surfaces sure this is kind of snug that all right so we're centered up so what I'm gonna do actually what I'll come over here so whack my mighty block there [Music] I'm just gonna cut some flats make some sense here Sam over here on this side so we're going to cut a little kind of a square feature that's where that we're just cutting some flats on here and these will just kind of help us do their work you know what I might as well do them on all four sides why not right okay so now we've created some flats here on the world so we're going to use those to help rotate us and we'll use the other with a little square that kind of help us reorient for the second cut okay let me change tools and then we'll get ready to get ready to do the deal I'll find a wrench or something that fits it all right so we're kind of set up now so we've got our little flats here and then we're gonna just you know we return to zero here we're at zero right now we'll just use this square to line up on that flat which I created there okay and then I looked at it fits a normal reg size here we're gonna turn this with with this so I'm gonna loosen the vise just slip slightly so that I can turn this with some friction on it anyway that's the general idea so let's do the same thing we did before and cut our touch off there zero up come on zero okay and then come over come down to my depth which was I think 73 was my number yeah oops come on right there okay and then we'll move over 94 four okay well let's just let's go to town here from luck for 2:30 there so we're going to start over here yeah in 84 and that 50 30 you get ready for this now same deal here I have to loosen the vise a little bit there we go I want to hold down a little bit - so here we don't have a hard stop but we've created a nice intersection here and we'll just come up and get close to it and that okay and actually you know what back off and to come back to zero here okay and then square and I think you guys get the the general idea here what I'll actually get pretty amazing geez okay that was pretty amazing I actually rotated it back by I to the to the the right spot unbelievable okay alright so then we'll do the other side cuz I know you want to see the other side make sure I can do this twice right alright let's do that 2:30 we're gonna give it a nice [Music] mood rotation a little pocket there and I think we're good see if this works here and get a little fuzz on it it's meant not bad nothing that a little steel wool will take off okay so that's the the cheapskate method for doing something like that okay accurate rotation reference right and now you're not gonna you know hog stainless with a setup like this but in a little tiny part like this with small tools the cutting forces are really low so you can get away with a lot actually and this using a sharp scalpel here okay and we're going to use this little little ice mm-hmm this kind of oriented with the flats okay and then we'll come in and we'll put a with this cutter here we're just gonna put a screwdriver slot in that and now ideally the centerline of this would be on the centerline of that and let me think about that for a second how we're gonna do that we're gonna use the same technique here to pick up the Z of this kisi cutter we're just gonna come so the indicator is zeroed on the upper surface of the key seed cutter which is pretty thin so it will deflect pretty easily like that you see the indicator moving okay I'm just barely touching it I can't really feel it well yeah I guess I can a little bit but this is a right there it's gonna be a pretty good pickup maybe zero that quill let's double-check that yeah so I like that alright and then I'm going to come off of the part I'm gonna come down below the surface half the cutter diameter which is sixteen I think yeah right there zero that again dink okay so now the center line of the cut don't knock this up dopey alright yeah just lower that well I yeah up here I'll just take that up and then I'll lower that half way then I get my slot at the center there so okay so we're on the center line and so the next thing is to pick up the Y direction and now it's just a screwdriver slide so you know I could probably just eyeball it but you know how much I hate that kind of stuff right I ball something why I ball something right I think what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna come up and I'm just gonna come to a midpoint there and actually you know what come on the other side here that way I can see what I'm doing here I'm just gonna use the little paper trick here like this hit the paper in there and this inch in until this grabs the paper okay all right I'm gonna zero okay and it didn't touch the part all he did was touch the paper right so I'm gonna come over here turn it to saw it in half come up to the same spot in X that way the thing hits it at the same angle I'm gonna do the same thing over here and turn that to hit the damn camera and then I okay and now I'm going to use the the split function of the the Dro okay so I'll come back out here to zero and it should be pretty close to the centerline of the park okay and then to make the depth the same on these I think I'm just gonna do a witness mark and then and then plumb him and actually you know what lets you know what better yet let's do this let's do the same thing because that's that's if they can't reach the ding and okay so I'm pretty happy how deep should I go let's go in it's going 40 Tao and see what that looks like I'm gonna go I know 50 skills you know what I'm gonna go 60 sixteen okay there your number right yeah all right let's pull it out looks like it's screwed every slide to me all right I'll do the next one and then we'll do a final fit up so the this little lug here that we created for it to work properly in this slot and it needs a little it needs a little lead-in on the edge so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna trim it with the with a scalpel here to thin this leading edge like that sure that's probably enough there and it's the same on on both both sides there hopefully you guys can see this so what I'm doing is I'm just creating a little ramp here like that taking a little triangle out of that thing there we go so see it's got a little it's got a little angle now so theoretically that should that should work now see you know you see why these things get lost right I might need a little more where's the let's see that's the stop point huh uh I guess it was okay it just felt like it didn't quite feel like yeah yeah here we go okay yeah that's it all right let's get them let me get the battery I'll stick the battery in there that's really the test cuz they come the display comes on when you put the battery inside so yeah these are these are pretty cool the way these work and then you can reset or you can just start it like that start it like that and then it starts counting and then stop it so you can time or countdown which is kind of a oh oh thank you this is what happens when you try to read upside down hits a stop button dimwit there you go all right well there's a cap or a battery cap and then I got a second one here that I got a trim the the ears on anyway thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 104,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harig, How to rotary mill, Indexing fixture, How to mill small plastic parts, Whirly gig, Spindex, Grinding fixture, Vblock, V-block, Vee block
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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