Adding Voiceover to a Video in Microsoft Clipchamp

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[Music] hi I'm Mark from Valor XL thank you for joining me today I'd like to show you how you can add a voice over to a video using Microsoft clipchamp if you're unfamiliar with clipchamp I'll leave a link in the description below this video for a tutorial that we did a while back that will walk you through all of the functionality and features of clipchamp it's a very powerful online video editing tool and even if you've never done any video editing before I think you'll find that it's userfriendly intuitive and it really does produce great results now in today's video we're not going to be doing any video editing but I will show you a couple of different approaches that you can take for adding a voice over now just putting a video project together where you assemble Clips is a very important start it certainly elevates them Beyond just raw footage but when you add a voice over you're truly bringing your project to the next level but before we do that I want to talk a little bit about what we have here now I decided I wanted a fairly short video project that we could work with so I've created one that's just a little shy of 30 seconds it's comprised of five different clips these are all Wilderness clips that I did all outdoors and I put them together with just some basic editing coming from this clip into the last one I just have a little bit of a fade and then a fade out at the end now you may have noticed there was a little bit of audio dropout don't let that worry you when you're working in clipchamp and you're editing when you're doing a playback you may hear Dropout sometimes that'll occur as you go from one clip to the next that will not appear in your finished product once you export it so don't let that concern you but it's a good idea to go through and first of all really listen to all of your Clips play your entire project from start to finish now in doing so I noticed that there were a couple of issues on mine there was some talking at the beginning of this clip and these next three had some pretty significant wind noise so I actually made the decision to just go ahead and mute these and it's very easy to mute a clip all you have to do is click here in the clip on this little speaker icon and you can toggle mute on and mute off and when it's muted you'll see a small X that appears beside it whenever you click on a clip up here it will open this vertical toolbar and you have an audio option and it's showing that the volume is at 0% because it's muted now it is a good starting point before you add your voice over to go the entire way through your project and do some volume balancing on all the clips you don't want to have a situation where One Clip is significantly louder than the others it'll stick out like a sore thumb and when you do add a voice over it will never blend properly so try to get the overall volume balance relatively consistent and that'll be a good starting point for you now in this last clip you'll notice that I've set the volume at 41% I really like the sound of the Rushing Water but I felt like it was perhaps a little bit louder than I would have liked it to be and in anticipation of adding the voice over I just reduced it down to 41% so again I suggest starting there it just gives you a good even balance to begin with so the first approach that I'd like to show you involves recording your voice voice over using another program and in my case I actually did that using Persona Studio 1 a leave a link in the description below for a tutorial that we did on how to record a voice over in Persona Studio 1 that's a professional grade recording and editing software but you don't even have to go that route you can use a free alternative like audacity the goal is to get a good quality recording and then export it as a wave file or an MP3 that you can then import into your project in clipchamp through the import media function and that's what I've done with mine now an easy way to use another program is to have your finished video project simply play the video and while you're watching it record the voice over and then when you're done export that file so what I'd like to do is take the voiceover that I recorded bring it down here and drop it in my timeline underneath the video clips and as you can see it has a waveform on it it's giving us a graphic representation of the actual recorded signal that's an easy way to tell where there are gaps between the different sections and I can slide this forward or backward to position it wherever I would like so I'll put it about there let's go back to the beginning and let's see what we have so far this is a quick glimpse of just a few of the animals that I saw last weekend at a local Farm I love animals and being able to see these at close range was a real treat I also took a little bit of time to take a brief stroll through the woods where I found a beautiful little wooden bridge with a gurgling Brook underneath very nice now one of one of the really nice things about clipchamp is that it really takes the pressure off when it comes to synchronizing the audio with the video when you're recording your voice over invariably you'll wind up getting off a little bit from what's happening in the video image and that's okay because you can take your existing audio track and actually slice it into separate pieces and individually position them wherever you would like them to be in regard to the video so if you grab the play head you can drag back and I'm going to go here and position it about there we know we're in between two different sections of dialogue and now if I rightclick I have a split option and by selecting that it has now separated the audio into two separate Clips so I'm going to keep that one where it is but I want to take this one and drag it the whole way back to the beginning and now let's see what we have this is a quick glimpse of of just a few of the animals that I saw last weekend at a local Farm I love animals and being able to see these at close range was a real treat what's nice about this is it is extremely flexible you can slice your audio up into as many small sections as you need and have complete control over where they fit in relationship to the video itself now I I think that's pretty good but one other thing I'd like to do is add some background music and one of the really nice features of clipchamp is that there is a music and sound effects Library if you click here you can search through all the audio there are many many different choices and you can basically export any of these down into your timeline I'm actually going to use a piece that I already have in place and I'll drag it down and I want to position it so that it's starting right at the beginning of our video and now what I want to do with this is it will probably be much louder than the voice over so initially I'm going to drop the volume the entire way down and go back to the beginning and I'll just bring it in and gradually bring the volume up so that it's in a good balance in relationship to the voice over this is a quick glimpse of just a few of the animals that I saw last weekend at a local Farm I love animals and being able to see these at close range was a real [Music] treat I also took a little bit of time to take a brief stroll through the woods where I found a beautiful little wooden bridge with a gurgling Brook underneath there was a little bit of audio drop out there and again don't worry about that that won't be in your finished project when you do export it but you might notice there's an issue here the track that I added for the background music is much longer than the video itself and that's easily remedied if I position the play head here I'll do the same thing that I did up here I'll rightclick and hit split and now I can just delete the section that we don't need and so that we don't have an Abrupt ending here if I click on the piano I can come up here and select fade and I'll do a fade out of about one second so that we don't have an Abrupt end so let's see what we've got I'll go from about here with a gurgling Brook underneath very nice so that's one way that you can add a voice over but you may be in a situation where you don't necessarily feel that you can do a quality voice over maybe you don't have any audio equipment if that describes you I'll show you a great alternative a really cool feature of clipchamp so first I want to go in and remove the voiceover that I did now what you can do is actually have clipchamp create a voiceover for you and you can do that by coming up here and clicking on record and create and down at the bottom selecting the option text to speech it opens up this dialogue box and now what this will enable you to do is to go in and type whatever it is that you would like the AI to generate a voice over for so I'm actually going to add the script that I just read in my own recording and we'll have the AI create a voice over based on what I type now I did want to point out that you have a maximum duration of 10 minutes for your text to speech but I've added the entire script that I had recorded myself and now what we can do is go back here and let's preview it and see what we've got this is a quick glimpse of just a few of the animals that I saw last weekend at a local Farm I love animals and being able to see these at close range was a real treat I also took a little bit of time to take a brief stroll through the woods where I found a beautiful little wooden bridge with with a gurgling Brook underneath that's pretty nice and if you click here you'll see there are a lot of different options that you can select U let's try one of these this is a quick glimpse of just a few of the animals that I saw last weekend at a local Farm now I did want to mention it will default to the speech speed being usually right around fast and I tend to just go with that I've noticed that when you slow it down even to regular a lot of times it just doesn't sound natural it just kind of loses the Cadence of a human voice feel free to experiment with it but I generally just go with the defaults there are a lot that you can select in here and I'm just going to go ahead and go with this one and now what we can do is click on save to media and it has now been added to our media up there so we can click hold and drag that down as we did before just positioning it right there and there you go so let's go back to the beginning and see what we've got for that this is a quick glimpse of just a few of the animals that I saw last weekend at a local Farm now one of the things that I noticed is that she's talking a lot faster than I was so I'm going to actually separate this into a couple of different sections because I know just about where I would like the individual Nar ntion pieces to be I'm going to put that about there put that closer to the beginning and keep that right around there and I also feel like the piano is a little bit too loud now so going to reduce the volume on that just a little bit I love animals and being able to see these at close range was a real [Music] treat I also took a little bit of time to take a brief stroll through the woods where I found a beautiful little wooden bridge with a gurling brook underneath and again just as with the one that I had recorded you can move these around put them wherever you want them to be and it's nice too because depending on what's happening with your music or maybe even in your Source video you can even have a certain clip have a louder volume level than the other ones if you want a little bit more emphasis on something or if there is a little bit of competition from the other things going on in the background you have tremendous flexibility and it really does take the pressure off from an editing perspective so that's a great way to add a voice over if you don't have your own recording equipment and again when you're completely done all you have to do is hit export and your project will be exported good to go well I hope that this was helpful for you clipchamp is a great tool and being able to add a voice over truly does take your Productions to the next level if you feel like you need to take your business to the next level I have a free tool that can help you if you click on the link in the description below this video you can download a PDF called taking your organization's temperature it'll give you a great insight into the health of your organization and make you start thinking about ways you could improve what you're doing if this video was helpful for you would you please give it a like like and in the comments below let me know have you ever done a voice over either live or using AI I'd also like to invite you to subscribe to Valor XL we publish new content on a regular basis and all of it is specifically tailored for small businesses and nonprofits thanks again for joining me I invite you to come back for the next installment and remember at Valor Excel we're committed to helping you do smart work thanks again I'll see you next next time until then goodbye for [Music] now
Channel: ValorExcel
Views: 3,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Text to speech, voiceover, narration, Clipchamp
Id: Lijy_SyPxcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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