Addicted to DURITOS

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My name is Frank, I'm 67 years old and I'm addicted to, duritos. I first experienced duritos at the age of 7. And let me tell you something, I have not looked back since! Okay let's see, I need some for today, a little for tomorrow so.. maybe I'll just get one more. You know the hombres at the store, they call me 'La vaca de duros'. I'm not quite sure what they're saying, but I think it means 'The King of Duros' so I'll take that. At least once a week I like to fill a little kiddie pool with duros and hot sauce and I just lay in there, and well, I like to pretend I'm one of them. It's just you and me boys, just you and me. My favorite part of the duro are the soggy pieces at the bottom. So I devised a little recipe that fits my needs. I like to call it the durito smoothie. The durito smoothie consists of three ingredients and three ingredients only. Duritos, lemon juice, and a little bit of hot sauce. And once it's all blended you got yourself a happiness smoothie. I used to get my duritos from my local elotero Jose. But as my addiction grew so did my consumption. And he just couldn't keep up with my demand. So I had to end my business relationship with him. You're really letting me down Jose! but Frank no more bags fit in my cart! Well, either you make them fit or ima have to replace you! Por favor senor, it's not possible. You know what you're dead to me! I never want to see you on this block again! Frank- I said what I said! I decided I wasn't going to rely on anyone! So I took matters into my own hands. So what you're looking at right here are raw duros imported straight from the motherland of Mexico. I actually had to smuggle these in cause apparently, there's a limit on the amount of raw duros that somebody can have. But let me tell you, there's no limit on my appetite. Cooking duros is one of my favorite things to do. Seeing how the duros expand into puffy wheat snacks is quite a site. I personally think it's one of the most beautiful things in the world and well, I have nine kids. Oh yea, let me introduce my helper. This is my helper Gloria. Oh, I'm having a great day thanks for asking! So Gloria helps in the packing and storage process. As you can see, she got a couple bags done already. It's looking good Gloria, it's looking good. I already told you, I'm having a great day, so stop asking! Let me show you my pride and joy, it's in the box over here. Oh man.. In here is the first durito I ever had. When I first took a bite I knew I had to save it, so I did. I've known this durito for over 60 years and well, even though it got a little mold she still looks just as beautiful as the first day I saw her. I might just have to take a little bite. Well, I'll be damned she still got the crunch. Duritos are beautiful. And I'm not just addicted to them, I'm in love with them. So if you're ever wondering how little old Frank is doing. Well just know, as long as I have my duritos.. I'll be doing just fine. Over 30 kilos of raw duritos were seized this morning in what officials are calling one of the biggest busts in recent history. Police say that the man behind the operation is 68 year old Frank Guzman. They say Guzman has been on their radar for years and has finally been caught. Federal prosecutors tell me that while having raw duritos is not illegal It is the trafficking of them in large amounts that is the issue at hand here. It is important to keep these streets clean from any type of illegal activity. And that includes the trafficking of duritos. You see, Frank's actions were atrocious and it is not the first time that he had trafficked illegal snacks into this country. I'm happy to say with Frank in custody and 30 kilos of raw duritos seized the streets of America will now be safer.
Channel: TheCrazyGorilla
Views: 13,147,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: addicted to duritos, strange addiction to duritos, addiction to duritos, mexican snack, mexican snacks, strange addiction, my strange addiction, tlc, strange addiction to mexican snacks, strange addictions, food, freaky eaters, weird addictions, yt:cc=on, hispanic, duros, pinwheels, pin wheels, chicharrones, addicted to chicharrones, addiction to mexican snacks, addicted to mexican snacks
Id: giiqCn5p5j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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