Add Network Device Images to EVE-NG from CML

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now out of the gate even g does not come with any images that's not necessarily a new thing this is part of emulation software but what we have to do is we have to provide our own images that we legally have access to in order for evg to start emulating these devices so if you have access to legal images you can download them from their source and upload them into even g get them up and running and now we can start emulating our hardware in this video we're going to do is we're going to explore downloading an image from our legally licensed cisco download section we'll upload it into even g verify that it works and test it all out this is how you can load images into even g so get ready this is going to be a big one and it's going to be a lot of fun as we finally get even g up and running with some network devices let's go so yeah we want to use even g to emulate devices right that's gonna be an important thing check it out if i actually from my eve ng terminal right now i'll choose to add a new lab i'll call this knox demo something like that and click save it takes me into the lab environment so if i wanted to add say switches or routers i would right click i would add a node but there's nothing here that's because we have to provide our own images we have to have legal access we have to have the rights to those images to use those images in the first place that's why even g can't provide them for us so if you have access to these images you can bring those images into evg and get started and one of the quickest ways that you can get access and rights to these images is through cisco's modeling labs tool if you've purchased that then you can use that now there are some other tools that we need in order to make this happen we're going to need to first ssh into even g for a couple reasons the first is so that we can accept the thumbprint of the key pairs that exchange within ssh then we also need a tool like winscp so that we can send the files into evg into the correct place so first we're going to accept the thumbprint then we're going to upload the files and then we have a command that we need to run we're going to call this fix permissions and we do this from the ssh terminal at that point we'll be able to use the images so make sure you've downloaded an ssh client like putty or secure crt as well as an ftp client like winscp or filezilla now let's talk about where to go to get the images that you need i mentioned cisco modeling labs this is and i've purchased cisco modeling labs if i go to my account now that i've logged in i actually see the cisco modeling labs professional right here i'll click the download button and it takes me into the download section for cisco modeling labs now once it's taken me into this screen where i see the cml personal too what we're trying to do is we're actually trying to pull the files out of an iso file so what we do is under all releases we see version 2.0 and then we click on cml personal 2.0 and the file that we're looking for is this iso file this reflect file it's around six gigs so i'll download that i'll accept the license agreement and we'll let the download happen here because i'm lucky enough to have gigabit internet this should only take me about 10 minutes we'll let it run and come back to it when it's done so i've gotten done downloading this iso file which contains all of these images in it that we need to pull out beyond that i've done a little bit of prep work i download and installed putty and i downloaded and installed winscp and i also have evg up and running so all the pieces are there it's time to put the puzzle together and make this thing come to life so the next step that we need to do is we need to get the specific images out of that iso file so that we can put them into even g and that's what we're talking about next in my downloads folder i see that iso file that we just downloaded that refpla what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click i'm going to choose open with and then windows explorer windows explorer has the ability to open iso files so these viral base images guess where the images are located they're right there in viral base images now the images that i care about that i want to play with today i want to make sure i copy iso v layer 2 iso v which is going to be my layer 3 routers and how about an asa firewall so let's copy these three this is going to be a firewall a router and a switch and i'll say copy and then on my c drive i've created a staging folder called cisco images and i'll say paste there we go they've pasted the folders with the files contained in them into those specific directories now the next thing i want to do is launch putty so that i get a session started into that terminal of even g i see here that even g is running on 10 10 21 133 so let's ssh into 10 10 21 133 i'll say open it asks me to accept the thumbprint which i'm going to say yes my login in this case because we're accessing the console and not the front-end gui is root my password is whatever i set during setup so there we go now i'm on the console of my even g server and i've accepted the thumbprint now it's time to actually get the images loaded onto eve and this is a critical talking point when even g is looking for the images it looks for folders with a specific name so check this out from even g's website eve hyphen we can go to documentation and then we can go into keemu image namings that's the little third section here and we want to scroll down just a hair until we see this grid now let's pick on that asa firewall for just one second because i think this is really important when eve is scanning through all of its folders i'm going to draw like a little folder here and scanning through all of them it's looking for folders that are named like this so when it reaches asav hyphen it knows the images contained inside that folder are for asas and then beyond that the images themselves have to have this exact name so let's start with the asa and walk through this particular process i'm going to open up winscp and clear my screen a little bit and on a new site i'm going to log into 10 10 21 133 the port number still 22 and i'm using the console access again the root username so i'll say login and i'm going to accept the keys now here's the kicker it launches me into this directory right here which is not where i want to be this is not where i want to upload my images so i'll hit the little dot dot and it takes me up into the root directory the path that i want to follow which is also popping up on the screen right now is opt then unetlab then add-ons and then keymu now this is where we want to put our images and again they have to follow this naming structure so for asa we're going to create a folder that starts with asav hyphen all lowercase again this is running off ubuntu and everything is case sensitive in linux so right here in the white space i'm going to choose to create a new folder we're going to call it asav python and then we want to specify the correct version so that we know which version of asav we're working with now i can see on my other screen here i've got my cisco images folder pulled up and this is version 9 12 2. so i'll call this 9 hyphen 12 hyphen 2 and click ok from my c drive i'll go into my asa v2 and the qcal2 file is the one that we want to bring over into even g so i'll drag this onto my asav folder that i just created we see the transfer taking place but again remember we're not done with the asa not only does the folder have to meet a specific naming structure but the image itself has to meet a specific naming structure so if i jump back in here we're just going to go into my asa folder we're going to click on it rename and it's vert v-i-r-t-i-o-a i press enter and that does the trick for my asa let's repeat the steps for ios v and ios v layer 2. now this is the next catchy thing about ios v and ios v layer 2 is that they're listed in even g as v ios see if i scroll all the way down these are the two that i'm looking for here i have v ios which is my router and v ios layer 2 which is my switch so i know that my folders have to begin with v ios and vios layer 2 and beyond that i can look ahead and see that i also have to have that vert ioa one more time so if i bring winscp up one more time i'll click on the dot dot to take myself out of the asav folder and now i'm going to create two new folders the first one is going to be vios hyphen because we know that's what it has to be called and i can see here that my version is 158-3 so i'll say 158-3 and press enter and now i'll create another new folder call it vios l2 hyphen 2019 and press enter i'll start with the layer 3 router again i'm going to grab that qcal folder and bring it over to v ios i'll double click into v ios and we're going to rename it to vert ioa and press enter and now my layer 3 router is handled i'll jump back out of this and i'm going to bring my layer 2 switch over into the layer 2 folder and of course rename that into vert ioa now at this point you would think we're all set but we're not there's one more step that we need to make happen and i'll show you where we can go to make this happen and this is also going to set you up for success whenever you want to branch out of just these three types of devices if i jump back to the documentation one more time you can see on the screen here these how to's this is how to import every single one of these types of images so you can see there's all sorts of images that we can import here from all sorts of vendors now one thing is in common with just about every one of these devices is that we need to fix the permissions that are on each one of these devices so let's click on cisco asav for just a moment and i'm actually going to skip down to the very last step step 5 clean and fix permissions you're pretty much going to have to run this every single time you upload a new image into even g so i'm going to copy this little code right here i'll right click and choose copy i'll bring up my putty console i'll right click to paste it in and press enter takes a second or two to validate that everything is rocking and rolling and next thing i know there's no errors thrown here and we are rocking and rolling now do note that this won't work on even g pro unless you've licensed even g pro first this should work just fine in the community edition so now at this point when i right click on my nodes i actually see the asav is now listed here and i see the image that's selected and when i scroll down and click save check it out there's my asav i'll right click and choose nodes one more time and when i choose cisco v ios router i see the ios image that's been listed here i can choose to save this i can connect the two together by just dragging and dropping the little ethernets together and then lastly on the more action section i can choose start all nodes once the nodes turn green that means they're coming to life i can actually click on them to bring up the console and there it is the nodes themselves are coming to life and we've now gotten images brought into even g so that's how you get images brought into even g start your first lab and get them up and running thanks for stopping by y'all i'll see in the next one
Channel: Data Knox
Views: 12,413
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Keywords: install eve-ng on google cloud, install eve-ng on esxi, install eve-ng vmware workstation, install eve-ng on mac, install eve-ng on ubuntu, install eve-ng on azure, install eve-ng on esxi 6.7, how to install eve-ng iso on vmware workstation, install eve-ng on ubuntu desktop, install eve-ng on ubuntu 18.04, install eve-ng on ubuntu server, eve-ng setup, eve-ng getting started, eve-ng installation guide, eve-ng add images, eve-ng windows 10, eve-ng tutorial, eve-ng lab, eve-ng
Id: yrj61SQGNfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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