The BEST Way To Add Media To Your Obsidian Vault // EP 4

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taking notes on youtube videos straight from your browser uploading all the images that you want while taking zero space adding long twitter threads in a single screenshot all of this and more coming up timestamps are shown here as well as in the description below okay so we're going to start with an overview of how obsidian handles media and if you remember from previous episodes obsidian files don't live on obsidian servers they live wherever your vault lives and their simple markdown files as a reminder when you add a new note to obsidian a new markdown file gets created inside where your vault lives and the way obsidian handles media is very similar to that so let's see this in action okay so here we are back at our mastering obsidian vault that we opened up in the beginning of this series and let's open up a new note by pressing command n and we're going to call it episode 4. okay so now let's say you want to add a picture of some kind maybe a screenshot and for that we're going to take this example here of the thumbnail from my obsidian 2 video and we're going to drag and drop it into the obsidian vault and once you do that it's going to show up like this but don't be alarmed all you need to do is press command e to go on the preview mode and now you can see the image overlaid here so the way this works now is that obsidian has put this image over here as its own note and if we go back to the folder where your vault lives you can see that your image is now sitting right here so now you might be thinking this is going to get pretty cluttered over here on the side in your file explorer very quickly and you'd be totally right but this has a relatively easy fix so for that we're going to make this one big and we're going to create a folder here so we're going to come here new folder and call it attachments and now we come here to settings files and links and we come to the bottom where it says default location for new attachments we click on the drop down menu and we're going to select in the folder specified below and now we can choose where we want obsidian to place all of our attachments inside of so as you just saw i created an attachments folder which sits right here so i'm going to press that exit out of this delete this note and drag and drop it once more so it's sitting right here in the desktop i'm going to drag it here and if you notice it hasn't showed up here on the side and if we come here to attachments it lives here now i like to take this one step further because i never go on the attachments folder so i don't even want to see it over here so i actually put the attachments folder inside journal and if you want to add videos or audio files the process is the exact same you just drag and drop it into your obsidian vault and the note is going to show up here inside your vault in the attachments folder but this is just the very beginning i consume a lot of youtube content and a lot of those videos are educational videos that i'd like to keep in reference to in the future and obsidian makes that very easy so to add youtube videos we're going to first come over here to youtube and for obvious reasons we're going to pick one of my videos and we're going to click the share button and then we're going to press embed and now we have here a piece of code that we can just copy and paste into obsidian then we come over here to preview mode and we have our video right here now i like to take notes on the youtube videos that i watch and there's a much better way than simply writing a block of text underneath the video and for that there's a great browser extension that's free and lets you take notes on your videos while you watch them and not only that but it also adds the respective timestamp of when you took the note so if you took a note at the 2 minutes 20 second mark that timestamp is going to be clickable and show up on the screen all right so let's watch this in action and the plugin that i'm referring to is called world brains max bit of a weird name but it works beautifully so we're going to add it to chrome we can then refresh our page and when we come over here to the toolbar and we press it it tells us that to open the sidebar we must press option q so we turn it on press option q and we have the sidebar over here all right so now i'm just going to pretend that i'm taking notes on my own video which is a little weird i'll admit it's going to press play command q to toggle the sidebar and let's say i'm watching this cool subscriber intro so i could just come here insert timestamp and you see now it knows i took this at eight seconds okay so let's pretend i keep watching all right now i noticed that it's not great lighting for instance i can just come here once more not grey lighting i'm just giving you guys examples obviously so then when you're done it's time to put this back in obsidian and there's a bunch of different ways of sharing out of memex over here but something as simple as a copy and paste will do so come back here to obsidian and this is the video right so we come here to underneath the video and now we have the notes on the timestamps and if you press a timestamp it's going to take you back to your browser and play that clip of the video personally i don't like to click it because i like to watch them on the obsidian page so i can just come here eight seconds and i can just you know scroll around to the eight second mark and that's good enough for me okay so now let's move on to adding tweets to obsidian there's quite a bunch of people i follow on twitter and some of them share really great insights that i definitely don't want to lose and i like to save them to my vault and you can embed them the same way you would embed a youtube video well sort of let's take a look at it there's a couple different ways you can embed a tweet into obsidian so we come over here to chrome and we look at this random single tweet very original by me and if we want to embed this into our vault one of the ways we can do so is coming here to more embed tweet and it's going to take us to this website which is going to give us a link so if we copy the code and we put it into obsidian and now we have it displayed this way and it might be just personal preference but this doesn't seem very appealing to me the other way is by using twit frame which is not a straightforward but still simple so if you come back to our chrome we can come here to twit frame and it's going to give us this source code we can just copy and paste this move it back to obsidian and now we have jack's tweet over here so we come to edit and what we have to change is this url right here so if we change this url with the url to my random nonsensical tweets we can now have it displayed a lot nicer this is simple if you just want to embed a single tweet but if you want to embed a big thread that's going to be a lot more complicated because if we come over here to my very insightful thread that i just posted and we copied the link and we switch it up here as you can see it only picked up one of the tweets and maybe there's a way around this if you mess with the code here now i think this method is great for a single tweet but if it's a long thread something like 20 maybe even 50 or 60 tweets in a row i like to take a long scrolling screenshot and let me show you how i do that right now so we can delete this we won't be needing it and let's come over here to my insightful thread and now i use this app over here called clean shot x and it has a feature called scrolling capture so then you can just decide which part to record so something like this right and you can say start capture and then simply scroll as you see on the right it starts scrolling the whole thread and i couldn't be bothered to make a 50 or 60 tweet thread storm but you guys get the idea so now it's over here and we can just copy move it to obsidian paste and here you have it and it looks great my opinion and it has saved me a lot of time now this app is definitely not cheap it's about 29 i mean it does a lot more than just screenshots but that's all i use it for but luckily for me this app is actually available on setup so i actually didn't pay for it and for those that don't know setapp is basically the netflix subscription of mac apps you pay a monthly subscription of about 10 i believe and you get access to hundreds of paid apps this is not sponsored or anything i just really like the service i've been using it for years i'll leave a link below to set up if you guys want to check out if you're interested take a look at their apps i recommend it but only if you do end up using a bunch of their apps otherwise personally i don't think it's worth it okay so now that you know how to add media such as pictures and videos as well as tweets and youtube videos you might be thinking this is all great but if i upload a bunch of media to my vault it's going to get pretty big and maybe you're on dropbox free plan and you don't want to upgrade your plan or maybe you're running out of space on your icloud and you also don't want to pay for a higher tier which is all very understandable so what if i told you there's a free way that you can upload pictures and small videos to your vault without taking a single bit of space this is by using a service called imager you might have heard of it and my buddy santi did a great video on this that i recommend you guys check out i'm going to leave a link in the description but very quickly you download the imager plugin it's a great community plugin so we come here to settings community plugins browse imager and you're going to see santi's video right here he goes a lot more in depth on this subject so i highly recommend you checking it out i'm going to click install and then activate so we can simply come here to imager and i recommend you guys go with an authenticated imager upload and it's very simple just authenticate with your imager account so i can just come here and add my thumbnail once more and now it's going to ask you would you like to upload to imager or paste your content locally and if you press upload this is going to automatically upload into your imager account you see it says uploading and there you go it's uploaded and if you go on preview mode you're going to see it just as good if we come here back to chrome and we go to our imager account and if we come here to our profile and we click on all pictures that you have our thumbnail sitting right here and it's hidden so nobody can see this an imager does not delete your files and with this you've just saved yourself an insane amount of space and again big shout out to santi this is the kind of stuff that makes obsidian amazing and something that other apps just cannot compete with all right i hope you guys enjoyed this video and that you learned something new thanks for watching stay tuned for episode 5 in this series have a great one i'll see you next time
Channel: FromSergio
Views: 1,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Obsidian, How to add media to obsidian, How to add images to obsidian, Adding images to obsidian, Adding image files to obsidian, How to add youtube videos to obsidian, Fromsergio, obsidian, How to embed files in obsidian, obsidian guide, Mastering obsidian, obsidian tutorial, obsidian app tutorial, obsidian markdown tutorial
Id: qt4g7Djy5AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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