wow Ethan great mov people of the planet Earth speak to me now it's the H Street podcast it's Wednesday I'm representing Gabe today my boy P pack watch big up puffing one down who we're doing pack watch on Andrew Tate today cuz Aiden Ross flipped on him he straight up nared on him on air it's amazing uh lots of fun stuff to watch today thank you to vessie and expressvpn for sponsoring our [Applause] show boom boom boom shout out Gabe shout out Gabe how you doing this shirt is unironically badass yeah I definitely actually fits me nice oh it looks perfect that's why I definitely new one cuz I think when he G when he gifted me this it didn't fit it was tight congratulations then this morning I put it on I was like gab you got me looking good out here congratulations he's a good man um everybody I want to say bivo has been paid his 5,000 so he's he's he's been made whole was it worth it I I've wondered to myself was it worth the 5,000 was it worth I don't know Ian Ian brought up a good point to me he said you know Chad Hanks was going to do a whole training regiment for you for 5,000 and and then go back to that so we are we're right Ian we're going back to chat yeah we're we're trying yeah he might be big time now though or maybe well he also has his star Faded he hates you right well that was after that was after yeah that was post haate so his thing was like yeah I'll do your show but you have to pay me I don't well read read it Ian it's really quite quite something it would actually be good content frankly the way he laned it up H uh yeah we had asked if he would train you this was months ago he said here's the details my Elite mindset coaching package 2500 monthly 5,000 for 3 months uh you get a 60-minute one onone Zoom call per week weekly reflection with my core principles weekly non-negotiable task life personal growth custom workout routine custom nutrition plan and I will come on your podcast and you had said no you know what be but but I think now I'm I want it because I'm skinny now M and um now it's worth it people like me I could fit into my Gabe shirt be at peace so we're so so hey you know who liked you when you were fat all of us I that's right I know know it I know it AB looks at me different now though I see it in his eyes yeah I yeah thank you yeah I knew that about you thank you um what else um so uh what the [ __ ] was I just talking about CH Chad I I don't know if it would help we should make some kind of compilation because I've been speaking so nicely about Chad he is a he is really a generation defining actor everybody's got their little plans you know what I mean so I want to get that out to Cheta go suck your Mama D stinking Kates is this a real what is this this is from his account yeah this is his new thing uh [ __ ] with me Friday y [ __ ] with me it's [ __ ] with me Friday y all [ __ ] with me dude he's an icon he is so Chad Now's the Time Let's Make a Move let's do this together Friday baby frankly it's a good deal 5,000 bucks for 3 months of like like I get one one time with Hanks what was the break I guess I mean ultimately we're paying for him to come on the podcast because otherwise it was a zoom call once a week an hourong Zoom call with Chad Hanks dude that's 12 calls with chat that's 12 hours it's 12 hours it's 12 hours what are we going to talk about he's your new co-host on your show at your house dude I'm might be honest he wouldn't be a bad co-host I mean we don't know that yet mixing it up that what checks cuz checks mix his name is Che Workshop that a bit mixing it up with checks mix hey yeah it's close to working I'm like a dog chasing cars I wouldn't know what to do if I got it yeah we got to build the bridge back to Chad we love Chad and I don't think he's done anything problematic has he something not that we know surely not don't Google it I don't I like the one person in the chat who just found out that chat Hanks is Tom Hank son so CH like wait he's Tom Hank son to be fair it is very bizarre it is very bizarre it's just that's such a deep part of the lore that I thought everybody knew at this point but why did you think anyone cared about him that's the son he's just a real funny interesting dude which he is frankly back the [ __ ] off yeah that's where he gets his um oh did you post his socials love I didn't I didn't Disney's Pinocchio God Tom Hanks on H3 I think I think we would lose Chad if we asked him for that cuz I get the feeling it's like he's got a very tumultuous uh relationship maybe not with his father directly but just with he has a hard time being Tom Hank's son who blame him that's that's a big thing that's a big thing yeah absolutely living in Tom Hank's Shadow right is certainly not easy especially being the the one the weird one that doesn't even look like him that much it does a little but he's got that one son that's like literally a clone yeah it's weird and he acts and everything right who is my daddy and what does he do he's an actor and his name is Tom Hanks but it is endlessly fascinating that Tom Hanks was capable of producing such a an unusual man maybe not welcome back Olivia by the way thank you thank you very much was a long Monday I know I woke up and I vommed I came here I dropped the costume off and then I just had keep voming yeah and I vommed this morning too wait why I don't know you vommed this morning do you feel okay yeah I feel fine it's just like it was the fish also no I'm not pregnant I promise oh cut those rumors off at the P wait you can't you can't talk about that Dan what fish I can't talk about the fish no no what okay the F we didn't even open it oh no no yesterday yeah I had fish for dinner after going to the aquarium say Revenge they took Revenge I forgot I the thing is like it was the the living fish were in Long Beach and the the cooked fish was in Burbank it was really it was different it's okay to eat fish cuz they don't have feelings yeah they don't care they don't care eat you know what I mean they don't give a [ __ ] they're just like Oh I'm a fishner damn brutal that's like super siiz me made me want McDonald's I don't that's the dude so true like bro what are you doing except making us all fat and now what what what did he accomplished he got rid of that suiz me now I got to pay extra for my French fries that's all he did [Laughter] scumbag I used to love that super siiz me when I was a kid I was like do you want a superzee for like 29 cents like insanely it doesn't even make sense why are they giving you so much more for 29 [ __ ] cents right is it because they want to get you addicted is it because there's no way the 29 cents is affecting their bottom line maybe it does if everybody's saying yes which I did every time right you know what I mean yes yes yes if you go do you want to Super sizeer for 28 cents you go I'm a sucker if I don't say yes you know what I'm saying that's long gone right do that long gone you were you would have loved that D I'm just thinking about the olden days now brother people you know people weren't even discussing it like the fast food the super size these people are out of control they're like Tobacco Company mhm there was doctors being like I'll see you at McDonald's we super size together I was born in the wrong generation dude so true so true the dude from the movie gain 25 pounds in 30 days 25 pounds in 30 days well okay there was some methodology issues with that movie because he would go there how many like three or four times a day and he had to finish everything so he would get some obscene amount of food super sized and then a regular also sugar drink and he would force himself to eat way more than he would otherwise my favorite scene in that movie is when he's eating the quarter pounder and he pukes in the parking lot that's ridiculous that's a delicious sandwich [ __ ] his body just rejects it because he's I think probably he's just overeating so much yeah you know let's see here were his rules he must eat full uh fully eat three McDonald's meals per day breakfast lunch and dinner he must consume every item on the menu at least once over 30 days okay I've had over 40 pizzas in the last 30 days you must you must only adjust items that are offered on the McDonald's menu including bottled water all outside consumption of food is prohibited he must supersize the meal if ordered if offered if offered he cannot request to supersize on his own as if he would want to uh he will attempt to walk about as much as a typical American citizen which is 5,000 steps he did not he but he did not closely adhere to this as he walked more while in New York oh he walked more oo his wife I think was like a V Chef too oh my God that sounds like a fun month to be honest like let's just get let's just go crazy this month you know they have salads I want a salad super sized with extra Ranch they give you they give you a [ __ ] salad in like a KFC size bucket with like a whole ass jar of man of uh Ranch ah y good [ __ ] all right what the [ __ ] we talking about um oh we actually have that Ian okay speaking of KFC KFC's new item they came out it looks KFC v no and we have it let's bring it out this is an Abomination against God God has said this is the chisa cha CH cha the chicken pizza CH P Pizza Pizza Che it's a it's a CH that doesn't even look good the way that they made it look looks Ni no it doesn't what you that is not talk about look good dude it looks like glue and it probably is I don't give a [ __ ] so off balance it doesn't look real though looks like fake food have you guys seen the KFC beverage bucket I ordered uh KFC to go recently and I got one it's insane I sent an image of it it's just like a it's like a big ass Capri Sun I don't know how to explain it dude I got one of those it looks like an IV bag IV bag is probably better wait what the [ __ ] is this wait why are they giving people IV bags of soda so I did like uber eat so I don't know if that's just how they give mobile drinks I don't I don't remember oh they delivered it to yeah they delivered it like that yeah I ordered Mexican and got a horada in one of those oh you did do that recently and I was like what the [ __ ] is this and I they didn't give me a straw so I had to like find a straw this is an interesting new phenomenon that I'm not I'm not aware of I think they're adopting for the delivery culture so it doesn't spill in for sure but look how wasteful that's got to be well right I'm baffled we sure this is like a mass-produced thing this isn't like a meme like where where did this image come from I have I've had it you've had this you had the bag of soda never mind never mind I was pouring it for me and Lena like a fancy dinner so I was did you drink out of the bag or you poured it into a c what the [ __ ] I poured it you can't really drink from it there's no like stability besides the straw portion it's like one of those like wine box wine things you know that they used to be called slap in the bag it was in a bag like can we get one of these can we order somewhere that's going to bring us bags of bag of coke is this a we should call AE and be like do you guys deliver your drinks in bags you guys have the IV bags I want I need that what would happen if you did a IV of soda like for real probably probably nothing nothing yeah nothing yeah cuz it's just you drink soda it doesn't going directly into your bloodstream well just you die for carbonated you think you would yeah let's Google ask chaty BT okay oh God bro this is vile this is gross let me um this is not right man yes you're going to get a closeup of this yeah one second dude it actually does look like it did in the photo which is not good see I thought it was way bigger I thought they give you like like a pizza box full of it it don't look that bad I mean there's four slices anyone wants to try it but I mean what they're doing essentially is a chicken parmesan with pepperoni on it but this is really not appetizing got it try their pepperoni pizza is actually very nutritious what about this one Papa that's [ __ ] up that's growth if you order this shame on you it says putting soda and an IV can cause serious harm spoiler H surprising well they shouldn't ship it in IV back then that turns me [Music] on Day of Reckoning will come they reing will [Music] come stay tuned like get out of my face it makes me eat all piz category it's I mean listen it kind of tastes like you would expect it to you want to try it love chicken and Pizza I would love to try it there's three unou pie I'd like to try that as well Sam is heating up more oh we have more yeah oh Great's more all this then stay tuned stay tuned let me finish it I don't know I mean if you want if you want fried chicken I can't see you going for this what about if you want shisa would you go for it if you want to do a CH Che then yes nice nice but does anybody I mean I tried to order it last Friday and they didn't have it anymore damn but I'm going to you know what like let me just think about this a little bit more let me take one more bite really you're going back just to consider interesting he likes it all right what would happen if you you connected an IV of cocacola directly to your bloodstream dude it just tastes like chicken parm that's it they act like they invented the wheel so introducing Coca-Cola or any similar sugary carbonated beverage directly into the bloodstream through an IV would be extremely dangerous and could be lifethreatening okay ask it this what if the sod was flat well it's articulating the reasons why uh one is the uh pH balance is very acidic compared to human blood but that could be that be could be because of the carbonation ask what if it was flat what if the soda was flat M had lost its carbon go ahead um unfortunately even if the sodas lost its carbonation including flat Coca-Cola or any soft drink it would still be very dangerous okay let me ask this what if it was flat and also didn't have a lot of syrup what if it was flat and didn't have a lot of syrup like you know how those soda fountain things at restaurant get the syrup in a big bag and then it mixes it with carbonated water what if it was like 25% of the usual amount of syrup 25 could I IV at them reducing the seral concentration to 25% would decrease the risks associated with the high sugar content and the A and the acidity to some extent but it would not eliminate the danger wait hold on what if it was Diet what if it was Coke Zero if was Coke Zero I'm getting closer and closer to had no sugar and instead was using some form of artificial sweetener and and just to be clear this is in addition to it being flat right we've already addressed the carbonation 15% syrup to the previous modifications such as 25% syrup do instacart me some IV wires please we're doing this Lena's okay I'm on it uh using Coke Zero which is sweetened with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar in addition to being flat and diluted 25% would indeed eliminate the risks associated with the higher sugar content however there are several significant risks that remain like what well unfortunately artificial sweetener also not good to inject directly in your says who your your boy what do they's an idiot are you talking four they keep emphasizing this pH balance um it it does seem like acid in your veins is is not ideal okay hold on pH balance of Coke Zero it is a it's 3.18 pH ah balance of water well it 6.5 right I don't know what that means is that high that's lower right so the higher the pH balance the more of a base it is or the way around chemistry was a long time ago there's no way water is more acidic than soda right no right I think the lower pH is more acidic think wait I'm tripping I thought water was Zero I think it can vary depending on I mean no water is not zero there's the the Kagan water which is intentionally what's that [ __ ] they say at the dentist you know what I'm talking about but wait I think Zer zero Zach is like um you furic acid right seven is a base yeah there you go seven is the Baseline anything will kill you yeah hydrochloric acid is zero so yeah yeah you don't I mean can I do that in my veins hydrochloric acid some has a pH balance of zero I think that just means it evaporates immediately hydrochloric acid lemon juice Hy Hydro hydroida Burn yeah let's not do that burn okay so where are we at on the injecting soda front here it's looking like it's still pretty dangerous well so the pH the pH of water actually varies quite a bit in the spectrum of drinkable water if I open up this chart here mhm so if we're looking at soda and let's take a look here soda is up here that's actually it's like one [ __ ] yeah one step away from hydrochloric acid I could dissolve a body in Coke Zero Turns out um let's just take the the middle though so let's say it's 2 and a half soda but here you see the normal water here bottled water you're looking at 5 and A2 to 8 and 1/2 so if we are diluting this by 75% you are going to remove 75% of the acid of the excess acid if you're doing that 3 to four 75% of that well the difference isn't 100% but it would take it down like right here I think like right on the high end of the bottle water Spectrum like right here right so you don't have sugar you don't have acid what's the problem why can't I Mainline well so it actually articulated like eight reasons why it's bad for you we only have gotten to like the first two which is the uh sugar and the in the pH balance so but unironically I do want to get a bag of soda L know if we can we did I ordered it you ordered already yeah girl where where'd you get it from KFC mhm apparently it's a regular thing like it's on their website oh is it a different item can you get it in a cup or a bag it's um the item itself is called like beverage bag or beverage bucket do they force the bag on you no you can get a regular drink in a cup and what soda did you order um um oh I had to get two to meet the um cart minimum but I got one of Pepsi and then one Lemonade Diet Pepsi regular they didn't have Coke yeah well we have a lot of soda in the office no you have to drink from that one though do you want me to switch the order I can call them if I drink sugared Cola rumor is that I will immediately relapse and my belt my waist size will increase by 10 sizes RoR we'll get you the the Coke Zero then no I'm kidding I'll drink the Pepsi are you sure well you already ordered it didn't you I can call them and have them um switch it also this is what I want from you yeah I want that for you too right it's the biggest drink in of the year we have so much coke Zer we could pour it out and pour some in you're going to waste Coke Zero is that what I just heard no we would waste the Pepsi and we would waste waste Pepsi nobody even wants to drink nobody wants to drink Pepsi Pepsi sucks dude [ __ ] Diet Pepsi is the worst drink you can drink it's so bad I don't actually have that much of a preference I just like Pepsi people get very defensive you know what I mean tastes like [ __ ] the only reason people drink Pepsi is because they've been like conditioned to like it Pepsi that's a hot here we go Pepsi Zero is goated okay as a Pepsi person die hard I'm disgusted with everyone in this room let me ask you this Sam did you did you grow up drinking Pepsi yes there you're brainwash you're part of a I hate Coke I hate normal Coke a Coke Z fine no taste my favorite though is Pepsi in the gold cans it's sugar and caffeine free you don't get the best I give those to um you don't get to have an opinion you loves those wait s you're from Atlanta and you don't like Coke yeah I don't know it's too sweet I don't know I like the peppery pepperiness of Pepsi people are say old old fans know that I used to ride for Pepsi Mac the reason is is because that was the first zero type of thing and I was in Israel that was the only thing available I don't know why pepsy Max was like huge in Israel I don't know why like before the rest of the world got it you're too liberal now for Pepsi right I moved on you moved on the old Ethan liked Pepsi yeah I moved on Cherry Pepsi oh I you [ __ ] with I do not [ __ ] with that that's what I'm saying name find one person that prefers Pepsi that wasn't like conditioned and brainwashed from birth to like that [ __ ] the best drink is uh Coke Zero Cherry love that one that one is good I have those at home [ __ ] awesome yeah I've kind of turned into a um a diet coke uh fanatic I hate to admit it because uh it's better than most things though if you're going to have a viice it's better than smoking go drink Coke but like as someone who's like dieting hardcore uhhuh a lot of the times that's the only thing I can like hit me with some kind of satisfaction or sweet or satisfying Sensation that isn't going to make me isn't going to add calories to my diet so I love it that and and nicotine gum is what's pushed me through all this gotta get on that Zin game brother that's right you better not push me cuz I [ __ ] that [ __ ] was fun I'm gonna [ __ ] uh give me one give me one right now oh boy what was it is it uh Andrew Schultz is that what the podcast was dude put in your [ __ ] just [ __ ] use it bro just [ __ ] use it there was another schz clip going around of him like bullying Down syndrome people is it not in the doc cuz it it was posted on our sub and did you see how like it had like 9,000 up votes or something on on our what yeah I got like crazy high up voted on the everybody is coming together our community has agreed on one thing yeah we do not like Andrew Schultz now the guy calling him out Shane Gillis you know has been uh big in the controversy news recently because he was hosting SNL and all that old stuff that we talked about on the show years ago do you remember this that he he got hired by SNL and then like immediately fired because of some podcast appearances I I've heard I know that's the story but I don't know we talked about it on the show but I'm literally like six years ago um I don't really remember the details either but it seems people have come around on him now now he's the woke one he he is actually people have come around on him big time yeah and I'll say I've actually I think I'm a fan of his as well cuz like his comedy is super not partisan which is so nice and because all of his you know contemporaries are so like conservative coded right and his thing is like he says offensive jokes uh but I do too you know what I mean sure you're no Str but you can tell he's not he's not a hateful he's not bigoted he's not like a a Maga cultist I I think I think he has a unique slant that other comedians aren't aren't touching on cool 13,000 that's what I'm saying this thread went like Giga viral I do want to say though I feel like I looked into this when it was first going around and I feel like there was more context I feel like he may have been doing a character CU he was like talking about uh it's been it's been a minute I'd have to double check but I think he was they were talking about woke culture in general so were kind of playing this character of like being offended well we got to find out for sure somebody I read a comment that he has people with Down syndrome and his family yeah I read his uncle and that he used to work with people or something like that and people were saying he looks like he has Down syndrome which I guess is a joke that he's made about himself but still the way that Andrew is he showing just random people with Down syndrome and basically using them as the butt of a joke and I think Shane does a good job of calling him out you know and this is a modernday contemporary comedian who's not you know who's able to say hey that joke's not funny I mean you don't see that right actually has been working out dude this is let's see it hold on that's crazy oh my God you look good is this from West Point that actually is oh nice you guys and I you know what that's his rival's profile picture I feel like watching this you can tell Schulz starts to get defensive and [ __ ] too that's the that's how I feel it could be that that I'm reading into it but it seems like Schultz is getting but hurt for being called a douche which she undoubtedly is a giant douche he looks like he's wearing a varsity jacket and he's acting like he's in high school this is he is being so [ __ ] cringe it's like a high school bully it's bizarre it really makes me wonder about this whole world cuz this guy show show is so popular and he is just intolerable he's just well here watch that can we click the video I just want to hear the sound I just want to hear the now you look great dog congrats I don't think that's funny but um yeah I I see that I see the the the co-hosts of the show are like the biggest [ __ ] suck up nothing Burgers of people apparently they're comedian but man you guys have zero personality I don't know if that's a prerequisite of being a comedian I think it is though dude I see like you don't get it you mean yeah but that's not me so yeah I don't understand it yeah yeah I don't get the joke yeah it's okay dude so my guy guys nice by the way yeah that's wild these guys are awesome yeah they're having fun yeah for you guys to sit here and be likee let's bring it up and mock them up dude that's by by using them as an insult using we're using you no no bro Andrew don't be a don't be obtuse you're using them as an insult don't be dumbass on what you're doing [ __ ] yeah he's right I I think it's great it's not and you know what to sit amongst a bunch of Comedians and to say you know that [ __ ] wasn't that funny you guys just mean uh it's pretty dope agree I'm not being a victim I love people that stand up for their convictions like that it's great saying the jokes you're you're doing is not it's not like it's not PC that's not cool it's not it's not again he goes it's not PC he's trying to make it into this cancel culture thing but it's not that it's just you're being a dick M it's just mean there's no talent in any of any of that commentary exactly exactly you're making fun of These Guys these down dud putting out Tik Tok there's an extended version but what the hell that's crazy people hey people came together H3 podcast baby circumcision split Ethan is Ethan a Zionist split maybe it's probably not split actually it's probably just a small amount Andrew Schultz being a a douche to Down syndrome people we all [ __ ] agree baby it's nice that we've all come together finally [ __ ] Andrew Schultz [ __ ] Andrew Schultz I'm trying to Galvanize this moment and turn it into a moment for myself cuz it's just been a hard time you know lots of lots of division so I just wanted to bring us all together to enjoy this moment where we had 13,000 points on one thread on the H3 podcast [Music] subreddit that is wild I don't know why it blew up so yeah that's weird it must have hit the front page it must have got high enough that like non but BW it but our no our subreddit is black bald they don't even show it on the homepage you remember well that was my understanding too but I don't know how it could get that many upvotes otherwise but did it re get reposted somewhere maybe we call that a in my family a ham sandwich I did not even call take off the screen thank you I was just looking at uh top of all time yep yeah that's why I wanted it off the screen well okay so I guess our number one one has 70,000 that's a lot that was before we got black balled though oh this one's from one year ago Logan Paul's Pig found close to death was number two 50,000 holy smokes number three is the birth of Teddy 45,000 oh and then me going for the ban uh 44,000 oh that's nice that's nice I wish he did ban me actually at the time that would have probably caused me a lot of trouble or prevented a lot of trouble exactly I was begging it man listen all right we should probably do our sponsors and then um we don't have anything to do we 34 minutes yeah so we can keep what you think of the CH cha I I liked it really simp yeah I mean it's just it looks so gross the sauce was a little bit spicy or right maybe it was the chicken that was a little bit spicy it it was a good time on would you order it though okay KFC no probably not yeah I wouldn't order KFC at all I don't need fast food anymore oh for real how long's that been in effect just a couple minutes just for him right now well I've been cutting down a lot cuz I'm up in weight I I weigh a lot right now so I got to work on that I feel like welcome to America baby it's true welcome to America yeah but I'm getting a little bit you know bored of fast food actually that's good I'm like I look through I I look through door Dash every now and then I'm like not really feeling any of this and I make food for myself I go to Costco and yeah that's also another welcome to America side of America baby I so Trader Joe's is awesome I don't know if you've been there yeah I like Trader Joe's um it's looking up dude it's looking up up dude it's good for you man go to Joe did anyone else try the chisa just to get it I did what' you think it me's [ __ ] sick dude oh [ __ ] I didn't my tummy's not doing so hot right now and you were eager to try it too Avery or mod just in the chat just said the chisa is mid so the chisa is the shiza divided opinions on the chisa I don't think it's divided I think it's like fish chisel at best mid yeah let me try it one more time though in case my opinion I don't know still bad still bad yeah I mean it's not I call it mid it's mid it's mid that's it's a good I love that yeah it's mid it's mid one thing I'm getting as I get older is [ __ ] heartburn dude are you are you on the um omap brazal no when I was your age I started to get crazy Harper like debilitating daily and um I had to go on the omap resol but CH it it went away completely dude that should good right dude it's so good I have flare up so I don't take it all the time but it instantly cures it it's amazing for real yeah it's real good I guess it's a relatively new medicine too so people just walk around with like debilitating heartburn all the time yeah I I don't know it's gone to that point but TS has been like my best friend I'd love to watch the full clip of it cuz it I felt it was short Too Short talking of course about Shane Gillis it's hard driving a pot what about you guys okay this is yeah let's watch this one's four minutes long his body language like Schultz like hitting him on the shoulder and leaning over it's all so embarrassing it's awful he he's like the embodiment of like stunted Arrested Development the man has not aged past like 17 yeah and you see it in full force during that academics interview right yep by the way Zach can I get one of those will you peer pressure me and take one of those do it do it just take it just take it n bro I got a problem [ __ ] do it you [ __ ] [ __ ] n bro come on shove it down your [ __ ] throat can you grab yeah can you grab yeah so whoa okay chill that's violent so what are these These are called These are rogue it's it's a little better than Zin okay A little little more different than the than the snooze [ __ ] right this apparently is somehow by the magic vested in the thank you AB this is oh it smells fresh this is the [ __ ] version of snoo apparently this doesn't cause cancer this is so Rogue is a little bit better of a lip pill Yow in my opinion so do you put it here I do I do upper Dey I do upper Dey on the side on the side here and you just stick it in there and you just let it are youate I want I'm curious cheers everybody peer pressure cheers my dud for you baby we doing it for Schultz he got through to he didn't get academic but he got me little thank you for sharing Zach little zenino my dude Z you hitting the double decky I've done a double deckie but I got one in right now just an upper deck come on bro do you do you get a rush when you double deck it it's for a special occasion yeah people said did Ethan get a second tattoo it's tomorrow it's tomorrow right what time it's at 10:00 a.m. and I think it'll be all day but I was going to I wondering can you think I could do the memb stream from there on my phone that's what I was thinking of suggesting yeah I mean I'm going to be there doing nothing except sitting okay I think people would like it I mean they don't have to watch either o it's burning a little bit yeah I don't really like this I just had to move it over taking it out but that's what's good right the burn I love the burn but is that not cancer that feels like cancer yeah that doesn't feel great at all it's more of a canker sore than anything right yeah I feel like I feel like that's cancer developing in my lip though can't they just [ __ ] make a cigarette that doesn't give you cancer that's all I want I wish that's all I want wish unfortunately I think inhaling inhaling is tough you know what I mean yeah I know it sucks even Vapes turns out are not good I have smoked or Vaped in months so that's good dude I never Vape but I got a flavored one in Vegas that [ __ ] I was like addicted to it I was so happy that it ran out yesterday Purple Rain oh that was your that's a good flip oh okay I saw I remember you with that thing yeah ah why is this one stronger than the last one Z it's a different type of it's because it's bigger it's more of a fuller liit pillow yeah this one's this one's hdden maybe you're just a [ __ ] probably take it [ __ ] sorry Schultz dude put it back in your mouth [ __ ] that's the best fart um all right so I would but I wanted to ask you guys opinion actually so here's my my original one as you guys know so I was wondering if I should get it here so they're kind of like opposite side of my arm you think that would look good you what else were you what else were you thinking well the other thing I was thinking is maybe like here or something you're doing color right yeah it's color I think the idea of the juxtaposition of black and white to color is beautiful mhm I think yeah and I feel like if it's spread out it might be not weird but I just think it looks nicer when it's contrasting I kind of have that on my with like two different Wings on one side on each yeah okay wait let me see one side's colored one side isn't no they're they're both that color but I mean one side's like uh I hate explaining my tattoos I feel like it sounds so corny but it's two different Wings one here what does it mean now that you said you hate explaining I I never explained any My Tattoos that's fair it's very personal it's like explaining a dream you know what I mean yeah mine's easy then my dog he died Yeah well yeah the only one I I'll ever explain really is the one from my uncle or like my aunt that passed that's it m yeah what does it say in Arabic will you say that he just said he not going to explain dude secret would it be funny if it was like I mean it's people can read Arabic yeah uh it's it says uh the translation is like uh it will not break me pretty much nice yeah I've had all like my friends sort of pick out my tattoos I don't feel as embarrassed by them if I'm not the one that picked them out I like those words you farm the decision out to other people on your tattoos I mean if they're like something I really don't like I'm like [ __ ] that but so that's like the opposite of what almost everybody does where it's like deeply personal you're it's like as impersonal as it gets it's somebody else's tattoo only my first one my first one was like my family's name so that was okay you look good I like the way they look yeah I mean they sleeves Badass sleeve mother did you always want tattoos or what what happened yeah I've always wanted them my dad went through a midlife crisis pretty early and he got tattoos and I wanted to be like my dad I think I think that's where it came from a interesting badass on my 18th birthday my mom took me to the tattoo place she was like what are you getting really really is your mom tatted yeah she has a few she loves tattoos though there you go nice I told my dad about my first tattoo I waited until we were in a taxi and he was in the front seat so he couldn't whoop my ass he can't say [ __ ] though he did it one day I'll tell you the story when he found my ears were pierced really he [ __ ] me up and his ears were pierced oh man that's not fair that is not fair parents suck L parents cringe parents cringe my grandmother told me I'm out of the will for what if I get a t to what really for real that's a bit conservative the Jewish grandmother dude out of the will how much do you stand to lose more than it's worth I can tell you off the a more than it's worth I here's the thing I let's put it this way he doesn't have any tattoos I I uh I I this thing's burning [ __ ] me I that thing sucks I'm sorry I'm out what the hell that is cursed yeah sorry Zach to cut you off that was fast yeah go ahead Z so what did we order Lena just two bags back up three total so that one's Diet Pepsi and then one Pepsi and one lemonade oh it's been opened wait did you open it no what the [ __ ] no they they filled them up probably in the store with just bag up let me oh there's no ice in it either that's kind of that's a lot of sodi is it cold it is ice cold bag of [Music] turrets nice you need a straw you know what we got to put in that man gamer Subs in the IV bag yo oh they were asking if we want a new a cup design just just give them a bag dude they don't sell it as a liquid they sell it as a powder it wouldn't really work well you just sell them the empty bag yeah the hell and then you fill it yourself I I I don't I I don't want I don't want it back you don't want to walk around college campus holding this with a road in your upper decky dude you'd be a badass with a Zin in your upper decky and a bag of coke I'll say something about this there's no ice in it so it's a lot of beverage and obviously it's not going to spill so I mean I just find it weird that it just started catching on like we've had this technology for decades the one I ordered the other day it had ice in it oh for real yeah I've ordered a whole shot of so but that means they would have to put in like one at a time no so look at the one I just sent it's different it's like a zp plug bag you can open it fully uh ZIP yeah it's a ziplock pack man people are crazy the bag technology is nuts oh [ __ ] you see what oh they gave you like a quarter bag yeah that's crazy you had to tear it off open the zip loog and put a straw in there this is good I tastes good out of the bag sick tastes great with a rogue too I enjoyed it I drank it out of my bag with the straw I feel like um like a a desert a nomad you know how they have like Freeman yeah no that a Freeman would have a bag of soda built into their still suit y through their nose though exactly you're Abraham buddy you're walking through the desert with a bag listen to me hear me now people you hold two of them like the Ten Commandments I have discovered the bag did Abraham famously have a bag bag what was that reference major bag major bag alert bro you're right Abraham Abram Abraham was doing 10 upper deckies bro of Rogue [ __ ] yeah you like him huh was Abraham dope I don't know much about the Bible I all I know is that guy had some upper deckies man he was the first one right he was the guy yeah yeah that's kind of and he was he you know what his Covenant with God was thou shal Zin was that the guy who had to kill his son huh was that the who had to kill his son yeah and he was down for it and then Gob was like Yo dude I was joking I was joking Jesus thou sh upper decky bro you believe that that's so embarrassing for you you were going to kill your son no no hold on it's just a break it's just a break I mean it sounds like the dude was having like like a schizophrenic break he's like the voices are telling me to kill my son you know the burning bush yeah God put out a cigarette he said [ __ ] that have some Zen no flame burning Z you won't burn no bushes that way that was a warning sign bro they say Mana fell from Heavens in actuality it was Zen it was Zen they said but Thou shalt Zin Thou shalt zin the ultimate zinner my guy Abraham was the first person to own a Birkin says is that so is that so that's clout he he has clouded the [ __ ] up shout out a Braham AB frankly yeah yeah abah kind of he's the most clouded up in a way I mean it's the abrahamic religions for yeah he gets the whole thing that's the like the majority of the world bro all of our religions like not all but like all of the monotheistic religions which is all the major the biggest ones started from a dude who was going to kill his son and God was like psych [ __ ] psych God did I find that interesting God did dude you were going to do that bro a [ __ ] sucker that's crazy easy so did he reward Abraham for for for he was going to follow through I mean that his his bloodline is like that's that's that's the that's what led to everybody right is that me am I am I is that what the ashkanazi is well it's raining why is it raining why is it raining God's pissed Siri said so I'm tired of it raining here dude he's pissed he took it's the flood dude it's the flood oh no they're going to wash away us for our zins Jesus died for our zins oh man dude I'm not even kidding this this bag sodi kind of slaps no yeah I don't know it's like it's still very it's chill and like a baby ice cold a baby out a carnival how is this it's actually kind of scary how it's still so cold it's super cold and I've drank a lot of it I bet this this liquid line has not even moved god dude the way you drink that is it looks like like Bruce with the bottle you're in stroller [ __ ] that's good I I could taste the sugar though and the lemonade I could taste it a lot do do you have a diet one you want to try the diet one I mean I've been slurping on it so I'm okay that's good [ __ ] dude and it's Pepsi I don't like Pepsi ac23 donate said Anita maxen nice does someone want this uh regular Coke or Pepsi rather who wants a bag good on the bag no I'm good um appreciate it though appreciate the offer there was a uh there was a Dono before the ad break actually when we were talking about injecting soda into your veins of uh where is it they said they were uh a flight attendant and there was an emergency on their flight and there was a doctor on board and they gave somebody juice in an IV to try and save them and then they said it didn't work they died I said I don't know what the logic was there maybe I don't know what the circumstance was more crazy as hell right that's interesting cuz there's for sure water on the plane yeah well I mean glucose if they're like a diabetic yeah it might have been a diabetic thing I guess um dang I they damn they unless they were just lying about being a doctor and just psychopath ejecting juic I said no pickles can you ask chat gbt what if I did juice IV sure just curious cuz juice is super what about juice well I guess it depend what kind of juice it's probably like cranberry juice or orange juice on a say apple juice that seems pretty neutral do they have apple juice usually on a flight it's usually like cranberry and orange but we'll do Apple you're right it's mostly orange Apple orange or tomato usually introducing apple juice or any other kind of fruit juice directly into the bloodstream would be highly dangerous and could lead to serious health complications they don't seem as forceful okay soda ask this but the soda was like lowkey what the [ __ ] are you asking me right now this one they're like it could be could be dangerous ask it this I'm on a PL if you're on a plane and somebody falls into a diabetic coma what hooking them up to apple juice IV be a good idea diabetic well maybe good idea is loaded what if I gave them an apple juice IV in an extreme life and death is that good if they're in a diabetic coma does that mean they need sugar I don't even know I don't know or does mean they have too much sugar to inject or maybe it means they don't have enough insulin whatever that is they don't need more sugar usually right it's insulin they need but they need sugar sometimes they eat sugar they like depends on the type of Diabetes they have um type one diabetes I need I need a jewel pod I mean they're saying no so unless chubb's ready to let that person die I mean the doctor they had to try just say chat chbt are you you want that person to die rather than try to save their lives with they're saying it it or oral sugary solution I'm sorry just make them eat it what's wrong seems like the bloodstream part is uh do that not helpful Jack GPT is not when in any points for the human beings I'm afraid chat PD said let him die I'm sorry don't don't apologize just do better do that I'm afraid we should be afraid do that all right what we what are we talking about here we have nothing really we haven't talked about anything it's great I saw a post on the sub I was like I just want to see him shoot the [ __ ] about more I was like okay easy done yeah right easy up we're all here anyway so why not uh the the extended clip of Shane Gillis shutting down Andrew scholes I feel like his name should be Schultz but it's not it's schz oh and I don't like that you don't like that say it actually it just I really don't like that his name isn't Schultz what blows my mind is he sold out the [ __ ] Garden two nights in a row how maybe stand up funny I've never seen a standup I just know him from like these podcast appearances actually my first introduction to him we were praising him because it was that nek podcast remember where he was just a giant douche to them I guess I guess cuz we don't like the NK boys so much we were like hell yeah but that's his stick did I watch it he had a he had a really awkward encounter with Whitney Cummings too did we watch that no I don't think so pull that up baby cuz it was really he was being so mean to her and she kind of made him look like a clown I thought it was good anyway let's watch this yeah it's hard driving a bot H what about you guys it's hard huh what have you guys been up to [ __ ] Bro Shane actually has been working out dude this is [ __ ] let's see it hold on so they so they ahead of time grabbed a photo of a dude with Down Syndrome lifting weights to be like yo Shane looks like [Music] him C oh my God you look good is this from West Point that actually is oh nice you guys and I you know what that's his Rivals profile picture Shane Shane can we click the video I just want to hear the sound I just want to hear it's zo how embarrassing is this for all these people in this room honestly his little yes man crew are like it's hard to watch man it's hard to watch you look great dog congrats I don't think that's funny but um yeah I I see that I see why I see why like you don't get it you mean yeah but that's not me so yeah I don't understand it yeah yeah I don't get the joke yeah it's okay dude it's okay um I notice when you get frustrated you often like lean forward and do like this okay Zach can I get a a Rolex analysis here it's a beautiful watch oh it is I hate to say it it's beautiful what is which one is that uh that is a blackface Daytona oh that's the one you like well I want the white face but uh yeah so th is this one you can buy new or is this only vintage very hard to buy new uh to go to a Rolex authorized dealer and purchase that you were on like a 5year waiting list if you're lucky I see yeah and and what's the retail on that like 50 aftermarket or MSRP I guess either way um if you buy it after or um I'm sorry not aftermarket from a a non Rolex store new probably about 30 Grand at the Rolex store probably about 15 wow wow yeah that's so much money to put on your wrist bail money on a wrist that's so much money to put on your wrist I just I think it's I think they look pretty but it's it's hard to conceptualized just like I I got my first night watch I didn't take the tags off until Zach approved it but this oh you got a new you got a watch yeah this is a cardier tank yeah I didn't I didn't you treated yourself huh you've been treating yourself I like that yeah what's the MSRP uh this one was uh 4,000 nice bro we got a dude that's what's up treat yourself congratulations and then you got the Zach approval on it too yeah I I literally had the tag stuffed in it until Zach saw it and he that's sick Bro let me see let me see that he gave me some history on I guess like Princess Diana and Muhammad Ali had this watch wow oh oh so it's gender it's a gender neutral type of situation it's a beautiful one want you bring it over there you want me to yeah here I'll grab it I just want to see what what we what is it so this is card cardier oh that's an oh wow it's a nice face it looks almost like um how do you call it like a Kindle like cuz it's so clear you know what I mean it looks like digital nice why'd you pick this one oh he there's no mic yeah hold on clouded up like a a nice like dress watch and well for one I was looking at Rolexes but for one they're like crazy expensive but also I don't know when I think of Rolex I mean they're beautiful watches But like everyone I know back in my hometown like either has a Rolex or a fake one right yeah so I Sav a little money and this one was uh learning more about the history of this one I was I love it so nice yeah my parents don't like it but your parents yeah they didn't like it there what do they have to say about it they said it looks small but that's the style it's supposed to be small like it cost that much and it's small it's funny that's the style of it though it's supposed to be a smaller watch my aunt who's very stylish she she said she was very proud that I picked this watch I said nice okay there you go yeah nice there you go nice choice thank you lovely thank you thank you B ass thank you [ __ ] yeah dude yeah so I don't know I'm G to come stunt on you guys with a rainbow Daytona or something that'd be so that's crazy that's be a half a million bucks yeah I like what's up peasants it's nearly impossible get to get those from like an ad like walking into a Rolex store and be like hey I want this watch Oh I thought they were disc they're not even being made well there's that but to go into Rolex and get like a new sub or new watch that Andrew is wearing is near to possible unless you're in like their allocation L we went to the Rolex store I don't did I mention this when we were in Vegas and we're like I did say this yeah they don't have any watches there right you have to they just they get like a random Styles in every week and you just got to hope that one you like comes through well also in order to get like the one you want you have to purchase watches you necessarily don't want for real cheaper model in order to get on their list you have to unlock it's like experience points you have to unlock a higher tier of rewards M and I don't know if we talked about this on the show but I heard if you resell a Rolex like they'll put you on a list where you can't buy another one absolutely wait what they there's such yeah because there's such a weit list for them yeah absolutely what you could I think you can after a certain time right Zach or how do they know if you resell it because the serial number uh oh my my God yeah like if it ends up on like Chrono 24 like B watch the uh I'll stick with the free watch that I got with my phone yeah that cost $200 and I scratched horribly immediately you know who's like that is um Porsche they're like the same way with that like to get their like super high-end cars you have to get on a list and you get on that list by buying a Porsche essentially yes wow but yeah but Rolexes have kind of got a reputation nowadays I I know you've been day one Zach you've been a appreciator but I feel like these guys like um Steve will do it and all these dudes have like ruined it cuz they they they carry it around with they buy it with like their their [ __ ] blood money and they you know they're like oh yeah here's my $200,000 watch that I my friend just gave it to me who works for kick they're all aftermarket diamonds too which totally [ __ ] up the value wait for real how do you know that if you put something aftermarket on a watch it it totally depreciates it huh yeah cuz they they don't make them that iced out right Zach Rolex has a few it's like the one Ethan was looking at that's like much that's [ __ ] awesome that's awesome the most Diamonds though you'll pretty much find on a Rolex though right but yes but if you go and like diamond out the whole brael and all that [ __ ] it'll just [ __ ] it up that shit's annoying like if you have I have money sell me your [ __ ] I hate that they're like no no no no no you got to do it this way way it's like no here's money give me your [ __ ] or I'm out it it's co really um really implemented that uh the the law of the land like you used to be able to go buy Rolex at Costco huh yeah back in the day you could get him at Cost whoa you can buy him in bulk essentially take a dozen three for 10K baby 13th free um somebody said danam review Dune we already talked about it didn't we I think well actually yeah maybe not on the air did we talk didn't we with my sandb and all that or the I hadn't seen it when the bucket was here duy the sand duy yeah the sand dy I can't remember if we talked about on air or not sand I loved it it was good I thought it was one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen I did it's so [ __ ] good I mean like it was so stylistic every shot was like so epic and um very goodlooking movie for sure it a great adaptation you know I think it's probably the best adaptation of a book to a movie nice yeah just as enjoyable yeah yeah so so Lord of the Rings trilogy I think still has it I mean I don't know because like obviously I love those movies but I don't know maybe time will tell they're I think they're going to keep making more Dune movies there's going to be a third one so so we'll see time will tell I think we're uh people are worried about spoilers well we won't say spoilers I didn't spoil anything um I will say I thought the the changes that happened were all understandable and definitely benefited it as a film there was maybe a one or two little like nerd quibbles I have as like a big fan of the book but for the most part I think they did a really good adaptation I felt immersed in the world I never felt like oh this is [Music] all right I'm Letting Go Ethan gave not a spoiler for the movie but a spoiler for the series that was pretty [ __ ] major and I B wait are you being serious yes you didn't know that dude people in chat were all saying even before that not to spoil anything so I think it's I was doing aoke maybe you don't realize what you just spoiled but that is a major spoiler been spoiling this whole whole for me this whole series I knew now watching it with you guys hold check chat check that there's no way what I just said is true fight I can't even read chat right now I can't do my job F what fight wait I yeah I'm on with you if what you clearly made a joke yeah but this is not I guess you don't know what happened but if you know yeah okay well if it's a spoiler well I didn't know that I didn't know that you were just talking out of your ass with that but you did just say a major plot point that happens in I thought you were kidding no I'm dead serious so I did what I thought was like a super silly obvious plot yes uh spoiler what book does that happen in cuz I've read the first three MO it happens wait you've read the I think it happens I missed that chapter I'd have to go back and check but yes that that that happened to clarify what happened is Ethan just made the weirdest most random [ __ ] up and then apparently was an actual spoiler which kind of crazy yeah the not in this movie though the Dune series is very odd let's just put it that way it goes weird places later I highly doubt The Story Goes that far right uh I'd be disappointed if it didn't because it's one of the most let's should Mo we're circling around said it wait what territory still I can't say anything without it doesn't it doesn't happen in this in this not for a while actually yeah I don't remember that happening although that now that's the uncircumcised penis uh Ethan your mom just messaged me she's saying Doom was great but lord of the grings was amazing jeez okay I got my own mom heckling during the show I think time will tell we need a couple more Dune movies I so far it's great dude I hope they just [ __ ] take this universe and run with it me too series movies sell the IP [ __ ] let yeah I want as much content as possible I can't do this once every two years [ __ ] I constant into my [ __ ] it's it's tough it t i mean it takes that was a really great movie yeah it was [ __ ] meticulously made it's true I don't who I don't know who directed it but that [ __ ] was beautiful you know it was Den Vu wasn't it can we do a Lord of the Rings x Dune like Jason vers Freddy Krueger crossover like yeah I want to see Aragorn fighting the Dune the sandworms vers uh uh the the uh unfortunately I think Aragorn's got [ __ ] on on Paul I mean you guys are just describing fortnite at this point with fornite can we throw some Highlander in there Highlander is an idiot he'll get destroyed by Paul excuse me he is I'm sorry he's got a personal Shield you know what I mean what what is what is he going to do with a with a ninja sword he can read his mind dude see the future he he's Immortal unless he cut his head off all right enough I'm going to accidentally spoil I love Highlander but yeah the worms are the worms become um uh they just start eating the worms because the food runs out and then everybody turns into a worm and then it's just worm World it Chang since it becomes worm World very unexpected do three worm World worm world and there's just not enough sand and there's too many worms yeah invasive species all right where the [ __ ] are we go ahead Andrew Schultz schs where did that come from like how how many chromosomes what is that what what is the deal with that like how does that like what's the question you're being a bully dude he's the young bull he's the young bull look listen have your fun dude have your fun list you wanted to start a FIFA I'm red the [ __ ] up you thought it was over you thought it was you thought I was feeling you Shane is a Munch bro yo you're a Munch Shane be honest bro what's Munch yeah what's that come on you don't know about ice spice bro no amazed you didn't you're only 30 wait how I'm 34 how old are you guys say what 38 dud oh wow 38 dude damn cring yeah old I look older I don't think you do you guys act the young as [ __ ] though you guys not though you guys are what are you guys 18 yo son on [ __ ] my on dude you know I mean come on bro come on Shane dude I was watching your Tik Tok account that [ __ ] what's that which one that's better yeah that was better Gillian ke that was a no your personal Tik Tok I don't think I swear to God I don't have one oh you said like the most incoherent confusing interview he's just he's like rambling and making weird grunting sounds and goes I love your Tik Tok he goes I don't have a Tik Tok and he goes I like what you're doing you're making a joke yeah it's like bro you it's unlistenable so is there anything missing to this is there more context that AB said or guess I don't know there's we're almost there we're almost to the moment of Crisis okay that that was great is your account your account on Tik Tok I swear to God maybe somebody's doing an account with you on Tik Tok [ __ ] hilarious doing moves it's you doing dance moves are you trying to find a guy with Down Syndrome doing Tik Tok is that what you're trying to do I didn't say that at all I search search it it is going to be good um dude there's yeah there's going to be a lot there's gonna be a lot to go through down down dudes love Tik to my guy guy's nice by the way this guy's just laughing at him like what he's just like oh dude look at that dude with Down Syndrome dancing cracks them up man down down syndome dudes love Tik toking what the [ __ ] does that even mean everybody's on Tik Tok people with Down Syndrome people without Down syndrome everybody's down with Tik Tok everybody's down with Tik Tok yeah I don't know what that means my guy guy's nice a good dancer yeah that's wild these guys are awesome yeah they're having fun for you guys to sit here and be like wait a minute let's bring it up and mock them that's [ __ ] up dude that's by using them as an insult using we're using you so you're insulting them by saying I look like them or you're insulting me by saying I look like them this is you yeah and so if you're insulting him by saying they look like them then they don't look good that's the joke that's the joke right so you are making fun of them he's too D I mean okay back in your victim thing no no I'm not being a victim I'm saying the jokes you're you're doing is not it's not like it's not PC that's not cool you know what's really great triggering you're making fun of These Guys these Down syndrome dudes putting out Tik Tok videos you're punching D I'm sorry I'm actually sorry I'm sorry no no but go back to analyzing fun yeah go back to analyzing fun that's always great dude with people you have to go into like their interests you have to like ask about the things that they're fixing all right who's the 34th president you know I feel like all these comedians hate Andrew like behind the scenes No I don't know that's a lie I'd have to count them back it'd be tough all right I mean I don't know if it added anything we were there though um Here's the the one I'm in on Andrew Schultz hate you're on the hate train man I'm on the hate train I don't like do you think people really have an issue oh yeah his confrontation with Whitney was so weird this is only 20 seconds though so I don't know if it really shows it well but let's see with nepotism or they have an issue with themselves just not getting a role never been like Fair why should it be I me it's like neither Sports now this is a this is a wild take that the guys don't really appreciate I think it's sorry can I say something about was in the of a sentence I know but I know but we're not moving on it's about this it's about this the neppo baby's parents it doesn't do enough cuz she starts calling him out but the whole interview is like that like who what the [ __ ] on you have a guest on I sent another clip as well it's crazy to treat a guest like that no no no no I'm going to need you to shut up whoa here's another one yeah all right it's crazy can I say objectively speaking you are annoying oh wait I just I just closed it on accident can I say objectively speaking sure sure sure you are annoying no no objectively speaking I said that I think you're in great shape your biological age has got to be at least I don't know [ __ ] good it's got to be good what is it what is you're like I think you're biological can I be honest 27 if you're a great Dan I think you're not giving her credit cuz she came back good she really embarrassed him I feel like she she started being like what is going on like are you not getting attention at home are you you know did your mom not love you oh I don't know but you know what bothers me too why they they laugh too much yeah it's the David oi thing they're just like bending over and like the F it's so crunch how can you how can you have a conversation like that for over 3 hours of just laughing D please check your email I sent info about a guru who is treating terminally ill cancer patients with baking soda wow by growth baking soda man he's not even trying that's crazy is there any chance baking soda cures cancer I don't want to speak at a turn it seems seems unlikely I'll uh I'll check it out I'll look into it um okay yeah here we go here we go this is just the whole thing yeah this is good thank you media juice just said that I didn't watch any of the roast uh no I just um is that what you just said I just said what did you just say uh that I didn't watch one minute of the roast no I was said I sent you a link and just tell me what you said don't do the like the the golden retriever outside the car window on the highway face just let's just talk to each other I love that you just call me a dog and no like when you think I'm setting you up for something you do this thing where you're like this no this is just how I look best in the light I'm getting older intro oh what's your biological yeah that's true what's your bio age though like let's figure that out that's pre- reservat trol okay let's let's let's you said I didn't watch one minute of the row that's what you said you mocking that biological age think let's not pretend that you have become a complete [ __ ] dork I listened to your last episode where you guys like we're talking about why women are more admitted into college more and that men don't who gives a [ __ ] when did you guys become such dorks who cares free I'm team T BR dude I was down when you guys were like hanging out with Alex Jones and [ __ ] the fake porn star from North Korea and now you guys are like por that was like three weeks ago I don't know now you guys are like and the Pew research study says that incels like who cares are shots from Whitney for no reason dude I love but just like it's a lot of Statistics like who what are these what Who does these studies like we're all just like okay it's just like it's like like dor gossip yeah yeah didn't you put a whole movie out called the female bra that was just like the girl version of what you just said are you um uh asking a rhetorical question given the fact you're in the movie now now you went down syndrome next you have two versions it's golden CH and down syndrome she just po the ti out to distract everyone you said I didn't watch a minute of the roast I did watch the minute where you started crying for no [ __ ] reason and you gave birth the same compliment you give every man in comedy which is you didn't try to rape me I don't know okay I given that to like three men listen every time you say I we're good okay I don't need someone yelling at me about rape with that mustache because that's every time I I don't know I don't know this is uh really hard to listen to yeah it's bro it's just okay sorry I did sorry everybody thank you unfortunately our button is not long enough to remove all of it yeah that's brutal the whole thing I think I saw like a mash up of all the moments so yeah whatever sorry about that apologies somebody said uh look up Andrew Scholl's facelift photo facelift facelift picture let's see yeah I saw that I looked it up I want to see that this is probably just a troll right it might be a Photoshop this looks photoshopped yeah you got to H you guys got to get yourself a bag today right me at KFC at the F soda fountain okay let's see we have Andrew Schultz gossip facelift gossip say the first picture there wait he posted this yes this is just a reference photo yeah but people are saying look at the side of his face in that photo yeah go back isn't it just bad lighting looks early but oh why that why why is this [ __ ] all pulled back here that's what they're saying it's a that that doesn't happen naturally does it or is it a Photoshop no he posted it that's his photo yeah that's his photo that I the only time I've seen that is the that Chinese plastic surgeon who cuts their whole face off right and pulls it back like a drum I mean I I don't know maybe it's just an unfortunate timing on the phone but it could be that it could be that he's laughing his muscles are Contracting in a weird way he looks like the villain from that kid show Lazy Town dude this is such a weird unflattering photo and he posted this it's so weird like all right thank you enough Schultz [Music] talk uh I'll end on this I'm just saying he looks like Hitler he does does it's a h and the with the mustache I know it's not that nobody has that haircut but Hitler and he died uh the Hitler was right no 60 years ago he looks like grouo adol grouo bro if this man invites you on his podcast say no all right enough thank you Schultz you're very funny congrats on the garden [Music] oh man we have gotten nowhere yeah we're an hour and a half in have we even looked at the dog no no uh okay here's here's some of my original finds this one didn't have a lot of likes uh admittedly but it was on my for you page because I guess I just for obvious reasons right and so I was like bro you are so lame again it's just a thousand likes so it's not that serious but get a load of this more C day dude is so happy watching his wife dance suggestively for millions of random men online a woman that loves her man only wants to show that side of herself to him I don't have anything against dancing she literally just did like a tiny little booty shake dance move and this dude's writing a Manifesto about freak it's crazy let's let's be honest we all know why she's dancing like that and it's not just for his eyes she clearly is craving the attention from well she posted it publicly didn't she how do you think your wife acting like this publicly online makes you look bro that's so tough this is all just to remind you like that what the [ __ ] bro makes him look like he's in a happy relationship with a girl having fun with him he it looks like he's married to a you know a baddie yeah and he seems pretty happy about it this guy responding looks alone to me very alone very it's oozing loneliness it really is quite frankly yeah probably an Andrew Schultz fan I would agree with that statement probably dude is so happy watching his wife dude is so happy just end the video there wouldn't that be a better video yeah dude is so happy dude is so happy great suggestively for millions of random men online a woman that loves her man only wants to show that side of herself to him I don't and that's why you are [ __ ] up in the head stoic yeah I saw that what are you talk don't what do you mean they've all all these guys I've noticed in the last year this is one of the latest trends is um Reviving you know philosophical stoicism they all trying to be Marcus Aurelius I'm pretty sure he wasn't I don't I don't okay the teing of Marcus aurelus said No Twerk King I mean Marcus aurelus would say no whining about other people on the internet he might I haven't read his book Ask chat gbt they would she would know he would know I feel like it's a she I don't know Marcus Aus think of yeah what do what Marcus aurelus think about twerking that's a that's a that's probably the first time it's been asked that you know uh what would Marcus relas have to say about about men allowing their wives you're loading it like what what is the uh I don't know how to word this I think you're right though it's not just it has to be from that guy's perspective right well maybe a wife twerk Marcus Aurelius be okay with his wife twerking on video okay uh he emphasized life according to Virtue reason and natural order he advocated for self-control dignity and focusing on what is within one's power to influence given these principles he might view twerking a form of Dance AS natural in itself however he would likely stress the importance of the intent and context in which is performed encouraging individuals to consider whether their actions align with virtue and it's a sexual dance sounds complicated see that's that question while that is interesting that's answering the question what he would think of the girl I'm curious what Marcus aurelus would think of this guy who spends his time judging other people on Instagram you know what I that doesn't feel virtuous to me no did you ask uh I'll ask right now what would marus think about people who make videos on Instagram judging other people's relationships well hold on hold on okay that's fair that's fair go ahead Marcus is not gonna like that I don't think he's gonna like that that's my point he's gonna say mind your business yeah right let's see SM hash stoic yeah yeah it's giving me the whole Preamble here um stoicism is the importance of focusing on what is within our control self-discipline maintaining right right we got all that um given these principles he might view the act of making consuming videos that judge other relationships as contrary to stoic values for several reasons it's articulating a bunch of bullet points Mar yo it's got a whole list keep going focusing on external matters lack of empathy a waste of time and energy o that's harsh but true harsh but true that's what contribution to negative emotions Detachment from virtue those are the five principles that are being violated by this you know what would be so fun to have this dude call in and debate Marcus Aurelius via chat gbt he will get destroyed just like chat gbt let's role play pretend that you talk to me as if you're Marcus Aurelius and then type in everything he says dude chbt will shut him down awesome crush him dude we wouldn't even have to type it Shad has like this listen function now it's sick you know what we've got fresh and fit debate coming up next week should we try to chat gbtm chat gbt nailed you buddy um new Jordan Peterson sound bite dropped it's exciting JP coming at you I know we moved on but I found that I found that super random Schultz Schultz clip if you want I can't listen to him anymore I can't Schulz oh yeah this one's good this one's good he's [ __ ] harassing this guy all right to tell him how much yeah we could have on his like 50th birthday or something it gets so awkward but you spend on something like that what you spent on a nice little 50th birthday party I mean it's not 10 G like you wouldn't just spent 10 grand on a little 50th birthday party I'm I'm not in the pricing okay hold on this comes at at the tale of him bothering him all kind like how much how much how much and he's like I don't want to talk about it he's not comfortable with this I'm not I'm not I'm not he's a Catholic kid bro he's not going to talk about money you should Italians never immigrant The Vault what they're spending yeah I can't you're right I can't I got a bail brutal shout out to Avery for helping me find that thank you Avery yeah the the problem was a lot of stuff I saw comp compilations and it's just not worth watching the whole [ __ ] thing to get the essence of it you you lose more than you gain yeah well it was it was a fun search yeah okay then well I'm glad you the thrill of the hunt yeah exactly find that Jordan Jordan has good insight for us let's listen up everybody not only can you take a load you can take the ultimate load and even better than that that you find your true calling and Destiny in your willingness to take the ultimate load I thought they were against sex work you know bro make up your mind are you Pro or against load that rules um God why did he gift us that that's incredible not only can you take a load you can take the ultimate load and even better than that that you find your true calling and Destiny in your willingness to take the ultimate load girl you were born to be a you're born to take that lo oh so that's Jordan we love give me what you got Zach take the ultimate load not only can you take a load you can take the ultimate load that's good is there a way to combine the dream with the load the dream with the load oh I see what you're saying yeah his his maternal grandmother with and take a load my grandma took the ultimate load I could uh I could edit that better after the show yeah I don't know that' be funny uh shout out to our boy Malik uh the Fleshlight Master as you guys know Dune has this very exclusive popc love acquired one found thisen tick incredible I mean look at the ticklers unbelievable he is he makes me I love him but these videos are so uncomfortable look at these tick W they really don't skim on the the ultimate load dinner and a show am I right look at this boss yeah he's insane he is so good at it too I mean that looks phenomenal load yeah that thing's about to take the ultimate load I'll tell you what there it is shut up Malik we love him I you guys have talked about Top Golf I like Top Golf and uh this just IS F this is just funny I mean there's no two ways about it this just funny she's caught in the net she fell while driving and she's just stuck in the net you know and that that's just funny there's really nothing to say you know so love Top Golf it happens often enough I'm sure that like you think they must have a protocol of how to deal with that right how how do you get somebody down I don't know I don't I mean presumably you'd be able to climb out but I don't it looks like there's a fair bit of distance between everybody's like drinking there too yeah I know I know that place trips me out it seems so dangerous it really does this is like a a trap like a booby trap she fell in a pit in the jungle they pulled her leg up yeah true love that shout out top golf uh question what did Trump say here Biden's too old but what is this heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia [Music] will will be in Russia we he is so theatrical he's saying nothing means at all yes true true that's why he's winning I believe him it's never been about what he says it's how he says it you know this really proves it doesn't [Music] Russ did you grab that Zach oh it's so good I love it keep play it again willat he speaking a different language he's making sounds that aren in other languages will will will we be that's good we'll be BK that's fantastic I love it yeah Trump's way ahead by the way was that Trump's way ahead really in the polls in the polls uh that being said I still think Biden's going to win I do I don't know if he's going to make it bro that's a big game man that's a big game man either way I think both of them are going to die as president like both of them are let's see he's uh longer Trump's old is the average he's up uh two and a half points or 2.2 points I read or this morning I was listening to the Daily it said 5% I think the New York Times put out a a fairly controversial poll that had Trump way further ahead than the averages but I don't know so he's ahead but but but it's close I guess the the alarming the people the reason people are alarmed is because previously when they matched up at this point in time Biden was like way ahead of trump and so they think you know based on that that being said I well rip rip to America my dude I mean if Trump wins you just got to let it run you just got to let it slide baby you what I mean let's just go for it yeah let's just go for it let's just go for I don't know what that means but let's just you just got to let go I I if if it came down to that the positive thing would be the content and sound bites from that uh yeah yeah I'm afraid I mean Trump gives us more sound bites than Biden undeniable I'm willing to sacrifice our country for the Trump s for the for the let me tell you I'm willing to bet money on this I don't know why it's just a cosmic feeling I'm getting no matter who wins they're going to die in their first year from from a heart attack or what a stroke or whatever Joe's going to go from a stroke and Biden's going to go from we're due for that too if you look historically there have been lots of presidents that have died by uh one means or another while in office and it's it's been a long time since that's happened we're due it's a green it's a green sit it's like the it's the big one in La it's like we're due for it big one we're B we're due for a big one people it's just how it works it's like the weather control it I hope at least that Trump doesn't pick like a cultist [ __ ] Fringe psychotic VP although Mike Pence did save he saved America oh yeah real hero so we'll see but it's like that scene from Fight Club you know where he's like he take he's going fast and he takes his hand off the wheel and he's like just let it R and they immediately crash and almost die yeah that's what it's going to be like that's appropriate what you mean comparison we only have fear itself to fear be here's um Jordan actually doing an IV of the ultimate load so that's good oh God the ultimate load is that supposed to be like the [ __ ] milking video he uh reposted fun thing that you posted a [ __ ] milking video that's the ultimate load oh man knows the thing or two about Lo take the ultimate load oh my God I forgot about the [ __ ] what is it he like this is what they're doing in China but wasn't it just some weird like fetish yes it was like an English fetish video yeah he said it has a Chinese sperm Factory looking it was it was like a he's such a lunatic awesome it was like a fetish video meant to look like a Opium Den or something but instead of opium they're all getting even it just I don't know God load where' you find that Jordy yeah where did he that guy he must have quote tweeted something yeah I just got got baited he's going to be don't open that don't don't put anything on screen here I found it he said such fun and unbelievable techno nightmare CCP hell dude it's I don't know milking Factory sounds kind of like a like a fun time personally you can take assuming everybody's having fun and everybody's there yeah you would assume C man would be there yeah yeah I think pretty good it's almost the year miling it's a good milking spot pretty good this tweets from March 11th of last year almost been a year wow oh my God we got to visit it you do we have a show on the 11th uh let's see there's something wrong with the volume I think this is Monday we have Monday oh wow also the first first night of Ramadan as well this is can you add a reoccurring anniversary March 11th is Jordan Peterson milking porn s day Peterson I I'm putting it on a calendar right now anniversary of milking exploding milk should we all get gurns and like uh should we all get G GES and like [ __ ] pumps and just do the joke from that I wonder how we can no a little risque yeah no that's probably way too far insane idea but it'd be funny sketch to like can you imagine H3 milking milking on oh gosh Jesus Christ all right U the way thank you lots of people been gifting I really appreciate that thank you to evil 379 I love the evil hey if they're gifting I love them you know what I mean um let's see uh I'm just making sure this is a recurring does not repeat no annually on March 11th perfect okay we're locked in this is locked I'm having so much fun there's nothing to do there's nothing to worry about we got so much stuff um we should talk about our story with Aiden we'll get there it is pretty good oh and the Tarzan [ __ ] kills me yeah I'm G open that dude this is another thing that showed up on my for you page they think I'm like a incel alpha admirer because well frankly I am and I she keep showing up on my page this is the weirdest [ __ ] bro this Tarzan movement hold on look at this [ __ ] video bro you're not a gorilla you're a human being man I don't know if you're right about that dude yeah look at the so good at this but bro you don't have to be a monkey you're damn godamn dude we're humans that's awesome we're human beings homo sapian bro right we did it we conquered the world he just kind of looks like he should be doing that that's the thing was he going to [ __ ] a gorilla like that's a m what's he going to do [ __ ] a regular person true both are bad both are both are beastiology he's trying to find a mate Tacoma weap so this is this is not a joke this is a serious movement the tan movement find out what happens when living closely to what you feel like to well hold on let me read that find out what happens when living closely to what you feel like to do at every step of your day the [ __ ] did I just read okay so um the there's two guys I I forget which one this is one of them is uh French and the other is Spanish I believe and so um the English may be English caption may be a little broken this is so bizarre I'm sorry but I just like he's got to set up a tripod and film himself so I wonder after all right it was a good take you know good take yeah that's how I feel about a lot of these videos cuz it's all him and like the have you know out in the jungle but it's all very carefully curated shots um he says the animal spirit connection so important for me has kept me alive all these years yep he's good at it he's good at it this man lives in the Indonesian jungles as a gorilla and right Victor yes so I believe this one is uh he's from [Applause] France I just was like stunned um so let's see what else we got here this guy's name is Victor yeah um here he is of I've seen these compilations of him running I I kind of get this being like an interesting and good workout I've seen people talk about that but um he takes it too far he's so good at it that's the thing he's so good at it that you can't even fault him really and wait until you see this he like leaps around in the trees like a monkey and he's really good at it I mean you know practice makes perfect fit there's a movie scene where someone runs like this and I don't know what it is it's driving me insane it's a horror movie probably right probably yeah probably or like some kind of super soldier serum right yeah I don't know man the way of training is as many have known discipline Kung Fu parkour wrestling swimming Etc were inspired by animal observation the [ __ ] what are you saying bro they were the last line of defense Kung Fu was inspired by I guess he was he going to say the praying mantis parkour maybe I could see that one swimming what's going on man good to see it I don't know any other animals that swim like us I mean like the freestyle swimming you see right cuz think about doggy paddle they won the Nobel Prize I mean it's a cool way to exercise I guess though but doggy paddling is instinctual isn't it no people drown all the time okay it's not instinctual humans can swim instinctually I did not [ __ ] my dog babies can weird they maybe that's what I'm thinking of because isn't it like I mean obviously you don't just like throw them in the pool but when you lower a baby into water usually they'll they'll just automatically they kind of know how to paddle around I think they turn on their back and Float oh maybe that's it baby will start to cry there are many videos of babies being tossed into fools I hate it it's I [ __ ] hate it dude it's crazy it makes I'm makes me so upset oh my God yeah so okay he's out there doing his thing he's a gorilla and apparently he [ __ ] Apes according to what we just made up this dude has sex with primates not human beings he's going to actually create a new what's what is he listening to hold on hold on give me the sound [Music] no shot that's what the sound [Music] is it's so Serene wow so relaxing oh my God turn it off like wow I just love these bird calls they're just so relaxing like [ __ ] screeching metal is this the new animals [ __ ] love it dude yeah ch figured out the movie I was talking about it was split is that a is that a horror movie yeah uh yeah cuz it's definitely scary yeah he turn yeah this character turns to the Beast or something like that and he runs like that but there's another guy here there's this is a whole thing uh let me see he did an interview um okay whatever I don't really care about that here's the other guy named Leo Urban he does the same thing and he runs naked through the Amon on with natives this is crazy he's actually like oh here's his Instagram our other gorilla boy um let's see what gorilla boy got oh here he is with he's he's finally returned to his kind guy French too this is the French guy the other guy I was like French is exploring some weird dudes miss you look at this music will probably get Clan okay's he's good at this he is a monkey I believe I believe but you know humans are badass we can do any [ __ ] like that that's kind of what when you first sent it that's what I was thinking it's like the guys that are like running on all fours like that you know that's cool that you can do that really well but you like you would still and you'd be faster if you just stood up oh like what is the benefit like what are you gaining from doing it that way zero dude dude humans are the only animals that walk on two legs and it's one of our greatest evolutionary adaptions that that's what made humans so successful is because they did endurance hunts and they would [ __ ] track the four-legged idiot animals that would get tired because they had four- legs and the humans with two legs would would just wait till they were tired and these guys want to go walk around a four legs please she's a human is this what you've been training for Dan with all your climbing I think that's why I respect him so much I'm in the climbing mindset now I'm all about elevating myself to higher yeah elevations here a boyfriend who did parkour like this not in the trees but he would jump yeah he he was a leaper he was a twister he's a leper I'm sorry here's a video of um rough yeah why you broke up with him I would never for that no here's a video of him chasing a a literally a native to the Amazon rainforest he's chasing them down it looks like they're having fun in fact he's running for his life he says I ran in the jungle and experienced iasa so he's tripping bald and he just came across this poor this poor native right who's never seen a white dude in his life right and here comes this Tarzan [ __ ] chasing him down watch this [ __ ] he doesn't know he's behind him yet he just saw it he heard from it running and they're naked I don't know why they're nak oh no get out of there get out of there oh I have to I'll say they're wearing loin cloths they are not naked it's blurred and it just shows their bum so I don't even think that's a problem but just YouTube if you're watching anybody got an issue they're wearing loin cloths they are not running around the jungle naked that would be crazy my ass imagine finding like a centipede crawling on your dick or some [ __ ] no thanks cover that thanks run dude get out of there this is like real life uh temp temple run or Subway Surfer wait that's true a temple run there was one called Temple Run Temple Temple r Wait did we check this for claim I did check it yes thank you Temple Run baby why do he got a big ass I guess he just got a is that a weapon white monkey dude chasing the music sounds just like Temple Run it's funny it might be it might actually unironically be I think it is this dude played Temple Run and he's like nah man and you are getting chased by a monkey not enough right there it is uh we love him I but you know of all of the the men's movements the Tarzan one pretty innocuous right yeah yeah I to be honest both of these guys are fine it's just funny honestly the second guy lesso the video that really just captivated me was this one of him doing a mating call it's just funny but yeah they're harmless I don't even know if it's necessarily a red pill thing or like a well it's a masculinity thing I guess this is this is the uh I I would say an offshoot of the whole kind of more granola hippie side of like this guy's not vaccinated self-help selfa actualization stuff does he get vaccinated definitely not like I yeah is he Qin on see maybe he might be K on which he's not American so I guess that may be unlikely actually he's a he's magga make America gorilla again yes but it's like dude you're [ __ ] human God damn it it was our planet uh one of they ruined our it was our planet one of these guys had a video that we probably can't show but he as a part of a iasco ritual he said was having a like tobacco juice mixture dripped into his eyes and it like eye drops it's pretty intense why can't we watch it I guess it's probably F it's just really gross I don't know it hurt my eyes to see it does it is it does he like violently no no it I it probably is fine I I let me uh okay looks like colored eye drops Jeff is in Jeff you want to watch this okay Jeff wants to watch it he's in second uh let's see what else we got the Selena Gomez thing we got the Jinx sneo podcast big Nick checking I wanted to finish that was so much fun and I had the bail last time uh narcissist cringe stuff this is another one on my [ __ ] feed that's so damn good but we should talk about Aiden Ross so we'll do that after Dan provides me that horrific video scrolling through actually as you look for that I got a PE so I'll be right back okay thank you thank you sounds peace and love this is it was with the same guy who was chasing naked through the uh Through the Jungle oh yeah I found it okay when you get back I'll show you in the meantime we got a shitload of these donos I've been seeing go by you have them in the uh in the channel over here yeah CA okay cool let's see uh thank you kenas donated 10 bucks and said going through breakup after 5 years sorry to hear that y'all making this much easier love y'all H3 fam sorry to hear that 5 years is a long time yeah been there fam sorry to hear that it'll get better mhm uh oats donated five bucks said there's a guy from Illinois who runs like that on Tik Tok it's okay like running with a loin cloth chasing people cuz in Illinois that that's probably a crime in the Amazon that's like cool and like returning to nature and everything in Illinois that's that might be a methhead wait that might just be a meth his name's oats uh well the person who donated was I don't think they're the ones is it is it John Oats is John Oats in our chat it's not John Oats I don't know who that is what do we like oats H and oats I see oh what he would yeah he's here wow I didn't even know his first name dude John Oats I Know Rich girl it's good yeah love your work wow uh Sarah said these people started as those tohoe Weavers [Music] anybody have any insight into what they're talking about interesting no I have no idea any takers shout out though is that just now was that recent that they donated that did you just drop that one in bro yeah I'm just I'm trying to interpret what they might be talking about somewh Rec that was a bit nasty maybe the natives I'm sorry Sarah I'm not really following uh evil gifted 10 podcast memberships thank you evil 379 thank you so much there was another uh gifted yeah somebody gave 20 skylie skyli Shay thank you for the 20 20 is a lot so we need a dubstep song of all the best sound bites that's also skyly Well Be Be the Change you want to be you go make that that sick [ __ ] dub stick track [ __ ] add all kinds of drops and beats and [ __ ] in there um Jay donated $20 and said I work at TG we have to call the FD block the bay and close the section the whole day to Wren does happen a lot am I having a stroke with these donations no you're that one was I work at TG we have to call the FD block the bay and close the section the whole day to Ren block the B is the FD fire department okay yeah call the fire department TG like TJ TR Jo's Trader Joe's no no no but that's a ever turned Target Traer go Target we have to call the I don't think the heater ever turned on it's is it is it is it on I put it to 805 but let me but do I don't know if you have to put it on heat let me let me need do that yeah yeah you do need to do that come with that heat I never understood that about thermostats it's like maybe in most places it's either AC or heat you don't have to worry about it but in La I feel like especially during the winter TG is Top Golf thank you thank you somebody in the chat they got it that's totally Top Golf I work at Top Golf have to call the fire department block the bay okay the bay sorry I'm totally with you now J I just the the abbreviation like I'm not that much of a have to be there for a while I call it TG that could do some damage that sounds like that would suck don't do that they got to get her ass with I've never been put up on the top every time I've gone they' put me on I've been on the top it's scary it's a little scary yeah it seems sketch on the bottom oh oh oh okay that's that's fine yeah you can do on the bottom and Jo all right we talk speaking of him we getting into did you oh you wanted to watch the uh yeah yeah all right I warn you this is so this is the fren this this is a rough watch everybody so look away if uh you don't like ey stuff and so I for it he just put it wait what is no no no you'll you'll know bro why you naked bro they are wearing loin cloths yeah they're wearing loin cloths but okay I guess he's doing the he's doing the um he's doing it their way [Music] right a it's just Brown water it's not that bad bro it's that okay no it's just water okay it's like eye drops to do that I mean if that was like a decent way to ingest a drug that was fun I would do it I don't know does it burn does it hurt it's just it's just a water you know what I mean okay tough guy tough guy give me some [ __ ] give me some gutter water I'll put that [ __ ] in my eyes right now to to Ethan's cred he did say he would main lion soda yeah no [ __ ] dude so I think the eyes are a cakewalk compared to that all right let's talk about Aiden Aden Ross invert lead your dick okay there's a few things Aden Ross uh on his stream paid someone to drive their car into water who's been arrested which is fun and good and Shout out kick but the my favorite part is this clip here take a look and tell me if you think that this is not something he should have said uh some [ __ ] right um but yeah it's [ __ ] up um but it's peing it's [ __ ] peeking right um and yeah so my announcement is um this is my announcement um and it's if you guys really want it um Andrew had hit me up he said hey I'm going to be uh leaving Romania soon and probably never coming back if you want to come over and do a week of long streams and content before I leave I think it'll be big and it's never it's I'm sorry he said it's not it's basically Now or Never um so um did you just say your friend is about to try to uh skip bail jump the country when he's on you know what I mean he's on trial did he just say I don't think he's allowed to leave I thought is Andrew planning to um illegally leave I mean the the authorities for sure saw this and they're like whoa you're doing what time to get him back in house arrest um there's no way he should have said that right there's not been any major updates on that case imagine he intended him to share that message um with his Andrew had hit me up he said hey reading it directly from his phone he's like reading the message he's like and don't mention this on stream leaving Romania soon and probably never coming back if you want to come over and do a week of long streams and content before I leave I think it'll be big and it's never it's I'm sorry he said it's not it's basically Now or Never um so you know you know and this is just I told you guys this year you know it's a week so that's kind of interesting I mean we'll see we'll see if he it'll be a story if he skips Town actually I just found this clip that's going around of the Tate Brothers bragging about the War Room organization being trained to help them uh get out across borders illegally what why are the police not uh just well so hold on what's the is was this a while ago yeah from June of 2022 yeah so they were always like being all braggadocious about I see I see criminally connected they are so I'm surprised was this was when they I don't know if this was during their house arrest basically nobody can save you nobody nobody that's the power of the war room so if we can extract people from a war zone we can get Joe Exotic out of jail yeah and we actually had I'm not going to say his name we had a man actually inside of Ukraine as well moving people around he went into Ukraine a war remember from another country he got across the border into the country to bring people out so uh yeah we have got that sounds a lot easier than getting you out of prison well that's true and also just knowing everything we know about them they're pretty clearly just describing sex trafficking people in that clip he was he was first rated thought about that yeah no I mean that's what's happening there he was raided first in April of 22 and this is from July of 22 well I think we got to keep our ears if there's if this actually has any real world real world consequences good good very curious but let's talk about the silly thing um I guess if you could say I mean nobody was hurt really dumb though so Aiden has a knock for paying people to do dumb [ __ ] this is a thing and this one I guess went too far I I mean [ __ ] I think a lot of them went too far I feel like the one pissing on like his sister's bed was more [ __ ] up in a way I mean the dude lost a car but you know what I mean how many there's cars all over but you you never know what you'll find on the bottom of a leg bed what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he what the [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] no no Aiden's not even reacting that's what so weird why is he like even he's like these guys are [ __ ] so dumb we're evil overseer he thinks they're still in the car oh I feel like he should be reacting more that's what he think he says he says like he says something get out get out the [ __ ] it's get out he's already out he's already out oh bro oh my God that go the I'm confused why is he upset did he not ask them to do this I don't think so I think he thought he was in there and he was a little scared like oh he's about to die I'm going to get in trouble I think he wanted him to drive into the lake well then what happens he just let go with the handbrake and then rolled into it oh so it wasn't as cool as he wanted yeah I think that's why personally let me read here are some details 19-year-old Canadian can be charged after he drove his vehicle into the sea as part of Aiden Ross live stream Aiden can be seen talking with the man before he drives car into the water in the video Ross tells the man to State his full name and say Aden Ross is not liable for any of this nice after doing so the man gets into his car and drives it into the ocean he leaves it there turns back to speak with Ross who can be heard telling him once I see you getting a towing company there I'll send the money shortly after the police arrive on scene tipped off by internet activity um so he did send him money so never mind police confirm uh that the 19-year-old was uh promised financial compensation for the stunt actually they say that but he but he said he also said Aiden Ross is not liable so that definitely covers him right that's you can pay somebody to do something illegal as long as they say hey it's not your fault yeah I mean that's pretty Ironclad that's every Prosecutor's worst nightmare uh they say he could be charged not your fault but but he's not Canadian if he was Canadian it sounds like the police would would charge him M right maybe we can extradite him yeah can we trick him into traveling to Canada it's gone hey grab the car what do you mean grab the car y'all go go pick up your [ __ ] car what the [ __ ] pick it up with what what are you talking about it's ice water bro they can't go into the water all right so you guys got to call BCA and get call the company BCA call them call them BC hey how many [ __ ] feet is that bro listen if three or 100 that car is not coming back what how many feet is that what you I don't know like three more oh F [ __ ] all right oh [ __ ] my hands are freezing I'm like warming them up with my breath w who's involved with this you are your vehicle is anyone in the vehic I'll take like a hot coffee super hot normal thank you yeah so they they got arrested you guys are like live streaming this like this is it's a it's a joke that cop so nice like so chill in Canada shout out Canada dude in America would be pistol whip to death be on the floor by now you'd be in the you'd be on the lake bed right next to that car right um that's sad though that they got in trouble I feel like and they lost a car no if you're if you're young and you need money it's sad sad a little bit I feel I feel a bit bad for them he's he's they've been released since the driver I mean he lost his car yeah but for a 19-year-old that's a that's a huge hit yeah I'm yeah feel bad for them a little bit but you feel bad for them in what way that that they got tricked into doing this oh yeah and got in trouble I'm probably going to face legal repercussions mean at a certain point you gota like yeah Aiden shouldn't be uh offering money for his uh viewers to do stuff like this but also you drive your car into a lake intentionally it's crazy to me that super sympathetic to you it's crazy to me that he's um still doing that and I mean if you did this on Twitch you would get banned right for sure yeah like immediately there's no rules on Kick it's it's really crazy it's really crazy Aiden offered him $88,000 to do this oh [ __ ] so that's enough for a new car easy yeah that's good at least $8,000 [ __ ] I almost paid that much for eat a spicy chip I didn't realize I could have people almost kill themselves [ __ ] didn't we say bivo we ask B to say you're not responsible as well not we did yeah we're good true yeah no he no I learned that from Maiden it's a little less destructive than driving a car into a [ __ ] Lake [ __ ] also it's not just a matter of losing the car like that it's it's probably not good for the lake to have an engine so emerged in it you know what I mean that's I read that but it's like I mean you have boats sipping around in that [ __ ] like true I mean I'm sure it's polluted fck I don't know what body of water it is but what's one car on the bottom going to do it's 8,000 baby one more car it's one you know it's one tank of gas yeah the fish won't mine AK will buy a used car not a new car who said anything about a new car you get a junker for buy you get a you can get a junker but I got my car for like 5K here that's what I was get no you can get a decent used car for 5,000 yeah you can get a it's not like you know thank you so much I've never had a car for 8K dude when I before I was like a YouTuber and actually had like an income all of our cars were like 3,000 bucks yeah my my dad has never bought a car for more than 8K I think really yeah I mean 8 10K at most dude 8 K 8K he's going to be balling out yeah for sure yeah motor oil rust ah it's the ocean you know what's the ocean full of fish [ __ ] you're swimming in [ __ ] and piss tell them to bring out the a little rust tell them to bring out the whole ocean the Tarzan man is weeping Tarzan wept hearing this conversation oh wept I'd tattoo H3 on me for 2K I would pay you 2k not to do that no I wouldn't don't ask me for money please um AB just want to say your watch is sick from Taco tactical thank you Taco appreciate that a uh Zach if you could recommend a watch for me specifically what would you recommend what do you uh what do you want want to spend uh regardless of price I'm just curious what you think it's perfect you have you got to set some sort of Baseline though yeah well do you want silver you want gold you want twoone I I like I would like I really like rose gold frankly okay I would go for the root beer GM Master rose gold is gorgeous it is gorgeous I like gold or Rose yeah it's very pretty I would go for the root beer GMT Master Ro root it's called root beer it's called a root beer yeah root beer G Mt Master that's a Rolex yes root beer it's called The Root Beer of course he'd have the soda Rolex sod pop that is can do they have a diet version yes they got the diet one I am not a fan of this one the root beer GMT Master oh cuz it's brown color yeah um or what's this run 20K yeah you could find one for thatw cab I love that watch um um or I like Zack I'll tell you my preference I like the ones that look unusual this one has the kind of classic design it's why I like that one I showed you guys the rainbow Daytona that one but also did I show you the green one that I wanted to buy but they didn't have which one it's a new one coming out is it a dayjust wait did I not show what do it called [ __ ] um the Kermit the Hulk one with the diamonds no it's not diamond it has a really [ __ ] I can't remember the Gonzo I think I know it's the it's the emerald Day date it has a em it might be that Emerald what day date dating Day date Day date yeah Day date Day date well the date Day date is I mean Day date no it's not this one oh no no no em it's the emerald face Day date oh that's nice yeah that's one's all oh that's watch oh [ __ ] I I don't have Marky Mark money dude Marky Mark's rich as [ __ ] uh Emerald Day date face yeah or the the face is Emerald if it's the one I'm thinking of oh this might oh yeah this is it this is the one this is the one that is a beautiful so I don't know if it's out yet very hard to get but in the store he I saw this Jesus Christ dude wait no I don't know if wait how much is that one cuz that looks nuts I think they make it in two tone as well this this one I think the MSRP was like 50,000 yeah and then um after actually less than I thought you were going to say the MSRP is actually like pretty reasonable if you can get it from Rolex they are quote unquote reasonable compared to right getting it later but isn't that that's that's a beautiful watch that is a beautiful watch are you worried about wearing this me [ __ ] yeah I'd be worried about wearing it I know Zach Zach told me you can Ure a watch I have my [ __ ] watch insured you know what that might be a I would probably do that just so I don't like feel bad feel worried yeah I don't want to get mugged though you know yeah there's there was a guy in my hometown recently who's my age um who got killed for Rolex yeah oh God yeah him and his fiance were out this is worth it man it wasn't even like wor the trouble it wasn't one of these ones but you know if if did he but what was it like a m cuz like he's like yo give me the Rox did the guy not want to give it or was this guy just a murderer I I'm not sure the details I just know he's out to eat with this fiance and he had a he pulled up and then they ate and as he came out um he got shot it was it was in Dearborn Jes damn so yeah I can't wait on the Rolex aort if uh if some guy could pulled a gun or a knife on me like said give it yeah I'll absolutely give it to him but yeah of course if he's like just give me your watch and he doesn't got a weapon on him come get it [ __ ] yeah but there probably aren't I mean let's take that risk he's fine for that I mean how often do you think criminals go up to people and they're just like hey give me give me your watch dude I'm I'm asking I'm not telling come get it I'm actually asking this isn't a command come and take it I'll go full Liam and then there's there's one that had a orange face that ELO wanted to get we were thinking we could get matching ones but sounds like impossible to find there's I'll recommend a couple um sec I don't want to say secondary but non Rox store approved places though just get fake one [ __ ] it well like I said the aftermarket Daytona rainbow was 50,000 Jesus no I thought those are like 300,000 no the aftermarket one 100,000 oh the aftermarket one yeah that is one the good thing about watches that Zach has taught me is that they do retain a lot of value as well so it's not like wasting money on a car or something because you could resell it for a good amount actually I don't know how that works with the Rolexes though actually they send in that Assassin after you apparently I think that dudee was trying to sell his Roo is what happened they they sent someone as you know I've been a w and I've been heavy into [ __ ] uh sneakers shoes sag sag wolf says Ethan you have to go outside to get mugged fair enough but if I'm not going outside why am I buying a watch to begin with great point right it goes both ways the only the only scenario I have in my mind where I'd wear it is like um in Vegas yeah I swear to God I was just going to say for annual Vegas you know just so so they take you seriously hey what's up sucker idiot here send the drinks yeah right exactly check out my watch I'm ready to lose thousands of dollars let's go I think I think that green face Bros gold I think that would fit you well I think it would yeah sounds like I'll never be able to get it though it's kind of crazy how much is you see the the price here yeah I love that face I mean I've never oh this is the one this is the one Ela wanted it's pretty right beautiful I love that it's like honey it also has it's made of some kind of um honey I see it uh mineral the face of it you'll I mean on a a non Rolex store you'll pay probably 75 grand for that maybe 100 I'm not paying that oyster it's called the Oyster Perpetual Day date 36 oyster case oh so they have a blue one too this one's really nice too damn these like the that look at that that's pretty yeah that's very nice is it like marbled it has I think it they do make these specific ones out of some natural element wow I don't know what it says in the description here this one says um it's just a bunch of [ __ ] do they allow you to have like thinner straps for it or you know what I asked that they say they don't allow strap changes oh interesting well yeah I feel that might be kind of kind of big for El's wrist yeah no it's yeah exactly they make a 34 I believe 34 mm but yeah that green one's fire yeah it's a beautiful watch you know I feel like Ela would like this I sent this cardier watch I guess this is called a cardier crash those are very expensive yeah I saw Tyler the creater had one well you sent it yeah you see oh that's yeah I've seen that those are sick those are super expensive um one sold at auction for a lot of money oh it's not it's not being uh produced right now believe you can that's sick I love this watch that is super sick yeah so how much want to these run me um I I saw an article one sold at auction for uh like a lot of [Music] money um tell me I'm looking it up I got I'm calling my accountant right now 1.5 million out 1.5 million yeah wait they sell just get it for 20 bucks on Amazon I'm seeing some variations on the cardier website uh they don't sell the crash do they they sell they sell like a gold one with diamonds here I'll send it this one is does it have the MSRP on it yeah it has the MSRP what I don't know uh what this translate to us one sec let's see it's like 100k oh it's 91,000 yeah oh that one's even crazier look at that yeah that's cool that chain the border that bling the [ __ ] out I think that's something like that is cool for you I mean I don't know what she's into but just thinner bezel and then it's just so unique 91,000 Euro what's the euro is it more or less than a dollar these days it's more so it's about 100K just look through oh you did are you Sweden's on the Euro right hell no bro we hell no you guys are on the Swedish cor croner yeah nice good for you guys thank you [ __ ] yeah dude let's get that croner going dude I was making more money in when I worked in Sweden technically because the croner is so low so I could bore make more it makes sense if you think about it cuz things were cheaper in Sweden you're saying your buying power yeah exactly that's a better way of putting it my buying power in Sweden was way better it's juicier I think love is the most famous person in Sweden Jesus that $100,000 watch yeah 100,000 pretty crazy though it I mean always being a hater but I hate this [ __ ] I mean I I'd pay like five for it 5,000 yeah yeah that seems like a fair price you could find a way better watch for 100,000 yeah 100 thou I mean I'd hope 100,000 that's so much money it a lot of money it's not worth it bro yeah I will never understand honestly but like love that you have a like it's a passion for sure it's wow it's a whole world huh yeah I'm the same with the shoes I I mess with sack I bought it a lot dude he creases his JS I wear my I have a pair of JS I bought them for like what could it have been 90 bucks and I just wear the [ __ ] out of them they're broken they're falling apart but sack is so mad at me but dude I buy [ __ ] to wear it and I don't want to be scared to wear it I got to say it doesn't it doesn't have a big impact on me it's just a little you know if you come out with the Daytona rainbow it's like what's the [ __ ] going on in this room [ __ ] yeah no it's definitely not it's flashy yeah I yeah also he's a billionaire so a little easier choice anyway thanks every everybody that's the watch I want if anybody's like ooh Ethan's birthday dropping hints you want I'll you fake roll you want the EM Emerald face Daytona that's what you want Emerald face Daytona I mean a day day date excuse me I want yeah not Daytona no no no Emerald face dat with the rose gold and the DI and the Diamonds extra diamonds okay extra bloody M I'll hit up Santi Ali I'll get you something nice beautiful yeah if I wear a a watch with diamonds then I'm then according to Vos I'm good to go might as well [ __ ] a horse I'm good to go you might as well oh my God people are saying I'm saying cardier wrong sussy cardier card cardier cardier cardier I don't know let's ask Google cardier I thought it was cardier I think yeah I think it's cardier I know it's French right so they say s or yeah it's French so how do they say it it's French here we got a pronunciation here guys let's take it away 30 seconds why is this is Julian the Frenchman who makes French pronunciation videos in I don't need an intro why what is wrong with you get on with it already videos and we are looking at how to pronounce the name of these Ultra famous you're Ultra famous you are having a laugh right now my friend French luxury brand CER typical French pronunciation with the typical French R say Okay CTI I yeah I think I said cier because when I was younger like the cardier glasses in Detroit were like the most popular thing and every when you say oh you got a pair of yay before before Kanye was rocking them [Music] yay um yeah if anybody has a Daytona rainbow going spare it's your boy's birthday in a few months that's like 300 Grand do I have any friends that would give me a $300,000 watch no not even no I will one day Dan Google says Dan's worth 20 million so did it really right 20 million it says I'm worth like 10 million yeah you got side business I'm not aware of I got a couple side hustles Dan has a secret Brazilian language a Portuguese Channel that's he's super hot in Brazil no it's a actually it's a Brazilian bot Network that I've been grifting Jimmy with for the last year smart um someone put together I want to see Jay Leno and Brendan Shaw crash together somebody attempted to make my dream come true okay it's not an easy it's really not an easy or are we going into this blind right now I saw one I don't know if this is the one I saw this looks pretty good from what I'm saying yeah this is a good frame yeah you okay oh wait this okay so this isn't the one I saw this one's better no yeah no this is one I saw it's a little it's a little [Music] busted it's silly it's silly damn it damn it you know or cancel button starting silly you know I appreciate the effort we love it thank you so much too KMS Sasaki Sasaki to me buddy uh Boogie and edp445 met up together this I never did I have the videos I've got the pictures yes you did I feel like we should have seen this coming I'm disappointed that we didn't call this so as much as like Boogie is a goof goof on a meme whatever you want to say bad about him he's not edp445 and I also a pedophile EDP was caught trying to [ __ ] a kid twice right it did happen two times didn't it so like I don't know why Boogie would want to sit across from him and act like it's just me and you buddy us against the world just two guys numbers in their name have for change of mind here they are uh and a fine a fine five and uh they're eating a lot of McDonald's and powdered Donuts have you guys consider getting like normal jobs you know you don't have to do all this you can just go to uh I did work at a small gaming store back in yeah that's a good experience 2006 2007 I am disabled uh recognized by the state of AR the United States government there's that now the downside of that is I am extremely depressed so there's some mental health bring to the table and then physically I I am morbidly obese I have no references we can work on that no work history that's all right we'll start from the bottom and when you Google my name you might see rumors that I beat my ex-wife and pedopile that could be a problem that could be a challenge and said save it for the show um yeah EDP he's been like I think he's been banned on all platforms pretty much after all I respect your decision and people are just anytime he gets a job he's tried to get like normal work people call the place and tell him that he's a pedophile and he gets fired every time I mean it's it is quite sad the whole thing is quite sad to be honest um uh but here it is you know [ __ ] how many Big Macs is that one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 going for the fist PO is that a a pile of powdered Donuts sure is girl look bomb as [ __ ] I know I want to be there I want to be there so yeah me too no cupcakes no he saves he saves those for for special guest oh yes he do bring cupcakes for bu that's a missed opportunity they they should have well apparently they're shooting a documentary for friend of the show Mike Clum so this is yeah an extension of the of the boogie Cinematic Universe I guess it's funny cuz Boogie was like he seemed mad about how Mike made the the documentary but clearly he's let bygones be bygones in this case let's get Jimmy in there too he tried but Jimmy Big Ed him um looks depressing yeah yeah yeah it does what about this looks depressing oh my God explain yourself it looks this honestly looks like an AI generated image if you just asked it for the most depressing image that you could come up with yeah would spit out something similar to this uh but you're right nightmare blunt rotation no kid that might be the truest M yeah obviously I [ __ ] up he came for a cupcake and got a full wedding cake so I look I mean I look forward to the content I'm sure it'll be interesting Mike is a good he's a good filmmaker and he handles uh difficult topics uh respons your decision so do we know is a do is it a EDP documentary in the style of the boogie one somebody that will be very sad that's what it that's what I assume okay here Boogie uh made a comment on it okay so tired of the question so I'm going to answer them all yes this is me and edp445 yes it's real this is a film set for my Clum documentary no we weren't hanging out we're filming a documentary in this photo well okay I mean you you definitely were both seated as equals in that kind of breaking bread I mean I would have just said nah breaking Big Max breaking Big Max yes we discussed the horrible [ __ ] he has done in the past no it won't be on my channel no it's not a Fluff piece we know that my Clum doesn't do fluff pieces a PDP fluff piece imagine designed to make him look good you does the dock will likely drop by summer on the Clum Channel yes I know the Optics of this and help people would accuse me of being a pedophile but I am not a pedo so I don't care and just to be clear I don't believe there's any accusations of him being a pedo pedopile has a very young girlfriend and I am also a pedophile that's what I'm saying that I don't I don't think it's fair to put him in the same category as EDP it's definely not the same it's a bit out there and maybe a bit weird by some it would be entertaining I think yeah I do appreciate how concise this press release is he really did answer all of our questions right yes I was compensated for travel and expenses to be in this thing that that pretty much checked all the boxes there let me have to change your mind honestly I I think he I think it's fine I support boogie in this and I look forward to I have to see the context of all it I am curious to see what he's going to do so that's something to look forward to you know who the talking normies are I love this guy he's my favorite dude on the internet look at this I I watch a lot of podcasts I I never heard of them until now but apparently they've got they do what did they do oh good thanks for pulling that up all right now pull that back up that was good perfect time where did that even come from are you doing like goof or was that an accident yeah talking Norm's podcast they give me a shout out and you know it means a lot in these trying times for me where seems like everybody I'm just the most misunderstood man in the world frankly you know people think I'm controversial when in fact I'm not controversial I just don't like anything or anyone and sometimes that comes off the wrong way you know they're a group of entertainers that create reaction and review videos of about various TV shows and stuff seemed like a great bunch of dudes anyway this Legend had this to say about me who I love this guy he's my favorite I I watch a lot of podcasts so a lot of the drama that I'm familiar with like honestly I love the say what his name is Mickey Mickey Mickey Manel Mickey Mickey you're so fine mm um this guy says he watches a lot of podcasts so he has credentials 3C podcast family till the wheels fall off what up [Music] up H3 podcast H3 podcast yeah dude Ethan and this guy's a proud like you can't really go into public and say that proudly loudly and proudly and he's you know he's put out there love that about you dude is a Ethan kle gets a lot of hate cuz he himself also has said some like not so good stuff before um but the thing with Ethan Klein is he is owned up to his past and he doesn't mince words and he's very open to talking about his controversies and he doesn't shy away from anything's basically he's he's grown you know like he's grown and if we're talking about out of context Clips it's actually Ethan Klein that gets taken out of context a lot and it get used against him and for any content creator to be hating on Ethan Klein first of all Ethan Klein to my knowledge is the only YouTuber that has set a legal precedence in the US justice system in favor of fa use not just once but twice that is actually a fact he's currently involved in a lawsuit with Harvey Weinstein oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Ryan K they're get mixed up that's that's a little inside joke um Ethan you're so all cont creat it's rare to see someone say nice things about me today frankly it is and this man he he went he put his face out there and he said I am an H3 I am a fan of Ethan Klein and I am not ashamed to admit it here to the whole world that's bravery I'm seeing a decent amount of crossover fans in the chat well God damn it the normies are the best and Mickey's one of the best dudes alive [Music] today dud alive I'm sick of I'm sick of the Klein uh slander thank you my brother I love you man you're the coolest [ __ ] around ah I'm being I'm being factious but it is actually really nice to see someone actually say something nice about me for once um publicly I mean I know you guys whatever I'm not trying [ __ ] nice I'm not trying to act like sad and pathetic but yeah you guys know what I'm talking about just happens sometimes I'm just being myself if that's sad and pathetic then so be it I told you to talk to me nice for example this morning my wife twerked and put it on Tik Tok oh God you're such a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude yep uh actually I want to give him a a full shout out and there go if you want to shout out to your um whatever you're doing just say something nice about me that's all and I'll promote you to the end of the world man welcome to the family love you brother Mah Mah T Tui Muki I said that right suuki mm mm [Music] mhm um um oh God you could say that AB the first time me and you interacted I was doing a live stream was probably about 50 viewers and I I didn't believe it was you at first and you it was you and you said uh before you left you said I got to go but thank you for defending me when no one else would true that's so sweet but also so sad cuz I was like less than a thousand subs and the fact that you saw this random last you were the only one on the entire platform I I woke up and I told her sheing in there and saying something is kind of wild you think well no no it was it was what it was is I think we had talked about his video or it was on the subreddit or something yeah and so I wanted to and I thought and I thought it was I was moved by it so I wanted to say thank you I saw your video and I was getting buried with like hate and [ __ ] at the time as well it was all like but I remember huh go ahead what did people hate me for then was that goar Garo thing no I know but what was it they were like cons it was everything it got owned by Bill Burr Jimmy Lee it came back the the Vigilante came back up because keemstar re-released it cuz he he reposted on his channel [ __ ] guy legend legend I woke up Lena and I told her that you were in my chat and she's like that wasn't Ethan she didn't believe it was you like no it was really him it was verified yeah I appreciate I don't know it's crazy to say literally at that time nobody [ __ ] nobody not that from today frankly crazy but still I still got my mask if you need it make another video your F you be be proud let's show our faces glorious doof good I have written a song about Ethan and played it live during my show I'm surprised you didn't get mobbed man thank you so much we are H Street fans are the most persecuted group in America today that's right in the world dude okay okay we will stand our ground we will be proud We will not hide and we're going to March on Washington damn it it's not right I'm going to start an advocacy group we oh yeah go gokanaru speaking of which he put out a wait is that the second one or I saw he made one about sneo to be honest I like I don't hate the guy I mean we've been through it with him and it's whatever it's all it's all whatever now with who with garu yeah yeah and real quick all ended kind of like okay yeah yeah like he made a response video I remember and he acknowledged the parts where he had misstepped or whatever and I don't know it it didn't end up very hostile in the end I remember real quick it came out uh 12 days ago but I'm I just saw it today he made a new video about sneo mhm huh I tried to watch it and again I people are raving about it so you know if you if you want to watch it by all means check it out I just I don't know he he he went on and on with like the sket I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was watching I don't know if I was paying attention 100% did anyone watch it no I'm just hearing about it was like just a sketch a really bizarre surreal sketch for the first 10 minutes and I I guess maybe I looked away for a second and missed the thread of it but I I found myself a little confused but that being said maybe I'll try maybe I'll give it a shot you know what I mean I I I'll give it a shot and watch the whole thing but um yeah check it out if you want to watch a sneako video video essay my good friend gokanaru why you spreading lies oh my God we have goar sound drops still I got about four of them let me hear them all if you're GNA dish it out you'd better be ready to take it I can take it I can take it buddy and his main Channel videos are pretty funny oh oh Ethan Klein has done a lot for the YouTube Community oh thank you thank you for saying that dude I watch that so many times that I'm seeing it in my head as you're playing those yeah that was it that you know that that whole time period though was it was painful and there was a lot of growth that happened I think that traditionally I think growth I took it was very hard to take criticism I think it's hard for a lot of people to take criticism it's it's tough to look at yourself uh and especially it's a different level of it when you're on the internet and like people are talking about you sure who don't know you and never met you and they'll they're talking about you in a way they they would never talk about someone that they know you know what I mean it becomes more vicious just because of the separation yeah however yeah it was really painful but like honestly it was really good for me taking all that stuff head on and just being like brutally honest and open about everything and I feel like it it did teach me a lot and I did go through a lot of growth in that time of being like open to um open to trying to listen to criticism with an open mind and not be defensive and then talking about it like openly and honestly um I learned that through that and and I I think it it benefited me a lot so very good I made him put a correction in his description nice what was it he uh he edited some of the footage to make it look like you said stuff that you didn't and he pun man I hate that guy [ __ ] that dude yeah yeah his V and like his video was not whatever I don't care I'm not going back there but anyway shout out to Garo Friends of the show shout out hate that guy but he's good he's not bad no I'm kidding he's he seems like a fine dude done a lot for the YouTube Community all there you go he actually does seem like a fine dude at the time he seemed just like this uh edgy type of Internet archetype but it seems like he's matured into somewhat of into like more than that MH what else we got here by growth we have this thing I don't know if we have enough time for that though oh [ __ ] Jinx and sneako speaking of wish that's a perfect segue so there's this dude Jinx now he's the number one streamer this is so crazy how this happens you know it was Aiden Ross it was then it was uh Kai wasn't there someone in between that uh there was uh lwig I think between who queso queso he's another one that blew up this year blue Court remember blue jeez yeah I think well Kai was like oh my God this guy's number one unprecedented and now this guy jinxy who's this 22 22y old uh do if I refer to him as a kid is that derogatory I don't mean it derogatory he's just he's very young compared to me yeah 22 years old and he's crushing it in the twitch game now all of a sudden I don't even know who this is ibay who is that he's a Spanish streamer yeah oh wow crushing it so kaison at still number three uh 999,000 wow though yeah so he I'm kind of curious I'm just looking at this list xqc is falling the [ __ ] off L [ __ ] well he splits his time onto uh pick now right yeah also he makes like probably H this money is probably like pennies compared to him to what he gets from the sub money you mean from kick for sure yeah it's so unfair how rich the those dudes are all they had to do was sell their soul not fair it's not fair you know yeah know that's the guy so anyway here he is he's crushing it this guy Jinx and when I saw that um he did a is it Jinx jinxy jinxy excuse me yeah well I just I wasn't sure myself so um when I saw he did a podcast with sneo I thought that uh uh this was just another kid going down the you know the right-wing pipeline like what happened to Aiden Ross right but I'm actually quite impressed with this young man he's very smart and he really um does a good job of pushing back on sneo not an experienced podcaster this is only his third episode and I I was impressed to be honest with this with this dude he he seems like a pretty smart it's just confident why would you go inject that your body but uh dude and I was like damn not what I expected at all frankly I like here comes another popular kid who's going to go down the right wing Pipeline and turn everybody into human traffickers and [ __ ] and uh doesn't seem to be what's happening yeah and and just real quick I think it was a little bit of a meme to have sneo as his third guest because his second guess was moist critical and they had that big beef last year okay yeah okay interesting so they had a conversation and kind of makes him look like an idiot a lot in this uh podcast this one is about pushing B on Co takes we might need to bring up the uh disclaimer Ian if he's doing covid denial [ __ ] you weren't supposed to speak about that and I just wanted to warn my viewers I didn't I you know I want to speak out against something that's going to be harmful especially when you know all the information is steering one way okay I mean but do you think and now like I'm not saying you're right or wrong but do you think you're in a place of like being able to say like do you feel like you've done enough research to where you can honestly are you a doctor Fair that's what he's kind of getting [ __ ] Fair but's your credentials dummy opinions on that well I mean at the same time what they do they say that about the celebrities that are getting paid money to promote it like have bro who that show me evidence of that he says he says Michael Phelps was getting paid to promote even if there were who's paying like a if they were it was a PSA it wasn't are the people paying them to say that do they know what they're talking about because then it's not really a problem yeah well it if it's the drug company paying him or like a government PSA which most likely was what I'm happened then then there's no conflict of interest there in my opinion although I'm Phelps for example he's getting paid by to promote it is that true is Michael Phelps being paid by fizer I think know he was he in the labs verifying the ingredient or give him money yeah but obviously he's a spokesman you know I think it's the same principle in school of thought like if I feel like only like people that are like doctors or like professionals should like talk about it that's like I don't I don't talk about [ __ ] I don't know about cuz [ __ ] know about it you know what I'm saying yeah but at the same time they had the whole like all of America and everybody in the west saying stop the spread stay indoors it's like so everybody became a medical expert but then if you just like no they were listening to medical advice from an EP epidemiologist they weren't that wasn't an idea that they all came up with with their own what the [ __ ] you talking he's such an idiot he's got to he's he's got to be easy to debate I'd love to debate sneo actually he won't accept it because he knows you don't think so why isn't he clout hungry maybe I can say this sneo is a beta [ __ ] boy if he doesn't accept exactly but I just have a feeling he he knows he'll sneo if you're watching let me say this please I think you're very dumb and I think it would be very easy to make you look dumb and I want you to call in and debate me and if you don't you're basically the equivalent of watching someone have sex with your girlfriend oh wait you actually did do that the Pod has already messaged you so just y we me we've reached out come come on don't be a baby you can be little baby you can be scared little baby sneaker that said um so yeah uh Michael Phelps was part of an ad campaign paved for by fizer so he's not incorrect about saying that let me let me read what it was um I've been working on something that I can finally share with you it wasn't until recently that I learned my struggle with depression puts me at a high risk for severe Co what he's depressed and it puts him at risk for covid severe Co what the [ __ ] what that's confusing taking so now you're getting red pilled huh kind of a little bit on this taking care of my health is so important to me it makes me a better dad husband and son and friend I don't know what mental health has to do with getting a vac covid-19 vaccine that's a weird stretch did he switch the words cuz I can understand he'd get severe depression from Co I wouldn't immediately dismiss that that there probably is some basis in research on that he says my struggle with depression puts me at risk for severe covid well doesn't that doesn't depression uh actually I'm not even going to say that until I look it up let me look into it um that's why I'm partnering with fizer I'm seeing a bunch of stuff the other way that covid-19 like the long covid stuff um it only affs of developing depression that's what I said okay yeah that's what I've heard that too because it can like it can cause brain fog and all this [ __ ] maybe he has brain fog and that's why he put the caption in the wrong I think it's more General this is what I was going to say and I just I fact checked it first but depression in general can just lead to a weaker immune system I mean that generally that's kind of where I was I feel like that that just I think is a universal thing that might be true however that wouldn't be unique to this I mean also depressed people aren't walking around dying of diseases and [ __ ] National Institute of Health says does mental illness increase risk of covid the Center for Disease Control and prevention reports that having mood disorders and schizophrenia Spectrum disorders can increase a person's chances of having severe covid-19 people with mental illnesses who belong in minority groups are also more likely to get covid-19 this was published September 28th when they say severe covid-19 is that a specific I would say like condition they're referring to like severe covid-19 what does that mean versus like regular how the [ __ ] could how how could a you think like I'm open to this doesn't seem if you're depressed you'll get sicker from covid I feel like there's no way doesn't it depresses your immune system and stuff doesn't it when you're depressed if it was wrong that ad wouldn't have gone up and stayed up I feel like I don't think being depressed makes a significant difference in that that doesn't make sense to me but you can ask chat gbt severe Co is based on specific spefic clinical signs including a respiratory over 30 breasts per minute oxygen saturation and [Music] [Music] L [Music] a release okay I think we're back uh we just had a severe technical difficulty but we seemed to have recovered our switching software crashed but that happens it was able to I don't know it shouldn't happen it has only been happening recently um it's happening too much don't you think well this is the second time in this month what happens um and it hadn't happened in a long time so that does make me didn't we buy a new Compu once a fluke twice is starting to be a problem so didn't we recently buy a new computer cuz we were having that issue you know it feels like recent no don't say it it is starting to go on a couple years now no shot it's the computer can handle it it's that's not the problem we bought a new computer years ago yeah yeah no way I know it's crazy wasn't that no way I think it might have been like 2021 no [ __ ] way you got to f up a receipt cuz I don't believe it I do not believe it there's no way I don't believe it all right I'll I I'll I'll verify I think recently you upgraded the PC Dan maybe that's we did do some upgrades about a year ago so that might be it maybe that's what I'm thinking yeah I think so it's just we we are pushing things to the Limit with the the scope of this we have so many cameras and inputs and it's sometimes it it's a big you know it's a serious operation anyway we were talking about Michael Phelps so we were debating if being depressed can make you get sick you were about to read something AB yeah basically just that severe covid has like specific uh levels that indicate like a respiratory rate over 30 breaths oxygen saturation lung uh infil rates over 50% so there's values that make it classify a severe Co hold on I have a genius comment from Nicole here can y'all stop fact checking on air [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah let's just keep spreading misinfo then then we'll talk about it later we're having an organic conversation something comes up we want to make sure yeah what are you talking about I can't get over like people who who watch this show and our members who like also clearly hate it yeah they're like this is not my type of show we have a lot of hate Watchers to be fair I feel like it's got to be a pretty juicy percent I'd say probably 4% of the people watching like really I would take [ __ ] you I hate I doubt Nicole was a hate Watcher but that is an exceptionally can we do a you think they would answer honestly let's try I I'd be curious hate Watchers I would love to hear from you they got to be careful because that's that's what happened to sneo he was he was a fan and then slowly turned into what he is today right you're that's where you're all going cuz as you know I am the moral Arbiter the beacon of the northern star of ethics and morality on YouTube look to the Northern Star you will find my face sipping this bag I [ __ ] hate you I yeah let's do a pull hate Watchers so just are you a hate Watcher or no say this say this answer one of the question no [ __ ] how do we word this God hate fers are you a hate Watcher or regular Watcher some say love cuz they might not love the show but that you know why am am I still getting hate I [ __ ] hate you excuse me but you know what like okay I love talking about um I'm putting hate Watcher man I don't like that dude at all so I hate to be the bear of bad news yeah I mean so again it's hard to tell because this is like it's not a lot that's about as low as a PLL gets yeah 8% I mean that's like zero% even for trolling that's very very low well but hold on someone did just say I love the show but sometimes I love it less which I feel like is almost worse than saying I hate it yeah that's fair I appreciate your honesty and that's fair that's fair of course that's fair nonetheless I love talking about like when people have criticism I I actually really appreciate having a like actual conversation about it I would love if these hate Watchers and like all the snark and stuff they should put forth a delegate the chief hater their representative and let's let's you know what I mean I would love to talk to them I would debate episode not even a debate just tell me you know what I mean just tell me everything let's check in with him once a month you know this way we have I you know I believe in democracy I believe in the Republic and so this is like The Fringe you know it's like in in Europe there's countries they always have like a Nazi party that's like 5% or something they're there they don't have any power cuz they're so small but they're there and so maybe they get one seat in the senate or something like that they need their Hitler I would like to talk to your Hitler bring me your head of your Nazi party to call in please I would love no but but being seriously here's a followup from Nicole I'm saying when y'all go back and forth it seems like y'all have no idea what you're talking about we didn't until we well we're trying to figure it out yeah your analysis correct yeah that's correct again I find a lot of people who they complain it's like they happen to know something about this for some reason and so whenever you brush upon something that they care or know a little bit about then all of a sudden it's like H clutch my pearls even though they watch this show and like we [ __ ] on we talk out our ass about every damn thing Under the Sun you know you're not special you're really not I hate watching Ethan until until he streams Elden ring it's so boring that's my special time you really don't want to watch me play that watch it I just I sit there quietly farming Little Toad dudes in the in the uh lower the lower area yeah where the forgot all the lore me too the devil horn dude uh who has Michaela and the Egg uh Moog Mo where's it called where well the Frog dudes that give crazy experience oh yeah um well it's like the under City thing or whatever the uh knock noctis something no it's no no no uh no it is there but it has a separate Island yeah yeah anyway the farming there is crazy I don't know if you did that and then once youat that was the farm spot that's the spot oh yeah once you beat it and you get the um the sword from the Elder monster or whatever the Elder Beast you can kill all of them in one [ __ ] special attack do you watch anything while you play yeah or listen okay you know what to be honest you know oh was MOG win not MOG MOG is a different one or I don't know actually you're right Moog was the king the guy who was like guarding the castle correct right yes MN MN the max win the max win alanc that's what they're called the Alban Orcs oh yeah those guys are idiots losers thank you thank you we crowdsource this see we're factchecking this must be insufferable for Nicole right now I'll say this about Elder ring I'm a Serial um snubber of video game audio music audio I mute it I don't think I I think I had my full captive attention when I was playing alen ring oh oh really except maybe when I was farming comp uh repetitively I put on like a podcast or the news or something to listen to mhm um yeah can't I'm excited for the DLC that's all I'll say anyway Michael Phelps soar so what did we learn he says okay he's the Press so he needs the shot yeah that's why I'm partnering which you are highly skeptical of but the rest of us seem to be more willing to uh to go along with well either way I actually agree with sneo it's a little weird it's a it's a little odd but if they offered me a bag I'd take it cuz like I don't think there's anything wrong with the I mean I think the vaccine is great well let's yeah I mean let's dissect that why does this seem weird so it's because they manufacture the vaccine so obviously they have a vested financial interest in getting people to take it right well to be honest I'm uncomfortable like all of these medical adverts they're all right so that's why I'm wondering what aspect of this uh bugs you so much cuz this just seems like an extension of that if you think it's a good thing why is it bad to raise awareness and get is he raising awareness like what the [ __ ] he you seem to be dismissing this idea that the I am skeptical I remain skeptical high risk to be depressed look it's like dude if you're if you you need to get vaccinated against covid everybody is though you go to the [ __ ] see the doctor they're like here's your Co booster I mean why do they need this why do we need adverts this was a long time ago too like was especially 59 weeks ago over a year H I guess early 2023 I don't know that's kind of later I mean whatever good I think this ad is almost a little bit backwards cuz I feel like you can get the takeaway where oh I'm not depressed I don't need the covid vaccine right a little B oh I see right almost like if you're the alpha you're like I don't believe in depression yeah well it would be the same thought process like if they they point out that like people that are morbidly obese are at higher risk that makes a lot more sense to me than depression but well I me it's I don't know I don't know there's got wait a pink ad uh Pink also advertised oh she did they got they got H not pink okay let's see what she's going to say about it actually I'm not is she G to take the same angle I heard she's gay no see she's talking about asthma see I bet you the campaign was they found a bunch of celebrities with various factors that can lead to increased severe uh Co such as asthma or Depression was one of them Michael Phelps was their example for that one and they're they're hitting all the the quadrants here know so Quest love did the same thing but his was for love dude everyone loves oh my God I love quest Roots she says I have asthma you know what puts me high risk for severe covid asthma so it's super important for me okay I mean listen to me it's like it's a public health issue and it's already so saturated our culture like we have sold a lot of covid shots the people have got the shots to me it just seems weird that they're pushing this it's almost like it just seems cynical it seems cynical to me cuz it does because it's like oh their their their shot sales are down they're like oh co everyone's over Co let's get pink out there that being said I get the shot well hold on before you say all that I mean this was 54 weeks ago was this in the middle of a surge or something n a year ago everyone was chilling you don't know there's no way that you just know this time last year literally all of us were like the sickest we've ever made not from Co though I mean 2023 one was 54 weeks ago it been late February 2023 it was January uh Quest was from January 12 2023 January 12th okay so we're talking like the beginning of they're all January 12 actually it was in June this year so Co numbers I'm asthmatic actually I'm not then forward actually I'm not I know some I know [ __ ] sneo based no I'm kidding but sne Go's a [ __ ] he goes like Oh the whole thing is fake I'm cynical of like medical adverts in general just creep me out ask your doctor if you have myos Sur knif office okay so it does appear every that there was because yeah it makes sense actually it's right after winter there there was that was in the midst of a spike uhuh it was a much much smaller Spike than the previous year we had the vaccine but has K has fizer gotten to you Dan Ethan you want me to send you a photo of yourself at why am I the one defending fiser right now Jesus my did something happen my preview monitor went black oh I'm it's cuz I was taking a screenshot oh what what you just hit me in 4k no of the stats so this right this right here is when the ad dropped so as you can see it was there was a w everybody's fine dude yeah no I get it I mean compared to this one but it's because we had the vaccines that they aren't as severe you know look at us now though is that up to date or is it just end uh oops it uh it is yeah dude we made it it's pretty good it's pretty good we made it that is nice to see that being said I think the vaccine's awesome I've been the only person been vaccinated more than me is shirtless Eddie I saw I saw a headline it was like uh individual was vaccinated 300 times for covid And I was like that has to be shirtless Eddie must be Eddie Remember When said he liked madna the best because it was it sounds like Madonna awesome he said obviously Madonna made madna so that's my fave yeah I don't know I just I feel like it needs to be regulated how medical um companies are allowed to advertise to people because it it's so C well it is it is Dan how did you get how did you become worth that 20 million I'd like to know I mean maybe it could probably be regulated more but that is why like when you watch a ad for a medicine the reason that 75% of the ad is the disclaimer is because of how regulated that is you know what I mean it's yeah but nobody listens to that part it's so weird for I actually am always that's the part that I'm listening for because whatever drug they're selling I'm like I want to hear about like how this is going to make me go psycho and [ __ ] kill everyone around me well it's always all the disclaimers always sound the same it's like apocalyptic like you may experience sudden death you might experience you might have a heart attack you might have severe paranoia you might have a stroke it's like okay you know what I mean it's like move on mhm they they get people paranoid they're like do you sometimes feel tired you might be suffering from myos iopus asked your doctor about sprintus to get your pet back in your step what were you saying love I was just saying it's so weird for me to see all those ads on because in Sweden they probably don't allow that [ __ ] no dude yeah they don't let your doctor and the things they're getting their people's head they go ask your doctor about it like it's not supposed to work that way the doctor gives me the medicine I don't tell the doctor what I want I agree with that I agree with that I I I generally I agree with that whole sentiment that uh pushing pharmaceutical drug like your doctor should be making those decisions but um but I feel like getting vaccinated for covid is different it's like advertising for getting a flu shot or something you know that is a public yeah I feel like the government should do that though if it matters I think Sweden actually hasay For Those ads exception for uh diseases that spreads oh really this would probably be okay oh that's interesting yeah I yeah exactly it's like I feel like there's a there's a big difference between those two things uh there was a funny comment here what was it um funny comment where are you I had you highlighted but it's gone now okay whatever oh yes this comment this one always kills me do not take if you're allergic [ __ ] how the [ __ ] would I know I'm allergic if I didn't take it right no [ __ ] anyway go ahead sinko look at basic statistics people weren't dying from it was basically the same mortality rate as that's a lie that's just categorically empirically false and dumb you saying people weren't dying of Co yes yeah okay that this this claim it doesn't hold up to the even the like a touch of scrutiny because if you can you want to cast out into all the official figures all you got to do is look at the amount of deaths in the country that's like an easily categorized um figure every year you can see how many people died so in the years when Co was active a lot more people died than you would expect That's it man I think all these guys thing is that uh is that those people died of other things they were just attributed to co that's like the the explanation for that they always give which right but it doesn't make sense because more people died I agree if that was true then it would be no difference or maybe a slight increase right but that's not what you see you see millions of extra deaths than normal why did Quest love get it he says see a weight loss I believe weight loss yeah there are a lot of reasons why losing weight can improve your health yeah see damn they got him on they're like dude get let this fat ass promote like [ __ ] they did him dirty with that he doesn't look fat at all man looks healthy he's like I'm a fat ass I know what it's like they got you man they got you yeah uh somebody uh said that uh the United States and New Zealand are the only two countri countries that allow pharmaceutical advertisements like like the way that we see them so yeah I mean I'm fully in agreement at getting rid of those what happened to New Zealand I don't know yeah that's an odd one for to be the other country that does it but yeah I mean the medical business is you don't even believe it how [ __ ] up it is like how I don't know if it was um I think it was recently legislated that Medicare Medicaid could negot neate on the price of drugs where before they were not allowed to negotiate they just had to pay whatever price they asked for w m um I think that was recently made legal though it was illegal to negotiate the flu so why would I inject a vacc mrnas in there you yeah that that's I'm reading that's a new law that you can now negotiate I mean dude there's no explanation of other than blatant cynical perverse corruption they go no it's illegal to negotiate the price of drugs the [ __ ] I used the medical office that I worked at before this every day there was a bunch of reps fighting to get a minute of my uncle's time the doctor to sell him on a drug crazy and they would buy food for the office every single day every day they were fighting to pay for our food that's crazy what kind of doctor is your uncle he's a general family doctor oh so he gets everybody yeah he has he has like the biggest practice in our hometown it's always super busy that's crazy free lunch though is fire yeah nice you could look that up it's like Jean Therapy and modifies your DNA I'm not going to take that for something that has the same mortality talking about doesn't modify your DNA you [ __ ] idiot God what a [ __ ] I don't think my viewer should either people definitely were dying from though not as much as they they made it seem I know but you just said people weren't dying from Co were at the same rate as as the flu did no why does he just say [ __ ] he just say [ __ ] it's just wrong man it's not it was way more deadly than the flu in the in the initial year the flu mortality was like 03 or maybe it was3 I don't know really low Co at one point was like 1% Mor rate which is insane considering how many people were catching it did you ever have got it multiple times yeah I had Co I was like hospitalized it was like at the peak of Co um and I remember like that was a scary [ __ ] scene like a lot of people in there had Co um and that was like PE so like people definitely died from it it was definitely horrible um but you know if you don't get the just said that was hospitalized with yeah see I think sneo is probably not I think he just walked into that he was probably unaware of that and speaking to somebody that actually directly had that experience yeah like what do you even say to that it's just like I think it was all [ __ ] yeah I almost died from it and he's a young healthy looking dude exactly is a kid is he he I mean maybe he has asthma maybe he's depressed maybe he had some in maybe he's fat yeah the trifecta who's going to survive that see like because I just didn't want to I don't like putting anything in my body you know what I'm saying yeah but um especially when you can't got you exposed sorry a vacc in a year that doesn't make sense well yeah I mean they kind of had to rush obviously but yeah I mean I just don't I just don't want to put anything into my body like besides like [ __ ] I eat you know what I'm saying like I don't I don't know I don't know what's in that but um and then you said the other thing was action misinformation right bro you're crazy what did you say uh January they that was all stage and a lot of that footage came that I mean what do you are you serious s call me please SN call into this show you pathetic loser stop it or I'm gonna have the Jordan do a ultimate load on you MH Jordan what are you going to do to his girlfriend tell him take the ultimate load he's saving up you can take the ultimate load up that's so vulgar Jordan shame on you oh God that's disgusting um sneo says January 6 was a sigh out sneo says he thinks Andrew Tate made him oh no he asks sneo if Andrew tape made him I mean okay sneo Jinx calls out sneak over saying if you're sad just do push-ups and again but kind of I was real impressed with this dude jinxy he's you know what I mean he's got a good head on his shoulders for 22-year-old dude I mean this is the thing I don't want to like take you out of context I don't want to misquote you yeah cuz that's [ __ ] up I hate when people do that to me but you were kind of saying like oh if you're sad do push-ups like that was kind of your thing for a little bit that's a great solution to being sad that is the worst thing I've ever heard what so what do you do when you're sad that's the worst thing you've ever heard so no no no I'm not saying working out is the worst thing I've ever heard I doing push-ups when you're sad is one of the best Immediate Solutions to being sad the reason why it's the let me explain Okay sneo the reason why it's the I like him he's like shut the [ __ ] up and let me talk dummy I like this kid I got to tell you jinxy okay we see you number one worst thing I've ever heard is because when you're when you're saying oh if you're sad all you have to do is do push-ups doing push-ups is [ __ ] amazing working out is amazing that is a beautiful thing that ising Timeless Timeless you have to understand that some people are genuinely depressed some people are genuinely sad [ __ ] this is not true H he he wears his ignorance like like a badge of honor he's like I am proudly viciously ignorant and vile and wrong about everything I hate that these [ __ ] dudes are all converting to Islam it's so [ __ ] annoying that's so interesting uh it is an interesting thing yeah yeah it's not I mean you know we don't want them yeah I assume if they were be all becoming Jews I'd be like nah let's not do this it's like the stuff that people stereotype us about as to huh what happened why is everyone gasping I heard Ethan Klein you've made the news oh my God I wrote that wait drama alert wait why is drama what's happening Ethan Klein wants to debate sneo let's go kear Collective IQ of such debate would be less than two jit keemstar wait it's not keemstar it's not keemstar bro let's be real so wait wait he sent hey our host elen Klein would like to invite you on the show for debate please let me know wait he shared this bumb clot yeah he must have tweeted it Bumble clot what does that mean again like I guess it's means someone you don't like I guess it means big up so are you dodging or what at keemstar let's be honest we both know that I am well why were you saying you didn't think it's keemstar oh because he says he's been saying recently that he has someone running his uh drum alert social okay oh Steve Rossy yeah I would recommend not calling people dumb when you're or an organization but run by Kem Daniel Keem okay you know what I mean I get a little cred I've been pretty good in debates but if it's that easy then there should be no problem why just a picture of sneo this is a weird post here's sneo and here's Ethan B is using the photo of me at Max waight of course go ahead bum Clo's a Jamaican swear word it translates to toilet paper is what I'm seeing but it's like a derogatory bumba cloth ah big big bumba CL big ass [ __ ] fatberg all right listen just do it then you've acknowledged that you've seen it and so now it's time to Buck pucker up buttercup Ethan wouldn't last five minutes yes I love that people are gassing him up Ethan declined reaching for relevancy to sneaker dude he's the hottest thing on Rumble next to Rice gum yeah Rumble what is his what is his concurrent viewers like probably four digigit for sure jinxy calls him out for rumble as well later on Ethan declin uh thought they've already had a debate oh okay two R wordss fighting okay fair enough now he wants to do it but not back then what are you talking about Ethan needs to find God first who are these people weird these are that drama alert Dennis Dennis yeah listen buddy come on come on come on on I'm going treat you like oi London uh what I this this is this is not true this is not true so do you believe in like brain chemist chemical imbalance no I think that's you don't believe in chemical that's a giant another giant scop jinxy come on man chemical chemical imbalances are a SC you think that you can catch sadness like it's you can't just catch I'm sad that's not the way he describes it is just so moronic like nobody says depression is contagious I mean what are you talk even talking about how it works there's circumstances in your life there's a reason that you're sad and you got to figure out why you don't just randomly you're just chilling all a sudden roll over and then something's wrong with your body that's not the case and like a he's staning depression yeah these guys are kids I mean they literally have no experience in anything the way that they talk I love that one of the common tropes that they act as like people who are depressed don't work hard that's not true the the person in my life who I know who suffers from chronic depression is one of the hardest workers I know she she works her ass off I don't know where why they always get this conception that uh people who are depressed don't work hard they didn't do enough push-ups or sip enough beer well and it's just people who say this are just exposing just how close-minded and ignorant they are because you've never experienced depression you been sad we've all been sad he thinks oh I've been sad this is what depression is but but you just don't you you can't even open your mind to the possibility that you don't know what you're talking about which is sad because uh you know it could benefit you for sure you know that's not the case because you've been you've been working hard at what you do dude I work hard at what I do I'm not I'm I'm you don't have time to be sad because you're working hard and you're doing things people who get depressed a [ __ ] please call in dude bring that [ __ ] here I'd love to talk about it um sneo uh jinxy ask sneo if he thinks he is controversial jinxy explains sneo why he was banned jiny brings up Sean Strickland beating him up which is there any of these good that you recommend May um I'd say maybe why he was banned and then the rumble one Rumble moist critical yeah the the B one is is good and then the yeah J I'm sorry there's a reason why you know so do you understand like business or no 100% I'll explain it um so the reason that's funny that's funny I it's so filtered on Twitch and YouTube is because they want ad Revenue 100% so the reason why people but that's why I'm controversial because everybody has to go and they're not dude they're not saying that they hate you because you're giving these takes they're saying oh we want to be able to run ads on sneo stream maybe he should [ __ ] it back a little bit or we ban him right do you get that at all do you get the business side of it right but like twitch lied about why they banned me they said it was for ban evasion like at least be honest he's changing the topic I don't know what happened with the twitch ban evasion thing but answer the question he asked you dummy just just tell me okay we can't make money off you don't say that it's for suspension evasion when I just I was I went on Twitch right after I got banned on YouTube and I was eating a salad with my mic off off and then they banned me I'm sure it was for the salad they don't like ranch dressing that's why you got banned idiot Sal's I mean for suspension evasion it's like just be straight up well were you suspended on Twitch I don't no I I started an account right after I got banned on YouTube and they said suspension evasion I wasn't even talking they banned me so you got ban you got banned for ban evasion permanently banned for ban evasion yeah yeah I mean it's indefinite I still am B I haven't I haven't checked maybe I I mean he twitch doesn't comment so he's he is free to lie about this as much as he wants cuz they're they're never going to contradict him but JX serves him up right here this is this is the good part oh I know that no I appli it again yeah no yeah but I do think that's another thing I disagree with you all now that we're here um cuz like it's hard to think of 20 things but when we're talking it's pretty easy um you think everything is so filtered because people have an ideology and a vision and a motion and a movement when I think they want to make money because money is how the world goes around so they know let me explain it to you like you're five years old they can't run ads on your stream because you're talking about all this [ __ ] you're talking about politics you're talking about epidemics I mean it's even worse because he threatens the whole ecosystem if he's toxic enough right yeah but the problem goes deeper than just the platforms my beef is not even just with the platforms it's the fact that you need to say those certain things in order to get advertisers money like why do the advertisers what do you think you're going to force Coke to give you money cuz they don't [ __ ] with you he's like bro mental illness is fake Coke pay me right now like what do you want dude that's infant he's acting like a baby how did the jinxy kid get popular I'm confused I have no idea he seems to have way too good of a head on his shoulders you know he's genuinely like really funny too like I there's hardly any creators I watch like every time I see his Clips I didn't realize that was him at first but his Clips crack me up like he's haven't seen any of them he's really good at six Siege too right he's a good gamer yeah he's really good so I I hope that I mean yeah no it's encouraging I'd love if the number one twitch streamer was actually like a good dude I think that'd be a [ __ ] phenomenal uh influence on on society yeah only want to push a certain ideology why is that great question so imagine you're Gatorade right and you're saying okay let's throw a 30second Gatorade twitch ad you can throw it on oh queso he's playing Fall Guys and laughing or sneo he just said the vaccine causes cancer or you didn't say that but see but there's the thing the vacine is hurting people that's what I said like like oh look sneo is trying to like warn you that you might get carditis or let's go to hot tub streamer oh not the mitoc carditis [ __ ] that's straight from Joe Rogan oh bro please bring that here come on bomba clot you're the bomba clot you're the biggest bomba clot ever dude you're a big ass nasty bomba clot who's shaking her tits upside all right so yeah that's that and then we'll watch one more um which was the H Rumble okay this is fun and there's a little followup one right after yeah it's getting better it's a lot better than when I first joined I joined when it looked like Reddit in 2005 it's it's got a lot better I like the UI I like the the creators that are on there and we have good free yeah I really like the UI and you know there's a there's a really good ecosystem there lots of lots of good creators yeah right place is a dump I love how Steve will do its like YouTube please take me back yeah exactly at least he's being honest fre speech there's a lot of there's a good diverse array of creators it's good yeah so I think rumble's a [ __ ] storm um I think it has the worst oh dude I like him he's he's he ain't wrong user interface in Internet history um I I love how sneako commands zero respect like bro you have become a laughing stock nobody respects you it's awesome I've actually tried to watch your streams on Rumble and like I won't even know if you're streaming or not it's that bad especially on mobile cuz I watch streams on mobile but I think if Rumble fixed the UI that'd be really good they need to fix the they need to fix the UI did sneer just say it has the best UI yeah why would you agree with that you want me to call the CEO right now see if he picks up call the CEO of Rumble right now the fact that sneak has the CEO on speed dial is proof how how insignificant how underfunded how unserious this platform is right he doesn't answer oh that's because I've had this conversation about the about the UI all time would you agree with me um do you think the UI is [ __ ] but he just said it was great yeah you're so you're in that you're disingenuous liar weirdo loser I think it's better in the [ __ ] pocket with these people you know it's so funny that it's like the irony it's cool that he can just call up the CEO of the platform that's reasonable if somebody did that on YouTube in fact they used to happen to you yeah for years people are like oh you got Susan on speed dial that was an insult this guy is like yeah let me hit him up right now we're buds it's corruption you know it's just it's okay because it's it's us that's doing it now now we have but then the reality is that was never [ __ ] true you don't Rel I had never had any kind of line to her yeah but this guy's like I'm going to call him although apparently he doesn't answer so which is pretty funny which is pretty funny you might have just been like doing a fake call hello hi see you that need improve do you think do you think the UI is [ __ ] no I don't interesting I don't I I maybe I'm used to I think this is different than than than twitch you know it's a different website let me call him yeah see what he says about that different let's see if he see if I got motion jinie what's his name by the way uh Chris oh this your first conversation with yeah youve never met him before he's like no why would I he's he's fidgeting he's just like me we have so much in common he does not know you little bro bro he was just Tex he literally texted me on the drive over here no he wasn't [ __ ] literally text uncomfortable um yes chis dude he's probably just like laying down oh this horrible bro he texted me 20 minutes ago no he 20 minutes this is the way you to keep in well I mean the other shit's demonetized that was pretty funny okay so what are your thoughts on Rumble Landing we'll call back so what are your thoughts on Rumble Landing [ __ ] youy why you always lying oh my God stop [ __ ] L hey Jordan what are you going to what's the CEO of Rumble going to do to sneo take the ultimate load he's going to give him the ultimate load a load the do you think that was like a big move for rumble or no you go the last one the last one and then we can call it a day cuz we've been we did a full ass episode here just I jinxy asked about rumble's advertisers H good question ad R are a lot of rumble's advertisers political advertisers no a lot of them aren't they just got a whole new list of advertisers um I see him all the time like a bunch of medical stuff and you know weight loss you know regular internet that's weird [ __ ] coffee bucked up Buck an energy drink what bucked UPS I just see it on the Tik Tok shop all the time um buck up is a is a good energy trink bro I actually I just found it funny he's like he's like like who he's like normal advertisers like he's like like who he's like oh you know medical stuff and you know uh you know these guys that sell silver solution to cure Co yeah it's weird oh I was muted I've seen some people mentioned that uh that he has Tourette's potentially jinxy yeah oh then we got to connect you guys are he has turet Soul Sisters if that's true I just Googled it and I do see some people talking about it that's so uh interesting to me huh yeah I'm seeing other people in the chat say it too I've seen a bunch of redit posts about it wow well there you go that's how interesting is that what a what a dude no such thing as a coincidence dude um let's connect T rett's Brothers yeah I found a video of him saying he has TS but the comments are all saying I can't tell if he's being a character or people do that to me all the time when I first started talking about it people still do that to me when they don't know that's crazy I don't know how to reach out to people anymore because I'm not on Twitter Instagram I guess um phone book well that's it [ __ ] book yeah like [ __ ] book phone book no phone book I'll look them up in the Yellow Pages White Pages but yeah jinxie stay away from [ __ ] Buck all right go to the Jays for jinxy uh thank you everybody appreciate y'all watching here today and having a good time here with us on the H3 podcast it's Wednesday and God that is so powerful you took the words right out of my mouth there uh Mr President I'll be getting my tattoo tomorrow and I'll be live streaming it for members and I want to thank all of our members thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart and these uh tumultuous tumultuous times your support keeps us going thank you so I'll be live for members tomorrow and uh for everybody else we'll be back on Friday for another action-packed show I'm calling out all bomba clots sneo you bomba clat you Bomba clat I'm going to say it like as white as possible you bumba clat bum oh no wait the Jersey Outlaw got banned yeah he sent me an email this morning his Instagram he doesn't know they didn't give a reason I have a suspicion you think Jimmy pulled a lever maybe it's I they went after the wrong Jimmy yeah there you go I mean if he's got a bot Network he could they could Mass report in yeah why would he be anti- Jersey law man though because he's he's weird and Petty and like you think that's what happened me I have no idea his team we're always complimenting the man and not Jimmy's own memes so there may be some memes maybe he was jealous I I do I followed the law man I did not follow Jimmy listen the law man does not post anything dicey in my yeah that's why I think it's he's clean nonsense dude well law man make a new account and we'll hype it up you'll be fine we'll get you maybe we can try to get his old one back too uh we don't have any contacts at Instagram so if anyone's watching I got no contacts email me or something thank you um yeah if if he's banned we'll get him a new one we'll get him up and running yeah you know all right guys thank you all so much love you all and be see you on tomorrow or Friday or both thank you byebye up up by the roofs we've [Music] grown