Adin Ross & Andrew Tate Yapping for 18 Minutes & 41 Seconds..

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hello old friend hey old friend how you doing I'm good man I'm good how are you hey man I'm good I don't know if you saw bro but uh I got some good little gains in from the gym my transformation is finally coming along are you strong now I'm pretty strong man you know I could probably give you a couple I don't know I could probably put you up for some I don't know I can go at it neck to neck with you in the gym now of course you could Aiden of course you're right you're 100% right you definitely could it's not like I would crush you like a little worm no it'd be close it'd be competitive wouldn't me well 100% And and that's probably why you should have come to Romania without cons spreading a conspiracy theory all across the internet I was going to evade my judicial process should just come here and shown me who's stronger that's what you should have done um so about that I want to apologize publicly um I never really try to make you go back back to jail uh that was a very very big mess up on my behalf and I'm sorry you know you know I with you you in some way helped change my life because now I'm lifting strong weights and I'm not a drug addict anymore and you know been on my so I'm sorry about that how long are you g to not be a drug addict for before you decide to start again what makes you think I'm G to relapse bro you always do you end up slipping lean and being an idiot I'm the most I'm the most strong I've ever been in my entire life if you not did you not see the picture no show me okay check it out and I want to know your honest thoughts cuz people were kind of on me but it's pretty good all right let me see let me clean my camera here's the before and after wait that's a considerable and noticeable change it is yeah it's good I'm proud of you you are yeah of course that's good you should you got to keep training of course you're nowhere near On My Level i' still Crush you of course well of course of course that'll be true for the rest of your life I mean you'll never exist at my Echelon ever you'll always be miles below me but you're a better version of yourself which is what's important so did I make you proud once and for all yeah well not once and for all because you're G to relax and it all up but currently I'm proud of you currently I'm not going to it up I'm locked in you not see look how healthy I look I look healthy I feel good I feel on top of the world I literally feel amazing I feel amazing are you in Miami or La Miami fulltime now I knew it'd be one of those degenerate cities all right so you live in Miami and uh what do you do every day besides stream just go out and be C be popular lift I lift um let's see what else do I do um I lift and I stream that's really it and I sleep I that's all I do I'm a no wife I I just I stick to this and that's what I do that's am I missing there in the world I've been trapped now for almost two years unable to travel tell me what I'm missing out on okay let's see uh I need to catch you up um there's rat beef going on right now I don't know if you care about that um streamer beef tell me all about the rat beef I super I I super duper care I super care let's go um well okay you're not really gonna care I don't really care can I just tell you what I've been on what do you mean I'm not GNA care I just said I super duper care you call me a liar said I super duper care okay met metro metro boomman in future dropped an album uh whoa okay and uh Kendrick hopped on the track [ __ ] um and they're basically coming at like Drake and J Cole and um it's like rap shifting right now so we gotta see what's about to happen yeah yeah wow whoa and then and then and then Diddy just got caught trafficking girls and and P he's a pedophile you know how many unique position to comment on this jump it's it's kind of funny you know give me tell you something Aiden something else some more life advice for you being a horny will get you in trouble in general let's forget Diddy in his case and whatever it goes in court of law innocent guilty that's up for him he's going to work it all out but in general if you're one of them horny you know those dudes on Instagram those Indians saying boob's vagina all day life is just being horny you're going to be in trouble whether you're satisfied or not yeah whether you get the girls or not because if you have too many girls you got stress you too much you're gonna end up in jail for some reason or some kind of claims that have come against you or you're sitting at home all day jerking off wasting your life you need to just give up that horniness crap you know I've come to the conclusion that having sex with loads and loads of girls is pretty gay you should have sex to make children because children are important but if you just want to have sex with girls just put your little pee pee in and out and then finish and go yay I had sex you're pretty gay that's gay how is that I would ever have sex without the possibility of there being a child made because wait so you wait you stick that Romanian penis in a girl and you're expecting to to come inside of her every time and create lightly I am not Romanian I know but what I'm but okay so you you think every time you apologize I'm sorry mizing me I I hate are you are you cloned why do you care now are you soft now why do you care I want to be factually correct on this stream fine I'm sorry for Miss here is being horny and I know I'm telling you this because I know you jerk off probably like 18 times little weirdo you need to get rid of that horny crap instead train hard worship God make money make some kids and just calm down if everybody would calm down none of this would happen but everyone's like oh I'm horny I need to six girls two dudes like just everyone just needs to chill two dudes I an example of what you're up to I'm not a guy okay anyways whatever I agree beef um so yeah that's going I the whole this [ __ ] going on right now we're waiting for diss tracks come in and out um but the Diddy is what's big too like it's crazy as he got his house rated um for sex trafficking there and then you live what do you live near him I don't know honestly I I think he like got his La rated but Diddy was doing weird but he fled he fled he fled the country like he left and he's he went to a private island or something like like that did you tell everyone about it on your stream did okay was it really my stream that got you locked back up no oh it wasn't however however that stream did go super viral and let me explain how the world works but especially how Romania Works nobody really wants to have the so when that stream went viral the obviously my PO and and the judge and a lot of people involved in my case who started to panic and they're like oh this is going to be very bad for me if he does run away which I'm never going to do because I'm innocent especially as everybody knows he said he's going to run away this is going to end up on my plate so they all panicked and increased my surveillance and started following me in unmarked cars and all this kind of garbage because of your post that happened but I don't care they follow they've been following me around anyway but that's the kind of thing that happened because of you because for some reason I don't know why that one clip went Mega viral but it did I'm sorry um yeah that was up I'll tell you what though um how would you like to once you're considered free cuz all these girls are finally like taking back what they're saying about you so once you finally get freed uh how about we uh I take you out to some dinner on me what girls what girls I thought I thought I saw something like oh no bro they never said anything about me in the first place that's what I'm the point oh really so then what what were what was the statements that were being said or something like that so you're saying that the girls have now changed their minds and are removing themselves from the case that's good right no no they they haven't changed their minds they never said anything bad about me and never wanted to be in a case wow from the beginning the state made the case with girls screaming saying I'm innocent me screaming saying I'm innocent every everyone saying I'm innocent the state made the case and only now after two years does the judge give them the chance to leave the case that's so wrong bro it's a matrix attack it's a matrix attack and they're doing it to me because I was Mo massively influential and they were scared of the influence I had so they tried to well well well you you you literally are part of the reason why this new generation clip farming is a thing right like Clippers and clip farming you probably don't know what that means means but you are probably one of the biggest to do it so they banned you on Tik Tok they basically banned you everywhere except for X now which is amazing shout out to Elon um by the way do you know Elon but Been instrumental in the breaking of the Matrix if you actually time my cancellation if you time me getting deleted on Instagram that's exactly when people's Consciousness started to awaken and understand that we're being lied to on every single level if I had to Mar my social media accounts to awaken the Next Generation to the Satanic rituals which they're living under then it's completely worth it so I actually have been massive for damaging The Matrix me alone as one man along with others of course I've been I've been Monumental for this movement yeah I agree um so it's worth not it is wait what did you what do you think about the whole Ryan Garcia what's been going on with Ryan I love Ryan and I hope the best for him in All Realms uh he he says some things which are controversial and outlandish but in the world today it's really not so far-fetched my only concern is I think he should focus on his upcoming fight because he's got a difficult one a he's no walkover I said the same I said the same exact thing and people were saying that I'm I work for them I literally said the same thing you just said you can't be trusted though I'm sorry I'm TRG I don't sell my soul I don't end up on lean I'm not some [ __ ] in Miami jerking off I'm not like you I'm built different you when you say is kind of like who paid him he'll do anything for a buck Think About by the way you know um I paid a rapper a very famous rapper in my world okay probably like number one his name is Playboy cardi to come on stream and he's scammed I I don't want I don't I don't know who he is I'm sure he's a very talented man he scammed how what are you talking about well he was supposed to come on stream for about an hour and talked to me about his album and he came on and uh basically did the exact opposite he came on for 5 minutes grabbed a bag of money and left yeah you're annoying so it's be probably just you know that doesn't sound like a scam it sounds like a robbery G well I want to ask you a question can I show you how he dress dresses do you do you do you carry or you strapped it's Miami of course okay so why why did you let him just rob you like that well he didn't get all of it but look this is what he got caught wearing uh the day after why you know it's weird because every single no you're just you're trying to get me in wrap beefs I'm gonna end up getting Drive I I don't want to get in Rat beefs dude you're telling me about this rap beef and this people are doing this diss track and Lamar and Cole and I don't really know who a lot of these people are I'll be honest my my music taste is eclectic and I'm sure I've heard their music and I'm sure I like their music but I don't know their details of their life what I will say and this is not in any way aimed at the person who robbed you is that why is everyone gay when did everybody just when why is everyone gay all of why is every all the entertainment industry the streamers on Kick all of youy why are you all pay in your nails and doing weird [ __ ] I'm not I don't bro I can't just wake up and say I have a girlfriend and we have a family and I have children I I respect my family and maybe I have three or four wives and three or four baby mamas whatever that's fine that's acceptable it's normal when you're a big G and I make my money and that's it why are you why is everyone gay what have you done Aiden it's not me you think it's me but it's not you have a huge stream lots of people watch you you must have done something what did I do everyone is just and you know what it is I watch if I ever watch TV or anything it's just like everyone is just so feminine and weak or or the ones who aren't feminine think it's cool to like do weird is it just is are people just attention seeking what is what's going on explain to me Aiden well it's just my generation bro it's it's up and honestly it's only the Western world like it's not like that in like other places in the world which I've realized it's just it's I'll tell you what it is they're just pushing agendas bro they want basically the kids to be gay and I'm telling you what's going to be next they're going to normalize pedophilia because when you allow 13-year-olds to eject themselves with needle hormones that make them you know women and boys whatever like cross basically becoming a [ __ ] it really is bad you're you you people are allowing children to do that so it's just getting bad man they're normalizing everything down here it's really bad you're to it's totally true but why are all these famous entertainers not thinking I have a huge platform young men watch me I should probably not do anything that's too gay um so I am aware of that and I you know I I don't think I do anything gay Aiden your whole version of Comedy your pathetic attempt at being funny is sniffing jars hey you're you're you're as bad as everybody else what's wrong with you you have spit right here lick your lip sorry okay I listen bro I don't sniff chairs anymore oh you're you're you're in reab bro I live I you I lift weights I am lean now no not any more no how are you going to talk leave your crib bro leave the country bro leave can't leave the country I know I can't leave the country all judicial authorities here publicly that I have no intention of leaving don't listen to aen Ross I'm staying here in Romania where this gay [ __ ] isn't allowed I'm staying over here because I'm scared to go anywhere near Aiden he's weird hey when do you want to go to dinner promise you stopped sniffing chairs forever I swear my life I've never I haven't sniffed the chair they they want me to all the time but I don't do it next time you sniff a chair I want everyone to bring up the fact that you promised me that you've re you've recovered from this terrible habit of yours last time I S the chair last time I S the chair was years ago promise and then next time you're around all these entertainers and stuff I just want you to ask why are you all gay just ask and find out I need an answer I'd like to know I I'm telling you why man these agendas that are just being pushed so how do you think it works how do you think they come to people and and try and convince them to promote these agendas well I'll explain it and you know I'm not the best explainer but you can kind of like understand what I'm about to say so it used to be in this world male female and race which would separate us as as equal right like and what I mean is segregation you look at the world as a circle like a pie and you put a dash male female another Dash uh race and the other Dash this that now it's genders and now it's all these weird little fetishes and now it's all these like now you got real that are ruining the world like so basically everyone is going against each other if that makes sense they're trying to just separate people when in reality all the people need to stick together and go go against the people that are trying to separate us people if that makes sense this is actually an interesting topic and it's interesting enough for me to bother changing camera so I'm GNA go to my podcast studio and call you back okay thumbs up Aiden go go hang up old man you don't use your internet you're that old huh no technology huh you have no technology knowledge hey hit the red button with this one here hit it that looks stupid
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 483,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream, Adin Ross Kick, Adin Ross Kick Stream, Adin Ross Full Kick Stream
Id: Oho7vSglBWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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