ladies and gentlemen welcome to this month's live stream if you're on the right live stream right now and you've been uh trying to connect for the last half an hour uh I have too uh but fingers crossed I've switched my backup and um things should be working now uh but if you're watching the replay drop me drop me a comment say hello if you're on the live as well let me know where you're watching from uh let me know uh if you're live if you're on the replay if you've got questions I can answer those for you and if you drop me a comment even if it's after the live is finished I will do my absolute best to get to those for you um anyway but welcome we are covering open Q&A in this live stream so that means any questions that you have for me I will do my absolute best to cover them for you uh if I can't cover them live I may cover them in the next live stream so if you want to post up a question for me head along to ask. that's ask. if you're new to the channel we help small business owners systemize organize and scale using Google workspace and a number of other uh Tech tools in the Google ecosystem um and so we've got plugins we've got add-ons if you need a CRM system if you need a phone system if you need a task system if you need a project system uh all of those are available for you and we help you make the most of them but most of our questions are around Google workspace we're well known for workspace uh right around the world and we have customers in 15 countries uh we cover Australian and US time zones so far um so if you're in Australia or you're in the Americas uh and you're interested in it support or help with your Google workspace we have an instant it support service so you can get immediate it support uh just click onto our website it and choose a quick fix or if you'd like a all you can eat package you can sign up for conge and that gives you access to our support team any time you need them uh you can even get your hands on a dedicated support rep if you'd like as well uh to help you with anything and everything in your small business okay with it without further Ado let's get started I'm just going to bring a little bit more light into the uh into the scene here and uh there we go that's a little bit better try and help with my lighting otherwise my editors get very Ang angry if they're not able to uh See Me Okay cool so it looks like the stream is working it was not working before um but it looks like things are working now so fingers crossed we stay streaming uh but let me know if you can hear me and you can see me uh drop a little hello on the uh on the chat uh that would be awesome just to know that everything is working okay with my audio and my video because I did have to change to my backup uh and sometimes when that happens weird things happen so fingers crossed it's working okay but I'm going to monitor the chat and keep an eye on things uh we got a couple of people on stream here which is great um looks like maybe I can even bump up the volume a bit so my volume's a bit better um but let me know if all is good or if there's any Tech problems um and I'll adjust it as much as I can on the Fly okay well uh without further Ado let's uh let's jump into our questions uh so you can add to the live Q&A here uh either by grabbing the QR code or heading to ask. it and our first question today is uh where do you save contract information for team and project management and management client communication without giving access to all team members well that's a good question um I guess this person is relating to Google Drive or asking about Google Drive specifically so uh let's go and give them some help with with Google go drive and show you how we set things up in Google Drive now if you are interested I've actually got some pretty in-depth guides on this on the channel so uh if you head to uh whoops I should actually go to the actual Channel um if you head to our channel uh you'll be able to search here for Drive um and I've actually got an in-depth guide on how to set up all of your shared dive permissions uh group based permissions um and basically everything uh that you need for that uh now you want to do that by looking for where is the guide it's about 30 it's about 30 minutes long it's a uh it's a big one okay maybe try searching for Drive permissions there we go Okay cool so that guide there will give you absolutely everything that you need to know um so if you're yeah if you're interested in some help um with getting your Google Drive permission set up then uh then go ahead but I'm going to give this person the basics because we always get a question uh on Google Drive and help them as much as possible now inside uh Google Drive when you're on a business plan you have access to both your my drive uh but then you also have access to Shared drives as well uh and shared drives here is basically think of that like your company Drive um when the old days we had a server uh oh and that's weird my my picture is reversed hold on that was oh God why is that backwards uhoh okay give me one second I'm going to fix that uh you'll have to bear with me glad we worked that out now video monitor uh no virtual camera huh well that's strange okay uh I'm going to have to check my going have to check some settings here bear with me for one moment uh cuz that's not going to work video mirror okay the mirror has been disabled that was uh that was a bit wild anyway so here we are back in my Shar drives uh and this should be fine now uh yes it looks okay to me yes uh I'm back at my share drives and think of a share drive like a company Drive um so a company Drive is like what we used to have on a server if you had a Microsoft or an apple server where you would store all the company information now the important characteristic about a shared drive on a company server was that it was managed by a business or managed by a company meaning that they had control over it and they could choose what files were put in what files were put out who could access who couldn't access now shared drives instead of inside of Google are pretty much the same thing the same kind of concept uh where you've got a whole bunch of drives they're controlled by the company and when they're controlled by the company the company basically can choose what goes in and what goes out of those files and those folders um so you'll see here we've got lots of these for it genius um I can also be a member of shared drives that are owned outside my company so you can see here there's some here owned by genius Creations um and then if I scroll down there's some other businesses that I'm involved with um that have ownership there as well so that gives me um access to these share drives but what do the settings actually look like well if I go to a share drive here like my uh marketing share Drive the attract drive and I go to manage members you'll see here different groups of Staff have different access um and different levels of access give people different privileges uh based on those different levels of access so my recommendation for this person I'm not going to go into detail because I've got so much trading on this on the channel already um but if you want to lock down certain things to certain um members of your team um or certain parts of the company this is what you would do you would set up a group um you would apply that group to a shared drive and then you'd put your sensitive documents in a certain shared drive that only certain groups of people would have access to so uh great question thanks for that question um I'm not going to spend much more on that one uh because we've already covered that many many times okay next question uh this is this will be another easy one how do you edit photos on a Chromebook pretty straightforward you probably just use Google photos that's probably probably the smartest way to do that use Google photos uh Chrome does have some apps that will let you edit things um Photoshop I believe now runs in the web uh you could also use canva as well for some very light uh photo touching um there is an Android app for uh Lightroom I believe that you could install on a Chromebook if you really wanted to um but for basic touchups Google photos is probably your best bet uh you know it's integrated to the Google ecosystem so that makes things a little bit easier I don't know if uh Chrome OS has any native integration with Google photos from memory it doesn't um but that's probably the easiest tool to get access to without like you know signing up for a paid plan to anything else Google photos is free and gives you pretty decent photo editing there but uh good question thank you for that one okay and I'm I'm just going to go ahead and check my live chat here and make sure things are working okay okay we've got people watching but no one's commented yet so please say hello if you're watching I just need to triple check that audio and video is working okay I can see I can see you watching I can see you watching I can see how many people are watching right now uh okay cool so uh I'm gonna I'm gonna move on now I'm G to cross my fingers and hope that this is working hope is the best strategy I don't know about that but I'm going to hope all right here's a more meaty one if we hire Jim and give him an email and then Jim quits I then hire Janet can we use Jim's email by simply changing his name and putting in Janet's name so that Janet can have an email well that is definitely a great question uh my strong recommendation is that you don't do this and I want to tell you about why so in a business we end up with a number of different email addresses as we accumulate staff and team in the business now let me do a quick little drawing for you I'm going to rely on my Steiner education skills to do this uh let me open up my canva here okay and so we business end up with ma boxes now I like to think of these as buckets of email and let's say we've got a bucket for Peter we've got a bucket for Mary and we've got a bucket for John and each one of these is going to have their little at your business in my case it's it right you're going to have your domain name under each one of these mailboxes um now of course each one of these mailboxes we have to pay for so um each one of these is going to have a license cost so for each bucket of email we're going to pay for one user license now there's some intricacies with this um if you're a really big company you can have some people on an expensive plan and other people on a cheaper plan it's only available if you've got like a whole bunch of stuff uh if you are for example interested in having a shared mailbox uh well you know people have the ability to share access to their mailbox between each other um you can have aliases so an alias is an extra email address uh that maybe gets delivered into one of these mailboxes right so that might be an alias that comes in it might be you know info at but broadly each bucket of email you got to pay for one license um so I've two next to each one of those okay great so this customer is saying all right let's just go ahead and clean things up a little bit here so this customer saying that uh Mary has left the business or Jill or Bob or whoever it is but let's just go with Mary we say right Mary's left the business can we just uh Delete Mary's name and put in Bob's name there we've decided no more women in this business just Bob right Bob Peter and John now yes technically you can go to Mary's mailbox and you can rename that mailbox and just boom plun Bob's name in there and then Bob is going to get is all of the history right all of Mary's inbox outbox scent chats Google Drive web [Music] history uh internet usage history can we see that maybe this isn't the best idea yes yes you can do it but definitely not a good idea here's what I would do instead and this is what we recommend so this is Mary's this is Mary's mailbox here Mary's mailbox stays there with all of her stuff and Bob joins the company right so we'll create a fresh mailbox for Bob over here that's Bob's nice new fresh mailbox now we're take Mary's mailbox and we're going to Archive it now I've got other videos on the channel about our staff offboarding process that go into a bit more detail on this process but what we're going to do with Mary's mailbox is we want to actually keep her data uh we don't want to throw out Mary's data just yet because all of that stuff that Mary has is pretty important all of her history her email exchanges back and forward we don't want to actually lose that stuff so what we actually recommend doing is setting up an archive mailbox now let's move our archive mailbox just going to choose a different color let's put our archive mailbox oops over here cool now the archive mailbox is basically The Dumping Ground for anytime we have historical data and we don't want to hold on to that data anymore so we take any of the information from our other mailboxes and we migrate that into the archive mailbox so all of Mary's stuff from Google Drive all of Mary's emails any of other history from Mary's account all gets put into that archive mailbox and the only thing that Bob really really needs now for him to be able to be productive in his work is definitely he'll need anyone who emails Mary to automatically be forwarded to Bob right because if Bob is replacing Mary's role you probably want someone who's emailed Mary to automatically have it land in Bob's mailbox if Mary's got relationships with your customers you want that to automatically come through to Bob right and my opinion is you probably don't want them to get a bounce back if you just delete Mary's account they'll just end up getting a bounce back not nicest uh experience for the customer right so we are going to make Mary an alias on Bob's account setting up an alias is pretty straightforward uh we're going to go into our admin panel that's admin. you're going to sign in thank you Google for keeping me secure my fingerprint reader on my computer just never never seems to work so this always takes me a minute to sign in no still no I've got to hit it enough times for it to fail and then I can actually sign in all right so to create an alias is pretty straightforward we're going to go to our directory and then our users and you're going to open up the mailbox of the person you want to add an alias to now I'm going to use and's account as a example here I'm going to open up user information and that's where if I want I can add an alias using alternative email accounts now in this case let's imagine this was Bob's account I would add Mary at mydomain and if you've got multiple domain names you might choose to add multiple aliases just to make sure that everything's covered cool so that's adding an alias let's come back ah here we are now final step it's possible that you might want Bob to be able to access Mary's historical stuff right her old emails maybe not the chat messages U but definitely old stuff that's in the mailbox Bob you could then use delegate access to give access to the archive account now in most cases you only share delegate access to the archive account to a senior leader a business owner or a manager in the business you probably wouldn't give access to that willy-nilly because the archive account is what we use it for is all of the history of all of your employees and so my recommendation would be to be careful who you give delegate access to that uh you can see some of our other videos on the channel about shared mailboxes and delegating access to show you how to set that up it's pretty straightforward uh but you can share access to the archive mailbox to anyone else in the business this is the best way for you to offboard an employee retain their most important data give you customers a good experience so that they don't get a weird bounceback message and wonder what's happened to Mary and for your new starter Bob to start with a clean slate uh so he doesn't have a mess of historical information and an account that he's inheriting but still get access to information when he needs it if he needs it and throughout this process we don't lose any data and the account that was previously used by Mary is able to be shared to the right people at the right time great question I like that one hopefully my uh explanation made sense for you guys um we see this happening pretty often in a uh context where you have like a physical presence U maybe you've got a uh Allied Health Studio that's a really common one and you've got a couple of podiatrists in the back rooms uh but at the front desk at reception you've got a shared role between two or three different people who are studying at University and doing a part-time job in your practice and when that happens typically what people do is they have like one reception mailbox and like three or four people are logged into it which is not great for security because someone leaves the business they still got the password you're probably not rotating the password every time you get a new person in uh maybe the password's even on a sticky note on the computer screen I've seen these kind of things happen all the time so what suits better is to have a shared mailbox and then multiple people can access that from their own individual accounts uh I've got other videos on how to set that up as well but uh the key thing here is that you don't roll over all of the history into somebody's new account when they join the business if you need a shared mailbox and multiple people to access that shared mailbox that's different and that's fine I've got that covered in other videos but um this was a good question okay I'm going to check that everything is working here cool g arpan thank you for joining uh live does Google workspace have an HR clockin clock out app uh no it does not but if you're if you're really Savvy and you've got the um the time you could probably build one pretty easily in app sheet uh so app sheet is Google's um online low code or no code uh business app creator um and this is the kind of thing that effectively lets you build like mini databases and mini apps and you can then deploy them either to mobile devices or you can keep them um you know built online so yeah pretty cool stuff that you can build with that uh I would recommend considering that if you wanted to build a business app of sorts uh using Google um it's the kind of thing that my general opinion is to avoid it for small business owners uh it's the kind of thing that you can get sucked into losing five or 10 or you know 100 hours in uh and it's better to Outsource something like this to someone else who's a computer science engineer who can actually build things uh if you're a business owner you've probably got too many other things on to spend all day building this unless that's all you want to do or unless you've got a team that's large enough that uh you know you don't want to have to build uh you know other things in the business you just want to build this so that would work um I do a little bit of this kind of thing inside my business but um taking on a technology project like this is really the job of a c you know a technical a technical person a CTO a technical officer or or Engineers um especially for the building out so my recommendation would be to avoid trying to build something yourself uh if you're a small business owner if you want to look at something off the shelf well you could use an app like Harvest um we have a HR app which is called bamboo HR which we really love um there's a number of solutions out there that you can use for people to do check-ins and checkouts uh pretty easily uh and there's um uh time billing in included in Asana we're big fans of Asana here at the channel and if you're interested in something less for check in check out and more for like time billing um then asan has got time billing built into the tasks so that could be an option for you as well but good question thanks for answering one okay let's move on to our next question is it ideal to use personal events or appointments in Google workspace calendar but keeping it private only for me this is a great question let's talk about managing advance in Google Calendar and especially managing personal events for business owners or anyone else who wants to keep something private potentially now inside Google Calendar it's uh it's pretty straightforward uh you'd be familiar with the interface and um you've got lots of different options there for keeping yourself organized uh you can see here I've got a number of different events some of these are even on uh different colors uh I've even got multiple calendars set up here as well and so scrolling down on the left hand side I can choose between different calendars to be visible or nonvisible now for most people One calendar is enough and it's pretty straightforward to uh you know open up an event on your calendar just by dragging and dropping uh with that event I can choose whether I make this public or private uh and I can do that by going down to visibility down the bottom here uh and you'll see if I want I can choose to make this event private now what does Private mean well private means that anyone who has access to see my calendar which is the default inside Google workspace or my colleagues will be able to see my calendar if I choose to make a single event private they'll be able to see all the information on my calendar but this one they'll just see busy it'll just say busy they won't see the information they'll just see busy uh so you know for that uh you know midday should I make a joke here like for the midday uh strip club meeting or your therapist's uh appointment that's the kind of thing that you might want to keep private from your colleagues right um and so those you may choose to make private and that's just simple solution right one calendar Simple Solution now that can be used by anyone uh you can even as you can see they set the default for your calendar to put everything as private although if this is a primary work calendar and you're spending most of your time working with your colleagues you probably don't want to make that private uh because especially with remote teams you want to be able to let your team know like what you're up to um if you're on lunch they might know that it's okay to interrupt you with a chat message uh if they're trying to schedule a time with you they might know that um you know you've got a standing meeting on Wednesdays which is I don't know when you've carved out some some time to do XYZ task uh but they know that you might be flexible to squeeze in a meeting uh in that time uh you can see here that I've got content creation scheduled for my Thursdays uh that pretty much means to the team don't bother me it's absolutely urgent whereas on other days if they flick me a message so you'll want to I guess check in with um you know yourself and your team on what's most appropriate for you but my recommendation is for your calendar events to be shared with the team and then private is literally only for private events now let's take it up a notch if you're a business owner or you're an extra busy person or maybe you have a family and uh you know you want to manage events and things happening with significant other well it might make more sense to use multiple calendars potentially and the cool thing about Google Calendar is even on my business calendar I can actually get access to a personal calendar from outside my business if I wish now um you'll see here that I've got multiple uh business accounts uh and one of those is actually a personal domain so uh technically it is a Google workspace account so technically it is a business Google account but this would work just fine if you were using a Gmail account as well now I've other videos on the channel on why and when you might choose to use a Google workspace account for your personal data what the pros and cons of that are because there are some pros and cons of doing that um but in this example I just want to show you my calendar and how I have things configured now I actually have a personal consulting company outside of it genius I do some coaching with business owners from time to time um I also have other business interest outside of it genius and for that I have calendar events that I can put outside of my it genius calendar the reason for that is if one day I sell my position in it genius and I hand over my email address and my calendar and my accounts and all that kind of thing I don't necessarily want my other business dealings that are completely separate from it genius to be inside that account because it's not really appropriate for the information or the details of those meetings to live inside the it genius calendar so when I go to create an event here on what is effectively my personal calendar or my my personal business consulting company uh I'll create an event here and you'll see automatically it's in a different color so I can identify immediately which event this is relating to if it's dark blue it's it genius if it's light blue it's something else I've also got another calendar for personal events now this one is purple if I create an event here and this is owned by my personal Consulting uh business so it's owned by my personal Google workspace account I can choose to put it on my personal calendar and that will show up in purple now these two calendars live under my personal Google workspace account if you were using a personal Gmail account it would work exactly the same they are owned by this account and all I do is with each one of these calendars is I share them back to my business account so you'll see here this has been shared to Peter it I'll go back and find my personal calendar as well that one has been shared to Peter and it what that means is if I go back to my it genius login I can see the two new events that have just been placed on the calendar here but I can also edit and modify those events so I've always got access to them now the brilliant thing about this is these show up on my phone so I can see all of my events in one place and these calendars live like kind of integrated with each other so they can all see each other and no matter where I am I can edit the events here but what this means using this system is that my staff don't see what's on my personal Consulting calendar except for my PA and nobody sees what's on my personal calendar the purple one that's things like my friend's birthdays uh you know if I've got a dinner planned uh with family no one really needs to see that kind of stuff and that's the kind of thing that I want to keep private to myself so if I've got that midday visit to the strip club or meeting with my psychologist booked the kind of thing that I don't necessarily want to share with my staff I'll be making sure I put them on my purple calendar or if I've got an external meeting that doesn't really make sense to be a longside it genius data I'll put it on my blue calendar which is my personal business calendar so that way of setting up Google Calendar basically means that I've got all my data owned by me outside of my company so I can sell that company or I can leave that company uh and if you're an employee in somebody else's business this is probably a smart setup for you to use it means that your calendar events are yours and you'll never lose access to them even after you've left the company that you're currently working from now the setup is slightly more complicated than using just one calendar when I create a calendar event Do's that extra drop down that I've got to select and I've got to think about do I want to put personal calendar or do I want to put this on my business calendar but the thing that I love about this is that I'm not tied to just one calendar uh and I don't have to worry about having my personal data exposed to people either inside the business or someone else who gets access to that data one day cool all right that's a great question uh that's a that's a really good one I'm going to mark that off as ticked okay uh oh and I better check the better check the comments too no no more comments okay that's good jeez some more light would be would be nice here it's a very dark and gloomy day okay every time I flick to a white page my lighting gets better okay uh if I have a workspace basic paid subscription then how many email addresses can I create okay good question each time you're working in a Google workspace mailbox you will pay per bucket of email and so if I decide to draw out the buckets of email in my business here's Sarah here's John and here's Peter each of these will have an email address attached to it if it'sit then each one of those oh helps if I actually show you the screen each one of those will have to pay for their email address now there is a workaround we can also add aliases to a mailbox when we add an alias to a mailbox we don't get charged so let's say for example I want uh media inquiries for the business to go to Sarah but I don't want the public email address for media to just be Sarah it I would say media [Music] is an alias for Sarah at it and an alias is pretty straightforward to set up uh you go into the Google workspace admin panel you go to directory and then to users you choose a user that you'd like to add an alias for and then you click onto user information alternative email address addresses and you add the Alias there in this case it's going to be media it okay so what other email addresses can we create well we can also create a group email address give this one a different color okay so let's say as an example that group email address is something like info at my company right and info is going to be used oops let's try type that let's try to write that again info now let's say that's going to be used as a distribution group this is important important a distribution group or just a group email address also it works at it forgive my terrible handwriting here barely legible and what a group mailbox does is it receives email and it places a copy in the mailboxes of the members of the group so they get a copy of each email that comes in but you don't have to pay pay for distribution group so that's an email address that works but you don't have to pay for it that's a free email address now the final step that you might be interested in creating is a shared mailbox a shared mailbox is a mailbox that includes data itself but it's shared to multiple people or multiple people can access it well if we set up a shared mailbox that's different again this time it's a bucket of email and that bucket of email can be accessed by multiple people depending on who you share access to and that's called delegated access and we've got other videos on the channel on how to set up delegated access to a mailbox a shared mailbox is a bucket of email and those emails live in the bucket when you've got a distribution group nothing lives in the bucket they all just get distributed out to the mailboxes but when you have a shared mailbox they live in the bucket now this would be most appropriate for something like uh sales at your company right because you might have two or three different people who are using that mailbox and they need to access that mailbox and when they uh you know read the list of emails that are in there and reply to one of them you want to mark it as red so everybody knows that that email has been read that's what we use a bucket of email for and guess what because it's a bucket we have to pay for it so there are the kind of email addresses that you can create uh the simplest way to remember it is that you pay for each time you create a bucket of email uh but you can create some free email addresses like aliases or distribution groups a distribution group is effectively an alias that goes to multiple people uh and then shared mailboxes because they're a bucket you got to pay for those but good question thank you for that one always love how many questions we get okay all right uh we've got a question from power of option uh not sure what your name is but welcome thank you for being here I do have one basic Google workspace and I've added three more users the question is can I update only one of these users to a higher version ah no you cannot so if you're a if you're a small business and you're looking to do what's called split billing uh and there's other if you search the channel for split billing you'll see there's other videos on this as well um unless you've got at least 30 or 40 or 50 staff and we request it and we have to ask Google very nicely uh split billing is not available unfortunately so that means having one staff member or one group of staff on one plan and another staff member or another group of staff on another plan would be great to save some money obviously um but no unfortunately not available anoir thank you for being here um so can't do it if you're if you've just got a couple of users if you've got I think I mean the minimum threshold used to be 300 and then they dropped it to 100 and then my sales team tell me if they ask very nicely some companies of 20 or 30 or 40 people have been able to get access to it so I can't promise that but um you can chat to our team and we'll do our best uh we'll do our best to assist you with with that don't know can't promise it but uh it is available only for larger businesses uh thanks for asking though that's uh definitely a good question we get that one a lot okay next question is from Daniel can you show us the steps to turn on calendar work hours in the admin panel and I assume what this person is referring to or they must be is setting your work hours inside of Google Calendar so I'm here inside my Google calendar I'm just going to try and find right spot for my camera okay so I'm here inside my Google Calendar and inside my personal settings inside Google Calendar I'm going to go ahead and open up my settings here I can set my times that I work so if I scroll down here I'm going to find my working hours and my working location now I personally travel quite a lot and I work from the road quite a lot as well so I don't really have a fixed Travel location but I do set my travel location manually and I'll show you how to do that in a moment uh I tend to only have scheduled meetings and work dayss on Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursdays um and you can see here I've specified my working hours that I'm available for the team and for meetings I haven't chosen to specify a working location uh but that's okay that's uh what works for me now if you don't see this option available in your Google workspace right now well you can actually set it up in the administrator panel to enable this for your team members uh and I will go and find where that setting is now now I haven't touched this setting in a long time so uh wish me luck finding it uh to open up our workspace admin panel we're going to go to admin. and then usually finding a setting in the admin panel the easiest thing to do is search so I'm going to search for calendar settings and maybe work hours Let's see if I just put the name work in there I'm going to assume it's here in settings for calendar let's open that up okay so uh you can see here under sharing settings which is up the top nice and easy there's a setting here to choose whether you allow users to set their working location uh and there's even some prompts here to choose their working location that's uh that's pretty cool uh calendar shows a banner to users who have not set their working location oh that's very interesting okay um oh I can even say remind them after remind them up to a certain number of days if they've not yet set it that's uh that's very cool okay okay set your work oh you can even set the text very cool oh you can even write a custom this is very in-depth anyway all you need to do is Tick this box set Lo set location um and that allows you to have your team members set their working location pretty straightforward uh tick the box there and then it's good to go then each one of your team members will be able to and these policies Take 5 or 10 minutes to be deployed uh but from there each person will be able to go into their settings inside their Google Calendar and set this now what if for some strange reason you only want that to apply to a certain number of Staff well that's okay uh inside our Google settings if we're inside our for example settings for calendar oh I need to I need to like discard you have save changes huh that's weird but there's oh there's the save okay cancel great all right so here when I'm applying settings it's going to by default apply it uh right at the top level right um things it genius it's going to apply this right across the whole organization uh yet if I choose to only apply that to a certain group of Staff well then I would use one of our organizational units here so I would first click on the organizational unit and then from the organizational unit I would then choose to switch on or switch off the setting uh pretty straightforward there that's just how organizational units work inside our workspace um we've got some other videos on Chrome policy um that cover that as well if you want to deploy certain settings just to certain people uh but from there you're going to get the setting appearing here now what if you want to set your working location and you're moving around and uh you are going to be on vacation for a week or you're going to be working from a different location for a week and it's not necessarily going to be uh repeating Norm but you do want to be able to set it for certain days or certain times well the easiest way to do that is actually to just go to your calendar and drag and drop over the days that you're going to be working somewhere different and then release and you can see here this is how you access the out of office menu if you want to set an out of office for multiple days but you can also set your working location by this menu as well and it's going to update it just for those days that you've selected you can choose between different office locations that are automatically selected otherwise you can type in another location and literally choose any place in the world and you can add that location in there even if it's a kind of nondescript name like Outback I've been touring the Outback recently um and so that's how I set my location now anybody who opens up my calendar will be able to see where I'm working from uh and that little prompt there means that okay great my colleagues are going to be able to see where I'm working from if that's important or useful to them if you're a hybrid team and you've got some staff members working from home some of your staff members are working from a co-working space or an office uh some of your staff members are traveling while they're working uh this is a really useful feature to know kind of where people are where you're expecting them to be uh and of course if someone's got like a holiday setup or a flexible work type Arrangement uh this makes it easy for your colleagues to stay up to date love that question that is a great one okay uh taken care of um Anonymous asks does Google have a VoIP phone service for small business that would work with VoIP dect phones oh that's a good question uh the only vo service that Google have is Google Voice and I don't know if that supports dect T let's Google it Google Voice DCT the challenge with Google Voice is uh um Google Voice is not available everywhere that's the challenge it's not available in Australia so we haven't really had our hands on it uh at a desk phone interesting look I can't say for sure because I have not yet tested it uh myself uh oh but it does say there are some desk phones which can work looks like some OB High phones poly oh I think poly bought obii so poly uh probably stands for polycom um so yeah I'd say do some Googling and research that um I can't say much more myself on that one unfortunately would love to but I cannot okay okay I'm setting up Google workspace what should my MX records be my Gmail was working perfectly fine but I transferred my domain to HostGator and my Gmail broke well this happens all the time and thankfully if you go to our Channel and search DNS we've got a number of different videos helping you sort out your mail issues if right now you're in emails are not working right from the basic troubleshooting steps to see what might be wrong down to an in-depth guide in how to actually Implement both DNS SPF dkim and dmar which are all of the anti-spam policies that you need configured inside your DNS to make sure that your emails get delivered and don't go to spam and to stop people pretending to be you on the internet potentially scamming your staff or your customers now someone's asked a very specific question of what should the MX records be let's have a look at those and I'll give you a bit of an explanation of what MX records actually are so the easiest way to find Google's MX records is literally to type in workspace MX records and open up the Google help guide wonderful cool okay so we have um a couple of different versions of MX records for Google workspace and this depends on when you actually signed up to workspace in the first place uh so here you can see that if you've signed up since April 2023 you're able to just set one Google workspace MX record in your DNS settings if it was before 2023 and this would have shown up inside your Google workspace setup guide you'll need to set up multiple records here now what is an MX record and what do they actually do well your domain name has a bunch of settings on the back of the domain name and they basically tell internet traffic where to go you've got a few different types of records and those different types of Records have different jobs the a record or the www record are records that point to your website and they tell the internet where is your website hosted if someone wants to type in the website in Google or into their URL of their browser where should they actually go and that's generally going to point to a web server somewhere it might be on C panel it might be on Wix or Squarespace and you're probably going to be punching in an IP address or maybe a hosted host name uh which is basically like a virtual address for your website MX records are your mail records it actually stands for mail exchanger MX and what they point to is where are your emails hosted so where should someone go to send you an email and that is usually going to be Microsoft or Google or another email provider sometimes also on your web host but your MX records dictate what happens now there are other records on a domain name like text records um they are used to add additional information to domain name uh verifying that you own it is the most common use for a text record um but it can also be used for things like anti- spam SPF dkim basically dictating who can send and receive mail on your behalf of your domain name and we've covered those in other videos but I want to talk about your MX records and why do we need multiple MX records well in the past we had challenges with it infrastructure in that from time to time a provider would go down and something would change uh or you know for redundancy we would need to have multiple servers to make sure that things were kept up and online now the way to get around that when you were setting up your MX records is if your primary mail server was down there would be backup mail servers and those backup mail servers would be there to receive the email if for some reason the primary mail server decided to go down and for the most part that worked great you know mail servers don't go down all that often but just in case the settings were there if they needed to but these days Google have so many redundancies built into their platforms effectively you only really need one MX record to be configured if you're on a newer account because Google takes care of all the extra redundancy in the background so the only difference between having five mail records here if you've got a slightly older workspace account and one mail record if you've got a new account is the age of your workspace account either way it doesn't really make much difference but Google have made it simpler for anyone with a new account to just use one male record it is important that you follow the correct instructions and so it wouldn't hurt to go inside your Google workspace account in the admin panel go to the setup guide and from the setup guide just triple check what Google is instructing you to do if there's any ambiguity on which one of these you should be using okay that's a little overview of mail records if you need any help um or if you'd like instant support from our team to resolve a DNS issue click on the link down below and you can start an instant chat session with our team during business hours and we look forward to serving you then all right I am on to my last question lucky me okay uh cool last last last armens is asking with Google workspace 2,000 email send limit will that be per domain within the same Google workspace account uh so if I have seven different domains within one workspace account does that mean I have seven times 2,000 emails per day um or is it actually right across the workspace account that's a good question I'm not actually sure about that so I think we'll do a little bit of a Google round uh and we'll see if we can find it so if I search for Google workspace sending limits it should bring up our help guide for Gmail sending limits my understanding is these are a per user limit but we'll see uh what it is okay so to keep systems healthy and accounts safe Google numbers the messages people can send per day and number of recipients per message uh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Okay cool so paid account license limits for paid accounts uh after you okay your sending limits increase once you've paid money yeah this all just stop spamming uh blah blah blah blah blah okay daily sending limit per user account is 2,000 emails uh one 1,500 for mail merge uh previously called multisense so basically 1,500 per user account uh let's have a look here uh if there's any limits on a per business account uh recipients per message that's fine uh yeah fine total recipients per day fine external recipients per day and unique recipients per day now this doesn't say anything about limits per domain so this just looks like limits per user so if you had 10 users this seems to say that each one of them can send 2,000 limits per day per account uh now I get a bit concerned when I get questions like this on the channel because a part of me thinks H is this somebody who would like to be spamming and they're looking for the they're looking for the limits here this is the article that you need to read um I think these are pretty reasonable limits and if you're doing more than 1,500 messages a day in a newsletter style format or some kind of like Mass mail campaign you probably don't want to using be using your Gmail account uh my strong recommendation would be to consider a uh it's called a like a Enterprise mail sending service or transactional email service or at a minimum use MailChimp or uh infusion soft um you know there's many um automated and purpose-built mailing platforms if you have a large email list and you want to send bulk email to people uh because if you don't get this right you run the risk of your account being switched off and uh nobody wants that because that'll bring your whole business to a stop okay I think that's it we will uh wrap it up there thanks so much for joining if you're on the live uh please make sure you come along next time and grab that QR code drop in a question and I'll answer it on an upcoming live uh if you've not yet connected with our business um please head along to it uh you can get access to instant on demand it support whenever you need it via our Quick Fix service if you've got something that you need help with immediately uh you can start chatting to the team start a chat down at the bottom right hand corner and they'll be there to help you out cloud consur is our all you can eat it service um and so if you're a small business owner and you want an IT team who's got your back uh well my strong recommendation would be to consider cloud conos and we have a free consultation available for all business owners whether you're a sole operator right up to tens hundreds or even thousands of employees maybe you're an IT manager if you're in a large organization or you're the person who's been slapped with the job of being the IT person doesn't matter who you are reach out and have a chat to us even if you're a sole operator doing everything yourself we have very affordable plans uh for people at all stages of business so I'd recommend you do a free consult with our team let them know where they're at just let them do a health check with you uh we'll check in what's going on with your works B account and help you get the most out of it thank you so much for joining if you're on the live uh please make sure you say hello and I will catch you in the next live make sure you submit your questions at ask. that is ask. and I'll see you in the next one cheers