Addams Family Officially Ended After This Happened

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[Music] they're creepy and they're kooky and these fun facts sure are spooky it makes sense that a family of monsters would have some skeletons in their closet but the ones that weren't their friends are pretty surprising do you dare dive into cemetery lane with us to learn the truth about the adam's family don't worry you won't be going in alone i'm your host cousin nick here to guide you through all the weird facts and trivia that made the original adam's family frighteningly fun cigar thing i forgot you can't smoke the show that made millions with just two snaps but it did cost the cast a lot they still managed to turn a comic into a technology icon yep because gomez made computers too but before we get to that if you enjoy this episode please use your computer to give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe so you catch our next trip down memory or cemetery lane comical origins unlike the monsters which used universal studios plentiful vault of copyrighted mythical beasts the adams family had to use original characters sort of they all came from a comic strip by illustrator charles adams which debuted in 1938 ah it's all coming together now but originally in the comic strips there were no official names cousin it wasn't even in the originals show producer david levy suggested the character and charles adams started including the big pile of hair in new strips so his readers would get an early intro the adam's patriarch had two name choices rappelli and gomez ultimately john astin both won the role and the right to choose his character's name when it came time to name an adam's child their first choice was pubert but network executives weren't thrilled about how that name sounded so they went with pugsley instead which is still silly but at least sounds a bit better of course pubert would rise again in the movie [Music] sound of success tv and film composer vic mizzy would have two huge theme credits to his name green acres green acres is the place to be farm living is the light for me and the addams family both extremely popular but of the two mizzy admits that it's the adam's family that made him his fortune and it was as easy as a snap he's quoted saying that's why i'm living in bel air two finger snaps and you're in bel air there was obviously more to it than that and even though it did make millions later at the time the studio didn't want to spin that kind of cash that trio of singers belting out the lyrics is actually just one guy with his voice played over a recorder to loop the sound to avoid paying for more singers they're kooky and they're crafty identity crisis it's nearly impossible to picture anyone else playing gomez or lurch for that matter but when jon aston auditioned for the show he wanted to play the butler lurch who didn't have a name at that point but showrunners felt that his talents belonged in a bigger role well more important role not bigger meanwhile ted cassidy who did end up playing lurch also had another role entirely i gotta hand it to him he can switch between lurch and the thing so easily what a talented right hand actually sometimes we saw his left because ted likes switching it up to see if anyone noticed when people did see cassidy as lurch they liked what they saw a lot in fact teenage girls would flock to him in the street and fawn over him with some declaring him more handsome than all the beatles you know the standard unit of hotness back then and the willowy carolyn jones who is unmistakably the face of morticia adams nearly was substituted for a very musical someone else cher with her long face and longer dark hair reportedly really wanted to give the role a try and i can see that likeness maybe she could have sung the theme song too put one whole singer out of work meanwhile jackie coogan nearly wasn't the uncle fester we know and love at first he was rejected but he came back for more auditions this time with a shaved head did his own makeup and dressed in costume and he convinced the producers to bring him on through sheer dedication what's in a name let's start with the most famous bundle of syllables the precisely imprecise dialogue of cousin it it you should speak english well i guess you're right it is a silly language if you weren't a member of the family you had no clue what cousin it was gabbin about but get this neither did the people behind his voice to capture this garbled chatter one of the producers would babble into a recorder then for cousin it's speech patterns they'd replay the recording at a high speed to make it quite impossible to decipher and about those odd names with morticia fester and lurch the name wednesday feels weirdly tame doesn't it well her name comes from a nursery rhyme called monday's child it reads monday's child is fair of face tuesday's child is full of grace wednesday's child is full of woe and whoa full of woe certainly suits this creepy adam's child back to the future the adams family was a bunch of trendsetters and i don't just mean gomez's stylish stash or morticia's elegant dresses even in the tech scene computers were on the rise but not just for nasa anymore and the addams family featured the very first scene of a home computer in television history [Music] what's he saying it was the univac and debuted at cemetery lane years before batman would get a computer for his bat cave take that bruce believe it or not the addams family is still relevant in the tech world as their pinball machine complete with disembodied hands that pick up the ball and audio recorded by the original cast with sales of 20 000 units as of 2017 it's the best-selling pinball machine of the age bloody brilliant setting trends the addams family had to please the censors and one of the age-old battles was display of affection couples couldn't be shown in the same bed together or even in a bedroom for too long but carolyn jones and john aston worked hard to make their couple authentic real people who you could look up to gomez's kiss up morticia's arm is a direct product of that since they couldn't do a passionate kiss on the mouth jon found a clever way to express his love and it worked the adams family was widely praised for representing solid values it had a husband and wife who didn't fight and who took great care of their children but not all trends are planned ted cassidy's reliable butler lurch was at first entirely mute but one day during rehearsal of a scene he put his improv skills on display when he ad-libbed the famous the audience and cast loved it and the writers gave lurch lines from then on wardrobe malfunctions ken weathermax adorably played young pugsley but the actor battled some less adorable hurdles ken was allergic to wool and of course all the costumes seem to have some of it stitched in to get around this weathermax's mom had to buy all his costumes special to ensure their contents that isn't all you ought to hear some of the other stories that are booked and what is gomez without his mustache and signature cigar aston admitted he actually had a smoking habit and brought it with him to the character and it helped when dutch master cigars became a show sponsor gomez was famous for pocketing his lit cigar so the costume designers lined his pockets with the wonderful horrible cure-all asbestos yikes let me put my face on just a regular makeup session can take a good deal of time imagine having to get layers caked on to look ghostly like morticia carolyn jones required two hours to get all her makeup administered and for the remake angelica houston needed three early makeup calls were not uncommon and jones needed to be in her chair at 4am on some days john aston grew up in a rough part of new york city so he had to learn some things the hard way one lesson was that if he wore a manic stare during his trek from apartment to subway well people didn't bother him and that became the source of gomez's classic wild stare unsettling setting you rang step right in to one cemetery lane or should i say 21 chester place los angeles the real property only had two stories so special effect techs added a third story and a tower to make it look more menacing they definitely succeeded but all that work rarely shows up the full exterior is only visible in the first episode inside the entirely different studio set designers painted the walls in shades of red and pink since the show was filmed in black and white they used these colors to create different tones before that those rooms were seen in the movie the unsinkable molly brown and as for the original house its purpose had been served so it ended up dissolved into a parking lot the only original parts standing are the six driveway globe lights bankrupt it's hard to believe this show only lasted two seasons a pop culture gold mine but despite that popularity the actors got the short end of the stick fitting their house of horrors a little too well the actor's piggy bank is full more of cobwebs than of dollars they earned residuals for just five reruns john aston went on the record basically saying he cared more about communicating than earning the big bucks but that's still a sour deal show creator david levy wasn't so ready to get robbed when the adams family movie emerged he fired off a lawsuit for 50 million because the movie had quote appropriated his ideas and concepts specifically thing and cousin it unhappy darling oh yes paramount ended up settling out of court in the child acting system assuring the child has money set aside for his work is now a matter of law and fester the jackie coogan law was a response to his own trials as a child actor who had his earnings spent by older relatives what a fantastic creepy family that crawled its way into our hearts and stayed there after all these years so tell us who was your favorite member of the addams family which facts surprised you the most and what tv show should we dust off the cobwebs of next let us know in the comments below we want to hear from you and if you don't mind give this video a thinkish thumbs up and subscribe and click the bell so you'll always know when we ring from all of us here at do you remember thanks so much for watching
Channel: DoYouRemember?
Views: 264,293
Rating: 4.8117285 out of 5
Keywords: The Addams Family Then and Now, The Addams family Before and After 2019, The Addams family Cast, Antes y Despuรฉs The Addams family, The Addams family 2019, La Familia Addams, Avant t The Addams family, Before and After The Addams family, The Addams family, HEX, Before and After, Then and Now, 2021, addams family theme song, Addams family original, wednesday addams, ADDAMS FAMILY CAST, THEN AND NOW 2021, addams, show, tv, now, best, cousin itt, addams family
Id: e3_TYedCPus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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