Adding Simple but Effective Mods... Minecraft [Fabric 1.18.1]

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if you know me by now you know i absolutely love minecraft and the amount of mods made for my craft is just truly insane and i don't think there's another game out there like it or at least one that doesn't come close now i know for some people minecraft mods can take away from the the minecraft experience but there are mods out there that add to minecraft in a way that i feel should be already in the game and that's what today's video is all about hey guys and welcome back to minecraft but we're gonna be adding simple yet effective mods to the game i don't do videos like this very often or when i do they either do extremely well or no one gives a so today we're gonna be seeing what minecraft will be like if some features that a lot of people would love to see but a simple were added to the game the first mod i actually want to show is the one that gave me the idea to even make this video this mod is called the effective mod and i hear what you're saying troy what the frick does that do well if we spawn in a cow you might notice something a little different when the cow hits the water oh we need to get rid of the test subject now sorry bessie ignore that that's right this mod adds it so when an animal or an entity hits the water there is now a splash effect and that includes for players and it's so simple yet so effective see what i see what i did there yeah yeah now you know what the title means not only does it work with entities like our friend bessie over there but it also works with blocks and depending on the amount of speed that they have before they hit the water the bigger the splash bro mojang add this this is so cool it's so simple yet effective oh yeah that's gonna get old quick not only does the mod work with water but it also works with lava adding little lava splash effects oh that is so cool oh oh we're gonna have to test it on an entity oh that sheep i'm sorry trust me it's for your own good come with me i'm sorry this is no okay we have to line this up this is so dumb and go and it didn't hit the lava god damn it tell me a chicken you're my next test subject oh this is such a professional video part of me just realized uh i think chickens glide but i guess we're gonna find out what happens i'm gonna hit the floor first but uh oh this could go two ways and splat but now as we will see right here this didn't make a splash damn it just believe me when i say that there are splash effects yeah you can kind of see them not only does the effective mod also add in cool splash effects it also adds in something that is very subtle but you might start hearing it oh what's that it has waterfall effects and depending on the size of the waterfall is how loud the effect is and how many particles are there that is so cool and splash i wish i could see the splash effect but oh my god that's so cool yet again another simple yet so effective and i i love this i love this mod go give it a download it is so good um before we jump into the next thing yes the entity size does affect the splash uh there was no splash what the what the frick but yes depending on the size or the speed of the thing it does actually affect the splash which is so cool but anyway that's enough on that one let's jump into the next simple yet effective mod let's say you've just set up your nice new enchantment table and you want to enchant something well obviously minecraft has a pretty good jammer system but it can be a little bit better so now when we put in an item you might notice something oh that is so cool this item we can now see we could just plonk in some lapis and now okay okay this is actually this is actually sick now there is a new 3d effect that floats around the sword and we can give it the enchantment it's just like that boom we have an enchanted item just like that and we can leave the lapis in the enchantment table how freaking good is that look compared to the last mod this is probably a lot simpler but still all the same it is so freaking cool depending on how much lapis you have in there is depending on how many show up depending on the item it floats i generally think this is probably one of the coolest looking mods you can get especially considering how simple it is and even you could even just have it for display boom just like that we don't need to touch anything in there anymore boom it's a display piece and it looks magical and awesome mojang please please any of the stuff you're seeing in today's video please add it it's so cool but yeah again this is so simple yet effective like why am i still doing that the next mod up is probably the biggest mod so far out of all of these mods that mod is the physics mod and if you know anything about the physics mode you know that this does quite a lot whether it's the simple stuff like making the throne items actually 3d which is pretty cool pretty simple like to the more insane stuff like giving you know cape's actual cloth physics oh this is this is ridiculous and you can completely customize what cape you want like look at this bro that is awesome and it dropped oh it hangs off the edge of the oh this is so cool i mean this is a way less simple yet effective but it's still simple and effective did that make any sense no no it didn't or to the actual simple and effective stuff of giving mobs ragdoll physics for when you kill them like this is this is sick and then you can push them around ah that is awesome oh this is so cool or maybe you don't like ragdoll physics you can also give them fractured which is a little bit more gruesome i'm gonna admit but hey if you're if you're into that kind of stuff well now you get it oh that is so weird and well of course the same goes for blocks if if you want you can yup you can make blocks that i mean that's less simple but hey you could you can also make them blocky so now it's a heck of a lot more minecrafty but still that's that's that's not really simple and effective i just want to add it to the list because it's so cool and like i mean it is so cool like he keeps adding such cool things to this mod like what is this you can actually throw snowballs and they shatter into pieces of snow that like come on that is sick and yes i know there are other things in the physics mode as well like actually making the kelp underwater fully physics based oh this is like that's ridiculous that that's so not minecrafty but it's so cool it actually doesn't really look out of place i don't know what it is it's actually pretty freaking cool like that's not minecrafty at all but it is it's so minecrafty does that make any sense no again oh damn it and yes before you go yelling at me yes i know vines also do it which which stuff man that's that's so cool he is also expecting to add in some actual water-based physics in the future so expect me to revisit this mod when that actually comes out but anyway uh there's still other monsters show believe it or not i know this one's amazing but there's more let's quickly knock a few more uh smaller simple but effective mods out the first one you've probably actually already noticed if you have a keen eye but you could probably see if you zoom in on my character real quick all of the actual third skin or should i say the second layer of my skin is now 3d you can see it's actually blocky and it comes out and it doesn't just float there something that's simple but i kind of hope mojang actually adds it in the future because well it's really cool and if if you don't like it then maybe add a you know a feature to the oh where is it what's it called you know the skin customization tab just add it as an option here boom simple but effective oh man i'm still getting over that some of you have already probably noticed the next simple but effective thing a little bit of a blur to the background for when you open up a menu uh it that's that's it come on that's it it's simple but effective like i think you get the point by now and the next really small one which i think just should be in minecraft by now we have shift why don't we have a crawl like it it's so simple but it's it's so helpful do you know how helpful this would be instead of having to set up a freaking trap door everywhere we go this is so simple but effective like ah that's the point of the video damn it but now before we end this video off i thought there just had to be one more mod i needed to show before i could say something that i want to see in minecraft but i just know the next one we're never gonna see so i just i just kind of want to show it you know come on i'm guessing by me holding the obsidian you might be able to guess uh what i'm about to show still have no idea well uh uh yeah give it a second oh oh this is oh come on come on what is this bro no crashes or anything on 1.18 like just being able to do this i don't think it's very simple but it's very effective if you haven't seen this this is obviously the immersive portals and it's something i think everyone that has tried it would love to see in minecraft and heck maybe even add it as an option that we could turn on and off because this this is insane i don't have optifine i don't have sodium installed and well as you can see i could still run at 93 fps oh 60 lowest and my computer's not that beefy and i could do this and oh a splash effect we didn't get to show it earlier but as you can see it does exist but yes this is something i would love to see in minecraft and well the things we can do with this are pretty much endless i i don't know i think it's pretty cool and having it maybe be toggleable toggleable is that even a word but having it be toggleable would just be amazing and well that it's it's just incredible but you know what before we end this let's let's show off one more bonus little clip not clip i should probably say mod no should i say mutton yeah one little bonus resource pack these ones are so simple i don't even think some of you guys are going to notice it uh well maybe some real minecraft vitamin oh no crap that was not that's not the right word but maybe some real minecraft pros might notice it but falling leaves end a slight difference in the actual leaves as you can see they have little effects coming off of them now they have little three like you know they're leaves like leaves they're not blocky or fully put they are blocky okay look they are blocky it's minecraft we can't really change that but it is still something so simple and yet it doesn't really become that noticeable unless you know it's there now obviously all of these things that i've shown in the video are my own personal preference and some of you guys might just love minecraft the way it is i know some people out there don't even like when minecraft gets updates because they think that ruins the minecraft they come to new and love but having now played minecraft for over 10 years i could say without a doubt that all the things that have been added to minecraft other than phantoms are amazing i had to target them didn't i in all seriousness though all the things that have been added to minecraft and all the things that mojang do and are doing to minecraft and have planned for minecraft are incredible and the caves and cliffs update has just gotten me more excited for what's to come in the future and hopefully some of the things i brought up in today's video might get at it but of course let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below this is where i'm gonna leave it a bit of a weird video on my behalf but hey if you want to see maybe more in the future like this like this is simple but effective but maybe uh extreme and over-the-top mods then be sure to let me know by leaving a like on this video and be sure to also post the comments oh no to post the comments yeah be sure to also say in the comment section down below what mods you maybe want me to check out in the future because you guys make me want to make content for my channel and it's just it keeps me motivated no i'm sounding all sappy so i'm going to stop there i hope you guys did enjoy this video my name is troy and i'll see you in the next one see you guys [Music] bye
Channel: ButterJaffa
Views: 53,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft simple mods, minecraft 1.18 mods, 1.18.1, minecraft 1.18.1 mods, best minecraft mods, simple but effective mods, butterjaffa, minecraft water splash mod, minecraft physics mod, physics mod minecraft, minecraft trailer mod, minecraft 1.18.1, funny moments, latest mods for minecraft, latest mods, minecraft 1.18, fabric mods 1.18.1, mc 1.18.1 mods, minecraft funny, minecraft but, splash mod minecraft, better enchanting minecraft mod, mods
Id: pGToa5ieYhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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