Adding Fonts to Google Docs

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hi everyone in this video I'm going to show you how to install additional fonts in Google dos you may ask the question why couldn't google upload many fonts at once in its Google Docs app why this font discrimination the fact is that Google Docs is an online editor and its resources should be optimized as much as possible that's why necessory settings are not loaded by default for the sake of performance at the same time you can add additional fonts that you need for the first method click on the current font and select more fonts here you will find a huge variety of fonts and I'm sure you will be able to find the right one for you select any font you like and click okay now you can type with that font and the font will be displayed in the font panel so you don't have to search for it again if you are a font font go a font G then after trying all the fonts from the current list it will not be easy because of their huge number you may want to add new fonts the more sophisticated extensions will help us with this choose extensions at the top menu then hover over addons and select get addons here you can even find GPT artificial intelligence for Google dos but that's another story and now we are interested in fonts so we can safely write the r font in the search box enter you can try different font applications I'm going to show you how install additional fonts using the extensis fonts install select your Google account continue allow next and done close the extensions window select extensions from the menu again and this time we see the extensis font application that we installed ourselves let's run it start here they are the beauty small selected juicy fonts in addition to the ones we have seen you can Sol them for example by trending and filter them to add your custom font you will have to use the desktop version of Microsoft world Google doesn't want to store your fonts on each service and I understand it perfectly well have a nice day and fonts that are pleasing to the eye
Channel: Codex Creator
Views: 344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to add fonts to google docs, google docs, adding fonts to google docs, how to install fonts to google docs, google fonts, get more fonts for google docs, add fonts in google docs, google docs add fonts, google docs tutorial, how to add a font to google docs, add fonts to google docs, install fonts google docs, how to install fonts in google docs, google docs font, how to add custom fonts to google docs, how to add custom fonts in google docs
Id: xzu8ZcauNB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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